Wcr | Nov 12 | 2014

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Nov. 12, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Vol. 126, No. 13 • Shell Lake, Wis.

We e ke nd w atch Crochet an autumn granny square afghan @ Spooner Red Cedar Symphony Orchestra @ Shell Lake Meal-in-a-Peel @ Sarona Polka Mass and Polish Feast @ Spooner • See calendar on page 6 for details


The tough choices in voting

Serving veterans a dream come true for new CVSO Page 3

A visit from the national honey queen Page 2

Celebrating the Laker Way Page 23


Got an idea for a story? Email us @ news@wcregisteronline.com

Early copy, please SHELL LAKE — Due to a change in the print schedule during the Thanksgiving holiday, the deadline for all news copy as well as ad copy for the Wednesday, Nov. 26, edition of the Register is noon on Friday, Nov. 21. The Register newspaper office will be closed Thursday, Nov. 27, and Friday, Nov. 28. — from WCR ••• SHELL LAKE — Due to the snowstorm that hit the area on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 10 and 11, the Shell Lake City Council meeting was postponed until tonight, Wednesday, Nov. 12, at 7 p.m. — from Shell Lake City Administrator ••• MADISON – The average price of gas in Wisconsin has dropped below $3 per gallon for the first time since December 2010, ending its longest streak ever above that price, according to AAA. This milestone for Wisconsin’s state average comes about a week after the national average, and is significant because about 40 percent of American adults believe that gasoline is too high when the price reaches that level, according to a AAA survey conducted in March. Gas prices fell over 30 cents per gallon in the last month, the steepest decline since 2008. Much of the decline can be attributed to falling crude oil prices, which account for two-thirds of the cost of gasoline. Abundant oil supplies, winterblend fuels and low demand continue to place downward pressure on gas prices,” said Nick Jarmusz, director of public affairs for AAA Wisconsin. - from AAA

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Isabelle Mensen was having a difficult time voting for the best book at the Shell Lake Public Library voting booth on Tuesday, Nov. 4. While their parents could vote for their favorite politician at Shell Lake City Hall, the children could cast their vote for their favorite book. Dr. Seuss was the hands-down winner. — Photo by Larry Samson

2015 budget approved for city of Spooner Danielle Moe | Staff writer SPOONER — Two hearings were held before the regular monthly meeting of the Spooner City Council on Thursday, Nov. 6, regarding the 2015 budget and a resolution to declare 301 and 302 Walnut St., the Northwest Sports Complex and the old fire hall building, a blighted area. There was no public in attendance for either hearing or during the city council meeting. The city council moved to approve the 2015 budget, the blight resolution, an offer to purchase and $2,500 for improvements to the ice rink. Budget “We’ve increased spending by $16,000 and revenues by the same amount,” said Carol Dunn, finance committee chair during discussion about the city’s 2015 budget. The total expenditures for the city’s 2015 budget are $2.14 million, which is $15,400 more than last years. While the city’s expenditures have changed, the levy limit has not changed over last year; at

$1.189 million. The equalized value on homes in the city dropped, causing the mill rate to be 9.28. This results in the city collecting $927.64 in taxes on a $100,000 home in 2015. The top five items in the city’s 2015 budget are: Police department $721,478 City shop $484,933 Capital outlay $125,592 Garbage $196,582 City clerk/treasurer $102,172 The police department’s fund did not have a significant increase over 2014, and the department actually lost nearly $9,000 in overtime and part-time wages. Capital outlay funds are used by municipalities to account for equipment purchases and project costs. Even though large projects may be totally or partially funded by grants, their expense is still accounted for in this fund. See Budget, page 3

Members nominate new treasurer and approve budgets at fall dinner meeting SHELL LAKE — Nominating a treasurer and approving budgets were items of business at the fall dinner meeting for Indianhead Community Health Care Inc. President Linda King presided over the meeting held Monday, Nov. 3, at Glenview. The organization was established in 1968 with 90 members. Currently the paid membership has dropped, with 32 paid members attending the meeting. This volunteer organization’s goal is to provide support to the medical community in the Shell Lake area. In 2014, ICHC made a donation to the Washburn County Relay For Life, gave first-aid kits to the Shell Lake Arts Center, provided funds and volunteers for Mini Medics and gave $1,300 to Terraceview Living Center for improvements to the Walk of Memories. The nominating committee of Jude Bolterman, Sue Weathers and Kurt Graves nominated

Patty McKee for the position of treasurer. No nominations were given from the floor. McKee accepted the position. Administrator Paul Naglosky gave an update on Indianhead Medical Center and the Shell Lake Clinic, stating that final bids to redo the radiology department are being accepted and that the hospital will undergo a major remodeling project. He is also in the recruiting process for a fourth doctor to join the medical staff. Graves, administrator of Terraceview Living Center, stated that the facility is running at 49/50 beds full after previously having a lower census. The CNA staffing is where it should be. The Walk of Memories update was started and will rest until spring with plans to incorporate a focus on military as well. There is a plan to set up a website where donations to the Walk of

T h e Reg ist e r i s a co o p e rat i ve - o w n e d n ews pa per

See Fall dinner meeting, page 3

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