Wcr | june 25 | 2014

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W A S H B U R N   C O U N T Y

Register wcregist eronline.com


June 25, 2014

Wednesday, June 25, 2014 Vol. 125, No. 45 • Shell Lake, Wis.

We e ke nd w atch

• “The Boogeyman’s Apprentice” youth production @ the Quam, Shell Lake • Cakes at the Lake @ Hunt Hill • Master jazz concert @ Shell Lake • See calendar on page 6


Quality time with Grandpa

McKayla Olson crowned Spooner Rodeo queen Page 11

Volunteers install playground equipment Page 12

Spooner youth softball under way Page 14


Got an idea for a story? Email us @ wcregister@centurytel.net

SHELL LAKE — The Shell Lake Community Blood Drive is set for Thursday, June 26, noon to 6 p.m., and Friday, June 27, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The 100 Days of Summer, 100 Days of Hope drive is held at the Shell Lake United Methodist Church fellowship hall. Blood is especially needed this time of year, so please schedule your donation today by calling 800-733-2767 or online at redcrossblood.org. — from SLCBD

Early copy, please SHELL LAKE — With the Fourth of July holiday approaching there will be an early deadline for advertising and news articles for the Wednesday, July 2, edition of the Register. All copy is due no later than noon on Friday, June 27. The newspaper office will be closed on Friday, July 4. — WCR

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Adrianna Ness and her grandfather, Gary W. Scalzo, took the time to participate at the veterans appreciation BBQ and flag retirement ceremony at the American Legion Hall in Spooner on Saturday, June 21. Scalzo is a Vietnam veteran who was stationed in Cam Ranh Bay. More photos on page 2. – Photo by Larry Samson

State, regional agency at odds over $2 million loan Danielle H. Moe | Staff writer SPOONER — A $2 million loan for a local business start-up has started a dispute between the Northwest Regional Planning Commission and the Wisconsin Department of Administration. “The state, without including us, went ahead and made a repayment agreement with Flambeau River Biofuels and the loan is currently being repaid to the state,” said Myron Schuster, executive director of the Northwest Regional Planning Commission. This is the heart of the NWRPC story, but not the whole picture, says Stephanie Marquis, spokesperson of the Department of Administration. This confusing and unique situation began in 2010 when Flambeau River Biofuels was waiting for approval of loan guarantees from the U.S. Department of Energy to construct a $250 million biofuel refinery next to the Flambeau River Papers mill in Park Falls. At the same time the biofuels company applied for a Community Development Block Grant, a program of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, from the state through Price County, which is part of the Northwest Regional Economic Development Fund. The state then issued Price County a $2 million grant and Price County gave Flambeau River Biofuels the $2 million loan. “So when they (Price County) made the loan to Flambeau River Biofuels they then transferred the loan to us (the NWRPC) and so we hold the loan,” said Schuster. However the U.S. Department of Energy loan never came through and the biofuels plant never got started. This is where the DOA says their actions of reclaiming the loan were appropriate. “The Flambeau River Biofuels project was required to create and maintain 40 jobs to receive its federal funding, as well as provide documentation to show those jobs were indeed created. They did not create jobs as required by the federal guidelines, and now that money must be repaid to the state. The repaid funds will be added back into the pool of state grant money so that communities can help expand economic opportunities and affordable housing in Wisconsin,” explained Marquis.

According to Marquis, in September of 2013, the DOA requested copies of the loan reassignment documents between Price County and the NWRPC, but they never received any. The contract agreement between the Department of Commerce (now the DOA), Price County and Flambeau River Biofuels requested that NWRPC assign the loan back to the DOA so the state could collect on the loan. According to Schuster, Flambeau River Biofuels was making loan repayments to the NWRPC, until the DOA reassigned the loan. The NWRPC contends that those loan repayments should be made to them, not to the state. Schuster said they are in talks with the state Department of Administration to sort the issue out. “So we are having those ongoing discussions with the state trying to convince them that we should receive that $2 million repayment rather than the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration,” he said. At the time the $2 million loan was made the positive effects of the biofuel plant on the economy in Park Falls, a small Northern Wisconsin community, looked good. The plant was expected to create 160 construction jobs, with 40 permanent jobs created to operate the biofuel facility, making 125 jobs for loggers and truckers who would have supplied the mill with 1,000 tons of dry wood a day. The plan for the biorefinery was to burn a blend of sawdust, bark and wood that was not needed for the pulp and paper mill to make diesel and wax. “That is $2 million that, as it was repaid, we could have re-lent, loaned out to other businesses in the region to help them, and we won’t have that money to be able to do it, so it is basically going to hurt the businesses in our 10-county region,” explained Schuster. The loss of the loan has forced the agency to write off the loan as a bad debt, in turn reducing their loan fund from $9.5 million to $7.5 million. Marquis reports that HUD agrees that the actions taken by the state DOA were consistent with federal policy for remediating failed project activities. Butch Johnson is the majority owner of Flambeau River Biofuels and Flambeau River Papers.

T h e Reg i st e r i s a co o p e rat i ve - o w n e d news pa per


Celebrate Independence Day weekend in Shell Lake

The Fourth of July parade at noon starts on the north side of Rolphs Point.

The Home Grown Tomatoes band will provide music at this year’s July 3 street dance on Shell Lake’s Main Street. — Photo submitted

SHELL LAKE — The city of Shell Lake kicks off the Independence Day holiday with its traditional July 3 street dance with fireworks at dusk. Providing music for the street dance is the Home Grown Tomatoes band. This professional group, from Eau Claire, has an extensive musical repertoire and an experienced history. HGT is able to please a crowd from ages 8 to 80. It is a fivepiece band that features male vocals, guitar, keyboards, drums, bass guitar, and even brass and sax. The repertoire covers many of your favorite songs including Top 40 favorites, polkas, waltzes, country, ballads, ‘50s and ‘60s, ‘70s and even swing music. Deck out your boat in red, white and blue for the annual Fourth of July boat parade starting at noon on Friday, July 4. The boat parade will start on the north side of Rolphs Point. Everyone is welcome to participate.

Artists from across the region will display their handmade works at the 12th-annual Shell Lake Fine Arts Festival on Saturday, July 5. The show will be in Shell Lake’s Memorial Park from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. This is a juried art fair featuring ceramics, printmaking, glass, painting, drawings, sculpture, jewelry, woodworking, papermaking and more. The Miss Shell Lake program will be selling food. While visiting Shell Lake on Saturday, July 5, head to the lake for the sailing regatta that gets under way at noon. Also on July 5, the Washburn County Historical Society is hosting their annual pie and ice-cream social at the museum from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. —Suzanne Johnson with submitted info

The 12th-annual Shell Lake Fine Arts Festival will be Saturday, July 5, in Memorial Park. — Photos by Larry Samson unless otherwise noted

Paying respect Sean Okamoto sings the national anthem with AmVet Commander Martin Corri saluting in the background.

American Legion Commander Joe Fehr salutes as John Leckel presents him with the old, weathered and torn flag that has flown over the American Legion Hall for the past year.

Photos by Larry Samson

After the old flag has been properly retired, a new flag takes its place. The American flag is a reminder that we are 50 states united as one country.

Marvin Schaefer plays taps at the end of the ceremony. He is an Air Force veteran who serves on the Spooner Area Honor Guard.

Washburn County Register Your Community Newspaper • PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871 MANAGER: Doug Panek dougpanek@centurytel.net EDITOR: Gary King editor@leadernewsroom.com OFFICE MANAGER: Suzanne Johnson wcregister@centurytel.net REPORTER: Larry Samson REPORTER: Danielle H. Moe PAGINATOR: Raelynn Hunter ADVERTISING: Jeanine Moody DEADLINE FOR NEWS/ADS: MONDAYS @ NOON

PH: 715-468-2314

Published every Wednesday at Frederic, WI. Periodicals postage paid at Shell Lake, WI. Postmaster: send address changes to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 USPS 666-900

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Final Hwy. 63 project public meeting held Danielle H. Moe | Staff writer SHELL LAKE - Officials had a good showing for the final public informational meeting on Monday, June 23, regarding the Hwy. 63 project that is slated for next summer. Representatives from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, MSA and WE Energies were on hand at the meeting to share information. The final design of the project was shown at the meeting along with handouts including project details and specifics on detour dates and locations. Phil Keppers, WisDOT project man-

ager, stated that the project design will be finalized in August 2014 and let to bid in February 2015. Weather permitting, construction on the project could start sometime in May or April of 2015. The DOT estimates construction on the project to be completed in October 2015. The project will consist of mill and overlay of the highway from Woodyard Road, just north of Third Street, to CTH B in Shell Lake. Culvert pipes will be evaluated and replaced as necessary with 5 feet of the existing 6-foot shoulders paved for bicycle traffic among other improvements.

According to Keppers the grading of the shared-use path from Industrial Boulevard to CTH B has garnered a lot of interest from individuals along with the creation of the center left-turn lane. Keppers said that the DOT hopes the creation of the turn lane will cut down on the number of accidents in that area. The project will involve several detours during the construction. All trucks will be detoured around the project from June 8 to June 30, 2015. Regular autos will be detoured onto Third Street to Sixth Avenue/CTH B for city of Shell Lake utility work crossing Hwy. 63. A three-day detour for all autos will happen when crews are replacing a couple of big culverts. The intersections of CTH D and CTH B will also have detours while crews work on reconstruction of those intersections with 63. Detours will only take place on weekdays, with weekend through traffic possible. Keppers pointed out that for locals LEFT: Jon Johnson, Washburn County highway commissioner, goes over plans of the Hwy. 63 project with Gary Colbert, engineer with NWBE Inc., at the public hearing on Monday, June 23. Johnson harbored some concerns about the safety islands from Fourth Avenue to Sixth Avenue and the county snowplows, but Colbert assured him the pavement islands will be thick enough that the equipment would not hurt them. - Photos by Danielle H. Moe

Jerry Chartraw, chairman of the Town of Barronett, examines a section of the Hwy. 63 project plans. Chartraw held concerns about the bridge on Heart Lake Road not being widened 2 feet. and people familiar with Shell Lake roadways, alternative routes around the construction would be acceptable, as long as those routes are legal.

Tie in election for new school board member

Danielle H. Moe | Staff writer SHELL LAKE - Two candidates came before the Shell Lake School Board stating their interest to serve in the seat left vacant by previous school board member Steve Naglosky, among other board actions at the regular monthly meeting held on Monday, June 23. Mary Stellricht and Patricia Pestell each spoke briefly to the board about their interest in serving and their backgrounds. The board cast signed ballots to elect one of the two candidates to the vacant seat, but the election resulted in a tie vote. After discussion the board determined to defer selection of the new board member until the July meeting in order to look up statutes on tie-breaking rules. Ed Heagle, IT director, presented the board with the finalized district technology plan for approval. Heagle explained that the plan is now a living document

that resides on the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction website, allowing it to be continually updated. Heagle addressed issues currently faced by the district, reviewed the plan’s new goals, their objectives and their action steps with the board. The board approved the plan to be submitted to the DPI on a unanimous voice vote. In the course of the meeting board members approved five resignations and four new hires. Resignations from Carrie Behling as honor society adviser, Eric Teska as high school math teacher, Ryan O’Connell as physical education teacher, Deb Brereton as student council adviser and Sara Dettmann as a sixth-grade teacher were accepted by the board. New hires approved by the board include Susan Leeper as high school math teacher, Taylor Hall as physical education teacher, Danielle Lagarde as student

council adviser and Hailey Deleon as family and consumer education teacher. Jim Connell, superintendent, asked the board for guidance on an issue that occurred at the district’s old ag building near the Shell Lake Arts Center. According to Connell, during construction in the area the water and sewer lines to the building were removed. Connell reported that Andy Eiche, Shell Lake City administrator, told him statutes dictated the city did not have to replace the lines, instead the owners were responsible for the cost. Connell stated that on estimate the cost to replace the lines could be about $3,000. The building is currently used for storage by the district. After a lengthy discussion board members advised Connell to not replace the water and sewer lines to the building.

In other actions, the board: Approved a $1,000 base wage increase for certified staff, a $1,000 increase for those hired after ACT 10 and a $500 increase for those hired before ACT 10. Approved a 3.5-percent salary increase for all non-certified support staff member Board member Phil Holman outlined a situation of confusion over the boardapproved implementation of the physcal education waiver. The waiver was approved by the board last fall, but according to Holman, administration was not following suit. After discussion the board agreed by majority opinion that the waiver should remain in place. Approved the demolition of bus No. 8.

Forestry funds offset county deficits Danielle H. Moe | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — The Washburn County Board dealt with a full agenda at their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 17. County board members heard two presentations, discussed the state of the county budget and approved several resolutions in the course of their meeting. Mike Keefe, finance director, reported that the 2013 county budget was in the auditing process. Keefe fielded board members’ questions regarding the state of the county budget. “This report shows general fund revenues of about $9.1 million, expenditures of about $9.7 million,” said Keefe. The highway and sheriff’s departments were some departments that are at deficit fund balances but none that, according to Keefe, raise serious concerns. “Most of the numbers are trending stuff,” said Keefe. Jon Johnson, county

highway commissioner, stated that highway expenses were $300,000 more than typically budgeted. According to the report, the sheriff’s department fund is deficient $66,000. Keefe estimates that the general fund deficit is around $500,000 or $600,000 and the highway budget deficit on his estimate is closer to $600,000. Keefe then pointed out that the forestry department’s net income is currently about $1.1 million. Dave Wilson, District 11, asked, “So the forestry pulls us out of potential red, into black overall?” “Yeah, if you are looking at everything, that is usually the case overall,” responded Keefe. Bob Meyer, president of Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College, gave a presentation to the board about WITC. In his presentation Meyer pointed out that the college has made great strides in recent years, especially in working to close

the skills gap felt in trades industries. In 2013, WITC was named fourth best twoyear college in the nation. Michelle Voight, executive director of Washburn County tourism, provided board members with her yearly report. According to Voight, visitor spending went up in 2013 to $25.63 million and that visitor spending accounts for $3.3 million in state and local taxes. The county contributes about $125,000 annually to Washburn County Tourism. Two resolutions for 50/50 bridge petitions were approved by the board. The Town of Chicog’s petition was approved on a unanimous roll call vote as was the petition from the city of Shell Lake. The entire cost of the Town of Chicog’s culvert replacement is an estimated $6,335. As a 50/50 petition, the county and municipality will split the project cost. The culvert to be replaced is located on Braemer Road

in the Town of Chicog. The city of Shell Lake’s culvert-replacement project will cost an estimated $9,080, also a 50/50 cost-sharing project with the county. The culvert to be replaced is located on Old Hwy. 63 south of CTH D in the city of Shell Lake. The board also approved a resolution to increase the 2014 Aging and Disability Resource Center Department budget in light of the department receiving a $20,000 state grant. The grant funds will be used for elderly nutrition program revitalization. In public comment, Janet Bewley, Ashland, introduced herself to the board. Bewley is currently the 74th Assembly District representative but is running for the 25th Senate District seat.

Governor approves disaster aid related to 2011 blowdown

MADISON – This week Gov. Scott Walker gave approval to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to provide disaster damage aids to help pay for repairs to local and county roads that were damaged after major storms that occurred in the summer of 2011. This will ease the financial burden placed on the counties of Burnett, Douglas and Washburn following the severe weather in July and August in which winds exceeded 100 miles per hour, resulting in large piles of timber blocking more

than 400 miles of road in Northwest Wisconsin. The removal of the timber caused damage to local and county roads due to the heavy trucks and equipment used to haul the timber. “I surveyed the damage resulting from the succession of storms in the summer of 2011 and saw the immense cleanup work left for local elected officials, state employees, the Wisconsin National Guard, state legislators and volunteers from the area,” Walker said. “This funding will ease the burden for those counties affected by the

storms, facing a financial burden to repair the roads that were damaged during the effort to clear the timber.” In July and August of 2011, weather events caused significant amounts of downed timber in Burnett, Douglas and Washburn counties, affecting at least 193 sites. Due to the impact of the downed timber on transportation and the potential threat of increasing forest-fire risk, Walker issued Executive Order No. 40 proclaiming a state of emergency and directing multiple agencies to remove the downed

timber as expeditiously as possible. The governor’s approval allows WisDOT to provide state aids to local governments for up to 70 percent of eligible costs. To date, estimated repairs exceed $14 million. The Disaster Damage Aids Program provides financial assistance to local governments to repair roads that have had significant damage due to a natural disaster event. - from the office of Gov. Walker



Send letters to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or email wcregister@centurytel.net

WITC president honored by state for service

Prevention is the key An article by the Associated Press brought attention to the feral cat population problem and provided valuable insights. According to Becky Robinson, president of Alley Cat Allies, alleycatallies.org, a staggering 40 million feral kittens will be born across the country this year and 20 million will die at birth. Of those that survive, millions will be taken to shelters where the majority will be killed. Gregory Castle, CEO of Best Friend Animal Society, a leader in the no-kill movement, indicated that the problem of community cats dying in shelters is one of the last major problems that those in the animal welfare movement are tackling. In response to this problem, shelters in California, Indiana, New Jersey, Texas, Illinois and other states have opened volunteer and donation-run nurseries where thousands of feral kittens are saved. Of even greater interest, Castle indicated that a “dramatic drop in deaths” is seen whenever his group connects a shelter with a local organization that traps, neuters and returns free-roaming cats. This humane and effective practice is a preventative measure, which stabilizes cat colonies and reduces the number of feral

kittens born. The Winston Project and The Farm, Feral & Stray program, which operate under the arm of the Shelter Community Action Team, are two organizations that not only exemplify this type of public service but also advocate other preventative programs that have been proven to lower shelter intake numbers and reduce kill rates. Recently, Washburn County Board members were asked to support a national resolution that would bring awareness to communities and encourage shelters to, for just one day, explore these preventative programs and seek alternatives to killing. Unfortunately, this resolution was voted down. One board supervisor went so far as to say, “Why put if off for one more day? That just puts them (shelter) behind.” This sends a terrible message to our young people. It implies that life has little value and that killing is an acceptable path, rather than follow a humane and proactive path that seeks alternatives in solving a community problem. Kathleen Schoener Shell Lake

Got books?

