WCR | Nov 4 | 2015

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W A S H B U R N   C O U N T Y

Register wcregist eronline.com


Nov. 4, 2015

Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2015 Vol. 127, No. 11 • Shell Lake, Wis.

We e ke nd w atch • PTA carnival @ Shell Lake • Christmas Celebration in Lights @ Shell Lake • Ole and Lena lutefisk and meatball dinner @ Rice Lake See calendar on page 6 for details


Spiderman meets Tigger

Local Veterans Day programs Back page

Time for Soup fundraiser Page 12

It is the amazing Spiderman and Tigger from “Winnie the Pooh.” TJ and Lindsey Schultz were out and about on Halloween. The weather was a little wet but the temperatures were warm for this time of the year. More photos on page 2. – Photos by Larry Samson

Hayward school evacuated HAYWARD — The Hayward Primary School was evacuated at approximately 9:45 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 2, as a precautionary measure due to a threat it received earlier that morning. As of 11:40 a.m. the building was cleared and

deemed safe by emergency personnel. Students returned to the building where they had lunch and their regular classroom activities resumed. — from the Hayward School District

Man turns himself in after escaping police custody First at state track meet for Pederson

SPORTS Page 13


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SHELL LAKE — The School District of Shell Lake will host their annual Veterans Day program on Wednesday, Nov. 11, from 9:30 to 11 a.m., in the Shell Lake High School gymnasium. All are invited to attend this special service to honor our nation’s heroes. — from SLSD

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BIRCHWOOD — The Washburn County Sheriff’s Office conducted a search Sunday morning, Nov. 1, in the Birchwood area for a male subject that escaped custody. At approximately 1:25 a.m., a Washburn County deputy and Birchwood Police responded to a residence on Stout Road in the Town of Birchwood for two people that were sleeping or occupying a guest home belonging to the owners of the residence. They were uninvited guests. Prior to the criminal trespassing, a vehicle was crashed into a tree not far from the home. Two suspects were involved. Nicole A. Hubbell, Rice Lake, is in the Washburn County Jail booked in on burglary and disorderly conduct. Tracey R. Darling was arrested for OWI drug related, using meth and other drug charges. Darling was handcuffed with belly chains and put in the backseat of a squad car. Officers proceeded to clear the crash scene. Darling managed to force open the partition, prisoner cage, climb into the front seat of the squad car and flee the scene, still restrained in handcuffs and belly chains. An exhaustive search was conducted with the assistance of Barron County sheriff’s deputies, Sawyer County deputies, the Birchwood Police Department, Spooner Police Department, Wiscon-

sin State Patrol and their aircraft out of Eau Claire. “I called off the search at 10:30 a.m. Sunday after family members said they had talked to Darling and he will turn himself in to authorities if we back off, so we did. I was no longer concerned for his welfare as he Tracey R. Darling was in touch with family. We were trying to locate him not only because he escaped custody but we were concerned for his well-being as he was in handcuffs and belly chains,” said Washburn County Sheriff Terry Dryden. At 2:39 p.m., Darling turned himself in at the Washburn County Sheriff’s Department. — with information from the Washburn County Sheriff’s Department Facebook page

Our local veterans: Don Buckman

Danielle Danford | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — Wednesday, Nov. 11, is Veterans Day, a day to honor those that have served in the U.S. armed forces. In anticipation of this day, the Register shares the service story of a local veteran who served in the first confrontation between two nuclear powers, a conflict that involved the service of nearly 6 million Americans, known as the Korean War. “I couldn’t get a teaching job because no one would hire me, I was No. 1 on the draft list,” said

Don Buckman of Shell Lake. After graduating from Northland College in 1950 with a bachelor’s degree in science, Buckman could only find work at a grocery store in Ladysmith, the same store where he had worked throughout college and some of high school. Then, in December of 1950, Buckman was drafted and he went into the service on Jan. 3 leaving behind his fiancé, Carol, and aspirations of becoming a teacher. See local veterans, page 4



Halloween fun

Dr. Seuss was the inspiration behind the costumes that Sora Petty, Xaiden Petty and Cali Hall wore for Halloween. They were the Cat in the Hat, and Thing One and Thing Two.

Jamie Trudel takes time from his duties at the fire hall to pose with his three boys, Asher, Jonah and Malachi. Jamie has been with the Shell Lake Fire Department for several months. The fire hall is a favorite stopping-off place for trick-or-treaters on Halloween.

Carina and Milena Juza were both Elsa for Halloween. Elsa is a popular character from the movie “Frozen.”

Ashlyn and Donavan Emerson with their dog, Diesel, stopped by the Lakeland Manor for treats as they made the Halloween trek. Even Diesel was in costume.

Kaelin Farley, dressed as Miss Piggy, wins the competition for most adorable costume. She was a favorite at the Lakeland Manor. Halloween was on Saturday, Oct. 31, giving the children plenty of daylight to make their annual trek a safe one.

Morgan Hoffmann looks to have a splitting headache as she goes trick-or-treating. Besides being a fun holiday for this Shell Lake fifth-grader it is also her birthday.

Washburn County Register Your Community Newspaper • PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871 MANAGER: Doug Panek dougpanek@centurytel.net EDITOR: Gary King editor@wcregisternewsroom.com OFFICE MANAGER: Suzanne Johnson news@wcregisternewsroom.com REPORTER: Larry Samson REPORTER: Danielle Danford PAGINATOR: Raelynn Hunter ADVERTISING: Jeanine Moody DEADLINE FOR NEWS/ADS: MONDAYS @ NOON

Published every Wednesday at Frederic, WI. Periodicals postage paid at Shell Lake, WI. Postmaster: send address changes to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 USPS 666-900

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WisDot schedules Hwy. 53 Preservation Study public involvement meeting SPOONER — The Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Northwest Region is holding a public involvement meeting regarding the Hwy. 53 Preservation Study from the Barron/Washburn County line to Hwy. 70. Communities in the study area include the towns of Beaver Brook, Long Lake, Madge and Sarona. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 11, from 5-7 p.m., at the Spooner

Agricultural Research Station, W6646 Hwy. 70. The meeting will feature a brief presentation beginning at 5:30 p.m. The remainder of the meeting will follow an open house format. The study team has developed a range of alternatives that used both technical analysis and public input from the first round of meetings. The purpose of the upcoming meeting is to obtain commu-

nity input about the range of alternatives. Exhibits will be on display and attendees will be given the opportunity to provide written or verbal comments. WisDOT staff will also be on hand to answer questions. The Hwy. 53 Preservation Study includes an alternative study, environmental assessment and preliminary engineering along the existing roadway.

Construction funding has not been programmed but the study is necessary to preserve the future right of way. WisDOT is conducting the study now to ensure long-term options are not precluded as land uses change along the corridor over time, and to help the communities plan development in a way that will be compatible with changes to these highways. — from WisDOT

Buckthorn control at Stone Lake Wetland Park STONE LAKE — With the fall season in its prime, leaves are disappearing quickly. However, you may still notice some green-leafed shrubs or small trees. They are most likely the invasive shrub buckthorn. It crowds out native species of woodland trees, shrubs and flowers. Two species, common and glossy buckthorn, can grow up to 20 feet tall with several sprouting stems. Both look very similar, having shiny green leaves, but the common is rounder in shape and its veins run up toward the leaf tip, where glossy buckthorn leaf veins grow toward the side of the leaf. The edges of common buckthorn are serrated. The female plants of both species produce small black berries. The berries are eaten by birds, leading to the plants dispersal over the landscape.

On Oct. 8, an educational workshop was held at the Stone Lake Wetland Park, which, uniquely, is the state’s only community wetland park. The workshop was hosted by the Washburn County Land and Water Department and the St. CroixRed Cedar Cooperative Weed Management Area. The CWMA is a partnership of local, state, federal, tribal, nonprofit, community, and private agencies and organizations. It coordinates efforts to prevent and control invasive species across Washburn, Burnett, Polk, St Croix and Barron counties. Representatives from UW-Extension, WisDNR, park committee members and other landowners were also in attendance for the event and to offer advice. The wetland park is 17 acres, with 11

of that covered in buckthorn. The park committee has been extending its control efforts for about eight years. Craig Baldridge, committee member stated, “We realized we needed to throw money into the project, which led to membership drives and getting the Friends of the Wetland Park involved.” Donations and grant funds have helped with the cutting and spraying the stumps with herbicide, along with spraying the leaves. The committee continues to seek funds for the control project and to help the park get to an even more stable, native tree and shrub community. Triclopyr is the active ingredient for herbicide treatments, and is found in products such as Garlon 4 and Element. Triclopyr is mixed with an oil-based solu-

tion called Bark Oil Blue, and is sprayed 12-18 inches up the base of the buckthorn. It absorbs into the bark and makes its way down to the root system, eventually killing it. Fall is a good time to apply the herbicide because that’s the time of the year when plants are sending nutrients to the roots. Landowners can also cut and spray the stump or spray leaves with the herbicide. For those who don’t want to apply herbicide, there is a tool called a weed wrench that can be used to pull smallersized stems up. For more information about buckthorn identification and control techniques, contact Lisa Burns at 715-468-4654 or lburns@ co.washburn.wi.us. — from WCLWD

Inside Washburn County’s drug and alcohol court Danielle Danford | Staff writer SHELL LAKE - “Our process is, we go around the table and I ask everyone what they think – quite frankly I’m a judge and I thought you should be going to jail today but you’re not going to jail because of the vote there,” said Washburn County Judge Eugene Harrington while pointing to members of the Washburn County Drug and Alcohol Court program. “They don’t think you should - it would be counterproductive and really they’re right.” It’s just after 8:30 a.m. in the courtroom of the Washburn County Courthouse and the drug and alcohol court program is in session. Four people – three women and a man – sit in the wooden gallery benches watching, waiting. They are part of the program and are waiting for their own hearing with the judge. DAC team members AJ Simon, MH/AODA coordinator; Dan Brereton, Washburn County Jail Administrator; Kim Shafer, Washburn County Justice Programs coordinator; Tammy Aaler, probation agent; and Martin Jarvis, an attorney with the public defender’s office; watch from the jury box. Harrington asks “Jack” why he didn’t complete the tasks assigned to him by the DAC team. Jack explains he’s having a hard time meeting the obligations of the program because his wife thinks he isn’t meeting his roles as a father and husband so she kicked him out of the house. “Jack told me, and I believe him, that, ‘It started out with a negative, with drug and alcohol court, but it turned into a blessing. He’s starting to get comfortable with it, ‘honesty is best even if I’m worried about disappointing people, it’s all here to help me. I’ve been changing my whole mind-set,’” said Lori Henderson-Olson, DAC Program case manager. Harrington acknowledged the good in the statement but told Jack he needs to show himself and the team with actions to meet the program’s obligations. Just before Jack’s hearing a woman, “Jane,” was the first hearing of the morning. She also hadn’t met the obligations set up for her but she wasn’t before Harrington two minutes before she was on her way to the Washburn County Jail. “The drug and alcohol court is highly structured and it has real specific requirements, clients are accountable for each day and each week,” said HendersonOlson. The DAC program holds participants accountable for three times a week attendance to community support meetings like Alcoholics Anonymous or Nar-

The Washburn County Drug and Alcohol Court is for many participants a wake-up call to the dangerous lifestyle they are living. - Photo by Danielle Danford

cotics Anonymous; at least twice-a-week urine analysis tests; appearing for the twice-monthly DAC court hearings; and any other tasks they are assigned by the DAC team. “Frankly words are cheap ... I am more impressed with action and progress,” said Harrington to Jack, but his message was clearly not limited to him alone. After Jack the morning’s third hearing involved a woman, “Betty,” who has entered the second stage of the program. Betty is now leasing her own place and has her children and pets back. “Long step from July when I yelled at you, put you in jail,” said Harrington. Betty concedes his point, adding that “life is awesome,” to which Harrington cautions her to remember to take one day at a time. “It’s not an easy program, it’s a very demanding program and sometimes I think for some people it’s too demanding,” said Martin Jarvis, public defender. Jarvis explained that DAC participants often have

families and jobs not to mention issues like transportation, housing and poverty. While not all Washburn County DAC Program participants are poor, usually the people that need representation by a public defender are economically challenged. “These are people in our community, these aren’t some ‘other,’” Jarvis pointed out. “This isn’t a big city where the judges and the DA and the defense attorneys live in the nice part of town and don’t give a sh-- about anybody else. These are my kids’ peers, these are people I want to see in the community and grocery store and have them be able to hold their head high and be able to look them in the eye,” he said. The morning’s hearings closed on a high note with the graduation of Crystal Streitz from the program. Asked to share her thoughts on the DAC program, Streitz said it started out rough. “I guess I didn’t have very much faith in myself, there was a lot of people that doubted me,” said Streitz. She explained

she felt overwhelmed, frustrated and upset by the obligations of the program but as she went through the different stages things got easier. “I know I did it but without you guys giving me the kick in the butt I probably wouldn’t be standing here today,” said Streitz, addressing the DAC team. “I just want to say thank you. I’ve learned a lot of lessons. Drug court really saved my life,” she said. Voluntary Typically a person is referred to the program by their probation agent because they are facing revocation of their probation, and the program is offered as an alternative to jail. To start, people observe a session of the DAC program and meet with the team to explain why they want to be part of the program. Then the team determines if they will be accepted into the program. “It’s voluntary, technically, but I think a lot of people feel forced into it because they don’t want to go to jail or prison,” said Henderson-Olson. Once accepted, they go through an interview with Schaffer, the county’s justice programs coordinator, and a separate interview with Henderson-Olson, who also has a master’s in mental health counseling and works as a counselor for Soar Counseling Services in Shell Lake. “The drug and alcohol court has shown it’s effective using both pressures, the legal pressures and the treatment pressure ... in combination it appears to be quite effective for a lot of folks,” said HendersonOlson. While in the program, participants are supposed to be in school, looking for a job or working. If they aren’t working they should be doing community service, which is one of the ways they can pay off half of the $750 program fee. “The big thing I think of is challenging them to do better,” said Schaffer. The challenge is much like a balancing act between court, family and work obligations. “Even if they eventually fail we are creating experts who live among people with substance abuse issues,” said Jarvis. “Besides, keeping people out of jail or prison and saving taxpayer dollars by doing so, the program is also giving people knowledge of the resources available to them.” “A lot of these participants we’re getting don’t have the support when they enter and by the time they leave or graduate drug court they have those supports built up,” said Schaffer.


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Still time for doing the right thing More glossy political flyers in the mailbox. More half-true ads on television. More robocalls and opinion surveys. More money for politics and politicians. Two bills now in the Wisconsin Senate and one already signed by Gov. Walker muzzle the elections watchdog, the GAB. Judging from his opinion letter and radio remarks this Monday, Rep. Quinn thinks that is just fine. So does the Tea Party. They sweep away the concerns that Democrats and moderate Republicans are voicing. These bills are held up in the Senate, where, fortunately, six Republican sena-

tors are holdouts. One of these, Sen. Luther Olson, worries about replacing six nonpartisan former judges on the GAB with political appointees. A board composed of three Democrats and three Republicans will probably deadlock, preventing investigations from moving forward. Senate leadership has signed on but express doubts. Sen. Scott Fitzgerald is hesitant to allow campaign coordination between issue advocacy groups and a politician’s campaign. He says the bills create “gray areas.” Sen. Tiffany said he

wants more discussion about allowing unlimited corporate contributions to political parties. The six Senate Republican holdouts are now the targets of Tea Party robocalls. Tea Party ads attacking these legislators frame it as a free speech issue, a point of view that got support with the Citizens United decision. That group taps the Koch billions, and their need to make the most of their most powerful tool, money, is obvious. It is common sense, however, that our democracy is damaged when there are no limits to the amount and the man-

ner of political spending. We are all sick of it. There is room in the Republican Party, obviously, for a more balanced view than that of the Tea Party. Quinn’s opinion and supporting vote in the Assembly is unfortunate, but there is still time for thoughtful and moderate Republicans in the Senate to join Democrats and do the right thing. Gerry Lisi Rice Lake

LETTERS POLICY In general the Register welcomes letters to the editor but reserves the right to edit or to reject letters for any reason. Letters should be no longer than 400 words in length and contain the signature, address and telephone number of the author. All letter writers will be limited to one published letter per 30 days, with the exception of rebuttals. The number of exchanges between letter writers will be decided by the editor. Thank-you letters are most appropriately published in specially designed box ads. Vulgarity, racial slurs and other mean-spirited, insulting terms are not allowed. Complaints about businesses and individuals involving private matters will not be published. Letter writers should provide sources when citing facts. Opinions expressed in letters are not those of the newspaper but rather those of the individual, who is solely responsible for the letter’s content. Emailed letters are preferred. Letters may be emailed to news@wcregisternewsroom.com or mailed to Washburn County Register, P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871

Opinion? Send it to us @ news@wcregisternewsroom.com

Local veterans/from page 1 Because of his college education, Buckman was trained as a medic at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, in a company of 250 other college graduates. The company also went through basic training at Fort Hood in Texas. At the end of their training, half were sent to Korea and the other half were assigned to serve in different parts of the United States. Buckman was assigned to serve as an Army medic at the Camp Edwards base hospital on Cape Cod. “We’d get people from the front lines in Korea, five days out, and they had put plaster on the legs on some of them and by the time we got them they had gangrene and they’d lose their legs,” said Buckman. He added that the hospital where he was stationed had a good staff and many doctors that worked to provide for the wounded veterans. After five months as a medic, Buckman saw an opportunity when the current company clerk, a reservist, was getting out. “The first thing the sergeant asked was can anybody in this company type, and I raised my hand right quick because we were all picking up cigarette butts and everything else they had for us to do,” said Buckman. A change of his military occupational specialty number and Buckman be-

In anticipation of Veterans Day on Wednesday, Nov. 11, local resident Don Buckman shares his service story, which began in 1950. — Photo by Danielle Danford came a company clerk. As company clerk, Buckman did morning reports and typed up information the first sergeant wanted passed out.


