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Oct. 22, 2014
Wednesday, October 22, 2014 Vol. 126, No. 10 • Shell Lake, Wis.
We e ke nd w atch Haunted Schoolhouse @ Shell Lake Haunted Trail @ Barronett Indianhead Writers Fall Writing Contest @ Spooner • See calendar on page 6 for details
An emotional send-off
The Wolf Ridge Experience Page 2
Behind family lines Page 11
A cooperative success Back page
NOVEMBER 4 ELECTION Write-in candidate challenges sheriff Danielle H. Moe | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — The position of Washburn County sheriff is up for election on Nov. 4. Incumbent Sheriff Terry Dryden was chosen by the majority of voters in August to represent the Republican Party in the fall election over Dennis Stuart. Dryden won 687 to 559 votes, 128 votes over Stuart. Since that vote, Stuart has filed as a write-in candidate for Washburn County sheriff. The following candidate profiles were first published prior to the August primary election.
Kevan named all-conference cross country Page 12
Guardsman Tina Masterjohn, Spooner, shares an emotional hug with her friend, Katie Gobel, during the 950th National Guard Unit send-off held on Tuesday, Oct. 14, in Spooner. Another friend, Krissy Zeien, is pictured in the background. More photos on page 11. – Photos by Danille H. Moe
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STATEWIDE- The option to cast in-person absentee or early votes for the fall election started Monday, Oct. 20. Like during the regular election, votes are cast in local municipal clerks offices where the voters are registered. Here are some tips for voters who are thinking of voting early. Under a new state law, early voting may occur between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. on weekdays. While some clerks may be open these hours, others in smaller municipalities do not have regular office hours, so voters may need to call their clerk to make an appointment. Find your clerk’s location and contact information at MyVote Wisconsin: myvote.wi.gov. Early voting ends at 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 31, or at the close of business, whichever is later, but no later than 7 p.m. Wisconsin’s voter photo ID law is not in effect for this election due to a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling, so voters do not have to show photo ID to receive their ballots. Remember that early voting happens at municipal clerks offices, not county clerks offices. - with information from My Vote Wisconsin
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Dennis Stuart “I would rather have tried and not succeeded than not try at all and wonder, honestly,” said Dennis Stuart. Originally from Solon Springs, Stuart has worked in law enforcement for the past 13 years, nine of those spent serving as the police chief for the village of Minong. Previous to working in law enforcement, Stuart served six years in the U.S. Marine Corps. After serving in the Marines Stuart worked construction but always maintained his childhood dream to become a police officer to help people. Stuart decided to run for sheriff to fulfill a goal he has set for himself. “I feel I can do the county good things,” he said.
Dennis Stuart
Sheriff Terry Dryden
His issues If elected, Stuart says he will work to improve communication between the sheriff’s office, the county board and the public. Improving the relationship between the sheriff’s department and county board would be a large factor in that. Having served as the Solon Springs town chairman, Stuart feels strongly that he can reduce the sheriff’s department budget while maintaining the same level of service stating that he never went over budget while serving as chairman. “In my local police department, with as many See Sheriff, page 3
Deutsch versus Bewley for Senate seat Danielle H. Moe | Staff writer WASHBURN COUNTY — On Nov. 4, residents in Washburn, Douglas, Ashland, Bayfield, Price, and parts of Burnett and Iron counties will decide who will represent them in Madison. Control of the Senate will also be determined as 17 Senate districts are up for election. Candidates in the 25th are Dane Deutsch, Republican; and Janet Bewley, Democrat. The following candidate profiles include their background information, political experience and answers to questions on their party’s platform, what their focus will be if elected, job growth and governmental spying. Deutsch’s
The Re g is t er is a c o o p e rat i ve - o w n e d n e w sp ap e r
Dane Deutsch
Janet Bewley See 25th Senate, page 9