SHELL LAKE — The Shell Lake Public Library is happily accepting gently used books, DVDs and magazines for a book sale. Items may be dropped off at the library anytime during normal hours of operation.

The library summer hours are Monday and Wednesday from 10 a.m.-8 p.m., Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m.-5 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. — from SLPL

Free airplane rides in Hayward HAYWARD — EAA Chapter 631 will be giving free airplane rides for young people ages 8 through 17 at the Hayward Airport on Saturday, June 28. With weather permitting, the rides will be from 10 a.m. until 1p.m.

Follow signs to the CAP hangar at the north end of the field. A parent or guardian must accompany the individual in order to sign a permission form. — submitted

Computers help Rice Lake Area Free Clinic

Barron Electric Cooperative recently donated four used computers to the Rice Lake Area Free Clinic. Mike Farrell, clinic director, said, “We appreciate the computers, as new programs require more up-to-date software.” Barron Electric’s General Manager Dallas Sloan said, “We recognize the important mission of the Rice Lake Area Free Clinic and realize how vital technology is in achieving their goals.” RLAFC’s mission is, “To create a healthier community by providing health care for uninsured and underinsured people of Barron, Rusk and Washburn counties.” The clinic is located at 1035 North Main St. in Rice Lake. Visit rlafc.org or call 715-736-FREE for more information. Shown (L to R): Dellene Miller, Barron Electric’s coordinator of IT and member support; Nancy Kaner, office manager of RLAFC and Mike Farrell, clinic director. — Photo submitted

At the June meeting of the WITC Board of Trustees, outgoing WITC President Bob Meyer was honored by the state Legislature for his years of service to the college. Meyer’s leadership, which helped WITC to three top 10 rankings in Washington Monthly Magazine, his advocacy on behalf of the college and the two-year system and his nearly three decades of experience with the University of Wisconsin – Stout were all remarked upon. In May, Meyer announced his acceptance of the position of chancellor at the University of Wisconsin – Stout. On hand for the presentation were (L to R): Rep. Stephen Smith, D-Shell Lake; Meyer; Sen. Bob Jauch, D-Poplar; and Rep. Janet Bewley, D-Ashland. — Photo submitted

Fireworks time once again


e ask everyone to obtain the proper permit before purchasing or using fireworks in Washburn County. We also ask you to be considerate of your neighbors when lighting them up. We are not out to spoil your good time and fun, but, if you are setting off fireworks inconsistent with the law and you are insensitive of your neighbors, bet we get called. You can be fined up to a $1,000 for illegal use of fireworks. We normally issue a bond amount of $263, which will be listed on your citation. Please just get a permit, it is really so easy, then have fun. Do not blow off your finger, do not pop an eye out of its socket, do not start a wildfire, do not blow yourself to bits, do not disturb your neighbor, in fact invite them over to watch. Try not to do anything stupid, please. I’ll give you an example: There was a fireworks complaint in one of the campgrounds in the Trego area. The deputy got there just in time to watch a guy shoot roman candles, holding them in his hand, from the cabin door and over the top of a canvas tent, with kids inside. Not only did he receive a citation for the fireworks, we confiscated the rest of his fireworks that had cost him, as he put it, an arm and a leg. Our response, “Well, we might just have prevented injury to a child,” If we had a stupid ticket he would have gotten one of those, too. Below are some excerpts from the statute about firework permits. If you want to read the entire statute, it is SS.167.10. Wisconsin Fireworks Law Legal without a permit State law allows the sale, possession and use, without a permit, of sparklers not exceeding 36 inches in length, stationary cones and fountains, toy snakes, smoke bombs, caps, noisemakers, confetti poppers with less than one-fourth grain of explosive mixture and novelty devices that spin or move on the ground. There is no age restriction on sale, possession or use of these devices, and the statute does not classify them as fireworks. Local ordinances may be more restrictive than state statutes and may prohibit any of these items or limit their sale or use. These are the only kinds of “fireworks,” as that word is commonly used, that a person may use or possess without a permit or that may be sold to a person who does not have a permit. Illegal without a permit Possessing or using any other fireworks, including, for example, firecrackers, Roman candles, bottle rockets and mortars, in Wisconsin without a valid permit is illegal. A good rule of thumb to remember, if it explodes or

leaves the ground, you need a permit. The sale of these restricted fireworks to a resident of this state without a valid permit is also illegal. Requirements for a valid permit are detailed below. 1. A permit may be issued by a mayor, village president or town chair or any person designated by the mayor, village president or town chairperson. 2. A permit is valid only in the city, village or town of the official who issued it. 3. A permit may require a bond or insurance. 4. A permit may be issued to an individual or group of individuals. 5. A valid permit must specify the general kind and approximate quantity of fireworks which may be purchased. You must obtain a permit first before you can purchase. 6. A permit must specify the location at which the fireworks may be possessed or used. As noted above, this location must be within the jurisdiction of the official who issued the permit. It must be a specific location within that jurisdiction, rather than the entire jurisdiction. The statute uses “location” in the singular. A permit that specifies multiple locations is not valid. 7. The permit must specify the date of the permitted use. The word date is in the singular in the statute. A permit that specifies multiple dates or a range of dates of permitted use is not valid. This, in combination with the specification of location, means that a separate permit is required for each date and location for which use is permitted. 8. The permit must specify the date on and after which the fireworks can be purchased. 9. The permit may contain additional restrictions. A municipality may adopt ordinances imposing special restrictions, e.g., times or manner of use, distances from buildings or spectators, etc., and a permit may specify these additional restrictions. 10. Permits may not be issued to minors. Since minors may not be issued fireworks permits, there are no conditions under which it is legal for a minor to possess or use any fireworks except those allowed without a permit, e.g., sparklers, snakes, fountains, etc. 11. People may transport fireworks from the place they were purchased to the city, town or village where their possession or use is authorized under a permit or ordinance. However, people transporting fireworks may not possess them in a city, town or village without a permit from that jurisdiction if they remain there for more than 12 hours. Have fun and be safe. Enjoy the Fourth of July. Sheriff Dryden

From the Sheriff’s Desk • Terry Dryden


Shell Lake Sailing Club part of unique study

Danielle H. Moe | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — The 2013 American time use survey found that on an average day 95 percent of individuals age 15 and over engaged in some sort of leisure activity, such as watching TV, socializing or exercising. Studies have found that participation in leisure activities increases life satisfaction. “More life satisfaction means people start living healthier lives, they feel better about themselves, they end up staying healthier — there is a big connection between leisure and health,” said Dr. Tim Gongaware, UW-La Crosse sociology professor. Recognizing the correlation of leisure activities and life satisfaction, Gongaware set out on an investigation, out of curiosity, about leisure groups. As commodore of the La Crosse Sailing Club, Gongaware took his leisure passion to work and refocused the study to sailing clubs. His preliminary research into Wisconsin sailing clubs found that the majority of clubs, about 75 percent, were clubs based on inland water bodies and that got him more interested. “In general what it is, I am looking at these groups and how the groups operate, the kinds of activities that they do, what it is that they provide to the people

Dr. Tim Gongaware, at left, talks with Peter Moen, Shell Lake Sailing Club commodore, as part of his research study on inland water body sailing clubs. Gongaware is a professor of sociology at the University Wisconsin - La Crosse and commodore of the La Crosse Sailing Club. — Photo by Danielle H. Moe

that join the groups, how people provide to the groups,” explained Gongaware. Of the 59 organized clubs he could find, 37 are dedicated to sailing on inland lakes and waterways. His study

will feature information provided by sailing club members about club history, activities and their experiences. The study currently includes 10 clubs, from different geographical locations in the

state, and the Shell Lake Sailing Club is one of them. The SLSC consists of about 100 members, “about half are sailors and about the other half are social members of our sailing club,” said Peter Moen, SLSC commodore. Moen estimates the SLSC has been operational for the past 30 years on Shell Lake with members from across the region. The SLSC is an active club with six events planned for this year, four of which are organized races. The study will also include information about the challenges that the clubs face such as aging membership and decreased membership. Gongaware hopes that the results of his study will provide information to clubs about what works and what does not to help struggling clubs thrive again. “I want to see more people sailing, I want to see the clubs grow and help people find life satisfaction,” he said. Still in the beginning stages of data collection, Gongaware hopes to get feedback to the clubs he interviews by next spring. Some interesting facts he has uncovered so far: the oldest inland lake club was found in 1864, about 80 percent of inland lake clubs were founded in the 1800s to the early 1900s and the newest club was founded in 2002.

Area news at a glance RICE LAKE — Barron County Habitat for Humanity has announced a new fundraising project, Moving a House to Build a Home. Habitat has received a house donation with the stipulation that the house has to be relocated from its current site as the donor is rebuilding a new home. Habitat has already begun the process of having the house moved just outside of Rice Lake, southwest of the intersections of CTH C and CTH M. The garage has been moved, the foundation dug, with the house to follow by the end of June. As this house’s market value is beyond Habitat guidelines for the simple and decent homes built and sold to Habitat partner

Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners June 16 - $30 Amy Sundberg, Stillwater, Minn. June 17 - $30 Tamara Smith, Shell Lake June 18 - $30 Zach Boland, Shell Lake June 19 - $30 Larry Avery, Trego June 20 - $30 Candy Webb, Shell Lake

Shell Lake State Bank Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio


Temperatures recorded at Spooner Ag Research Station 2013 High Low Precip. June 16 72 51 .90” rain June 17 83 53 June 18 75 42 June 19 74 51 June 20 79 62 June 21 81 58 1.90” rain June 22 75 60 .12” rain 2014 High Low Precip. June 16 73 55 .04” rain June 17 82 58 .03” rain June 18 83 63 June 19 77 62 .25” rain June 20 72 62 .32” rain June 21 81 55 June 22 80 55

Lake level Monday, June 24, 2013: 1,217.90’ MSL Monday, June 23, 2014: 1,218.83’ MSL


families, Habitat is using this donated house as a major fundraiser by reselling the donated home on the open market. — from the Rice Lake Chronotype ••• STATEWIDE — Maple syrup production in Wisconsin dropped in 2014, but was still the second highest production year in the last decade, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Wisconsin’s 2014 maple syrup production was 200,000 gallons, down 65,000 gallons from 2013. The number of taps decreased from 740,000 in 2013 to 700,000 in 2014. Yield was 0.286 gallons per tap, compared to 0.358 in 2013. The 2014 Wisconsin maple syrup season began March 8, 21 days later than last year. The season ended on May 4, compared with May 28 last year. This year’s season averaged 23 days, which was six days shorter than last year. The average open-season date was March 28 and the average closing date was April 19.

Only three states produced more maple syrup than Wisconsin in 2014. Vermont led with 1.32 million gallons while New York and New Hampshire both totaled 545,000 gallons. — from the Rice Lake Chronotype ••• WAUSAU — A grand opening celebration of the David R. Obey Civic Resource Center will be held Wednesday, Sept. 3, at the UW Center For Civic Engagement, 625 Stewart Ave., Wausau. The day will include tours of the new facility, ribboncutting ceremony, talks by national speakers and distinguished state leaders and a public reception. — from Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service ••• STATEWIDE — Amateur photographers throughout Wisconsin are invited to grab their cameras and head out to some of the state’s most scenic back roads and start snapping away. The Wisconsin

Register Memories 1954 – 60 years ago

Compiled by Suzanne Johnson

1974 – 40 years ago

• A wood carving, valued at $500 by Joe Barta, woodcarver and proprietor of the Museum of Woodcarving, was stolen from the museum. The carving, the head and bust of a woman, was made of Honduras mahogany and was slightly less than full-size. • The race for Washburn County sheriff promised to be a wide-open affair with the announcement that Mrs. L.W. Stegeman, wife of the present sheriff, would not be a candidate. Sheriff Stegeman, who held the office for two terms, was not eligible to run at that time, and it was generally expected that Mrs. Stegeman would be a candidate. • Helen Adams left for New York City where she and her friends would spend a week before sailing abroad. She planned to visit eight European countries. • Benny DesJardins graduated from the Wisconsin Institute of Mortuary Science in Milwaukee.

• The Washburn County Dairy Cattle Judging Contest was held at the farms of Bob Hall, Dale Hubin and Lyn Linton. Hugh Smith served as the official judge. The junior team, which resulted from the county contest, placed fifth at the district contest at Menomonie. Team members were Dwana and Linda, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Furchtenicht; and Gail and Julie, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Furchtenicht. • Wisconsin farmers who had been plagued with shortages of fuel, fertilizer, seed and other essentials necessary for top production, now faced a barbed wire and baling wire shortage. • Confirmed at the Barronett Lutheran Church by Pastor Dennis Bergeson were Randy Lehmann, Steve Hulleman, Nick Jerry, Pam McLellan, Julie Sweet and Tammy Albee. • Joane Donatell attended Badger Girls State.

• Danny King, Shell Lake, was proud of the German brown trout that he caught on a mystery creek. The fish weighed 3-1/2 pounds. • Construction was completed on the new Shell Lake Fire Hall. The building could house the three fire trucks and all the fire equipment as well as have a meeting room for the firemen. • An old-fashioned lawn social, with strawberries, ice cream, cake and coffee being served by the St. Agnes Guild of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, was held on the lawn of the home of Col. and Mrs. Walter G. Hoar. • The Chicago Northwestern Railroad depot at Sarona was being torn down.

• Philip Lindeman, Shell Lake, was treated at Indianhead Medical Center for neck and head injuries received in a onecar accident on Sand Road. He stated that after a seeing a deer as he drove over a knoll, he braked suddenly, causing the car to skid into a deep ditch and roll over. • Susan Regenauer Johnson was the new postmaster at the Sarona Post Office. A Shell Lake native, she worked for seven years as a mail carrier in Eau Claire, Cameron and Spooner, and conducted her officer in charge training at Brule before the coming to Sarona. • Temporary officers named by the newly formed Washburn County Employees Union were Brian Nord, social services department, president; Ron

1964 – 50 years ago

Department of Transportation, together with the Wisconsin Department of Tourism, is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Rustic Roads Program, one of the state’s most successful and longest-lasting state/local partnership programs, with a photo contest. Photos must be taken between June 16 and Dec. 31, and submissions will be accepted through Jan. 15, 2015. The Rustic Roads Board will select winning photos in six categories and will be looking for photos that best highlight the natural qualities, features and vistas commonly found on Wisconsin’s officially designated Rustic Roads. Currently, there are 115 Rustic Roads spanning some 665 miles through 59 counties. Complete contest information, rules and submission guidelines can be found at the Wisconsin DOT website: dot.wisconsin.gov/travel/ scenic/contest.htm. — from WisDOT •••

1984 – 30 years ago

Bemis, draftsman in the tax lister office, vice president; Betty Murrey, county clerk’s office, secretary; Joyce Kosharek, nursing agency, treasurer; DeeAnn McLellan, clerk of court’s office, stewards; and Sharon Tobias, social services department, alternate. • Barbara Featherly, Shell Lake, returned from Park Falls where she attended training as a supervisor for House of Lloyd.

1994 – 20 years ago

• The Shell Lake Full Gospel Church celebrated 25 years in the ministry. • Rick Hulne, 17, son of Roger and Patty Hulne, Shell Lake, was recovering at an Eau Claire hospital after sustaining a head wound in a boating accident on Shell Lake. • Basil Mortensen celebrated his 75th birthday with an open house held at the Shell Lake Senior Center. • Beth Dahlstrom, daughter of Debby and Bob Dahlstrom, Shell Lake, was selected for membership in the United States Collegiate Wind Band, a national musical organization, which would make a three-week concert tour of Europe and England.

2004 – 10 years ago

• Touches of frost were reported in the area. • The Krantz family got together at Gordie and Mary’s to celebrate Gordie’s 80th birthday. Daughter Vicki flew in from Las Vegas for the occasion. • Peter Hopke was hired as special education teacher at Shell Lake Schools. • Justin O’Keefe, Ben Foss and Curt Hubbell were hired as junior high baseball coaches and Mark Hagedorn as junior high softball for the summer.


Public invited to presentation on butterflies SPOONER — The public is invited to learn more about the beauty and importance of butterflies on Thursday June 26, 5:30 p.m., at the Spooner Agricultural Research Station. Local butterfly enthusiast and self-taught expert Marilyn Saffert will share her knowledge and experience with

gardening and how to attract butterflies to your property. Saffert is a certified UWExtension Master Gardener Volunteer from Barron County, is very active in the Rice Lake Garden Club and has written many garden-related articles over the years.