Tuesday, Oct. 20 At approximately 3:35 a.m., Matthew Sisko, 18, South Range, was northbound on Hwy. 53 in the Town of Brooklyn 1.5 miles north of CTH F when he lost control of his 1999 Ford Ranger truck. Sisko said he fell asleep and went off the road. He entered the ditch and struck several trees before coming to a rest. Sisko sustained an incapacitating injury in the accident and was medically transported because of his injury. The truck had very severe damage to the front, middle and undercarriage. Sisko was cited for inattentive driving. Friday, Oct. 23 At approximately 7:32 p.m., Donald Robarge, Birchwood, and his wife, Sandra Robarge, Birchwood, left Paul’s Pizza Den in Birchwood and were told that someone had backed into their vehicle. They were given the license plate number of the vehicle that had hit their 2014 Toyota

Tacoma, which had sustained very minor damage. A Washburn County sheriff’s deputy contacted Philip Madison, 68, Birchwood, in connection to the accident. When contacted Madison stated he didn’t know he had hit a vehicle. Saturday, Oct. 24 At approximately 6:45 p.m., Harold Jones, 68, Onalaska, was westbound on Hwy. 70 in the Town of Evergreen when he hit a deer just east of Perch Lake Road. Jones was not injured but the 2006 Chrysler Pacifica he was driving received minor damage to the front and front passenger side. Sunday, Oct. 25 At approximately 1 a.m., Timothy Lester, 29, Beaverton, Mich., was eastbound on CTH H in the Town of Spooner when he drove off the roadway. Lester, driving a 2010 Ford van, drove into a sign post, crossed through the

“My becoming company clerk changed my role considerably, others were still medics and served patients in the hospital,” he said. Because of his new MOS as company clerk, Buckman gained freedoms he didn’t have before. “I took patients to summer theaters and had leaves to go to Boston, Mass., Maine and Washington, D.C. I had a good life,” said Buckman. It was only every few weeks he was able to get a three-day pass, but he used that time to explore the Northeast. A neighbor of his from Superior was in the same company, and on occasion they took leave together, once to visit the veterans cemetery in Washington, D.C. Buckman also visited John Hovey, a college friend, who then lived in D.C. and worked at the Navy Research Laboratory there. Hovey lives in Spooner today, retired from 33 years at the Navy Research Lab and a later career at Streaseu Lab. “It was a really good life because I didn’t have any difficulties with service time or anything else. I did the work I had to do as company clerk, all the paperwork, and then I took trips … so it was a good life for me, but it was a sad life for some people we had coming back,” he said. Buckman was asked to stay on for another year where he

would serve in Turkey, but Buckman decided another year of service wasn’t what he wanted. “I think those two years gave Don time to evaluate what he wanted to do as a career and that turned out to be the field of education,” said Carol, Buckman’s wife. In December of 1952 he was discharged from service. Buckman returned to his education at the University of Minnesota and married Carol on Jan. 31, 1953. By 1954, Buckman attained a master’s in education and later a Bachelor’s of Science in elementary education. He went on to be a sixth-grade teacher and later a principal, enjoying a 22-year career at Richfield School District. During that time, he worked with several staff members that were also veterans of the Korean War who shared their service stories with him. Looking back Buckman doesn’t have any bad thoughts about the service, but acknowledges his experience was very different than that of some veterans. Today Buckman is 87 years old, calls Shell Lake his permanent home and recently celebrated 63 years of marriage with Carol.

intersection of Spooner Lake Road, hit another sign post and sideswiped two trees near a driveway. Lester left the accident scene and drove to the motel where he was staying in Hayward. Lester later told a Washburn County sheriff’s deputy that he had been drinking and that is why he left the accident scene. Lester was cited for failure to report an accident and driving too fast for conditions. At approximately 7:12 p.m., Katie Smart, 24, Duluth, Minn., was northbound on Hwy. 53 in the Town of Sarona when she hit a deer just north of Duck Pond Road. Smart was not injured but the 2015 Chrysler van received severe damage. Tuesday, Oct. 27 At approximately 9:32 p.m., Jeffery Huggett, 52, Howell, Mich., was westbound on Hwy. 77 in the Town of Minong when he hit a deer just west of Greenwood Road. Huggett was not

injured and his 2013 Chevy truck was drivable from the scene. Thursday, Oct. 29 At approximately 9:45 p.m., Mark Regner, 61, Spooner, was southbound on Hwy. 53 in the Town of Minong when he hit a bear just north of the Hwy. 53 crossover. Regner was not injured but the 2015 Chevy Equinox he was driving was towed from the scene. Saturday, Oct. 31 At approximately 6:30 a.m., Bruce Frei, 51, Stone Lake, was westbound on CTH B in the Town of Madge when he hit a deer near Golf Road. Frei was not injured but the 2011 Honda Odyssey van he was driving received damage to the front. — Danielle Danford with information from the Washburn County Sheriff’s Office

Regional meetings in Wisconsin focus on best practices for dementia care Shamane Mills | WPR News STATEWIDE - The Wisconsin Department of Health Services is holding a series of meetings for local communities to discuss the best practices for treating dementia. The meetings will specifically focus on the guiding principles for dementia care that the DHS recently released as part of Dementia-Capable Wisconsin, an initiative that aims to improve care throughout the state. The principles are not only

designed for those with the disease and their caregivers, but also the community at large. At one meeting in Madison last week, Portage Mayor Bill Tierney talked about “memory cafes,” places where those with dementia can socialize. “That was our first real big step in Portage,” said Tierney. “Every fourth Wednesday, we hold a memory cafe at the Portage Library and it’s been phenomenally successful. I just stopped (by), and

the group continues to grow. And now there are many memory cafes throughout this part of the state.” Pharmacists also talked about doing memory screenings for customers, delivering medication, and managing prescriptions for seniors so they’d be taken properly. State health officials discussed progress in reducing the use of antipsychotics for patients who may be difficult to control. In a report last year, the Centers for

Medicare & Medicaid Services ranked Wisconsin fourth-lowest in the nation in the use of antipsychotic medications in nursing home residents. Overall, Wisconsin’s nursing home resident use of antipsychotics is 14.6 percent compared to the national average of 19.4 percent. The next DHS meetings will take place Thursday, Nov. 5, in Wausau, and Friday, Nov. 6, in Eau Claire.


Empty rectory repurposed for Washburn County homeless Danielle Danford | Staff writer SPOONER — “They call it the hidden problem in rural Wisconsin because they are not visible like in the big cities where you see them,” said Mary Shepard, vice chair of the Washburn County Homeless Coalition. While Washburn County residents may not see the faces of people living without a home, organizations like Washburn Christian Outreach, the Salvation Army, local food pantries and churches know how real the homeless situation is in Washburn County. The idea to use the rectory of St. Alban’s Episcopal Church as a place to shelter Washburn County residents going through homelessness formed when St. Alban’s realized the house would be sitting empty for two years. The idea was brought to the attention of Washburn County Salvation Army and Washburn Christian Outreach in July and the empty house breathed life into the once-active Washburn County Homeless Coalition. WCHC hit the ground running to get the residence, now called Alban’s House, up and operating. “We are all excited for the very first family to come in,” said Shepard, who is also Alban’s House manager. Part shelter, part transition house, Alban’s House offers shelter to those in need while also connecting its residents with local resources to get them back on their feet. Alban’s House is now a reality through the

Dan Durand, of St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Spooner, hands over the keys to the church’s rectory to Chris Holland, Washburn County Homeless Coalition Board chair. The rectory is now called Alban’s House and will offer a place for Washburn County residents going through homelessness. Also shown back row (L to R): WCHC Board members Dawn Cornelisssen, Dawn Schliesmann and Mary Shepard, Alban’s House manager. — Photo by Danielle Danford combined resources and people power from public service organizations including the Salvation Army, Washburn Christian Outreach, Washburn County Homeless Coalition, St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, Ruby’s Pantry, Washburn County Food Pantry, Washburn County Housing, UW-Extension and Time-Out. Shepard explained that Alban’s House will accept residents on referral. After a referral comes in, an Alban’s House case manager will determine their level of need. Once it is determined their need involves a lack of adequate housing, paperwork begins. The obligations of resi-

Quilt class set SPOONER — Arts in Hand Gallery, located at 210 Walnut St., Spooner, will sponsor quilt classes in November. The instructor is Ruth Skeie, who has taught at area quilt shops, WITC and is active with local quilt guilds. Stop in to see her work as well as the samples for each class. At 10 a.m., on Thursday, Nov. 12, the two-hour class is Delectable Mountain. Learn how to cut fabric and end up with trimming to a precise size. This block can also be used for a quilt border. The second class is Thursday, Nov. 19, at 10 a.m., a full-day class on bargello. Learn the gradation of colors and the bargello technique. A purchased pattern

Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners Oct. 26 - $35 Doris Laursen, Cumberland Oct. 27 - $35 Gary/Marge Bergmann, Cumberland Oct. 28 - $35 Gary Nottom, Turtle Lake Oct. 29 - $35 Joe Sienko, Spooner Oct. 30 - $300 Patrick and Diana Smith, Woodbury, Minn.

Spooner Health System Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio


Temperatures recorded at Spooner Ag Research Station

2014 High Low Precip. Oct. 26 62 30 Oct. 27 61 29 Oct. 28 67 41 Oct. 29 45 35 .02” rain Oct. 30 41 35 Oct. 31 42 27 .08” rain/ snowflakes Nov. 1 38 20 2015 High Low Precip. Oct. 26 51 31 .26” rain Oct. 27 47 43 .06” rain Oct. 28 54 43 .39” rain Oct. 29 45 32 .34” snow/ rain .3” was a sticking snow Oct. 30 48 37 .02” rain Oct. 31 46 41 .16” rain Nov. 1 47 43 .28” rain Lake level: Monday, Nov. 3, 2014: 1,218.34’ MSL Monday, Nov. 2, 2015: N/A

is required. Basic sewing supplies and a sewing machine in good working order are required for the class. Also preregistration and fee are required for both classes. Contact Arts in Hand Gallery at 715635-9303. — from Arts in Hand Gallery

dency at Alban’s House include making efforts to find a new place to live, finding employment and saving a percentage of their income. Residents will also work with professionals to learn about personal finance and budgeting. A case manager will meet with residents regularly to go through their case plans and ensure they are meeting the obligations of their residency. “There will be zero tolerance for drugs and alcohol,” said Shepard. Prior to moving forward with Alban’s House the Washburn County Homeless Coalition sought out opinions on opening the facil-

Time to set up your holiday display SHELL LAKE — Decorating for the Christmas Celebration in Lights begins Saturday, Nov. 7, in the Shell Lake Municipal Park and Campground. This holiday tradition is sponsored by the Shell Lake Lions with Rob Anderson, coordinator. The lights will be turned on the night of

Register memories 1955 – 60 Years Ago

• Warren Livingston, 21, Shell Lake, escaped serious injury but his car was demolished when it overturned near Stegeman’s Drive-In. Livingston was knocked out but regained consciousness a short time later and was not hospitalized. • Shell Lake volunteers at the Bloodmobile were Cleigh Magnusson, Nick Masterjohn, John McNabb, Mrs. Alf Peterson, the Rev. D. Schoeffer, Ray Rydberg, Charles H. Lewis, Floyd Pederson, Mrs. Frank Graf, Mrs. Ellsworth Mallo and Mrs. Tracy Lumby. • In a business transfer, the Shell Lake Hotel and Bar was taken over by Mr. and Mrs. Arden Tollefson, Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Sigurd Gullickson, who operated the hotel and bar for several years, planned for Sigurd to spend full time on his painting business while Rose would continue as cook at the hotel. • Connie Lunderwall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lunderwall, a junior majoring in physical education, and Raymond Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Miller, sophomore, majoring in secondary education, were initiated into Kappa Delta Pi national honor society at the Wisconsin State College in La Crosse.

1965 – 50 Years Ago

• “Mother is a Freshman” was the title of the junior-senior class play at Shell Lake. Cast members were Bonnie Pieper, Janet Porter, Debby Davenport, Suzanne Duch, Beth Axon, Nancy Welter, Kay Hillman, Shannon Rohlik, Debby Peterson, Carl Krantz, Lynn Linton, Dave Nyberg, Dave Brown, Kevin Petz and Terry Swan. • Arlene Worre was in nurse’s training at Methodist Hospital in Madison. • Residents in the Town of Bashaw that were desiring driveway snowplowing for the coming winter were required to pay the fee of $5 to the town treasurer, Mrs. Donald Rydberg. • The Cadette Girl Scouts held a Halloween party for small children. The children that attended were Paul Ek, Ann Haberland, Janice Harr, Terrie Hillman, Dodie Jacobs, David Moen, Darwin and Devin Nordin, Blanche Rapley, Becky Rounce and Mike Smith.

ity with the Spooner Police Department, residents and businesses in the neighborhood. “They’re behind it 100 percent,” she said. A public informational meeting was also held at St. Alban’s Church about a month ago. But Shepard said that the future success of Alban’s House stills depends on community support and volunteers. “It’s a starting point for us because once we’re sure we’ve got the community behind us then maybe we can look for something bigger,” she said. Alban’s House can hold a maximum of seven people, but families are going to be given priority, largely to offer shelter to children and to the limited capacity of the house itself. In order to serve families, Alban’s House may only have a couple of families in residence at a time, but Shepard acknowledged the number of families that can be served will fluctuate on a case-by-case basis. Shepard said that no referrals have come forward yet, but they do know of one family that could come in at any time and that they are aware of other families in need. “If the community is behind it, if we get the support, if things go well, then we are going to be looking for a larger place,” she said. Alban’s House also welcomes aid in the form of monetary donations. Donations can be made out to St. Alban’s Episcopal Church and mailed to 1403 Scribner St. No. 1 Spooner, WI 54801.

Thanksgiving, Nov. 26. If you’re interested in having a display or have any questions, please contact Anderson at 715-468-2007 or robander1952@ gmail.com. — with submitted information

compiled by Suzanne Johnson

1975 – 40 Years Ago

• Officers of the Washburn County 4-H Leaders Association were Mrs. William Ennis, president; Robert LeMoine, vice president; Mrs. Andrew Peterson, reporter; William Lindenberg, treasurer; and Mrs. Norval Stensvold, secretary. • Debbie Slater was the winner of the Chamber of Commerce City Flag contest. She received a $100 savings bond. Her entry was a design of Shell Lake on a gold background with the founding date and current date inscribed along with designs of a boat, snowmobile, logging and other suitable motifs. Second place and $50 went to Fern Griffin. Georgean Kruger received third place. • Members of the Shell Lake junior and senior class presented, “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown.” Cast members included Karl Bakker, Charlie Brown; Jody Smith, Lucy; Val Wynkopp, Patty; Scott Starke, Linus; Greg Hare, Schroeder; and Steve Lewis, Snoopy. Twenty songs, accompanied by Tami Aderman on the piano, brightened the production. • Yvonne Allner, Sarona, and Dolores Stewart, Shell Lake, received a personally escorted tour of the state Capitol by Assemblyman Ken Schricker when they visited Madison for the WHAA annual meeting.

1985 – 30 Years Ago

• James Cariolano was presented with a pin for 30 years of service with the postal department. Shell Lake Postmaster Robert Washkuhn made the presentation. • At the Firecrackers 4-H meeting, Barb Duch gave a talk on her LABO trip to Japan. She passed around some souvenirs. She gave everybody some candy and chips from Japan. • Pat Quenan was named all-conference quarterback and Rick Thomas end on offense. Named to the all-conference defensive team were Rick Livingston, Shane Williams and Bruce Quinton. Gaining all-conference honors in volleyball were Lisa Richie and Angel Amundson. • Rae Ann Bontekoe, Shell Lake saxophonist majoring in physical therapy, was a member of the UW-La Crosse Marching Chiefs band, which was scheduled to

play at the Orange Bowl Jamboree Parade in Miami on New Year’s Eve.

1995 – 20 Years Ago

• Named students of the month at Shell Lake Schools were Jessica Beecroft, senior; Taylor Hall, junior; Matt Schraufnagel, sophomore; Patti Hecht, freshman; Serena Elliott, eighth grade; and Darin Reynolds, seventh grade. • Doboy Packaging Machinery Inc., was named the 1995 Technical Education Champion by the Wisconsin Technical College District Boards Association. • Faring well at the Northwest Area environmental speaking contest were Ben Kidder, first, senior division; Kristin Fisk, third, junior division; and Lisa Baldocchi, fourth, elementary division. • Members of the Shell Lake varsity volleyball team were Angie Pearson, Barb Klinger, Jessica Dahlstrom, Becky Schultz, Amy Rydberg, Trisha Williams, Becky Forseth, Jenny Parker, Kelly Schultz, Julie Ekern, Tiffany VanWyhe, Peggy Johnson, Jenny Donatell and Julie Lindeman. Junior varsity members were Barb Klinger, Anne Erwin, Angie Pearson, Sarah Dahlstrom, Lauralei Glessing, Sarah Petterson, Tracey Thompson, Becky Forseth, Alyssa Folstad, Peggy Johnson, Kristen Hewitt and Susan Semm.

2005 – 10 Years Ago

• Alyssa and Brandon Degner participated in the WSMA state honor concerts in Madison. • Danish filmmaker Soren Rype Petersen came to the United States to interview Aage Duch. • Scouts attending a campout at the Red Barn Campground were Casey Furchtenicht, Logan Zebro, Grant Ceaglske, Robby Hanson, Dominic Hopke, Christian Monson, Marty Anderson, Nathan Swan, Michael Monson, Tyrone Blanks, Brett Holman, Chris Heibel, Seth Olson, Trevor Anderson, Bayley Knutson, Joe Kodesh, Adam Hungerbuhler, Nick Christensen and Tyler Gramberg. • A surprise retirement party was held for Bill Fulton at the Shell Lake Community Center.


