WCR | Nov 25 | 2015

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Nov. 25, 2015

Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2015 Vol. 127, No. 15 • Shell Lake, Wis.

A saga of three families Pages 16-17

The snow that quickly fell in Shell Lake on Thursday, Nov. 19, lent beauty to the bare tree branches. — Photo by Natalie Melton

Gunshot death at Minong Unrelated to deer gun hunting season, sheriff says Page 3

Charter school dissolved A trip to the visitor center


Laker girls scrimmage at Unity

Danielle Danford | Staff writer SPOONER — A time line of events since the Spooner Area School District became aware that the SAVE Academy charter school was not following charter school laws and Spooner School District policies was shared with the Spooner School Board during their discussion on a resolution for the dissolution plan of the SAVE Academy charter school at the board’s regular monthly meeting on Monday, Nov. 16. For background, the SAVE Academy was a charter school that entered a five-year contract, or charter, with the Spooner Area School District in 2013. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction defines charter schools as public, nonsectarian schools created through a businesslike contract or charter between the charter governance board and the sponsoring school board or other chartering authority. The Wisconsin charter school law gives charter schools freedom from

most state rules and regulations in exchange for greater accountability for results. The charter defines the missions and methods of the charter school and the chartering authority holds the school accountable to its charter. According to Michelle Schwab, Spooner Area School District superintendent, in December of 2014 administration of the Spooner School District concluded there could be a misappropriation of public funds by SAVE. In a February meeting with the SAVE Academy board and the SASD, issues were discussed including SAVE not following charter school laws or Spooner Area School District policies and the potential improper handling of public funds. In April 2015, the Spooner School Board authorized a letter that contained these concerns. In a See School board votes, page 4

SAVE Academy issues statement following boards dissolution plan

Page 14


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SPOONER — The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs will be holding a listening session on Tuesday, Dec. 1, 6-8 p.m., at the Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery, N4063 Veterans Way, Spooner. Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services Secretary Dave Ross and Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions Secretary Ray Allen plan to attend. — from WCVSO

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SPOONER — With reference to the Spooner Area School District news release dated Nov. 18, 2015, and comments made at Spooner Area School Board meeting on Monday, Nov. 16, SAVE states the following: The SAVE board was not approached in the fall of 2014 with concerns about the operations and financial activities practiced at SAVE Academy. SASD superintendent and SAVE’s director had a few discussions about the operation of SAVE Academy and the need to have SASD appoint a representative to the SAVE Board. This was never fulfilled. Any alleged operating concerns which SASD had were also being addressed proactively by SAVE directly with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, the entity who oversees such matters. These ongoing positive and helpful discussion(s) were known to SASD. Nov. 11 2014, a conference call was held with DPI, Kate McKinney, SAVE Academy’s director; SAVE board members; Michelle Schwab, SASD superintendent; and SASD board members to discuss SAVE Academy. DPI initiated this call as a follow-up to a SAVE parent calling to discuss concerns they were having over the SASD superintendent insisting they have their students par-

ticipate in state testing. DPI stated they would be following up with SAVE Academy if they had any further questions. On Jan. 27, 2015, following the announcement of a proposed cut, members of the SAVE board met with two members of the SASD board. The contract was discussed — SASD’s desires to have a higher percentage of per-pupil funding — as well as SAVE’s concerns regarding SASD honoring the contract. SASD claimed they had higher expenses, justifying a higher percentage share. SAVE stated at that time their willingness to negotiate expenses accrued to SASD on behalf of SAVE. On Jan. 30, a follow-up email was sent from the SAVE board, again stating SAVE’s willingness to be transparent with their funding and expenses, trusting the district would do the same. It was reiterated that SAVE would be willing to negotiate expenses the district accrued as a result of SAVE. A detailed expense list was requested from SASD so SAVE could see the cost SAVE was having on the district. A written request to honor the existing five-year contract was also made. It wasn’t until April 13 a written response was received


See SAVE, page 4


Spooner students and staff recognized

A recognition program was held recently at Spooner School District. Jace Scalzo was recognized for his enterprising work with Spooner Machine and completing his associate’s certification in the SolidWorks software. Shown (L to R): Michelle Schwab, Spooner Area School District superintendent; Sarah Johnson, Spooner High School principal, and Scalzo, Spooner student.

Stacy Wiemeri, Spooner school nurse, was recognized for becoming a nationally certified school nurse. Shown (L to R): Luke Stordal, Spooner Elementary School principal; Wiemeri, Spooner school nurse; and Michelle Schwab, Spooner Area School District superintendent.

Members of the Spooner High School girls golf team were recognized for their achievements. The team was back-to-back conference champions in 2014 and 2015. The team also qualified for state for the third year in a row. Individual player recognition included Sydney Busch, Maddie Friedman and Dani Dewitt, who are each all-conference athletes. Dewitt is also Player of the Year in the Heart O’North Conference and HON Conference tournament medalist. Shown (L to R): Busch, Friedman, Lyndsey Hanson, Rachel Johnson and Dewitt. They were recently recognized during an awards recognition program at the school.

Photos by Danielle Danford

Nevaeh Hutton was recognized for her achievement for qualifying and competing at the National Youth Pedal Pull Championship in South Dakota. Hutton has already made a qualifying pull at a local competition to compete at the state youth pedal pull competition next summer. Jessie Robotti was recognized for being the 2015 Spooner-Trego Lion of the Year. Robotti is an administrative assistant in the school district office.

Washburn County Register Your Community Newspaper • PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871 MANAGER: Doug Panek dougpanek@centurytel.net EDITOR: Gary King editor@wcregisternewsroom.com OFFICE MANAGER: Suzanne Johnson news@wcregisternewsroom.com REPORTER: Larry Samson REPORTER: Danielle Danford PAGINATOR: Raelynn Hunter ADVERTISING: Jeanine Moody DEADLINE FOR NEWS/ADS: MONDAYS @ NOON

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Local volunteers drill plan to organize volunteers in disaster Danielle Danford | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — Planning the local response to a disaster like a tornado, wildland fire or act of terrorism is part of the mission statement for Washburn County Emergency Management. On Tuesday, Nov. 17, Washburn County Emergency Management drilled its volunteer staff on how they would handle the influx of volunteers to aid in the recovery efforts after a disaster. “I couldn’t do anything without the volunteers,” said Carol Buck, Washburn County Emergency Management director. A total of 22 volunteers from the SpoonerTrego Lions Club, Shell Lake Lions Club and Faith Lutheran Church orchestrated the volunteer reception center drill that had nearly 30 emergency volunteers participate. “These volunteers are a key component to emergency management response plans,” said Buck. The numerous ways a disaster could strike make it difficult to educate the volunteer staff on every potential outcome. The focus of the drill was to have the staff volunteers set up a volunteer reception center with registration, communications and transportation services and then process volunteers in a disaster response scenario. “Our partners that were here from other counties were impressed with, first of all, our strong volunteer group, and secondly, how well departments work together,”

Tom Boron, Washburn County technology director, signs in as an emergency volunteer for a Washburn County Emergency Management drill on Tuesday, Nov. 17. A total of 22 people from the Spooner-Trego Lions and Shell Lake Lions clubs orchestrated a volunteer reception center drill in which nearly 30 emergency volunteers participated. — Photo by Danielle Danford said Jerri Pederson, Washburn County health officer. The county’s emergency management and public health department have long cooperated together on emergency management plans, but this was the first time the two departments shared their people resources, in the form of volunteers, with the volunteer reception center drill. If a disaster were to happen in Wash-

burn County it could be days before assistance could be organized and implemented. Because of this Washburn County Emergency Management and the emergency response community strongly urges every household have an emergency kit with enough supplies to see you and your family through three days following a disaster event. The kit should include the basics of survival

such as fresh water, food, safety, warmth, sanitation and clean air. More information about Washburn County emergency management and preparing for a disaster is available online at co.washburn.wi.us/ departments/emergency-management.

NWPRC receives national innovation award WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Northwest Regional Planning Commission, based in Spooner, received a 2015 Innovation Award from the National Association of Development Organizations Research Foundation for the Hazardous Waste Collection, Education and Mapping Project. The Hazardous Waste Collection, Education and Mapping Project focused on efforts to expand hazardous waste collection, enhancing public education and the creation of a geospatial decision support tool to address mitigation, planning and incident response. The project was made possible by a Great Lakes Restoration Initiative grant to address hazardous waste issues within the Wisconsin and Michigan portions of the Lake Superior Basin. Technical assistance and funding was provided to plan and facilitate implementation of four storage areas for properly collecting and storing hazardous waste. NWRPC provided technical assistance to

develop the sites and created health and safety plans related to operations of the hazardous waste sites. A video was created on the effects of hazardous and electronic waste to the Lake Superior watershed basin and a Web-based GIS mapping interface which includes key base features was developed to help local planners and emergency response personnel in communities across the basin better prepare for and respond to hazardous materials incidents. Information on the project can be found at nwrpc.com. NADO is a Washington, D.C.-based association that promotes programs and policies that strengthen local governments, communities and economies through regional cooperation, program delivery and comprehensive strategies. The association’s Innovation Awards program recognizes regional development organizations and partnering organizations for

improving the economic and community competitiveness of our nation’s regions and local communities. Award-winning projects were honored during NADO’s 2015 annual training conference, held Oct. 24-27 in New Orleans, La. “For nearly 30 years, NADO’s Innovation Award has provided regional development organizations the opportunity to be recognized for their hard work and dedication to promoting economic development in rural and small metropolitan communities across the country. Building on the unique strengths and challenges of each region and community, award recipients continue to promote sustainable economic growth not only now, but for many years to come. And I am pleased to announce that this year over 100 regional development organizations were selected to receive NADO’s 2015 Innovation Award,” said NADO 2014-2015 board President Terry Bobrowski, executive di-

Sports on the table at meeting

Larry Samson | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — The changes in the coaching staff in the upcoming year were taken care of during the regular school board meeting of the School District of Shell Lake held Monday, Nov. 16, at the school library. The board accepted the resignation of Mark Lehnherr as head coach of the football program. Lehnherr had been the coach for the last 10 years. The selection process for new football coach will begin in January. Jim DeLadi will be the new girls JV basketball coach for the coming season. Willie Christ will be taking over the wrestling program for the upcoming season replacing Pete Hopke who has taken a position in Superior School District. This is Christ’s second year as he filled in during the 2014-15 season for

Hopke who was serving with the National Guard in the Middle East. Steve Naglosky will be the new assistant varsity and junior high assistant coach. Naglosky, a school board member, recused himself from the discussion and vote. Brad Sauve will be the new varsity baseball coach for the 2016 season. Curt Emerson will be the assistant. Sauve was the assistant coach and will be replacing Tom Sauve who took a teaching position at St. Croix Central in Hammond. Anne Walter will be the new junior high girls basketball coach. She is a fifth-grade teacher at Shell Lake. The junior high season starts Monday, Jan. 5. In other business, the board passed the resolution to accept the cooperative agreement with Spooner on the boys soccer program. The co-op is in its third year

since being reinstated. After taking up bookkeeping items, junior high teacher Al Nauertz gave a presentation and slide show of the recent Wolf Ridge trip in October. It was favorably received by the school board. Plans are in the works for a 2016 trip. The board had a discussion to change the Shell Lake School District’s mission statement to be more in line with its vision statement. This is a continuing process; as goals are achieved the mission statement needs to upgraded. Keri Jensen has been hired as the website coordinator The school board then moved into executive session to discuss administrative compensation.

Start Here - Finish Here open house set RICE LAKE — Start Here - Finish Here is the theme of the upcoming UW-Barron County open house to be held Tuesday evening, Dec. 8. This customized open house is designed to answer individual questions for returning adult students who are thinking about starting or completing a UW degree through on-campus and online courses. The open house will run from 6-7:30 p.m. Activities begin in the UWBC Commons, followed by a campus tour and a brief overview of the associate degree and the Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences degree, and conclude with individualized career/degree advice or appointments.

Students have many options at UWBC. Blended course format combines in-class and online instruction, making it possible to attend class one or two nights a week. Students select courses and develop essential skills that fit their work or personal goals. Attendees will be offered vouchers for a future math and English ReFresh workshops, which are designed to introduce students to a positive learning environment at UWBC. The BAAS degree is a great option for students with a UW-Barron County or Wisconsin Technical College associate degree who need a bachelor’s degree to advance at work or get started in a new

career direction. The BAAS combines oncampus core courses with online courses from up to six UW partners. Professional experience through service learning, internships and a capstone project are features of the degree. To register for a Start Here - Finish Here open house, contact UWBC Student Services at 715-234-8176, ext. 1, or email uwbcinfo@uwc.edu. Prospective students can also arrange a customized appointment by calling 715-234-8176, prompt No. 1, or emailing kelli.coller@uwc.edu. — from UWBC

rector of the East Tennessee Development District in Alcoa, Tenn. For more information about the awardwinning project, contact Sheldon Johnson at the Northwest Regional Planning Commission at 715-635-2197. — from NADO

Well-known businessman dies

SHELL LAKE - Funeral services will be held Saturday, Nov. 28, for Howard “Klippity Klopp” Klopp. Klopp, 93, passed away Tuesday, Nov. 17. He operated Klopp’s Bar on Shell Lake’s Main Street for 50 years. Services will be held at 2 p.m. at Skinner Funeral Home in Shell Lake. Friends may call from 1-2 p.m. at the funeral home. A Celebration of Life will continue at Klopp’s Bar following the service. — with submitted information

Sheriff: Minong man’s shooting death was not result of hunting or criminal foul play Danielle Danford | Staff writer SHELL LAKE - A Minong man lost his life after being shot in the chest in his garage on Saturday, Nov. 21. According to news release from Washburn County Sheriff Terry Dryden, the call came in at approximately 11:23 a.m. that Charles Kroeze, 45, had been shot in the chest. Kroeze’s mother and father rendered aid to Kroeze until the ambulance arrived. Kroeze was then taken by ambulance to the Spooner Hospital where an air ambulance was waiting, but he died in transport to the Spooner Hospital. Preliminary investigation into the incident revealed it was not a hunting accident. Additional investigation revealed that the gunshot wound to Kroeze’s chest was from a .357-caliber revolver. “We do not believe a criminal act was committed causing the death of Charles. However, we continue our investigation and will await some results from the autopsy. We ask that all remember the Kroeze family and their friends during this time of sorrow and loss,” said Dryden in the prepared news release. Wisconsin DNR wardens, Wisconsin State Patrol and the Minong Ambulance also responded to the scene. - with information from Washburn County Sheriff’s Department


School board votes/from page 1 news release dated June 15 SAVE stated that the letter from SASD was perceived to be ominous and somewhat threatening as it suggested that the district had the ability to initiate litigation against and disband SAVE for its alleged noncompliances, or it would make life difficult for the SAVE board if it did not agree to the terms imposed by the district. SAVE stated that the contents of the letter were shared with SAVE stakeholders and parents. Due to the response to the letter SAVE Academy polled its stakeholders about their intentions for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year. Of the 63 students enrolled in SAVE at the time, 49 reported they would not attend SAVE Academy in 2015-2016, leaving SAVE with 10-14 possible students. As a result of the poll, the SAVE Academy board unanimously passed a resolution of dissolution on Monday, June 8. According to Schwab several parts of the plan did not align with SASD policy so the Spooner School Board, under the advisement of their attorney, authorized a cease and desist order to halt any further action by SAVE Academy. At Monday night’s meeting John Hedlund, Spooner School Board chair, stated that SAVE was going through a DPI audit that was initiated independent of SASD and unknown to SASD until August. “I went into it (negotiations) hoping

that there was something we could find some common ground on but there was nothing to negotiate at that point. They had gone through their DPI audit, by the end of their audit what the state told them … there was only going to be 12 kids left in SAVE just because of what the state said they had to change, that’s how much was wrong with SAVE to start with. There was nothing left of it so they said we have to dissolve there’s only going to be 12 students,” said Hedlund. Schwab told the board that from June through August the district conducted an investigation of SAVE emails, bank statements and credit card statements. The results of the investigation were brought to the Spooner School Board which then met with the SAVE board and with both parties’ attorneys present, they reached a resolution on the SAVE dissolution plan. That resolution, which was approved in August, was to be signed by both the SAVE board and the SASD board to make it a binding resolution. The plan was for the Spooner School Board to sign after the SAVE board but the Spooner School Board didn’t get a signed agreement until Monday, Nov. 16. A week prior, Christina Martin, board clerk, sent SAVE a public records request to get SAVE board meeting minutes to find out what was going on with the dissolution plan. Documents obtained from

that request revealed SAVE had paid out $65,487 in severance funds to former SAVE staff, an agreed-upon part of the dissolution plan but a move that was only supposed to happen after the SAVE board and the Spooner School Board had both signed the dissolution plan. “I agree that it is unfortunate how this unfolded but through the legal counsel, from both sides, we’ve come up with this resolution and I think we need to move forward with it and get this taken care of and move on,” said Clay Halverson, board member. According to a news release from the SASD the district has incurred $17,086.50 in legal expenses since August 2014. The resolution was approved on a majority voice vote. Board member Robert Hoellen stated he “symbolically opposed it” because the board was “heavyhanded” in their negotiation style with SAVE. On Tuesday, Nov. 17, the Register reached out to former SAVE Administrator Katie McKinney for comment about the plan but, as of press time, the Register was not contacted. The fine details of the dissolution plan include: • SASD will retain all district supply account funds that have not yet been distributed to SAVE, in total approximately $33,000.

