Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Vol. 126, No. 14 • Shell Lake, Wis.
We e ke nd w atch Free community breakfast @ Spooner Indianhead Writers meeting @ Spooner • See calendar on page 6 for details
wcregist eronline.com
Nov. 19, 2014
Santa’s dilemma
Bring a Vet to School day Page 23
Lions Club needs your help Page 10
Laker volleyball team holds year-end banquet
Santa looks puzzled as he tries to remember and keep straight what Ava and Layla Thompson want for Christmas. The twins are first-graders at Spooner Elementary School and were visiting Santa at the Spooner PTO Craft Show held Saturday, Nov. 15. More photos page 11. – Photo by Larry Samson
2015 budget, 2014 levy approved
Page 12
Deliberation over funds to Spooner Redevelopment Authority
Got an idea for a story? Email us @ news@wcregisteronline.com
SHELL LAKE — Due to a change in the print schedule during the Thanksgiving holiday, the deadline for all news copy as well as ad copy for the Wednesday, Nov. 26, edition of the Register is noon on Friday, Nov. 21. The Register newspaper office will be closed Thursday, Nov. 27, and Friday, Nov. 28. — from WCR ••• SHELL LAKE — Most areas within the Shell Lake city limits are closed to hunting. Anyone who intends to hunt within the city limits is advised to review the Firearms Discharge Regulations Zones map at the city administrator’s office. Hunters are also advised to use extreme caution in the areas that are open for hunting as there may be occupied dwellings near these areas. Property owners permission must be obtained. According to Shell Lake Police Chief Dave Wilson, his department will be enforcing state hunting regulations within the city. — from the Shell Lake Police Department ••*
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Danielle Moe | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — The Washburn County Board deliberated over funds previously allotted to the Spooner Redevelopment Authority previous to their approval of the 2014 levy and 2015 budget during their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 12. The Washburn County Board approved an amendment to the 2015 budget to not include $50,000 previously earmarked for the Spooner Redevelopment Authority for the Spooner Civic Center Project. Thomas Mackie, District 5
representative, stated that because the investors had pulled their offer to purchase the building the county could use $15,000 of those funds for the purchase of a new sign at the Washburn County tourism booth and to leave the other $35,000 in the budget for contingency. Mackie explained that this change would not affect the levy because the funds came from the county’s existing development fund. Jim Heim, SRA finance committee chair, and Mike Spafford, Washburn County Economic Development Corporation, spoke to the board about both groups desire for the county to maintain their financial obligation in the event another investor comes along. The amendment to the 2015 county budget See Budget, page 3
An unlikely coveted commodity: road salt Danielle Moe | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — The over a foot of snow that blanketed Washburn County last week has sent Wisconsin residents into an early winter. For the Washburn County Highway Department the early snow has made their dwindling salt supplies from last year that much smaller. “We actually depleted our state reserves and the state is actually using county salt right now. If you see a lot of county trucks on Hwy. 53 it’s because they’re going to get salt for themselves off the docks in Duluth,” said Jon Johnson, Washburn County highway commissioner. The salt used to deice county, state and municipal roadways is delivered via the Great
Lakes or the Mississippi River and from there it is trucked to communities. “In some cases we have salt piles sitting on the dock and we just can’t get trucks to move it so it’s a logistical thing,” said Todd Matheson of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. A lack of trucks for hauling the salt to municipalities has led to salt supplies being depleted or running low. Because of how bad last winter was, Matheson explained, WisDOT’s contract with salt vendors for this year has increased over last year. “Last winter was pretty much a record on
T h e Reg ist e r i s a co o p e rat i ve - o w n e d n ews pa per
See Commodity, page 3