ICHC to kick off Love Lite fundraiser at fall dinner meeting SHELL LAKE — Members of Indianhead Community Health Care Inc. will be gathering for their annual fall dinner meeting Monday, Nov. 9, at Glenview. A social hour begins at 5:30 p.m. with a turkey meal served at 6 p.m. Those wishing to attend and needing transportation, please contact Suzanne at 715-468-2314. Please leave a message. Membership dues will be collected at the fall dinner

meeting. Budgets for ICHC and Lifeline will be presented for approval. Election of officers will take place. The 28th-annual Love Lite tree fundraiser will kick off at the meeting and continue until Saturday, Dec. 5. Funds raised are used to provide scholarships for Shell Lake graduating seniors seeking to enter the health field. Continuing education scholarships are also made available. The Love Lite tree will be on display on the front lawn

of Indianhead Medical Center during the holiday season. Anyone wishing to purchase Love Lites may send a check payable to ICHC Inc., Love Lites, P.O. Box 300, Shell Lake, WI 54871. Please indicate if the donation is in memory, in honor or military, along with the person’s name to be recognized. — Suzanne Johnson with submitted information

Lovelights to shine in Spooner are in honor of someone who is still living, and blue lights are in honor of someone who is or has been in the armed services. Forms are available at the business office of SHS, the activity department of Maple Ridge, and various churches throughout the community. Donations can also be sent directly to Spooner Health System, attn. Lovelights, 819 Ash St., Spooner WI, 54801. A minimum donation of $3 per light is requested. Donations from the Love Light campaign will be used to provide scholarships to students entering into a healthrelated field. Over the past six years, 17 scholarships have been provided to traditional and nontraditional students. The scholarship committee selected the following individuals to receive the 2015 Partners of Spooner Health System Scholarships: in memory of LuMcLellan, Dana Danger, Minnesota State University for nursing; in


Thursday, Nov. 5 • Aphasia Group, 10-11:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Call 715-520-7999. • Northwest Wisconsin Parkinson’s Disease Support Group, 1 p.m., lower level at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Shell Lake. • Free community meal, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, 409 Summit, Spooner, 4-6 p.m. All welcome. Donations accepted. Friday, Nov. 6 • The Spooner GFWC Women’s Club will meet at 1 p.m. at the DNR Conference Room in Spooner. Trisha Bailkey will speak on Normal Aging Forgetfulness versus What’s Not. Remember to bring your Dads to Daughter articles. Guests and visitors are welcome. For more information contact Pat at 715-865-2250. • Shell Lake FFA Blood Drive, 3-12 school gym. See redcrossblood.org to signup. Saturday, Nov. 7 • Shell Lake PTA Carnival, 4-7 p.m., 3-12 commons and gym. • Christmas Celebration in Lights setup at the Shell Lake Municipal Campground. For more information, contact Rob at 715-468-2007. • Grief and the Holidays presentation by Richard Obershaw, 12:30-2 p.m., Spooner High School choir room. Sponsored by Spooner Health System. •Annual Scandinavian Ole and Lena lutefisk and meatball dinner, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 2502 23rd Ave., Rice Lake. Annual bazaar and bake sale beginning at 8 a.m. and continuing through the dinner.


memory of Inez Shaffer, Katelyn Heino, Concordia University for pharmacy; and Adriana Oakland, UW-Eau Claire for communicative sciences and disorders. Each of the three students will receive $2,000 after completion of one semester in good standing and proof of registration for a second semester. The community should feel very proud to provide these much-needed scholarships to students entering a health-related career. Partners of SHS are very grateful for the continued success of this campaign and what they have been able to provide with these donations. Please consider starting the 2015 Christmas season by purchasing a light for that special person in your life – let that light shine throughout the entire holiday season. Please contact Diane with questions at 715-635-6309. — from PSHS


Monday, Nov. 9 • Indianhead Community Health Care Inc. fall dinner meeting at Glenview. Social hour begins at 5:30 p.m. with meal at 6 p.m. Call Suzanne at 715-468-2314 to RSVP by Nov. 6. Leave a message if necessary. Tuesday, Nov. 10 • Moms Club meets at Faith Lutheran, Spooner, 10 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 11 • Free community meal, 4-6 p.m., United Methodist Church, 135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake. All welcome. Donations accepted. • The board of directors for the Railroad Memories Museum meeting, 1 p.m., Spooner City Hall. All volunteers welcome. Thursday, Nov. 12 • The Shell Lake Lions Club meeting, 6:30 p.m., Shell Lake Community Center. • Open mic at The Dock Coffee, 218 Elm St., Spooner. Sign up at 6 p.m., performances 6:30-9 p.m. Open mic is the second Thursday of every month. Call Carol McDowall with questions, 715-416-0489. Friday, Nov. 13 • Kevin McMullin and Paul Imholte, at the Quam, Shell Lake, 7:30 p.m. Call 715-468-4387 or visit titw.org for reservations. Saturday, Nov. 14 • Washburn County Food Distribution in conjunction with Ruby’s Pantry, Spooner Middle School Tech Ed Building on Elm Street. Tickets 9 a.m. Distribution 9:30 a.m. Volunteers needed. Contact 715-635-9309, 715-4684017 or 715-222-4410.

• Scandinavian Smorgasbord, bazaar, craft and bake sale, 4-7:30 p.m., Barronett Community Center. Hosted by Oak View Adult Family Home. For more information, call Judy at 715-722-8385 or 715-939-0647. Monday, Nov. 16 • Northern Lights Camera Club, 7 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St., Spooner. Tuesday, Nov. 17 • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group, 8-9:30 a.m., Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, 715-635-4669. Meet over breakfast. Children are welcome to attend and play. • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m., at the lodge. • Second-annual Florence Carlson Memorial Chicken Dinner, 4:30-6:30 p.m., Salem Lutheran Church, 803 Second St., Shell Lake. Wednesday, Nov. 18 • Shell Lake Public Library Board of Trustees meeting, 4 p.m., at the library. The public is welcome. Thursday, Nov. 19 & Friday, Nov. 20 • Partners of Spooner Health System annual gift shop Holiday Open House, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., hospital lobby, 819 Ash St., Spooner. Refreshments and door prizes. Thursday, Nov. 19 • Shell Lake PTA meeting, 6:30 p.m., in the 3-12 school library. Baby-sitting available. Saturday, Nov. 21 • Chicog Fire Department annual hunters feed, 5-8 p.m., Chicog Town Hall, 10 miles west of Minong on Hwy. 77. Carryouts available, 715-466-4525. Raffles. • Holiday craft show, downstairs American Legion Building, one-half mile east of Hwy. 63 on Hwy. 70, Spooner, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.


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SPOONER — Partners of Spooner Health System is now accepting donations for their 25th-annual Lovelight campaign. Partners will celebrate the donations given through their Lovelights fundraising drive with a ceremony on Monday, Dec. 7, at 4:30 p.m., in the activity department of Maple Ridge Care Center. Pastor Jack Starr from United Methodist will offer an inspirational message, which will be followed by the reading of the names. Spooner Chamber Ensemble will provide festive music. Come early and stay late for the music, the ceremony and refreshments. Forms are now available to purchase lights for the two Lovelight trees that will shine at SHS and Maple Ridge during the month of December. Traditionally, white lights are purchased in memory of someone, red lights

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Memory matters: Learn, live and take control

SPOONER — National Memory Screening Week is Nov. 1-7. The Aging and Disability Resource Center, along with a variety of community partners, will be presenting Normal Aging Forgetfulness versus What’s Not, at various sites throughout Washburn County during the month of November. The schedule for Thursday, Nov. 5, is 11:30 a.m., Minong Senior Center, 700 Houston St.; 4:30 p.m., Spooner Health System, 819 Ash St., lower-level conference room; and 6 p.m., Glenview community room, 201 Glenview Lane, Shell Lake. Dr. Mark Van Etten will be available at

the Spooner Health System presentation to answer specific questions and provide additional information. Tuesday, Nov. 10, the schedule is 11 a.m., Lakeside Center, 110 Euclid Ave., Birchwood, and 5 p.m., the Minong Center, 212 W. 5th Ave., Minong. Peggy Schmidt, one of the dementia care specialists, will be available at Lakeside Center in Birchwood. Sign-up sheets will be available at all presentations for those who would like to have a memory screen at a later date. The ADRC has staff trained to administer the free screening and will followup to sched-

ule. Memory screening helps identify possible changes in memory and understanding. It creates a baseline for a person who may be experiencing problems recalling or retaining information, so future changes can be monitored. Just as prevention exams for blood pressure, cancer, diabetes and stroke contribute to early detection and better treatment, so do memory screens. Individuals get immediate results and can keep them for future comparison and/or share them with their health-care provider. The memory screen does not diagnose Alzheimer’s disease or other demen-

tias. The screen is a tool to detect signs and symptoms of memory change that, depending on the results, may indicate need for a follow-up appointment with a medical professional. Further tests by a health-care provider can rule out medical causes for memory change. You are invited to learn more about Normal Aging Forgetfulness versus What’s Not at various sites throughout the month of November. For more information call the ADRC at 888-538-3031. — from ADRC

Northern Star announces 2016 season

RICE LAKE — The Northern Star Theatre is pleased and excited to announce the shows they will present in 2016. This NSTC season promises something old, something new, something borrowed, but nothing blue as it brings back a few favorites, premiers recent Broadway hits and includes some shows based on popular literature. The season opens in February with Kids&Tweens OnStage presenting “Schoolhouse Rock Jr.” The Emmy Award-winning Saturday morning educational cartoon series and pop culture phenomenon is now the basis for this fun musical. Later, in April, TeensOnStage, in cooperation with Northern Lakes Academy Charter School, will offer Shakespeare’s classic tragedy “Macbeth.” Set mainly in Scotland, the play dramatizes the damaging physical and psychological effects of political ambition on those who seek power for its own sake. Next comes “Mid-Life! The Crisis Musical.” Three men and three women make up the cast of this wacky musical that takes a comic look at the age-old conditions and situations faced in midlife. In

June NSTC will present “Shrek,” based on the Oscar-winning DreamWorks Animation film, “Shrek.” The musical is a Tony Award-winning fairy-tale adventure featuring all-new songs from Jeanine Tesori, who wrote the music for “Thoroughly Modern Millie,” and “Caroline, or Change,” and a sidesplitting book by David Lindsay-Abaire. “Shrek” brings all the beloved characters you know from the film to life onstage, and proves there’s more to the story than meets the ears. In the August musical, “The Andrews Brothers,” a USO performance from the Andrews Sisters is in jeopardy of cancellation when they fail to appear shortly before curtain. Thankfully three earnest stagehands are determined to go on with the show! “The Andrews Brothers” is filled to the brim with over 25 songs made famous by the Andrews Sisters, including showstoppers “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy,” “Slow Boat to China,” “Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree,” and “Ac-CentTchu-Ate the Positive.” Mistaken identities and madcap adventures — imagine Bing Crosby and Bob Hope in a road

movie of “Some Like It Hot” — along with the music of an entire generation highlight this wonderful valentine to the heroes of World War II. Just in time for ice-fishing season a dinner theater in November features “Guys on Ice.” “Guys on Ice” portrays a day in the life of Marvin and Lloyd — fishing buddies and homegrown philosophers. Musical numbers include “The Wishing Hole,” “Ode to a Snowmobile Suit,” “Fish is the Miracle Food” and “The One That Got Away.” Close out the year and begin your holidays next December with “It’s a Wonderful Life - Live Radio Show,” a show the whole family will enjoy. This beloved American holiday classic comes to captivating life as a live 1940s radio broadcast. With the help of an ensemble that brings a few dozen characters to the stage, the story of idealistic George Bailey unfolds as he considers ending his life one fateful Christmas Eve. Six shows (the only excluded show is the Kids/Tween production of “Suessical Jr.”) are included in the 2016 season ticket

package. NSTC fans are reminded that season tickets are transferable, you’re welcome to invite a friend or family member to use your season ticket for any show you can’t attend. Tickets may be purchased by calling NSTC at 715-736-4444. Season tickets and NSTC gift certificates make great holiday gifts and are available now. Season tickets and gift certificates can also be purchased at the Rice Lake Chronotype during regular business hours. Find more info about 2016 on the NSTC website at: northernstartheatre-co.org. Auditions for 2016 will be held in early January. NSTC is located in downtown Rice Lake at 104 S. Main on the Red Cedar River. The Northern Star Theatre Company is a 100-percent volunteer nonprofit corporation. Area businesses are invited to join in NSTC’s Partnership for the Arts by offering their support as a sponsor of 2015 programing. More information on the Partnership for the Arts program can be found on NSTC’s website or by calling the theater. — from NSTC

Open mic at The Dock SPOONER — People are talking. What are they talking about? The open mic that is being held at The Dock Coffee located at 218 Elm St. in Spooner. Carol McDowall, a local fiddler, has been running this on the second Thursday of every month since

June 11. There have been good crowds every month so far, both to perform and to listen to the talented folks that show up to play their originals or covers. The next open mic will be Thursday, Nov. 12. If you wish to perform plan on

coming around 6 p.m. to sign up, with everything getting started at 6:30 p.m. and going until 9 p.m. Performers sign up for a spot on the list and are called individually. Each performer will get at least 15 minutes or more, depending on how

COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS Monday: First Friends Playgroup open to all children, 10 a.m.-noon. Focus on infants and caregivers with sensory stimulation and movement experiences. Art project materials provided, closes with circle music time and instrument exploration. Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Monday & Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch, program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time. Call 715-416-2942. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, open from noon-3 p.m. Kidstime-Parentime 10 a.m.-noon. Learn, discuss, share ideas and experience to enrich parenting skills. Preselected art or play materials available for children of all ages. Last Wednesday of the month, potluck at 11:15 a.m. First and third Wednesdays: Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group, 6 p.m. - Spooner Health System lower-level conference room. Thursday: Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake.

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• Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. Stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. Thursday & Monday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, see listing above. Shell Lake Farmers Market, 2-6 p.m., by campground and community center. For more information, call 715-468-7836. Friday & Saturday: Washburn County Research Room at the historical museum, Shell Lake, open by appointment. Call 715-6352319. ••• Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Time-Out provides free, confidential victim support, call 715-635-5245 •••

The Genealogy Society Research Room at 206-1/2 2nd Ave., museum Hewitt Building, Shell Lake, is closed for the winter. Phone 715-635-7937 for information. •••


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Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking. Sunday 10 a.m. AA 6 p.m. NA Open Monday Noon AA Open 7 p.m. Al-Anon Closed Tuesday Noon AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Closed Wednesday 1 p.m. AA Open 7 p.m. NA Open Thursday 1 p.m. AA Closed Friday 2 p.m. AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Open Saturday Noon AA Closed Fourth Saturday of every month, Pin Night with 5:30 p.m. potluck and 7 p.m. meeting. Closed meetings are for only that group. AA - Alcoholics Anonymous. GA - Gamblers Anonymous. NA - Narcotics Anonymous. Al-Anon - is for relatives and friends of alcoholics.

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many people show up to perform. These open mics will continue through the winter at The Dock. Just listen to the buzz out on the street, you won’t want to miss this. Call McDowall with questions at 715-416-0489. — from The Dock

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Veterans Day, a time to honor and show respect Wednesday, Nov. 11, our country will be honoring our veterans with programs being held at area schools. Beyond the I recall as a high school student, we would gather in our high school gym for the annual Veterans Day Sam Italiano, who program. Unfortunately, not everyone connected as to office door served as a tunnel rat why we were able to get out of class to sit through a program to honor what some felt was a bunch of older guys. Hence, perhaps we weren’t as respectful as we should have been. When I was born, the Vietnam War was still being fought. Since this war was from Nov. 1, 1955, to April 30, 1975, as a child I would view a little bit of the coverage during the evening news and not truly understand what was happening. The war ended when I was a freshman in high school. As a fourth-grader, a guest speaker shared with our class about being a prisoner of war during World War II. I remember sitting quietly, listening as he spoke. In my mind I thought, I’m glad I don’t have to go to war. My parents limited what TV shows we could watch while I was growing up. If a movie with a war theme was on, we didn’t watch. I grew up with a tainted view of war because I did watch reruns of the TV show “Hogan’s Heroes” that originally aired from 1965-1971. This sitcom was set in a German prisoner of war camp during World War II. I obviously knew it was fiction. For those of you that watched that show, you too will recall that a prisoner wouldn’t be able to run the compound like Hogan and his fellow prison-

in Vietnam, presented this tunnel rat pin to Suzanne Johnson.

Suzanne Johnson

ers did. Based on their physical appearance, Werner Klemperer, who played the part of Col. Wilhelm Klink, reminded me of my great-uncle Ted Turnquist. Another TV show that depicted war was “M*A*S*H*” that aired from 1972-1983. This show was based on the 1968 novel, “MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors” by Richard Hooker. The Vietnam War was still in progress at the start of this situation comedy, which was based on a mobile army surgical hospital during the Korean Conflict. In May, the Register printed stories about area veterans. When Sam Italiano, Sarona, visited the newspaper office, he gave me a tunnel rat pin. Italiano, with the Marine Corps, served in Vietnam as a tunnel rat. In his interview, Italiano shared about going down into the

tunnels and searching the enemy out. We have many veterans amongst us today. These people went through situations that would not make an entertaining half-hour comedy TV show. All veterans need to be honored and given respect as they have fought in various wars around the world. I am married to a veteran. I didn’t know him at the time of his service to our country. I owe veterans my respect and gratitude for the sacrifices they made in order for me to enjoy the greatness of this country I live in.

November memories The coming of another November brings back so many memories of other times. There are the holidays, beginning with Armistice Day on the 11th, and then Thanksgiving. What we call World War I, known at the time as “The Great War,” and then when our country got into it, as “The War to End All Wars,” came to a close after the loss of 20 million people. It was a mechanized war, with modern weapons, and ruthless leaders. Poison gas was used, causing many casualties on the enemy and the winds made it come back on those who used it. This mustard gas added to the loss of life, even among the wounded after sometimes years of suffering. Nov. 11, 1918, at 11 a.m., there was a ceasefire declared in France. It was called an armistice, which meant a ceasefire. But it ended in negotiating and compromise, and some say it set the stage for the next war. In our town, there were many people who were in the war. My father had an older brother in the Army over there. He was named Luke, and he drove an ambulance and tended to the wounded soldiers. My dad was 16 years old. He often told us about the time when the casket bearing his older brother’s body came home. The brother he admired and wanted to be like more than anything was in the casket in the living room for the wake, and then taken by the pallbearers out the door and taken in a hearse to the cemetery to be buried. The cause of death was the flu. Other boys from our town were lost, too. My uncle served in the Navy and came home. If he talked about the war at all he would say the worst thing he saw was when the ship next to them was hit by a U-boat and exploded and even the seawater was on fire. They

Old wife’s tales Mary B. Olsen tried to rescue people but not many were recovered. He said the worst was the crying of the horses, many horses that struggled in the water among the flaming oil. I know he didn’t like to tell about it, but he thought we should know some things you don’t see in history books. He would be very quiet for a long time, and we would be, as well. You have to respect people who were brave and survived, as well as those who didn’t make it. They have a monument at the city park listing the names of those who served in that war. My uncles’ names are on it. Our country had Nov. 11 declared Armistice Day. It was to be a special day to honor the military men killed in the war. Every year there would be a national moment of silence on Nov. 11, at 11 a.m. The president would have a ceremony and it might be in the movie news and on the radio and in pictures in the newspapers. We had our moment of silence, I suppose, but mostly we prayed for those who gave their lives. There were two official moments of silence. The first was for those military men who died, and the second moment was for the living who were left behind.

