Wcr | sept 24 | 2014

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Sept. 24, 2014

Wednesday, September 24, 2014 Vol. 126, No. 6 • Shell Lake, Wis.

We e ke nd w atch • Art Meander @ Spooner, Shell Lake • Living My Dream conference @ Spooner • Harlem Wizards @ Spooner See calendar on page 6 for details


All in a day’s work

Colorfest fun at Barronett Page 11

A satisfying hobby Page 23

PBS films train ride

A workman dangles 100 feet above the ground inspecting and repairing the paint on the water tower northeast of Shell Lake. It was two years ago when the tower was last painted. — Photo by Larry Samson

Over budget, but OK for now

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Shell Lake School District’s fund balance healthy enough to offset $100,000 shortfall

Fall sports roundup Pages 12-15

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Danielle H. Moe | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — Eleven community members and some district faculty appeared for the Shell Lake School District’s annual meeting on Monday, Sept. 22. Jeri Bitney was elected to chair the meeting. “This year we’re gonna be tight and we might, come June 30, 2015, spend a little more than we took in and that is a trend that is going to continue,” said Jim Connell, superintendent. In his state-of-the-district report, Connell said that this year’s budget is over by approximately $100,000 but the district’s fund balance is healthy enough that the district can sustain the shortfall, for this year. Connell explained that despite good enrollment numbers, the district will need to go to referendum to exceed the revenue cap, but hopefully not for three or four years. He said that the variance in the budget has mostly been

special education aide costs. “But we’re within $100,000 of being overspent or underspent or exactly balanced and in an $8 million budget that’s pretty good, really,” said Connell. He then reported that, unlike many districts in the state, Shell Lake would see an increase in state aid this year. The 10-percent increase bumps the district’s state aid up nearly $400,000 for the 2014-15 fiscal year over last year. Those present then adopted the tax levy of $3,366,807 for the 2014-15 fiscal year, a 12.78-percent decrease from last year. Connell said they are projecting the mill rate to be 9.99 to 9.95, a significant drop in previous years. For example, for every $100,000 in property value that’s about $150 decrease in your property tax bill. Connell explained that the drop in the mill rate due to steady enrollment numbers and less property value in the district per pupil.

New this year Connell reported that summer school numbers were up 30 percent, a good thing, as more

T h e Regi st e r i s a co o p e rat i ve - o w n e d news pa per

See Budget, page 2

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