• SASD will retain all technology equipment purchased by SAVE. • SASD will retain all consumable supplies and activity equipment. • SASD agrees that SAVE may distribute through instructional curriculum materials to the families that were enrolled in SAVE. • SASD agrees to not dispute severance packages and release the claims that are planned for SAVE staff totaling around $61,000. • SASD agrees that $20,000 from SAVE funds may be kept in escrow until Dec. 1, 2015, to cover potential liability associated with SAVE and/or its board members. • On Dec. 2 the remaining balance will be transferred to the SASD provided that there are no legal actions pending. • SASD will receive any remaining balance for SAVE’s attorney retainer fee of $20,000 upon its dissolution and closing of escrow account. • SASD will receive any remaining balance of the community bank account after the staff payouts and the dissolution process is finalized. • SAVE agrees that it will not distribute any funds to outside organizations other than paying any outstanding accounts to its service providers.

was in attendance. At this meeting it was evident that the relationship between the two parties was strained. SAVE’s director soon filed a bullying/harassment complaint involving this incident. On April 13, SAVE Academy received an 11-page letter from SASD’s attorney Trevor Helmers. This included an alleged financial breakdown as to what SASD felt SAVE Academy cost them, without any of the requested proof (just statements) as well as their statement as to whether or not they’d uphold our contract. Renegotiations were proposed, SASD motivated these renegotiations by including pages of stated “concerns,” most of which were being address through DPI. Parents of SAVE students lost faith in the SASD, believing that the SASDproposed changes to programming and financing compelled them to look elsewhere to provide for their children’s educations. Between April and June the SAVE board determined that they would not have enough anticipated enrollment to be viable the following year. This combined with the lack of district support led the SAVE board, long before any action on the part of SASD, to vote on a plan of dissolution. There was much attorney communication. SAVE’s bylaws, which had been drafted by SASD’s prior attorney and approved by SASD’s board, provided as follows: “Upon the dissolution of the Corporation, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of the Corporation, dispose of all of the assets of the Corporation exclusively for the purpose of the Corporation in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, as the Board of Directors shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Circuit Court of the county in which the principal office of the Corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.” Based upon that, and having determined that multiple public entities in the Spooner Area had educational programs which fit this criteria, SAVE opted initially to provide a small stipend (maximum of $5,000 each) to each of these programs (listed in prior Press Release) to foster educational opportunities for our children. This information was shared with SASD in the interests of transparency, and SASD objected to any money which had been

accumulated by SAVE going anywhere except to SASD, with the exception of some severance packages for SAVE’s employees, which SASD approved for liability reasons. There were many random misconstrued “facts” presented on Monday night, Nov. 16, and in SASD’s release. Here are SAVE’s responses: SASD’s superintendent spoke very vocally about “misappropriation of funds,” apparently because SAVE distributed severance package monies, which had been approved by the negotiations committee before approval by SASD as a whole. This is an incorrect and loaded statement for several reasons. First, SAVE disputes that SASD has any authority to determine how SAVE properly disposes of its own assets in the conduct of its day-to-day business. SAVE was independently set up with a board in order to do exactly that. Secondly, SASD is very well aware from the meetings that were had, that SASD had approved the severance packages, and the numbers associated with the severance packages, in a joint meeting meant to address that and other issues. The “misappropriation” complained of by SASD superintendent is purportedly that SAVE did exactly what was agreed to, but before SASD’s whole board had approved. The severance agreements themselves, with the employees, however, required payment by Oct. 16, 2015, as they were promised, and that was completed. For the reasons stated in point number one above, SAVE feels obligated to comply with the agreements that were approved for its employees in a timely fashion and since it was approved by all anyhow, it didn’t really care whether SASD’s board approves of the timing or not. With reference to a recent release from the Spooner Area School District, it is accurate to say that on June 18, 2015, SASD’s attorney issued a cease and desist letter, which came as a surprise to SAVE Academy since the Plan of Dissolution SAVE proposed ultimately provided the vast percentage of dollars (which had been efficiently saved by SAVE Academy) was to be returned to SASD by decision of SAVE’s own board, absent any communication with SASD about what should ultimately happen with those funds. With agreement on the severance packages and SAVE’s own Plan of Dissolution returning the bulk of the remainder of the money to SASD by its own decision, the remaining concern was SASD’s objection to any money being provided as a stipend to community agencies, notwithstanding SAVE’s Bylaw provisions which mandated exactly that. In order to proceed with dissolution and to appease SASD, SAVE agreed to amend the Dissolution Resolution so that the $35,000 maximum, properly earmarked for the community

under SAVE’s bylaws, would also be returned to SASD. In addition, SAVE had proposed to provide certain individualized curricula to students who had been enrolled in SAVE so that they could continue their educational path. This was largely approved by SASD. Likewise, certain other items which SAVE had proposed to auction were returned to SASD per their request, including computers. Responding to some of the other random, misconstrued “facts” presented on Monday night, SAVE submits the following: • At all times, a separate bank account was used for payroll, which was always reviewed and submitted through the SASD office, contemporaneous with payment. • At all time, ALL purchases made by SAVE were approved by the district office through the same purchase order process all SASD purchases are made. • Not a single Bible was purchased using SAVE Funds. The following is the opinion of SAVE’s board on what really occurred: It is SAVE’s impression that because it engaged in fiscal conservativism and efficient use of resources, thus allowing it to build a budget surplus to advance its programs, it became a target because of SASD’s own budget shortfalls. SASD’s stated “concerns” (which were already being proactively addressed by SAVE through DPI) were used as a tacit threat to dissolve the SAVE program unless SASD would be allowed to “renegotiate” a fiveyear contract which it had entered and guaranteed it a higher percentage of perpupil revenue. In other words, a diversion of funds from SAVE to SASD. When SAVE resisted, SASD’s demeanor took a change, which was perceived ominously by the parents of SAVE students. When SAVE’s board was required to report what was going on, SAVE’s parents became fearful of what SASD would do to their programs, and opted to look elsewhere for their children’s educations. When SAVE was thus forced into its own decision to dissolve, SASD tried to negotiate as many of the remaining funds as it could out of SAVE in dissolution, and then attempted to create a revisionist history that makes it appear that SASD was a concerned overseer, rather than an uninvolved, but menacing raider.

SAVE/from page 1 from SASD – this was in the 11-page letter written from attorney Helmers. On Feb. 23, at 10:30 a.m., Kyle Torvinen, SAVE Academy’s representing attorney; three SAVE board members and Kate McKinney met with SASD to discuss the recently proposed diversion of contractual revenue from SAVE Academy and the existing contract between the two parties. The proposed cut was presented at the Jan. 19 SASD Board meeting. This information was presented publically before it was presented to the SAVE Board. The cut would breach the five-year contract between SAVE and SASD. SAVE was not willing to negotiate the funding formula set forth in the contract. This was the start of the “my way or the highway” approach SASD had with SAVE. During this meeting it was stated that SAVE had not yet received a written response from SASD showing alleged financial costs to the district on behalf of SAVE as well as if they would uphold the five-year contract. SAVE was told to submit the request again. On Jan. 15, a phone conference call was held between DPI and SAVE. Again many questions were asked and answered about SAVE’s programming. The conversation was cooperative. DPI requested that SAVE work on increasing their teacher-tostudent direct contact time. It was stated a new charter school overseer would be hired at DPI and once she was in place she would contact SAVE. It was a productive and amicable conversation. DPI did not follow up with SAVE Academy, so SAVE’s director reached out to DPI via phone and followed up via email on March 24 to ensure SAVE was proactive in making changes. Much communication between SAVE and DPI followed over the following months. Once DPI hired a new charter school overseer, she and the SAVE director had many discussions/emails about strategies to implement into SAVE. SAVE was moving forward with implementing suggested changes to their program, per DPI. On March 10, a second request was sent to the SASD for financial information and a written statement stating they would uphold the written contract, not raid SAVE’s budget. On March 26, SAVE’s director scheduled a meeting with SASD’s superintendent to update her on reprogramming work that had been taking place through DPI, as well as to express personal concerns about happenings and morale within the district. The same day the SAVE director received an email, which was CC’d to multiple other individuals within the district, from the superintendent, “correcting” her on a perceived inappropriate behavior. SAVE’s director at this time requested a SASD board member be present at the next day’s meeting. Kyle Pierce

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Donating to a food drive? Keep quality, food safety in mind SPOONER — This is the time of year when local community groups often host food drives to fill local food pantry shelves. By keeping a few simple tips in mind, you can enhance the value of the food donations you make. “It’s important to remember that donated food is most helpful if it is both safe and high quality,” says Barbara Ingham, food safety specialist with the University of Wisconsin - Extension. Make sure to check the dates on packages of foods that you donate, advises Ingham. • Quality or pack dates are often designated on packages by the words “Better if used by ...” and a date. Look for these dates on packaged mixes, cold cereals, peanut butter, and increasingly, on canned items like fruits and vegetables. These dates mean that after the quality date, the food will begin to lose its flavor and may even develop an off flavor. Donate only foods that are well within the quality dates marked on the package.

• Expiration dates include information such as “Expires 2/15/13” or “Do not use after 7/9/13.” Look for these dates on vitamins, yeast, baking powder and cake mixes. Do not donate foods that are past their expiration date. • Pull dates. Example: “Sell by May 16.” Look for these dates on perishable, refrigerated foods such as milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cream, eggs, lunch meat and packaged salad mixes. Perishable foods, with the exception of garden produce, are usually not included in a food drive. If they are, choose foods that are well within the pull date. Besides looking for a date, be sure to check the integrity of the package. To ensure that the food has not been contaminated, donate only foods from unopened packages. Avoid foods with packaging that shows signs of leakage or damage. Ingham urges consumers not to donate home-canned items, or canned items that have broken seams or large dents. Your donation only makes a difference in the

life of someone in need if the product donated is within the date marked and of good quality. If you question the integrity of the product or wouldn’t feed it to your family, it is probably best not to donate it.

Examples of foods to consider donating are: • Canned vegetables, especially those without added salt. • Fruits canned in juice, unsweetened applesauce, 100-percent fruit juice and dried fruit such as raisins or craisins. • Canned meats and fish, such as chicken, ham, beef, tuna and salmon. Do not donate meat canned at home. • Peanuts and peanut butter. • Whole grain, low-sugar cereals such as plain instant oatmeal, whole grain O’s, and bran flakes. • Whole grain or enriched pasta and instant rice—either brown or enriched. Boxed noodle and rice dishes can be an easy starting point for a one-dish meal.

Washburn County Tourism Association helps Wisconsin Bundle Up this winter SPOONER — The Washburn County Tourism Association is inviting residents to drop off new or gently used coats, sweaters, hats, mittens and other warm clothing items as part of the Wisconsin Department of Tourism’s The Big Bundle Up campaign. The Big Bundle Up is a statewide collection program running Nov. 19 - Jan. 3, 2016. This is the fifth year of the Big Bundle Up. To date, the program has collected more than 49,300 winter items to help families in need. In addition to Washburn County Tourism Association, other collection sites, including Travel Wisconsin Welcome Centers, are located throughout the state. Visit TravelWisconsin.com for a full listing of donation sites. With the spirit of the holiday season upon us, donating winter items is the


Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners Nov. 16 - $35 Meghan Pesko, Rice Lake Nov. 17 - $35 John Oman, Hudson Nov. 18 - $35 Barry Nielsen, Shell Lake Nov. 19 - $35 Lorraine Haremza, Shell Lake Nov. 19 - $35 Cindy Baumann/Denise Jechorek, Sarona

Washburn Co. Register Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio


Temperatures recorded at Spooner Ag Research Station

2014 Nov. 16 Nov. 17 Nov. 18 Nov. 19 Nov. 20

High Low Precip. 20 -8 19 4 14 6 15 11 1.2” snow 22 3

2015 Nov. 16 Nov. 17 Nov. 18 Nov. 19 Nov. 20

High Low Precip. 58 33 52 47 .2” rain 58 48 .45” rain 59 27 .06” rain 30 21 .2” snow

Send all news tips and copy to news@wcregisternewsroom.com

• Whole grain crackers (especially reduced-sodium) and popcorn. • Spaghetti sauce, salsa and canned beans, including baked beans. • Reduced-sodium broth and soups. • Low-fat salad dressings or spreads, and condiments such as ketchup or mustard. • Baby food is a very welcome donation. Just be sure to donate well within the date marked on the containers. Consider donating cash to food pantries. Pantries can often get more for their dollars, address shortages and focus on high-quality products with some extra financial assistance. Cash donations help food pantries offer the widest possible array of products to the individuals that they serve. To learn more, contact Jeanne Walsh, Washburn County UW-Extension family living educator, at 715-635-4444 or jeanne. walsh@ces.uwex.edu. — from UWEX

The Washburn County Tourism Association is inviting residents to drop off new or gently used coats, sweaters, hats, mittens and other warm clothing items as part of the Wisconsin Department of Tourism’s The Big Bundle Up campaign. - Photo submitted

perfect way to give to families in need across the state. A box will be located at the Washburn County Visitor Center in Spooner for donors to drop off warm clothing items. All items donated at this location will be given to Lakeland Family Resource Center. For more information about why Washburn County Tourism Association is participating in the Big Bundle Up, please contact Washburn County Tourism Association at 800-3673306. The Washburn County Tourism Office is located at 122 N. River St., Spooner. Office hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays. — from WCTA

Celebrate Christmas craft week at the library SHELL LAKE — The Shell Lake Public Library will be celebrating Christmas Craft Week with craft projects and treats every day. There will be a different craft project featured Monday through Thurs-

day, Dec. 7-10, from 3-4:30 p.m. Come to the library anytime from Dec. 1-19 and you can enter to win a stocking full of stuff. There will be four stockings raffled, one in each of the following age

Register memories 1955 – 60 Years Ago

• Shell Lake completely froze over on Nov. 18. The earliest recorded date was Nov. 7, 1951. • Michael and Raymond Haremza attended the Minnesota-Wisconsin football game in Minneapolis. • Dale Vernon Mortensen, 12, Sarona, suffocated in a snowdrift near his home. The drift was in a gully and piled up to 6 feet. It was unsure if the boy fell off the edge of the gully or was playing and dived into it. His struggles apparently only served to trap him deeper in the drift. • Pvt. Paul A. Sexton, son of Mrs. Grace A. Sexton, Shell Lake, was assigned to the Aggressor Force in Exercise Sage Brush, the largest joint Army-Air Force maneuver since World WWII, being held in Louisiana.

1965 – 50 Years Ago

• Charles Kasper, 72, Sarona, died of a heart attack while driving his car. The vehicle left the roadway and struck a telephone pole near the Henry Brandt residence. • Ernest Colan, 29, Chicago, was accidently shot by Leroy Regner, Sarona. The accident happened in Madge. Colan suffered a superficial wound in the left thigh. • A panel discussion on teenage drinking was held at the Tuesday Club meeting. Members of the panel were Mrs. C.H. Lewis, Mrs. John Bakker Jr., Harvey Johnson, superintendent of Shell Lake Schools, and Leon Peteler, parole officer from Spooner. • Mrs. Frank Shimek, Sarona, was among the group attending nurse’s aide school at Spooner.

groups: Under 8, 8-12, 13-18 and over 18. The drawing will take place on Monday, Dec. 21. One entry per person and must be present to enter. — from SLPL

compiled by Suzanne Johnson

1975 – 40 Years Ago

• Members of the Shell Lake High School basketball team were Bill Degner, Ed Soltis, Rick Ruhl, Pat Axton, Chuck Hoffman, Steve Lewis, Jack Schnell, Dave Moen, Russ Rydberg, Jimmy Tomasiak and Scott Haggberg. • Returning lettermen to the Shell Lake wrestling team were Randy Schwark, Glen Albee, Barry Schaefer and Mike Elliott. • Rain and high winds hit the area before the rain turned to snow, leaving 10 inches that was accompanied by extremely high winds. Due to the storm, schools were closed. • The Let’s Do It Now Homemakers Club met with Mrs. William Pflugger. Election of officers was held with the following results: Mrs. Frank Szulakiewicz, president; Mrs. Thomas Tabor, vice president; Mrs. Thomas Cusick, secretary; and Mrs. William Pflugger, treasurer.