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They were the wives, children and families who lost their soldier or sailor. After World War II, they changed the name of the day to All Veterans Day and later just Veterans Day. It was to explicitly honor those servicemen killed in the war and those who served. There are cemeteries in France where our soldiers are buried. It is the destination of many tourists. My brother’s two daughters went to France and visited one of the cemeteries. They thought Uncle Luke was buried there. Of course, he was buried near his home. Other Americans are resting there. Others who died in the next war are buried in France, many who died on D-Day and during the days after the landing. We know of the terrible destruction and losses of our loved ones caused by wars. Sometimes, these November memories break your heart, but it is comforting to know that there is a Thanksgiving. In school the students learned poems, and among them was this one. “In Flanders Fields” was written by John McCrae, who was a Canadian military doctor. While serving in the war, he had to conduct a service for a man who was killed. That evening, from part of the eulogy, he wrote down the poem. The first verse is as follows:

In Flanders Fields In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place, and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard among the guns below.

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Post-trick-or-treat party at Quam

The crew at the Theater in the Woods dressed up for the post-trick-or-treat party held at the Quam on Saturday, Oct. 31. The young children could get out of the rain, warm up and watch a movie. There was even a costume contest. – Photo by Larry Samson

637212 12r

Halloween fun

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Share the Spirit of Christmas! Give so others will enjoy the holiday!

Gifts of money, new toys and new clothing may be dropped off at the following locations:

WASHBURN COUNTY REGISTER Lake Mall, 11 5th Ave. Shell Lake

SHELL LAKE STATE BANK 102 5th Ave. Shell Lake

INDIANHEAD CREDIT UNION 104 E. Maple St. (Hwy. 70 East) Spooner


251 E. Maple St. (Hwy. 70 East) Spooner Monetary donations may be mailed to: “CHRISTMAS FUND” P.O. Box 321, Spooner, WI 54801

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Names of families needing assistance requested no later than Friday, December 11 Gift Basket forms available at: Washburn County Human Services Office, Shell Lake Washburn County Food Pantry Washburn County Public Health, Spooner Spooner Advocate Washburn County Register PLEASE, ONE APPLICATION PER FAMILY

Recipients must complete form and pledge to be home (or have an adult present) between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Friday, December 18, to receive the basket. (You must reside in either the Spooner or Shell Lake School District) 637246 12-16r

Taylor Eiche was a giant woopie cushion. She could be inappropriate and fun at the same time. She should have looked in the backseat of the car before she got in. – Photo by Larry Samson


Hospice helps patients and families focus on quality of life Spooner/Grantsburg Regional Hospice makes more meaningful moments possible SPOONER/GRANTSBURG — November is National Hospice and Palliative Care Month and hospices across the country are reaching out to raise awareness about the highest quality care for all people coping with life-limiting illness. “Every year, nearly 1.6 million people living with a life-limiting illness receive

care from hospice and palliative care providers in this country,” said J. Donald Schumacher, president and CEO of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. “These highly trained professionals ensure that patients and families find dignity, respect and love during life’s most difficult journey.” Hospice is not a place. Hospice and palliative care programs provide pain management, symptom control, psychosocial support and spiritual care to patients and their families when a cure is not possible. Hospice and palliative care combine the highest level of quality medical care with the emotional and spiritual support that

families need most when facing the end of life. Through this specialized quality care, many patients and their families experience more meaningful moments together. Hospice helps them focus on living despite a terminal diagnosis. A hospice volunteer is quoted as saying, “Someone asked why I spend time volunteering for hospice. Because hospice was there for my family at a difficult time in our lives, and because hospice professionals provide the highest quality of medical care when people need it most. Why do I volunteer for hospice? It must be love!” Throughout the month of November,

Spooner/Grantsburg Regional Hospice Services will be joining organizations across the nation hosting activities that will help the community understand how important hospice and palliative care can be. More information about hospice, palliative care and advance care planning is available from Spooner/Grantsburg Regional Hospice Services, 819 Ash St. Spooner, WI 54801. Phone: 715-635-9077. Stories showing the many ways hospice makes more special moments possible can be found at momentsoflife.org. — from Regional Hospice

Winter is on its way Are you prepared? STATEWIDE — Some forecasters are predicting an El Nino winter this year that could mean warmer and drier conditions for Wisconsin. However, before you put your snow shovels and mittens back in storage, it might be a good idea to go ahead and get ready for snow and cold. Last winter, the highest snow total for the state was reported in Hurley in Iron County with 144 inches of snow. The coldest temperature was minus 35 degrees recorded in Couderay in Sawyer County. Wisconsin receives its share of heavy snow and bitter cold temperatures, that’s why Gov. Scott Walker has declared Nov. 9-13 as Winter Awareness Week. Before the snow flies, now is the time to get your home and vehicles ready. The

most important thing you can do is create an emergency supply kit for your car. It could save your life. You never know when you might be stranded in a storm and it could be hours before help arrives. Your emergency vehicle kit should include: • Blankets or sleeping bags; • Flashlight with extra batteries; • First-aid kit; • Shovel, booster cables and windshield scraper; • Nonperishable food like raisins and energy bars; • Water; • Sand or cat litter for traction; • Cell phone adapter; • Extra hats and gloves. Every winter in Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation says ap-

proximately 45 people are killed and more than 4,700 are injured in accidents on icy or snow-covered roads. Many of those accidents are caused by driving too fast in winter conditions. Slow down, build more travel time into your plans, and know the road conditions before you go this winter season with the 511 Wisconsin Traveler Information System. You can download the free 511 Wisconsin Smartphone app, follow @511WI on Twitter, visit 511wi.gov, or call 511. Now is also the time to build or replenish your home emergency kit. Snow, freezing rain and strong winds can cause downed power lines. It could be hours or even days that your home could be without power. Here are some items to include in your emergency kit: • Flashlights with extra batteries or

other battery powered lights; • Nonperishable food and water; • A radio with batteries so you can listen to weather and other emergency information. If the power goes out, never use outdoor cooking equipment such as a grill or a gas heater indoors as a heat source. These items can produce deadly carbon monoxide gas. Also make sure you have a battery operated carbon monoxide detector with a backup battery. For more tips on getting ready for winter in Wisconsin, visit readywisconsin. wi.gov. Also follow ReadyWisconsin on Twitter and Facebook for tips as well as weather information. — from Washburn County Emergency Management

St. Francis honor roll Fifth grade A honor roll Reise Brierton, Wyatt Garrett, Amelia Hampe and Olivia Paffel. B honor roll Kenneth Beres, Roman Paffel and

Henry Schmitz.

Sixth grade A honor roll Alexander Allen, Cale Cleveland, Grace Frederickson, Andrew Nauertz, Caleb Po-

taczek, Jeffrey Rongner, Britney Wiemeri and Maycee Wilkie. B honor roll Jack Buchman.

Seventh grade A honor roll Noah Olson and Anna Silvis. B honor roll Michael DelFiacco.

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Soil judging contest held for area students Takes the classroom outside GRANTSBURG — The tricounty soiljudging contest was held Wednesday, Oct. 21, in Burnett County at the Crex Meadows Wildlife Education and Visitor Center near Grantsburg. The contest is a tricounty event that includes students from school districts in Burnett, Polk and Washburn counties. There were 44 students participating with six schools represented. Each school was allowed two four-person teams and up to 18 individuals for the competition. Students from Shell Lake participating were Niki Everroad, Caitlyn Rocarek, Logan Zebro, Stanley Medvedev, Ariana Udovich, Cassie Skattebo, Clare Walker, Marty Anderson, Amber Anderson, Courtney Melton, Katie Crosby, Madeline Hopke, Bailee Hanson and Sydney Schunck. Students from Spooner were Courtney Gardner, Brittany Lester, Brandi Predni, Jackie Rosenbush, Kate Rosenbush, Kaytlin Totten and Abby Zehm. The contest is designed to allow students the opportunity to take the knowl-

edge gained in the classroom to the field, literally. Students judge four pits dug into the soil, based on the official manual, “Soil Study and Land Evaluation Handbook.” Their scores are tallied and totaled, and a short awards program follows with the top three teams receiving trophies and the top eight individuals receiving medallions. Taking second place was Shell Lake’s team of Courtney Melton, Amber Anderson, Marty Anderson and Bailee Hanson. Melton also placed third as an individual, and Marty tied for seventh place. The Spooner students did not make it into the awards presentation this year, but they are eager to try again next year. “For three of the students competing, this was their first year in the contest, and one of those individuals received the top score for Spooner. We are already looking forward to next year. This contest is a great way for students to challenge themselves and to continue to develop skills in understanding soils and the productive potential of the land,” said Susie OlsonRosenbush, Spooner FFA adviser. Jen Bos is the adviser for the Shell Lake FFA. — with submitted information

Spooner FFA Soil Judging participants pictured in one of the pits following the contest are back row (L to R): Brandi Predni, Courtney Gardner, Kate Rosenbush and Jackie Rosenbush. Front: Brittney Lester, Kaytlin Totten and Abby Zehm. — Photos submitted

A group of FFA members working in the practice pit includes Amber Anderson, Courtney Melton, Madeline Hopke, Cassie Skattebo, Clare Walker, Bailee Hanson, Sydney Schunck and Katie Crosby.

Shell Lake agriculture students and FFA members at the soil-judging contest were back row (L to R): Niki Everroad, Caitlyn Rocarek, Logan Zebro, Stanley Medvedev and Ariana Udovich. Middle: Cassie Skattebo, Clare Walker and Marty Anderson. Front: Amber Anderson, Courtney Melton, Katie Crosby, Madeline Hopke, Bailee Hanson and Sydney Schunck.

McMullin and Imholte in concert at the Quam SHELL LAKE — Make plans to visit the Quam for music and storytelling as local favorite Kevin McMullin takes the stage with his friend, Paul Imholte, Friday, Nov. 13, at 7:30 p.m. If it has strings, Imholte probably plays it. From the hammered dulcimer to the fiddle, banjo and guitar, Imholte plays with ease and his music reflects his Midwest roots. He sings about farms, small towns and the people that work that land. As a team McMullin and Imholte will deliver an evening of entertainment, narrative and song that will leave you smiling all the way through Thanksgiving. Reserve your tickets online at titw.org, or call 715-468-4387. Theatre in the Woods is a nonprofit community theater organization, now in its 26th season, located at the Erika Quam Memorial Theatre, 605 1st St. in Shell Lake. For more information visit titw. org. — from TitW

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Time for Soup fundraiser

The First Street Gang planned and organized the Time For Soup fundraiser held Monday, Oct. 26, at the Shell Lake High School. The First Street Kids meet after school spending their time at the Shell Lake Arts Center, Erica Quam Theater and U-Turn. Shown (L to R): Bryce Summer, Rayna Lundberg, Violet Nasman and Kennedy Mehsikomer. Some of the other students in the program were not available for the photo.

Vicki and Molly Christensen are twins that have different likes when it comes to soup. Vicki likes potato soup and Molly vegetable soup.

The 1st Street Kids made and glazed the 100 bowels that were used to serve the soup at the dinner. After the dinner, the bowls were washed and packaged to take home.

Photos by Larry Samson

Lilly Fogelberg, a bit of a Cookie Monster, is having a difficult time picking out her cookie.

Carter and Curtis Mullenix are enjoying the soup at Time For Soup. The vegetables came from the school garden, the soup was cooked by the after school students and the bread was baked at the school by the high school students. Everything but the lemonade came from the school. It was a fall harvest. The fundraiser raised over $680 for the Washburn County Food Pantry.

Zumbathon a great success The Party in Pink Zumbathon held Tuesday, Oct. 27, in Shell Lake, had over 50 people in attendance and raised over $500 for breast cancer awareness. Instructor for the event was Rachael Schmidt.— Photo submitted



Submit your sports photos and information to: news@wcregisternewsroom.com


Pederson places first at WIAA Cross-Country State Tournament Larry Samson | Staff writer WISCONSIN RAPIDS — Spooner crosscountry runner Daniel Pederson placed first at the WIAA Cross-Country State Tournament in Wisconsin Rapids on Saturday, Oct. 31. It was the fourth time that the Spooner senior has competed in the Division 2 at the state level. Pederson finished first with a time of 16:07.23. He was in third place at the onemile marker and he moved up to second at the two-mile marker; 2.69 seconds is what separated first from second place. The Heart O’North Conference was well represented as Timmy Heikkila, North-

western, finished fourth with a time of 16:22.67. Pederson was one of three runners who had finished in the top 10 places last year, competing this year in the 103rd state cross-country meet. Pederson finished in seventh place last year with a time of 16:10.4. He took 1.13 minutes off his 2012 freshman time.

Photos by Larry Samson unless otherwise noted

Spooner state cross-country champion Dan Pederson stands with his father, Allen Pederson. Dan took first place in the Division 2 Wisconsin State Cross-Country Tournament on Saturday, Oct. 31, in Wisconsin Rapids.

Coach Chuck Turpin and Dan Pederson pose as they leave for the state cross-country tournament. This was Pederson’s fourth and final trip to the state high school competition.

Dan Pederson was given a schoolwide sendoff, escorted by the Spooner marching band. He left Friday, Oct. 30, for the state tournament in Wisconsin Rapids.

A handful of students came out of school to see coach Chuck Turpin and Dan Pederson as they departed for the state tournament. Shown (L to R): Turpin, Daniel Pederson, Roadie, Miguel Barrett, Brittney Bauer, Donald Archer Jr., Madisen Ferguson, Natalie Meister, Dani Dewitt and Carson Johannes.

Daniel Pederson takes first place on the winners podium. — Photo submitted

Daniel Pederson is shown during his run at the state cross-country meet. — Photo submitted

The results board shows Daniel Pederson of Spooner as the top finisher. In the fourth position was Tim Heikkila from Northwestern, putting two Heart O’North runners in the top 10. — Photo submitted



Submit your sports photos and information to: news@wcregisternewsroom.com


Shell Lake High School hosted the final game

Shell Lake High School hosted the final game of the Division 4 Girls Volleyball Sectional Tournament between Clayton and Washburn on Saturday, Oct. 31. The Clayton Bears defense proved too strong for Washburn who lost in three games, 25-12, 25-20 and 25-10. Clayton will face Southwestern on Friday, Nov. 6, in the state tournament in Green Bay. This will be Clayton’s third straight trip to the state tournament.

Photo by Larry Samson

Soccer team holds banquet

Caleb Ford earned 2015 all-conference honorable mention in the Middle Border Conference. He is shown in the middle with his mother, Kathy Ford, and father, David Ford.

Jordan Herzog, a Shell Lake freshman, earned his athletic letter during the soccer season. He is the son of Tom and Stephanie Herzog.

The 2015 Spooner/Shell Lake soccer team members back row (L to R): Aaron Durand, Elijah Hansen, Mykal Lake, Sam Johnson, Jake Sacco, Dawson LaRue, Max Adam, Billy Hagberg, John Hoellen and Ramon Nunez Escamilla. Front: Colton Avery, Hudson Paffel, Cole White, Teagan Schmock, AJ Buchman, Ben Bray, Caleb Ford, Miguel Barrett, Andy Bunting, Tristan Nelson, Jordan Herzog and CJ Harris. — Photos by Stephanie Herzog

Primary students explore the wonders of math


Parent-teacher conferences

Tony Barker Jr. and Caleb Tinsley show the books they picked out at the Spooner PTO Book Fair that was held Thursday, Oct. 29.

Aida Hanson, Isabella Dmuchowski, Sunshine Crosby, Josie Crosby and Colten Berger are exploring the wonders of math.

Kendra Ross is helping by checking out books at the book fair.

Photos by Larry Samson

Figuring out which book to buy is always a problem. Lily Hotchkiss is taking her time to pick out that special book. The Spooner PTO Book Fair is held after the parent-teacher conferences as way to get more young students involved with their education.

​Iris Mensen, Sheena Dahlstrom and Makenzie Moravec​enjoy a card game that uses math skills.

Last week Shell Lake Primary students tested their superpowers by exploring the wonders of math with their friends, family and community. There was a variety of math games and activities for students in 4K through second grade. Guadalupe Vazquez Lozano and Rogelia Vazquez Lozano are shown participating in the math activities. — Photos submitted

Branda and Ben Thwaits with their two children, Abram and Nolan, are at the Spooner Elementary School parent-teacher conferences. They take special interest in their children’s education. The message they are sending their children is that what they do in school is important. With that message the two boys have a bright future in school.


