WCR | March 16 | 2016

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March 16, 2016

Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Vol. 127, No. 31 • Shell Lake, Wis.

We e ke nd w atch

• Play @ Shell Lake High School • Play @ Spooner High School • Pins for Pets fundraiser @ Spooner • Northwoods Raptors program @ Spooner See calendar on page 6 for details

The mamma-razzi

Candidate profiles in this issue

WITC student ambassador named

The Shell Lake mothers are captured in a fun moment, taking photos of their children as the children take a photo opportunity after their performance. Shown (L to R): Cheri Lyga, Katherine Parkinson, Amy Skattebo and Tessa DeLadi. More photos on page 23. - Photo by Larry Samson

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Where donated eyeglasses go

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Write-ins should register Five blank spots on area April ballots

Skating their last NFSC show Page 15


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Easter egg hunt in Shell Lake SHELL LAKE - The annual Shell Lake Easter egg hunt will be held in the Shell Lake 3-12 School gym on Saturday, March 26. The Easter Bunny will start the event at 10 a.m. There will be several age divisions for the egg hunt from newborns to 10 years old. Please, no shoes in the gym. The Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring this event. — from SLCC

Gregg Westigard | Staff writer WASHBURN COUNTY – There are five offices on the April 5 ballots in Washburn County where no candidates filed. These positions can be filled by write-in votes on election day. Election laws say that write-in candidates should register. Registration shows that a person is interested in serving if elected and gives the election judges an advanced idea of which names to look for when counting the ballots. Registering as a write-in involves completing a Campaign Registration Form, known as GAB-1, and filing the form with the election clerk for the county, village or school district. The law reads “new candidates should file a campaign registration statement as soon as intent is known.” While all write-in votes are counted, registration is an indication that a person is interested in accepting the position if elected. The Register’s policy is to include registered

write-ins as candidates when doing election stories and profiles. The vacant ballot spots Two of the 21 Washburn County Board seats have no candidates on the ballot, District 1 where Micheal Bobin is the incumbent and District 19 where Steven “Fluffy” Sather filed noncandidacy papers. No one filed for the positions in December. The cities of Spooner and Shell Lake each have open city council positions with no candidates. The Spooner seat is in Ward 4 where Larry Stelter is retiring. That position is the only contest on the city ballot. Shell Lake has a blank spot on the Ward 1 ballot where two positions are open and only incumbent Brent Edlin filed. The other incumbent, Chad Shelton, did not file his papers in December. The only school board write-in contest is in the Rice Lake district where two of the city seats are open but only one candidate, incumbent Gary Spear, is on the ballot. The second seat is for a one-year term to fill the remainder of the term of a vacant seat.

Taking the plunge Kimberly Lane’s expression shows just how cold the water is, even though the LFRC plunge was moved from Shell Lake due to safety issues with the lake ice. The Shell Lake Fire Department pumped lake water into a large tub instead. More photos on page 2. – Photo by Danielle Danford

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