1985 – 30 Years Ago

• Marion Randt, Diane Hulleman and Claude McCarty were added to the membership of Lakeview United Methodist Church. • Kodacolor film developing specials at The Medicine Chest were 36-exposure $5.79, 12-exposure $1.99, 24-exposure $3.79, and disc $2.79. • Members of the Stunt Brook Hunting Camp were Art Berlin, Ray Johnson, Bill Holmson, Rodger Studt, Jim Loomis and their offspring Tim Studt, Terry and Bill Loomis, and Jenny and Eric Holmson. • Calling the Church Deer Camp their home during the hunting season were Paul Naglosky, Steve Carlson, Brian Nord, Edward Dunbar, Gene Harrington,

Dale Livingston, Danny Ullom, Al Gravesen and Tony DeStefano. Youngsters Steve Naglosky and Brian Carlson were also at the camp.

1995 – 20 Years Ago

• Chosen Shell Lake Students of the Month were Peggy Johnson, senior; Anne Erwin, junior; Joe Elliot, junior; Mike Bennis, sophomore; Tracy Oostdyk, eighth grade; and Amber Kemp, seventh grade. • Darcy Nelson, daughter of Mrs. Verneil Downing, Shell Lake, and a sophomore at Lake Forest College, placed second in the 200-meter breaststroke in the Foresters first swim meet of the season, at Augustana. • The Circle C Convenience Store in Shell Lake was changing its identification to Citgo, said manager Linda Mortensen. • A dedication/open house was held at Duane Flogstad Villa in Wisconsin Rapids. The apartment building consisting of 20 units of housing for the specially challenged was dedicated to the late Dr. Flogstad, a prominent physician from Shell Lake who devoted much of his work to Native Americans and the disadvantaged.

2005 – 10 Years Ago

• The home of Tony Klassa on Shell Lake’s 3rd Avenue was destroyed by fire. • Don Shoquist, 25-year employee with the city of Shell Lake, was busy clearing sidewalks after the city was hit by a snowstorm. • Heidi Smith, Shell Lake, bagged a nice 10-point buck on the opening day of deer season. • Thunder Gift Gallery was having a store-closing sale.


Read me ... read me not

Sponsored by Friends of the Shell Lake Public Library

“When Crickets Cry” by Charles Marti

Reviewed by Jeri Bitney, Shell Lake Annie Cunningham is a little girl of 7 who has charmed everyone in the small Georgia town in which she lives with her bright, engaging smile, bubbly personality and maturity. All belie her underlying heart condition — something which is known by all who know and love her — and discovered by the observant but scruffy stranger who notices the scar on her thin chest which peeks above the neckline of her yellow sundress and reveals the past heart surgery to him. Everything changes when a delivery van careens out of control on the town square, strikes Annie as it spins sideways, and injures her severely. The mysterious stranger rushes to her side and administers first aid, immediately drawing the mistrust and ire of those who witness it. Her aunt attempts to give the girl medication, but the stranger pushes her away — as well as roughly shoving aside several other concerned bystanders - telling her to give Annie a smaller dose or she will kill her. Somehow they all listen to him, the paramedics arrive, and the girl is rushed to the hospital, along with a heart monitor recording device which

the man somehow pulled from his pocket, where the doctor says that the man saved her life. This would stretch incredulity, but the story unfolds in such a skillfully crafted way that we not only learn to care about the characters, but to understand and love them as well. The author explains the lives and history of the mother, daughter, the mysterious man and his brother, and we gradually learn a little bit about who he really is and how important he could be to Annie and the aunt who is raising her. We learn why the man does not want people to know his real name and what he does, and we begin to sense his struggle and sudden questioning of his decision to hide from the world. I have found that it can be annoying when a story moves between past and present, but in this book it is done so well that the story would not be as good without it. There are several emotional moments, as well as a great deal of mystery, mistrust, questioning, and eventually, redemption. There was a twist at the end, which first surprised me and then did not, but it was an ultimately satisfying story. I truly enjoyed it, not quite as much as “The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry,” but it was very close. It is a different type of story, but both are novels where the back stories about the characters are integral to understanding. This would make an interesting book club read.

Opinion? Send it to us @ news@wcregisternewsroom.com



• Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m. at the lodge. • Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs listening session, 6-8 p.m., at the Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery, N4063 Veterans Way, Spooner. Thursday, Dec. 3 • Aphasia Group, 10-11:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Call 715-520-7999. • Northwest Wisconsin Parkinson’s Disease Support Group, 1 p.m., lower level at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Shell Lake.


• Free community meal, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, 409 Summit, Spooner, 4-6 p.m. All welcome. Donations accepted. Friday, Dec. 4 • The GFWC Spooner Women’s Club at 1 p.m. at Glenview Living Center for their annual Christmas Party. Christmas Carols will be sung. Speaker will be Dr. Emory Johnson. Bring a plate of cookies or finger food to share with the residents. Visitors and guests are welcome. For more information contact Pat at 715-8652250. Saturday, Dec. 5 • Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity open house at the Minong Community Center, 212 West 5th St., from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 8 • Moms Club meets at Faith Lutheran, Spooner, 10 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 9 • Free community meal, 4-6 p.m., United Methodist Church, 135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake. All welcome. Donations accepted. • The board of directors for the Railroad Memories Museum meeting, 1 p.m., Spooner City Hall. All volunteers welcome. Thursday, Dec. 10 • The Shell Lake Lions Club meeting, 6:30 p.m., Shell Lake Community Center.

Saturday, Dec. 12 • Washburn County Food Distribution in conjunction with Ruby’s Pantry, Spooner Middle School Tech Ed Building on Elm Street. Tickets 9 a.m. Distribution 9:30 a.m. Volunteers needed. Contact 715-635-9309, 715-4684017 or 715-222-4410. Tuesday, Dec. 15 • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group, 8-9:30 a.m., Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, 715-635-4669. Meet over breakfast. Children are welcome to attend and play. • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m., at the lodge. Wednesday, Dec. 16 • Shell Lake Public Library Board of Trustees meeting, 4 p.m., at the library. The public is welcome. Thursday, Dec. 17 • Shell Lake PTA meeting, 6:30 p.m., in the 3-12 school library. Baby-sitting available. Monday, Dec. 21 • Northern Lights Camera Club, 7 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St., Spooner. Saturday, Dec. 26 • Free community breakfast, 7-10 a.m., First United Pentecostal Church, 337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner. All welcome. Donations accepted. Wednesday, Dec. 30 • Free community supper, 4-6 p.m., St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, 220 Elm St., Spooner.


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Thursday, Nov. 26 • Tozer Turkey Trot, 8:30 a.m., to benefit Washburn County Food Pantry. For more information see tozerturkeytrot.com Saturday, Nov. 28 • Free community breakfast, 7-10 a.m., First United Pentecostal Church, 337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner. All welcome. Donations accepted. • Art of Film film series, “Primary,” which highlights John F. Kennedy’s trip through Wisconsin during the 1960s presidential primary, will be shown at 7 p.m., at the Shell Lake Arts Center. Sunday, Nov. 29 • Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge will sing songs of hope and tell their stories of redemption and healing, 10 a.m., Lake Park Alliance Church, Shell Lake.


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Successful first day

Donate to food pantry at Spooner home games SPOONER — During the month of December, nonperishable items will be collected at all home Spooner Middle School and Spooner High School boys and girls basketball games and all home Spooner High School wrestling meets. All donations will be given to the Washburn County Food Pantry to help our neighbors in need. When you bring a nonperishable food

item to a high school basketball or wrestling contest, you will receive .50 cents off of admission per item, up to four items or $2 off of admission. All coaches and athletes welcome the community to attend their winter season events and encourage food donations that will greatly impact the lives of others in our community. — from SASD

Every page is in color in our e-edition. Subscribe online at wcregisteronline.com Amos Melton, left, shot an 8-point buck on opening day of gun deer season, Saturday, Nov. 21. His dad, Allan Melton, right, is shown with a 10-pointer. — Photo by Natalie Melton


Thursday, Nov. 26 • Christmas Celebration in Lights to be lighted at 4 p.m. at the Shell Lake Municipal Campground. Saturday, Nov. 28 • Christmas art and craft show, over 20 crafters, bake sale, lunch served, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Spooner United Methodist Church, 312 Elm St.


Tuesday, Dec. 1 • Washburn County Area Humane Society tree lighting event, 5:30 p.m., at the shelter. Friday, Dec. 4 • A Night in Bethlehem, Cornerstone Church, 106 Balsam St., Spooner, 6-8 p.m. Admission is a nonperishable time for the local food pantry. Friday & Saturday, Dec. 4 & 5 • “The Tree Lot” performance at the Erika Quam Memorial Theatre, 605 1st St., Shell Lake, 7:30 p.m. Tickets reserved at titw.org or by calling 715-468-4387. Saturday, Dec. 5 & Sunday, Dec. 6 • A Night in Bethlehem, Cornerstone Church, 106 Balsam St., Spooner, 4-7 p.m. Admission is a nonperishable time for the local food pantry.

Saturday, Dec. 5 • Shell Lake’s Holiday Saturday with Santa and specials at local businesses. • Lakeland Manor annual holiday bazaar, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. with spaghetti feed from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. • Holiday bazaar, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Shell Lake United Methodist Church. • Shell Lake After-School Craft Fair, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Shell Lake 3-12 Building. • Santa breakfast, 8-10 a.m., Shell Lake Community Center, with make-it-and-take-it craft and photos with Santa.

COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS Monday: First Friends Playgroup open to all children, 10 a.m.-noon. Focus on infants and caregivers with sensory stimulation and movement experiences. Art project materials provided, closes with circle music time and instrument exploration. Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Monday & Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch, program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time. Call 715-416-2942. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, open from noon-3 p.m. Kidstime-Parentime 10 a.m.-noon. Learn, discuss, share ideas and experience to enrich parenting skills. Preselected art or play materials available for children of all ages. Last Wednesday of the month, potluck at 11:15 a.m. First and third Wednesdays: Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group, 6 p.m. - Spooner Health System lower-level conference room. Thursday: Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake.

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• Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. Stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. Thursday & Monday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, see listing above. Friday & Saturday: Washburn County Research Room at the historical museum, Shell Lake, open by appointment. Call 715-6352319. ••• Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Time-Out provides free, confidential victim support, call 715-635-5245. •••

The Genealogy Society Research Room at 206-1/2 2nd Ave., museum Hewitt Building, Shell Lake, is closed for the winter. Phone 715-635-7937 for information. •••

Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking.

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Sunday 10 a.m. AA 6 p.m. NA Open Monday Noon AA Open 7 p.m. Al-Anon Closed Tuesday Noon AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Closed Wednesday 1 p.m. AA Open 7 p.m. NA Open Thursday 1 p.m. AA Closed Friday 2 p.m. AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Open Saturday Noon AA Closed Fourth Saturday of every month, Pin Night with 5:30 p.m. potluck and 7 p.m. meeting. Closed meetings are for only that group. AA - Alcoholics Anonymous. GA - Gamblers Anonymous. NA - Narcotics Anonymous. Al-Anon - is for relatives and friends of alcoholics.

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• Christmas cookie walk, Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner, CTH K across from the elementary school, 9 a.m. to noon or until sold out. Sunday, Dec. 6 • Intermezzo Club Advent concert, 5 p.m., Spooner Wesleyan Church. Monday, Dec. 7 • Partners of Spooner Health System Lovelights ceremony at 4:30 p.m. in the activity department of Maple Ridge Care Center, Spooner. • Partners of Spooner Health System annual silent auction, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., in the hospital lobby. Tuesday, Dec. 8 • Shell Lake 7-12 holiday concert, 7 p.m., 3-12 school. Wednesday, Dec. 9 • Santa Claus will be at the Shell Lake Public Library from 6-7 p.m. Santa will be reading “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas,” listening to wish lists and giving out treat bags. Bring your camera. Children are encouraged to wear pajamas. Friday-Sunday, Dec. 11-13 • “The Tree Lot” performance at the Erika Quam Memorial Theater, 605 1st St., Shell Lake, 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday. Tickets reserved at titw.org or by calling 715-468-4387.

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Being thankful for M&Ms, too &Ms are a popular chocolate candy, produced M&M Thanksgiving Poem M by Mars, and originating in the United States As you hold these candies in your hand and turn Beyond the them in 1941. The candy-coated chocolate concept was you will see, the “M” becomes a “W”, and “E”, inspired by a method used to allow soldiers to carry and then a “3.” chocolate without having it melt. The company’s lonfor “We” gathering with our family and friends office door – weW iswouldn’t gest lasting slogan reflects this: “Melts in your mouth, have it any other way. not in your hand.” Not only do M&Ms come in varieties such as plain, peanut, peanut butter, pretzel and almond, they also are available in seasonal colors in addition to their traditional colors. This time of year, we see red and green M&Ms on store shelves in preparation for the Christmas season. During the final weekends of November, perhaps you are a person that likes to hang out in a deer stand on a beautiful piece of property in Wisconsin. As you quietly wait for some hunting action to take place, do you nibble on one of the many varieties of M&Ms? As you tip the candy around between your fingers, do

Suzanne Johnson

you see the M become an E or a W and then again do you see a the number 3? With that in mind, I would like to share this Thanksgiving poem with you. I don’t know who wrote the words.

E is for “Eat” – that turkey on this Thanksgiving holiday. 3 is for “3.14”, which makes us think of pie – pumpkin is a favorite here. M is for the “Many” blessings we receive throughout the year.

May you have a blessed Thanksgiving and a continued safe hunting season.

Best Thanksgiving memories


here was a light snow but very little wind blew and it was cold. I was headed home after babysitting for a family several blocks from home. I was 15 and very proud to have $2 in my billfold resting in the pocket of the navy pea coat I wore. It had been late when the parents came home so I had stayed over. As soon as I awoke, I headed for home. It was the morning of Thanksgiving and I was anxious to be there getting ready for our holiday. I came to a sudden stop. A boy appeared almost in front of me. I knew Wayne but I didn’t know the friend with him, but I greeted them both and grinned. “Remember your promise?” Wayne said, and in a teasing way, added, “You said you would climb the mountain with me.” “Of course I remember. What are you doing up so early?” “We hitchhiked and here we are. Your mother said you were baby-sitting so we came looking for you.” “This morning?” I couldn’t believe that. “No, we spent the night under the fire escape at the school. Me and Bud want to climb and we want you to go with us.” For years I had seen the great gray slag piles rising in four different small towns around our home. Left behind when the mines closed and dug their coal somewhere else. They were the refuse left behind, and appeared like huge mountains. I had talked a lot with friends about wanting to climb one of them, just because they were there. I heard other kids brag about climbing a slag pile but I didn’t know if it could really be done. “OK, Wayne. There’s only one in town and it’s only a few blocks away. Let’s do it right now!” We hustled along, excited by the thought of our daring goal. The street came to a brief ending and there were weeds, rocks, and gravel, but we could see where the slope began, and it didn’t look that dangerous. There was a kind of wired fence but we slipped through. “Come on!” Wayne was leading the way. Soon all


ast month, my wife, 11-year-old son and I returned to Washburn County from a place where talking politics is a necessity of speech; the place we visited was Washington, D.C. We were invited to a congressional Gold Medal ceremony for the Monuments Men. The ceremony and reception were big events with the Army Band playing. They played superbly. Three soldiers sang a few of the Andrews Sisters popular World War II songs. House Speaker John Boehner, Minority Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Minority Leader Harry Reid were the politicians speaking at the event. Another who spoke was Robert M. Edsel, author and head of the Monuments Men Foundation. What was interesting was that no one asked our political beliefs the whole time at the capital. Before we arrived there, we contacted our 7th District Congressman, Sean Duffy. His office arranged a tour of Capitol Hill, including passes to the House and Senate galleries. Duffy or his wonderful office staff never asked us our political persuasion! Imagine how heartwarming it was to be treated like long-lost family! Duffy’s office was friendly, took care of us, and never asked our political views. This was memorable because too often people are divided over politics. We are quick to put down others; especially if they have some kind of authority. I told my son, “Watch, this guy is going to cry.” As predicted, Boehner began crying; this was his last ceremony in which he would function as the Speaker. Pelosi revealed her age; evident in the rabbit trails she took as she kept referencing feminism out of context.

Old wife’s tales Mary B. Olsen three of us were scrambling up the solid surface, finding footholds and skirting weedy growth. There were deep crevasses, and humps, and places where you could easily slide back down to the bottom if you lost your footing. I forgot about being hungry and all three of us thought only of reaching the top. It was so easy a climb, I couldn’t hardly believe it, I expected an avalanche might carry us down. We were near the top, as far as we could go. Catching my breath, I looked out at the street below. I think it was about three stories high. Or higher. It wasn’t as good a view as I had seen when my uncle had taken us to ride in a Piper Cub airplane. We saw a different world. You could see very well and it was beautiful! Bud and I were a little below Wayne. We looked back at the slanted surface we had climbed past. The feeling of wonder at what we had done was nearly overwhelming. We were higher than high. We jabbered, pointing out things we saw, giggling like little girls. Soon we thought it was time to go down. Savor the moment and then move on. Wayne said, “Let’s go another way. We can go down the other side.” Suddenly my good sense came to the fore. “We have to go back the way we came. If we go that way, there’s a chance we could fall and there is a pond at the bottom where we could drown.”