WRHFH elects board of directors NORTHWEST WISCONSIN - Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity is proud to announce its 2015-2016 board of directors. In October of each year, Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity holds an annual meeting at which it approves its yearly budget, elects directors and officers and conducts other business as required. The board of directors oversees the activities of Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity. Following are the new board members: Burnett County: Steve Christian, Grantsburg, recently retired from Burnett Dairy; and Mark Miller, Grantsburg, owner/manager of Mark Miller Construction. Polk County: David Weiss, Osceola, retired math teacher; Judy Weiss, Osceola, retired teacher but still involved in coaching girls track and field. Rusk County: Mary Federle, Bruce, retired teacher; Carolyn Snyder, Weyerhaeuser, owner/manager Snyder Tax Service, Ladysmith; Mark Stensvold, Bennett, owner/manager NORDA Education Program; George Voldberg, Ingram, weatherization/housing director at IndianHead Community Action Agency. Washburn County: Greg Fitting, Birchwood, retired Saks Incorporated, New York; Chuck Markowitz, Shell Lake, retired computer specialist Black Hawk Aircraft; Tom Sarne, Spooner, assistant plant manager for Jack Link’s Beef Jerky in Minong; and Donald Strunk, Spooner, vice president branch manager, Shell

Lake State Bank. Along with the board of directors there are board committees and operating committees. Directors must be residents of the state of Wisconsin and be willing to perform their responsibilities in good faith and with the same care an ordinary person would use in managing his/her own affairs. They must avoid any conflicts of interest or appearances of impropriety, and comply with the provisions of the articles of incorporation, bylaws and state laws, and should safeguard Habitat’s mission and Christian values. The board must have representation from all of the counties served: Burnett, Polk, Rusk and Washburn. Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity’s bylaws state that the board shall be not less than 12 or more than 16 members; therefore there is still room for two more members who reside in Burnett County and two more that reside in Polk County. If you are interested or would like more information call 715-483-2700, ext. 12, and ask for Pat. If you are interested in volunteering for the governance of WRHFH, but being a board member is not for you, there are opportunities to serve on the following committees: construction, church relations, family support, family selection or site selection. Call Pat for more information or to express your desire to help end poverty housing in Northwestern Wisconsin and beyond. - from WRHFH

Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity has announced its 2015-2016 board of directors. Shown (L to R) are: Mark Stensvold, Mark Miller, chairman; Carolyn Snyder, treasurer; Tom Sarne; Dave Weiss; Greg Fitting; Mary Federle; Donald Strunk, vice chair; Chuck Markowitz; and Judy Weiss, secretary. Not shown are Steve Christian and George Voldberg. - Photo submitted

Every page is in color in our e-edition. Subscribe online at wcregisteronline.com

Spooner High School receives community support for automotive technology course Kyle Linton | High School Technical Education SPOONER — A few months ago, the Spooner High School automotive program reached out for help from the community. What followed a simple ad in the paper was an outpouring of support from of community members and businesses offering their help with advice and donations. The list of donations includes vehicles, a wheel balancer, a scan tool, various other tools and numerous automotive parts. The automotive technology course is a valuable course for any student who owns or plans to own an automobile. Automotive technology teaches students how automobiles operate and specifically how and when to perform maintenance on an automobile. Students have the opportunity to complete labs on disc brakes, drum brakes, serpentine belts, suspension systems, scan tools, under-hood checks, oil changes and tire rotations, and they also use a tire changer and wheel balancer. This course is designed for two purposes – for students to have a hands-on learning experience that teaches about maintaining and repairing their own vehicles and for students to delve into different career opportunities in the automotive field. All students in the high school are welcome to enroll in any of these courses and absolutely no prior mechanical knowledge is necessary. “I am proud of the work Spooner High School students are doing as they learn about the specifics of an automobile. This course allows students to develop skills that they will be able to utilize for the rest of their lives. I look forward to continu-

Spooner students receive hands-on instruction about an automobile.

A student runs a diagnostic test on a vehicle through the automotive program. — Photos submitted ing this educational opportunity here in Spooner and appreciate the community support that has allowed our class to exist in this way,” stated Kyle Linton, instructor. Gratitude is extended to John Bolles of Mikana, James Busch-Severson’s Auto Body of Spooner, Twilight Trucking of Spooner, Pomp’s Tire Service of Spooner, North Star Ford of Duluth, Jeff Tripp of Springbrook, Jason Leckel and Leckel Trucking of Spooner, Steve Allard of Spooner, O’Reilly Auto Parts of Spooner, Jim Dahl-Hunter Engineering Co. of Plum City, and Hank & Jon’s Oak St Auto of Spooner.

A computerize balancer is being checked by a Spooner High School.

Hunters are encouraged to submit a sample from harvested deer for CWD testing SPOONER — In cooperation with local businesses, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will collect deer heads for chronic wasting disease surveillance testing during the 2015 archery and gun hunting seasons. If you harvest an adult deer within a 10-mile radius of Shell Lake you are encouraged to submit a sample from the harvested deer for CWD testing. The department will also offer landowners within the Shell Lake two-mile radius sampling area scientific collector permits to harvest adult deer of either sex for CWD testing. Landowner permits were recommended by the CWD Citizen Advisory Team to focus sampling efforts that may provide valuable information regarding the health of deer on private lands. For more information, visit dnr.wi.gov and

search keywords CWD sampling. Interested landowners within the twomile sampling area who would like a permit or more information can visit the Spooner DNR Service Center Thursday, Nov. 12, at 6 p.m. Participating landowners may assign hunters to harvest the deer and submit the head, and may assign someone else to pick up permits at the Nov. 12 meetings by calling the DNR. For more information or to give permission, please call 715-635-4025. Information collected by cooperators and the department will be used to help assess the distribution of CWD within the local deer herd. To date, there have been no additional positives since one CWD-positive deer was discovered in fall 2011 in Washburn County. Wisconsin’s citizens have played a key

role in CWD sampling efforts in Wisconsin, and the department would like to thank all participants and collection cooperators for their continued efforts. Hunters can submit deer heads to one of the department’s refrigerated sampling kiosks. Kiosks are open around the clock, and sampling materials and tools to remove heads are available on-site. Antlers and hide may be removed prior to dropoff.

24/7 self-serve kiosks

• Holiday Gas Station, North, 621 N. River St., Spooner, 715-635-9421 (kiosk located on west side of building); • Speedy’s C Stop, 2962 Main St., Barronett, 715-822-8979 (kiosk located on north side of building); and • Country Pride Coop (Cenex), Hwy. 63, Shell Lake, 715-468-2302 (kiosk located on

north side of building).

Cooperating taxidermists and processers can be found below:

• Thompson Wild Game Processing, W5098 CTH D, Sarona, 54870, 715-4693234; • Gram’s Taxidermy Studio, W3038 Hwy. 63, Springbrook, 54875, 715-766-3300; • Zimmerman Taxidermy, N5015 10th St., Spooner, 54801, 715-635-8822; • Thompson Taxidermy, W2511 CTH A/M, Springbrook, 54875, 715-766-3432; and • Wolf’s Taxidermy, 6931 Lakeview Road, Siren, 54872, 715-349-2025. For more information regarding chronic wasting disease in Wisconsin, search keyword CWD. — from WDNR



Send death notices/obituaries to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or email news@wcregisternewsroom.com

Robert “Bob” Cooan heavy equipment operator, owned and operated Bashaw Bar and Store in Shell Lake, and also worked for Hedberg Aggregate in Roseville, Minn. Bob loved the outdoors. He enjoyed feeding the birds, gardening and just being outside. In his early years he enjoyed hunting and fishing as well as reading, word searches and crossword puzzles. He loved watching old Westerns especially those with John Wayne and Clint Eastwood. He was a family man who will be missed. Bob is survived by his wife, Barb Cooan, Birchwood; a son, Daniel Cooan; stepchildren, Lauren (Floyd) Mathews, Steve (Beth) Grocke and Ken (Terry) Grocke; special family member, Mary Jo Christensen; 14 grandchildren; four great-grandchildren and three great-great-

grandchildren; and many nephews and nieces. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Dorothy Cooan; parents, William and Emma Cooan; and siblings, Melvin Cooan, Alfred Cooan, William Cooan, Marie Loudensloger, Esther Anderson and Elnora Root. Private funeral services were held, with interment in the Lorain Cemetery. Arrangements have been entrusted to the care of Appleyard’s Home for Funerals, 19 W. Messenger St., Rice Lake, WI.


Community snapshots


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Bethany Stellrecht was in the Halloween spirit at the Indianhead Medical Center in Shell Lake, wearing this special T-shirt. — Photo by Larry Samson


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Harold Robert “Bob” Cooan, 83, Birchwood, died Monday, Oct. 26, 2015, in Spooner, Wis. He was born Jan. 15, 1932, in Indian Creek, Wis., to William and Emma (Fritameier) Cooan. After graduating from high school he entered the United States Army and was later honorably discharged. He was married to Dorothy Hoggness on July 1, 1967, and she preceded him in death on Dec. 12, 1987. He later married Barb Grude-Grocke on March 12, 1994, at the Long Lake Lutheran Church. Bob was an over the road driver, was a


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Alison Ricci, Shell Lake, recently turned 34, and took the time to pose for a Register photographer. — Photo by Larry Samson

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53 3rd St., Shell Lake 715-468-2734 Rev. John Sahlstrom, Rev. John Hendry Sunday Worship Service 10 a.m., Nursery Provided; Youth Group, 7th - 12th grades, Wednesdays 6 - 8 p.m.

Corner of Elm and Summit St., Spooner 715-635-8475 Father Aaron Zook Holy Eucharist: Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Thursday morning prayer 8:15; Mass 9:30 a.m.

St. Alban’s


Full Gospel

W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 1 mile north of CTH B on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday School & Adult Education Classes: 9 a.m. Celebration worship 9 & 10:30 a.m.; KFC (Kids For Christ) during Service; UTurn Student Ministries 6 p.m.; Tuesdays: Compassion Connection (Men only) 7 p.m.; Wednesdays: Compassion Connection (Women only) 7 p.m.; Thursdays: Compassion Connection (Coed meetings) 7 p.m.;

Northwoods Baptist

Spooner Baptist

W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor Darrel Flaming 715-635-2277 spoonerbaptist.com Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wed. evening service 6:30 p.m.


St. Joseph’s Catholic

100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Father Edwin Anderson Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books and Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

St. Catherine’s Catholic

CTH D, Sarona Father Edwin Anderson 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

St. Francis de Sales

409 N. Summit St., Spooner Father Edwin Anderson 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.

Shell Lake Full Gospel


Barronett Lutheran 776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-671-3197 (cell) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.

Church of the Nazarene

W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom 9 a.m. worship service, 9 a.m. Sunday school. Holy Communion: First and third Sundays and Festival Sundays.

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Pastor David Frazer Associate Pastor David Cash 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.

Salem Lutheran, ELCA

803 Second St., Shell Lake 715-468-7718 Pastor Sue Odegard shelllakesalem lutheran.org Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m..

Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran

20805 CTH H, Barronett 715-468-4403 Pastor Al Bedard Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Fellowship follows worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Midweek Studies Mondays 2 p.m.

Trinity Lutheran


Spooner Wesleyan

Hwy. 70 W, Spooner spoonerwesleyan.org 715-635-2768 Senior Pastor Ron Gormong; Pastor Brian Scramlin, Assistant Pastor; Pastor Patrick Cooper, Student Ministries; Pastor LeRoy Drake, Pastoral Care; Pastor Kara Vincent, Worship Arts; 9 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship and 9 a.m. Sunday School and ABF; 10 a.m. Third Place Cafe; 10:30 a.m. Worship; Wednesday - 6:30 p.m. Family night, kids, youth and adult programming, nursery provided.

1790 Scribner St., Spooner Pastor Russ Leeper 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., 9:15 Sunday School and adult studies. Office hours: Monday Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Friday, 8:30 - noon.

(WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m. (Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. 63 W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch 715-635-8167 Sunday worship 8 a.m. Sunday School/Bible class 9:15 a.m. Praise Worship 10:30 a.m.

Sarona Methodist Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 9 a.m.

United Methodist

We are to blame, but He paid for us what He did not owe. It was the ultimate sacrifice. In church this week, hear how Jesus substituted Himself for you.

Hebrews 9:24-28

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 cornerstonechurch spooner.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Wednesday: Bible study and prayer, 6:30 p.m.


135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School during worship time; webcast livestream.com/ slumc

esus put Himself in our place.


Cornerstone Christian

United Methodist

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

Faith Lutheran


Long Lake Lutheran Church



Lake Park Alliance

Trego Community Church

Pastor John Iaffaldano W5635 Park St. Trego, WI 54888, 715-635-8402 Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. prayer meeting; Youth group, 6:30 p.m.; Kids program, AWANA, ages 4 - grade 6, 6:30 p.m.

312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.

Lakeview United Methodist Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Bishop Patrick F. Roper 715-719-0124 644 S. 6th Street, Barron 715-537-3679 Sunday: Sacrament 10 a.m., Sunday School/Primary 11:20 a.m., Priesthood/Relief Society 12:10 p.m.

Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17

Mark 12:38-44

Psalm 127

Revised Common Lectionary © 1992 by the Consultation on Common Texts for

Sunday, November 8, 2015 Twenty Fourth Sunday After Pentecost leading scientist at a convention of scientists was A asked, “Is there anyone anywhere whom you know who could solve any of the problems of illness

and famine, poverty and killing?” “Indeed I do,” came his quick reply. Astonished, the chairman of the committee asked, “Who?” “A king!” came the quick, confident response. In utter disbelief the chairman replied, “A king? Where can we find such a king? Where has he been hiding?” “Oh, he is not hiding,” replied the scientist. “He has made himself well known. It is just that people refuse to recognize him. You see, this man is incapable of making any mistakes, knows the power of healing - both physical healing and mental healing and he knows how to feed thousands and have food left over to feed many more. He can also take care of those without water and solve other problems that people bring to him.” In disbelief, the chairman asked, “Who is this person you have described and where can we find him?” “You can find him in the Bible. He is known as Jesus. In his life on earth he did all of the things I have mentioned. And he is capable of doing many more miraculous things,” he said. The audience was stunned as the scientist took his seat. The Psalmist wrote, “Your throne, O God, will last forever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom.” The throne described in this Psalm is Christ’s throne in heaven and will last through eternity. From this throne he will rule the world in love, justice and righteousness.

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Dewey Country


Pauline Lawrence

It’s now November 2015. October just flew by didn’t it? And now we’re in the rainy season and it’s been plenty chilly. Rain came this past week leaving a lot of it behind but it’s expected this time of year. A very happy birthday to Carter Melton and also to Dustin Lee on Nov. 5. Have a great day. Nov. 6, a very happy birthday to Marv Knoop, Don Trott, Sarah Petz, Marie Andrea, and to Chloe Babclik. All have a great day. A happy anniversary to Carl and Betty Meister as they enjoy 51 years together on Nov. 7. Have a great one. Happy birthday to Ray Schultz and also to Dawn Kane on Nov. 8. Enjoy your special day. Nov. 8 a very happy birthday to Josh Doriott, and also to Gabe Hansen, who turns 7 years old. Happy birthday to Dennis Swan on Nov. 9. Have a great day, Dennis. Nov. 10, a very happy birthday to Josh Benjamin with lots more to come. Nov. 11, a very happy anniversary to Glen and Lorraine Crosby who celebrate 70 years together. Many more to a great couple. Happy birthday to Amanda Petersen on Nov. 11 with many more to come. Nov. 11 is Veterans Day. Take the time to thank a veteran who fought for our country. It would be appreciated. Our deepest sympathy to the family of Peggie Zillmer who passed away recently. She leaves her husband, Mert, and children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Peggie was a former Dewey Country resident. Peggie’s funeral was Friday, Oct. 30, at Lake Park Alliance Church in Shell Lake. Please keep the Zillmer family in your special thoughts and prayers. How about this? Christmas is only 53 days away. Wow! On Monday, Diane Hulleman went to Terraceview in Shell Lake and the gals made homemade fruitcake. It’s a little early but the gals at Terraceview have plans for that fruitcake. Tuesday, Diane worked at the Shell Lake School in the morning. Well, Oct. 28, what did we get? We saw snowflakes a flying amongst the rain. It’s a little early for that, isn’t it? I’ve been seeing truckloads and trailer loads of wood going by. Got to keep those houses warm somehow. Our deepest sympathy to the family of Walter Bell w-o passed away. I think a couple of his children were in Shell Lake School when I went there. Our deepest sympathy to the family of Kim Schlapper who passed away recently. Kim was married to Joeann Stariha, a former Dewey Country resident. Kim was only 57 years old. May you know you are in our special thoughts and prayers. Our deepest sympathy to the family of Elmer Talbert, 56, who passed away Oct. 18. Elmer leaves behind his beloved Pam Pomykala plus children and grandchildren and a host of brothers and sisters. Elmer lived on Bashaw Lake and was a Dewey Country resident. He worked for Lundeen Farm Automation, driving trucks, hauling those pits out. May you know you’re in our special thoughts and prayers. The Shell Lake FFA is selling fruit once again. They have a real variety. If you don’t have the liking for fruit, you can also order nuts, etc. Support our FFA. My sister, Dot Gudlin, is now home and doing therapy on her left knee since having surgery. She tells us it hurts and it’s very painful. A physical therapy nurse comes a couple of times a week. Did you get Halloween visitors on Saturday, Oct. 31? Well, I had three, which were Noah, Ellianna and Grace Lauterbach, The wee ones were dressed so cute. They are