This event is part of a three-part “B” series of lectures highlighting the importance of bats, butterflies and bees in our environment. The series concludes on Thursday, July 24, with “The Buzz about Bees.” All lectures start at 5:30 p.m. at the Spooner Ag Research Station and

are sponsored by UW-Extension North Country Master Gardener Volunteer Association. For more information contact the Spooner Area UW-Extension Office at 800-528-1914 or 715-635-3506. — from UWEX

The art of felting soap final community ed class of the summer SHELL LAKE — If you’ve never washed your hands or body with a bar of felted soap then you are missing out. Also known as soap-in-a-sweater, felted soap turns an ordinary bar of soap into washcloth-soap all in one.

Shell Lake School Community Education Program is excited to welcome back local soap maker Vanessa Berkesch. Under Berkesch’s guidance, participants will learn the art of felting soap using sheep’s wool roving that has been dyed

an array of beautiful colors. All tools and supplies needed for the class will be provided, including three bars of Berkesch’s handmade goat milk soap. Set some time aside for yourself, you won’t be disappointed.

Class will be held at Shell Lake 3-12 School on Monday July 7, 6-8 p.m. Cost is $20. Class minimum is five. Register at 715-468-7815, ext. 1337. — from SLCE

C O M M U N I T Y   H A P P E N I N G S




Tuesday, July 1 • Wet and Wild Day Camp at Hunt Hill, 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. 715-635-6543 or info@hunthill.org • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m. at the lodge. • Make a fairy house class for kids, 2-4 p.m., at Northwind Book & Fiber, Spooner. Bring your own backyard to supplement materials collected. To register, call 715-635-6811. Wednesday, July 2 • Washburn County HCE meeting at Oscar Johnson Building, fairgrounds in Spooner, 9:30 a.m. The public is invited.



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• Survival Day Camp at Hunt Hill, 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. 715-635-6543/info@hunthill.org • Arts center master jazz concert at Darrell Aderman Auditorium, 7 p.m. Visit the Shell Lake Arts Center shelllakeartscenter.org or call 715-468-2414. • Free soup and sandwiches, Church of the Nazarene, Spooner, 5:30 p.m. Call 715-635-3496 to confirm. All welcome. Donations accepted. Thursday, July 3 • That’s Gross Day Camp at Hunt Hill, 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. 715-635-6543 or info@hunthill.org. • Shell Lake Street Dance in downtown Shell Lake. Fireworks on the beach. • Aphasia Group, 10-11:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Call 715-520-7999. • Northwest Wisconsin Parkinson’s Disease Support Group, 1 p.m., lower level at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Shell Lake. • Free community meal, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, 409 Summit, Spooner, 4-6 p.m. All welcome. Donations accepted. Friday, July 4 • Fireworks at the Spooner High School. • Shell Lake Boat Parade, weather permitting, noon. Saturday, July 5 • Shell Lake Fine Arts Festival, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., 715635-6039. • Sailboat regatta on Shell Lake. • Washburn County Historical Society annual pie and ice-cream social at the museum in Shell Lake, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday, July 7 • Frogs and Salamanders Day Camp at Hunt Hill, 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. 715-635-6543 or info@hunthill.org. • Arts center master concert band at lakeside pavilion, 7:30 p.m. Visit shelllakeartscenter.org or call 715-468-2414.


Thursday, June 26 & Friday, June 27 • Shell Lake Community Blood Drive, noon to 6 p.m. on Thursday; 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, at the Shell Lake United Methodist Church fellowship hall. For an appointment call 800-733-2767 or online at redcrossblood. org. Thursday, June 26 • First Year Parenting class, 5-8:30 p.m., Spooner Annex Building, UW-Extension conference room. Call Deb Meyer at 715-635-4444 or deb.meyer@ces.uwex.edu. • The Shell Lake American Legion meeting, 6:30 p.m., Friendship Commons. • Shell Lake VFW meeting, 7 p.m., Friendship Commons. Friday, June 27-Sunday, June 29 • “The Boogeyman’s Apprentice” summer youth production at the Quam, Shell Lake. 7 p.m. on Friday and Saturday with 2 p.m. Matinee on Sunday. Reservations strongly recommended online at titw.org or by calling 715-468-4387. Friday, June 27 • The Washburn County Genealogical Society will meet at 1:30 p.m. at the city hall meeting room, library building, 501 1st St., Shell Lake. The program will be The Value of Original Records and Clearing the Browser Cache on the Internet by Bonnie Brandt. The public is welcome to attend. • Free car wash sponsored by area businesses as a fundraiser for Full Gospel youth ministry, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Ace Hardware, Spooner. Saturday, June 28 • Free community breakfast, 7-10 a.m., First United Pentecostal Church, 337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner. All welcome. Donations accepted.

• Cakes at the Lake, breakfast 8 a.m. Program: Fascinating Loons presented by loon ranger Barb Sabatke, 10 a.m. Hunt Hill, 715-635-6543, hunthill.org. • Bog walk at Hunt Hill, 1-3 p.m., 715-635-6543 or hunthill.org. Sunday, June 29 • Arts center master jazz concert at Darrell Aderman Auditorium, 7 p.m. Visit the Shell Lake Arts Center shelllakeartscenter.org or 715-468-2414. • Lakers on the Links second-annual golf tournament, registration at noon, shotgun start at 1 p.m., 18 holes on Butternut Hills Golf Course, golf cart and gift bag, dinner at the clubhouse. Sponsored by the Shell Lake Educational Foundation. Contact Paul or Kristin at 715-635-8563. Monday, June 30 •Pioneer Camp Day Camp at Hunt Hill, 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. 715-635-6543/info@hunthill.org • Northwoods Jazz Combo and special guest Randy Sabien at the lakeside pavilion in Shell Lake, 7:30 p.m. Visit shelllakeartscenter.org or 715-468-2414



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County board declares intent for two special assessment districts Danielle H. Moe | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — The intent to declare two special assessment districts met unanimous approval by the Washburn County Board of Supervisors at their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 17. Special assessment districts are used by municipalities to finance the cost of public facilities. In this case, the county board intends to finance the cost of reconstruction of the dam structures on Spooner Lake and Long Lake through special assessments. The estimated cost to repair the Spooner Lake dam is currently $439,600. The county has received a state grant of $209,900 to offset that cost. The remaining $229,700 will be funded through the special assessment district. According to Jon Johnson, county highway commissioner,

248 parcels, five tax-exempt parcels and 35 parcels without improvements are encompassed by the Spooner Lake Dam Special Assessment District. Frank Dallam, Department of Natural Resources zoning engineer, explained in a letter to the county that the county must repair a leak through the stop-log channels on the outlet of the Spooner Lake dam. Polly Janet, Spooner Lake resident, asked county board members why money in the dam fund was not being utilized. Later in the meeting Mike Keefe, county finance director, acknowledged that there was money in the fund, but he did not know exactly how much at the time. Spooner Lake residents spoke against the formation of a special assessment district to fund the dam repair. Ed Fischer pointed out that other properties benefit

from the dam, not just those that live on the lake. Repairs to the Long Lake dam total an estimated cost of $532,000. As with the Spooner Lake dam the county has received a grant to offset those repair costs totaling $233,000. The remaining $299,000 is to be funded through the Long Lake Special Assessment District. Johnson stated that 1,180 parcels form this district with 45 parcels, owned by the Boy Scouts, which have not been approved but will be included in the district. This dam project will involve installing a new gate system. “The current gate binds when you are trying to close it the last 12 to18 inches,” explained Johnson in an email to the Register. A public hearing for the implementation of each special assessment district

will take place and notices of the hearing will be sent to every interested individual. The DNR defines a dam as, “any artificial barrier in or across a watercourse which has the primary purpose of impounding or diverting water and includes all pertinent works, such as a dike, canal or powerhouse.” The DNR lists 41 dam structures in Washburn County, with the county as owners of 11, but seven are listed with no owner. Dam structures under Washburn County ownership include Birch Lake or Birchwood, Minong Flowage, Slim Creek, Long Lake, Conroy Ford or Casey Creek Flowage, Spooner Lake or Yellow River Dam, Black Brook Dam, Little Grassy Lake, Shell Lake Diversion and Davis Wildlife.

WITC names new president SHELL LAKE — The Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College Board of Trustees has selected John Will as the next president of WITC. He will replace current President Bob Meyer, who in May announced his acceptance of the position of chancellor at the University of Wisconsin - Stout. Meyer will remain with WITC until Aug. 16. Current WITC Vice President, Institutional Effectiveness Ellen Riely Hauser will serve as interim president effective Aug. 16 until Will is able to fill the position on Tuesday, Sept. 2. “John brings many skills to WITC

including his demonstrated transition management skills with an organizational development emphasis, an existing knowledge of college operations and a collaborative leadership style with a data driven decisionmaking mind-set,” John Will said Morrie Veilleux, chairman of the board of trustees for WITC. “John has

a demonstrated ability to assemble and execute strategic planning processes, and has extensive knowledge of policy governance and the Wisconsin Technical College System. John will also bring to WITC recent experience in economic development and public finance, the ability to build external relationships and to deliver results in a business-oriented setting.” Will has served in many capacities with WITC, including as chief operating officer until 2011. In addition to his experience at WITC, he has held positions with such organizations as St. Paul-

based Springstead as vice president and client representative; chief operating officer with Impact Seven in Almena; and business manager with the Spooner Area School District in Spooner. After leaving WITC employment, Will continued to be involved with the college through membership on the WITC Foundation Board. In addition, Will serves on other boards such as Greater Wisconsin Opportunities Fund, Wisconsin Community Development Legacy Fund, Indianhead Community Action Agency and Quality Development Corporation. — from WITC

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C O M M U N I T Y   H A P P E N I N G S Monday: First Friends Playgroup open to all children, 10 a.m.-noon. Focus on infants and caregivers with sensory stimulation and movement experiences. Art project materials provided, closes with circle music time and instrument exploration. Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Monday & Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch, program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time. Call 715-635-4367. Tuesday: Women Healing Women support group, every other Tuesday, 4-5:30 p.m. Contact Time-Out Family Abuse Shelter Outreach office at 103 Oak St., Spooner, WI 54801. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, open from noon-3 p.m. Kidstime-Parentime 10 a.m.-noon. Learn, discuss, share ideas and experience to enrich parenting skills. Preselected art or play materials available for children of all ages. Last Wednesday of the month, potluck at 11:15 a.m. Thursday: Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake. • Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. Stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants.

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• Washburn County Historical Society Research Room open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Located in the basement of the main museum. Appointments, 715-468-2982. Thursday & Monday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, see listing above. Friday & Saturday: Washburn County Historical Museum, 102 W. 2nd Ave., Shell Lake, open 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., through Labor Day. Saturday: The Washburn County Genealogy Research Room, 106-1/2 2nd Ave. Museum Hewitt Building, Shell Lake open on Saturdays from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. until Labor Day. Volunteers will be available to help the public. Call 715-635-7937 for more information. ••• Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Time-Out provides free, confidential victim support, call 800-924-0556. Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

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hen the rain comes tumbling down in the country or the town, all good little girls and boys stay at home and mind their toys. Robert thought, ‘No, when it pours, it is better out of doors.’ Rain it did, and in a minute Rob was in it. Taken from the book, “Die Geschichte vom fliegenden Robert,” (“The Story of Flying Robert”), a 19th century German story written by Heinrich Hoffman. I haven’t read this book about a boy that goes outside during a storm and the wind catches his umbrella and sends him to places unknown. But after reading the sentence about when rain comes tumbling down,

I thought of the times during my life when the rain started to fall. At night when I awake from a slumber to hear raindrops hitting the ground outside my bedroom window, my first thought is, “Did I leave anything outside that shouldn’t be getting wet?” Then, “Is there a window open on a vehicle parked outside?” As a child, when it was time to go inside after spend-

ing the day outside, my siblings and I were suppose to put away any items in the yard that we had played with. On occasion though, something may have been left behind. As a child, I would ponder during a nighttime rainstorm, “Did I bring in the quilt I was laying on in the yard? Did I remember to bring in the book I was reading?” As an adult today I still find myself wondering, I was outside reading, did I remember to bring the book inside? It is natural for me to lay aside what I am reading to go into the house to do something, get distracted and do other things before returning to the outdoors. Fortunately,

I haven’t destroyed a library book by being careless and leaving it out in a rain shower. The spring of 2014 was a wet season for our area. As we enter into summer, we don’t know if the rains will continue or if we will face many hot and dry days. Even if we do continue with a rainy season, don’t you find it cozy to listen to the rain as it gently falls from the sky to kiss the earth? Are you like many other people that really like the smell after a rain shower?

Beyond the office door • Suzanne Johnson Area writers corner The buffalo story Mary B. Olsen As a child, I often liked to listen to the grown-up people talk about the old days. They told some fascinating stories, most of them true. One evening, my father and my uncle, Fred, were talking while our whole family was in lawn chairs out in the backyard watching the martins in the early evening sky, swooping and diving. My dad said, “The passenger pigeons are all gone. When I was a kid, the farmers would go to the trees where they roosted at night and knock them down, just to get rid of them. They thought the pigeons were varmints.” Uncle Fred said, “Just like the buffalo. They say they will all be gone soon. They say there are fewer than 50 left.” I chimed in. “What happened to the buffalo? They must have calves. Will they all be lost, forever?” We had seen a buffalo at a park not far from home. It looked like an old bull that had been whipped. Shaggy, and the animal just stood still like the spirit had left it. The people at the park said they were almost extinct. I wanted to hear more about them. Uncle Fred had been in the West and he told us how the great herds of buffalo stretched as far as a man could see, thou-

sands of animals like our cattle, but wild. They were all gone. The bison lived on the western plains and the Native Americans used them for food. They used every part of the buffalo for food and clothing. After the Civil War, the country was expanding and railroads were being built from Chicago clear out to California. There were some battles with Indians, and people moved out there in covered wagons to farm and make a life for themselves. The expansion meant more people who shot many buffalo for food. Others came from cities in the East and shot buffalo for sport. Some of them just shot them and let the meat spoil. It was not long before their numbers had dwindled down to very few. “Just like the passenger pigeon,” my dad said. We talked about how we were in Milwaukee and we saw a pigeon that was the last of its kind. I thought that was very sad that the buffalo would die out forever. That was the summer of 1941, and I was 9 years old. Ever since I had discovered books I had decided I wanted to write stories. So that fall I got a wirebound notebook and began to write a story about buffalo. I thought maybe people didn’t know how close the animals were to extinction. If I wrote the story maybe they could read it and try to help the buffalo live.

Uncle Fred always went to Texas in the winter. By the time he came back I had my story all written to show him. I titled it “Buff, the King of the Plains.” I was proud of it. But something had happened that ruined my chances for a successful story. From Hollywood, Walt Disney had brought out a film. It was called “Bambi,” about a deer. My Buff had all the same things happen that had happened to the deer. It was all there. Almost exactly the same. There was the carefree childhood in among the herd protected by the bull buffalo and with his loving mother by his side, romping with the other calves, free and happy. There came the dangers. The hunters, of course they were Indians, in my story. There was the prairie fire, losing his mother and becoming a magnificent bull buffalo. Walt Disney ruined my story. Anyone would think I copied it from “Bambi.” My story is still in my notebook, written in my 9-year-old handwriting, which was clearer than it is now. My mother saved it for me. Time has passed and great changes have come. The bison — buffalo — has made a miraculous comeback. There are managed herds here in Wisconsin and in many other places. The desire for the nutritious meat and other bison products have made it a growing industry. The herds near here are not fed grain


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like cattle. They are on natural grass and are moved to allow regrowth. They are not tame animals. Their meat and hides as well as other products are in demand. Like the ancestors of old, they live on, almost free. When I saw the bison herd, the bull with its massive head and horns, I felt that I would not want to face one out on the plains. It was possibly a danger to my children. I thought it may not have been possible for the early settlers in the West to make a living farming or raising cattle or sheep with these great, frightening beasts roaming around. I wondered how the Native Americans managed to get along with the buffalo. When I asked my friend, who is a Sioux Indian, he explained it to me. The buffalo is a herd animal. It stays in the herd. The herds move along a path just as the earlier herds moved, always in the same place. The Indians knew when they would be in a place where they could find them and harvest some of the animals. The buffalo wouldn’t cause any problems in the Indian villages. They respected the buffalo and learned to live with them. Now that my folks have passed on, I wish they had been able to see the great, living herds of buffalo that were saved from extinction. It is truly a miracle.


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Summer reading program events continue SHELL LAKE — The children’s summer reading program events are being held at the Shell Lake Public Library each Thursday. The scheduled programs are: Thursday, June 26, 2 p.m.: The Frog Guy. Touch, hold and feed live frogs, toads and salamanders.

Thursday, July 10, 2 p.m.: Bubble and Fizz - Chemistry for Kids. Common household substances can combine to make simple wonders. Come and see how to make mini rockets, elephant toothpaste and more. Thursday, July 17, 2 p.m.: Adaptations

in Nature with Christian Cold of the DNR. Come and learn how animals and plants are designed and the relationships they have. See live animals, too. Thursday July 24, 2 p.m.: Furry Critters of Northern Wisconsin. Come, see and learn about critters native to Wisconsin.

