WCR | Oct 21 | 2015

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W A S H B U R N   C O U N T Y

Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015 Vol. 127, No. 10 • Shell Lake, Wis.


We e ke nd w atch • Haunted Schoolhouse @ Shell Lake • Fall art fair @ Rice Lake • Breaking Chains community worship @ Shell Lake See calendar on page 6 for details

wcregist eronline.com


Oct. 21, 2015


View from the Ridge

Former school building enters new chapter Page5

Equine therapy Page 4

Kayla Haynes is watching an eagle migrating south along the North Shore of Lake Superior. Wolf Ridge is a great place to watch as the raptors head south for the winter. See more photos inside. - Photo by Larry Samson

Majority favors expanding school board at Spooner Question remains on validity

Parents Night part of soccer match with Cumberland

SPORTS Page 17


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SPOONER - The public is invited to a seminar titled Crime Trends in Washburn County to be held this Thursday evening, Oct. 22, at 6:30 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church in Spooner. The program will be presented by Washburn County Chief Deputy Mike Richter. There will be a discussion on current crime trends and how peop;e can take measures to prevent their family and home from being victimized. A second segment will discuss church and organization safety. Refreshments will be served. - with information from Washburn County Sheriff’s Department

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Danielle Danford | Staff writer SPOONER — The Spooner High School auditorium was packed on Monday, Oct. 19, for the Spooner Area School District’s annual meeting. An in-depth story on the meeting will be published at a later date. Bill Stewart, Spooner, was elected to chair the meeting. The 2015-16 tax levy was adopted at a total of $14,638,141. The paper ballot vote showed 415 in favor, 46 against and 14 abstained. Because the paper ballot vote took a considerable amount of time a motion and second was made to dispense with the paper ballots. This was followed by an amendment that excluded the resolution to increase the number of school board members. The amendment and original motion carried on voice votes. The resolution authorized the reimbursement of board members for expenses occurred when traveling in their duties as a board member was approved on a voice vote. The approved $51.75 a day plus actual expenses is the same amount approved last year. The resolution to change the number of seats on the school board from seven to 11 involved approximately an hour and ten minutes of discussion. In that time Gary Murphy, Trego, pointed out that according to state statute a vote needed to be made on an apportionment plan in order to move forward with electing the additional members for an 11-member board. Bill

Volunteers count ballots that were used to vote for adopting the levy and on the vote to increase the number of school board members. A total of 516 ballots were counted in the vote to increase the number of school board members. - Photo by Danielle Danford Forbes, Wisconsin Association of School Boards legal counsel, confirmed Murphy’s observation. Many comments were made about the validity of the vote, why they were in favor or opposing the resolution and what other options were available to ensure the additional school board members would be elected in the spring. Eventually paper ballots were cast revealing 357 votes in favor, 119 opposed and zero abstentions. The law requiring a vote on an apportionment plan also involves a petition process. After more discussion a motion was made that a special meeting of the electors would be held on or before Monday, Nov. 23, to have a vote on the apportionment plan.

Methamphetamine a cyclical problem in Washburn County

Danielle Danford | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — Washburn County is observing the cost of a returning problem in budgets and increased workloads of county departments, but real concern lies in the hard-to-quantify human cost to county residents. Thomas Mackie, Washburn County Board District Five representative and chair of the finance committee, reports that the committee heard testimony from Washburn County Sheriff Terry Dryden, District Attorney Thomas Frost, and Judge Eugene Harrington, each stating they are observing an increase in cases due to meth charges. “I think it is a pervasive problem. I think that See Meth, page 10

An increased caseload of meth-related criminal charges and children in protective placements has staff at all levels of Washburn County government on alert. — Special photo

T h e Reg i st e r i s a co o p e rat i ve - o w n e d n ews pa per


St. Francis School at Wolf Ridge

Anna Silvis examines a rock with the aid of a magnifying glass. Silvis is studying rocks in geology class.

Father Adam Laski gives the OK as Tiffany Bartle prepares for her descent on the zip line. Laski was with the St. Francis de Sales students from Spooner and Cathedral students from Superior. The zip line is the last challenge for the students on the rope course. Stepping off a platform 40 feet in the air is a trust factor with the adult who helped you with the riggings.

Photos by Larry Samson LEFT: Tiffany Bartle looks down as she walks the rainbow bridge. The Burma-style bridge is used to build the students confidence as they walk the rope course. The rope course is difficult and not for everyone. When a student finishes the course they know they have accomplished something. This is a skill they can take with them in life.

Six St. Francis Middle School students and two chaperones spent three days at Wolf Ridge Environmental Center near Finland, Minn. They arrived on Wednesday, Oct. 14, and left on Friday, Oct. 16. Shown (L to R): Jacene Silvis, Anna Silvis, Tiffany Bartle, Mike DelFiacco, Liam Brierton, Noah Olson, Austin Stoner and Dan Olson.

Liam Brierton coasts down the zip line on the rope course. The St. Francis students were with the students from Cathedral School in Superior. Within a short time they had made new friends and were encouraging each other on the course.

Washburn County Register Your Community Newspaper • PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871 MANAGER: Doug Panek dougpanek@centurytel.net EDITOR: Gary King editor@wcregisternewsroom.com OFFICE MANAGER: Suzanne Johnson news@wcregisternewsroom.com REPORTER: Larry Samson REPORTER: Danielle Danford PAGINATOR: Raelynn Hunter ADVERTISING: Jeanine Moody DEADLINE FOR NEWS/ADS: MONDAYS @ NOON

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Rep. Quinn held listening session in Shell Lake Danielle Danford | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — Romaine Quinn, 75th Assembly representative, was in Shell Lake on Wednesday, Oct. 7, for a listening session. Quinn held two other listening sessions in Barron and Cumberland the same day. In Cumberland, Quinn said the hot topic was property taxes. In Shell Lake, Quinn had a conversation with a law enforcement officer about a new bill that extends retirement needs for Rep. Romaine Quinn public employees. The Register caught up with Quinn last week and talked about his stance on a variety of topics. Quinn said he is a supporter of school choice as long as there are restrictions on

it. He said that the voucher program accounts for less than 1 percent of all K-12 spending in the next decade and gives much more in opportunities to children in low-income households. According to data from the 2014-15 school year released by the state, 3,047 students applied to 68 private schools to receive tuition vouchers. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports of those that were new incomeeligible students, 71 percent of applicants were from private schools and about 22 percent were from public schools. “Vouchers aren’t the only solution but they’re something,” said Quinn. How to address the state’s transportation fund is a funding problem of its own. Quinn said he sent out a survey to constituents, and about 80 to 90 percent of respondents said they would support a gas tax increase to shore up the fund. Increasing registration fees is an alternative for funding the state’s road construc-

tion needs. “We need to make sure it’s a pay-as-you-go-type system, where those that use the most, pay the most, and you don’t penalize everyone in the process,” said Quinn. He said he expects the funding issue will be a combined solution but doesn’t know what it is yet. Two bills have brought the issue of elected officials finances and campaigns onto the stage. One bill calls for raising limits for contributions, a move Quinn says accounts for inflation. “Obviously I am not a supporter of corporate donations to go right to candidates,” said Quinn. The other bill does away with the existing Government Accountability Board which is charged with oversight of Wisconsin’s campaign finance, elections, ethics and lobbying laws. Instead of the six former-judge-nominated board, the new bill would bring back a partisan ethics board that would have equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans to oversee

those same topics. Quinn said he is still reviewing the bill and is not sure if he is a supporter of the measure yet. Quinn said that there are a few proposals in the works that impact his constituents. One involves raising the minimum bid amount local municipalities can accept as part of the project bidding process. Quinn said that while low bids look good for budgets, they can do more harm in the long run if the jobs don’t get done right. “We are looking at a way to raise the threshold so small communities can actually save money on these projects,” said Quinn. Another bill in the works would create a rural teacher loan forgiveness program. The program would incentivize teachers to work in rural communities to have their student loans forgiven by the state. “Right now we have a shortage of teachers in high-demand areas in rural Wisconsin,” said Quinn.

Full house for expansion vote The Spooner High School auditorium was packed for the Spooner Area School District’s annual meeting, which included a vote on expanding the number of people serving on the school board. See story, page 1. — Photo by Danielle Danford

Shell Lake City Council approves resolution to repeal Act 55 Danielle Danford | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — “It is overturning years and years of Wisconsin history, and we just think it should be repealed,” said Mike Ring, chair of the Shell Lake Inland Lake Protection Advisory Committee. Ring and representatives of the Washburn County Lakes and Rivers Association were in attendance at the regular monthly meeting of the Shell Lake City Council regarding a recommendation on a resolution to urge the repeal of Act 55. Tucker McCumber was the only council member absent for the Monday, Oct. 12, meeting. Act 55 was approved as a budget provision in the Wisconsin 2015-17 biennial

budget that significantly alters existing state shoreland zoning standards. The WCLRA believes that those changes will have a huge negative impact on water quality in Wisconsin. The largest issue WCLRA has with Act 55 centers around the loss of local control of counties. Under Act 55 counties cannot enact or enforce stronger standards than the statewide minimum standards. The council approved the resolution on a unanimous roll call vote. The only agenda item that involved a fiscal impact was a recommendation to use contingency funds to repair the city campground bathrooms. “Basically there is no ventilation, it just

jets up into the attic which has created a moisture/mold problem that is long overdue to be fixed,” said Dan Harrington, Ward 2 alderperson and chair of the parks and recreation committee. The need to do the project in 2015 was raised by Mike Andrews, Ward 1 alderperson, but it was explained by Ken Schultz, Ward 2 alderperson, that funding is available this year, and that it is beneficial for the city to take advantage of those funds now. The project is estimated to cost $3,226. The council approved the recommendation on a unanimous voice vote. The council also approved the city of Shell Lake City code of ordinances in the course of the meeting. The city code of

ordinances has been in codification for the past nine years by Allen Harvey of Community Code Services. The codification process has brought all the city’s ordinances up to date. All new ordinances are published in the city’s official paper, the Washburn County Register, so people potentially impacted by them are aware of changes. In order to avoid the need to have the city code of ordinances go through another codification, Andy Eiche, city administrator, said that any amendments to existing ordinances approved by the city council would be put into the existing city code of ordinances by Community Code Services on an annual basis.

Local woman reports IRS scam activity in area

SHELL LAKE — Chris Ottosen, a resident of the Town of Bashaw, reported she was the target of scammers impersonating the IRS last week. Ottosen said she received three calls, two on Thursday, Oct. 15, and one on Friday, Oct. 16, that were a recording of a person claiming to be from the IRS. The recording told her she had to call the IRS immediately because the IRS would file a lawsuit against her for not paying her taxes and provided a number for her to call. Luckily, Ottosen had heard news reports about such scams and hung up the phone and reported the activity to the Washburn County Sheriff’s Office instead. Ottosen said that the sheriff’s office had received another report of the scam where a county resident had lost money in the scam, and the sheriff’s office had calls from other people about it. The Internal Revenue Service and the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration also track the existence of these scams. “Taxpayers should remember their first contact with the IRS will not be a call from out of the blue, but through official correspondence sent through the mail. A big red flag for these scams are angry, threatening calls from people who say they are from the IRS and urging immediate payment. This is not how we operate. People

should hang up immediately and contact TIGTA or the IRS,” said IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. Additionally, it is important for taxpayers to know that the IRS: • Never asks for credit card, debit card or prepaid card information over the telephone. • Never insists that taxpayers use a specific payment method to pay tax obligations • Never requests immediate payment over the telephone and will not take enforcement action immediately following a phone conversation. Taxpayers usually receive prior notification of IRS enforcement action involving IRS tax liens or levies. Potential phone scam victims may be told that they owe money that must be paid immediately to the IRS or they are entitled to big refunds. When unsuccessful the first time, sometimes phone scammers call back trying a new strategy. Other characteristics of these scams include: Scammers use fake names and IRS badge numbers. They generally use common names and surnames to identify themselves. • Scammers may be able to recite the last four digits of a victim’s Social Secu-

rity number. • Scammers “spoof” the IRS toll-free number on caller ID to make it appear that it’s the IRS calling. • Scammers sometimes send bogus IRS emails to some victims to support their bogus calls. • Victims hear background noise of other calls being conducted to mimic a call site. • After threatening victims with jail time or driver’s license revocation, scammers hang up and others soon call back pretending to be from the local police or DMV, and the caller ID supports their claim. If you get a phone call from someone claiming to be from the IRS, here’s what you should do: • If you know you owe taxes or you think you might owe taxes, call the IRS at 800-829-1040. The IRS employees at that line can help you with a payment issue, if there really is such an issue. • If you know you don’t owe taxes or have no reason to think that you owe any taxes (for example, you’ve never received a bill or the caller made some bogus threats as described above), then call and report the incident to TIGTA at 800-3664484. • You can file a complaint using the FTC

Complaint Assistant; choose other and then imposter scams. If the complaint involves someone impersonating the IRS, include the words “IRS telephone scam” in the notes. Taxpayers should be aware that there are other unrelated scams, like a lottery sweepstakes and solicitations, like debt relief, that fraudulently claim to be from the IRS. The IRS encourages taxpayers to be vigilant against phone and email scams that use the IRS as a lure. The IRS does not initiate contact with taxpayers by email to request personal or financial information. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as text messages and social media channels. The IRS also does not ask for PINs, passwords or similar confidential access information for credit card, bank or other financial accounts. Recipients should not open any attachments or click on any links contained in the message. Instead, forward the email to phishing@irs.gov. For more information or to report a scam, go to irs.gov and type scam in the search box. More information on how to report phishing scams involving the IRS is available on the genuine IRS website, IRS.gov. — Danielle Danford with info from the IRS


Letters to the editor Metastatic breast cancer awareness A year has passed, another October has rolled around; it doesn’t seem like it’s been that long already, but here we are at another Breast Cancer Awareness Month ... and young women are still dying of metastatic breast cancer. In my letter last October, I noted that, “chances are you know or will know someone affected by breast cancer.” Just in the last few months, among the lives that metastatic breast cancer has claimed

are two wonderful, local women beloved by many — Joanna “Mrs. B.” Butenhoff and Stephanie Gramberg, at the ages of only 46 and 40 respectively. I hope you find that as utterly appalling as I do! Stage IV (final stage) patients are woefully underfunded. While millions and millions of dollars are raised annually in the fight against cancers, only a tiny percentage is allocated to metastatic breast cancer.

