WCR | March 9 | 2016

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March 9, 2016

Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Vol. 127, No. 30 • Shell Lake, Wis.

We e ke nd w atch

• Partners of Spooner Health System bake sale • Third-annual Chilly Challenge @ Shell Lake • Simulcast event “Tragedy Into Triumph” @ Spooner • Indoor ice-fishing contest @ Springbrook See calendar on page 6 for details

Friendly wildlife

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Pinewood Derby fun Pages 12-13

A night on the town Page 24

About six months ago, as David Stariha, Shell Lake, drove into his yard on his four-wheeler, this partridge landed on the vehicle. Since that time, in the mornings, the partridge will tap on Stariha’s window wanting to be fed or just for attention. The partridge will follow Stariha around throughout the day, sometimes landing on a limb to stare at Stariha while chirping at him. “If you are wearing bright-colored shoes, it will peck at your feet,” commented Stariha. In this photo, the partridge is standing by Stariha’s hand. — Photo by David Stariha

District Attorney Frost will not run in fall election

End of the season for SL boys

WASHBURN COUNTY Washburn County District Attorney Tom Frost announced this week that he will not be a candidate for election this fall. In a prepared statement Frost said, “I have enjoyed working with dedicated professionals in the court system, law enforcement, social services and corrections. Washburn County is fortunate to have the services of these public servants, and I am fortunate to have worked with them. Although I enjoy my work as prosecutor and believe the office has served the public

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STATEWIDE - It’s the time of year when we spring ahead by changing our clocks one hour ahead and enter into daylight saving time. Remember to turn your clocks ahead one hour on Sunday, March 13. The new time begins at 2 a.m.

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well during my tenure, I now would like to spend more time with my family than a fulltime position allows.” Frost was appointed special prosecutor, acting district attorney, in August 2013 by Judge Eugene Harrington and appointed district attorney by Gov. Scott Walker in January 2014. Prior to his service in Washburn County, Frost was a career prosecutor in Minnesota and most recently served as Winona County attorney. He was admitted to the practice of law in 1976. – submitted

Tom Frost

Washburn County’s spring election scene Danielle Danford | Staff writer SHELL LAKE - In less than a month, Washburn County residents will have the opportunity to cast their opinion as to the people who help run local municipalities and school districts. On Tuesday, April 5, Washburn County voters, depending on where they reside, will see candidates in four local nonpartisan municipal elections and six school board elections. The following details the elections that have a contest between more than one candidate for a position and potential vacancies.

Municipal elections Only three municipal bodies will have contests between candidates. Municipalities that have contests are the Washburn County Board of Supervisors, the Shell Lake City Council and the Town of Minong. The Spooner City Council has no candidate running for a seat in Ward 2. That position will hopefully be filled by a write-in candidate on Election Day. The members of the Washburn County Board of Supervisors are elected on a nonpartisan basis for twoyear terms. The county board is the legislative branch of

county government, passing ordinances and resolutions that regulate the function of county services, programs and departments including the annual budget, that for 2016, was approved at about $30.2 million. Of the 21 supervisory seats up for election, only five have contests and two, if not filled by a write-in candidate, will be left vacant. The candidate that formerly held the position is indicated (I) for incumbent. Candidates running are District 2, Skip Fiedler (I) and Evan Lewis; District 9, Keith Trembath (I) and Chris See Election, page 3


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