Thursday, July 31, 2 p.m.: Insect, Bug or Arthropod? Do you know the difference between these? Come, see and learn about insects, bugs and arthropods. All events are free of charge. All ages are welcome. — from SLPL

“The Story Trek” The BYU-TV show, “The Story Trek,” filmed in Spooner on Friday, June 20. Todd Hansen, the show’s creator and host, knocks on the first house door in Spooner closely followed by crew members.

Photos by Danielle H. Moe

ABOVE: Todd Hansen chats with Craig Robertson as the crew gets set up for filming. Robertson and his fiancee, originally from Indiana, recently moved to Spooner after he accepted a position at the Spooner Department of Natural Resources. The Washburn County “Story Trek” episode will air on BYU-TV on Monday, July 28, on Dish Network Channel 9403, DirectTV 374 or check local listings, and will be available on demand at byutv.org/ thestorytrek. RIGHT: The unscripted, unplanned Emmy-award-winning show, “The Story Trek,” visited four Washburn County communities, Minong, Trego, Springbrook and Spooner, from Wednesday, June 18, to Friday, June 20. Here Todd Hansen speaks with the first individual who answers the door in Spooner, Craig Robertson.

Jazz combo and Extreme Strings at the arts center

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607950 44-45r

Randy Sabien is a member of the Shell Lake Arts Center staff. — Photo submitted SHELL LAKE — The Shell Lake Arts Center is pleased to present the faculty and campers of the Extreme Strings and jazz improvisation and combo camps in a series of concerts during the week of June 29-July 4. The week will kick off with a Sunday night performance by the jazz improvisation and combo faculty at 7 p.m. in the air-conditioned Darrell Aderman Auditorium. The combo and Extreme Strings faculty will present another concert on Monday, June 30, at 7:30 p.m. at the lakefront pavilion. This concert is possible thanks to the generous support of the Northern Lakes Veterinary Clinic. If you like what you see, plan to attend the Wednesday, July 2, jazz combo concert at 7 p.m., in the Darrell Aderman Auditorium. These concerts are run in conjunction with the Shell Lake Arts Center’s weeklong jazz improvisation and combo and

Extreme Strings camps. The camps are open to students ages 12-18 and offer instruction in jazz, blues, pop and fiddling for the strings and improvisation, arranging, jazz history and theory for the combo campers. The Extreme Strings students will perform in their final concert on Friday, July 4, at 4 p.m., in the Darrell Aderman Auditorium, and the combo students will perform at 6 p.m., also in the auditorium. These two concerts are sponsored by Johnson Bank of Spooner. In the event of rain, pavilion concerts will be held in the Darrell Aderman Auditorium. Don’t miss the final jazz ensemble and combo week two concert on Friday June 27, at 7 p.m., in the Darrell Aderman Auditorium, sponsored by Brickyard Pottery. For more information or to register for a camp, please visit the arts center’s website at shelllakeartscenter.org or call 715-4682414. — from SLAC

607760 33-34a-e 44-45 r,L


Start Here - Finish Here open house to be held at UWBC


RICE LAKE — Start Here – Finish Here is the theme of the summer UW-Barron County open house, to be held Wednesday, July 9, from 6-7:30 p.m. for anyone thinking about starting or completing an associate or bachelor’s UW degree through on-campus and online courses. The event begins in the UWBC commons, followed by a short tour and classroom visit, a brief overview of degree options for associate degrees and the new Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences degree, and concludes with individualized career or degree advice or appointments. Many UWBC courses are offered in the evening to fit schedules of working adults. A new math boot camp is also available starting this summer. It will be held five evenings in late July and early August specifically to prepare students for college math. Students have many options at UWBC. Blended course format combines in-class and online instruction, making it possible


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to attend class one or two nights a week. Students select courses and develop essential skills that fit their work or personal goals. Some courses start midterm, making it possible to increase the number of credits earned in a term. Students who want to complete a bachelor’s degree without leaving the area have many options. UWBC offers the new Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences degree for those with a liberal arts associate degree. Students can also complete several majors with UW partner universities using various distance education forms of instruction. To register for the Start Here - Finish Here open house, go to the spotlight section on the homepage at barron.uwc.edu, contact UWBC student services at 715234-8176, ext. 1, or email uwbcinfo@uwc. edu. If this time isn’t convenient, arrange a customized appointment by calling 715234-8176, ext. 5445 or emailing deborah. neuheisel@uwc.edu. — from UWBC

*Limited time offer for new patients - call for details.

MADISON – WNA Executive Director John Keckhaver and the trustees of the Otto Bremer Foundation this week announced news of a new grant awarded to WNA. The Wisconsin Nonprofits Association is a statewide organization providing public policy information and representation, technical assistance, education and training, networking opportunities and a range of goods and services purchasing benefits for members of the nonprofit sector. Keckhaver stated, “We’re very excited about the future at WNA and how we are going about our mission of helping nonprofits in Wisconsin thrive. With strong partners like the Otto Bremer Foundation, we will be able to expand our efforts and our impact.” Created in 1944, the Otto Bremer Foun-

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dation assists people in achieving full economic, civic and social participation in and for the betterment of their communities. This mission is based on the intent of founder Otto Bremer. His vision and longstanding commitment to communities during and after the Great Depression are carried forward today through the foundation’s work in the places that are homes and neighbors to Bremer banks, including in western and northwestern Wisconsin, Minnesota and North Dakota. “Healthy nonprofits are a key part of healthy communities,” said Daniel Reardon, a trustee and co-CEO of the Otto Bremer Foundation. “Wisconsin Nonprofits Association provides a variety of services to its members to keep the sector thriving, and so we’re pleased to continue our support for this valuable organization.” - from the WNA

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Rodeo BBQ kicks off 61st-annual rodeo

McKayla Olson was introduced as the 2014 Spooner Rodeo queen as Savannah Quinn stepped down from her year in the position. Katie Peck made the announcement during a special ceremony held at the Spooner Rodeo BBQ held Wednesday, June 18, at the Washburn County Fairgrounds. Bruce Bosch earned the 2014 Committee Member of the Year Award. Presenting the award and silver belt buckle to him were selection committee Chairman Darren Vik and rodeo committee chairman Dick Fankhauser.

Savannah Quinn hugs Katie Peck as Quinn steps down from her position as rodeo queen. Quinn will be attending the University of Wisconsin - River Falls this fall and she plans to try out for Miss Rodeo Wisconsin in several years.

Photos by Larry Samson

Posing for the annual royalty photo (L to R) are: Mariah Lehmann, 2012 Spooner Rodeo queen and the 2014 Miss Rodeo Wisconsin; McKayla Olson, 2014 Spooner Rodeo queen; Emily Foust, 2014 Spooner Rodeo princess; and Savannah Quinn who was the 2013 Spooner Rodeo queen and is current Coca-Cola girl.

Duluth zoo comes to town

Five-year-old Carson Moravec gets the opportunity to check out a fruit bat up close and personal at the Shell Lake Public Library summer reading program during the Lake Superior Zoomobile’s visit held Thursday, June 19.

Photos by Larry Samson

Animals hold a fascination with young children. Jacob Malmin, Kyla Leek and Abigail Olson enjoyed the zoomobile presentation. The Shell Lake Public Library has many programs planned for the summer to keep children engaged in learning about their world.

Isabella Hodgett learned that the shell of a desert turtle is very hard and it is their protection.


Volunteers gather to install playground equipment

The group of volunteers that gathered together on Saturday, June 21, wasn’t motivated by anything other than love for children and a sense of purpose. Seven hours later this playground set and another one behind the elementary school were completed.

After the playground equipment was in place at Cameron Sondreal and the other children joined in piling the rocks that will be removed after the cement has been poured. She will have to wait awhile before she will be able to try out the new playground equipment.

Volunteers are shown working on the Puzzler at the lower-grade playground. The total cost of the project was $59,296. A $24,335 grant knocked the price down to $34,961. The Spooner Parent Teacher Organization raised $14,340 with the Crazy Run, an additional $15,000 was donated by an individual, with $5,000 from the elementary school and $621 from the PTO.

Chris Anderson lines up the crossbar before bolting it to the upright. He is one of over 25 volunteers working Saturday to assemble the new Spooner Elementary School playground equipment.

Photos by Larry Samson

Darin Meyers helps to assemble the gigantic erector set that will bring hours of enjoyment to many young children. With the help of volunteers, the job that may have taken days for the school staff to assemble took only a few hours.

Many hands made the work go fast as the volunteers put the final pieces on the Square Root playground equipment that will be used by the older children. In addition to the two large playground sets, two adaptive swings for children with special needs were added.


Seeing life from a child’s eyes SHELL LAKE — Students in this year’s Shell Lake summer school photography class, Say Cheese, are sharing some of their photos with Register readers. - submitted

Cali Forrest, a third-grader from Spooner, uses the contrast of the yellow flower and the manmade metal lawn ornament to make an interesting image. She is also using the rule of thirds to make the photo pleasing to the eye.

ABOVE: Third-grader Violet Nasman has the eye of a photographer in this macro of a yellow poppy plant. Nasman is taking the Say Cheese photography class that is being held at the Shell Lake summer school. Cali Forrest, a third-grader from Spooner, uses the contrast of the yellow flower and the manmade metal lawn ornament to make an interesting image. She is also using the rule of thirds to make the photo pleasing to the eye. RIGHT: Third-grader Abby Thompson used the reflection on the pond to tell a story. She used the rocks to frame the image.

607785 44-45rp



Submit your sports photos and information to: wcregister@centurytel.net


Spooner youth softball under way

Looks like double vision as McKenna Erickson and Jasmyn Wilson swing; one at the plate and the other in the practice circle. Zoe Bartle is catching behind the plate and Audi Blonk is umping. While only a sophomore in Spooner High School, Blonk continues to participate in the sport she loves.

The 2014 Spooner third- and fourth-grade team is shown back row (L to R): Coach Christina Martin, McKenzie Anderson, Grace Zeien, Leah Dezek, Charlotte Macone, Olivia Imrick, McKenna Erickson and Danielle Anderson. Middle: Coach Dan Anderson, Natalie Martin, Aubrie Bell, Brynn Daniels, Taylor Schroeder-Frye, Zoe Bartle and coach Randi Swanson. Front: Jasmyn Wilson, Julia Corbin, Emily Romportl, Molly Arf, Justine Swanson and Sydney Greenfield. Missing: Annika Patrick.

Photos by Larry Samson

Taylor Schroeder has her eyes on the ball as she swings

The 2014 Spooner fifth- and sixth-grade team shown back row (L to R): Coach Tanner Schafer, Kara Romportl, Meaghan Melendez, Jordan Schafer, Kallie Plesums, Alexis Robotka, Dana Bartz and Grace Olson. Front: Laci Neubich, Camryn Dezek, Katie Peterson, Kyia Pfaff and Elsie Bass. Missing: Lilly Melton.

Butternut Hills Golf Course holds Jean Kallenbach memorial SARONA — Butternut Hills Golf Course recently sponsored a Jean Kallenbach memorial golf outing. The Bring a Friend Day was in honor of Kallenbach, former owner of Butternut Hills Golf Course. She supported the golfers by providing a free round of golf for a friend

if nonperishable food items were donated to the food pantry or a monetary donation was given. The theme of the day was Derby Day, in which each team was given the name of a famous Kentucky Derby horse. Mint juleps were prepared by Marie King and

Spooner Ladies golf league June 17 9-hole league Game: Criers First: Judy Cameron, 24 Second: Donna Wilson and Mary Lou Barneson, 27 Third: Lee Weiss, Ruth Kruger and Marge Halberg, 28 Chip-in: Lee Weiss, No. 8 and No. 9 Birdies: Judy Cameron, No. 2 and Ruth Kruger, No. 9

18-hole league Game: Criss Cross First: Carol Fields, 25 Second: Teresa Anderson, 27 Third: Patsy Quick and Sarah Carr Fourth: Linda Nichols, Penny Cuskey and Jan Pierson Chip-in: Mary Dahedl, No. 18

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dinner by Sarah Larson. Approximately 50 golfers competed in this event. Taking first place, with a score of 40, were the Silver Charm team of Pam Miller, Wendy, Jan Jenkins and Patti Gerten. Second place went to the Grindstone team of Midge Kinkead, Sue Toftness and Janet

Summer sports


Youth baseball at Tiptown field Thursday, June 26: 3-4 team 5:15 p.m.; 5-6 team 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 30: 3-4 team 5:15 p.m.; 5-6 team 6:30 p.m. Babe Ruth baseball at school diamond Thursday, July 10: 6 p.m. Monday, July 14: 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 15: 6 p.m.

Bergh with a score 41. The Real Quiet team of Karen Quam, Jan Ogden, Arlys Santiago and Dori Washburn took third place with a score of 42. — from Butternut Hills

Thursday, July 17: 6 p.m. Monday, July 21: 6 p.m.

Softball at high school fields Thursday, June 26: 7-8 team, 6 p.m. Monday, June 30: 5-6 teams, 6:45 p.m. Tuesday, July 1: 7-8 team, 6 p.m. T-ball night at softball fields (unless they get bumped to somewhere else) Tuesday, June 24: 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 25: 6 p.m. Monday, June 30: 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 1: 6 p.m. Dates tentative with weather and other changes.


Reading awards handed out at Shell Lake Elementary

Fifth-graders from Mrs. Haack’s class who earned a silver dollar were back row (L to R): Snowden Fox, Jayden Hodgett, Blake Flach, Grace Thomas, Alana Dunn and Ashlynn Madsen. Front: Caitlyn Schultz, Dyllan Root Fankhauser, Ramie Hammac and Emmery Nielsen.

Fifth-graders from Mrs. Dettmann’s and Mrs. Gothblad’s classes who earned a silver dollar were back row (L to R): Nathan Scott, Sawyer Schultz, Jacob Latz, Marleigh Fields, Brittany Clark, Kora Falstad and Christopher Robinson. Front: John Harrington, Dylan Taylor, Taren Farley, Sara Grandadam, Anna Klassa, Skylar Leach and Sydney Atkinson. Earning one silver dollar were Daniel Melton, Lila DeLadi, Matt Steines, Jared Egbert, Noelle Nelson, Isaac Smith, Logan Fields, Carlton Miller and Gracie Lawrence.

Photos by Larry Samson RIGHT: The fifth-graders who earned two silver dollars were back row (L to R): Kayla Haines, Lily Edlin, Cody J. Swan, William Fisher, Makenna Anderson, Stephanie Carrilo, Judah Balser, Jamison Stone and Noah Savas. Front: Layne Olson, Haley Balts, Brooke Lehnherr, Addison Schroeder, Mikenzi Miller, Tyler Schunck, Cody W. Swan and Alexis McCracken.

LEFT: The fifth-graders who earned three silver dollars were Frances Kevan, Brianna Williams, Olivia Jury, Hannah Green, Morgan Wendel, Julia Lyga and Alex Goerler.

Isaac Hopke and Jacob McNulty were the two fourthgraders to earn two silver dollars from the Shell Lake State Bank as part of the Accelerated Reading Program. The bank donated silver dollars as a reward for the different reading levels. Sixth-graders who earned a silver dollar are shown back row (L to R): Elizabeth Fogelberg, Michael Allar, Camryn Nasman, Rachel Milton, Christopher Lord, Nick Kraetke, Christian Johnson, Ben McNulty and Isaiah Johnson. Front: Julianna Nelson, Heidi Dougard, Brady Nielson, Jeremy Bouchard, Terry Leckel, Ty Ellanson and Jordan Aronson.

RIGHT: Sixth-graders earning three silver dollars were Megan Anderson, Kimberly Wilson, Ashton Smith, Jasper McCracken and Julia Balser.