MetaVivor is an organization founded to help women like (my late wife) Trudy, Joanna and Stephanie. Staffed only by volunteers – most of whom are stage IV themselves – 100 percent of funds received goes to research in the struggle to find a cure for this terrible disease. Your donation, no matter how large or small, will help put an end to metastatic breast cancer. Please go to metavivor.org or call them at 410-491-5760 for details

on how you can help so that some day soon we can stop reading the obituaries of loved ones whose lives have been prematurely terminated by metastatic breast cancer. Thank you. Greg Druschba Shell Lake

Accident report Friday, Oct. 9 At approximately 8:37 a.m., William Fischer, a Washburn County Sheriff’s Office investigator, was traveling northbound on North Summit Street in the city of Spooner. When he turned right onto Pine Street he heard a thump come from the back of his squad vehicle. After stopping the squad, Fischer saw a man get up off the side of the road and pick up a bicycle. The man was Richard Hanson, 79, Spooner. The accident report states that Hanson said he had not seen the squad vehicle, that he should have stopped, that he was not injured and he refused medi-

cal treatment. Hanson left the scene of his own accord on his bicycle. No damages were reported for either party. Fischer noted that Hanson was wearing dark-colored clothing at the time of the accident. At approximately 6:25 p.m., Stanley Bush, 59, Shell Lake, was westbound on CTH B just east of Old B Road when he hit a deer. No injuries were reported but the 2014 Chevy Equinox LT Bush was driving sustained moderate damage to the front, middle and rear. Sunday, Oct. 11 At approximately 9:48 a.m., Bradley Weum, 59, Houlton, was northbound on

Hwy. 53 in the Town of Trego just south of Oak Hill Road when he hit a deer. No injuries were reported for Weum but the 2008 Hyundai he was driving was towed from the scene. Monday, Oct. 12 At approximately 8:20 a.m., Kourtney Klassa, 20, Shell Lake, was northbound on Hwy. 53 in the left lane as Marvin Schrader, 59, Tripoli, was in the right lane also traveling northbound in the Town of Spooner near the crossover of Hwy. 63. Klassa was driving a 2010 Dodge Caliber SX and Schrader was driving a 2002 Mack logging truck. Schrader attempted

to change lanes left following an incorrect construction sign posting through the barrels that were on the roadway as it was under construction. Schrader hit Klassa on the vehicle’s passenger side, causing damage to both vehicles. No injuries were reported. Klassa’s vehicle received moderate damage to the front, middle and rear passenger side. The logging truck received minor damage to the front driver side and front. The road signage was corrected because of the incident. — Danielle Moe with information from the Washburn County Sheriff’s Office

Local mother and daughter bring animal therapy to the equine level; miniature, that is Danielle Danford | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — Something drew residents into the activity room at Terraceview Living Center in Shell Lake this summer. On Friday, Oct. 16, residents were once again packed into the room, seat to seat, just as the clip-clop of dainty hooves entered the hallway. “They’re here,” said a soft voice as two miniature horses entered the room. They stood just over 3 feet tall each and were in costume, one as a bumblebee and one as a ladybug. Smiles and laughter filled the room as the little horses began making their rounds to each resident for petting, hugs and kisses. “We have horses, we love horses,” said Sue Olson, owner of the miniature horses. She and her husband, Derrick, own and operate Rafter Bar D Morgans, a Morgan horse-breeding farm in Sarona. Olson explained that getting the miniature horses started out as a way for her and her mother to reconnect while bringing a little happiness to others. “We just thought that if people bring their dogs and cats to visit … and I know there are a lot of people, men especially, that were farmers and they really enjoy having the little horses come and visit them,” said Anita Galli, Olson’s mother. Galli worked at Terraceview for 15 years, first as the activities assistant, then as the activities director. Olson said her mother has the desire to help people in her bones. “We think it is fun and we think it is

Mary Smith pets Desi the miniature horse during a therapy session at Terraceview Living Center in Shell Lake on Friday, Oct. 16. Smith said she had miniature horses before she became a resident at Terraceview. — Photos by Danielle Danford isomething worthwhile,” said Galli. Olson and Galli brought the miniatures to the farm in Sarona in the fall of 2014 at 6 months old. Galli named one Spirit of Hope and Olson named the other Sue Olson and Anita Galli are the mother-and-daughter team behind the miniature horse therapy program that was held this summer at Terraceview. Olson made the costumes for the horses so residents could enjoy a bit of Halloween for the horses’ final visit of the season. Shown (L to R): Heaven’s Design, Sue Olson, Spirit of Hope and Anita Galli.

Desi takes a sniff of the treat bag Lila Heller is holding, making her smile. The loving, natural demeanor of both horses, Desi and Spirit, often brings smiles to faces and warmth to hearts.

Heaven’s Design. Together the motherand-daughter team began working with the little horses to prepare them for their therapy missions using an old wheelchair, walkers and other objects they would encounter in a nursing home or hospital situation. Their training also involved developing patience to stand to be petted and brushed. “They are just so easygoing that nothing seems to bother them no matter what you do,” said Galli. What started out as a way for mother and daughter to reconnect has turned into a rewarding experience for all involved. “It’s really been wonderful. The people love them, it really makes a difference in their life,” said Olson. Sometimes the nursing home’s activity director will call Galli or Olson because residents want to know when the little horses are coming again. “People smile that haven’t smiled in a long time,” said Olson. Friday, Oct. 16, was Spirit and Desi’s last trip of the season because colder weather has set in.

But in the spirit of Halloween, Olson and Galli gave residents a bag of sugar-free candies and a photo of Spirit and Desi in their Halloween costumes. “It has just turned into something really great and I’m really happy it went over as well, the response we’re getting is pretty neat,” said Olson. Next year, Olson and Galli hope to expand their program to the Spooner and possibly Hayward nursing homes. “It doesn’t have to be a nursing home, we can go to visit children or anybody,” said Galli. The only thing that might set them back is distance because Galli and Olson cover the cost of fuel to make the visits themselves. If their program catches on Galli said they might have to fundraise, but that’s something farther down the road. Right now they are still enjoying memories from the program’s first season. “For me I feel like if you can make a difference in somebody’s life in a small way it’s just a big deal,” said Olson.


Former 20th century school building opens new chapter Danielle Danford | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — “At the front of the room, it was blackboards all the way across, and then of course there was Washington’s and Lincoln’s picture up above and the big ole pull-down map,” said Sandra Jerry, standing in a room of what was the Roosevelt School. Located 12 miles south of Shell Lake in the Town of Timberland, in Burnett County, Jerry and other past school students were in the building once again to see for themselves what remained of their memories there and what the future had in store for it. Built in 1918, the two-room brick school was an example of modern construction with two classrooms, a full basement and a central-heating system. “It was probably one of the largest schools in at least Burnett County, maybe Washburn County,” said Eugene Romsos, who graduated from eighth grade at the Roosevelt School. At one time the school had upward of 80 students enrolled and saw many pie socials, student programs and games like kick the can, hide and seek, and drop the hanky in its lifetime. “I was so excited when they bought this place because I thought it was going to be torn down and I thought, you know what, it is a landmark, we have got to preserve it,” said Jerry. In 1959 the Roosevelt

School closed because of school district consolidations. The building’s second life began as a place for 4-H, senior citizens, homemakers and town board meetings. “Eventually the senior citizens stopped meeting there and the town board and elections were held at the newly remodeled Timberland Church,” said Jerry. Then the deteriorating old school building sat empty for many years and became a costly eyesore for the town. “It was kind of an albatross, I suppose, for the township and they were talking about what they might do with it,” said Romsos. The town decided they either had to tear it down or find a buyer for it and it was put up for sale with the hope that the building had more life left in it. Mitch and Kelsey Coyour, owners of Coyland Creek, a game farm and event center in rural Frederic, saw that life in a location for an event center. The Coyours opened the building this spring as Roosevelt Hills Event Center and it has been busy with events like weddings all summer. “They have done a marvelous job of renovating it … put it back to as close to original as possible,” said Romsos. The renovations also included outdoor landscaping, the construction of an open-air pavilion and an open-air amphitheater. It

Former Roosevelt School students and Timberland locals gathered at the building during an open house event to showcase the completion of the building’s remodel. Former classmate and town historian Sandra Jerry is pictured at center. — Photos by Danielle Danford is a fitting new chapter for a building that began as a place to inspire young minds. Coyland Creek can be contacted at 715653-4273 or by email at hunting@coyland.

Party in Pink™ Zumbathon to benefit breast cancer research SHELL LAKE — October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. With this in mind, you’re invited to a Party in Pink™ Zumbathon. Party in Pinkoffers the opportunity for licensed Zumba instructors to raise funds and awareness to help end breast cancer by hosting a Zumbathon. Shell Lake Zumba instructor Rachael Schmidt will hold a Party in Pink™ Zumbathon on Tuesday, Oct. 27, 6-7:30 p.m., in the Shell Lake High School gymnasium. There will be a raffle, giveaways, treats, and a 55-minute Zumba class. No prior Zumba experience necessary and all are welcome. Don’t forget to wear pink. The proceeds from the event are going to the Zumba® Global Research Grant for breast cancer prevention in partnership with Susan G. Komen. For more information call 715-5058511 or email Rachael.schmidt@hotmail.com. — with submitted information

Built in the 20th century, the former Roosevelt School building is now an event center, which opened this spring.

Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners Oct. 13 - $35 Dottie Bye, Hudson Oct. 14 - $35 Mark/Janis Burkhart, Roscoe, Ill. Oct. 15 - $35 Delyte Andreas, St. Joseph, Minn. Oct. 16 - $35 Jerry Thompson, Spooner

Silver Shears Salon Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio

Temps Temperatures recorded at Spooner Ag Research Station 2014 Oct. 12 Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 18

High Low 55 24 60 39 56 48 62 32 64 32 66 33 52 40

2015 Oct. 12 Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 18

High Low 80 54 57 41 58 32 66 35 58 33 44 27 50 24

The Register is a cooperativeowned newspaper.


.18” rain


.15” rain

Lake level: Monday, Oct. 20, 2014: 1,218.50’ MSL Monday, Oct. 19, 2015: 1,218.31’ MSL

Rachael Schmidt will be instructing the Party in Pink Zumbathon on Tuesday, Oct. 27, in Shell Lake. — Photo submitted

Register Memories 1955 – 60 Years Ago • Harry T. Braun, who had been a clerk at the Shell Lake Post Office for several years, took over the position of rural carrier made vacant by the resignation of Jerry Phaneuf. Eugene Banek accepted the clerk’s job, replacing Braun. • Newly elected officers of the Shell Lake PTA were Ray Bennett, president; C.H. Lewis, vice president; George Larson, secretary; and Mrs. John Bakker, treasurer. • Destroyer Division 192 returned to Long Beach, Calif. Lt. j.g. Miles Miller, son of Mrs. E.R. Miller, Shell Lake, was attached to the U.S. Owen, one of the destroyers of that division. • The birth of James William to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bennewitz, Shell Lake, was announced.

1965 – 50 Years Ago

• The Oct. 7 birth of Cheryl Lynn, to Mr. and Mrs. John Kubista, Sarona, was announced. • Mrs. Glen Nordin was the proud winner of a transistor radio at the IDL Evans Drug fall sale. The radio was complete with leather case and earphones. • Donn Dinnies, Shell Lake, was appointed District No. 12 director for the Independent Insurance Agents of Wisconsin. • Mr. and Mrs. Don Furchtenicht and girls attended the wedding of her brother, Loren Elliott, Springbrook, to Naomi Lee Hemmingsen, at the Sundown Lutheran Church in Springfield, Minn.

1975 – 40 Years Ago

• The Shell Lake FFA soil judging team

com. Coyland Creek is online at coyland. com.