Only hate Community voices

They argued, but I insisted, and told them my father said we could never try swimming in that pond. It was the mine shaft, and went down so deep nobody could ever find our bodies. We clambered down jubilant, and back on land, we walked as if we were floating along the firm sidewalk. It had been scary, but a wonderful adventure. As soon as we got to the highway, a block from my home, Wayne and Bud flipped their thumbs in the air and caught a ride. I came into the house still quite excited. I saw the pumpkin and mincemeat pies on the counter. Mother had been up early baking. My dad was in the kitchen, which smelled of cinnamon and other spices. I was about to tell him I had climbed the slag pile, but thought better of it. Instead, I opened my billfold and showed him the dollar bills. “I made $2 and maybe they will want me again next weekend. I’ll soon be rich!” Dad said, “Come here and help me singe these roasting hens so we can get them in the oven. You made money! Good, you can spend it or save it.” “I am saving it.” As soon as the chickens were in the roaster, ready for the oven, my dad fixed me some soft-boiled eggs and toast, insisting on doing it because I had been working this early in the morning. I ate like a person who had climbed a mountain. It was wonderful to look forward to a special dinner with my family. My dad tuned in the radio and there was a program on with all the Hollywood stars, one after another, and lots of good wishes for a happy holiday, a day of thanksgiving for all our blessings. On a visit to my hometown a couple of years ago the slag piles were gone. I was told the mine owners had to remove them. They still celebrate Thanksgiving there, but no one can go mountain climbing for their holiday excitement.

who made so many bad calls, against her team. What game was she (and I) watching? Our bias is showing. We have many biases against people, adding anger and hate to our “enemies.” This election, try to remember with your rhetoric, they are just people.

Dave Frazer

McConnell and Reid looked old as they covered their eyes from the bright lights. These leaders are like us, frail people; just like the rest of humanity, just like us with parents, too. Imagine blurting out hurtful things about them, while you are talking to their parents. When reading mail in newspapers (editorials) about these people and others, I am saddened by the extreme opinions and hate. Their editorials remind me of sports. “I thought the referees’ calls were onesided and unfair against ‘my’ team.” Later, running into the other team’s fan, she ranted and raved about the referees

The Frazer family with Congressman Duffy — Photo submitted

NSTC announces 2016 shows and new audition format

RICE LAKE — NSTC begins its 2016 season on Tuesday, Jan. 5, and Thursday, Jan. 7, with open auditions, 6-9 p.m., for would-be thespians, ages 13 and up. NSTC wants theater to be more fun than frightening, so it has created a new approach to auditions that embraces creativity, imagination and much laughter. Styled after some of the skits on the TV comedy “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” auditioners will be invited to join in games that involve two to four people and a situation or prompt. For instance, in “Alphabet,” participants act out a scene with each sentence starting with successive letters of the alphabet. In “Fashion Model,” several participants walk the runway while two other participants comment on their pretend fashion show outfits. In “Hats” each participant selects a hat and then advertises him/herself as a character for a dating website. Explore your theater talents or just come and let others provide the entertainment. Participants will have the opportunity to sign up for an individual callback for a specific part in a show. The 2016 lineup includes six shows for performers ages 13 and up. “Macbeth,” April 6-10. Open to teens ages 13-19 who want to explore a serious

dramatic show. “Midlife: The Crisis Musical,” May 5-15. Calls for three women and three men who are struggling as they reach middle age and realize they don’t really know the people they are married to. “Shrek,” June 15-26. Lots and lots of fairy-tale character parts for teens through adults; singing and dancing and lots of laughter. “The Andrews Brothers,” Aug. 10-21. A USO show for troops is on the brink of collapse when the famous singing sisters trio doesn’t show; three young servicemen and one woman save the show, performing 25 songs by the Andrews Sisters. Calls for three men, one woman, ages 2030. “Guys on Ice,” Nov. 3-13. Join Marvin, Lloyd and Ernie the Moocher in the ice shack as they lament “dead-end jobs, rocky relationships and fading dreams of glory.” The show was created by Fred Alley, James Kaplan and Frederick Heide. Calls for three men who are not afraid to sing solo. “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Radio Play,” Dec. 7-11, features two women and three men who bring this classic holiday tale to life as a live 1940s radio broadcast. — from NSTC


Shell Lake to celebrate Holiday Saturday SHELL LAKE — It’s that time of the year when Santa will make a stop in Shell Lake. He will be at the community center for breakfast on Saturday, Dec. 5, from 8-10 a.m. Children can have their picture taken with Santa and stay to do a makeit-and-take-it craft. The annual Shell Lake After-School Craft Fair will run from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the 3-12 School. Businesses in Shell Lake will also be running specials throughout the day, including businesses in Lake Mall. If you enjoy holiday bazaars, Lakeland Manor will be hosting their annual holiday bazaar from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. with homemade crafts and a bake sale. A spaghetti feed will be served from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. You are invited to this special event to spread your Christmas spirit by spending time with the residents and enjoy the

many talents that live there. The United Methodist Church invites you to stop in and enjoy a cup of coffee and find your Christmas gifts from a selection of handcrafted items, along with a bake sale from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. A silent auction basket sale ends at 12:30 p.m. The Indianhead Community Health Care Inc. Love Lite tree at the Indianhead Medical Center will be lit on Holiday Saturday. The Love Lite tree is in recognition of loved ones. “The Tree Lot” will be performed by Theatre in the Woods at the Erika Quam Memorial Theatre. Call 715-468-4387 for reservations or go to titw.org. Enjoy your day at Shell Lake’s Holiday Saturday, then take a drive through the municipal park and campground to view the Christmas light display. — Suzanne Johnson

Health-care signup day at free clinic RICE LAKE — On Tuesday, Dec. 8, 10 a.m.- 7 p.m., the Rice Lake Free Clinic is sponsoring a health-insurance signup day for the Affordable Health Care Act and BadgerCare, for residents of Barron, Rusk and Washburn counties.

Certified counselors will be on hand in the Medical Arts Building, 1034 N. Main St., Rice Lake, for private help with signing up. The service is free. For more information, call 715-7363733. — submitted

Namekagon Congregational Church welcomes Advent with special service

EARL — Namekagon Congregational United Church of Christ at Earl celebrates the first Sunday of Advent this Sunday, Nov. 29, with a special Hanging-of-theGreens ceremony, beginning at 10:30 a.m. All are invited to this special service, created by Sally Rhodes Ahner, which features the symbols and sacred music of Advent, with readings and hymns explaining the origins of treasured Christmas traditions associated with holly, ivy, cedar, mistletoe pine and fir. The service also explains the sacred

symbolism of wreaths, garlands and the Christmas tree. Participants in the service can welcome Advent by singing “Come, Thou LongExpected Jesus,” “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” “Joy to the World,” “The Holly and the Ivy,” and “O Christmas Tree.” Namekagon Congregational Church is one block north of Hwy. 63 and east to N4446 Friday St. in Earl. To contact Pastor Sharon Osborn, call 715-635-2903. — from NCUCC

Washburn/Burnett County FSA Committee elections to begin

Producers to receive ballots

SPOONER — Washburn/Burnett County USDA Farm Service Agency County Executive Director Evie Moore announced that FSA began mailing ballots to eligible voters for the 2015 FSA County Committee elections on Monday, Nov. 9. Producers must return ballots to the Washburn/Burnett County FSA office by Monday, Dec. 7, to ensure that their vote is counted. This year local administrative areas No. 2 and No. 4 are up for election and the candidates in this year’s election are listed. Dan Peterson is nominated for LAA No. 2, Burnett County, to serve as a committee member. Peterson has always been part of his family’s dairy operation, and they also raise beef cows and cash crop around 700 acres and produce hay crops. He is involved with his children in 4-H and served as the Town of Daniels chairman. Robert Haddick is nominated for LAA No. 4, Washburn County, to serve as a committee member. Haddick lives in the Town of Gull Lake. He currently serves as a representative of agriculture on the Washburn Land and Water Conservation

District Board. Joe Romportl is nominated for LAA No. 4, Washburn County, to serve as a committee member. Romportl lives in the Town of Evergreen. He has two turkey finishing barns and produces corn, soybeans and hay. His family also grows vegetables for a small roadside produce stand. Romportl previously worked at the Spooner Ag Research Station. Romportl has served on the FSA county committee for the past three years. FSA county committee members apply their knowledge and judgment to help FSA make important decisions on its commodity support programs, conservation programs, indemnity and disaster programs, emergency programs and eligibility. Producers must participate or cooperate in an FSA program to be eligible to vote in the county committee election Ballots include the names of candidates running for the local committee election. Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked no later than Dec. 7. Newly elected committee members and their alternates will take office Jan. 1, 2016. For more information, visit the FSA website at fsa.usda.gov/elections. You may also contact the Washburn/Burnett County FSA office at 715-635-8228, ext. 2. — from FSA

Shell Lake will celebrate Holiday Saturday on Dec. 5. Santa will be in town to visit with children at the community center. Many local businesses will be having specials that day. — File photo

Spooner resident finalist for National Horse Trainer of the Year Brett Hart|Special to the Register MILLTOWN — Horse trainers get in the business for a variety of different reasons. For some it’s a personal therapy. For others it’s a soft spot in their heart for the animals or their owner that drives them to work with horses. Greatmats wishes to honor those trainers that are in it to make a positive difference in the lives of the horses and their owners through integrity, outstanding customer service and quality training. That’s why it created the National Horse Trainer of the Year contest. The following horse trainers have been nominated by their peers, clients and community due to their commitment to these values: Sid Zacharias, Rockin Z Ranch, Spooner; Maria Borell, Beacon Hill Farm/Borell Racing, Lexington, Ky.; Jessie Baillargeon, Victory Farms, Amery; Andrea Datz, Integrative Horsemanship, Fruita, Colo.; and Andrea Fappani, Fappani Performance Horses, Scottsdale, Ariz. Voting is taking place on Greatmats’ Facebook page, facebook.com/Greatmats/, now through Monday, Nov. 30. The winner will be announced Jan. 4, 2016. The National Horse Trainer of the Year contest is one of four simultaneous contests honoring instructors and trainers from various industries for their commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of their students, clients and community. Greatmats is a national horse stall/barn and specialty flooring industry leader based in Milltown since 1999. Greatmats gives back to its local community by do-

Sid Zacharias, Rockin Z Ranch, Spooner, is a finalist for National Horse Trainer of the Year. — File photo

nating 5 percent of its annual profits to local nonprofit organizations. It also supports green initiatives through the use of solar energy at its Wisconsin headquarters and by offering a large variety of products made from recycled and renewable resources.


Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity seeking candidates for new home in Minong or home repairs in Washburn County MINONG — Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity will be hosting an open house at the Minong Community Center, 212 West 5th St., on Saturday, Dec. 5, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. • Do you want to learn more about Habitat for Humanity? • Would you like to own a home of your own? St. Mary’s Church in Minong has donated a lot in the Stigney Subdivision which will be used to build a home on in 2017. • Do you own your own home, but need help with the upkeep or exterior maintenance? • Are you interested in how you can donate to help your neighbors improve their living conditions?

Volunteers join together for a wall raising on a Habitat Home for Humanity home in Grantsburg.

Wild Rivers Habitat volunteers repair the siding of a home. — Photos submitted

• Would you like to volunteer to help your neighbor on new construction in Minong or help seniors, veterans or the disabled to remain in their homes longer or would you like to volunteer at the Spooner ReStore? If you are at all curious about what will be going on or if you already answered yes to the above questions, then you are invited to come and find out more about the programs of Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity. Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity serves Burnett, Polk, Rusk and Washburn counties. Admission is free. Call 715-483-2700 or see wildrivershabitat.org for more information.

About Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity is an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International and is located in St. Croix Falls. Wild River Habitat for Humanity serves Burnett, Polk, Rusk and Washburn counties by raising funds and securing donated building materials to help lowincome families. Habitat selects a family, organizes volunteers and builds homes throughout all four counties. Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity has completed 43 homes and has served many other families through its A Brush with Kindness home repair and painting program. Partner families are required to help build the home, which they then buy from Habitat for a no-interest mortgage.

About Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity ReStores The St. Croix Falls and Spooner ReStores sell new and gently used home improvement goods, furniture, home accessories, building materials and appliances to the public at a fraction of the retail price. The proceeds are used by local Habitat for Humanity affiliates to help build and renovate homes in Burnett, Polk, Rusk and Washburn counties. There are currently 22 ReStores in Wisconsin, and nearly 850 throughout the U.S. and Canada. For more information about how you can get involved with Habitat for Humanity, please visit wild rivershabitat.org. — from WRFHH

Troop 51 holds spaghetti fundraiser

Wyatt Larson is enjoying a little after-dinner spaghetti sauce.

Cody Sylvester and Jonathan Lawrence are eating their dinner fast so they can get to work.

Photos by Larry Samson

For William Mehsikomer the best part of the meal was the desserts.

Josh Buckman was one of the many parents who volunteered at the Pack 51 spaghetti feed Monday, Nov. 16, at the St. Joseph Church in Shell Lake.

Lucas Arnes and Kaden Thomas are washing the tables at the Pack 51 spaghetti fundraiser. The event had the Scouts working hard for the money that will be used this summer for camping and other events. Pack 51 raised over $1,300 to help send the boys to camp.


Potatoes donated to area food shelves BARRON — In the spirit of giving, Barron Electric Cooperative and employees teamed up with member Nuto Farms to deliver 3,250 pounds of potatoes to 13 food pantries in Barron, Birchwood, Cameron, Chetek, Cumberland, Hayward, Prairie Farm, Rice Lake, Spooner and Turtle Lake. Melissa Klump, member technology coordinator for Barron Electric, said, “It is heartwarming to know that these donations will help over 600 families.” Dawn Schliesmann, community services specialist at the Indianhead Community Action Agency Inc., said, “We help feed 800-1,000 people per month. We really appreciate the donation.” Barron Electric Cooperative serves more than 18,000 members in eight counties. Their dedicated staff lives by the mission to provide reliable electric service to members and improve the quality of life in the areas they serve. — from Barron Electric

Photos submitted

Barron Electric representatives Kathy Robertson, left, and Becky Scott, right, presented 250 pounds of potatoes to Birchwood Food Pantry volunteers Russell Kemp, Jean Bergstrom, Neil Johnson and Judy Johnson.

Barron Electric Cooperative representatives Mike Flug, left, and Sue Dau, right, presented 250 pounds of potatoes to Dawn Schliesmann, community services specialist at the Indianhead Community Action Agency Inc.

Barron Electric Cooperative representatives Mike Flug, left, and Sue Dau, right, presented 250 pounds of potatoes to Hayward Food Pantry, represented by Nancy Ruhlow, Paulette Dunster and Ethy Langton.

Barron Electric Cooperative donated 250 pounds of potatoes to the Washburn County Food Pantry. Shown (L to R): Zach Tranmec, Washburn County Food Pantry; Mike Flug, Barron Electric; Chuck Adams, Washburn County Food Pantry; and Sue Dau, Barron Electric.

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Birchwood Veterans Day program Daryan Schultz, Birchwood student | Special to the Register BIRCHWOOD — On Wednesday, Nov. 11, Birchwood School hosted its annual Veterans Day assembly. Over 30 veterans were in attendance this year. They were introduced and escorted into the assembly by their families, students and staff members. After being introduced, the colors were presented, the national anthem was played, and the Pledge of Allegiance was said. It then shifted to Rhonda Schultz, high school science teacher and assembly organizer, who had a short speech that centered around a very special two words, eight letters, which are thank you. She emphasized how important it is to say these words to everyone, and especially veterans. An international motivational speaker and guest keynote was also at the assembly, Tom Hanrath, a former U.S. Navy SEAL, who was introduced by eighthgrader Matthew Marcinske. Hanrath asked the audience what a veteran was, and what does a veteran look like, and engaged the young children in the audience with his questions. He then went on to talk about how great it is to live in a country like America, where we have choices and freedoms that many others don’t have in this world. After his speech, the middle school choir sang, “See you Again” and the high school band and choir performed “God Bless America.” There was also a moment of silence at 11:11. The band also played the “Armed Forces Salute,” and veterans stood when they heard the song from their branch of the military. Afterward, fifth-grade teacher, and a veteran himself, Adam Smith presented the winners of the American Legion Post 379 coloring and essay contests. The pictures were Veterans Day themed and the essay prompt was, Why do we recognize Veterans Day? Contest winners were: Pre-K through first-grade coloring contest: Venice Johnson; second- and thirdgrade drawing contest: Matthew Lehnert; fourth-and fifth-grade drawing contest:

Tom Hanrath, former U.S. Navy SEAL, was the guest speaker at Birchwood School’s Veterans Day program. — Photos submitted

Tammy Darling, Birchwood special education teacher, received a donation of items to be given to her son, Trevor Darling, who was recently deployed overseas.