Sixth-graders receiving two silver dollars were Cassidy Mehsikomer, Katie Melton, Abby Smith, Seth Symond, Joseph Uchytil and Graydon Lesneski.


by Marian Furchtenicht

Monday night, June 16, the wind and rain caused some trees to go down in the area, and there was a power outage in Sarona from 10 p.m. until the next forenoon. All week there was some rain, some sun and the summer solstice began with a beautiful day on Saturday. The little tree frogs are singing away every now and then, a couple of bunnies are hopping around enjoying my lilies that are about to bloom. Someone told me to sprinkle red pepper on the flowers, so we’ll see if that deters the rabbits. Several folks have reported deer have been hard on their gardens. Fencing is probably the only answer. Jeff Gagner and sons, Cody and Austin, were in a pickup/auto accident on their way to work for Posh early Wednesday morning. The accident happened south of Haugen when they were hit head-on by a car driven by 24-year-old Christopher Davis, rural Rice Lake, who was flown to Regions Hospital in St. Paul with serious injuries. Jeff has his feet in air casts and will be on crutches for a while. The boys only had minor injuries. The vehicles were badly damaged. A speedy recovery is wished for them and also prayers for the other driver. Sam and Libbie DeTrent are having a wonderful second week with their granddaughter, Hazel Krumn, from Chicago. Hazel has spent a lot of time at the Shell Lake Public Library reading and using the computer. She loves the ice cream at the bank and has met so many friendly people here. She’s enjoying swimming either on Miller or Shell Lake. Lots of fun summer memories for family albums. I have a correction to make to last week’s column. It was Jim and the late Linda Stodola’s grandson, Eric, from Germantown, Minn., that did well in the state tennis tournament in Madison, not Jack and Judy’s grandson. Pete Frey and son Ben camped at the Shell Lake campground last week. One night they had his folks, Anton and Gloria, and sister Jan and Jeff Johnson in for a fish fry. Sunday, Norm and Donna Ness and Frank and Lourde

Dewey Country

by Pauline Lawrence

What beautiful days we’ve had when the sun shines and the birds are singing their tunes as the gardens are growing. Happy birthday to Phil Lindeman as he enjoys that special day June 26. Have a great one, Phil. Happy birthday to Debbie Doriott on her special day, June 26. Have a great day, Debbie. Happy anniversary to Jim and Sandy Atkinson as they celebrate 52 years together on June 26, with lots more to come. June 28, a very happy anniversary to Justin and Katie Stariha as they enjoy that special day with many more to come. June 28, a very happy birthday to Alyssa Quam as she enjoys her special day with lots more to come. Happy birthday to Barb Rawling on June 28 with lots more to come. Happy anniversary to Mike and Dawn Ternberg on June 30 when they celebrate together with many more to come. This makes 14 years together. A very happy birthday to Kyle Vanderhoof on his birthday June 30, with many more to come. Is that mom of yours going to make you a cake, Kyle, like you helped bake a cake for Karen? Happy birthday to Connor Vanderhoof as he enjoys that special day July 1. Have a wonderful day Connor. Connor turns 5. Happy birthday to Becky Rawling as she celebrates that special day July 1 with many more to come. Happy birthday to Butch VanSelus on July 2 as he enjoys his birthday. Have a great day Butch. Happy birthday to Kristy Foust as she enjoys that special day July 2. Have a great one Kristy. We had quite a storm a week ago Saturday night. It blew so hard and I was a thinkin’ I should head for the basement but I waited it out and just like that it was done. Crazy weather. Jim Quam, who had surgery on his shoulder June 9, is getting along pretty good. The doctor told him by the second week he would feel much better. Jim takes therapy now. Having that wife around you, Jim, helps doesn’t it? Diane Hulleman tells us she went to a flea market on Monday with her friend, Barb, otherwise she’s been working on her lawn.

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Gray, Spooner, ate out together at Bona Casa in Cumberland. Elfreda West’s daughter, Ellen Wagner, Cameron, and granddaughters, Kennedy Glaze and Heidi Wagner, visited her Friday. On Thursday night, I enjoyed supper with Elfreda. Leroy Sandridge spent several days at Sacred Heart Hospital in Eau Claire. It was nice to see him in church Sunday. Do keep him in your prayers, and keep on the mend, Leroy. Also put Jeremy Vogel on your prayer list as he is having some health issues, too. The Sarona Methodist Church did great on their rummage sale over the weekend, taking in $866.75. Gratitude is extended to all for the work they did to have the sale. The Krantz family held a family reunion on Saturday at the Shell Lake Community Center with a big turnout with folks coming from California, Nevada, Chippewa Falls, Alma Center, Menomonie as well as those that live locally. The last of the Main family, Cal from Elk Mound and Carol Kellerman, Cumberland, and Bud’s wife, Elaine, and Gordie’s wife, Mary, attended. Reported it was so nice to see cousins and their family they hadn’t see in years. They appreciate Carl and Sharon Krantz for getting it all together. They say they started planning it a year ago. Vicki Lombard had Dort Lombard, Marie King, Marlene and Cheryl Jaastad, Linda Hines and friend Barb from Superior, and Sue Miller of Menomonie in on Saturday and they had a fun day visiting and making homemade ravioli. Wednesday evening, Ryan, Jessie Furchtenicht and kids stopped by on their way home from Rice Lake where they had went to Pizza Hut for supper. Jillian’s choice as it was her eighth birthday. My Mary and John Marschall took me out for fish fry at The Roost Friday night, which was very nice. The food was delicious and the service was great. Sunday afternoon, Dick and Charlotte Shover, Little

Talking with my daughter, Penny Ladd, she tells us that Cameron is building a new school for pre-K through fourth grade. They have started the building and it’s to be completed by 2015. However, Cameron won’t be accepting any more students from other schools as they are full to the brim. Penny has this coming week to teach driver’s ed and then will be off until August when she will begin to teach driver’s ed once again. The three munchkins have had summer school for the past two weeks and are now done. Jeff is doing roofing so everyone is very busy. Sunday, Penny took Rem to Eau Claire where he will continue to do wrestling. Jim Atkinson, Stacy, Minn., spent the weekend at his folks, Jim and Sandy Atkinson’s. Talking with my favorite sister, Marie Quam, we find since her son, Jim, isn’t able to do farm chores, they have a twin from Sam Mechtel’s to help and it is working out well. Talking with Jack Soelle we find Jack is still at St. Mary’s in Duluth. He has had skin grafting. He is doing therapy to improve his walking. He says they have great food, also. He hasn’t had any infections, which is great. Jack has gotten a number of cards but they would still be appreciated. His address is St. Mary’s Hospital, 407 E. 3rd St., Duluth, MN 55805. His phone number is 218726-4000. Marv Knoop and Jerry Sexton went to South Dakota. Bryan Knoop is working at Louie’s in Cumberland this summer. In the fall he will be a senior at Shell Lake High School. Talking with Evelyn Melton she tells us Cecil was a patient at Indianhead Medical Center in Shell Lake. On Sunday, Evelyn, Vicki Trott and Peggy Vesta visited Cecil. Saturday found Betty and Carl Meister in Balsam Lake where they visited Betty’s sister, Joane Schade and Mike and Cindy Schade along with their two girls. Ryan Hansen works at Ace Hardware and Erik Cassellius works at a cranberry marsh. They are grandsons of the Meisters. Everett Lindstrom was a patient at the Indianhead Medical Center after falling and breaking his hip. It was 13 years ago on June 18 that the raging tiger tornado came through Dewey Country. It did so much destruction and cost the area three lives, Ruth Schults, Tom Haseltine and Sylvan Stellrecht. Dewey Country was the only community that lost people. Looking through the area you can still see where the tornado went through. Well June Dairy Month is about done for another year. I hope everyone got to the dairy breakfasts and enjoyed them. If not, there’s always next year. Those delicious strawberries aren’t ready yet. But it won’t be long. Yummy! Scatter sunshine! Have a great week!


SARONA — The Long Lake Preservation Association invites you to Cakes at the Lake, Saturday June 28, at Hunt Hill Audubon Sanctuary in Sarona. All-you-careto-eat pancakes with plain and strawberry rhubarb pancakes will be served from 8 to 9:45 a.m. A free nature program will follow at 10 a.m. featuring Loon Ranger Barb Sabatke speaking on behalf of Fascinating Loons. Sabatke has been a volunteer loon ranger for six years and a presenter for Loon Watch at Sigurd Olson Institute out of Ashland. She will be presenting an update on local loons as well as loon facts and calls with door prizes and posters to be awarded. This special Cakes at the Lake will also feature a Get the Lead Out tackle trade. This program aims to prevent lead poisoning in loons, eagles and swans by providing an opportunity to trade your lead fishing tackle. Bring all your toxic lead tackle for disposal and receive nontoxic alternatives instead. Be on the lookout for the rest of the Saturday Cakes at the Lake programs including: July 12, Getting to Know the Real Bats with Barb and Ken Bowman from Bat Conservation of Wisconsin; Aug. 9, The Good Plants, learning about native species with UW-Madison’s Center for Limnology’s Susan Knight, and Sept. 13, Wild Rice featuring John Haack from UW-Extension. For questions or more information call 715-635-6543, or visit hunthill.org. Bog walk Hunt Hill Audubon Sanctuary invites participants to discover the unique bogs of Hunt Hill on Saturday, June 28, from 1-3 p.m. Registration is required by Friday, June 27, and the program is limited to the first 30 sign-ups. Join Hunt Hill naturalists as they lead participants through the tamarack bogs during the summer orchid bloom. In addition to orchids, discover the intricacies and adaptations of our bog environment. An interesting and exciting program for all ages. Groups will get the opportunity to walk barefoot, on bog mats, in one of two tamarack bogs. Youth day camps Hunt Hill will host a variety of nature-themed day camps for youth ages 5-12 in July and the beginning of August. Day camps run from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., with an optional after-camp from 4-5:30 p.m., and feature a different nature topic each day. Topics include: dinosaurs, butterflies, rocks, frogs, nature’s music and art as well as historical camps like pioneers, pirates and many more. Each day features learning activities, games, craft, swimming and ends with a camper presentation. Camp runs: June 30, July 1-3, 7-11, 14-18 and Aug. 4-8. Discounts are available for Hunt Hill members and families that sign up for multiple camps. Hunt Hill will also be offering a free van service thanks to a sponsorship by Community Bank of Northern Wisconsin and in partnership with the Boys and Girls Club of Barron County. This service will be available to Rice Lake and Spooner area youth on the following Wednesdays: July 2, 9, 16 and Aug. 6. Also, due to Hunt Hill member donations, a free van service will also be available to Hayward area youth on the following Thursdays: July 3, 10, 17 and Aug. 7. Vans have limited space, so be sure to sign up early. To learn more or to register, go online to hunthill.org, email program@hunthill.org or call 715-635-6543. Hunt Hill is located at N2384 Hunt Hill Road, Sarona. — from Hunt Hill

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Hunt Hill to host several events

Andrew J. Harrington

Offering WiFi: Wireless Internet Monday:......................10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday:......................10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday:.................10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday:....................10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday:.........................10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday:.....................10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Ripley Shores, came over so we had a nice visit and went up to the farm to see the cows. Joyce Wade took Mavis Schlapper to Rice Lake for an appointment on Friday. She got the pin taken out of her toe that she has had since she had surgery. They enjoyed a fish fry together afterward. Early Friday news deadline this week, so call me early. A happy birthday is wished for Troy Coulter, Rosemary Zaloudek and Brianne Fedie, June 26; Mavis Schlapper, Dort Lombard and Cathy Hagen, June 27; Jan Johnston, June 28; Joann Lechnir, Sandi Hoecherl, Dr. Jeff Dunham and Tom Tabor, June 29; Jack Odden who turns 3, and Santana Estrada, June 30; Randy Zimmerman and Tony Johnson, July 1; Jayne Thompson, Todd Keup and Alicka Campbell, July 2. Anniversary wishes to the Dan Ripplingers and Phil and Helen Linderman, June 26; Fritz and Mary Mancl, Denny and Rosalie Boland, and Richard and Ashley Lord, their first, on June 27; Dan and Carol Kubista, June 28; Jerry and Sandie Bender, Charles and Lori Roboth, Dave and Sherri Musil, Dan and Mary Elliott, and Brent and Gwen Mitchell, June 30. A happy wedding day to Brett Holman and Hanna Hodgett as they take their vows on Saturday, June 28.


578936 29rtfc


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Washburn County Area Humane Society

ADOPTABLE PETS OF THE WEEK Our animals come and sadly they go, We love them all, as we all know. We love them like we love a child, No matter how crazy, no matter how mild. We spend more money on our dear pets, With treats and toys, trips to the vets. They can be naughty but we don’t care, They drink from the toilet, a couch full of hair. Those nice long walks at the end of the day, Somehow can chase my cares away. And when we’re sad and feeling blue, They snuggle in close to comfort you. Each one is special, each one’s unique, I think for all of you I speak. The days so quickly turn to years, To think they’ll pass brings us to tears. However, the memories comfort our pain, And in our hearts they’ll always remain. You wonder how you will make it through, Then suddenly someone is needing you. With all the love you have to share, You’re now your new pet’s answered prayer. (in memory of Sophie Salquist) Dogs for adoption: 2-year-old male black Lab mix; 2-year-old white male shepherd; 6-year-old neutered Tibetan spaniel mix; 2-year-old female heeler and a 4-year-old neutered terrier mix. Cats for adoption: 2-year-old neutered black/brown shorthair tiger; two 2-year-old neutered shorthairs, one gray/white tiger and one black/white; 9-month-old male black shorthair; 7-year-old neutered/declawed black medium-hair; 2-1/2-year-old male black/gray shorthair tabby; 2-year-old neutered black mediumhair; 9-month-old spayed brown/black/white shorthair tiger; 2-year-old male gray/white shorthair with frostbitten ears; 7-week-old male gray shorthair tiger; 7-week-old female black/gray shorthair tiger; 8-weekold male black shorthair and an 11-month-old neutered orange/white medium-hair tabby. Also for adoption: 4-month-old brown/white male rat and three young teddy bear hamsters. Strays include: Older male heeler wearing a red collar found in Birchwood; female heeler found between Springbrook and Earl; and a female yellow Lab found in Spooner. For more information please visit our website at wcahs.com

Send death notices/obituaries to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or email wcregister@centurytel.net

Donna Mae (Judd) Swanson Donna Mae (Judd) Swanson, 84, Rochester, Minn., passed away very unexpectedly early Sunday morning June 15, 2014. She was born Jan. 15, 1930, in Mazeppa Minn., to Josephine and William Judd. She went to school there and met her lifelong love Harleth (Whitey) Swanson. Her family moved to Rochester in 1946 and she graduated from Rochester High School in 1948. She attended St. Cloud State University where she attained her teaching certification and later completed her bachelor’s degree in elementary education at Winona State College. She was an elementary schoolteacher for 40 years, 35 of which were at Harriet Bishop in Rochester. Donna and Whitey were married in 1950. Donna loved her family and was a wonderful wife, mother and grandmother. She enjoyed spending time with her family. She and Whitey gardened and took care of their home in Rochester, Minn., and also their summer home in Shell Lake. Donna was a huge supporter of everyone in her family and was always present at any family event. Her family always felt lucky to have her around because of her silly humor and her constant thoughtfulness. Donna made every birthday, graduation, anniversary and holiday special for her family by making pie or cake, taking them to dinner, never forgetting

to call to wish a happy birthday, or by having a perfect gift. Donna and Whitey loved to travel, and they enjoyed many vacations together and with the whole family. She was the best grandmother and attended every hockey game, dance recital and dance competition, volleyball game, baseball game, soccer game or football game she could, and after the grandkids were grown, she made it a point to meet for dinner or stop by to visit. She will be dearly missed by all. Donna is survived by her devoted husband of 64 years, Harleth Swanson; their poodle, Rocky; children Jackie (Mike) Curry, Rochester, and Kris (Eric) Mickelberg, Rochester; grandchildren, Nick Curry, Bloomington, Minn., Libby Curry, Rochester, and Rosalee Mickelberg, Rochester; brother, Lewis (Janice) Judd; and sister, Jeanette (Charles) Schlotthauer, Rochester. She was preceded in death by her parents; her sister, Evelyn Tarara; and her brother, Haven Judd. A Celebration of Life was held June 21 at Christ United Methodist Church, Rochester, with the Rev. Nancy Wheeler Handlon officiating. Entombment was at the Grandview Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Rochester. The Ranfranz and Vine Funeral Homes, Rochester, Minn., was entrusted with arrangements.

Traditional Corpus Christi procession held On Sunday, June 22, at 11 a.m., St. Francis de Sales Church in Spooner held a traditional Corpus Christi procession. These processions date back to the 14th century. Corpus Christi is a Catholic feast celebrating belief in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. The procession took place around the block of the church building and extended half a block long. The group, comprised of young and old, prayed and sang songs. For more information, visit we3churches.org. — Photo submitted


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Quality Tool Washburn County Register Jock’s Auto & Truck Repair Securities America - David P. Ford CFP Shell Lake State Bank Cobblestone Custom Framing Liberty Builders Riverstreet Dental Hair Envy Tim Reedy/State Farm Ins. Jerry Bitney Economart Becky Gauger/American Family Ins. Red Cross Pharmacy & Gifts Bush & Gilles Furniture Shell Lake Pharmacy Spooner Vet Clinic Precision Auto Body S&H Auto Body Community Bank Thistle Bee Candles & Gifts Holiday South Lamperts My Favorite Things Organized Chaos The Vitamin Source Holiday North Bashaw Valley Greenhouse Northwing Book & Fiber Staupe Computers

Spooner Advocate Bank of the West RadioShack D.P. Juza Woods & Fixtures Spooner Outlet Carquest Sawyer Creek Photography Spooner Window & Door Cat’s Meow Shell Lake Woodcrafters Gordy’s County Market Nick’s Family Restaurant Arrow Building Center Shell Lake Chiropractic Benson Thompson Realty Becky’s Food & Spirits Masterjohn Appraisals Livingston Electric The Potter’s Shed Dave & Wally’s Transmission Indianhead Credit Union Savas Designer & Jewelers Sather’s Jewelry Shell Lake Marine Indianhead Floral The Rusty Bucket Hearts of Gold Kwik Trip O’Reilly’s Auto Parts The Body Shop Naturally North Riverstreet Family Restaurant

608646 45r

Monday, June 30: Festive taco salad with the works, nacho chips, salsa, sour cream, pudding. Tuesday, July 1: Cook’s choice. Wednesday, July 2: Bratwurst on bun, baked beans, potato salad, watermelon. Thursday, July 3: Chicken pasta salad with grapes on lettuce leaf, sliced tomatoes, corn muffin, apple crisp. Friday, July 4: No meals, Fourth of July holiday. Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance, call your senior center to confirm. Menu subject to change. All meals served with bread, butter, coffee, milk and water.