Compiled by Suzanne Johnson

took first place at Siren. Members of the team were Jeff Lindeman, Tim Ullom, Jim Tomasiak and Bill Johnson. Phil Lindeman was the adviser. • Richard and Allan Lawrence, Shell Lake, bagged 21 raccoons while hunting southeast of Shell Lake. • 1st Lt. Wendy Swan arrived home after spending five weeks at the Academy of Health Services, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. She left for Fort Meade, Md., a few days later where she was stationed with the Army Nurse Corps. • Gene Quam celebrated his 12th birthday with a supper at the Warren Quams with Grandpa and Grandma Meister and Pauline and Richard Lawrence and daughters Paula, Pamela and Penny.

1985 – 30 Years Ago

• Delbert Solhot, Shell Lake, first vice chairman of the Washburn County Board, was seeking the job of county highway commissioner. • An 11-1/2-pound walleye was taken out of Shell Lake by John C. Stock. • Chad Greene, second-grade student of Kay Rand, and Jessica Erwin, fifthgrade student of Jim Loomis, were selected as citizens of the week at Shell Lake Elementary School. • Specials at Shell Lake’s Food-N-Fuel were an 11-oz. bag of Doritos, $1.69; 2-liter RC, 99¢; 12-pack Pepsi, $2.99; and Totinos pizza, $1.39.

1995 – 20 Years Ago

• Winners from Shell Lake in the county environmental awareness speaking contest were Jill Pederson, Jackson Smith, Lisa Baldocchi, Nicole Zeug, Kristen Fisk, Ben Kidder, Stephanie Williams and Barb

Featherly. • Members of the Shell Lake High School cross-county team earning AllLakeland Conference honors were Kaley Walker, Kerry Dunbar, Meghan Pesko, Peter Minot, Scott Witte and Steve Richter. • The Indianhead Medical Center held its annual health fair. • The Shell Lake School Board was approached about adding golf as an extracurricular sport. The board agonized over the request before voting not to add the sport.

2005 – 10 Years Ago

• The Shell Lake volleyball team captured the Central Lakeland crown. They achieved an undefeated season and the conference title before heading into regional competition. • Dr. Gurpreet “Simi” Singh joined the medical staff at the Shell Lake Clinic. Other staff included Dr. Allan Haesemeyer, Dr. Jeffrey Dunham, Dr. Margaret Redfall, physician assistant Fred Kosmach and family nurse practitioner Eydie Farrow. • Laker football fans noticed a flag flying high in the bleachers whenever the team scored. The hand attached to the flag belonged to Jackie Smith, who was dedicated to the tradition of waving the flag for about eight years. • During the monthly meeting, the Shell Lake City Council held a moment of silence for public works employee Marlo Swan who had recently passed away from a heart attack.


New attractions available at haunted schoolhouse

SHELL LAKE — The Shell Lake Arts Center, in partnership with the Shell Lake Educational Foundation and the Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce, invite you to the 2015 haunted schoolhouse on Friday, Oct. 23, and Saturday, Oct. 24. The event will run from 6-10 p.m. each night, with 6-8 p.m. being less scary for the younger attendees, and 8-10 p.m. terrifying for the braver souls. Those who dare to step inside the schoolhouse will find some new attractions this year, like the Monster Mash Band, in addition to the standard favorites like the haunted school forest, cafeteria and classrooms. Admittance is $5 per visitor, per trip. Come out and have some spooky fun while supporting a great cause. To learn more about this event, or any of the upcoming happenings at the arts center, please contact the Shell Lake Arts Center at 715-468-2414, emailinfo@shelllakeartscenter.org, or visit their website at shelllakeartscenter.org.

The Monster Mash Band is prepared to strum up a scare at the haunted schoolhouse this year at the Shell Lake Arts Center. — Photo submitted


Wednesday, Oct. 21 • David Whitehurst, author of “Tree Stand Murders,” will be at Northwind Book & Fiber, 205 Walnut St., Spooner, from 6:30- 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 22 • The Shell Lake American Legion meeting, 6:30 p.m., Shell Lake Veterans Hall, 408 1st St. • Shell Lake VFW meeting, 7 p.m., Shell Lake Veterans Hall, 408 1st St. Friday, Oct. 23 • Ceska Opera Foundation general membership has a potluck supper at 6 p.m. followed by a meeting, held at the Haugen Area Historical Museum, 311 W. Third Street. The board of directors and officers meet prior at 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 23 & Saturday, Oct. 24 • Haunted schoolhouse at the Shell Lake Arts Center, 802 First St., Shell Lake, 6-10 p.m., with 6-8 p.m. less scary and 8-10 p.m. for braver attendees. Any questions may be directed to the Shell Lake Arts Center at 715-468-2414. Saturday, Oct. 24 • Breaking Chains community worship, 6 p.m., Shell Lake beach pavilion or community center, weather dependent. • Fall art fair, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at WITC-Rice Lake Conference Center, 1900 College Drive. Local and regional artists will be selling their work. All proceeds

Monday, Oct. 26 • Celebrate fall at the First Street CLC soup fundraiser, 5-6:30 p.m., at the Shell Lake High School. Proceeds to Washburn County Food Pantry. Wednesday, Oct. 28 • Free community supper, 4-6 p.m., St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, 220 Elm St., Spooner. Saturday, Oct. 31 • Creepy Quam Night, Erika Quam Memorial Theatre, Shell Lake, 6 p.m. concessions; 7 p.m. free Halloween movie; 8:30 p.m. costume contest; 9 p.m. doorprize drawing for ages 10-plus unless accompanied by an adult.


Sunday, Nov. 1 • Fall harvest dinner, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Timberland Free Lutheran Church. Tuesday, Nov. 3 • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m. at the lodge. Thursday, Nov. 5 • Aphasia Group, 10-11:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Call 715-5207999.


• Northwest Wisconsin Parkinson’s Disease Support Group, 1 p.m., lower level at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Shell Lake. • Free community meal, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, 409 Summit, Spooner, 4-6 p.m. All welcome. Donations accepted. Saturday, Nov. 7 • Shell Lake PTA Carnival, 4-7 p.m., 3-12 commons and gym. • Christmas Celebration in Lights setup at the Shell Lake Municipal Campground. For more information, contact Rob at 715468-2007. • Grief and the Holidays presentation by Richard Obershaw, 12:30-2 p.m., Spooner High School choir room. Sponsored by Spooner Health System. Monday, Nov. 9 • Indianhead Community Health Care Inc. fall dinner meeting at Glenview. Social hour begins at 5:30 p.m. with meal at 6 p.m. Call Suzanne at 715-468-2314 to RSVP by Nov. 6. Leave a message if necessary. Tuesday, Nov. 10 • Moms Club meets at Faith Lutheran, Spooner, 10 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 11 • Free community meal, 4-6 p.m., United Methodist Church, 135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake. All welcome. Donations accepted.

• The board of directors for the Railroad Memories Museum meeting, 1 p.m., Spooner City Hall. All volunteers welcome. Thursday, Nov. 12 • The Shell Lake Lions Club meeting, 6:30 p.m., Shell Lake Community Center. Saturday, Nov. 14 • Washburn County Food Distribution in conjunction with Ruby’s Pantry, Spooner Middle School Tech Ed Building on Elm Street. Tickets 9 a.m. Distribution 9:30 a.m. Volunteers needed. Contact 715-635-9309, 715-4684017 or 715-222-4410. Monday, Nov. 16 • Northern Lights Camera Club, 7 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St., Spooner. Tuesday, Nov. 17 • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group, 8-9:30 a.m., Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, 715-635-4669. Meet over breakfast. Children are welcome to attend and play. • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m., at the lodge. Wednesday, Nov. 18 • Shell Lake Public Library Board of Trustees meeting, 4 p.m., at the library. The public is welcome.


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Plans under way for holiday display in municipal park Decorating for the celebration in lights at Shell Lake’s Municipal Park and Campground begins Saturday, Nov. 7, with the lighting date set for Nov. 26. — File photo

SHELL LAKE — The annual lights celebration at the Shell Lake Municipal Park and Campground and is just around the corner. This is a wonderful opportunity for community members to showcase the beautiful city of Shell Lake by decorating the campground area. Local businesses, schools, churches and families are encouraged to participate in this festive activity. A 2016 Lions calendar and $50 cash prize will be awarded for the best display in the park. The Christmas Celebration in Lights is sponsored by the Shell Lake Lions. The coordinator for this year is Rob Anderson who is taking over for Arlys Santiago who

has organized the celebration in lights since it began. Decorating for the celebration in lights can start on Saturday, Nov. 7. The lights will be turned on the night of Thanksgiving, Thursday, Nov. 26. Decorations should be removed on or before Sunday, Jan. 10, 2016. Please include your name or your organization/business name. Signs or silhouettes should be illuminated with a floodlight. If you’re interested in having a display or have any questions, please contact Anderson at 715-468-2007 or robander1952@ gmail.com. — with submitted information

It’s not too late to join Scouting SHELL LAKE — Over 750 families joined Cub Scouting in the month of September throughout the Chippewa Valley Council. For families who may have missed their School Night for Scouting, it’s not too late

to join. Families can join throughout the fall by contacting the Sarah Peterson at 715-416-0006, emailsapeters@bsamail. org or by visiting wearescouts.org and selecting register online now. — from Cub Scouts


Creepy Quam Night offers post-trick-or-treating fun SHELL LAKE — Theatre in the Woods is opening its doors to ghosts and goblins large and small for Creepy Quam Night, 6-9 p.m., on Halloween night, Saturday, Oct. 31. Families and unsupervised children age 10 and up are welcome to attend this free event, no reservations required. Come in costume and enjoy a free showing of “Monster House,” rated PG. Hot food and concessions will be avail-

able starting at 6 p.m. Attendees can also participate in the costume contest and will receive one door prize entry for every donated food pantry item. Theatre in the Woods is a nonprofit community theater organization, now in its 26th season, located at the Erika Quam Memorial Theatre, 605 1st St. in Shell Lake. For more information visit titw.org. — from TitW

Celebrate Halloween week at the Shell Lake Public Library Oct. 26-30 SHELL LAKE — The Shell Lake Public Library will be celebrating Halloween week with craft projects and treats every day. There will be a different craft project featured Monday through Thursday from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Friday will be trickor-treating from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Come to the library any time during

Halloween week and you can enter to win a Tote O’ Terror. There will be four bags raffled, one in each of the following age groups: Under 8, 8-12, 13-18 and over 18. The raffle will take place on Monday, Nov. 2. One entry per person, per day, please. — from SLPL

NW Graziers fall conference set SPOONER — The Northwest Wisconsin Graziers Network, UW-Extension and the Natural Resources Consevation Service invite all to attend this year’s fall conference at the Spooner Ag Research Station, which will interest a diverse audience. The conference will be held on Saturday, Nov. 7, from 9 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Registration will start at 8:30 a.m. The agenda will include: Moving Cattle in for the Winter/Ventilation Issues, Dr. Ryan Leiterman, Crystal Creek Inc., Spooner; The Interaction of Wildlife and Wetlands with Grazing, Caitlin Smith, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, New Richmond; Grass-fed Beef Production, Vic

Price, Out To Pasture Beef, Eau Claire, who worked 30-plus years with NRCS; Grass-fed Hog Production, Matt Cogger, Maple Hill Farm partner, Washburn, also UW-Extension, Ashland and Bayfield counties; and Forage Trees, Tannins and Other Exotic Ideas, Dr. Otto Wiegand, UW-Extension, Spooner. Advance registration is required by Wednesday, Nov. 4. The cost is $20 for the meal. For more information or to register, contact ag agents Otto Wiegand or Kevin Schoessow at Spooner 715-635-3506, or grazing specialists Randy Gilbertson, 715520-2112, or Lynn Johnson, 715-225-9882, for NW Graziers. — from UW-Extension

C O M M U N I T Y   H A P P E N I N G S Monday: First Friends Playgroup open to all children, 10 a.m.-noon. Focus on infants and caregivers with sensory stimulation and movement experiences. Art project materials provided, closes with circle music time and instrument exploration. Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Monday & Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch, program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time. Call 715-416-2942. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, open from noon-3 p.m. Kidstime-Parentime 10 a.m.-noon. Learn, discuss, share ideas and experience to enrich parenting skills. Preselected art or play materials available for children of all ages. Last Wednesday of the month, potluck at 11:15 a.m. First and third Wednesdays: Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group, 6 p.m. - Spooner Health System lower-level conference room. Thursday: Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake. • Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. Stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants.

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Thursday & Monday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, see listing above. Shell Lake Farmers Market, 2-6 p.m., by campground and community center. For more information, call 715-468-7836. Friday & Saturday: Washburn County Research Room at the historical museum, Shell Lake, open by appointment. Call 715-6352319. ••• Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Time-Out provides free, confidential victim support, call 715-635-5245 •••

The Genealogy Society Research Room at 206-1/2 2nd Ave., museum Hewitt Building, Shell Lake, is closed for the winter. Phone 715-635-7937 for information.

