WCR | May 25 | 2016

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May 25, 2016

Wednesday, May 25, 2016 Vol. 127, No. 41 • Shell Lake, Wis.

We e ke nd w atch

• United Women Veterans-Northwestern Chapter garage sale @ Spooner • Free community breakfast @ Spooner • St. Joseph’s Council of Catholic women bake sale @ Shell Lake See calendar on page 6 for details

75 cents

Splash of color

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Abby Fankhauser is all purple after the color run held Saturday, May 21 in Shell Lake. She was not very good at ducking the color splash stations on the course. The stations were manned by volunteers who splashed color dust on the runners as they came by. More photos of event on page 2. - Photo by Larry Samson

Spooner Health is open and has first inpatients

SPOONER - Spooner Health opened its doors to patients on Thursday, May 19. The new facility is located on the north side of Spooner at 1280 Chandler Drive, just off CTH H between Hwys. 63 and 53. All hospital services including outpatient and emergency care are now at this new location. The first of nine inpatients to be moved to the new facility on Thursday morning was Steve Ciarico. He was happy to be part of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to move to a new hospital. “I’ve been to my share of hospitals,” said Ciarico, “and my stay at Spooner Health was truly a great experience.” When asked what he thought about the new hospital, he brought up the building’s beauty and great view along with his appreciation for the shower and excellent food. He was most impressed with the staff, especially their sincere and genuine concern for him as a patient.

Civics class re-enacts accident Page 27

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Memorial Day events

“If there’s a five-star rating, there needs to be a special category for Spooner Health,” said Ciarico. “They deserve above and beyond a five-star. A lot of good things are going to happen in this new facility.” Mike Schafer, Spooner Health CEO, was able to greet all nine inpatients as they made their way off the ambulance and into the new facility. “It was fun to see the patients excitement and appreciation for the new hospital.” “I want to extend a sincere thank-you to all of our staff and the many other people and organizations who worked together to ensure a safe and successful patient move,” says Schafer. “It is a large undertaking to move a hospital to a new location and we couldn’t have done it without great teamwork.” — from Spooner Health For more photos see Spooner Health, Page 3

Sports Pages 17-19 BREAKERS

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Early copy, please SHELL LAKE - Due to the upcoming Memorial Day weekend celebration, the Washburn County Register will have an early deadline. The deadline will be noon on Friday, May 27, for the June 1 edition. The newspaper office will be closed Monday, May 30, in observance of Memorial Day. — WCR

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The first helicopter lands at the new helipad adjacent to the ambulance garage and emergency services. — Photos submitted


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