the children of Rick and Janie Lauterbach. Country assessor job? As you know, John Biver resigned I guess the Smiths, Bob and Lynn, from Poquette Apple so now our town is looking for another assessor. The only Orchard changed their minds about closing Nov. 8. They thing you have to do is be certified, which I understand are now closing Nov. 15. If you haven’t gotten out to the the test is hard. If you would like to become the assessor Smith’s, take a little drive and enjoy the countryside and call Mark Knoop. get some of those yummy apples and of course some of Rib tickler: A man comes to Mrs. Smith’s door and says, Lynn’s baking. She puts a little love in each piece. “There’s been an accident at the brewery. Your husband Jeff Ladd left last Monday night for the FFA convention fell into a vat of beer and drowned.” Mrs. Smith’s wails, in Kentucky. He came home in the wee hours of the night “Oh, the poor man? He never had a chance!” The man on Saturday or Sunday. Very glad to be home. Home is said, “I don’t know about that. He got out three times to where the heart is, right, Jeff? go to the bathroom.” It’s hard to believe that report cards will be out shortly. Friday, Garry and Beth Crosby were at Tom and SunThe first nine weeks ends the end of this week. How fast shine’s and their little ones, Isaac, Josie and Alecia, along time is a-flyin’. with their friends for a Halloween party. The kids had a Did you remember to turn your clocks back? I wish they ball. Chad and Ashley Crosby, Chase, Morgan and Joyel would leave the clock timing alone and let it be, especially were home for the weekend at the Crosbys and Coyours. for farmers. Chad was helping the Crosby brothers, Shorty and Tom, Do you notice the roadsides are getting cut? Well, it’s with field work. Saturday, Beth helped at the American David Kraft doing the job with a large tractor and mower. Legion Auxiliary handing out treats for the kids who came He looks to be doing a great job. David and his wife live and they also had a costume party. Sunday, Shorty and back in the woods of Town Hall Road between Oak and Tyler Crosby were busy combining. They did Richy’s corn Lakeview Church Road. starting on Friday. Garry was on his way to Ames, Iowa, This past Sunday at the Lakeview Methodist Church in and stopped in Eau Claire for the visitation of Darlene Dewey Country, they had All Saints Sunday with a candle Hopke Thill, who was the daughter of former Dewey resibeing lit for each passing member of the church this past dents Raymond and Ethel Hopke. Darlene died of brain year. cancer. She was 66 and left a husband and two children. Diane Hulleman tells us she had four Halloween visi- Sympathy to the family and know you are in our special tors. Yes, Mary Stellrecht brought her four grandkids thoughts and prayers. down for treats. More names of months: July known as Buck Moon, the Nov. 15 the Lakeview Methodist Church here in Dewey Thunder Moon or Hay Moon. It was called Buck Moon Country will have a gathering for lunch or brunch with a as this is when the bucks are in velvet. It also refers to freewill offering. Later they will have a bake, etc., sale. The the month when rambunctious teens are more likely to money will be given to Africa to help wipe out malaria. drop their pants for a dollar. August: Sturgeon Moon, also Noel Beaufeaux was up Saturday and Sunday, staying called the Red Moon, Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon. overnight with Jim and Sandy Atkinson. He hunts and Some believe it should be Splurge On Moon in reference to was after a big one but I haven’t heard if he got one. Sandy the many back-to-school sales. September: Harvest Moon. asked him if he saw that big bear anywhere but he said he Also called the Corn Moon although there is a class action didn’t even see any tracks. I imagine the bear hunters have suit filed by three dozen other legumes, vegetables and chased him around. fruits for naming rights. Visitors at Diane Hulleman’s on Thursday were Tom Ann Johnson had a nice surprise recently. Her daughter, and Cathy Gunthrie who had been on a trip to Europe Susan, who lived in Belgium and now works in the United and they showed all the pictures they took there, which States, came home to see her mom for a few days. Susan’s was interesting. daughter, Christie, and husband live in Kansas. He is on Sunday dinner guests at Myrna and Kurt Atkinson’s his fifth tour of duty to Afghanistan. Susan’s other daughwere their son, Jody, and wife Sandy, and Jody’s great- ter, Andrea, remains in Belgium at this time. She loves Belgranddaughter, Bailey. Myrna says her garden is all done gium and has made her home there for now. for another season. Scatter sunshine! One day this past week, Butch and Loretta VanSelus Have a great week! went to see their son, Harold Stone, who is in a nursing home in Eau Claire. Harold had surgery to replace the batteries on his defibrillator, which went well. They said in two or three days Harold would be back to himself and playing tricks on people. Butch tells us he cooked up a large Hubbard squash this past week and it made 11-12 pies. Yummy! He tells us Loretta would like him to make REG INFINITE VAPOR/SPOONR; 8 in; 637504 another squash to make sure they have enough. He tells us Mark and Alycia Knoop gave him two pigs that he was to have bought at the June dairy breakfast but then the pig didn’t have any piggies so the FFA said they would give him a couple. Well come December those little pigs will be hanging by their hocks Butch tells us. Anybody want the Dewey


Notice is hereby given that on Monday, November 9, 2015, at 7 p.m., at the Sarona Town Hall, a Public Budget Hearing on the Proposed Budget for the Town of Sarona in Washburn County will be held. The following is a summary of the 2016 budget. REVENUES 2015 Budget 2016 Budget Intergovernmental $98,500.00 $98,277.00 Local Levy 77,000.00 76,000.00 Interest 250.00 250.00 Miscellaneous 30,000.00 40,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE $205,750.00 $214,477.00 EXPENSES General Government Insurance Roads Public Safety Miscellaneous TOTAL EXPENSES

$49,050.00 8,000.00 162,050.00 30,150.00 6,500.00 $255,750.00

$51,150.00 8,000.00 262,050.00 30,835.00 6,500.00 $358,535.00 Victoria Lombard, Clerk



Notice is hereby given that the Sarona Town Board will hold its monthly Board meeting on Monday, November 9, 2015, immediately following the Special Town Meeting. Victoria Lombard, Clerk 637083 11-12r WNAXLP

637504 12rp

Notice is hereby given that on Monday, November 9, 2015, immediately following the completion of the Public Budget Hearing on the Proposed Budget which begins at 7 p.m., at the Sarona Town Hall, a Special Meeting of the electors called pursuant to Section 60.12(1)(c) of Wisconsin Statutes by the town board for the following purposes will be held: 1. To approve the minutes of the November 11, 2014, Special Town Meeting. 2. To approve the total highway expenditures for 2016 pursuant to s. 82.03(2)(a) of Wisconsin Statutes. 3. To adopt a resolution for exceeding $5,000.00 per mile. 4. To approve the 2015 town tax levy to be collected in 2016 pursuant to s. 60.10(1)(a) of Wis. Statutes. Dated this 25th day of October, 2015. Victoria Lombard, Clerk

761W Beaverbrook Ave., Spooner, WI 54801 715-939-1290



Judy Pieper

Hi again. I hope you had a fun Halloween. It was a little rainy and cold, but with all the indoor parties going on there should have been something for almost everyone to do. The little bit of snow that we had on Wednesday was a little scary — reminded me of what happened in 1991 — but thankfully it didn’t amount to much. Jay Olson drove up from Missouri that day to play for the party at the Hilltop on Saturday, and we were beginning to think he was jinxed. The last time he played at a Halloween party at the Hilltop was in 1991. Hmmm. The Hilltop party was great! It was so much fun to dress up and dance to Jay’s music again. Jay’s son, Jordan, sang some of the songs while Jay played his guitar. There were lots of people in costumes. Justin and Casey Olson took first place in the costume contest. Justin had a costume that looked like he was riding piggyback on a gorilla, and Casey was dressed as a banana. Jeffrey Olson and his baby boy, Christian, were dressed as Dr. Evil and Mini-Me from the Austin Powers movies. Kenny Sparish came as himself, which was pretty scary but a lot better than some of the costumes he has chosen to wear in years past. I dressed as a witch. No comments, please. We all had so much fun, and we decided that Jay should either move back up here or travel up every month or so to play for us. The children’s Halloween party at the Barronett Community Center was a huge success this year, too. The civic club

Stone Lake

members put in a lot of work and time to make sure that everything looks spooky and that there are plenty of treats and food for everyone. There was a cakewalk, naturally, and eight or nine other games the kids could play. The costumes were so cute, and the kids were adorable. It seemed to me that the adults were having just as much fun watching as the kids were having playing the games. The members of the civic club extend gratitude to everyone for coming to the party. They would also like to thank all the volunteers who took time out of their day to help make the party so enjoyable for the little ones. The Oak View AFH Halloween party held at the community center on Thursday was one of the most successful and fun so far. In addition to Oak View clients, there were clients from two other area adult family homes, and several family members and guardians who joined us. There was music and dancing, face painting, board games and lots of food for everyone. Gratitude is extended to everyone for coming to the party. We hope that we’ll have even more people join us next year. We’re into November now, and you know what that means. Other than the fact that we’ll be getting property tax bills soon, that is. It means that there will be lots of Scandinavian dinners to go to. This Saturday, Nov. 7, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Campia will be hosting their Ole and Lena lutefisk dinner from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. in the

Mary Nilssen

Even though the rainy weather showed up on Halloween, everyone that attended the children’s Halloween party had a wonderful time. Almost 300 people attended this community party. Gratitude is extended to all the wonderful sponsors and volunteers that made this event a huge success. A veterans dinner will be served at noon on Thursday, Nov. 12, at the Stone Lake Lions Hall. This meal will be served by our senior citizens and the program will include a tribute to the late Gen. Harold Kissinger. To make reservations, please call the senior center at 715-865-2025 or Betty Helwig at 715-865-5500. The Stone Lake Wesleyan Church is accepting new and gently used coats, hats and gloves for the second-annual Ccoat drive. They are currently in need of children’s items for all sizes and both genders. These items will be given to needy families in the community starting Saturday, Nov. 7. For more information, contact the church at 715-865-2881. On Saturday, Nov. 14, there will be

Stone Lake Music Night from 6:30-9 p.m. at the Stone Lake Lions Hall. Come out for some fun and great music. Light refreshments will be available. Music Night will be held the second Saturday of each month. A hunters chili feed will be held on Saturday, Nov. 21, at the Stone Lake Lions Hall from 4-7 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend. Marie’s Hideaway in Stone Lake will be serving a traditional Thanksgiving Day meal this year. Turkey with all the trimmings will be served and Frankie encourages anyone who will be alone over Thanksgiving to stop in. This meal will start serving at noon and will go until it’s gone. Please call 715-865-5082 so Frankie has an idea of how many to prepare for. Donations will be greatly appreciated but not necessary. Have a nice week and be safe. Mary Nilssen can be reached at 715-8654008 or upnorthnils2@gmail.com.

Washburn County Area Humane Society This is our Johnny; he’s one of a kind, Interesting cats like him are hard to find. You ask what’s so different? I’ll try to explain, Some think that our Johnny’s a little insane. But that is not true, sense of humor he has, Plus Johnny has more than a touch of pizzazz. He’s busy and playful, a colorful boy, A small furry mouse is his most favorite toy. He thinks he’s a parrot sometimes we believe, He jumps up and sits there, then acts quite naïve. Johnny is friendly; he likes everyone, He’s easy to please but he’s even more fun. Cats for adoption: 3-month-old male white/black shorthair tiger; 4-month-old medium-hair dilute tortie; 4-1/2-month-old female black/brown/ white shorthair tiger; 3-year-old neutered/declawed black/brown shorthair tiger; 4-year-old neutered four-paw declawed black shorthair; 1-1/2-yearold spayed shorthair calico; 1-year-old

neutered white/gray shorthair; two 6-monthold neutered shorthair black/white tigers and a 5-1/2-month-old male black shorthair. Dogs for adoption: 4-year-old female tricolored walker hound; 3-year-old female black and tan hound and a 3-year-old neutered hound/pit bull

mix. Also for adoption: 8-year-old white/ gray male chinchilla. Strays include: Adult female calico found on Bayside Drive in Spooner wearing a small black zip-tie-type thing around her neck; black male 5-1/2-month-old kitten found west on Hwy. 70 in Spooner; adult black/white neutered male found on Aspen Way in Spooner; and an adult male golden retriever mix wearing a faded green collar found on Bass Lake Road and Main Road in Springbrook. Shop at AmazonSmile and 0.5 percent of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases will be donated to Washburn County Area Humane Society. smile.amazon.com.

Located at 1400 Cottonwood Ave. in Spooner (Behind the county fairgrounds)

715-635-4720 wcahs.com

church basement. The food is always delicious, and the members of Our Savior’s go out of their way to make sure everyone feels welcome. Then, on Saturday, Nov. 14, Lynn Thon and I will be hosting a Scandinavian smorgasbord at the Barronett Community Center from 4-7:30 p.m. Anitia Lehmann and I will be very busy on that Friday making hundreds of pieces of lefse so it will be nice and fresh. I won’t list all the food we’ll be serving, but you can check out our ads in the local newspapers and we will be hanging red posters on every available bulletin board around town. Please mark it on your calendar and plan to join us for some really good Scandinavian food. The proceeds from the smorgasbord will be donated to the Oak View AFH activity fund. The monthly meeting of the women of Barronett Lutheran will be held this Thursday, Nov. 5, in the church basement. In addition to other business, we will be planning our Christmas party. Hard to believe it’s time for that already, isn’t it? Hope you can make it to the meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Lakeland Town Board will be held next Tuesday, Nov. 10, at 7 p.m. at the Lakeland Town Hall located just north and west of Speedy’s C-Stop. If you would like to

learn more about how your town is being run, please plan to attend the meeting. You have probably already heard that Walter Bell passed away Oct. 20. Walter was a great old guy with lots of stories to tell. Walter and his sons and friends were regulars at the Red Brick Cafe, where they had a table that was unofficially reserved for them every day. Once in a while someone who was just passing through and didn’t know the rules would inadvertently sit at Walter’s table. When Walter and his sons would arrive, he never actually asked anyone to move, but I don’t think anyone ever made that mistake twice. Everyone at the Red Brick spoiled Walter just a little bit, bringing a cushion for his chair and making sure he had exactly what he wanted to eat and drink. He celebrated his birthday there for the past several years and the cafe was always filled to capacity with well-wishers. We all knew and loved Walter, and we will miss seeing him in his usual place at the cafe, but we also know that he was ready to go home. There will be a memorial service for Walter at the Red Brick Cafe at a later date. I guess that’s about all I know from Barronett this week. Have a great week, and I’ll see you next time.

Heart Lake We’ve had a lot of rain. It seems we wake up every morning to it. I don’t mind the rain, but it’s the gray skies that go with it. It has been rather chilly every day, too. I guess we had better get used to it as winter is just around the corner. We had snowflakes but not enough to stick around. Cheri Minot had her twin girls home from Eau Claire over the weekend. Happy birthday to Joni Parker last week and Jeff Pederson celebrated on Sunday. Nick Pederson came up from Minneapolis to take him out to eat and also did some hunting. The Packers didn’t do too good Sunday night but the Vikings came through with a win.

Helen V. Pederson Happy birthday to Annie Collins and Jean Weinig. Many more! We had happy hour on Friday night. Many people were dressed up for Halloween, including our two musicians: Tom and Dr. Goellner. Of course, we ended daylight saving time so it meant turning our clocks back. Sue and Larry Winner stopped by with supper Saturday night bringing Chinese food for supper. That was a treat. Nicole and Brent Pederson brought supper over to Jeff’s and they watched the game together. If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon our heart. The spirit should not grow old. Have a good week!

Dewey-LaFollette Sympathy is extended to Pam Pomykala, and also family members, due to the death of Elmer Talbert. His funeral will be held at Lakeview UM Church on Saturday, Nov. 7, at 11 a.m. Visitation will be from 10-11 a.m. at the church. Elmer was 56. Marvin and Gladys Knoop, Karen Vanderhoof, and Hank and Karen Mangelsen went to Siren on Monday evening and attended the Siren Middle School/High School fall band and choir concert. Karen and Hank Mangelsen went to Siren on Tuesday evening to attend a special program and meal at The Lodge. During that time, granddaughter Mandy Close was inducted into the Siren High School National Honor Society. Hank and Karen Mangelsen visited Nina and Lawrence Hines on Thursday afternoon. Donna, Gerry, Lawrence and Nina Hines, and Marlene Swearingen were supper guests of Lida Nordquist on Thursday. Chad and Chris Harrison were weekend guests of Nina and Lawrence Hines. Larry Mangelsen visited Karen and

Karen Mangelsen Hank Mangelsen on Saturday. Visiting Gerry and Donna Hines Saturday was Mark Hines. All Saints Day was celebrated at Lakeview UM Church Sunday during the worship service. Those who passed away during the last year and were remembered with the lighting of a candle were Virgil Peterson, Richard Coon, Liz Ruhn, Gen Gillert, Richard Quinton, Elmer Talbert, Curt and Deb Ziemer’s sister-in-law Linda, Dan and Carol Makosky’s daughter-in-law Sheila, and Mary Stellrecht’s mother. Hank and Karen Mangelsen went to Siren on Sunday afternoon and attended the Burnett County 4-H Achievement Celebration. Granddaughters Mandy and Patty Close were both honored: Mandy with a trip to Washington, D.C., next summer for Citizenship Washington Focus, and Patty with a trip this fall to Atlanta, Ga., for National 4-H Congress, and also the Wisconsin State Key Award. Lida Nordquist visited Nina and Lawrence Hines, and Donna and Gerry Hines on Sunday afternoon.

Senior lunch menu Monday, Nov. 9: Creamy chicken and veggies served over warm biscuits, chocolate-chip cookie. Tuesday, Nov. 10: Baked cod with lemon, tartar sauce, wild rice, fresh green salad, fudgie brownie. Birchwood: Brunch 10 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 11: No meals. Veterans Day. Thursday, Nov. 12: Homestyle meat loaf, roasted baby reds, California medley, pistachio delight dessert. Friday, Nov. 13: Tangy pulled pork sandwich, homemade potato salad,

roasted brussels sprouts, sliced peaches. Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance, call your senior center to confirm. Menu subject to change. All meals served with bread, butter, coffee, milk and water.

Dining at 5 Shell Lake, Monday, Nov. 9: Chicken breast with wild rice, steamed corn, cranberry coleslaw, Black Forest cake. Call 715468-4750 for reservations. Suggested donation is $5.


Employment opportunities/Notices/Garage sales LIDEN, DOBBERFUHL & HARRINGTON, S.C.