608532 34d,e 45r,L 35a,b,c

Senior lunch menu




53 3rd St., Shell Lake 715-468-2734 Rev. John Sahlstrom, Rev. John Hendry Sunday School 9 a.m.; Sunday Worship Service 10 a.m., Nursery Provided; Faith & Friends, K - 6th grades, Wednesdays 3:15 - 5 p.m.; Youth Group, 7th - 12th grades, Wednesdays 7 - 8:30 p.m.

Corner of Elm and Summit St., Spooner 715-635-8475 Father Aaron Zook Holy Eucharist: Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Thursday morning prayer 8:15; Mass 9:30 a.m.

Lake Park Alliance


Northwoods Baptist

W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 1 mile north of CTH B on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

Spooner Baptist

W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor Darrel Flaming 715-635-2277 spoonerbaptist.com Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wed. evening service 6:30 p.m.


St. Joseph’s Catholic

100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Father Edwin Anderson Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books and Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

St. Catherine’s Catholic

CTH D, Sarona Father Edwin Anderson 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

St. Francis de Sales

409 N. Summit St., Spooner Father Edwin Anderson 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.

St. Alban’s

Full Gospel Shell Lake Full Gospel

293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday School & Adult Education Classes: 9 a.m. Celebration worship 9 & 10:30 a.m.; KFC (Kids For Christ) during Service; UTurn Student Ministries 6 p.m.; Tuesdays: Compassion Connection (Men only) 7 p.m.; Wednesdays: Compassion Connection (Women only) 7 p.m.; Thursdays: Compassion Connection (Coed meetings) 7 p.m.;


Barronett Lutheran 776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-671-3197 (cell) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

(WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m.

Faith Lutheran


Long Lake Lutheran Church

(Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. 63 W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch 715-635-8167 Sunday Worship, 9 a.m. with Holy Communion 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday. Praise worship: Thursday, 6:30 p.m. Lutheran Hour on WJMC 96.1 FM Radio at 9 a.m. Sundays

Church of the Nazarene

W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom Sunday services, 8:30 a.m. outdoor, weather permitting Coffee between services 10:15 a.m. indoors service

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Rev. David Frazer 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.

Salem Lutheran, ELCA

803 Second St., Shell Lake 715-468-7718 Pastor Sue Odegard shelllakesalem lutheran.org Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m..

Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran

20805 CTH H, Barronett 715-468-4403 Pastor Al Bedard Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Fellowship follows worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Midweek Studies Mondays 2 p.m.


Spooner Wesleyan

Hwy. 70 W, Spooner spoonerwesleyan.org 715-635-2768 Senior Pastor Ron Gormong; Pastor Brian Scramlin, Assistant Pastor; Pastor Patrick Cooper, Student Ministries; Pastor LeRoy Drake, Pastoral Care; 9 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship and 9 a.m. Sunday School and ABF; 10 a.m. Third Place Cafe; 10:30 a.m. Worship; Wednesday - 6:30 p.m. Family night, kids, youth and adult programming, nursery provided.


Trinity Lutheran

1790 Scribner St., Spooner Pastor Russ Leeper 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. & 9:45 a.m. Office hours: Monday Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


United Methodist

135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School during worship time; webcast livestream.com/ slumc

Sarona Methodist Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 9 a.m.

United Methodist

312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.

Lakeview United Methodist Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.

Cornerstone Christian

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 cornerstonechurch spooner.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Wednesday: Bible study and prayer, 6:30 p.m.

Trego Community Church

Pastor John Iaffaldano W5635 Park St. Trego, WI 54888, 715-635-8402 Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. prayer meeting; Youth group, 6:30 p.m.; Kids program, AWANA, ages 4 - grade 6, 6:30 p.m.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Bishop Patrick F. Roper 715-719-0124 644 S. 6th Street, Barron 715-537-3679 Sunday: Sacrament 10 a.m., Sunday School/Primary 11:20 a.m., Priesthood/Relief Society 12:10 p.m.

omeone has rightly said that when we speak a person’s name we call that one into existence. For S example, we can go an entire day without someone men-

tioning our name. No one has recognized that we are even alive. Does that mean that we do not exist? No. It means that we have not been recognized. We have been overlooked. David began Psalm 18 by recognizing God and proclaiming his love for his Lord. “I love you, Lord, my strength!” This simple statement quickly describes David’s dependence on God, his intimate relationship with God and his devotion to God. God, David said, was the source of his strength. Whatever he did was done through the strength that God gave him. Often we think of strength as our ability to lift something or endure something as an athlete does in a contest. But David was not thinking of that type of strength. He goes on to describe his Lord as a rock, a fortress, a deliverer, a shield, his strength and the horn of his salvation. All of these words that describe God come from a military setting and help us to see that David, in this Psalm, saw God as the one who protected him and made him the victor in all of his battles. When David called on God, something happened. He was delivered or saved from all of his enemies. That also happens when we call on the Lord. “Everyone,” the Bible says, “who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Call on him now to be delivered and saved.

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Stone Lake


Myers/Strenke Reg and Dawn Myers, Shell Lake, are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Kellie, to Dustin Strenke. Dustin is the son of Matt and Tammy Strenke, Almena. Kellie, a graduate of Shell Lake High School, is a cosmetology student at WITC in Rice Lake and will graduate this December. She is currently working at Gordy’s in Shell Lake. Dustin, a graduate of Turtle Lake High School, is a corporal in the Unites States Marine Corps. He is part of the Logistics Command Element of the 31st MEU and is stationed in Okinawa, Japan. A December wedding is planned and the couple plans to reside on the East Coast. — Photo submitted


Well, summer is finally here! I hope all the bad weather that has been happening all around us stays away. It looks like the cornfields in the area will be knee high by the Fourth of July. Speaking of the Fourth of July, be sure to check the Stone Lake Chamber website for a list of activities and schedules. Don’t forget Ladies Night in Stone Lake on June 26. The time is 5-8:30 p.m. and Namekagon Transit has been contracted in Hayward to provide transportation to Stone Lake. Ladies can depart from the information center in Hayward at 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. Round-trip tickets can be purchased when boarding the bus. The bus will drop ladies off at the corner of Main Street and Hwy. 70 in Stone Lake. The bus will pick up for the trip back to Hayward at 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. at the same corner as drop-off. There will be a boat parade on the Fourth of July at 3 p.m. on Sand Lake, starting at the southwest corner where the creek flows in. The Sand Lake Shore Owners Association has been doing this for several years and had over two dozen boats last year. Everyone is invited to participate in this fun event. Be sure to put Sunday, July 13, on your calendars. The Stone Lake Area Historical Society will be having their annual pie and ice-cream social to be held at the Lions Park from 1-3 p.m. In an effort to make this a family event, two new items have been added, with children and grandchildren in mind. Not only will pie and ice cream be served, but ice-cream

by Mary Nilssen cones and root-beer floats. So, gather up the kids and make this a family affair. The Stone Lake hunter safety program will run from July 14-19, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Stone Lake Fire Hall. Please contact Michelle Drabek at 715-865-3157 or email michelleadrabek@gmail.com for more information and to enroll. Another date to put on your calendars is Saturday, Aug. 2. Stone Lake will be having their Family Fun Day. The Cranberry Fest Committee is planning another competition for the best drawing by a child under 13. The winning drawing will be the design for the 2014 Cranberry Festival button. Lots of concessions and games are being planned. More information will be coming later. A farmers market, sponsored by the Stone Lake Chamber, will be every Thursday from 2 to 5 p.m. in downtown Stone Lake. There will be fruits, vegetables, canned goods, natural soaps and baked goods to choose from. The vendors will be on the street behind Marie’s Hideaway with parking in the field. New vendors are needed and welcome! If you would like to be a vendor, the cost is $3 per week or $25 for the season. For more information please contact Teri at 715-558-1456. The Stone Lake Community Wetland Park will be submitting another order for engraved bricks for the Memory Walk in the next couple of weeks. If anyone out there would like to order a memorial brick, please send your check for $55 made out to the Wetland Park along with the wording you would like engraved on

the brick. Send your name and phone number in case there are questions regarding this order. Send to Stone Lake Community Wetland Park, N6043 Stone Lake Rd., Stone Lake, WI 54876. The Stone Lake Area Historical Society would like to set up a display of old fishing items in the tourism area in the museum. Does anyone have an old reel, creel, or old fishing lures or plugs they might like to donate to the museum for this purpose? If so, drop by the museum on Friday, Saturday or Sunday between noon and 4 p.m. and the docent there will fill out accession papers for you. This would make a very nice display, and they thank you in advance. If you have news you would like to share with others, next week’s column deadline will be Thursday, June 26, at 5 p.m. Have a nice week and be safe. Mary Nilssen can be reached at 715-8654008 or upnorthnils2@gmail.com.

moving around, I hadn’t spilled a drop. Pretty amazing. Miriah Lehmann invited me to the sponsor appreciation barbecue hosted by Spooner Rodeo committee members at the Washburn County Fairgrounds last week. It was pretty exciting being there and meeting so many people associated with the rodeo. Kate Peck introduced everyone to the new Spooner Rodeo royalty, Queen McKayla Olson, Princess Emily Foust, and Coca-Cola girl, who was last year’s queen, Savanna Quinn. She also introduced Miriah as Miss Rodeo Wisconsin 2014. Mitzi Barnes, whose family has supplied livestock to the rodeo for the past 60 years, was there, and we had a very good time visiting with her. When it was time to eat, Dick Fankhauser said that the rodeo royalty should go first, and Miriah told me that I should come up with her. Not just every day I get to be included with royalty of any kind. The meal was catered by Sue from the Dinner Bell Restaurant in Trego, and it was wonderful. I had a great time, and took lots of pictures. I’m so glad Miriah invited me. On Friday, Illa Theese and I decided to have dinner at Bistro 63 and then go to the blues festival at the fairgrounds in Spooner. We had a delicious dinner, Jeno’s special pizza and, for dessert, chocolate cake with raspberry sauce. We drove up to Spooner, and were really enjoying the music as we were walking from the parking lot to the ticket booth, I’m a little embarrassed to admit it, but the tickets were about twice as much as we expected, and we both decided that we had better skip the show. I’m sure it was well worth the price to avid fans, and I’m sure the people there enjoyed it. Please don’t call us cheapskates. Thrifty is a much nicer word. OK, so I went home and decided to veg out in front of the television. About a half hour later, Carol Farlow called to ask if anyone was home at the Lehmann farm. I told her that they were in Canada and asked if anything was wrong. Well, come to find out, about 50 of Ryan’s heifers were out and wandering around in a freshly planted alfalfa field. I called Rick Theese and Donnie Albee and they both

came immediately to help round the miserable beasts up. By the time we got there, Chance Farlow was out in the field trying to convince them to turn around and go back where they belonged. We got them turned around and headed back to the pasture once without too much trouble, and about half of them went in and the other half decided that the grass was still greener on the wrong side of the fence. So we had to do it all over again. Now these are really stupid heifers, not at all used to being herded, and they like to run, buck and kick. After a lot of persuasion, we finally got the rest of them turned around and back in the pasture without injury to either animals or humans. By now it’s pretty close to pitch dark outside, and Donnie was the only one with a flashlight, so he and I walked the fence line until we found a break. Standing still long enough to fix it was torture because of the mosquitos. When Donnie pointed the flashlight up, the only things we could see were millions of the little pests. We finally got the fence fixed, walked back, jumped in the truck, and got out of there. It must have been about 11 p.m. So much for a relaxing evening in front of the TV. Suzy and Ryan were home the next day and when Ryan walked around the fence in the daylight, he found that three trees had blown over and were on the fence farther down than Donnie and I had checked. We were really lucky the cattle didn’t decide to go through again. Chasing that many boneheaded cows once a night is more than enough. Oh, by the way, one of the women at the Tri-County Dairy Breakfast at the Washburn County Fairgrounds came up with the perfect reason most women don’t tell Terry — aka the friendly neighborhood moocher — Goodrich where to go. She figures that once he got there he wouldn’t know what to do anyway. Yup. Poor Terry. We all pick on him. If Mary Germann were still with us we wouldn’t get away with that. I guess that’s about it from Barronett this week. Stay dry. See you next time.

Weekend visitors of Donna and Gerry Hines were Brian, Jane, Jenny and Justin Hines. Birthdays of Brian and Donna were celebrated. Sue and Roger Mroszak called on Hank and Karen Mangelsen on Sunday morning. On Sunday, Lida Nordquist went with Marlene Swearingen and a number of

other folks to Stillwater, Minn., and went for a lunch cruise on the river. The cruise was sponsored by Thrivent. Clam River Tuesday Club will meet Wednesday, July 2, at the home of Trudy DeLawyer. The potluck lunch will begin at 12:30 p.m., with the meeting to follow.

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wcregister online.com

by Judy Pieper

Let’s see now. There were so many things going on in the area this past week that I hardly know where to start. On Sunday, Pastor Todd invited Tim and Becca Cusick to stand up and give the congregation of Barronett Lutheran a report on the things they had experienced at the synod assembly, Walking Together, two weeks ago. They mentioned several different seminars that were of special interest to them. One was on different types of prayers and ways of praying. Another, Living Well, was about living life to the fullest in any situation, including ill health. And, one seminar, called Off the Grid, was presented by a woman from Ashland who takes the gospel message to coffee shops and bars. Becca and Tim said that attending the synod assembly was a fantastic experience, and thanked the congregation for choosing to send them this year. Last Tuesday I drove down to the Twin Cities to tell Savanna Marsh goodbye and good luck. She was leaving that day for National Guard boot camp in South Carolina. I thought I would be able to handle saying goodbye, and was pretty much OK until the sergeant told the recruits that they could walk their families out to the parking lot and then come in to get final instructions about what to expect at boot camp. Then it hit me, she was really leaving. Hard to say goodbye to a darling granddaughter. I hope everything is going well down there. Duane and I saw a mama and daddy sandhill crane with two little babies in a cornfield on 27th Avenue this past weekend. They are so pretty. I’m sure the farmer is glad to share his tender little corn plants with them. Last weekend, while I was working up in the garden, I had a pleasant surprise when Lisa Kleinschmidt brought her mom, Shelly, up to show her what she and future hubby, Dave Langley, had planted. It was nice to meet Shelly. Maybe she loves to garden, too, and will be around this summer helping Lisa harvest all the tomatoes, peppers and squash they planted. Our garden is way too big for just two people, so this year we’re sharing

space with Lisa and Dave. Tru and I checked on the strawberries on Saturday morning, and they are finally starting to get ripe. We picked about a quart of them that morning. When Wrig Marsh came over that afternoon, Tru was happy to share them with him. Geri Pittman, Shirley Overvig and I celebrated Geri’s birthday a little early last week with breakfast at the Red Brick. We enjoyed ourselves so much, and stayed so long, that we thought Debbie was going to start charging rent for the table. We had delicious food - naturally - and solved most of the world’s problems before we finally decided to go home. I’m a little jealous of Shirley. She came up with the perfect gift for Geri. She’s going to clean the church for two weeks. I, on the other hand, gave her a loaf of homemade bread. Oh, yippee. Maybe next year I’ll put a little more thought into it. Most of the Lehmann clan was in Canada on a camping/fishing trip last week. Jerry Marsh and Duane went up too, even though they’re not exactly part of the family. Everyone had an excellent time and caught lots and lots of fish. The title of best fisherman goes to 4-year-old Gavin Lehmann this year. He caught the first fish, a walleye, and the biggest fish, a 391/2-inch northern. He caught the walleye all by himself, and hooked the northern on his own but had to have a little help getting it in the boat. Congratulations, Gavin. Bet it was fun beating all the aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. While Duane was in Canada, I decided to do some much-needed housecleaning around here. I’m sure most of you are much better at that kind of thing than I am. One of the things I really neglect is cleaning under the microwave. Well, I decided that it was time, so I picked the microwave up, carried it across the kitchen to the other cabinet, scrubbed the cabinet that it had been on, then carried it across the kitchen to put it back in the right place again. Whew. I decided I deserved a sip of coffee. Hmmm. Where in the heck did I leave my coffee cup? I suddenly remembered that I had heated it up and left it in the microwave. Guess what? With all that

Dewey-LaFollette Karen Mangelsen called on Lois Snyder last week. It was an early celebration of Lois’ birthday. Hank and Karen Mangelsen visited Pastor George Muschinske at his home near Rice Lake Tuesday afternoon. George was the pastor of Timberland Lutheran Church from 1980 to 1985. Josh Hines was a guest during the week

by Karen Mangelsen

at the home of his grandparents, Donna and Gerry Hines. Pam and Bob Bentz visited Lida Nordquist on Thursday afternoon. Kay Krentz and Karen and Hank Mangelsen called on Lida Friday. Saturday visitors there were Jan and Jim Schott, Joleen, Richard, Rick, Angie, Robb and Randi Funk, Nate Fisk, and Robb’s friend, Mary.


