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Sept. 17, 2014
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Vol. 126, No. 5 • Shell Lake, Wis.
We e ke nd w atch • Colorfest @ Barronett • Sheep to Shawl Expo @ Spooner • Adventurer to speak @ canoe museum See calendar on page 6 for details
It’s all fun at the end of the day
Raising funds for Alzheimer’s Page 2
The students from the Shell Lake after-school program had the opportunity to burn off some energy after a day of being cooped up in the school. It is all fun on the monkey bars. — Photo by Larry Samson
A mini way of life Back page
Plans to reopen sports complex move forward
A great day for cross country
Closed since April, the multiuse sports complex in downtown Spooner could be saved by investor’s plans Page 3
SL School Board member resigns
Page 13
New group forms to focus on school curriculum to meet needs of local employers Page 7 Got an idea for a story?
Email us at news@wcregisternewsroom.com
SPOONER — Fall in Northwest Wisconsin is a beautiful time as green leaves make way for the yellows, oranges and reds of Mother Nature’s autumn color palette. To celebrate the changing seasons, the Tourism Advisory Committee of the International Trade, Business and Economic Development Council of Northwest Wisconsin has launched a fall colors photo contest. People can upload their fall color photos using the contest app on the group’s Facebook page. Photos must be taken in Ashland, Barron, Burnett, Chippewa, Douglas, Iron, Price, Rusk, Sawyer or Washburn counties in northwestern Wisconsin. Once uploaded to the contest, Facebook users have the chance to vote on the photo that they like best. The photo with the most votes at the end of the contest period on Saturday, Nov. 15, wins. A $250 cash card is up for grabs for the winning photographer. More details, along with the contest entry instructions and official rules, can be viewed at woobox.com/7qmxkn or on the group’s Facebook page at facebook.com/TravelNorthwestWisconsin The Northwest Wisconsin ITBEC Tourism Advisory Committee is a group of tourism professionals from each of the participating counties in northwestern Wisconsin: Ashland, Barron, Burnett, Chippewa, Douglas, Iron, Price, Rusk, Sawyer and Washburn. The group works to promote northwestern Wisconsin as a great vacation destination through a variety of publications, a website, advertising and more. Visit northwestwisconsin.com for more information. — from NWTAC
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Oak wilt confirmed in county Grants may be available to combat deadly oak disease Page 15
Founder of Shell Lake Boat Company tours museum
Walter Ek founded and managed the Shell Lake Boat Company. His children and grandchildren took a special tour of the Shell Lake Boats that are on display at the Washburn County Historical Society Museum in Shell Lake on Saturday, Sept. 13. Shown (L to R): Rodney Ripley who gave the tour, Paul Ek, Mike Ek, Karen and Bill Ek. Bill worked at the boat company in high school and while in college. He had a distinguished career in the boat industry and retired as vice president at the Outboard Marine Company. — Photo by Larry Samson
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