Notice is hereby given that the Bashaw Town Board shall hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015, immediately following the budget meeting and special electors meeting at the Bashaw Town Hall. Agenda: Call meeting to order; minutes from the October 13, 2015, town meeting; treasurer’s report; town website; public input; permits/applications; truck/grader; set next meeting date; approve vouchers; and adjourn meeting. A current agenda will also be posted at the following sites: Corner of Tozer Lake Rd. & Green Valley Rd., corner of Sand Road & Sunset Road, and N3410 Sawyer Creek Road, Shell Lake, WI 54871 (town hall). Lesa Dahlstrom, Clerk, Town of Bashaw 637558 12r WNAXLP

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(Oct. 28, Nov. 4, 11) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY BANK OF THE WEST, Plaintiff, vs. PAULA D. KESSLER aka PAULA D. KESSLER-CHRISTENSEN, and JOHN DOE, the unknown spouse of PAULA D. KESSLER aka PAULA D. KESSLERCHRISTENSEN, Defendants. Case No. 15-CV-71 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on August 10, 2015, in the amount of $65,402.79, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: November 18, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. TERMS: Pursuant to said judgment, 10% of the successful bid must be paid to the sheriff at the sale in cash, cashier’s check or certified funds, payable to the Clerk of Courts (personal checks cannot and will not be accepted). The balance of the successful bid must be paid to the Clerk of Courts in cash, cashier’s check or certified funds no later than ten days after the court’s confirmation of the sale or else the 10% down payment is forfeited to the plaintiff. The property is sold “as is” and subject to all liens and encumbrances. PLACE: North Entrance of the Washburn County Courthouse located at 10 4th Avenue, in the City of Shell Lake, Washburn County, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Lot One (1), Block One (1), First Addition to the City of Shell Lake, Washburn County, Wisconsin. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 221 7th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. TAX ID NO.: 65-282-2-38-1325-5 15-004-700000 Terrence C. Dryden, Sheriff Washburn County, Wisconsin Velnetske Law Offices, LLC Attorneys for Plaintiff 212 N. Green Bay Road Ste. 101 Thiensville, WI 53092 Phone: 262-241-9339 Velnetske Law Offices, LLC, is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If you have previously received a discharge in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, this communication should not be construed as an attempt to hold you personally liable for the debt. 636922 WNAXLP

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BANKRUPTCY - DEBT RELIEF BUSINESS LAW • CRIMINAL LAW • DIVORCE - FAMILY LAW ESTATE PLANNING • REAL ESTATE • WILLS & PROBATE 425 E. LaSalle Avenue • P.O. Box 137 • Barron, WI 54812 Phone: 715-537-5636 Fax: 715-537-5639 Website: www.barronlawyers.com 597631 18rtfc


City Council President Ken Schultz called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Council members present were Edlin, Shelton, Jenderny, Andrews, Harrington and Burns. Mayor Peterson and McCumber were absent. Also present were Dave Wilson, Danielle Moe, Mitch Brown, Steve May and Andy Eiche. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Andrews moved, seconded by Harrington, to approve the minutes, as presented, from the Regular City Council meeting held on August 10, 2015. Motion carried. Public Comment: None. Brown presented the Public Works Director report. Harrington asked if the fire hydrant located at the sidewalk by the Body Shop was going to stay in the place it is presently. Brown said yes. Wilson presented the Police Chief report. Thanks was voiced by the City Council for the work performed by the Shell Lake Police Department during Town & Country Days. Schultz presented the Zoning Administrator report. Schultz presented the minutes from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Schultz reminded the City Council of an upcoming Plan Commission meeting taking place at 5:00 p.m., October 5, for the Public Hearing/Recommendation of Title 13 and 14 of the Zoning Code of Ordinances. Library Board meeting minutes were reviewed. EXECUTIVE/HUMAN RESOURCES: Schultz presented the minutes. Schultz asked if anyone had questions on the recommended changes to the Personnel Policy. Edlin asked if the per diem could be spent on one meal. Schultz responded yes. Andrews requested the verbiage on funeral leave be edited to reflect the words “Immediate Family” in paragraph two of the funeral leave section. Schultz requested the word “he” on page three be changed to say “he/she.” Schultz requested the Personnel Policy use the title “City Administrator” instead of “City Clerk” on page three of the Personnel Policy. Jenderny moved, seconded by Andrews, to approve the revised Personnel Policy with the above suggested amendments. Upon unanimous vote, the motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION: Schultz presented the minutes and explained the current state of affairs regarding the dump at the new Knapp site. Andrews moved, seconded by Jenderny, to approve moving the garbage dumpsters back to the City Shop location after the Hwy. 63 project is complete and to leave the recycling dumpsters at New Knapp location. Roll call vote was taken: Andrews - Yes, Shelton - Yes, Edlin - Yes, Schultz - Yes, Harrington - No, Burns - Yes, Jenderny - Yes. Motion carried. Harrington requested that the council revisit this issue if the problems related to illegal dumping continues. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE: Schultz handed over the floor to Eiche to read the Veto submitted by the Mayor regarding a City Council decision made at the August regular City Council meeting pertaining to the Chief of Police being allowed to take the city squad car to his personal residence outside of normal operating hours. Eiche asked if there was a motion to overturn the mayor’s veto. Burns moved to overturn the veto made by Mayor Peterson. There was no second to the motion. Upon hearing no second, the motion failed. The veto was upheld. FINANCE: Edlin presented the minutes. Edlin moved, seconded by Harrington, to approve vouchers 2788-2944. Motion carried. Edlin moved, seconded by Burns, to approve the Temporary Class “B” Retailer’s License for the Theatre in the Woods event taking place on September 18, 2015. Motion carried. Budget Status Report was presented. PARKS AND RECREATION: Harrington presented the minutes. Harrington moved, seconded by Burns, to approve 5 lakeside seasonal campsites, 7 off-lake seasonal campsites, no park models allowed and site #12 not be allowed as a seasonal campsite. Edlin voiced concern over perception that the City would be privatizing the public campground and that this would be showing preferential treatment relating to which campers would receive the best sites. Harrington responded that the motion was being made to avoid just that. Schultz stated that the motion is the best compromise the City could make in accommodating both short-term and seasonal campers. The motion carried 6 - 1, with Edlin being the one descending vote. Harrington explained the recommendation to edit the current campground reservation policy. Burns requested that sentence number three be removed from the campground reservation policy. The City Council concurred. Burns moved, seconded by Andrews, to approve the recommended edits to the campground reservation policy, with the deletion of sentence number three. Upon unanimous vote, the motion carried. Harrington moved, seconded by Andrews, to approve the installation of a concrete walkway from the pavilion buffer walkway toward the city pier, with funding to come from the contingency fund. Upon unanimous vote, the motion carried. Burns moved, seconded by Shelton, to adjourn at 7:57 p.m. The motion carried. Ken Schultz, City Council President Andrew Eiche, City Administrator 637551 12r WNAXLP

FOR RENT Duplex in Barronett Two bedrooms, one bath with attached heated garage all on one level. Stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave, washer and dryer furnished. Within walking distance of church, convenience store, nightclub, cafe and bar. Landlord pays heat, sewer and water, garbage pickup, snow removal and lawn care. References required. One year lease. $

800 per month.

For more information, call Judy at 715-939-0647 or 715-822-8385

637491 12-13rp 2-3b,cp

I, Lolita Olson, Washburn County Clerk, do hereby certify that the following is a true and correct summarized version of the monthly meeting of the Washburn County Board of Supervisors held on October 20, 2015. Complete copies of record of all resolutions, ordinances, and attachments, from this meeting are on file in the Washburn County Clerk’s Office, 10 4th Ave., Shell Lake, WI 54871, (715-468-4600). Minutes are available after approval online at www.co.washburn.wi.us. Further, all ordinances shall be effective upon adoption. Publication of ordinances shall occur in accordance with Section 59.14 of the Wis. Statutes. All Washburn County Code provisions are available at the office of the Washburn County Clerk or online at www.municode.com Pursuant to Sect. 65.90 (5) (a) Wis. Stats. Notice is hereby given that some of these resolutions may contain amendments to the 2014 County Budget. NOTE: These minutes as published herein are subject to corrections, deletions or additions upon approval at the next County Board meeting. Dated this 27th day of October, 2015. Lolita Olson Washburn County Clerk

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Call Meeting to Order – Chair Sather at 6:03 p.m. Moment of Silent Meditation and Pledge of Allegiance – was led by Supv. Mackie. Notice of Meeting was read by County Clerk Olson. Roll Call was done by County Clerk Olson. Present: 20, Absent/Excused: 1 (Baier); Youth Present: 2. Approval of Agenda on motion by Mackie, seconded by Fiedler; MC. Approval of September 15 & September 29, 2015, County Board Proceedings – On motion by Wilson, seconded by Masterjohn; MC. Open Public Hearing to Review Final Redistricting Map going from 21 Supervisors to 15 at 6:05 p.m. by Chair Sather. Nathan Nelson, GIS Tech., presented a review of the process to date. The reduction in number of supervisors would apply to the April 2016 election. Reviewed map; population per district showing target population, deviation. No questions from the board. Public questions: Kate Melton, Town of Stone Lake, commented about underrepresentation in rural areas; against redistricting. Rob Paine, Stone Lake commented that he felt the savings is too small and is against redistricting. Chair Sather stated that all county depts. have been asked to reduce spending; the county board should participate in cuts as well. Curt Hubatch, Town of Springbrook, spoke against cutting down the number; feels that service to people will be impacted and that local governments are the most fiscally responsible there are. Beverly Stencel, Town of Trego, spoke concerning the population; we will always have a county where the population is along the Hwy. 53 corridor; consideration should be given to representation, lack of candidates. Roy Hendricks, 56-year resident of Washburn County, is against reduction, spoke to the importance of being able to be face to face with local representatives. Lori Buta-la, Stone Lake, emphasized importance of communication, need to understand the needs of small townships and questioned whether correct decisions could be made with less representation. Curt Hubatch asked if this can be voted on by the public. Chair Sather stated that the board is acting on a resolution passed at the November 2013 county board and it is their decision. Kate Melton spoke again, stating that she has reviewed committee structure and can’t see the savings. Mark Netzinger, property owner, asked if we considered density. Nathan Nelson responded stating that the results were based on the 2010 census data which considers residents only. 8. Close Public Hearing – No other questions; public hearing closed at 6:26 p.m. 9. Concerned Citizens – Rod Ripley spoke in regard to the impact and importance of the physical maps Ron Bennis has maintained. Mr. Ripley also spoke regarding the statutory requirement to keep road records up to date and asked the board for those duties to be continued once Ron retires. Beverly Stencel, Community Development Educator, spoke in support of the resolution to repeal portions of Act 55. 10. Administrative Coordinator/Finance Report – Mike Keefe spoke regarding the handouts given to the board, including the Executive Audit Summary for 2014, the Financial Statements and Supplementary Information for 2014, levy history sheet and associated reports. Discussed budget challenges in limiting the levy limit to net new construction (.5%). Board members were asked to contact Mike if they would like to see more detail. Revisions made after the budget hearings held the end of September are in the system. Any changes made at the November county board meeting will need to be made in the system by Kathy Pfister. Supv. Mackie stated that the public budget hearing will be on the 29th of October at 6:00 p.m. Supv. Esser asked about capital projects. Supv. Wilson asked about the differences between various levy amounts. 11. Consent Agenda Resolutions: motion to approve by Wilson, seconded by Masterjohn; MC. A. Rezone Petitions and Amendatory Ordinance. B. Resolution 74-15: ATV Resolution – County Highway A from Worthy Lane to Perch Lake Road. C. Resolution 75-15: 2015 Local Elected Official (LEO) Consortium Agreement (re: CEP, Inc.). 12. Other Resolutions and Ordinances: A. Resolution to Ordain Redistricting of Washburn County Board of Supervisory Districts Pursuant to §59.10(3)(cm)1., Wis. Stats – Motion to approve by Sather, seconded by Wilson. Pros and cons were discussed at length by board members. Reviewed district representation, constituent recommendations, potential cost savings, committee structure, running for office versus being appointed. Chair Sather addressed the audience and commented on the fact that only one candidate stepped forward from District 7 to fill a vacant position; position had been advertised. Roll Vote: Yes (9) Fiedler, Halverson, Wilson, Masterjohn, Krantz, Quinn, Dohm, Sather, Leckel; No (11), Absent/Excused: 1 (Baier); Youth: Yes (2). Motion fails. B. Resolution 76-15: Repeal the Requirements of ACT 55 related to Shoreland Zoning – Motion to approve by Bobin, seconded by Esser. Reviewed compliance with NR 115 which identified lake districts; will lose local control if t he portion of Act 55 regarding shoreland zoning is not repealed. DNR is to be working on administrative rules. This is a nonbinding resolution that will be forwarded to the state; 53 other counties are sending in a similar resolution. Discussed control, regulation, fiscal impact. Supv. Leckel spoke against the resolution. Roll Vote: Yes (14), No (6) Halverson, Wilson, Masterjohn, Krantz, Quinn, Leckel; Absent/ Excused: 1 (Baier); Youth: Yes (1) Wingler; No (1) Hutton. MC. C. Resolution 77-15: Approve Recruitment Costs for Stand-Alone Administrative Coordinator/HR Position- Motion to approve by Mackie, seconded by Fiedler. Discussed. Supv. Wilson commented that he doesn’t feel fiscal impact is accurate. Roll Vote: Yes (17), No (3) Waggoner, Wilson, Sather; Absent/Excused: 1 (Baier); Youth: Yes (2). MC. D. Resolution 78-15: Implement Changes in Administration Office – read by Chair Sather; motion to approve by Mackie, seconded by Bobin. Supv. Wilson spoke against the resolution. Roll Vote: Yes (17), No (3) Waggoner, Wilson, Sather; Absent/Excused: 1 (Baier); Youth: Yes (2). MC. E. Resolution 79-15: Denying John Hengst Claim – Motion by Sather, seconded by Wilson to approve. Discussed. Chair Sather seconded by Wilson. Discussed. MC on unanimous voice vote. F. Resolution 80-15: Apply Capital Improvement Fund Balance for Courthouse Roof Repair – Motion to approve by Mackie, seconded by Ricci. Discussed. Reviewed vendor responses. Roll Vote: Yes (20, No (0), Absent/Excused: 1 (Baier); Youth: Yes (2). MC. G. Resolution 81-15: Increase 2015 Budget – Land Conservation Equipment Purchase – Motion to approve by Mackie, seconded by Fiedler. Reviewed cost of GPS, Highway’s contribution and anticipated use of the GPS, use of proceeds from equipment sale. Brent Edlin clarified what a no-till drill (seed planter) is and why it was sold. Supv. Leckel commented on selling of equipment to fund purchases. Roll Vote: Yes (19), No (1) Leckel, Absent/Excused: 1 (Baier); Youth: Yes (2). MC. 13. Committee Reports: Motion by Wilson, seconded by Masterjohn, to suspend. MC on voice vote. 14. Chair Appointments: Reappointment of Bruce Davenport to the Washburn County Veterans Service Commission for 3 years. MC on voice vote. 15. Citizen Comments – Supv. Trembath reported that he was privileged to be a part of the Island Lake Mock Fire event on Sept. 19; Supv. Mackie added that it was quite an education; critique showed importance of communications; pleased that elected officials showed up. Supv. Halverson asked corp. counsel regarding Res. #49-13 resolving to reduce the number of supervisors and what the ramifications are since the board did not pass the redistricting map to support this; per Mr. Kohler the resolution is void. Anne Marie Brown, taxpayer, thanked the board for voting against redistricting, stating that she has talked with several people who would run but can’t since committee meetings are during the day. 16. Chair Comments – Chair commented that many on the board have a full-time job and are active as a board member. 17. Possible Future Agenda Items. 18. Audit Per Diems – on motion by Mackie, seconded by Fiedler to approve; MC. 19. Adjourn at 8:09 p.m. on motion by Wilson, seconded by Masterjohn; MC. Respectfully submitted this 27th day of October, 2015. 637557 12r WNAXLP Lolita Olson, Washburn County Clerk

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Jordan D. Broaddus, Bloomer, possession of THC, $299.00; possess illegally obtained prescription, $299.00. Derek S. Churchill, Webster, possession of methamphetamine, $568.00, state prison, costs, extended supervision. Rourke B. Conners, Sarona, disorderly conduct, $299.00. Daniel D. Lester, Springbrook, OWI, $1,442.00, local jail, license revoked 14 months, ignition interlock, alcohol assessment. Travis H. Nichols, Spooner, possession of controlled substance,

CENTRAL BOILER E-CLASSIC outdoor wood furnace. Limited-time big-savings offer. Instant rebate up to $1,500. HELP WANTED Call today! Northwest Wisconsin MISCELLANEOUS HEALTH CARE ATTENTION T R U C K Ent. 715-635-3511 or 715-520RN’s up to $45/hr LPN’s up to RECRUITERS: RECRUIT an 7477. 10-12rc $37.50/hr CNA’s up to $22.50/hr applicant in over 179 Wisconsin Free gas/weekly pay $2000 Bonus newspapers! Only $300/week. Call AACO Nursing Agency 1-800-656this paper or 800-227-7636 www. NOTICE OF MEETING - TOWN OF BARRONETT 4414 Ext. 10 (CNOW) Notice is hereby given the Barronett Town Board shall hold cnaads.com (CNOW)


Marriage BARRONETT its monthly Board meeting on Wed., Oct. 14, 2015, at 7 p.m., at the town license hall located at N1608 South Heart CIVIC Lake Rd. The


Notice is hereby given the Barronett Town Board shall hold its monthly Board meeting on Tues., Nov. 10, 2015, at 7 p.m., at the town hall located at N1608 South Heart Lake Rd. The agenda shall be posted at least one (1) day prior to meeting. Patricia A. Parker, Clerk 637559 12r WNAXLP


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agenda shall be posted at least one (1) day prior to meeting. Patricia A. Parker, Clerk

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637404 12r


The Register is a cooperative-owned newspaper


Notices/ Employment opportunities



Leaves must be in biodegradable bags or placed in containers (with lids off) that can be dumped.