Heart Lake

Academic news

by Helen V. Pederson

What beautiful weather we’ve had the last few days. The sun is shining brightly and it’s cool in the morning but nice to get out and walk or sit and enjoy the scenery. The flowers are really growing and blossoms are beautiful. Last Thursday evening, a group from Glenview enjoyed supper at Lakeview Bar and Grill and you never realize how many friends you might run into that you haven’t seen for awhile. I was pleased to see Beth Esser, who I worked with at the local hospital a few years ago. One evening last week, the men here were treated to supper on the patio. They could bring their own meat or have meat provided by Glenview. Friday afternoon, Mary and Keith White were in town visiting Dottie White and Helen Pederson before going to Solon Springs to stay overnight with Sue and Larry Winner.

The Krantz families got together for a family reunion on Saturday at the Shell Lake Community Center. Nick Pederson, Minneapolis, and Aaron Pederson, New Ulm, Minn., came up for that and a bridal shower. On Saturday morning, Arlys Santiago took Joni Parker and Ruth Swan to Stone Lake Lutheran Church for the funeral of Shirley (Okerson) Miller, a cousin of all of them. John and Mary Marschall took Marian Furchtenicht out to eat at The Roost for their fish fry. On Saturday, Mary Marschall went to Rice Lake for a baby shower for Tiffany Rindsig. On Sunday, the Marschall family was at Wealthy Marschall’s, Amery, for dinner. Like weeds, rumors grow without cultivation and soon take over if they are not eradicated.

Washburn County Court $200.50. Edward A. Alvery, Mercer, speeding, $200.00. Terry L. Kannegiesser, Hayward, seat belt violation, $10.00. Katherine A. Andren, Hayward, seat belt violation, $10.00. Tori L. Kirkbride, Hayward, operating motor vehicle without proof of August M. Mertens DBS Mertens Services, Stanley, vehicle equipment insurance, $10.00. violations, group 3, $175.30. Robert J. Korn, Hayward, speeding, $175.30. Donna B. Barry, Sarona, speeding, $200.50. Erica R. Kozial, Shell Lake, deposit or discharge solid waste on public or Jaried R. Bearheart, Cumberland, speeding, $200.50. private property, $200.50. Christopher L. Bender, Hayward, speeding, $200.50. Tyler C. Kriens, Eagan, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Bradley J. Benner, Batavia, Ill., speeding, $200.50. John A. Lawson, Shell Lake, operating unregistered motor truck/tractor, Bryan W. Berglund, Montreal, speeding, $200.50. Eric R. Bertrang, Fairchild, possess open intoxicants in motor vehicle, $263.50. Susan M. Lemonds, Danbury, speeding, $250.90, license suspended $263.50. 30 days. Gary R. Bindl, Reedsburg, speeding, $175.00. Shane H. Lindenfelser, Trego, nonregistration of vehicle, $175.30; seat Marlene D. Bjorkquist, Sarona, speeding, $175.30. belt violation, $10.00; operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Robert L. Blackstone, St. Paul, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Kevin M. McClain, Barronett, speeding, $200.50. Madeline L. Buckwheat, Spooner, dog running at large, $187.90. Joyce M. McKevett, Hayward, speeding, $200.50. Michael J. Buckwheat, Spooner, dog running at large, $187.90. Andrew S. Medley, Spooner, operating motor vehicle without proof of Behzod Buriev, Wixom, Mich., speeding, $200.50. insurance, $10.00. Tom J. Butler, Savage, Minn., operating without valid license, $200.50. Justin J. Metheny, Springbrook, seat belt violation, $10.00. Timothy J. Carlson, Winona, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Christopher Meyer-Grimberg, St. Paul, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Kevin A. Carswell, The Woodlands, Texas, speeding, $175.30. Michael J. Montuori, Shareville, Ind., speeding, $200.50; driving without Kyle P. Cleary, Eden Prairie, Minn., speeding, $175.30. valid license, $200.50. Kelly J. Crawford, Hayward, seat belt violation, $10.00. Michael J. Mullen, Sarona, speeding, $225.70. Kim A. Crowley, Springbrook, seat belt violation, $10.00. William L. Murphy, St. Michael, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Michael S. Dennis, Spooner, burning without a permit, $175.30. Regan K. Myers, Shell Lake, operating motor vehicle without proof of Brandon C. Frierson, Avon, Ind., operating without valid license, insurance, $10.00. $200.50. Susan Schmidt Nymo, Cable, speeding, $175.30. Jack H. Gemuenden, Hermantown, Minn., operating motor vehicle Sarah D. Olson, Phoenix, Ariz., speeding, $175.00. without proof of insurance, $10.00; speeding, $301.30. Kip Olson, Springbrook, dog running at large, $457.90. Douglas P. Glover, Chetek, seat belt violation, $18.00. Brian R. Opalka, Lockport, Ill., speeding, $200.50. Kyle A. Grimm, Augusta, possess open intoxicants in motor vehicle, Robert R. Otto, Cumberland, speeding, $225.70. $200.50. Benjamin J. Paul, Spooner, issue worthless check(s), $382.00, Dennis A. Hamman, Rice Lake, seat belt violation, $18.00. restitution. Raymond R. Harwick, Barnes, speeding, $225.70. Gwen I. Pederson, Spooner, issue worthless check(s), $418.28, James G. Hatfield, Fishers, Ind., speeding, $175.30. Kevin L. Heinz, Hayward, speeding, $183.30; seat belt violation, $18.00. restitution. Kristopher A. Petersen, Hayward, seat belt violation, $10.00. Edmund F. Hornby, Montgomery, Ill., speeding, $200.50. Thomas M. Radtke, Winneconne, speeding, $250.90. Jessica J. Hutchison-Jacobson, Rice Lake, speeding, $175.30. Ronald D. Rice, Minneapolis, Minn., operating while suspended, $200.50; Dean F. Huting, Ashland, operating motor vehicle without proof of speeding, $225.70. insurance, $10.00. John D. Ripley, Spooner, place, use, hunt wild animals with bait, $343.50. Debra K. Jalowitz, Hayward, operating motor vehicle without proof of Ronnie R. Rusk, Stone Lake, speeding, $175.30. insurance, $10.00. Matthew W. Taylor, Hayward, operating motor vehicle without insurance, Bruce J. Jasek, Radisson, deposit or discharge solid waste on public or $200.50; seat belt violation, $10.00. private property, $263.50. Troy K. Trepanier, Hayward, speeding, $225.70. Dane W. Jensen, Cameron, speeding, $200.50. Rodney W. Tucker, Spooner, seat belt violation, $10.00. Beth M. Johnson, Duluth, Minn., speeding, $225.70. Joy L. Vaneck, Hayward, speeding, $250.90. Matthew B. Johnson, Minneapolis, Minn., operating motor vehicle Ray W. Wadsworth, Minong, failure to yield for yield sign, $175.30. without proof of insurance, $10.00. Steven. R. Waggoner, Minong, seat belt violation, $10.00. Robert M. Jonasen, Lake Nebagamon, permit unauthorized person to DAYS OF FUTURE PAST John R. Walsh, Waunakee, speeding, $175.30. drive, $200.50. Reid L. Warner, Stone Lake, speeding, $175.30. Isaiah M. Jonasen, Lake Nebagamon, operating without valid license,


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For breaking local news go to: wcregister online.com

MILWAUKEE — Madeline Kunkel, Spooner, has been named to the dean’s list for Bachelor of Arts, Social Welfare and Justice, at Marquette University. — from LinkNews ••• AMES, Iowa — Jacob G. Caithamer, Spooner, software engineering, has been named to the dean’s list at Iowa State University. — from LinkNews ••• MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — Nicole Slaminski, Spooner, was named to Dunwoody College of Technology’s spring semester dean’s list. — from ReadMedia ••• EAU CLAIRE — Krista Von Feldt, Sarona, was among 53 student from UW-Eau Claire that participated in the 13th-annual System Symposium for undergraduate research and creative activity at UW-Milwaukee. The event gives undergraduate student from all UW campuses the opportunity to present their scholarly work in all majors and programs of student. Students participated through poster displays, oral presentations, exhibits and performances that my include dance, poetry, music and theater. — from LinkNews •••

Washburn County Register Serving the Washburn County community since 1887.

Garage sales The Register is a cooperative-owned newspaper

GARAGE SALE Thurs., June 26 Noon to 8 p.m.


1 mi. north of Shell Lake on Hwy. 63

MULTIFAMILY YARD SALE OUTSIDE Fri. & Sat., June 27 & 28, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (Postponed if bad weather)


25% OFF All Clothing

Fri., June 27 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Sat., June 28

8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Boys clothes 2T - size 7; shoes; toys; baby strollers; furniture; medium adult clothing; kids bikes; books; misc.

N4839 Perch Lake Rd. Spooner 5 miles west on Hwy. 70

608474 45rp

608628 45rp

LARGE MOVING SALE Thursday, June 26, 3 - 7 p.m.; Friday, June 27, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Saturday, June 28, 7 a.m. - Noon

W9208 Nelson Rd., Shell Lake, WI 54871

South of Shell Lake on Hwy. 63, turn on CTH J, follow signs.

Tools; inside and outside decorations; furniture; lawn mowers; & much more. 608610 45rp


Thurs., Fri. & Sat., June 26, 27 & 28 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Kitchen items; tools & guy stuff; kids toys & clothes; furniture; men’s & women’s clothing; many books; canning jars and collectibles.



Admission: Adults $7 - Kids 4-12 & Seniors $5 - Matinees $5 All Seats

608619 45rp

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Terraceview Living Center, Inc.

Terraceview Living Center, Inc.



802 East County Highway B, P.O. Box 609 608303 Shell Lake, WI 54871 34-35a,b,c 45-46r

802 East County Highway B, P.O. Box 609 606703 Shell Lake, WI 54871 31-34a,b,c 42-45r


MULTIFAMILY GARAGE SALE Fri., June 27, 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.; Sat., June 28, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sun., June 29, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. N4298 Cranberry Dr., (Kenwood Paffel Residence) Spooner: East on Hwy. 70, south on Hwy. 53 1 mile, right on Cranberry Dr.

Many household items; antiques and vintage collectibles; iron wagon wheels and saw blades; 3-point cone wood splitter; small fishing boat; fishing and hunting items; golf clubs; rifle scope; wooden high chairs; crib; changing table; rocking chairs; clothing - infant to adult; toys; books; music; and much more. 608523 45rp


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608282 34a,bp 45rp


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607852 33-35a,bp 44-46rp


Washburn County is accepting applications for a Zoning/LWCD Administrative Assistant for the Zoning and Land & Water Conservation Departments. The purpose of this position is to perform duties in the administration and enforcement of county zoning ordinances, providing support to the LWCD, and providing advice about zoning laws, regulations and conservation practices to the general public. Must have some knowledge in zoning codes, laws, ordinances and regulations; ability to analyze and compile information on zoning matters; ability to type 45 wpm; and the ability to read and interpret maps and legal descriptions to locate parcels accordingly. Graduation from a standard high school curriculum or equivalent required. Associate degree in land management, surveying or related field and/or a two-year degree in a clerical field, and/or two years of increasingly responsible land management office experience desirable; or any equivalent combination of experience and training which provides the essential knowledge skills and abilities. Must possess or acquire and maintain a State of Wisconsin Plumbing Inspector license within six months of employment. Starting salary is $16.51 - $17.81 per hour D.O.Q., with excellent benefits. Download an employment application from the Washburn County website at www.co.washburn.wi.us or contact the Washburn County Human Resource Department, P.O. Box 337, Shell Lake, WI 54871 (Ph. 715-468-4624, fax 715-468-4628). Resumes will be accepted but will not take the place of a completed application. Applications must be received by 4:30 p.m., Friday, July 11, 2014. EOE. 608475 45-46r

Enjoy the beautiful North Woods of Wisconsin where hiking, skiing and fishing abound. Spooner Health System (SHS) is looking for a motivated professional to become our Financial Analyst, who will be part of the Finance Department and report to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The Financial Analyst will aid the CFO and the Administrator by performing business and finance analytics for the Finance Department, including the Patient Accounts Department and other departments as needed. Responsibilities include the review and analysis of financial information and the preparation of management reports and financial statements, including producing and maintaining information related to budget, cost report, reimbursement, revenue cycle, productivity, operational analysis, variance analysis, financial projections, reconciliations and business support along with other projects and duties assigned by the CFO. We’ve partnered with Studer Group and have made a “Commitment to Excellence” that has resulted in improved employee and patient satisfaction. Our goal is to make SHS a better place for patients to receive care, employees to work and physicians to practice medicine. If you share these principles, we encourage you to join our team. We are a 25-bed critical access hospital and provide home health services. A Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, Finance or equivalent is required. Two or more years of accounting experience with knowledge of health care accounting and reimbursement is preferred. Must possess a good understanding of analytical processes and general accounting standards. Must be knowledgeable in financial forecasting, projections, budgeting and departmental reporting. Competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and excellent benefit package offered.

Please send resume and salary requirements to:

Human Resources

SPOONER HEALTH SYSTEM 819 Ash Street, Spooner, WI 54801 715-635-2111 or apply online at: www.spoonerhealthsystem.com EOE • F/M

608029 33-34a-e 44-45r,L

State of Wisconsin County of Washburn} ss Town of Beaver Brook} To: The Town Board of Beaver Brook: Gentlemen: I, Frank Joseph Puschnig, trade name d/b/a Taste Budz Eatery & Saloon, with address N4796 Downey Lane, Spooner, WI, hereby apply for a Class “B” license under Chapter 125.51 of the Wisconsin Statutes for the sale of intoxicating liquors and Chapter 125.26 for the retail sale of fermented malt beverages for the year commencing July 1, 2014, & ending June 30, 2015, on the following described premises to wit: Entire property, decks, patio, horseshoe & park area. Frank Joseph Puschnig Clerk’s Office Town of Beaver Brook Application filed the 10th day of June 2014 608077 Nancy Erickson, Clerk 44-45r Town of Beaver Brook WNAXLP

(June 25, July 2, 9) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THOMAS J. KRISKOVSKY Order Setting Deadline for Filing a Claim (Formal Administration) Case No. 14 PR 23 A petition for formal administration was filed. THE COURT FINDS: 1. The decedent, with date of birth January 29, 1947, and date of death April 23, 2014, was domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of W8446 Hwy. 70, Spooner, WI 54801. 2. All interested persons waived notice. THE COURT ORDERS: 1. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is September 13, 2014. 5. A claim may be filed at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, WI. BY THE COURT: Eugene D. Harrington Circuit Court Judge June 17, 2014 Kathryn zumBrunnen Box 96 Spooner, WI 54801 715-635-3174 608476 WNAXLP Bar No.: 1016913

Ventures Unlimited, Inc. hereby provides notice that it intends to apply to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the following transportation vehicles under Section 5310 to serve seniors and individuals with disabilities in Washburn County and Barron County.

We Are Requesting The Following For Washburn County: 2 Medium Buses (Gas) - 11 Passenger & 2 Wheelchair Slots And For Barron County, We Are Requesting 2 Medium Buses (Gas) - 11 Passenger & 2 Wheelchair Slots Individuals or agencies wishing to comment or receive additional information about this application should contact Kristin Frane at 715-468-2939, P.O. Box 623, Shell Lake, WI, or Kristin@venturesunlimited.org. 608649 45r WNAXLP Formal comments or requests for additional information must be received in writing or by email 14 days after publication.


Notice is hereby given that the Washburn County Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 8, 2014, at 7 p.m. in the Washburn County Boardroom, Elliott Building, 110 Fourth Avenue West, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. CHICOG Township: Mariann Lee-Jones, Trego, Wisconsin. A variance for a road reduction setback of 40 feet from the centerline and 7 feet from the right of way of Webb Creek Drive (normal setback is 75 feet from the centerline or 50 feet from the right of way. Whichever is greater). Division 16 Sec. 38-480 (5) to build an attached garage. Map # CH 278A/ Record ID#: 10106 - 7.06 acres, Part of SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Section 05-14-13. SARONA Township: Harold & Trudie Lehman, Rice Lake, Wisconsin. A variance to put a lateral addition not coming any closer than the existing cabin located at 52 feet from the ordinary high-water mark of Ripley Lake (normal setback is 100 feet from the ordinary high-water mark). Location: Map# SA 81/ Record ID# 22434 - .52 acre, Part of Gov’t. Lot 8, Section 4-3712. Interested persons will be given the opportunity to be heard. The committee will deliberate in “Open Session.” This agenda and the subsequent meeting minutes are available in large type. If you need assistance, please call Lolita Olson at 715468-4600, prior to the meeting. 607804 44-45r WNAXLP Webster Macomber, Zoning Administrator


607036 42-45rp

Shell Lake State Bank is requesting sealed bids for the demolition of a building located at 16 5th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. Permit(s) from the City of Shell Lake for such demolition will be provided by the Bank to the successful bidder who will be required to comply with all specifications contained in the permit. Bids should provide for the complete demolition of the existing building and foundation and removal of all debris by transport to a landfill or other repository that legally accepts such residue. Successful bidder will be required to arrange for the preservation of the existing water, sewer and electrical lines to the property for future implementation, and, for filling of the lot with suitable fill material to raise the elevation of the subject lot and the lot lying immediately west of the subject lot to the level of the adjacent lawn lying immediately east of the subject lot. Bid will require topping of the fill material to the stated level with a minimum of six (6) inches of topsoil that will support seeding of the entire space with lawn grass. Proof of insurance in an amount sufficient at the sole discretion of Shell Lake State Bank will be required prior the commencement of any work upon the site. Bids will be due by 3 p.m. on Wednesday, July 2, 2014. The Shell Lake State Bank reserves the right to accept and/or reject any/or all bids. Notice of an accepted bid will be provided to a successful bidder by July 7, 2014. Project completion will be required no later than August 15, 2014. Bids will be accepted at Shell Lake State Bank, 102 5th Ave., P.O. Box 130, Shell Lake, WI 54871-0130 and any questions may be directed to David Haroldson or Shane Williams at 715468-7858. 608178 44-45r 34b WNAXLP


Local Ads EACH INSERTION – Minimum of $5.00 ; 30¢ for each word. Call 715-468-2314 to place ad, or email your ad to wcregister@centurytel.net. Advertising deadline is Monday at noon.