Brady Gottwald; fourth- and fifth-grade essay contest: Gwyn Trude; and sixththrough eighth-grade essay contest: Luke Trude. To finish the assembly, a special presentation was given to Tammy Darling, a Birchwood special education teacher. Trevor Darling, her son, was recently deployed overseas for the next six months. He is a Birchwood School graduate, and has touched a lot of the hearts of the Birchwood staff and students. In order to help him and his unit feel some holidayseason love, Birchwood School gathered whatever goodies they could to create and send care packages to him. Not only are packages of socks, hard candies and other items being sent over to Trevor, but seeing as he is going to be deployed over Christmas, the Birchwood School has pulled together once again to send him an American Christmas tree as a festive way of saying return home safe and soon.

All students and staff at the school extend gratitude to Trevor for his bravery and dedication to protecting our country and our school. Veterans Day is such an important holiday, and the students and staff are grateful to everyone who attended the assembly and to everyone who has served in the armed services. Be sure to use those two words, thank you, when you see a veteran and let them know how much we appreciate all that they do. If you’re interested in donating to veter-

ans in need for the Birchwood area, please contact Adam Smith, Legion member and fifth-grade Birchwood teacher, at 715-3543471. Veterans are always welcome to attend the school assembly, and if you or a veteran you know is interested in being escorted into the gathering next year, please contact Schultz at 715-354-3471. See more photos of the Veterans Day Assembly at facebook.com/birchwoodschool/.

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A total of 30 veterans were escorted and introduced during the Veterans Day program at Birchwood Wednesday, Nov. 11.


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American Legion Post 379 presented the colors at the Birchwood School Veterans Day program Wednesday, Nov. 11.


Moms Club helps to make the holidays brighter SPOONER — ‘Tis the season for giving, and thanks to the generous support of local businesses, Moms Club of Northwestern Wisconsin was able to provide 46 children with bags stuffed full with gifts to make the holidays brighter. The bags, donated by Thimbles Quilt Shop and Greenfield Physical Therapy, were assembled using donated items donated by Ace Hardware, Iplay, Schmitz’s Economart and Spooner Surplus Outlet, including granola

bars, movies, crayons/markers and mittens. Other age-appropriate gifts were purchased with the support of Edina Reality - Vic Sacco, Lauritsen Chiropractic, Indianhead Floral, Sather Jewelry, Shell Lake Pharmacy, Shell Lake State Bank, Shopko, Spooner Eye Care and State Farm - Tim Reedy. The gift bags will be distributed through the Washburn County Food Pantry to 19 different families. — from Moms Club

Items are shown that were included in the Moms Club holiday gift bags donated to the Washburn County Food Pantry to be distributed.

Members of Moms Club of Northwestern Wisconsin recently donated gift bags for area children to the Washburn County Food Pantry. Shown (L to R): Rachele, Zachary and Lucas Scribner, Chelsea and Millie Warren, Robin and Fischer Berlin, Sue Adams, Jane and Grace Lauterbach. — Photos submitted

Spooner magic Hailey Knutson peeks from behind the curtain as Caleb Tinsley and Norm Barnhart perform a magic act with ropes. The after-school students practice for two days in preparation for the show. The Spooner School partnered with area businesses to bring two days of reading, writing and performing magic. Spooner was able to provide the program through a 21st Century Community Grant.

Photos by Larry Samson unless otherwise noted

LEFT: Participating in the King of Hearts during Family PEP Night and Magic Show in Spooner were (L to R): Isaac Organ, Gabrielle Daegmorgan, (in background) magician Norm Barnhart and Kadience Streitz. — Photo submitted

RIGHT: Using ingredients for a cake are (L to R): Breanna Radman, Katisa Organ and Keiona OppelBailor. — Photo submitted

LEFT: Rachel Barbrick added some slapstick humor with her joke about her hats being half off.

RIGHT: Magician Norm Barnhart made a handkerchief disappear right in front of Mason Featherly’s eyes. Barnhart and the Spooner after-school students performed a magic show as part of the Family PEP Night at the Spooner High School on Thursday, Nov. 12. PEP is a program for Spooner School families, it stands for power down, eat right and play more.



Submit your sports photos and information to: news@wcregisternewsroom.com


Shell Lake girls scrimmage Unity LEFT: Arianna Schreiber passes the ball out from the four Unity defenders who had covered her. She is a sophomore who is trying to make the varsity team.

Photos by Larry Samson

RIGHT: Returning for her second year, sophomore Meredith Kevan draws a foul as the Unity defender tries to steal the ball. Kevan will be returning as point guard for the team.

RIGHT: Sheri Clark is defended as she goes up for the shot. She will be returning for her last year on the Shell Lake team. The fans got a chance to see the 2015-16 Shell Lake girls basketball team in action as they played Unity on Tuesday, Nov. 17, at Unity. While there is no score kept in a scrimmage, the team had a good showing.

JV Coach Jim DeLadi is working with sophomore Taylor Eiche as they watch the varsity game. DeLadi just took over the position as JV coach this season.

The JV team watches between scrimmages. The varsity team scrimmaged for 12 minutes against Unity, then the junior varsity team scrimmaged for 12 minutes. Shown (L to R): Kaitlyn Harraghy, Anna Mikula, Carly Osborn and Natalie Jury.

WINTER sports

schedule Boys basketball

Tuesday, Dec. 1: At Bruce, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Dec. 4: Doubleheader versus Clayton, 7:15 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 10: Doubleheader versus Clear Lake, 5:45 p.m. Friday, Dec. 11: Doubleheader versus Northwood, 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 15: Doubleheader versus Siren, 5:45 p.m. Friday, Dec. 18: Doubleheader versus Prairie Farm, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 29: Doubleheader at Luck, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 5: Doubleheader versus Lake Holcombe, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Jan. 8: Doubleheader at Cameron, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 12: Versus Turtle Lake, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Jan. 15: Doubleheader versus Unity, 5:45 p.m.

Tuesday, Jan. 19: Doubleheader versus Birchwood, 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 26: Doubleheader at Clayton, 5:45 p.m. Friday, Jan. 29: Doubleheader at Clear Lake, 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 2: Doubleheader at Northwood, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Feb. 5: Doubleheader at Prairie Farm, 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9: Doubleheader at Frederic, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Feb. 12: Doubleheader versus Cameron, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16: Doubleheader versus Webster, 5:45 p.m. Friday, Feb. 19: Doubleheader at Turtle Lake, 5:45 p.m. Monday, Feb. 22: Versus Flambeau, 7:15 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 25: Versus Drummond, 7:15 p.m.

Girls basketball Friday, Dec. 4: Doubleheader versus Clayton, 7:15 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 10: Doubleheader versus Clear Lake, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Dec. 11: Doubleheader versus Northwood, 7:15 p.m.

Tuesday, Dec. 15: Doubleheader versus Siren, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Dec. 18: Doubleheader versus Prairie Farm, 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 22: Versus Winter, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 29: Doubleheader at Luck, 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 5: Doubleheader versus Lake Holcombe, 5:45 p.m. Friday, Jan. 8: Doubleheader at Cameron, 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 12: Doubleheader versus Turtle Lake, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Jan. 15: Doubleheader versus Unity, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 19: Doubleheader versus Birchwood, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Jan. 22: At Drummond, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 26: Doubleheader at Clayton, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Jan. 29: Doubleheader at Clear Lake, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 2: Doubleheader at Northwood, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Feb. 5: Doubleheader at Prairie Farm, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9: Doubleheader at Frederic, 5:45 p.m.

Friday, Feb. 12: Doubleheader versus Cameron, 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16: Doubleheader versus Webster, 7:15 p.m. Friday, Feb. 19: Doubleheader at Turtle Lake, 7:15 p.m.

Wrestling Thursday, Dec. 10: At Unity, 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 12: At Spooner Tournament, 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 17: Thorp at Shell Lake, 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 19: At Northwestern, 9 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 29: At River Falls, 8 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 7: Multiple schools at Shell Lake, 6 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 9: At Superior Tournament, 10:30 a.m. Thursday Jan. 14: At Northwood, 7 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 16: At Ladysmith, 9:30 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 21: At Cameron, 6 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 23: Shell Lake Invitational, 9 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 28: Flambeau at Shell Lake, 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 6: Conference at Cameron, 10 a.m.


Last chance to register for Shell Lake CE classes SHELL LAKE — This is your last chance to register for these classes to be held through Shell Lake Community Ed. To register for any of these classes call 715-468-7815, ext. 1337 or email jensenk@ shelllake.k12.wi.us. Soap in a Sweater: Monday, Nov. 30, 6-8 p.m., at Shell Lake High School. Also known as felted soap, Soap in a Sweater is a bar of soap and a washcloth all in one! Instructor Vanessa Berkesch, Just

Heavenly Soaps, will take you through the process of felting soap. Use your hands and a few simple tools to create your very own Soap in a Sweater. Participants will make two bars of soap. All supplies are provided. Appropriate for ages 12-plus. Cost is $15. Register by Saturday, Nov. 28. Christmas Cards & Tags: Tuesday, Dec. 1, 6- 8 p.m., at the high school. This class will provide everything you need to make two cards and two coordinating gift tags

using the ‘Oh What Fun!’ stamp set from Stampin’ Up! Choose from 12 Christmas sentiments to create your cards and tags and add a variety of embellishments to make your creations unique. Class fee includes supplies. Class must have four participants with a maximum of eight. Appropriate for ages 14plus. Cost is $12. Register by Friday, Nov. 27. Failynn Fox Cowl: Tuesday, Dec. 1, and Monday, Dec. 7, 5:30-7 p.m., at the high

school. Plan for handmade gift-giving this holiday season. Follow the lead of instructor Lisa Mikula as she guides you through the Failynn Fox pattern to create this lovely cowl. Students can knit to size, choosing from 12-18 months to adult size. Class must have three participants with a maximum nine. Cost is $15. Register by Saturday, Nov. 28. — from SLCE

Threatre in the Woods to open “The Tree Lot” SHELL LAKE — Theatre in the Woods is not going into competition with the Boy Scouts or other organizations to sell Christmas trees. Rather, their tree lot is a thoughtful, sometimes poignant, sometimes humorous look at human relations as they play out during the day of Christmas Eve. Written by North Woods residents Jan Lee and Tom Mitchell, the play takes place at Joe’s tree lot where various customers find more than the wreath or tree they thought they were looking for. The weather is unseasonably warm and there’s no snow for a white Christmas, but

individuals welcome the warmth of the company of others and the joy of keeping traditions alive as they meet family and new friends at the tree lot. Directed by TitW veteran Carolyn Burnett, Birchwood, the 12-actor cast of “The Tree Lot” represents the communities of Shell Lake, Spooner, Cumberland and Mikana. Roger Sweeney plays Joe, who along with his tree lot, has seemingly been around forever. As widow and widower, Pat Shifferd and Joe Vanda settle on a Scotch pine, Teri Reiter and Brian Keeler take away “the most beautiful tree ever”

once Maggie stops talking. Single mother Marie, played by Kiara Conners, enlists the help of Officer Pete, Mark Ware, as she struggles with her teenager, played by Matea Anderson. Chris Olsen plays both a timid woman threatened by the teenager, and a businesswoman in too big a rush to appreciate the season. Dave McNulty and Leila Jenkins are a couple who come to realize they are not “these people,” and June Wilson rings the Salvation Army bell. Adessa Jenkins and Payton Anderson have charge of the technical aspects of the production.

Additional musical entertainment will begin each performance at 7:30 with Kevin McMullin on Dec. 4 and 13, Rose Bauman on Dec. 11, and 12, and Tam Smith on Dec. 5. The Sunday performance will begin at 2 p.m., all others at 7:30 p.m. Tickets may be reserved online at titw. org or by calling 715-468-4387. Theatre in the Woods is a nonprofit allvolunteer community theater organization, now in its 26th season, located at the Erika Quam Memorial Theatre, 605 1st St. in Shell Lake. — from TitW

Northwood Support Team Operation Christmas Stocking project under way SPOONER — With the return of the National Guard 950th Engineer Company, NWST has a good start at adopting another troop. This time, they returned to their sister organization, Adopt A Soldier Platoon. The new adoptees are 25 men in the Mountain Division and it is the goal to send Northwoods love to these fine men. First Lt. Nicholas Ryan responded to an email from NWST and their requests

are very minimal. Specifically, they do not want toiletry items. They do want healthy snacks, jerky, protein powder and current blockbuster movies on DVDs and current sports, hunting, fishing and current events magazines, such as Time, Newsweek, People and Reader’s Digest. Donations can be dropped off no later than Friday, Dec. 4, at either BioActive Nutrients, 1300 Roundhouse Road, Spooner, or at Community Bank of North-

ern Wisconsin. Packing will be done on Monday evening, Dec. 7, with the location yet to be determined. If you are one of NWST friends on Facebook, please check for current information – Northwoods Support Team – Spooner, WI. Home-baked cookies and breads would be appreciated, too. Please call Pat and Gerry Bahrke at 715-635-2268 to let them know if you wish to bake something. If

you cannot bake at this time, NWST will be sending packages for Valentine’s Day, Easter, summer, Halloween and next Christmas. For more information, please either call, 715-635-6237 and leave a message, or email: lyn_marquardt@hotmail.com. — from NWST

Spooner Health System is seeking local photography SPOONER — The construction of Spooner Health System’s replacement hospital is going well with expected occupancy to occur in May 2016. “Early on in the building project,” says Mike Schafer, SHS CEO, “we formed a group to work closely with BWBR architects to select interior finishes.” The finishes team was made up of SHS leaders, a board member, several hospital staff and a physician. The team toured

other hospitals and spent time at BWBR learning about various finish options. They were very intentional in their selections. The goal is to create a place of healing where everyone feels welcome and comfortable. Familiar materials and naturebased colors will be used throughout the new hospital. Each season is represented in the palette through different service areas, creating identity and a sense of

place. To complete the interior finish, Spooner Health System is seeking photo submissions of local outdoor nature. Amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit. Photos selected will be used as decor in the new hospital. For more information on photo criteria and how to submit your photos, visit SpoonerHealthSystem.com or call Sue at 715635-1370. The photo submission deadline

is Thursday, Dec. 31. “It was important that we include staff from various departments in selecting interior finishes for our new hospital,” says Schafer. “Likewise, we really wanted to find a way to involve the community and we know there are many talented photographers in the area. Having local photography displayed will be a great finishing touch to the interior design of our new hospital.” — from SHS

Lakeland Family Resource Center fundraiser set SPOONER — A common occurrence in nonprofit organizations is the need for donations and fundraising. Sometimes this takes a little creativity, and what is more creative than art? Lakeland Family Resource Center will be hosting an upcoming fundraiser on Thursday, Dec. 10, where attendees will have the opportunity to get in touch with their artistic side while socializing and snacking on chocolate treats, during the Barnboard Snowscape Wine and Chocolate Mixer. A social hour with sweets will

begin at 5:30 p.m., followed by painting at 6 p.m. on barn boards donated by Poor Richard’s Antiques. The theme will be a wintery scene featuring snowmen. Artistic ability is not required as painting instruction is provided and donated by Deb Shipman and JoAnn Perro. Besides having a good time for a good cause, participants will also bring home their creations. These are set to be a wonderful, personalized addition to a home’s winter decor or as a potential gift. Preregistration is required as space is limited. The cost is

$40 with all proceeds going to LFRC. Call 715-635-4669 to reserve your spot. Only prepaid spots are guaranteed and space is limited. This event is designed for adults 18 and over to relax and mingle in a childfree atmosphere. Please bring a beverage of your choice. Glass, chocolate and coffee will be provided. LFRC is a nonprofit organization servicing Washburn County families and children for almost 20 years. They provide trainings, open play times, mentoring opportunities and community events, all

Free CWD testing available SPOONER — The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources wants deer heads. Free chronic wasting disease testing for deer harvested within 10 miles of the CWD deer found in Washburn County is available. Please submit heads from adult deer for free CWD sampling. Bucks can have antlers and hide removed prior to drop-off. The information helps track the health of your local deer herd and is used to make local herd management decisions. Results will be mailed to you around a month later or can be looked up on the DNR website under CWD results. Deer from anywhere in the state may be submitted but the focus area is a 10-mile radius of the initial CWD-positive deer near Shell Lake. A CWD-positive deer was found near Shell Lake in 2012. After sampling over 2,000 deer in the four-county area, no additional CWD-positive deer have been detected. This strongly indicated that CWD has been detected early in its infection of the deer herd and is at a low prevalence

rate. However, it is still possible that other CWD-infected deer are in the area. CWD sample drop-off locations are: • Holiday Gas Station North, 621 N. River St., Spooner, 715-635-9421, kiosk located on west side of building; • Speedy’s C Stop, 2962 Main St., Barronett, 715-822-8979, kiosk located on north side of building; and • Country Pride Co-op, Cenex, Hwy. 63, Shell Lake, 715-468-2302, kiosk located on north side of building. Cooperating taxidermists and processers can be found below: • Thompson Wild Game Processing, W5098 CTH D, Sarona 54870, 715-4693234; • Gram’s Taxidermy Studio, W3038 Hwy. 63, Springbrook 54875, 715-7663300; • Zimmerman Taxidermy, N5015 10th St., Spooner 54801, 715-635-8822; • Thompson Taxidermy, W2511 CTH A/M, Springbrook 54875, 715-766-3432; and

• Wolf’s Taxidermy, 6931 Lakeview Road, Siren 54872, 715-3492025. For more information regarding chronic wasting disease in Wisconsin, search keyword CWD. — from WDNR

of which are free to anyone interested in attending. One such event is just around the corner on Saturday, Dec. 5, where children will visit with Santa while also making crafts and enjoying snacks with their family. LFRC is located at 314 Elm St., Spooner. To learn more about Lakeland Family Resource Center’s programs and other upcoming events, visit lakelandfrc.com. — from LFRC


Three families that lived in the Town of Beaver Brook Bonnie Farley | Special to the Register These are stories about three families that lived on farms in the Town of Beaver Brook during the 1920s through the 1990s. The people are Bruce and Caroline Shelton, their daughter and her husband, Eunice and Walter Bell, and Ted and Gen Neubauer. Written by Ted’s daughter.