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••• Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking. Sunday 10 a.m. AA 6 p.m. NA Open Monday Noon AA Open 7 p.m. Al-Anon Closed Tuesday Noon AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Closed Wednesday 1 p.m. AA Open 7 p.m. NA Open Thursday 1 p.m. AA Closed Friday 2 p.m. AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Open Saturday Noon AA Closed Fourth Saturday of every month, Pin Night with 5:30 p.m. potluck and 7 p.m. meeting. Closed meetings are for only that group. AA - Alcoholics Anonymous. GA - Gamblers Anonymous. NA - Narcotics Anonymous. Al-Anon - is for relatives and friends of alcoholics.

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“The Intern”


t was a Monday evening as I was talking to my son, Matthew, on the phone. He was telling me how he and his wife, Arie, had gone to see a movie, “The Intern.” Knowing my taste in movies, he suggested that I see the movie as well. I commented that when a movie I think I would like to see is in the area, I seem to be doing something else on the weekend. Thinking about my comment, I pondered, why did I think I could only go to the movie on the weekend? The next day I checked out the 5 p.m. movie schedule. Yes, “The Intern” was playing in Siren. I figured if I rushed home from work I could still view the movie that evening. I didn’t want to go to the later showing, as I would probably fall asleep. I tried calling Milt so I could set up a date night, but wasn’t able to get ahold of him. When I arrived home, I checked the voicemail and there was a message from the activity director at the Grantsburg nursing home saying Milt was there helping to install sound equipment. I made a quick call to Milt telling him I was planning to go to the movie. As I was standing in the kitchen,

talking on the phone, I noticed my car keys lying on the counter. I told myself, “Don’t forget to pick up your keys.” As I closed the door with my right hand to run out to the car, I looked down in my left hand and it wasn’t my car keys I was holding but rather the checkbook. Rats, I had just locked myself out of the house. Well, I knew I wasn’t going to make it to the movie that night. Rather, I pulled a lawn chair out into the sunny spot in the backyard, got my library book out of the car and sat and read until Milt returned from Grantsburg. Two thoughts went through my head as I sat there. Since he knew I was going to be gone for a couple of hours, would Milt decide to go visit someone or spend more time at the nursing home instead of coming straight home? There was also the possibility that he would try to make it to the movie on time, sit down in the theater and perhaps wonder where I was. As I sat in the backyard, my mind wandered to the thought of if it got dark would I be able to find a ladder, perhaps get the bedroom window open, and climb in the house through it. I wanted to wait until dark so that I didn’t get the neighbors wondering what I was up to. Fortunately, I only had

to wait about 1-1/2 hours for Milt to return. He had stopped at the theater and when he didn’t see my car, he decided to come home. We then made a plan for me to drive straight from Shell Lake to Siren the next night and see the movie together. In the comedy “The Intern,” I can relate a bit to Robert De Niro’s character. Well, let me explain. No, I’m not a retired widower in my 70s who becomes a senior intern at an e-commerce business. Rather, I can relate to using an attaché case (well, I actually carry a handbag), calculator, pencil, etc., rather than using a Smartphone. The scene where the character of Ben sets up a Facebook account and needs to get Facebook friends reminded me of when my uncle joined Facebook. I received a message that said, “Lowell Carlson doesn’t have any friends, would you like to be his friend?” Ah, I felt bad for Lowell and became his friend. I think he now has more friends on Facebook than I do. I don’t want to go into too much detail on the movie because I don’t want to spoil it for anyone that is considering viewing it. I liked the style of Ben Whittaker. He was able to provide guidance, be a trusted friend, and have a positive influence on the younger generation of employees in his role as a senior intern.

Beyond the office door • Suzanne Johnson

Does the flavor last?


teacher said, “Get rid of that gum.” The culprit walked to the wastebasket and tossed the offensive gum into it. She had saved the wrapper, and hoped to keep it safe in it, and preserve it for after school, but she had to toss it away. Chewing gum leaves a bad taste in the mouths of many people. Did you ever wonder how such a thing got started? It began with a general. We may not remember the Alamo. It happened in 1836. The Texicans lost that battle. They were terribly outnumbered. The brave defenders died, along with their leader, William Travis, and Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie. Shortly after, the following battle of San Jacinto was won by Sam Houston, and that ended the war. This established Texas as a nation, later to become a state. The Mexican General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna surrendered. Instead of having him executed, they let him go free. Houston thought it was best to let him go free in order to promote peace with our Mexican neighbors. So the war was over, and Santa Anna was wondering what those Americans were like, so he went to New York. He wanted to trade with these people in this amazing city. There was nothing in Mexico the Americans would want, but he had an idea. He had tossed out of his suitcase his change of underwear, and made room for a large chunk of chicle. This is the dried sap of the sapodilla tree that grows in the jungle. The Aztec Indians chewed it centuries ago. He brought some of it and chewed on it with gusto all the while he talked with the men he met, while trying to do business deals. They say he wanted some inventive New Yorkers to find a way to make the chicle into rubber. His was a lost cause and he went back home. A man named Thomas Adams, of Jersey City, N.J., experimented with it and tried to make it work, but it failed and he was left with the bill for a warehouse full of chicle. Mr. Adams had noticed how the general had chewed the chicle and seemed to enjoy it. Maybe he could interest people in buying chicle to chew like tobacco. Some scoffed at the idea, but he noticed that a druggist in Hoboken was selling little balls of paraffin to children. Mr. Adams and Horatio, the druggist, made up several hundred balls of chicle and boxed it up.

Soon they were in business selling them for a penny apiece. The son of Thomas Adams took some out west and it sold like hotcakes. People liked it and kids begged for it. Not long after, it was condemned by parents and schoolteachers, and tobacco chewers called it only for sissies. In my early years a boy who was like a girl was called a sissy. There were unsubstantiated rumors that this substance would cause all manner of dangerous conditions including death to the chewer if swallowed. Professional people disapproved of it. Of course, kids had to try it to see if they might have their insides glued together and swallowed their gum but were disappointed that it didn’t happen. It was terrible if you got some in your hair. What a mess! Some warned that it was bad, while others approved of it. It was said that the reason Jack Dempsey, the great prizefighter, won the fight against Georges Carpentier in 1921 was because he broke his thumb on Dempsey’s jaw, which was strengthened by Jack’s gum chewing. Inventors tried different flavors and one called Black Jack is still available. A druggist named Edward Beeman made up some in a packet with a picture of a pig on it and it sold well in spite of the pig. The idea was people could chew gum rather than eat too much, like a pig. Along came George Worthington, from Cleveland, who went in with Beeman and replaced the pig with Beeman’s picture, sporting a handsome beard. The gum sold better than ever. Beeman became a celebrity and Worthington became a millionaire. The next on the scene was William J. White. He was a popcorn salesman. A grocer in his neighborhood got a barrel of chicle by mistake. They were shipping it in from Yucatan where it “grew on trees.” He played around with it and found that he could add corn syrup to the chicle and other flavors to make it more palatable. It was White who got elected to Congress, and it was he who sailed to Europe. When he met royalty he presented a package of his gum to Edward VII with his best sales pitch. His majesty was taken aback by this uncouth American, and said he would try it later, privately. White advertised that the royals liked

his gum. The upper crust liked chewing gum! Gum was scarce during World War II because of the lack of supplies shipped. Most of the gum went to the armed forces. It could relieve nervousness and dry throats and many other uses were found like patching up life rafts, jeep tires and parts of planes. During those years the gum makers came up with a synthetic substitute and since then most of our gum is synthetic. There were side effects to the thriving gum business. Theaters spent untold amounts of money and lots of hard work removing gum from under the seats in the theaters deposited by patrons who wanted to get rid of it and chew popcorn and candy. Someone once told me the underneath parts of the seats were covered with wads of gum. I ran my hand under there and found it to be true and also very disgusting. In Seattle, Wash., there is a wall where many people have deposited their wad of chewing gum, and the contributions number thousands. It, too, is disgusting. I did not see this strange work of art and I don’t really want to, but it looked very colorful on television, and people were going up to it and adding their own wad of gum in a spot not yet occupied by someone else’s gum. In 1924, there was a song written by Lonnie Donagan, “Does the Spearmint Lose Its Flavour on the Bedpost Overnight.” It went, “Hallelujah, the question is peculiar ... “In England they had to sing it by substituting “Chewing gum” for Spearmint because of the trade name. Then in 1959, another version was released by Billy Rose, Ernest Brewer and Marty Bloom. It was recorded by The Happiness Boys, Ernie Hare and Billy James. It made No. 5 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1961. Not everyone likes chewing gum, but enough of them liked the song about gum to make it a hit. It was recorded early by Lula Belle and Scotty, the old-time popular singers on the radio. Stringbean sang it, and it was recorded by The Irish Rovers and Homer and Jethro. Many of us frown on young people with their jaws working and their mouths going, and especially when they are playing with bubble gum. Pop! There goes that gum again! One of the drawbacks of growing old is that it’s hard to chew gum when you’ve lost your teeth.

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Darkness to Light training at LFRC SPOONER — What is Darkness to Light to end child sexual abuse? It is a training to introduce adults to Darkness to Light’s five-step program concentrating on preventing, recognizing and reacting responsibly to child sexual abuse. This

training brings awareness about child sexual abuse into the community and empowers adults to take action against this very serious issue. A Darkness to Light training session is set for Thursday, Nov. 12, 6-8:30 p.m.,

at Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Registration is required by Friday, Nov. 6. Please call 715-635-4669 to reserve a spot. This is a free class and includes training books. Free child care is provided with preregistration. This event

is sponsored by Head Start. For more information, please contact Lakeland Family Resource Center at 715635-4669 or email lakelandfamrc@gmail. com. — from LFRC

Defibril Heartsaver class to be held SHELL LAKE — The WITC Defibril Heartsaver AED-AHA class is set for Thursday, Oct. 29, 5-9 p.m., at the Shell Lake High School. Class instructor is Danette Hopke, registered nurse. The cost

is $17.34 or $4.50 for senior citizens. The Heartsaver AED course teaches the basic techniques of adult CPR and the use of the automated external defibrillator. You will learn about using barrier devices

in CPR and giving first aid for choking. This course follows American Heart Association guidelines for performing CPR and using the AED. Preregistration is required. For more in-

formation or to register for the course, go to witc.edu/search or call 800-243-9482, ext. 5045. Class No. 66812. — from SLCE

Area news at a glance MERRILL — While the term “share economy” may be fairly new, the notion of experiencing a destination like a local could be fairly traced back many years to B&Bs. The Wisconsin Bed & Breakfast Association has become a national voice in promoting inspected, insured and licensed inns as the best way for travelers to have an authentic, worry-free experience that allows them to make an honest connection with the local culture. To further the message, WBBA invested in a feature segment on the nation’s longest running tourism TV program, “Discover Wisconsin,” boasting a broadcast network of 500,000 viewers across the Upper Midwest. The Wisconsin B&B Association episode had its first airing last weekend, Oct. 17-18, and can also be accessed at DiscoverWisconsin.com. The hosts of the program visited a variety of B&Bs around Wisconsin, ranging from classic Victorian to modern villa, even a

farmstead inn, highlighting unique amenities and services typical of WBBA member inns. Kerri Thiel, executive director of WBBA, made the point that not only is the B&B industry a leader in the share economy, but also in eco-travel practices like organic gardening, sourcing locally, and saving historic properties from the wrecking ball and the landfill. “Getting to know a community through the eyes of the innkeeper and treading lightly on the earth while doing it are hallmarks of B&B travel dating back decades and generations,” said Thiel. “The ‘Discover Wisconsin’ program is one more way for us to enthusiastically spread that word while extending the invitation that is our association’s theme line, and that is ‘Seek the Unique.’” The Wisconsin Bed & Breakfast Association was established in 1987 and is one of the largest B&B associations of its kind in the United States, with 125 member properties. Every member inn is

licensed, inspected and insured. In Turtle Lake, Canyon Road Inn has been in business since 1999 and is owned by Turner and Patti Reaney. This one-of-a-kind inn is known for its large, comfortable suites, secluded location, attention to detail, special amenities, gourmet breakfast and eco-friendly features. For details, visit their website at canyonroadinn.com. Full descriptions of all member inns of WBBA may be found at WisconsinBandB.com. — from WBBA ••• MILWAUKEE — Applications for the 2016 Herb Kohl Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship can now be obtained in the principal’s office at Wisconsin public, religious and independent high schools, from the Wisconsin Parents Association and at kohleducation.org. A total of 100 students will be chosen to receive $3,000 scholarships from among all applicants throughout the state. Appli-

cants must be residents of Wisconsin who will graduate from high school in 2016, and plan to continue their education at a college, university or vocational/technical school. Students will be evaluated on academic achievement, leadership, citizenship, and school and community activities. Completed applications are due on Friday, Nov. 6, for public high school students, and Sunday, Nov. 15, for religious, independent and home-schooled high school students. Students should contact their school principal or counselor, or go to kohleducation.org/students/ for a copy of the application form and detailed information on the eligibility criteria. The number of applications each high school may submit is based on enrollment. Home-schooled students can also obtain an application at homeschooling-wpa.org. — from Herb Kohl Educational Foundation Excellence Scholarship program •••