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Washburn County Register

Serving the Washburn County community since 1887.

Notices I, Lolita Olson, Washburn County Clerk, do hereby certify that the following is a true and correct summarized version of the monthly meeting of the Washburn County Board of Supervisors held on June 17, 2014. Complete copies of record of all resolutions, ordinances and attachments from this meeting are on file in the Washburn County Clerk’s Office, 10 4th Ave., Shell Lake, WI 54871, (715-468-4600). Minutes are available after approval online at www.co.washburn.wi.us. Further, all ordinances shall be effective upon adoption. Publication of ordinances shall occur in accordance with Section 59.14 of the Wis. Statutes. All Washburn County Code provisions are available at the office of the Washburn County Clerk or online at www.municode.com. Pursuant to Sect. 65.90 (5) (a) Wis. Stats. Notice is hereby given that some of these resolutions may contain amendments to the 2013 County Budget. NOTE: These minutes as published herein are subject to corrections, deletions or additions upon approval at the next County Board meeting. Dated this 20th day of June, 2014. Lolita Olson, Washburn County Clerk

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Call Meeting to Order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Sather. Moment of Silent Meditation and Pledge of Allegiance by Supvr. Mackie. Notice of Meeting was read by County Clerk Olson. Roll Call was done by County Clerk Olson. Present (19); Absent/Excused (2); Neste & Ford. No Youth Present. Approval of Agenda on motion by Mackie, seconded by Krantz; vote taken, M.C. Approval of May 13, 2014, County Board Proceedings on motion by Bobin, seconded by Haessig; vote taken, M.C. Concerned Citizens - 25th Senate District candidate Janet Bewley introduced herself and spoke about her background, history, challenges and intent. Ms. Bewley is currently the 74th Assembly District Representative and is running for the seat Bob Jauch is retiring from. The board thanked Ms. Bewley for her appearance. Ed Fisher spoke as a resident of Spooner Lake and intends to have a presentation at the upcoming public hearing for the dam. Tanya Borg, representing the Shelter Community Action Team, thanked Supvr. Neste for having the “Just One Day” resolution brought forward and explained the public service that is being offered by the Farm, Feral & Stray Program (Trap, Neuter, Return) and continued discussion about WCAHS services. Nell Lee highlighted Samantha Linden’s accomplishments and stated she was awarded a scholarship from the American Legion of Wisconsin; board members congratulated Samantha on a job well done! A resident of Spooner Lake asked if the dam fund was still available to be used for cost offsets. 8. WITC Presentation - Bob Meyer, WITC President, gave a presentation about the two-year college. Mr. Meyer will be leaving WITC as he has accepted the position of Chancellor of UW-Stout and will start there in August. WITC was ranked the 4th best two-year college in 2013. Discussed perception of students and parents. Feedback is always requested and appreciated per Mr. Meyer. Congratulations and appreciation was extended by the board members. 9. Tourism Presentation - Michelle Voight, Tourism Director, discussed mission of the nonprofit organization whose purpose is promotion of the county as a tourism destination, followed by a presentation. Discussed the replacement of the computer at the wayside kiosk; application for fishing opener, funding/possible grant for LED sign, staffing, photography sources. Also discussed the camping reservations program, Northwoods Blues Festival and GEM grant. Michelle was thanked for promoting the July 5 Fine Arts Festival and for the tremendous job in getting the tourism program to where it is today. 10. Administrative Coordinator/Finance Director Report - Mike Keefe mentioned that the county contributes about $125,000 to Tourism annually. December 2013 preliminary financials were presented; the detailed 102-page report is on the Google drive. Most of the funds are where they were anticipated to be; discussed operational adjustments, deficits, transfers. Questions were asked about a $39.31 miscellaneous expenditure for county board and the private sewer grant which is a program that is administered out of zoning. It was estimated that overall the county is “in the black” when everything is considered. Dam Fund was discussed. Board members were asked to review the financials and let Mike know if there were any questions. 11. Consent Agenda Resolutions: None 12. Other Resolutions and Ordinances: A. Resolution 27-14 - for 50/50 Bridge Petition from Town of Chicog - motion by Krantz, seconded by Esser, to approve. Roll vote: Yes (19), No (0). MC B. Resolution 28-14 - for 50/50 Bridge Petition from City of Shell Lake – motion by Krantz, seconded by Wilson to approve. Roll vote: Yes (19), No (0). MC C. Resolution 29-14 - to Increase the 2014 ADRC Department Budget - State Grant - motion by Mackie, seconded by Haessig, to approve. Roll vote: Yes (19), No (0). MC D. Resolution 30-14 - Preliminary Resolution to Declare the Intent to Create the Spooner Lake Dam Assessment District - on motion by Mackie, seconded by Fiedler, to approve. Jon Johnson showed maps of Spooner Lake Dam to all in attendance. There are about 248 parcels, 5 tax exempt at this point and 35 parcels without improvements. Discussed special assessment for Totogatic, which was done only on the property itself; and the time frame for public meeting, which is typically about a 30-day notice. Motion by Wilson, seconded by Masterjohn, to amend first paragraph to strike Long Lake dam wording and to insert the correct language “Spooner Lake Dam for repair and reconstruction of outlet.” Voice vote on amendment - all ayes, no nayes, MC. Roll vote on amended resolution: Yes (19), No (0). MC E. Resolution 31-14 - Preliminary Resolution to Declare the Intent to Create the Long Lake Dam Assessment District – motion by Mackie, seconded by Baier to approve. Jon Johnson showed a large map of the Long Lake Dam to all in attendance. There are about 1,180 parcels, 45 are not currently appraised (Boy Scouts) but they will be included in the assessment. Full construction deadline shows August 2014 but will ask for extension. A public informational meeting will be held this fall and it would come back to the board in October with the project to be bid out the following spring. The county submitted the grant and the DNR added a 40% contingency fund; Jon added that the county does not construct the dams, we have to bid it out. Roll vote: Yes (19), No (0). MC 13. Committee Reports were dispensed on motion by Krantz, seconded by Bobin. MC. 14. Chair Appointments - WC Historical Society - Nell Lee Ad Hoc Redistricting - Tom Mackie, David Masterjohn, Romaine Quinn, Nathan Nelson and Lolita Olson. 15. Citizen Comments - none at this time. 16. Chair Comments - Hannah Fouks - got full scholarship through the Wisconsin ROTC - well done! Congratulations given by entire board. 17. Possible Future Agenda Items - Resolution for Dissolution of Northern Bridges. 18. Audit Per Diems - on motion by Mackie, 2nd by Fiedler; vote taken, M.C. 19. Adjourn - at 8:20 p.m. by Wilson, seconded by Quinn; vote taken, M.C. Respectfully submitted, 608538 45r Lolita Olson, County Clerk

FOR SALE: Contents of storage unit No. 26 at Shell Lake Self Storage, Shell Lake Industrial Park, rented by Sharon Davis. The contents include several bags of clothing, boxes of kitchen utensils, an entertainment center, a large round table, a pool table and pool cues, lawn chairs, small granite-top table, a Reebok treadmill, floor lamps, pictures, mirrors. Bids will be accepted until July 7, 2014. For information and to view sale items call 715-520-7692. 45-46rc

For breaking local news go to: wcregister online.com (June 18, 25, July 2) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY BRANCH 1 JOHNSON BANK Plaintiff, vs. LOREN KIRKMAN, and UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF LOREN KIRKMAN Defendants. Case No. 14CV10 Code No. 30404 Mortgage Foreclosure NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of the foreclosure judgment (the “Judgment”) entered by the Court in the abovecaptioned action on April 14, 2014, in the amount of $119,027.78, the undersigned Sheriff of Washburn County will sell at public auction on July 23, 2014, at 10:30 a.m., at the Washburn County Courthouse, North Entrance (a.k.a. North Steps), 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin 54871, the following real estate in accordance with the following sale terms: PROPERTY ADDRESS: W8432 Webb Creek Drive. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The Western 166 feet of the Eastern 498 of the Eastern Onehalf (1/2) of the Northwest One-quarter (1/4) of the Northeast One-quarter (1/4) of Section Ten (10), Township Fortyone (41) North, Range Thirteen (13) West, in the Town of Chicog, Washburn County, Wisconsin. TERMS OF SALE: 1. Cash sale. 2. Ten percent (10%) of sale price required as down payment (the “Deposit”) at the time of Sheriff’s sale by cash or money order or cashier’s check made payable to the Washburn County Sheriff. 3. Balance of sale price due upon confirmation of sale by the Court. Failure to pay balance upon confirmation of sale will result in forfeiture of the Deposit. If the sale is set aside for any reason other than for Purchaser’s failure to pay balance of purchase price upon confirmation of sale, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. 4. Property to be sold as a whole “as is, where is, and with all faults” and subject to all real estate taxes, special assessments and penalties and interest, if any, and all other liens and encumbrances. Purchaser shall pay the cost of title evidence and any applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax. Dated June 10, 2014. Terry Dryden, Sheriff Washburn County, Wisconsin Plaintiff’s Attorney Adam A. Bardosy Mallery & Zimmerman, S.C. 731 North Jackson Street Suite 900 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202 414-271-2424 608055 WNAXLP

SHELL LAKE SELF-STORAGE: Convenient, 24-hour access. Special low-cost boat storage. Call 715-468-2910. 2rtfc ICE-CREAM PAILS WANTED: Clean 4- or 5-quart pails with handles. No lids. 50 cents per clean pail. Red Barn Berries, Shell Lake, 715-468-4000. 42-45rp

ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS: Person for oil changes and light equipment maintenance. Basic automotive knowledge, neat, dependable. Apply in person. Spooner Auto Laundry, 701 South River, Spooner, Wis. 45rc


AGENDA: 8:30 a.m.: Coffee, juice, donuts & informational displays. 9:00 a.m.: Welcome - Sally Peterson, Mayor. 9:05 a.m.: Report from Advisory Committee. 9:15 a.m.: Approval of 2013 Annual Meeting Minutes; Treasurer’s Report - Andrew Eiche; Update on Lake Coordinator Report - Andrew Eiche; Boat Inspection Report/Boat Inspection Fund - Tanner Williams; Election of (3) Advisory Committee Members; Approval of Annual Lake District Budget Recommendation for 2015; Scheduling of 2015 Annual Meeting; Adjournment. 9:45 a.m.: Break. 10:00 a.m.: Dan McFarlane, UW Stevens Point, 2013 Shoreline Sur608086 44-45r vey; Gene Hatzenbeler, WI DNR, Creel Survey. (June 18, 25, July 2) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY BRANCH 1 JOHNSON BANK Plaintiff, vs. JEFFREY A. AIKIN, and UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JEFFREY A. AIKIN N/K/A DOROTHY AIKIN, Defendants. Case No. 14CV03 Code No. 30404 Mortgage Foreclosure NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of the foreclosure judgment (the “Judgment”) entered by the Court in the abovecaptioned action on April 10, 2014, in the amount of $151,445.12, the undersigned Sheriff of Washburn County will sell at public auction on July 23, 2014, at 10:30 a.m., at the Washburn County Courthouse, North Entrance (a.k.a. North Steps), 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin 54871, the following real estate in accordance with the following sale terms: PROPERTY ADDRESS: N9233 County Road E. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The Northeast One-quarter (1/4) of the Northwest One-quarter (1/4) and the Northwest Onequarter (1/4) of the Northwest One-quarter (1/4) of Section Ten (10), Township Forty (40) North, Range Ten (10) West, in the Town of Bass Lake, Washburn County, Wisconsin. TERMS OF SALE: 1. Cash sale. 2. Ten percent (10%) of sale price required as down payment (the “Deposit”) at the time of Sheriff’s sale by cash or money order or cashier’s check made payable to the Washburn County Sheriff. 3. Balance of sale price due upon confirmation of sale by the Court. Faiilure to pay balance upon confirmation of sale will result in forfeiture of the Deposit. if the sale is set aside for any reason other than for Purchaser’s failure to pay balance of purchase price upon confirmation of sale, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee’s attorney. 4. Property to be sold as a whole “as is, where is, and with all faults” and subject to all real estate taxes, special assessments and penalties and interest, if any, and all other liens and encumbrances. Purchaser shall pay the cost of title evidence and any applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax. Dated June 10, 2014. Terry Dryden, Sheriff Washburn County, Wisconsin Plaintiff’s Attorney Adam A. Bardosy Mallery & Zimmerman, S.C. 731 North Jackson Street Suite 900 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202 414-271-2424 608056 WNAXLP

(June 11, 18, 25) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC as servicer for Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Ameriquest Mortgage Securities Inc., Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2005-R11 1661 Worthington Road, Suite 100 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Plaintiff vs. Lynn J. Sanford W7167 Nancy Lake Road Minong, WI 54859 Unknown Spouse of Lynn J. Sanford W7167 Nancy Lake Road Minong, WI 54859 Defendants SUMMONS Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure Case No: 14 CV 35 Honorable Eugene D. Harrington Case Code: 30404 THE STATE OF WISCONSIN To the following party named as a defendant herein: Lynn J. Sanford, Unknown Spouse of Lynn J. Sanford You are hereby notified that the plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. The Complaint, which is also served upon you, states the nature and basis of the legal action. Within 40 days after June 11, 2014, you must respond with a written answer, as that term is used in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin Statutes, to the complaint. The Court may reject or disregard an answer that does not follow the requirements of the statutes. The answer must be sent or delivered to the Court, whose address is Washburn County Clerk of Circuit Court, 10 4th Avenue, P.O. Box 339, Shell Lake, WI 54871, and to Dustin McMahon/Blommer Peterman, S.C., plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is: Blommer Peterman, S.C., 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100, Brookfield, WI 53005. You may have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not provide a proper answer within 40 days, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. Dated this 28th day of May, 2014. Dustin McMahon / Blommer Peterman, S.C. State Bar No. 1086857 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. 607338 WNAXLP




Shell Lake Elementary Awards Day held at end of the school year

Earning band awards in their first year of band were (L to R): Kayla Haynes, Jamison Stone, Skylar Leach, Olivia Jury, Brianna Williams, Hannah Green, Grace Thomas, Nathan Scott and Sawyer Schultz. Front: Brooke Lehnherr, Frances Kevan, Addison Schroeder, Julia Lyga, Morgan Wendel, Cody Wayne Swan, Mikenzi Miller, Christopher Robinson and Alexis McCracken.

Brady Nielsen earned the sixth-grade band’s Most Improved Player award. This award is a measure of the player’s dedication and the time they have put into practice.

Earning a place on the Shell Lake Battle of the Books First Team were (L to R): Brooke Lehnherr, Haley Balts, Frances Kevan and Addison Schroeder.

Photos by Larry Samson

The Science Fair winners were announced at the Shell Lake Awards Program held Friday, June 6. Shown (L to R): First place Rachel Milton and Cassidy Mehsikomer; second place, Megan Anderson and Ashton Smith; and third place, Michael Allar and Seth Symond.

Earning an award for perfect attendance for the school year are (L to R): Levi Meister, Zach Irvine, Jasper McCracken, Nathan Scott, Olivia Jury, Tayla Lundberg, Heidi Dougard, Katelynn Melton and Noelle Nelson.

Making the second Battle of the Books team were (L to R): Ariel Christenson, Kayla Haynes, MaKenna Anderson and Grace Thomas. The Battle of the Books is a statewide competition sponsored by the Wisconsin Educational Media and Technology Association.

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Sixth-grade students in the honor band were (L to R): Rachel Milton, Cassidy Mehsikomer, Megan Anderson and Julia Balser.

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11 West 5th Ave. Lake Mall Shell Lake, Wis.




Blues fest

Festival attendees recline in the hot afternoon sun on Saturday, June 21, during the Mojo Lemon Blues Band set. The festival featured nine acts over two days.

The Mojo Lemon Blues Band got the party festival started Saturday, June 21. Band members are (L to R): Terry Demars, bass guitar; Jason Introwitz, drums; Josh Entzminger, guitar; and Will Chopper, keyboard.

Everyone shows his or her appreciation for the Mojo Lemon Blues Band, the first act of music on Saturday, June 21.

Photos by Danielle H. Moe

Melissa Kummerow of Washburn and Sue Deno of Norwood Young America, Minn., were just two of about 100 volunteers that helped make the Northwoods Blues Festival held on Friday, June 20, and Saturday, June 21, Peggy Simon of Chippewa Falls and Melinda McCrossen of Portland, Ore., put their umbrellas to work as a shield from possible. the sun at the Washburn County Fairgrounds where the festival was held this year.

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