Part one BEAVER BROOK — The Ted Neubauer and Bruce Shelton families were from the John Neubauer line. Caroline Neubauer Shelton was the oldest and Ted Neubauer was the youngest of his children. It seems John and his brother, Paul, jumped a ship and came to America in 1880. According to the application for citizenship, John had “lived in the United States for five years last past, and for one year last past within the state of Minnesota, and that during that same period he has behaved himself as a man of good moral character, attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of same.” The document, issued by the Seventh Judicial District Court in the county of Clay in the state of Minnesota, continues that “on the 16th day of November 1897 John Neubauer did swear to support the Constitution of the United States of America and to absolutely and entirely renounce and adjure forever all allegiance and fidelity to every foreign power, prince, potentate, state or sovereignty whatever; and particularly to the Emperor of Germany whose subject he was.” Prior to that, in October of 1891, he had married Augusta A. Krause. Nine children were born to that union: Caroline, John, Carl, August, Arnold, Bertha, Arthur, Rose and Theodore. John Neubauer was born Sept. 3, 1863, and was living in Tuttle, N.D., at the time of his death on March 22, 1937. He had been a farmer and had owned a harness shop in Tuttle. He is buried in the Tuttle Cemetery. Augusta was born Aug. 22, 1871, in Germany. She died on April 25, 1946, and is buried in the St. Paul Lutheran Cemetery near Amboy, Minn. Caroline, who went by the nickname of Carrie, was born in Amboy, Minn., on Aug. 14, 1893. She moved with the family to North Dakota and grew up there.

Ted and Genieve Neubauer. Allen Bruce Shelton was born in Cory, Iowa, on Oct. 15, 1885, to William and Effie (Goodrich) Shelton. He and Caroline met when they were working on the threshing crews in the Dakotas. Caroline was one of the ladies helping to feed the working men and Bruce began courting her. They were married in Steele, N.D., on June 3, 1913. As noted above, Caroline had six brothers and two sisters. Bruce had one brother and three sisters, only one of which was still living at the time of his death. Her name was Maud Shelton Brooks. They lived in North Dakota until Oct. 18, 1921, when they moved to Washburn County to the Town of Beaver Brook. They lived on a farm approximately two miles north of Sarona and six or seven miles east of Shell Lake on a little road that turned off from Heisterkamp Road. At a later date a fire tower was erected on their farm so that little road was named Fire Tower Road. Prior to the move to Wisconsin two children were born to them, Maynard and Eunice. Not much is known about Maynard’s family, as that part of the history has been lost to us. Maynard married Melvina and they lived in Silver Leaf, N.D. They had

four children: Richard, Allen, Cecil and Marvin. Two of the boys lived with Bruce and Caroline on the farm in Wisconsin and attended the one-room schoolhouse in Beaver Brook for at least a year. A wedding announcement, found in Gen Neubauer’s things after her death, tells us that Allen Shelton married Delores Waltz on June 30, 1963. Also among those things was a birth announcement

from Marvin and Bobette Shelton telling that Deborah Sue was born on July 26, 1966. Some more recent sleuthing has turned up dates of birth and death, which can be found in the genealogy at the end of this story. Eunice married Douglas Todd to whom Henry Allen was born on March 10, 1942, and Larry Douglas was born on Dec. 12, 1943. Eunice and Douglas later divorced and on May 22, 1948, she married Walter Henry Bell. Walter was born Feb. 28, 1918. Walter and Eunice and the family lived for a few years in the Town of Beaver Brook across the road from the land Ted Neubauer owned. Later on they moved to the Town of Barronett. Two more children were born to them, Terry Bruce on April 4, 1954, and Donna Jean on Sept. 11, 1955. Henry Allen is married to Mary Jean Hedricks. They have a son, Erick Michael. Larry Douglas is married to Lynn. They have girls: Trish, Cherie, Kris and Kimberly. Donna Jean is married to Jeffrey Park Newton. They live in Virginia Beach, Va. Terry Bruce is still single and works at the hardware store in Spooner. He lived with his father, Walter, until his death on Oct. 20, 2015, at the age of 99. Had he lived just four months and a few days more he would have reached 100. Eunice passed away on Dec. 21, 1991. See Three families, page 17

Bonnie Neubauer is shown by Aunt Carrie’s flowers.

Bruce and Caroline Shelton, holding Virgil Neubauer with Bonnie and Dennis in front.

Allen Todd, Dennis Neubauer, Larry Todd and Virgil Neubauer.


Three families/from page 16 Bruce and Caroline (Carrie) raised a few milk cows, several sheep and many chickens from 1921 to 1939 when they told Caroline’s brother, Ted Neubauer, about Wisconsin. They must have made it sound inviting, because Ted and his wife, Genieve, packed up all their household goods and their baby girl, Bonnie Kay, and moved into a farm on the west side of Shell Lake. They rented there for a short time, then they began renting a farm on Heisterkamp Road about midway between the lake and Hwy. 53. That brought them within two miles of Bruce and Carrie. They rented that farm for a brief time, then the farm next to them on the west became available. The legal description is the E half of SE quarter of S 28 T 38 R 12 West. By borrowing money from Oscar Johnson, Ted was able to purchase that farm from Lawrence and Alfa Wickham on Aug. 30, 1948. Believing that the dairy business was going to be profitable enough to raise a family, he did not invest in sheep or chickens but rather put all his money into dairy cows. He started with a few head and kept adding to the herd until it numbered between 20 and 30, depending upon the health of the cows and the rate that the heifers grew into milk cows. Extra calves were sold for the income they would bring. When the farm adjacent to his to the west, legal description NW of SE and SW of SE of S 28 T 38 R 12, became available he purchased that 80 also, bringing his acreage up to 160. There was an old tumbledown barn on the property along with a broken silo filled with rocks and cement chunks. The house was uninhabitable, but someone had planted fruit trees around it: Greening apples, plums and grapes; although they grew so high in the branches of the trees that a ladder was unable to reach them. There was a Whitney crab apple tree right in the middle of the hay field that lay between the house and the road. It made wonderful eating in the fall as well as apple pickles, a family favorite, so Ted

Caroline N. Sheldon and unnamed baby. mowed around it and let it grow. The hay field between the two farms had a huge hill on it, which made it a challenge to keep the equipment upright while haying but it made a wonderful hill for sledding, skiing and tobogganing. Bonnie, Dennis and Virgil enjoyed it tremendously. Bonnie was born April 2, 1938, near Amboy, Minn.; Dennis was born in the Rice Lake Hospital on Oct. 11, 1943, and Virgil followed on March 19, 1945. After they were grown, they brought their children back to visit the farm and Grampa Ted took all of them for a hayride, to help pick up a few bales of hay that were still on the field. The hayrack was on such a slant on the side of the hill that several of the hay bales slid off, chilBruce and Caroline Shelton on their wedding day. dren and all! They slid off so gently that it was like some kind of new ride at a fair. To this day LoriRuth Farley Tibbetts and Tere Neubauer Mentlick still talk about it and laugh over the fun they had on that hayride! When Bonnie was a young girl she was able to go spend some time overnight with her Aunt Carrie and Uncle Bruce. She has fond memories of tagging after them. She especially liked watching while they sheared the sheep. And holding baby chicks and watching them hop around. Her Aunt Carrie had a large garden with many flowers in it. She had some lovely deep-red peony plants, so that whenever Bonnie sees those growing elsewhere she recalls time spent with Aunt Carrie. Another fond memory is of watching her milk cows. They did not have a milking machine, so her Aunt Carrie would take a one-legged stool and balance on that as she put her kerchief-covered head against the cow’s belly and calmly began squirting milk into the bucket. How she managed to sit on that stool was a miracle. The stool would not stand up by itself! But she never fell off. She made the empty milk pail sing until the bottom was covered, then would fill it more than half full

from each cow before emptying it into the strainer, letting the milk run into the milk can. Then, when the can was full, she would carry it to the stock tank and submerge it in the cold, cold water pumped by the squealing windmill. Perhaps she filled more than one can that way, I don’t recall that part. Inside the house there was a huge cookstove, always fired up even on hot summer days. That was the only stove she had for cooking, and she made good meals on it. Sometimes a baby lamb or a box holding baby chicks would be in her kitchen to keep the babies warm by that fire. The house had an upstairs, but Bonnie was never allowed to go up there. There was a dining room with a narrow cot along one wall where she would be allowed to sleep when she stayed overnight. The first time she stayed she had to call Aunt Carrie to come downstairs, as she was afraid there was a wolf outside. Aunt Carrie patiently explained that the sound came from the wind in the pine trees along the house and that it was nothing to be worried about. Bonnie had never heard that sound before, as their house was set away from the trees in their yard.

Maynard and Eunice Shelton. Larry and Allen Todd, and Dennis and Virgil Neubauer.

To be continued next week



53 3rd St., Shell Lake 715-468-2734 Rev. John Sahlstrom, Rev. John Hendry Sunday Worship Service 10 a.m., Nursery Provided; Youth Group, 7th - 12th grades, Wednesdays 6 - 8 p.m.

Corner of Elm and Summit St., Spooner 715-635-8475 Father Aaron Zook Holy Eucharist: Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Thursday morning prayer 8:15; Mass 9:30 a.m.

St. Alban’s


Full Gospel

W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 1 mile north of CTH B on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday School & Adult Education Classes: 9 a.m. Celebration worship 9 & 10:30 a.m.; KFC (Kids For Christ) during Service; UTurn Student Ministries 6 p.m.; Tuesdays: Compassion Connection (Men only) 7 p.m.; Wednesdays: Compassion Connection (Women only) 7 p.m.; Thursdays: Compassion Connection (Coed meetings) 7 p.m.;

Northwoods Baptist

Spooner Baptist

W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor Darrel Flaming 715-635-2277 spoonerbaptist.com Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wed. evening service 6:30 p.m.


St. Joseph’s Catholic

100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Father Edwin Anderson Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books and Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

St. Catherine’s Catholic

CTH D, Sarona Father Edwin Anderson 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

St. Francis de Sales

409 N. Summit St., Spooner Father Edwin Anderson 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.


Long Lake Lutheran Church

W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom 9 a.m. worship service, 9 a.m. Sunday school. Holy Communion: First and third Sundays and Festival Sundays.

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Pastor David Frazer Associate Pastor David Cash 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.

Salem Lutheran, ELCA

803 Second St., Shell Lake 715-468-7718 Pastor Sue Odegard shelllakesalem lutheran.org Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m..

Shell Lake Full Gospel

Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran

20805 CTH H, Barronett 715-468-4403 Pastor Al Bedard Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Fellowship follows worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Midweek Studies Mondays 2 p.m.

Trinity Lutheran



Spooner Wesleyan

Hwy. 70 W, Spooner spoonerwesleyan.org 715-635-2768 Senior Pastor Ron Gormong; Pastor Brian Scramlin, Assistant Pastor; Pastor Patrick Cooper, Student Ministries; Pastor LeRoy Drake, Pastoral Care; Pastor Kara Vincent, Worship Arts; 9 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship and 9 a.m. Sunday School and ABF; 10 a.m. Third Place Cafe; 10:30 a.m. Worship; Wednesday - 6:30 p.m. Family night, kids, youth and adult programming, nursery provided.

1790 Scribner St., Spooner Pastor Russ Leeper 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., 9:15 Sunday School and adult studies. Office hours: Monday Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Friday, 8:30 - noon.

Barronett Lutheran 776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-671-3197 (cell) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.

Cornerstone Christian

(WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m. (Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. 63 W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch 715-635-8167 Sunday worship 8 a.m. Sunday School/Bible class 9:15 a.m. Praise Worship 10:30 a.m.

135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School during worship time; webcast livestream.com/ slumc

Sarona Methodist Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 9 a.m.

United Methodist

Trego Community Church

Pastor Bill Lee W5635 Park St. Trego, WI 54888, 715-635-8402 Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. prayer meeting; Youth group, 6:30 p.m.; Kids program, AWANA, ages 4 - grade 6, 6:30 p.m.

312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.

Lakeview United Methodist Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.

Not true! God has told us what to expect. Jesus fulfilled God’s promise. Hear more this week in church.

1 Thessalonians 3:9-13

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 cornerstonechurch spooner.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Wednesday: Bible study and prayer, 6:30 p.m.


eople say, “You never know what God’s going to do.”

Jeremiah 33:14-16


United Methodist

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

Faith Lutheran

Church of the Nazarene



Lake Park Alliance

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Bishop Patrick F. Roper 715-719-0124 644 S. 6th Street, Barron 715-537-3679 Sunday: Sacrament 10 a.m., Sunday School/Primary 11:20 a.m., Priesthood/Relief Society 12:10 p.m.

Luke 21:25-36

Psalm 25:1-10

Revised Common Lectionary © 1992 by the Consultation on Common Texts for

Sunday, November 29, 2015 First Sunday of Advent


n attitude of gratitude is always obvious. If we are grateful for what God has done for us and given to us, others will see our appreciation of it in everything we do. David gave us a fourfold formula to follow. “I will thank you Lord, with all my heart.” The thanksgiving he describes is total and consumes all of his being — his entire self. The word he used for heart would include his consciousness of God’s presence, his memory of God’s goodness and his awareness of God’s grace. He worshiped God with excitement, enthusiasm and expectation. “I will tell all of the marvelous things you have done.” Marvelous comes from a word that means “extraordinary, not to be surpassed by anyone and wonderful!” He is so overwhelmed by God’s blessings on his life that he wants everyone to hear about it. “I will be filled with joy!” Joy is the natural state of the one who trusts in the Lord. Knowing that “all things work together for our good” should cause his joy to radiate from our hearts into our heads and out through our hands. Everything we do should be done with a smile on our face and gladness in our eyes. “I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.” Notice that there is only one letter different between the word sin and sing - the letter g - that stands for God. When we give up sin for the Savior, God gives us a new song to sing. It is a song about the Savior who loves us, gave himself for us, is present in us and cares for us.

This message is sponsored by the following businesses: Shell Lake State Bank Glenview Washburn County Your Locally Owned & Controlled Bank Shell Lake: 715-468-7858 A FULL Spooner: 715-635-7858 SERVICE Minong: 715-466-1061 BANK Stone Lake: 715-957-0082 Sarona: 715-469-3331 MEMBER HOUSING FDIC EQUAL www.shelllakestatebank.com LENDER

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Abstract Company

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(715) 635-7383

Silver Shears Salon

506 1st St. Shell Lake, Wis.

For Appointment 715-468-2404

White Birch Printing, Inc. Quality Printing Since 1963 501 W. Beaver Brook Ave. Spooner, Wis.



510 First Street, Spooner, WI 54801 715-635-1415 www.mapleridgecarecenter.com

South End Of Spooner




201 Glenview Lane Shell Lake, WI 54871 715-468-4255

Scalzo-Taylor Chapel


SHELL LAKE MARINE NW Wisconsin’s Largest Dock Dealer FULL-SERVICE BOAT REPAIR & STORAGE 505 Hwy. 63 N. Shell Lake, WI 715-468-7662

8051 State Rd. 70 Siren, WI 715-349-5115


Family Restaurant Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Hwy. 63 South, Spooner, WI Phone 715-635-3565

• Locally owned, full-service funerals and cremation. • Convenient off-street parking with handicap accessibility. • Spacious chapel and lounge areas. • Prearrangements.