Spooner FFA attends state FFA FIRE Conference RIVER FALLS — Sydni Christman, Brynn Nowaczyk and Jackie Rosenbush of the Spooner FFA Chapter attended the Wisconsin Association of FFA FIRE Conference, Saturday, Oct. 17, at the University of Wisconsin - River Falls campus. FIRE stands for Foundations in Reaching Excellence. The conference helps young FFA members discover opportunities in the FFA organization and gain valuable leadership skills. This is one of three conferences held around the state of Wisconsin for seventh-, eighth- and ninth-grade FFA members. Over 600 members will attend these three conferences. The state FFA FIRE Conference is designed to inform beginning FFA members about FFA and motivate them to participate in its many activities. Students learned about communication skills, social skills, goal setting, FFA awards and programs, and opportunities in agriculture along with developing leadership skills to help them be effective members in their local chapters. The conference is conducted by the 2015-2016 State FFA Officer Team along

Shown (L to R): State FFA secretary from Section 1 Maddi Colbeth, Sydni Christman, Jackie Rosenbush, Brynn Nowaczyk and national FFA officer candidate Ethan Dado at the conclusion of the FIRE Conference. — Photo submitted with assistance from the UW-River Falls Ag Education Society. The conference was centered around the theme Camping to Be S’More. All of the state officers en-

couraged students who attended the FIRE Conference to set goals for their FFA involvement and meet people from around the state who can help them reach those

goals. Not only does this conference help students understand the FFA organization and all its opportunities, but helps them develop skills in meeting people, working with others and setting goals with a plan of action. “In the FFA, we assist members starting in seventh grade to develop skills they will need for future careers and opportunities,” said Cheryl Zimmerman, state FFA executive director. “FFA develops the whole person and these young members are taking a step in the right direction.” The Wisconsin FFA Association is comprised of 250 local chapters with more than 19,000 members gaining leadership for the future of agriculture. FFA activities and award programs complement instruction in agriculture education by giving students practical experience in the application of agricultural skills and knowledge gained in classes. FFA’s mission is to develop members’ potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. — from Spooner FFA

SHS implements hospitalist program SPOONER — Spooner Health System is implementing an advance practice nurse practitioner hospitalist program to further enhance the care it provides its patients. A hospitalist is a provider who specializes in the complete coordination of care for hospital patients. The APNP hospitalist will assume care of patients upon hospital admission and continue care through the discharge process, updating and involving the patient’s physician as needed. When patients are discharged from the hospital, they return to their primary care physician for follow-up and ongoing care including any necessary specialty services. An APNP is available 24/7 and will be able to spend more time at the bedside and work directly with hospital staff to care for patients. Hospitalists exclusively care for hospital patients; their sole focus is to care for patients while they are in the hospital and be involved in planning for their discharge. This will provide the highest continuity of care, as the hospitalist will know a patient’s health status on a day-to-day basis, and therefore, be able to effectively manage the treatment plan. Theresa Hutzler, MSN, AGACNP-BC, will serve as the director of the SHS APNP hospitalist program. She has a Master

Theresa Hutzler, with a Master of Science in nursing, has joined the staff as the director of the advance practice nurse practitioner hospitalist program at Spooner Health Systems. — Photo submitted of Science in nursing, specifically as an adult-gerontology acute care nurse practitioner from St. Louis University. Hutzler has experience in intensive care, medical/ surgical and critical care units at regional health-care facilities. She also has experience as a nurse practitioner hospitalist in a rural critical access hospital and as a specialty hospitalist in a trauma/acute care

surgery department at Essentia-Duluth. Hutzler will play an important role in the full development of the SHS hospitalist program, including the recruitment of two additional nurse practitioner hospitalists. Each hospitalist will work with a collaborating physician. “I am excited about being part of the development and implementation of the new hospitalist program at Spooner Health System,” says Hutzler. “During the patients stay,” Hutzler adds, “I look forward to doing what I have been trained to do — assessment and treatment of medical illnesses, coordination of care, communicating between physicians, specialists, nursing and other members of the interdisciplinary health-care team.” “We are excited to have Theresa join our team and be the leader of the hospitalist program,” says Clint Miller, SHS director of patient care services. “Her knowledge and experience will prove very valuable for our patients and a great support for our staff.” The model of health care is changing. A hospitalist model has been standard in large facilities for many years. In more recent years, an advance practice nurse practitioner model has become common in rural communities. The APNP partners

with a physician to manage the patients care while in the hospital. “Moving to this model of care,” says Mike Schafer, SHS CEO, “will allow the clinic providers to have more time in the clinic to meet patient needs and manage chronic diseases. It will also open up clinic access which will be of great benefit to our community.” “This is a positive change for our community,” says Dr. Laura Boehlke, physician of Essentia-Spooner Clinic, “and I fully support moving to a hospitalist program. Due to the complexity of outpatient and inpatient care, fewer physicians are seeking practices requiring both. The hospitalist program will allow us to successfully recruit and retain physicians.” Boehlke adds, “I look forward to collaborating with Theresa to make certain excellent care is being provided to our patients in the hospital.” “I am committed to doing the very best for my patients in order to ensure a consistent high level of health care delivered locally,” says Hutzler. “I chose to practice at Spooner Health System because of the great teamwork and providers established in this area.” — from SHS


Shell Lake City Council approves resolution to repeal Act 55

Danielle Danford | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — “It is overturning years and years of Wisconsin history, and we just think it should be repealed,” said Mike Ring, chair of the Shell Lake Inland Lake Protection Advisory Committee. Ring and representatives of the Washburn County Lakes and Rivers Association were in attendance at the regular monthly meeting of the Shell Lake City Council regarding a recommendation on a resolution to urge the repeal of Act 55. Tucker McCumber was the only council member absent for the Monday, Oct. 12, meeting. Act 55 was approved as a budget provision in the Wisconsin 2015-17 biennial

budget that significantly alters existing state shoreland zoning standards. The WCLRA believes that those changes will have a huge negative impact on water quality in Wisconsin. The largest issue WCLRA has with Act 55 centers around the loss of local control of counties. Under Act 55 counties cannot enact or enforce stronger standards than the statewide minimum standards. The council approved the resolution on a unanimous roll call vote. The only agenda item that involved a fiscal impact was a recommendation to use contingency funds to repair the city campground bathrooms. “Basically there is no ventilation, it just

jets up into the attic which has created a moisture/mold problem that is long overdue to be fixed,” said Dan Harrington, Ward 2 alderperson and chair of the parks and recreation committee. The need to do the project in 2015 was raised by Mike Andrews, Ward 1 alderperson, but it was explained by Ken Schultz, Ward 2 alderperson, that funding is available this year, and that it is beneficial for the city to take advantage of those funds now. The project is estimated to cost $3,226. The council approved the recommendation on a unanimous voice vote. The council also approved the city of Shell Lake City code of ordinances in the course of the meeting. The city code of

The county’s health and human services department provides those other services, which include mental health, alcohol and other drug abuse treatment, economic support, child support and social services to county residents. The staff in health and human services are also monitoring an increase in numbers. “Right now we are projecting we will be $300,000 over budget in home care costs,” said Jim LeDuc, Washburn County Health and Human Services director. Outof-home care is care provided to youth in need of a placement situation, but are not suited to a foster home situation. Oftentimes this care is given to children that are taken out of a home because their adult caregivers are not caring for them, or the adults have not followed court-ordered treatment. Out-of-home care includes 24/7 supervision, medical treatment, mental health treatment and education. “Back in 2012 the budget was $378,000. Compared to this year in our first six months we are at 400,000,” said Jane

Fischer, Washburn County family services supervisor. Fischer told the Washburn County Health and Human Services Board on Monday, Oct. 12, that to date this year 25 percent of placements were methrelated. That 25 percent breaks down to 22 young people in meth-related placements. The remaining 75 percent of placements were accounted to 15 youths. For comparison, in 2012, 14 percent were meth-related placements that affected three youths. While the number of meth-related child placements has increased Fischer noted that those cases are not the worst of them. “Even though there are more children (in meth-related placements) we are able to keep them at lower levels of care,” said Fischer. The non-meth-related outof-home care given to children remains in the higher levels of care, which comes at an increased cost. Fischer reported that the youths in out-of-home care right now are all high school age with the exception of a 7-year-old in 30-day residential care. Placement of a child can occur when a referral comes in after a parent was arrested or an incident triggers an investigation. “We’ll get a referral, a parent under the influence or perhaps they were arrested in a domestic the night before and children were present and the adult caregivers were high, they were out of it, they were incoherent, they were rambling not making any sense, and then we get involved,” said Fischer. Not all cases start out like that though, some begin as a child protection, an abuse case or a domestic violence case and after more investigation they find out there’s methamphetamine involved. “The problem with methamphetamine is it is such a long high, like days … and when the primary or both the primary caregivers are on a high for that long you know the kids’ needs aren’t being met,” said LeDuc. The health and human services department is also dealing with parents that are leaving their kids in care without receiving any treatment for themselves. This isn’t the first time methamphetamine has reared its head in Washburn County. 2004 was when Washburn County had its first wave of meth use and with that came an increase in placements according to Fischer. “Back at that time, if you recall, they started restricting the suphedrine cold tablets and you see communities do presentations, they’ll start attacking ... then the meth labs seem to go underground and it just seems it is cyclical,” said Fischer. Simultaneous to the response to the existence of the drug in the community Fischer

ordinances has been in codification for the past nine years by Allen Harvey of Community Code Services. The codification process has brought all the city’s ordinances up to date. All new ordinances are published in the city’s official paper, the Washburn County Register, so people potentially impacted by them are aware of changes. In order to avoid the need to have the city code of ordinances go through another codification, Andy Eiche, city administrator, said that any amendments to existing ordinances approved by the city council would be put into the existing city code of ordinances by Community Code Services on an annual basis.

Meth/from page 1 there are people using meth all over the county and I think people are getting addicted to it and losing their sense of responsibility for their children, for holding jobs and for following the law. It just becomes an addiction that drives almost everything in their lives,” said Frost. Frost explained that the increase is based on the number of direct meth charges filed in Washburn County. These include possession of meth or drug paraphernalia that contains traces of meth when a person is arrested. “Other times we have cases where it is people who are known to be meth users who are charged with some other crimes and we suspect that the use of meth is behind their committing crime,” said Frost. These crimes include burglary, theft and fraud where they are trying to find resources to pay for their meth use. “Sometimes the criminal justice system is the trigger point to get all these other services going in the first place,” said Dave Wilson, city of Shell Lake chief of police.

said the number of placements eventually started to level off in 2011 with about eight children in placements, a very a low number. Then starting in 2012 the placement numbers started to climb up again to what they are seeing now. “I pulled some data from Kim Schaffer, justice programs coordinator, on meth arrests. Right now we are equal with all of 2014 case filings and we have another quarter yet to go,” said Wilson. Data from four years of possession of methamphetamine charges in the county show an increasing trend in the number of cases filed. In 2012 eight cases were filed and 14 cases were filed in 2013. Then in 2014 the number jumped to 37. As of the end of August this year Washburn County has had 34 possession of methamphetamine cases filed, nearly the same for all of last year and this data is two months behind. Looking at those 34 cases for possession of meth charges and breaking them down by the municipality where they were made shows that 62 percent of the 34 possession charges filed this year have been made in the city of Spooner. The city of Shell Lake had 12 percent of those cases and the Town of Beaver Brook follows with 11 percent. The Town of Spooner had 9 percent of those cases with the village of Birchwood and the Town of Birchwood sharing the remaining 6 percent. The costs of a methamphetamine problem are far-reaching and complex, more than a single news article could account for, but it is important to remember there are options. “I think that everyone needs to be on the alert for people around them, family members, friends, associates, business associates, neighbors, who might be using meth,” said Frost. Addiction comes with negative behavior changes like losing the ability and desire to hold a job, be a parent or do things productive to a community. “If people are addicted … they’re going to need some help from other people and friends and associates that care about them. People need to get them in some kind of treatment as soon as they make these kinds of observations,” said Frost. Just because a person is using meth doesn’t mean their only option is incarceration. The best-case scenario is to get help through treatment before altercations with the law happen. “Eventually the law is going to catch up with them and eventually is going to force them to treatment and if they resist at that point they are facing incarceration,” said Frost.

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Pumpkin party and potluck part of Kidstime-Parentime SPOONER — The fun begins at 10 a.m. with pumpkin activities at the pumpkin party on Wednesday, Oct. 28. The pumpkin party is part of Kidstime-Parentime at Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner.

Sharing Time is 11 a.m. Potluck lunch begins serving at 11:15 a.m. Friendly costumes are welcome for everyone. For more information call LFRC at 715635-4669. — from LFRC


Oktoberfest celebrated in Shell Lake

Some Oktoberfest attendees busted a move during the fourthannual festival organized by the Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce and the Shell Lake Arts Center. An impromptu Zumba dance class offered by Vitality Village took place where people could try out the fun exercise movements for themselves.

Photos by Danielle Danford unless otherwise noted

RIGHT: Sharon Nielsen of Sarona took her time deciding which of the raffle items she would place her tickets on for a chance to win.

OCTOBER IS CO-OP MONTH Nick Anderson and Jenny You got into the Oktoberfest spirit with costumes. The couple was staying at a cabin in Sarona for the weekend.