The City of Shell Lake WILL NOT pick up bags left by Allied Waste. The bags do not have to be tied. Brush must be in bundles no longer than three feet. All yard waste must be placed in the same area the garbage is placed for regular pickup by 7 a.m. 637213 12r

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Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, November 10, 2015, at 8 p.m., a public hearing on the proposed 2016 budget of the Town of Barronett will be held at the Town Hall, N1608 South Heart Lake Road. The proposed budget in detail is available for inspection at the Clerk’s home. The following is a summary of the 2016 budget: 2015 2016 REVENUES Budget Proposed % Chg. Taxes General Property $ 56,301 $ 57,117 1.44% Intergovernmental $151,113 $ 151,149 Public Service $ 8,000 $ 7,000 Misc. Revenue $ 1,250 $ 1,350 TOTAL REVENUE $216,664 $ 216,616 0% EXPENSES General Government Public Safety Public Works TOTAL EXPENSE

$ 33,500 $ 15,697 $200,170 $249,367

Projected Fund Balance 01-01-2015 Projected Revenues Projected Expenses Projected Fund Balance 12-31-2015 Total Indebtedness: $94,427.86

$ 34,600 $ 15,988 $ 194,791 $ 245,379


$ 46,361 $ 216,616 $ 245,379 $ 17,598


Notice is hereby given of a Special Town Meeting of the electors of the Town of Barronett on Tuesday, November 10, 2015. This Special Town Meeting will follow the completion of the Public Hearing on the proposed 2016 Town Budget, which begins at 8 p.m., at the Town Hall. This Special Town Meeting of the electors is called pursuant to Sec. 60.12(1)(b) of the Wis. Statutes by the Town Board for the following purpose: 1. To approve the minutes of the November 12, 2014, Special Town Meeting. 2. To adopt the 2015 Town Tax Levy to be collected in 2016 pursuant to Sec. 60.10(1)(a) of the Wis. Statutes. Dated this 25th day of October, 2015. Patricia A. Parker, Town Clerk 637179 11-12r WNAXLP

$243.00, probation, sent. withheld. Richard M. Straub, Prairie Du Sac, possession of THC, $243.00, probation, sent. withheld; possess drug paraphernalia, $543.00, probation, sent. Withheld; OWI, $811.50, license revoked 6 months, alcohol assessment. Angela M. Thompson, Superior, possess drug paraphernalia, $243.00, local jail, costs. Robert A. Truitt, Rice Lake, bail jumping, $243.00, local jail. Dustin M. Armstrong, Radisson, minor possessing or purchasing tobacco, $162.70.

Mark R. Byrkit, Spooner, operating while suspended, $200.50. Louis M. Clark, Spooner, speeding, $250.90. Cory E. Frey, Exeland, failure to stop at stop sign, $175.30. Allen L. Glaze, Birchwood, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50; operating while suspended, $200.50. Kenneth C. Luty, Spooner, inattentive driving, $187.90; seat belt violation, $10.00.



Washburn County is seeking candidates for Highway Commissioner. Qualified candidates must possess: • The ability to manage and administer the planning and operational aspects of the Washburn County highway program and all county-owned dams • The ability to provide cost estimates and fiscal impacts of proposed projects • Knowledge of road construction and maintenance principles • The ability to provide top level supervision of Highway Department staff • The ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing. Well-qualified candidates will have: • A Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering or closely related field • Six years’ road construction/maintenance supervisory experience, or any combination of education and experience that provides equivalent knowledge, skills and abilities • Starting salary range for this position is $69,388 - $77,147 D.O.Q. plus excellent benefits For an application, contact the Washburn County Personnel Department at P.O. Box 337, Shell Lake, WI 54871, Ph.: 715-468-4624, Fax: 715-468-4628, email: adminper@co.washburn.wi.us, or by downloading an application from our County website at www.co.washburn.wi.us. Resumes will be accepted but will not take the place of a completed application. Applications must be received by 4:30 p.m., Friday, November 13, 2015. EOE 636939 11-12r

(Oct. 28, Nov. 4, 11) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY JOHNSON BANK, Plaintiff, vs. MISTY L. GRAHAM, UNKNOWN SPOUSE, DOUGLAS COUNTY, and CAPITAL ONE BANK USA NA, Defendants. Case No.: 15-CV-19 Case Classification: Foreclosure of Mortgage Case Code: 30404 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a judgment of foreclosure made in the above-entitled action on May 19, 2015, in Washburn County, I will sell at public auction in the North Entrance of the Washburn County Courthouse located at 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin 54871, on November 25, 2015, at 10:00 a.m., all of the following described premises, to wit: Lot One (1), of Certified Survey Map No. 2236, Volume 9, Page 176, as Document No. 2475566 being a part of the Northeast One-quarter (1/4) of the Northeast One-quarter (1/4) Section One (1), Township 39 North, Range Twelve (12) West, Town of Trego, Washburn County, Wisconsin, and the following described lands located in the Northeast One-quarter (1/4) Northeast One-quarter (1/4) Section One (1), Township Thirty-nine (39) North, Range Twelve (12) East, Town of Trego, Washburn County, Wisconsin commencing at the Northeast corner of Section One (1); thence South 88˚08’02’’ West, 1,313.04 feet; thence South 02°52’16’’ East, 33.00 feet; thence North 88˚08’02’’ East, 200.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence South 02°52’16’’ East, 700.00 feet; thence North 88°08’02’’ East, 50.00 feet; thence North 06°57’04’’ West, 702.66 feet to the point of beginning of said Parcel contains 0.04 acre more or less and said parcel to be joined land with abovedescribed Certified Survey Map. EXCEPT part of the Northeast One-quarter (1/4) of the Northeast One-quarter

(1/4) Section One (1), Township Thirty-nine (39) North, Range Twelve (12) East, Town of Trego, Washburn County, Wisconsin, more fully described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot One (1), Certified Survey Map 2236, Volume 9 of Certified Survey Maps Page 176; thence North 88°08’02’’ East along the South line of said Certified Survey Map extended 250.00 feet; thence North 06°57’04’’ West, 70.27 feet; thence South 88°08’02’’ West, 245.00 feet to the West line of said Certified Survey Map; thence South 02°52’16’’ East along the West line of said Certified Survey Map 70.00 feet back to the point of beginning. Said parcel containing 17,322 square feet (0.4 acre), more or less. Said parcel is subject to any easements, restrictions or reservations of record. The above described parcel as in Document No. 332793 NOT CONVEYED OR USED AS AN INDEPENDENT PARCEL. TAX KEY NUMBERS: 65-042-238-12-01-1-1-0020. The property will be sold subject to all legal encumbrances. TERMS OF SALE: Ten (10%) percent of the successful bid must be paid to the Sheriff at the sale in cash, cashier’s check or certified funds (personal checks cannot and will not be accepted). The balance of the successful bid must be paid to the Clerk of Courts in cash, cashier’s check or certified funds at the time of the Court’s confirmation of the sale or the ten (10%) percent down payment is forfeited to the Plaintiff. Dated this 12th day October, 2015. TERRY DRYDEN Sheriff of Washburn County, Wisconsin Hippenmeyer, Reilly, Moodie & Blum, S.C. Lori J. Fabian Plaintiff’s Attorney 720 Clinton Street P.O. Box 766 Waukesha, WI 53187-0766 Telephone: 262-549-8181 Fax: 262-549-8191 The above property is located at W4995 Veazie Road, Trego, Wisconsin 54888. 636836 WNAXLP




Arts center to host Middle School Honors Band

The Shell Lake Arts Center will host the Middle School Honors Band on Thursday, Nov. 5. The center received over 360 nominations from 40 different Wisconsin schools this year. Of those nominations, 290 musically talented students were selected to perform in one of the three bands: Red, White and Blue. Students will spend the day practicing within their assigned bands, working to master the complicated techniques required to perform the music, and will culminate the day with a 6 p.m. public concert in the Darrell Aderman Auditorium. If you would like more information on the Middle School Honors Band, or are interested in volunteering, please call the arts center’s office at 715-468-2414, or visit their website at shelllakeartscenter.org. — Photo submitted

Shell Lake School Community Education news SHELL LAKE — There’s a lot to make and do and Shell Lake School in November and December. All adult class registrations can be made my emailing jensenk@shelllake.k12.wi.us or calling the Shell Lake CE office at 715-4687815, ext. 1337 unless otherwise noted. Introduction to Sewing: Instructor Marie Lund will teach you different techniques used in sewing as you work your way through making a patchwork pillow. Hand stitching: whip stitch, back stitch, hemming stitch; buttons; basic sewing machine use with straight stitch. Bring to class: 2-1/2 yards of material and a pillow form or stuffing. Needles, thread, buttons and machines provided. Must have at least four participants, maximum is 12. Appropriate for ages 12-plus. Cost: $25. Mondays, Nov. 9 and 16, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at SLHS. Alteration Station: Take In and Take Out: In this class, instructor Marie Lund will teach you how to make small changes for great effects. Learn how to tuck a garment that’s too big and add fabric to something that fits too tight. Other topics covered include hemming, patching and how to sew up a seam. Bring to class (optional): Items of clothing for altering. Must have at least four participants, maximum is 10. Appropriate for ages 16-plus. Cost: $25. Tuesday and Thursday, Nov. 17 and 19, 5:30-7:30 p.m., at SLHS. First Aid Heartsaver-AHA: The Heartsaver First Aid Course is designed to teach rescuers the knowledge and psychomotor skills they need to recognize emergencies and to give CPR and first aid until EMS arrives. The goal of the course is to train laypeople in first aid assessments and actions that have been shown to make a difference in mortality and morbidity rates. Preregistration is required. Cost $30.18/$4.50 age 62plus. For more information or to register for the course, go to witc.edu/search or call 800-243-9482, ext. 5045. Class No. 66183. Tuesday and Thursday, Nov. 17 and 19, 5-9 p.m. at SLHS How to Save to the Cloud: Learn the benefits of embracing the cloud, which allows for redundancy, remote access, remote backup and the use of convenient mobile devices like your phone and iPad or other tablet. Learn how to manage and access your photos, documents and music from multiple locations. Class must have five participants, maximum 12. Cost: $15. Thursday, Nov. 19, 5:30-7 p.m., at SLHS. Soap in a Sweater Make and Take:

Also known as felted soap, Soap in a Sweater is a bar of soap and a washcloth all in one. Instructor Vanessa Berkesch, Just Heavenly Soaps, will take you through the process of felting soap. Use your hands and a few simple tools to create your very own Soap in a Sweater. Participants will make two bars of soap; all supplies are provided. Class must have four participants, maximum 12. Appropriate for ages 12-plus. Cost: $15. Monday, Nov. 30, 6-8 p.m., at SLHS. Christmas Cards and Tags: This class will provide everything you need to make two cards and two coordinating gift tags using the Oh What Fun! stamp set from Stampin’ Up! Choose from 12 Christmas sentiments to create your cards and tags and add a variety of embellishments to make your creations unique. Class fee includes supplies. Class must have four participants, maximum is eight. Tuesday, Dec. 1, 6-8 p.m., at SLHS. Failynn Fox Cowl: Plan for handmade gift giving this holiday season. Instructor Lisa Mikula will guide you through the Failynn Fox pattern to create this lovely cowl. Choose from 12-18 months to adult size. Class must have three participants, maximum nine. Cost: $15. Tuesday, Dec. 1, and Monday, Dec. 7, 5:30-7 p.m., at SLHS. Check with instructor for supply list. Walk The Halls!: Every MondayFriday when school is in session, keep yourself moving during the cool weather by walking the halls at the Shell Lake 3-12 School. Use the far-left front door between the hours of 7:30-8:15 a.m. and 3:30-6 p.m. Feel free to grab a walking map off the bulletin board if you’re interested in tracking your mileage. Holiday Saturday is coming to town! Saturday, Dec. 5: The annual afterschool program craft and bake sale is scheduled at SLHS from 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. Be sure to stop by – it gets better and better every year! If you are looking for more details or are interested in participating as a vendor, please contact Kris Brunberg at 715-468-1205 or email brunbergk@ shelllake.k12.wi.us. Students, what to do when the day is done: Middle school and high school Open Library Program: Open Library is a supervised space at the 3-12 School Monday-Friday for students in grades 5-12 only. Open Library hours are Monday-Friday: 3:30-5 p.m. PALS and LEAP: PALS is designed for students in 4K-first grade and

LEAP is for students in second-fourth grade. Both programs are academic/ enrichment based after-school programs available at Shell Lake Schools. Homework help, recreation, enrichment and structured reading programming will be available Monday through Thursdays while Friday is focused on enrichment. Monday-Friday 3:30-5 p.m. Open Weight Room and Open Gym Basketball : Use the main door entrance at SLHS. Supervision is provided, good behavior is expected, gym shoes required. Adults and parents are welcome. Students seventh grade and older. Sundays, Nov. 8 and 16, at SLHS, 5-7 p.m. Special Saturday Study: Open Library will be available Saturday, Nov. 7. This

midsemester booster is open to students in sixth through 12th grade only. SLHS library from from 9-11 a.m. Parents: Early Release, Conferences, No School Reminder: Thursday, Nov. 12: Early release. Thursday, Nov. 12: Parent Teacher Conferences: (PK-6th: 1-7:30 p.m. and 7-12th: 3:15-7:30 p.m.) Parents of seventh- to 12th-grade students: Please come in and pick up your child’s quarterly progress report in the high school office. Teachers will be available to meet with you and discuss your child’s academic and behavioral progress at this time. Coffee and snacks will be served. Friday, Nov. 13: No school. — from Shell Lake Schools

Shell Lake school menu Breakfast Thursday, Nov. 5: Oatmeal with fixings or homemade sweet bread (3-12 only). Friday, Nov. 6: Apple or cherry Frudel or ham and egg bar with toast (3-12 only). Monday, Nov. 9: Bagel with cream cheese (3-12 only) or mini cinni roll. Tuesday, Nov. 10: Whole-grain pancakes and sausage link or chocolate chip oat bar (3-12 only). Wednesday, Nov. 11: Cereal and toast or ultimate breakfast round (3-12 only). Thursday, Nov. 12: French toast sticks or homemade sweet bread (3-12 only). Friday, Nov. 13: No school. Monday, Nov. 16: Poptart and cheese stick or mini cinni roll (3-12 only). Tuesday, Nov. 17: Chocolate chip oat bar (3-12 only) or whole-grain waffles and sausage link. Wednesday, Nov. 18: Ultimate breakfast round (3-12 only) or chicken breakfast sandwich. Thursday, Nov. 19: Oatmeal with fixings or homemade sweet bread (3-12 only). Friday, Nov. 20: Laker pizza or ham and egg bar with toast (3-12). Monday, Nov. 23: No school. Tuesday, Nov. 24: No school. Wednesday, Nov. 25: No school. Thursday, Nov. 26: No school. Friday, Nov. 27: No school. Monday, Nov. 30: Bagel with cream cheese (3-12 only) or mini cinni roll. Breakfast is served with a choice of juice/fruit and milk offered daily. Every day breakfast is free to all students.

Lunch Thursday, Nov. 5: Hot ham and cheese sandwich or crispy chicken sandwich (7-12 only). Friday, Nov. 6: Sloppy joe. Monday, Nov. 9: Potato bowl. Tuesday, Nov. 10: Taco day or chicken strip wrap (7-12 only). Wednesday, Nov. 11: Southern BBQ pulled pork sandwich or cheese quesadilla (7-12 only). Thursday, Nov. 12: Pizza. Early release day. Friday, Nov. 13: No school. Monday, Nov. 16: Baked potato bar. Tuesday, Nov. 17: Ham and turkey sub with chips or meatball sub with chips (7-12 only). Wednesday, Nov. 18: Chicken nuggets with mashed potatoes or pork chop patty with gravy (7-12 only). Thursday, Nov. 19: Mozzarella dippers or pizza calzone (7-12 only). Friday, Nov. 20: Homemade lasagna. Monday, Nov. 23: No school. Tuesday, Nov. 24: No school. Wednesday, Nov. 25: No school. Thursday, Nov. 26: No school. Friday, Nov. 27: No school. Monday, Nov. 30: Chicken fajita. Menus subject to change. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


Veterans Day programs scheduled throughout the county WASHBURN COUNTY — Wednesday, Nov. 11, is Veterans Day. Programs will be held in various communities. The following is a list of events for Washburn County: Shell Lake Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9867/ American Legion Post 225 Veterans Day program, Wednesday, Nov. 11, with a social hour for veterans and students at 9 a.m., and the service starting at 9:30 a.m., in the Shell Lake High School gymnasium. Hosted by the Shell Lake Honor Guard, VFW and American Legion posts. Guest speaker is Larry Samson and music to be provided by the Shell Lake High School band and choir. Terraceview Living Center Veterans Day program will be held on the secondfloor activity room at noon. There will be lunch with cake and ice cream with the veterans following the service. Spooner Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1028

Spooner program Wednesday, Nov. 11, at 10:15 a.m., in the Spooner High School gymnasium. Guest speaker will be Doc Corrie, with colors provided by the Spooner Honor Guard. Spooner

High School choir and band students will provide music. Staff and students are encouraged to bring an honored guest veteran whose names will be read and they will be presented at the beginning of the program. An information tea for veterans will be held after the ceremony. Springbrook, Trego and Earl Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10568, Springbrook, Trego and Earl, will have a Veterans Day dinner for post members and guest on Sunday, Nov. 15, 5 p.m., at the Steak House and Lodge in Hayward. Birchwood American Legion Bemis-Hunter Post 379 Veterans Day program is Wednesday, Nov. 11, at 10 a.m., in the Birchwood High School gymnasium. Hosted by the students who are family members of a veteran, past Birchwood graduates that are now veterans and those currently serving in the military. Guest speaker is Tom Hanrath. Post colors provided by American Legion Post 379 with music

provided by the Birchwood band and choir. A Veterans Day dinner and ceremony will be held Saturday, Nov. 7, social hour at 5 p.m., dinner from 6-8 p.m. at the Bluegill Banquet Hall in Birchwood. Winners of the student essay contest will be honored at 7 p.m. Minong American Legion Lockman-Jenson Post 499 Veterans Day program is Wednesday, Nov. 11, at 10 a.m., in the Northwood High School Richards Auditorium. It will be hosted by the student council and they are planning a small luncheon for Post 499. There will be a guest veteran speaker from the American Legion, a student speaker, and a video project, with music provided by the Northwood choir and high school band, as well as the third- through fifth-grade students. — from WCVSO

A final look at fall colors

The brilliant purple fall asters come alive in the fall in a prairie west of Shell Lake. The perennial was a favorite among the early settlers who helped spread the flower wherever they went.

The vibrant colors of fall have given way to bare trees and gray skies. Everyone’s thoughts are now on the coming winter.

Photos by Larry Samson

This beautiful sunrise was photographed in Crex Meadows near Grantsburg. Crex Meadows is teeming with wildlife that uses it for a stopover and staging area as they migrate south. RIGHT: The fall colors of a maple tree behind the Express Mart greeted travelers passing through Shell Lake.

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