Marcus Nelson and Michael Bratley, Directors 306 Rusk St. • Spooner 715-635-8919 marcusnelsonfd@gmail.com



Marian Furchtenicht

Early deadline so not much news to write on Friday morning. Thursday was quite a day. Got our first taste of winter. It was cold, wet and snowy but on Friday with a cold 21 degrees overnight it was all bright and sunny with predicted cold weather coming. The Wisconsin gun deer hunt started Saturday, Nov. 21. Folks were preparing for that. My grandsons, Duane Swanson, Menomonie, and Casey Furchtenicht, student at Northland College, planned to hunt. The Packers and the Vikings played on Sunday. Sympathy to the family of 93-year-old Howard Klopp, Shell Lake, whose funeral will be Saturday, Nov. 28, at Skinner Funeral Home in Shell Lake. Also to the family of Ronnie Masterjohn, 81, Shell Lake, whose funeral is Dec. 12 at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Shell Lake. Both were well-known and so well-liked and will be dearly missed. Wednesday, Vicki Zarada took her mom, Mary Krantz, to the Class of 1950 monthly dinner held at Lakeview in Shell Lake, then they came out and visited me. That was so nice of them. She said there were 13 attending the dinner. I’m doing better every day, only toe touch for a couple of weeks more. Marion Reiter took me to physical therapy and

blood draw on Thursday. Bonnie Helmer has been staying with me a lot of the time and at nights. My family is in and out, keeping the wood furnace going, bringing food and doing things. I’m so lucky! I see while in Shell Lake on Thursday, my brother and another guy were putting up the Christmas decorations on the light poles. With the snow on the ground it’s looking more like Christmas. This week, wish a happy birthday to Elfreda West, Devan Musil, Irene Johnson, Nov. 26; Tony Frey, Fran Brown, Jolene Peck, Bob Washkuhn, Christopher Cummings, Nov. 28; Jessie West, Barb Grobe, Cindy Wingler Campbell, Gracen Zaloudek, Nov. 29; Bert Richter, Jill Hansen, Diane Kubista, Bonnie Helmer, Linda Hines, Sue Miller, Julie Magnes, Nancy Ray, Nov. 30; Jean Furchtenicht, Wynona Hefter, Howard Ullom, Ryan Leckel, Mike Dostal, Mari Berman, and Grace Gronning turns 2 on Dec. 1; and Laurie Smith, Mert Marschall in Amery, Lance Parker and Frank Irvine, Dec. 2. Couples with wedding anniversaries are Butch and Evelyn Schaffer, Nov. 30; Dewey and Patti Butterfield, Dec. 1; LeRoy and Virginia Sandridge and Tom and Audrey Cusick, Dec. 2. Best wishes to them Thanksgiving blessings to all from Sarona folks.

Write a letter to Santa SHELL LAKE — Come to the Shell Lake Public Library to mail your letter to Santa. Drop your letter off anytime between Tuesday, Dec. 1, and Saturday, Dec. 19, and Santa will write you a letter back. — from SLPL

Santa is coming to the Shell Lake Public Library

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black and tan hound and a 3-year-old neutered hound/pit bull mix. Cats for adoption: 4-month-old male white/black shorthair tiger; 5-month-old female black/brown/ white shorthair tiger; 3-year-old neutered/ declawed black/brown shorthair tiger; 4-yearold neutered 4-paw declawed black shorthair; 8-year-old neutered black shorthair; 6-month-old male gray/ white shorthair tiger; 6-month-old orange male shorthair tiger; 6-month-old female white/black shorthair tiger; five 10-week-old kittens, black/white orange/white; calico; 3-year-old longhair calico; 5-month-old male orange shorthair tiger; 1-1/2-year-old neutered white/gray shorthair; 4-1/2-month -old male orange shorthair tiger. Also for adoption: 1-1/2-year-old brown/white male guinea pig. Strays include: Adult neutered orange longhair cat found in Trego and a 4-month-old male orange shorthair tiger found by the arts center in Shell Lake. Remember to join us at 5:30 p.m., on Tuesday, Dec. 1, at the shelter for our annual tree lighting event!

Located at 1400 Cottonwood Ave. in Spooner (Behind the county fairgrounds)

715-635-4720 wcahs.com

Share the Spirit of Christmas!

Gary Kaefer, D.D.S. Family Dentistry Webster Office

When some people see me, they ask what I am, Their guesses tell me their eyes need an exam. A hamster, a gerbil, a really big mouse, Imagine a mouse big as me in your house. I’m none of those mentioned and I’m not a rat, I’m a guinea pig and so much better than that. My name is Marley; I’m dark brown and white, And to own me you know would be such a delight. I’m young and I’m friendly, yes you can hold me, But I also like when I’m allowed to free. I need to get exercise; I like to run, Being stuck in a cage is not very much fun. There’s so much to tell about life with a pig, I like to eat oranges and I’m not big. A couple more things, did you know that I purr? And another fun fact is pigs have hair not fur. I make such cute noises plus look at my face, With all of that said this pig now rests his case. Dogs adoption: 4-year-old female tricolored walker hound; 3-year-old female


Want A Brighter Smile?

SHELL LAKE — The Shell Lake Public Library will be receiving a visit from Santa Claus on Wednesday, Dec. 9, from 6-7 p.m. Santa will be reading “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas,” he will listen to wish list and will be giving out treat bags. Bring your camera. Children are encouraged to wear pajamas. — from SLPL

Washburn County Area Humane Society

Give so others will enjoy the holiday!

Grantsburg Office

715-866-4204 715-463-2882 3-6a,b www.kaeferdental.com 637885 14-17rL

Gifts of money, new toys and new clothing may be dropped off at the following locations:



ICHC LOVE LITE TREE This Donation Given By:










INDIANHEAD CREDIT UNION 104 E. Maple St. (Hwy. 70 East) Spooner


251 E. Maple St. (Hwy. 70 East) Spooner

Gift Basket forms available at: Washburn County Human Services Office, Shell Lake Washburn County Food Pantry Washburn County Public Health, Spooner Spooner Advocate Washburn County Register


102 5th Ave. Shell Lake

Names of families needing assistance requested no later than Friday, December 11



Monetary donations may be mailed to: “CHRISTMAS FUND” P.O. Box 321, Spooner, WI 54801

Phone Number:


Lake Mall, 11 5th Ave. Shell Lake


Recipients must complete form and pledge to be home (or have an adult present) between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Friday, December 18, to receive the basket. (You must reside in either the Spooner or Shell Lake School District)

A minimum gift of $3.00 per light/per person is requested.

Please mail this form with donation to:

596321 15r

637246 12-16r

Deadline Saturday, December 5, 2015.

638360 15r

(Checks payable to ICHC, Inc.)

ICHC, Inc., Love Lites P.O. Box 300, Shell Lake, WI 54871


What does a veteran look like? Editor’s note: The following is the speech Register reporter Larry Samson gave at the Shell Lake Veterans Day program held at Shell Lake Schools on Wednesday, Nov. 11.

The story behind the photo


am honored that I was asked to give the this year’s Veterans Day speech and I am honored to be here today. We gather here today to honor those men and women who answered the call of duty, those who are currently serving and those who have served. I would like to recognize two World War II veterans who are in the audience today; Al Rose served in the Army Air Corps and Chuck Lutz. Thank you for your service. As you look around the gym most of the veterans that you see are from the Vietnam era. I am a veteran and I am proud of it. I served my country 42 years ago. I had the honor of serving twice, once as a military brat, and the time I spent in the Air Force. My father spent 23 years in the Air Force and my family moved all over the country as he served. I am here today to tell you that the families of military servicemen and women make the same sacrifies so that you may enjoy the rights and freedoms of living in America. I left Shell Lake shortly after I graduated in 1970. I enlisted in the Air Force where I was stationed in Michigan and Alaska. I enlisted for a selfish reason, I wanted to serve. A young President John F. Kennedy challenged my generation when he said, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” I served at the end of the Vietnam War. I did not serve in-country, but the reconnaissance planes that I worked on in Alaska were a big part of the Christmas bombing campaign over Hanoi, Vietnam, that eventual ended the Americans’ involvement in Vietnam. When I left the service, like many other servicemen and women, I left that part of myself behind and went on with my life. I went to college, graduated and went to work. Being a Vietnam-era veteran, we did not receive the respect and appreciation that was due to us. It was a different time. I took that experience and used it to make myself a better person. I made sure that I supported the troops in uniform and that I thanked them and showed my appreciation. Many of those veterans


638342 15-16r



578936 29rtfc


Offering Wi-Fi: Wireless Internet Monday:...............10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday:................10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday:...........10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday:.............10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday:..................10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday:...............10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Larry Samson who served in Vietnam, the Vietnam vets, were left to their own resources to work though their war experiences when they returned. They did not come home to a grateful nation. There are two individuals from Shell Lake that I want to talk about. Hugh Miller was a graduate of Shell Lake. He is in a photo standing tall with his Laker teammates in the trophy case in the lobby. He entered the Army to fight in WWII. He was a pilot in the Army Air Corps and was shot down deep in German territory to save the lives of the men in General Patton’s Third Army. Ignoring orders, Patton had taken his troops past their supply lines deep into enemy territory. They were cut off and surrounded. The pilots were their only salvation as they created an escape route. He was shot down and died in that battle; he did so that others may live. Jim Hamlet was a Shell Lake kid who died while serving in Vietnam. He had only a few days left in his tour in Vietnam; in a few days he would be flying back to the States and back with his family. His company was scheduled for patrol. His commanding officer, knowing that he was short, told him that he did not have to go out with his company. Jim would not hear of it and talked his commanding officer into letting him go. On patrol he was injured in a booby trap. The punji stick, laden with bacteria, was embedded in his leg. He was airlifted to Germany and received the best medical care but he died from infection two weeks later. We will never know what kind of men these two young boys would have grown to become because they were taken from us. I have had the privilege to know Hugh Miller’s brother, Miles Miller. Miles is himself a veteran

Larry Samson was the keynote speaker for the Shell Lake Veterans Day program held Wednesday, Nov. 11, at the school. As a Vietnam-era veterans, he spoke of the special concerns of veteran from that time. — Photo by Ethan Jacobson I got to meet Jim Hamlet’s sister and brother. They told me there wasn’t a day that went by that their mother didn’t think about Jim; this is how much she missed him. So this brings me back to the theme of this speech, What does a veteran look like? They are your mother and father, your grandparents, your aunt and uncle, your brother or sister. They have answered the call of duty, they have served our country and they deserve your respect.

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Send death notices/obituaries to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or email news@wcregisternewsroom.com

Lyle Robert Lamphear Lyle Robert Lamphear, 86, Sarona, died Friday, Nov. 20, 2015, at Amery Regional Medical Center. He was born March 28, 1929, in Dodge Center, Minn., to Clarence and Minnie Lamphear. After high school, Lyle served with the U.S. Army during the Korean War; first, training at Fort Knox, then as engineman on the LCM landing craft in the Philippines transporting survey crews, then on the beaches of North Korea during the invasion. During his tours he earned the Meritorious Unit Emblem and Korean Service Medal with five Bronze Service Stars. When he returned home, Lyle began to pursue his love of art, and was an accomplished artist in nearly every medium, with his finest work being done in watercolor. Through art, he met Nancy (Hartney) Karper, and after several years, the

couple were married in Shell Lake on on July 11, 2003. They had a brief, wonderful, life together. They traveled the country, visiting relatives and friends, showcased their respective talents at area art fairs, and eventually created their own art studio on Long Lake. He is survived by the woman he waited his whole life for, Nancy Karper-Lamphear, Sarona; and her children, Robert Karper Jr., London, England, Jennifer Karper, Rice Lake, and Christine Karper, Orlando, Fla.; grandchildren, Sara and Safije; other relatives and friends. Private family services were held. Skinner Funeral Home of Rice Lake is serving the family.



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Judy Pieper

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you can spend the day with people you love, doing the things you like best. The deer hunters party, held at Barronett Bar and Grill on Thursday evening, was a huge success. Hunters from miles around came to register on the buckboard. Of course they also ate quite a few snacks, drank a couple of beverages, laughed and just generally had a great time. We wish all hunters a safe and successful hunt. I suppose quite a few people will be out fighting the maddening crowd to get the best bargains on the Friday after Thanksgiving. While you are out picking up treasures for friends and family for Christmas, please remember that we have some pretty great places to buy gifts right here in Barronett. The easiest, and probably the most appreciated thing you can give anyone is a gift certificate. What teenager wouldn’t like a gift certificate from Speedy’s to fill up their car? Ever try to pick out a sweater for a teenaged kid? Not easy. And, of course, we have the Red Brick Cafe, Barronett Bar and Grill, Bistro 63, Twenty Mile Store, and, this year, Barronett Tire. And, if you buy gift certificates, it eliminates the work of wrapping gifts. And, if you need something you can wrap, and want to drive a mile or so, Brickyard Pottery has

Dewey Country

some fantastic one-of-a-kind gifts. If you can’t find what you need here in Barronett, you can always drive out to our suburbs of Cumberland and Shell Lake. There you will find hardware stores, gift shops, antique shops, clothing stores, sporting goods, the list just goes on and on. What I’m trying to say here is buy as much from our local businesses as possible. I know that sometimes people have to run to the bigger stores to find the toys that little ones are convinced that they need, but usually you really can find everything right around here. Back to planned Thanksgiving activities. Dennis and Darlene Spieser will be traveling from their home in Minnesota to have Thanksgiving dinner with Dick and Ruth Grover at the Grovers’ home in rural Barronett. Lynn Thon will be having our family — Pieper, Marsh, Lehmann, Thon — to her house for Thanksgiving dinner on Friday. Everyone has in-laws and out-laws who want them to come to dinner on Thursday, so we always get together the day after. The entire Lehmann family will be getting together at the hunting shack on Thanksgiving Day. Randy Lehm-

Pauline Lawrence

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The Theatre Will Be Closed Thurs., Nov. 26, for the Thanksgiving Holiday



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•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Admission: Adults $7 - Kids 4-12 & Seniors $5 - Matinees $5 All Seats

Marriage licenses

Monday, Nov. 30: Egg salad with lettuce on a croissant, cheesy cauliflower soup, Jesse R. Wegner, Shell Lake, blueberry cobbler. and Melanie R. Campton, Shell Tuesday, Dec. 1: Lake. Oven-fried chicken, parsley potatoes, whole-kernel corn, fudgy brownie. (Nov. 11, 18, 25) Wednesday, Dec. STATE OF WISCONSIN 2: Pork chow mein served over rice, steamed vegetables, CIRCUIT COURT mandarin oranges. WASHBURN COUNTY Thursday, Dec. 3: Honey-baked ham, cheesy potatoes, IN THE MATTER OF THE green bean casserole, cranberry cake. ESTATE OF Friday, Dec. 4: Cook’s choice. Paul Carlson Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours Amended in advance, call your senior center to confirm. Menu is Order Setting Deadline for subject to change. All meals served with bread, butter, Filing a Claim coffee, milk and water.

Dining at Noon Birchwood, Thursday, Dec. 3: Honey-baked ham, cheesy potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberry cake with rum sauce. Call 715-354-3001 for reservations. Suggested donation is $5.


638342 15-16r

Sunflower Seeds Direct from the Grower



me my folks used to have neighbors to their home for dancing. That had to be in their younger days as I don’t remember it. But this was before I was born. Now my brother, Paul Meister, owns the farm. Let’s hope it stays in the Meister name for years to come. Diane Hulleman is making the feast at her house with all the little chicks a-coming this year including the grandkids and the great-grands. Diane always makes a big feast. Well, good luck to you mighty hunters. Get a nice buck and remember, no does. Those does have to dress up in orange or pink so they don’t get shot. Also, a very happy Thanksgiving to everyone. May you enjoy the feast. You know after eating dinner you can go back outside hunting and wear that dinner off. Scatter sunshine! Have a great week!