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Al and Judi Kempin, Shell Lake, enjoyed Shell Lake’s Oktoberfest on Saturday, Oct. 17. The couple dressed the part for this fourth-annual fall celebration held at the Shell Lake Arts Center. – Photo by Rudy Kessler

Livestock and genetics cooperatives have attracted a large international market to Wisconsin. Two of the nation’s top five cattle breeding cooperatives are headquartered in the state. Mutual insurance companies have provided low-cost services and kept premium dollars in the local economy for over 140 years. Today, they provide property insurance to approximately 100,000 residents. Grain, farm supply, and fuel co-ops pool purchasing power to drive down costs and create better market opportunities. Cooperatives have proactively invested in infrastructure and new technology to improve access. Housing cooperatives offer affordable options in high-cost areas. There are more than 50 registered housing cooperatives in Wisconsin. Health care cooperatives provide a mix of local clinics, services, and insurance. Wisconsin’s top-rated health care plan is Group Health Cooperative of South Central Wisconsin. Processing and marketing co-ops focus on maximizing profit for their farmer-members. Wisconsin is home to CROPP Cooperative, the largest organic farming cooperative in the nation, better known as Organic Valley. Telephone co-ops were established to provide quality, affordable telecommunications service in mostly rural areas. They have been pioneers in bringing broadband to underserved communities in Wisconsin. 0

Everyone enjoyed food, drinks, prizes and the dance-inducing music of the Porch Dogs on Saturday, Oct. 17. Don and Sharon Tobias were just one couple that was out on the dance floor that evening.



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Shell Lake celebrates The Shell Lake marching band kicked off the homecoming parade on Friday, Oct. 16.

Photos by Danielle Danford

LEFT: Shell Lake’s 2015 homecoming King Drew Johnson and Queen Sheri Clark roast some Bears with fellow homecoming court members. The Lakers varsity football team took on the Clayton Bears for the homecoming game on Friday, Oct. 16.

Homecoming Queen Sheri Clark feeds Drew Johnson, the homecoming king, healthy spoonfuls of pudding in an effort to beat the other class teams. (L to R): Ali DeLadi, Grace Anderson and Sean Heckel were ready for the homecoming game on Friday, Oct. 16.


homecoming 2015 Members of the Shell Lake Student Council take a break from making sure the homecoming pep rally goes off without a hitch. Shown (L to R): Taylor Eiche, Ali DeLadi, Katie Cox, Molly Slater, Madeline Hopke and Brenna Green.

Photos by Danielle Danford

Isaac Haines gets some help eating a pudding cup from fellow junior classmate Savannah Soltis. Each class was represented by a team for every game and points were meted out to determine a winner.

Emma Schaffer attempts to be the quickest student to gobble down a container of baby food during a game held at the pep rally at the Shell Lake 3-12 school.

The windows of Jean’s Antiques displayed Shell Lake school memorabilia.

Fallen Leaves Consignment and Thrift Shop had their school spirit displayed on their windows.

Photos by Danielle Danford




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End of season for Laker football team touchdown. Late in the fourth quarter, James Crawford ran 53 yards for the second Laker touchdown. Clayton racked 510 yards total offense, 368 on the ground and 242 in the air. Clayton averaged 13.1 yards rushing per carry. No Shell Lake stats were available at press time.

Larry Samson | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — With a 62-14 loss to Clayton on Friday, Oct. 16, the Shell Lake football season comes to an end. The Lakers finished up the 2015 season 1-8 overall, 0-7 in the Lakeland Conference South. This is an improvement from the winless 2014 season when the Lakers finished 0-9. The Shell Lake football program seems to have hit rock bottom winning only nine games and losing 35 in the last five seasons. The four graduating seniors have won only three games in their high school careers. In a one-on-one comparison with the successful Clayton program, the future for the Laker program does not look promising. Clayton has a total school enrollment of 126 students and they have 29 players out for football. Shell Lake has a total enrollment of 175 and they have 20 players out. With the small numbers, Shell Lake cannot field a JV team so they cannot develop young players and encourage freshman players to come out, practice and play against players their age and size. In the homecoming game for Shell Lake, Clayton made it on the scoreboard first when Cameron Bodsberg scored from the 1-yard line 2-1/2 minutes into the game. By the end of the first quarter, Clayton added three more and the score was 27-0. In the second quarter, Tyler Rognholt took a 17-yard pass into the end zone for his first varsity

Under the watchful eye of the line judge, Tyler Rognholt catches the pass and runs into the end zone for his first varsity touchdown,

Shell Lake defender Christian Monson goes low and Sean Heckel goes high as they bring down Clayton quarterback Kobe Berghammer.

Photos by Larry Samson

James Crawford crosses the goal line late in the fourth quarter on a 53-yard run. Shell Lake lost to the 6-1 Clayton Bears on Friday, Oct. 16, spoiling the Lakers homecoming. Running back Sean Heckel breaks into the open on this run with blocking from Jack Skluzacek and Isaac Haines.

Lakeland Conference cross-country championship held at Bruce BRUCE — “Conference this year was fun,” said Shell Lake cross-country coach Katrina Granzin. “As Lakers we had a great showing with a lot of improvements. All the student ran their best races for the year and I could not be prouder of the work the students did throughout the season.” The conference meet was held Tuesday, Oct. 13, at Bruce. There were 71 high school girls running, 66 high school boys, 99 middle school boys, and 78 middle school girls. Improving their time from last year’s conference meet were Emily Parish, Ashlea Meister, Clare Walker, Julia Pokorny, Daniel Parish, Linden Nelson, Marty Anderson and Nathaniel Swan. All of the athletes who competed in Bruce at the beginning of the season improved their time, running on the same course for conference. Alyssa Hodgett had the biggest improvement with over a seven-minute improvement followed by Katie Cox with a six-minute improvement. For the boys Marty Anderson had close to a four-minute improvement and Nathaniel Swan had a two-minute improvement. For the middle school, Elliot Scott and Ethan Lyga both improved their times this season by three minutes and for the middle school girls

Shell Lake results High school girls

Julia Pokorny 23:47.0 Ali DeLadi 23:43.1 Katie Cox 27:56.4 Ashlea Meister 25:12.9 Clare Walker 28:25.9 Emma Crosby Alyssa Hodgett 31:03.7 Alecia Knoop 35:57.6 Emily Parish 24:35.3 Meredith Kevan 24:34.1 Lindsey Martin 30:11.0

High school boys Daniel Parish Linden Nelson

20:26.6 21:48.7

21st 20th 44th 32nd 49th DNC 3rd, JV 5th, JV 26th 25th 2nd, JV 27th 45th

Alecia Knoop placed fifth for junior varsity.

Luke Savas is shown running the course at the Lakeland Conference crossDaya Lawrence improved country competition on Tuesthis season by over two min- day, Oct. 13, in Bruce. utes. — from Shell Lake Athletic Department

Nathaniel Swan 22:18.4 Marty Anderson 21:54.0 Phabien Sturtze 26:42.3 Luke Savas 25:18.1 Konstantin Medvedev Ulan Kozegenov 24:27.7

Middle school girls

Brittany Clark Frances Kevan Madeline Naglosky 12:03.7 Daya Lawrence 11:37.1 Hadley Tims Mary Clark 12:17.2 Michaela Hayes 15:49.1 Hannah Schultz 15:48.2

50th 48th 65th 63rd DNC 59th DNC DNC 43rd 33rd DNC 48th 76th 75th

Middle school boys

Landon Deneen 10:32.9 Malachi Trudell 12:01.7 Isaac Hopke 11:01.5 Nathan Scott Elliot Scott 12:38.7 Ethan Lyga 12:42.0 Jayden Hodgett 11:39.9 Eli Fritz 15:05.3

Team results Varsity girls Cameron: 39 Grantsburg: 57 St. Croix Falls: 87 Shell Lake: 103 Unity: 111

40th 70th 51st DNC 81st 83rd 66th 93rd

Marty Anderson had a fourminute improvement in conference competition over his time at the Bruce course at the beginning of the season.

Cornell/Lake Holcombe: 132 Webster: 158 Prairie Farm: 216

Varsity boys

Unity: 23 Grantsburg: 58 Webster: 79 Cameron: 107 Cornell/Lake Holcombe: 130 St. Croix Falls: 144 Shell Lake: 188

Middle school girls Flambeau: 38 Grantsburg: 67 Unity: 110 Bruce: 120

Nathaniel Swan, junior, improved his time by two minutes over his earlier time at the same course.

St. Croix Falls: 143 Cornell/Lake Holcombe: 147 Cameron: 152 Webster: 168 Shell Lake: 222

Middle school boys

Grantsburg: 42 Cameron: 44 Unity: 71 St. Croix Falls: 74 Webster: 142 Cornell/Lake Holcombe: 184 Bruce: 199 Shell Lake: 210

Photos by Pamela Savas




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Shell Lake finishes up volleyball season

Senior Amber Anderson goes up for the attack at the tournament hosted by Shell Lake on Saturday, Oct. 17.

Savannah Soltis and Amber Anderson attempt to block the spike from Karen Thomas from Bayfield. With three losses for the tournament, Shell Lake finished in third place behind Hudson and Ladysmith. The Shell Lake Tournament was held Saturday, Oct. 17, and was the last competition of the regular season.

Photos by Larry Samson

Senior Natalie Smith sets the ball for Caitlin Brereton and Anna Mikula.

Anna Mikula spikes the ball hard over the net as her teammates, Amber Anderson and Natalie Smith, watch and anticipate.

Rails golf season comes to a close MADISON — “You have all seen a little history in the making, with back-to-back conference championships and back-to-back state trips,” stated Rails girls golf coach James Anderson. The Rails have concluded a very exciting golf season, which saw the Rails add a second conference championship in as many years to their trophy case and end it with their third trip to state in as many years. The state competition was held in Madison on Monday, Oct. 12, and Tuesday, Oct. 13. As a team, Spooner placed sixth. The Rails were led by junior Dani Dewitt. Dewitt was Conference Player of the Year and won a perfect point total of 98 all-conference points. Her team pushed her to the limits during the season as different players tied

with her at different matches during the season. She took eighth place in state competition. Sydney Busch and Maddie Friedman were named allconference players. Rachel Johnson and Lyndsey Hanson had career rounds at state. “It was an awesome season! I could not be more proud of our team. They conducted themselves well all year, especially at Madison. They did their community, parents and themselves proud,” praised Anderson. — with submitted information

Team First: Prairie School

Day 1 Day 2 345 368

Total 713

Second: Edgewood Third: Fox Valley Lutheran Fourth: Hayward Fifth: Spooner Sixth: Arcadia Spooner scores: Dani Dewitt Rachel Johnson Sydney Busch Lyndsey Hanson Maddie Friedman

361 368 375 381 389

356 355 364 367 365

717 723 739 748 754

87 100 93 104 101

83 89 100 95 103

170, 8th 189, T21 193, 27th 199, 31st 204, 33rd



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2015 homecoming halftime show

Allison Tims waves the flag as the band plays the music they first played at the Northern Lights Marching Classic band competition in Cumberland back in September. CeCe Harrington is hoisted to the top of the pyramid during the Shell Lake homecoming halftime show. The other cheerleaders are KayDee Bontekoe, Allison Tims, Lainy Hutton, Jadee Goetz and Niki Everroad.

Photos by Larry Samson

Drum major Dominic Hopke and band director Ben Kunselman lead the Shell Lake marching band out onto the football field to entertain at halftime on Friday, Oct. 16.

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Parents Night part of soccer game against Cumberland

Spooner forward Ben Bray scores the first goal within minutes of the beginning of the game. Spooner defeated Cumberland, 5-2, in their last home game of the season held on Tuesday, Oct. 13. The Rails will face Baldwin/Woodville on Thursday, Oct. 22, in the first round of the WIAA Regionals. Elijah Hansen tries to steal the ball from the Cumberland player.

Photos by Joseph Trcka

Elijah Hansen scores the fourth goal for Spooner on this kick.

Winter sports meeting set SHELL LAKE — A meeting for students participating in winter sports at Shell Lake is set for Tuesday, Nov. 3, at 6 p.m. This meeting is for all athletes and parents or guardians. All attendees will meet in the gym where Jim

Campbell, athletic director, will go over the agenda for each team meeting. This meeting will also include the boys and girls Shell Lake hockey players. — from Shell Lake Athletic Department

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It was Parents Night for the Spooner/Shell Lake soccer team on Tuesday, Oct. 13. Tristan Nelson was escorted by his parents, Marie and Marcus Nelson. — Photos by Joseph Trcka


Obituaries Send death notices/obituaries to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or email news@wcregisternewsroom.com

Alice Bernice Phinn Alice Bernice Phinn, 90, a resident of the Maple Ridge Care Center in Spooner, died Friday, Sept. 18, 2015, at the Spooner Health System. Alice Bernice Christner was born on May 25, 1925, in the rural Town of Rusk, Burnett County, near Ferron Park, current day G & H, to parents John and Gloria (Wood) Christner. She attended the Gaslyn country schoolhouse for first through eighth grades, and graduated from Spooner High School. On June 4, 1942, she was united in marriage to Harvey Phinn in Pine City, Minn. Bernice and Harvey owned and operated three milk routes for the Spooner Cream-

Breaking Chains community worship in Shell Lake SHELL LAKE — Spooner graduate Ross Clay will be a part of the Breaking Chains community worship set for Saturday, Oct. 24. The fall event begins at 6 p.m. at the Shell Lake beach pavilion or the community center, weather dependent. Clay, currently living in Eau Claire, is the drummer for the group. Breaking Chains is a Christian band from western Wisconsin called to serve God through music ministry. Through God’s gifts of music and their deep desire to worship God for his many blessings, they welcome opportunities to lead community worships. Community worships are open to all of God’s children. In the past, Breaking Chains has performed at the Washburn County Relay For Life. For more information, you may contact Matt Hatleti, 715-529-1149, or Clay at 715-755-1294. — with submitted information

Dewey Country It was another beautiful weekend. This week it’s to be nice once again. But one of these day, we’ll see snow, I’m sure. Then again, it’s about time for snow. A very happy anniversary to Gene and Debbie Quam on Oct. 22. Have a great one, you two. Happy birthday to Bonnie Scheu Oct. 22. Have a great day, Bonnie. Oct. 23, a very happy birthday to Ashley Crosby on her special day with lots more to come. Happy anniversary to Robin and Jerry Denver on Oct. 23. Have a wonderful day. Also a very happy anniversary to Clint and Marlene Stariha as they celebrate 42 years together on Oct. 23. Oct. 24, a very happy birthday to Bob Hartwig as he enjoys that special day with many more to come. Oct. 25, a very happy birthday to Chad Crosby as he enjoys his special day with

ery until 1958 when they began delivering bulk mail from Spooner to Duluth, Minn. In 1971, Bernice completed the WITC nursing program in Superior and was then employed by the Shell Lake and Spooner hospitals. Bernice and Harvey also lived at Dock Lake where Harvey managed the cranberry marsh. In 1983 they retired to a quiet and peaceful life west of Spooner where they enjoyed the company of family and friends. Together they enjoyed ice fishing, bowling, horseshoes and playing marbles with the family. Bernice especially loved baking, cooking, all types of needlecraft and music. Bernice is survived by her daughters, Donna (Bill) Durand, Superior, Sherry (Art) DePolis Thompson, Sheldon; 24 grandchildren; 43 great-grandchildren; six greatgreat-grandchildren; sisters Myrna Leef, Siren, Laura

New pastor to be installed at Namekagon Congregational Church in Earl EARL — Namekagon Congregational Church of Earl invites the community to the installation ceremony for Pastor Sharon Osborn as minister to the congregation. A special service will be held on Sunday, Oct. 25, at 3 p.m. at the church in Earl, followed by fellowship and refreshments. The community is invited to join church members and friends in this celebration of continuing in ministry and mission. Namekagon Congregational Church is affiliated with the United Church of Christ. The installation service will be led by United Church of Christ Northwest Association minister, the Rev. Rob MacDougall of Menomonie. The church The Rev. Sharon Osborn. — Photo is located one block north of Hwy. 63 submitted in Earl.

lots more to come. Happy anniversary to Duane and SueEllen LaVeau on Oct. 25 with many more to come. The LaVeaus have been married 52 years. Congratulations. Happy birthday to Allan Melton and to his nephew, Nathaniel Melton, on Oct. 25,with many more. A very happy birthday to Rita Urness on Oct. 25 with many more to come. A very happy birthday to Tim Pederson, to Cheri Odden, and to Sarah Melton and Kate Melton, all on Oct. 26, with many more to you. Not a lot of days left for teaching, are there Tim? It’s getting down there. John Braderic and the two Joes were up for a week. The two Joes enjoy mushroom picking and John did some hunting. The three men enjoyed it. Monday, Diane Hulleman was at Terraceview Living Center where the ladies

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From the 1990s through 2010, the Rev. Sharon Osborn served as pastor or associate pastor at United Methodist and UCC churches in Virginia. Taking a leave of absence in 2010, Osborn enrolled in a women’s spirituality master’s degree program in California for two years. She says this experience gave her a broader context for her ministry and space to make needed changes in her inner spiritual life and daily rhythms. Osborn has been serving as part-time pastor at the Namekagon church since August of 2014. She is enjoying leading and learning with the congregation, and is looking forward to her installation as Namekagon UCC’s pastor on Sunday, Oct. 25. — from NUCC

by Pauline Lawrence


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Joanne (Dennis) Larson of Colorado; and many nieces and nephews. Bernice was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Harvey; daughter, Marlys Jean; son, Allen; brothers, Harmon, Marvin, Vyron, Alfred and Douglas Christner; and sisters, Anita Saltau, Zoe Anderson and Lucille Scalzo Gefroh. Memorial services will be held Friday, Oct. 23, at 1 p.m., at the Dahl Funeral Home with Pastor George Olinski officiating. A gathering of friends and family will be held on Friday, at the funeral home from noon until 1 p.m. Inurnment will follow at the Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery. Online condolences may be left at bratley-nelsonchapels.com.

715-468-2314 news@wcregisternewsroom.com

made no-knead French bread. It’s sounding better all the time, Diane. Diane also worked at the free clinic at Lakeview Medical Center in Rice Lake on Tuesday evening. On Thursday, Jackie Perlt, daughter-in-law Tiffany Perlt and her little guy, Eli, came to Diane’s. They stayed overnight and Friday they left for home, taking pumpkins Diane had grown. After church on Sunday morning, Diane went to her daughter, Jackie Perlt’s, and also to Diane’s sister, Joyce’s, who lives in the Twin Cities and from there Diane and Joyce visited their sister, Elaine, who recently lost her husband. They visited with Elaine until Wednesday, which was enjoyed by the three gals. Diane came home Wednesday. Bryon Baker and Pam Dunn visited Diane and had coffee on Tuesday morning. On Sunday, Dan and Lisa Otto and son Charlie were at Jim and Sandy Atkinson’s putting up wood and doing other miscellaneous jobs. Tuesday, Myrna and Kurt Atkinson, along with 25 other senior citizens drove near Stillwater and took a boat, drifting down the river. Myrna said it was wonderful and didn’t cost a lot and they ended up having dinner at the boat. Wednesday, Myrna attended the quilting gang working on another quilt. Thursday evening the Washburn County Historical Society had a meeting, which is the last until spring. Well, it froze Oct. 18. Yes, there was white frost on my lawn but it still didn’t get my flowers in front of the house. Yes, they are just a-blooming and very pretty. Have you ever thought of the names of our months as other names? Well January was called Wolf Moon, or Old Moon or Moon after Yule and hide from the credit cards Bill Moon. February is also called the Snow Moon, also the Full Hunger Moon, Minnesota Vikings fans as Snowball’s Chance Moon since it sometimes coincides with the Super Bowl. March is called the Worm Moon, also Full Cross Moon, Full Crust Moon, Full Sap Moon or Lenten Moon. The NCAA has prohibited the use of the term Madness Moon this month. I’ll add three more months next week. You know there have been a number of boats with wrap around them going west. I’m wondering if some farmer rented out

his sheds for the winter months. My sister Dot Gudlin had surgery on her left knee Oct. 5. At this time she is in a home where she was transferred to on Oct. 8 for recovery. Thursday, Oct. 22, Dot will be able to go to her own house, which I’m certain she is very glad to do. Her daughter, Nancy Michalek will be doing jobs for her Wednesday. I’m sure Dot will be glad to have her. It takes quite a long time to recover from knee surgery. Thursday found Butch and Loretta VanSelus going to Eau Claire where they visited their son, Harold Stone, finding him in great spirits. On Friday night, the VanSeluses were in Rice Lake where they attended the football game. Their granddaughter, Reyna, played in the pep band and they went to watch her. The pep band played two different times and the VanSeluses reported it was real nice. Butch is cleaning out his garden. He says he took a trunk full of squash and pumpkins to church and gave them away. He says he has potatoes to dig yet. The VanSeluses went down on Monday to keep Harold Stone company and to find out how he’s doing. Butch says he’s doing well now, which is great to hear. It’s getting that time of year when we see squirrels packing those acorns in trees and other stuff. I don’t see the little red squirrel we had earlier and hope it doesn’t get into my house. I hear wild geese flying. Yes, they go over our house just a honking. It’s kind of nice to hear them honk, as we know fall is here with winter not far away. You know it’s only 67 days until Christmas Eve. I shopped early for Christmas and I’m done. I shop all year-round, when I find something I usually buy it for my girls and Jeff. Chad and Ashley Crosby and children, Chase, Morgan and Joyel, spent the weekend at Garry and Beth Crosby’s. While there, Chad helped his brothers, Shorty and Tom, with field work. The Poquette Lake Apple Orchard will be closing on Nov. 8. If you haven’t gotten your yummy apples, or those great bakery treats, plan to get out and enjoy the afternoon. You might be surprised at the things Bob and Lynn have to offer. Scatter sunshine! Have a great week!



53 3rd St., Shell Lake 715-468-2734 Rev. John Sahlstrom, Rev. John Hendry Sunday Worship Service 10 a.m., Nursery Provided; Youth Group, 7th - 12th grades, Wednesdays 6 - 8 p.m.

Corner of Elm and Summit St., Spooner 715-635-8475 Father Aaron Zook Holy Eucharist: Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Thursday morning prayer 8:15; Mass 9:30 a.m.

St. Alban’s

W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 1 mile north of CTH B on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday School & Adult Education Classes: 9 a.m. Celebration worship 9 & 10:30 a.m.; KFC (Kids For Christ) during Service; UTurn Student Ministries 6 p.m.; Tuesdays: Compassion Connection (Men only) 7 p.m.; Wednesdays: Compassion Connection (Women only) 7 p.m.; Thursdays: Compassion Connection (Coed meetings) 7 p.m.;

W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor Darrel Flaming 715-635-2277 spoonerbaptist.com Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wed. evening service 6:30 p.m.


St. Joseph’s Catholic

100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Father Edwin Anderson Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books and Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

St. Catherine’s Catholic

CTH D, Sarona Father Edwin Anderson 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

St. Francis de Sales

409 N. Summit St., Spooner Father Edwin Anderson 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.

Shell Lake Full Gospel


803 Second St., Shell Lake 715-468-7718 Pastor Sue Odegard shelllakesalem lutheran.org Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m..

Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran

20805 CTH H, Barronett 715-468-4403 Pastor Al Bedard Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Fellowship follows worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Midweek Studies Mondays 2 p.m.

Trinity Lutheran


Spooner Wesleyan

Hwy. 70 W, Spooner spoonerwesleyan.org 715-635-2768 Senior Pastor Ron Gormong; Pastor Brian Scramlin, Assistant Pastor; Pastor Patrick Cooper, Student Ministries; Pastor LeRoy Drake, Pastoral Care; Pastor Kara Vincent, Worship Arts; 9 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship and 9 a.m. Sunday School and ABF; 10 a.m. Third Place Cafe; 10:30 a.m. Worship; Wednesday - 6:30 p.m. Family night, kids, youth and adult programming, nursery provided.

1790 Scribner St., Spooner Pastor Russ Leeper 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., 9:15 Sunday School and adult studies. Office hours: Monday Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Friday, 8:30 - noon.

Barronett Lutheran 776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-671-3197 (cell) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.

(WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m. (Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. 63 W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch 715-635-8167 Sunday worship 8 a.m. Sunday School/Bible class 9:15 a.m. Praise Worship 10:30 a.m.

Sarona Methodist Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 9 a.m.

United Methodist

Faith is like a muscle. Faith grows as we exercise it. If it’s our faith that can make a difference, it needs to be strong. Grow your faith this week in church.

Mark 10:46-52

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 cornerstonechurch spooner.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Wednesday: Bible study and prayer, 6:30 p.m.


135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School during worship time; webcast livestream.com/ slumc

he Bible says each of us is given the measure of faith.


Cornerstone Christian

United Methodist

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

Faith Lutheran

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Pastor David Frazer Associate Pastor David Cash 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.

Salem Lutheran, ELCA

Full Gospel

Spooner Baptist

Church of the Nazarene

W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom 9 a.m. worship service, 9 a.m. Sunday school. Holy Communion: First and third Sundays and Festival Sundays.


Northwoods Baptist


Long Lake Lutheran Church



Lake Park Alliance

Trego Community Church

Pastor John Iaffaldano W5635 Park St. Trego, WI 54888, 715-635-8402 Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. prayer meeting; Youth group, 6:30 p.m.; Kids program, AWANA, ages 4 - grade 6, 6:30 p.m.

312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.

Lakeview United Methodist Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Bishop Patrick F. Roper 715-719-0124 644 S. 6th Street, Barron 715-537-3679 Sunday: Sacrament 10 a.m., Sunday School/Primary 11:20 a.m., Priesthood/Relief Society 12:10 p.m.