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638619 16r

Senior lunch menu

grandson’s concert. Jameson plays trumpet in the band and the VanSeluses tell us they enjoyed the concert. Congratulations to Byron Baker of Dewey Country who received a Quilt of Valor for his service in the Navy during World War II. You know this time of year it’s a sad time for me. You see, my dad died Nov. 22, 1980, and it’s been 35 years now. Every day I continue to see little things about my dad and how it’s influenced me and made my life better. My dad came over from Germany with his mother in 1891 when Dad was 3 years old. My grandpa came before his wife and little son. Grandma was married before and her husband must have died before she married my grandpa, Ernest Meister. I believe my grandma and my dad went by my grandpa’s and it’s on the land that’s still on the Meister land. I do know the Meister farm is way over 100 years in the family. My sister, Dot Gudlin, tells


Yippee! Yes, we got snow for the deer hunters! You can bet those hunters are happy too as then they can track the deer when they wound one. It’s buck only this year. Yes, be careful what you shoot, as it might be a doe and I do think you would get fined. Anyway, I want to wish all the hunters getting a buck, so here’s lots of luck! A very happy anniversary to Noel and Pattie Beaufeaux who are celebrating 33 years together on Nov. 27. Have a great one. A very happy birthday to Hailey Noel Stariha on Nov. 27. Have a great day, Hailey. Hailey turns 9 years old. Gary LaVeau, a very happy birthday to you on Nov. 29. Also a very happy birthday to Dale Spaulding and also to Trevor Melton on Nov. 29. Have a wonderful day. A very happy birthday to Jeff Ladd on his special day, Dec. 2. A very happy anniversary to Glen and Karen Knoop on Dec. 5. Have a wonderful day. Coming for Thanksgiving dinner at Sandy and Jim Atkinson’s are Jimmy Atkinson, Stacy, Minn., Pattie and Noel Beaufeaux, Mitch and girlfriend, and Kyle and Becca Beaufeaux. Also Kristen and Carl Scott, Brianna and Jannah are coming to the feast. Coming to Myrna and Kurt Atkinsons to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner are Jodie and wife, Sandy Atkinson and Ron Atkinson. The Jerry Bests are going to Gwen Strege’s by Luck with potluck, along with many other relatives and children. Butch and Loretta VanSelus went to Rice Lake for their

Blaiclk O

ann and John Libra will be flying in from Oregon to join in the festivities. Jason Sweet will be traveling up from Madison to join his parents, Doug and Pat, and other family members at Doug and Pat’s home for Thanksgiving dinner. There will be an ecumenical Thanksgiving service at First Lutheran in Cumberland at 7 p.m. on Wednesday evening. Everyone is welcome, so please plan to attend. Jerry Marsh was visiting us on Tuesday evening. While we were having supper, Troy Strickland called him from Colorado to see how everything was going here. Sounds like everything is going good with Troy. He’s pretty happy with the new semi he’s driving. Life is good. I guess that’s about all I have from Barronett this week. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving. If you have anything you can share, please remember to take it to the food pantry so those who are not as fortunate will be able to enjoy their Thanksgiving dinner too. See you next time.

for 50 Lbs.

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638421 4-5b,cp 15-16rp

(Formal Administration) Case #15R40 A petition for formal administration was filed. THE COURT FINDS: 1. The decedent, with date of birth September 27, 1922, and date of death September 4, 2014, was domiciled in Douglas County, State of Minnesota, with a mailing address of Alexandria, MN. 2. All interested persons waived notice. THE COURT ORDERS: 1. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is (Date) January 26, 2016. 2. A claim must be filed at the Washburn County Courthouse, 10 4th Ave., P.O. Box 316, Shell Lake, Wisconsin, Room 2C. BY THE COURT: Eugene D. Harrington 10/30/2015 Form completed by: Kathryn zumBrunnen Box 96, Spooner, WI 54801 715-635-3174 637715 Bar #1016913 WNAXLP



Washburn County is seeking applications for the Economic Support Specialist position with the Washburn County Department of Health and Human Services. Duties of this position include: accepting and processing inquiries, referrals and applications for entitlement program benefits such as Medicaid, Food Share and child care; providing case management to recipients of federal and state programs and related subprograms to Washburn County residents. Training Required: High school diploma or equivalent; two or more years of college or technical school training and three or more years of office work experience preferred. Starting salary will be $17.41 - $19.36 per hour plus excellent benefits. A Washburn County employment application may be downloaded from the county website at www.co.washburn.wi.us, or by contacting the Administration Office at P.O. Box 337, Shell Lake, WI 54871, Tel. 715-468-4624, Fax 715-468-4628. Applications will be accepted 638226 14-15r until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 4, 2015. EOE.


Join our nonprofit, community-based hospice and palliative care team. We are seeking RN staff for parttime casual position to serve patients and families with a life-limiting illness in their home setting. Candidates must have strong clinical and patient/ family relationship skills, willing to travel and provide care to patients in our Spooner/Grantsburg service area. Benefits include flexible scheduling, paid time off, annuity, travel time and mileage.

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638249 14-15r,L 4-5a,b,c

(Nov. 18, 25) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT BARRON COUNTY IN THE INTEREST OF: A.V.M. D/O/B: November 14, 2006 SUMMONS PUBLICATION File No. 15TP12 C.A. Minor 1492 E. Division Avenue, #7 Barron, WI 54812 135 W. Douglas Street Rice Lake, WI 54868 123 W. Messenger Street Rice Lake, WI 54868 c/o 2855 29th Ave. Birchwood, WI 54817 Because you are a parent of the child subject to this proceeding, you are hereby notified that a Termination of Parental Rights hearing has been scheduled for December 23, 2015, at 9:30 a.m., in Branch 2 of the Barron County Circuit Court, before the Hon. J. Michael Bitney, at the Barron County Justice Center located at 1420 State Hwy. 25 North, Barron, WI 54812. The parental rights of a parent or alleged parent who fails to appear may be terminated. You have the right to have an attorney present and you have the right to consent to the termination of parental rights. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may ask the State Public Defender to represent you. If the Court terminates your parental rights, a notice of intent to pursue relief from the judgment must be filed in the trial court with 30 days after judgment is entered for the right to pursue such relief to be preserved. The approximate conception date of A.V.M. is January 18, 2006, through March 19, 2006. A.V.M. was born at Sacred Heart Hospital in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, on November 14, 2006. Dated at Barron, Wisconsin, this 12th day of November, 2015. Andrew J. Harrington Liden, Dobberfuhl & Harrington, S.C. State Bar #1061492 425 E. LaSalle Ave. Barron, WI 54812 Ph. #: 715-537-5636 The object of this action is to terminate the parental rights concerning the child A.V.M. 638230 WNAXLP



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EACH INSERTION – Minimum of $5.00 ; 30¢ for each word. Call 715-468-2314 to place ad, or email your ad to wcregister@centurytel.net. Advertising deadline is Monday at noon.


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Local classifieds SHELL LAKE SELFSTORAGE: Convenient, 24-hour access. Special low-cost boat storage. Call 715-468-2910. 2rtfc CENTRAL BOILER CERTIFIED E-CLASSIC OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE: Get the most heat with less wood. Call today! Northwest Wisconsin Ent. 715-6353511 or 715-520-7477. 14-16rc

The Register is a cooperative-owned newspaper

For more information on the benefits of living at the Lakeland Manor, please 638473 call 715-468-2730. 4-7b 15-18r

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Pursuant to WI Statute 65.90 notice is hereby given that the 2016 proposed budget, as presented by the Financial Administration Committee, will be considered at a Special City Council Meeting to be held Thursday, December 3, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall. The meeting will include budget presentation, public hearing and adoption. 2015 2016 Percentage Summary Adopted Proposed Change General Government $253,477 $250,479 Public Safety $400,199 $412,637 Public Works $379,774 $427,185 Health & Human Services $$Culture, Rec. & Education $234,372 $250,106 Conservation & Development $22,476 $11,592 Debt Service $636,160 $679,106 Outlay $35,040 $60,552 Total Of All Expenditures $1,961,498 $2,091,657 6.64% Less: All revenue other than general property $1,077,054 $1,093,252 1.50% Less: Deficit $69,739 Total Proposed City Levy $928,666 City Tax Levy for Budgets 2016 $928,666 5.00% 2015 $884,444 2014 $884,444 The detailed budget is available for public inspection at the City Administrator’s office during regular office hours. Andrew Eiche, City Administrator 638248 14-15r WNAXLP


LIMITED-TERM EMPLOYEE DEPUTY SHERIFF Washburn County is seeking qualified applicants to fill a LimitedTerm Employee Deputy Sheriff position. Employees in this class will perform a wide variety of duties connected with law enforcement work, which include investigation, enforcement and various types of assistance. Assigned duties are performed in accordance with State, Federal and County laws. The employee will be expected to exercise independent judgment, decisiveness and discretion in dealing with emergency and unusual circumstances. Well-qualified candidates will have law enforcement experience; and demonstrate ability to deal effectively with the public, state and federal agencies and special interest groups. Candidates must successfully pass a background investigation. Education: This position requires graduation from an accredited high school or equivalent. Associate Degree in Police Science or 60 college level credits and certification. Requirements: Must meet the minimum requirements of the Law Enforcement Standards Board and possess Certification as a law enforcement officer in Wisconsin and have a valid Wisconsin driver’s license. Starting salary range is $19.16-$21.30/hr. To request an application or further information please contact the Washburn County Personnel Department, P.O. Box 337, Shell Lake, WI 54871 (ph. 715-468-4624) or go to: www.co.washburn.wi.us. Resumes will be accepted but will not take the place of a completed application. Applications must be received by 4:30 p.m., December 4, 2015. EOE. 638279 14r-15r



Washburn County is seeking applicants for the Social Worker position in the Family Services Unit with the Department of Health and Human Services. This position provides services to families experiencing problems with child abuse and neglect, delinquency, parent-child conflict, alcohol and/or drug abuse, mental health and developmental disabilities. Considerable independent judgment and discretion are required in dealing families, providers and community agencies. This position requires a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work OR Bachelor’s degree in related field plus three (3) years’ paid fulltime experience in a social work position. Must possess and maintain State of Wisconsin Social Work Certification and valid WI driver’s license. Salary range is $23.46 - $26.08/hr. plus excellent benefits. For an application, contact the Washburn County Personnel Department at P.O. Box 337, Shell Lake, WI 54871, Ph. 715-4684624, Fax 715-468-4628, email adminper@co.washburn.wi.us, or download an application from our county website at www.co.washburn.wi.us. Resumes will be accepted but will not take the place of a completed application. Applications must be received by 4:30 p.m. Friday, December 4, 2015. EOE. 638227 14-15r


The Washburn County Zoning Committee will hold a business meeting Tuesday, December 15, 2015, at 3:30 p.m. in the Washburn County Boardroom, Elliott Building, 110 Fourth Avenue West, Shell Lake, Wisconsin.

Jack Link’s is looking to fill the following positions immdiately.


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638388 4-5a,b,c 15-16r

Conditional use requests have been filed with the Washburn County Zoning Office. This public hearing will be held December 15, 2015, immediately following the rezoning requests in the Washburn County Boardroom, Elliott Building, 110 Fourth Avenue West, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. Spooner Township: Mathy Construction, Onalaska, Wisconsin. Map #SP173/23543 - 40 acres NW SE, Section 20-39-12, Town of Spooner, requesting to obtain a conditional use permit for the expansion of an existing nonmetallic mining operation. Pursuant to NR 135, the applicant has applied for a reclamation permit and has filed a reclamation plan, which is available for review at the Zoning Office. Interested persons will be given the opportunity to be heard on both whether or not a conditional use permit should be granted for nonmetallic mining on the site indicated as well as for the purpose of presenting testimony on reclamation-related matters pertaining to NR 135 and County Code CH. 28. It must be understood, however, that the Committee lacks jurisdiction over the NR 135 permit, the decision as to which is made by staff of the County Zoning and Land and Water Conservation Departments under 28-28 of the County Code. Any testimony or evidence presented during the public hearing on the matter of the NR 135 Plan will be turned over to staff in charge of such decision for their consideration in relationship thereto. Interested persons will be given the opportunity to be heard. The committee will deliberate in “Open Session.” Handicapped access is available through the south door; parking is near the door. This agenda and the subsequent meeting minutes are available in large type. If you need assistance, please call Lolita Olson at 715-468-4600, prior to the meeting. 638569 15-16r Webster Macomber, Zoning Administrator WNAXLP




Llama Llama Family Night held

There was family fun for all at the Shell Lake 4K Family Night held Thursday, Nov. 19. Greta and Kyle Linton read to their children, Morley and Channing. She is reading the popular “Llama Llama Misses Mama.� This book is about a young llama going to school for the first time. The family night helps to prepare the children for school.

Photos by Larry Samson

Boden Marker is wearing his llama hat and showing the hand puppet he made.

Shell Lake school menu

Oliver William is helping his young sister, Nora, with her puzzle while his older brother works on his puzzle. It is not easy to have an older brother wanting to do everything for you when you want to just do it yourself.

Missy Melton is learning how to multitask as she talks while cutting out a llama hat. This is one of the reasons the scissors are not sharp.

Breakfast Thursday, Nov. 26: No school. Friday, Nov. 27: No school. Monday, Nov. 30: Bagel with cream cheese (3-12 only) or mini cinni roll. Tuesday, Dec. 1: Whole-grain pancakes and sausage link or chocolate chip oat bar (3-12 only). Wednesday, Dec. 2: Cereal and toast or ultimate breakfast round (3-12 only). Thursday, Dec. 3: French toast sticks or homemade sweet bread (3-12 only). Friday, Dec. 4: Laker breakfast pizza or ham and egg bar with toast (3-12 only). Monday, Dec. 7: Pop-tart and cheese stick or mini cinni roll (3-12 only). Tuesday, Dec. 8: Chocolate-chip oat bar (3-12 only) or whole-grain waffles and sausage link. Wednesday, Dec. 9: Ultimate breakfast round (3-12 only) or sausage and cheese sandwich, cereal and toast (4K-2 only). Thursday, Dec. 10: Oatmeal with fixings or homemade sweet bread (3-12 only). Friday, Dec. 11: Apple or cheery frudel or ham and egg bar with toast (3-12 only). Monday, Dec. 14: Bagel with cream cheese (3-12 only) or mini cinni roll. Tuesday, Dec. 15: Whole-grain pancakes and sausage link or chocolatechip oat bar (3-12 only). Wednesday, Dec. 16: Cereal and toast or ultimate breakfast round (3-12 only). Thursday, Dec. 17: French toast sticks or homemade sweet bread (3-12 only). Friday, Dec. 18: Laker breakfast pizza or ham and egg bar with toast (3-12 only). Monday, Dec. 21: Pop-tart and cheese stick or mini cinni roll (3-12 only). Tuesday, Dec. 22: Chocolate-chip oat bar (3-12 only) or whole-grain waffles and sausage link. Wednesday, Dec. 23 - Monday, Jan. 4: No school. Holiday break. Breakfast is served with a choice of juice/fruit and milk offered daily. Every day breakfast is free to all students.

Lunch Thursday, Nov. 26: No school. Friday, Nov. 27: No school. Monday, Nov. 30: Chicken fajita. Tuesday, Dec. 1: Mandarin orange chicken and rice bowl or burrito bowl (7-12 only). Wednesday, Dec. 2: Mini ravioli or corn dog (7-12 only). Thursday, Dec. 3: Crispy-chicken sandwich or buffalo-chicken pizza (7-12 only). Friday, Dec. 4: Biscuits and gravy. Monday, Dec. 7: Grilled cheese with tomato soup. Tuesday, Dec. 8: Taco salad or cheese pizza (7-12 only). Wednesday, Dec. 9: Chicken or cheese quesadilla or cspicy chicken (7-12 only). Thursday, Dec. 10: Hot Italian sub or mozzarella dippers (7-12 only). Friday, Dec. 11: Penne with meat sauce. Monday, Dec. 14: Corn dog with side of macaroni and cheese. Tuesday, Dec. 15: Teriyaki chicken and rice bowl or cheese quesadilla (7-12 only). Wednesday, Dec. 16: Build a burger or hot dog with chips (7-12 only). Thursday, Dec. 17: Hot ham and cheese sandwich or spicy chicken (-7-12 only). Friday, Dec. 18: Sloppy joe. Monday, Dec. 21: Potato bowl. Tuesday, Dec. 22: Mozzarella dippers or pizza calzone (7-12 only). Wednesday, Dec. 23 - Monday, Jan. 4: No school. Holiday break. Menus subject to change. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


Shell Lake 4K class at the Namekagon River Visitor Center

Using his imaginary binoculars, Bryce Allen is looking for wildlife in an I Spy game.

U.S. Park Service park ranger Branda Thwaits has the 4K students attention as she talks to them about the Namekagon River and the rich diversity of wildlife that call it home. The students to a field trip to the visitor center on Wednesday, Nov. 18.

Calm before the storm

Park ranger Branda Thwaits shows the curious children the aquatic life she found in the Namekagon River that morning.

It was the calm before the storm as the skies opened up for a brief time on the morning of Wednesday, Nov. 18, to create this photo opportunity on the Namekagon River. The rains resumed that afternoon and turned to snow the following day. — Photo by Larry Samson

Snow at the lake The Shell Lake 4K morning class had a field trip to the Namekagon River Center in Trego. Shown (L to R): U.S. Park Ranger Joan, Bryce Kemp, Warren Mani, Brycen Allen, Brady Melton, Oliver Williamson. Front: Mrs. Anderson, Channing Linton, Alicia Crosby, Mikaela Okonek, Ella Kidder, Korah Alt, Dalton Swan, Nikko Patchen, Dominic Fogelberg, Kianna Schultz and park ranger Branda Thwaits.

Photos by Larry Samson

Learning about the early history of the area, Bryce Kemp gets the opportunity to drum.

After a week of gray skies and heavy rains, the wind picked up and snow fell in the area on Thursday, Nov. 19. — Photo by Natalie Melton

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