Job 42:1-6, 10-17

Hebrews 7:23-28

Psalm 34:1-8, (19-22)

Revised Common Lectionary © 1992 by the Consultation on Common Texts for

Sunday, October 25, 2015 Twenty Second Sunday After Pentecost It was his first day in art class. Mark was determined to paint a portrait of Jesus. He began one painting and then another. After trying time and time again, he decided to place his palette and brushes on his stool and in defeat walked away from his canvas. Noticing his despair, his teacher walked to him and asked, “Mark, what is your difficulty?” “It’s no use,” he said. “I was determined to paint a picture of Jesus. But it’s useless!” “Why?” asked his teacher. “Because I cannot make him beautiful enough,” he said. Mark echoed the words of the Psalmist: “You are the most excellent of men!” Years ago someone wrote, “All other men who were recognized as great have been made to look insignificant by what Jesus did in his brief lifetime. All others who were considered wise appear inadequate in their expression of truth when compared to him. All others who labor to bring healing to the sick cannot match his miracles. All others who attempt to do good for mankind cannot match his deeds of compassion and expressions of concern for the weak and lonely. Those who appear to be perfect eventually show their flaws. There is only one who has ever walked on this planet who deserves the title: ‘You are the most excellent of men.’” “God has blessed you forever,” continued the Psalmist. What wonderful words of comfort and encouragement for the Christian. In him there is no possibility of his leaving us or forsaking us. The eternal blessings of God have been passed on to us through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord forever.

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by Judy Pieper

This has been a fantastic week in Barronett. We had our first hard freeze this past weekend. Pretty soon the little ponds will start to ice over. A lot of the trees are losing their leaves, but the oak trees are absolutely beautiful — gold, brown and red leaves. This is the best time of the year. I just wish it would last a little longer. The Barronett Dragons 4-H Club has their Haunted Trail all ready for those of you who are brave enough to take the trip through. The haunted trail is located at Peg and Bob Thompson’s farm on 28th Avenue, directly across the street from Thompson Mini Storage. Guests can park at the mini storage and will be given a hayride from there to the haunted trail. The trail winds through the dark forest, surrounded by the murky swamp and is haunted by the ghost ship. There will be goodies too, popcorn hands, bars and hot chocolate. Come, join the fun and be prepared for a spine-tingling experience. The trail is open on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 23 and 24, from 7-10 p.m., and Friday, Oct. 30, from 7-10 p.m. The next day, that’s Halloween, you know, bring your little ones to the Barronett Halloween party at the community center. The fun begins at 2 p.m., and runs until 4 p.m. All children, ages 10 and under, are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult. There will be games, prizes, food and fun. The party is free but, of course, donations are always welcome. Get your little ones into their cutest or scariest costumes and bring them to the Barronett community center for a fun afternoon. Count Wacula (Wacky) and his beautiful assistant, Lynn Marie, put on a great magic show for the kids at Cumberland Library last Tuesday evening. He was hilarious. I think the parents and grandparents had just as much fun watching and listening to him as the kids did. There must have been about 50 little kids there,

and they were so thrilled with the show agony of defeat” kind of stories. Jerry Elthat they sat still, watched and listened. mberg and a couple of friends decided, a I’m sure the elementary school teachers few weeks ago, to take a fall fishing trip probably wouldn’t care about his magic to Canada. There were three guys, they tricks, but I’ll bet they would like to know stayed three days, and they caught a total his secret for keeping the little ones quiet of five walleyes. Yup, that’s about one fish and orderly. One little guy, probably a lit- every 14-1/2 hours or so. tle over 2 years old, would get scared, run OK, so, while Jerry and friends are in to his mommy, and then get interested Canada, his grandson, Carter Kummet, again and inch his way back to the audi- shot an 8-point buck during the youth ence circle. It was really a great outing for hunt. Yup. So, anyway, the family, Jerry, the kids. We’d all like to thank the staff at Jane, Jody, Carter and Aston, got together Cumberland Library for coming up with for supper at Bona Casa on Wednesday such great entertainment for the kids. evening, and Carter was merciless. It was Deb Lehmann at the Red Brick has a one of those “Guess what Grandpa, I got new cook helping out. His name is Lon- an eight-point buck. How many fish did nie, and he seems to be fitting in very you catch?” kind of nights. Carter and nicely and doing a great job in the kitchen. Aston decided that the reason that Jerry When you stop by, be sure to say hello to had such rotten luck on the lake was him. probably that he didn’t take them along Merl and Shirley Overvig are slowly but this time. Bet he won’t make that mistake surely getting settled in their new home in again. River Falls. Shirley said that she has both Duane and I were among a huge crowd bedrooms set up the way she wants them, of people enjoying the German dinner at and is finally getting things put away in Faith Lutheran Church in Spooner last the kitchen. Mark and Ronalea Lemke Wednesday evening. The food was delistopped by last week with a welcome-to- cious and we met some very nice people your-new-home bottle of wine. Actually, to visit with. And, of course, I invited evthey had an ulterior motive. They were eryone I could to come to Barronett on softening Merl and Shirley up to ask them Saturday, Nov. 14, for our Scandinavian to dog-sit Puddles for the weekend. They smorgasbord. The Cumberland junior varsity football probably wouldn’t have needed to bring the wine, because Merl and Shirley were team played their final home game for glad to have Puddles visit. The Lemke the season against Bloomer last Thursday family was away for the weekend to at- evening. The boys played a great game, tend a soccer tournament in Rochester but were defeated. One of the Bloomer that their daughter, Kalea, was playing moms told us that their team had not lost in. Kalea plays on the River Falls Middle a game in the past three years. We were School team, and, although they played very well, they didn’t take first place. It was a great weekend anyway because the entire family, Mark, Ronalea, Kalea, Elizabeth and Addison were able to spend a family weekend in Rochester and Shirley Judy Leonard and Trudy DeLawyer and Merl were able to have a dog at the returned Oct. 1 from an 11-day trip to new house. This is one of those “thrill of victory - Ireland. They flew from Minneapolis to New York and then to Shannon, Ireland. They traveled north to Galway and then began a journey south from there. Sevby Mary Nilssen eral early stops along the way were the Cliffs of Moher, Limerick and the Dingle We still have a few more beautiful fall 865-2025 or Betty Helwig at 715-865-5500. Peninsula. On their way to Dublin they Not much news to report this week. days left to enjoy. The skiing and snowtoured parts of Killarney, Cork, Middlemobiling season is right around the corHave a good week and be safe! ton and Cashel. They saw churches, casner so enjoy this nice weather while you Mary Nilssen can be reached at 715-865- tles and graveyards. They remarked that can! the country is beautiful, with hundreds 4008 or upnorthnils2@gmail.com. The Stone Lake Pub is having a coat of years of interesting history, and lots drive, so bring in a coat and you’ll receive of sheep. Trudy even kissed the Blarney one free drink. Stone! On Thursday, Nov. 12, there will be a At the Clam River Tuesday Club fundraiser on Saturday, Oct. 10, Beth Crosby veterans dinner served at noon at the was honored with the gift of a lap robe Stone Lake Lions Hall. This meal will DULUTH, Minn. — Jennifer Gwash, in appreciation for her years of being the be served by our senior citizens and the program will include a tribute to the late Minong, was named to the summer 2015 chairman of the event. Kris Fjelstad, Marlene Swearingen, Lorri Gen.l Harold Kissinger. To make reserva- dean’s list at The College of St. Scholastions, please call the senior center at 715- tica in Duluth, Minn. — from ReadMedia McQuade, Nina and Donna Hines, Karen Mangelsen and Lida Nordquist were guests of Diana Mangelsen on Tuesday. They enjoyed an afternoon of visiting and playing cards. Karen Mangelsen and Nina and Donna Hines attended a salad luncheon My name is Bunny; I am a bit shy, and auction at Spooner UM Church But I’ll love you lots, please just give me a at noon Thursday. The event was spontry. sored by the Sarah Circle. Proceeds from I’m quiet and sweet; I will sit in your lap, the auction will be used for mission projAnd if you have mice, you won’t need a ects. mousetrap. Lawrence Hines visited Allie Erickson I’ll allow you to pet me as long as you wish, and Arvid Pearson at Frederic NursI am very content with moist food in a dish. ing Home and Rehabilitation Center I never complain, for a cat I’m laid-back, And if you like a tortie you’re on the right track. I’m patiently waiting, oh where have you been? It’s time for happy new life to begin! Cats for adoption: 12-week-old male white/black shorthair tiger; 5-month-old male orange/white medium-hair tiger; 5-month-old female white/gray mediumhair; 2-year-old female shorthair tortie; 10-week-old medium-hair black/gray tabby; Monday, Oct. 26: Cabbage two 9-week-old male shorthair tigers; 9-week-old orange/white male shorthair rolls, mixed steamed tabby; 4-month-old female black/brown/white shorthair tiger; 4-1/2-month-old vegetables, frosted brownie. male orange/white shorthair tiger; 4-year-old neutered 4-paw declawed black shortTuesday, Oct. 27: Pork hair; 1-1/2-year-old spayed shorthair calico; 3-year-old neutered/declawed black/ roast, sweet potatoes, brown shorthair tiger; 2-year-old female shorthair tiger/calico; 5-year-old neutered steamed broccoli, sliced white/gray shorthair; two 6-month-old neutered shorthair black/white tigers; pineapple. 4-year-old neutered gray/white shorthair and a 3-year-old female shorthair tortie. Wednesday, Oct. 28: Dogs for adoption: 4-year-old female tricolored walker hound; 3-year-old female Tender roast beef, mashed black and tan hound and a 3-year-old neutered hound/pit bull mix. potatoes and gravy, wholeAlso for adoption: 8-year-old white/gray male chinchilla. kernel corn, lemon bar. Shop at AmazonSmile and 0.5 percent of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile Thursday, Oct. 29: Salmon purchases will be donated to Washburn County Area Humane Society. smile.amaloaf, buttered baby reds, zon.com. creamed peas, orange slices. Friday, Oct. 30: Beastly baked chicken, monster-mash potatoes, ghoulish gravy, Located at 1400 Cottonwood Ave. in Spooner (Behind the county fairgrounds) creepy California blend, pumpkin patch bars. 715-635-4720 wcahs.com

kind of hoping to end their streak, but it was not to be. Next year they’d better watch out because our guys are going to be ready for them. I’ll tell you what, those guys (the Cumberland team) are really good players. I’ll bet the senior high coach is looking forward to having them on his team. Pat and Doug Sweet were among the guests at a surprise birthday party at Carol and Lee Johnson’s home in Rice Lake for Jane Johnson. The Johnsons told Jane that the reason people were coming to the house was for the football game, and when she found out it was for her birthday she was very surprised. They had a nice meal and everyone enjoyed visiting and celebrating with Jane. Pat and Doug had guests for dinner on Sunday. Grandson Justin Grensing and their son, John Sweet, came over to visit and enjoy one of Pat’s delicious homecooked meals. I had a terrible day on Friday! I had to go to Barron, was in the parking lot right behind the Erickson Agency, stopped to make sure there were no cars coming through the alley, was looking right, started forward, and ran right into a post on the left side of the car. I still can’t believe I did that. Messed up the car royally. Hopefully Don Johnson body guys can get it back together again. I guess that’s about it from Barronett this week. Hope you can get out to the 4-H Haunted Trail at least one night for all the fun. See you next time.


Stone Lake


Washburn County Area Humane Society ADOPTABLE PETS OF THE WEEK

by Karen Mangelsen

on Thursday afternoon. Sue and Roger Mroszak, Pam and Bob Bentz, Dixie and Chuck Andrea, Barb and Joe Durand, Karen and Hank Mangelsen, Kris Fjelstad, Beth Crosby, Judy Leonard, Connie Quam, Kay Krentz, Lida Nordquist, Trudy DeLawyer and Clarence DeLawyer met for supper at Tesora Restaurant on Thursday evening. They all enjoyed a time of fellowship to wish Roger and Sue a good trip to Arizona for the winter. The members and friends of Clam River Tuesday Club thanked Sue for her years of participation in club activities, and Roger for his help at events, too. Larry, Celie and Baxter Mangelsen visited Hank and Karen Mangelsen on Saturday. Donna and Nina Hines, Marlene Swearingen, Karen Mangelsen and Lida Nordquist went to Mahtomedi, Minn., Saturday and attended a baby shower for Kristie Holman. Kristie is Donna’s granddaughter. A special cake was served during fellowship at Lakeview UM Church Sunday morning. It was decorated in honor of Sue and Roger Mroszak to wish them the best as they travel to Arizona. Visitors of Lawrence and Nina Hines over the weekend were Rod Kral, and Colin, Chris, Chad, Aubrey and Ashley Harrison. Hank and Karen Mangelsen called on Nina and Lawrence on Sunday morning.

Senior lunch menu

Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance, call your senior center to confirm. Menu is subject to change. All meals served with bread, butter, coffee, milk and water.

Dining at noon Birchwood, Saturday, Oct. 24: Chicken Alfredo over egg noodles, steamed broccoli, frosted cake. Call 715-354-3001 for reservations. Suggested donation is $5.


by Marian Furchtenicht

Heart Lake

before long. There were 16 in attendance at the last Washburn County Historical Society meeting for 2015 on Thursday night. There was a void in the group without Rose Mangelsen. Rose passed away unexpectedly at her home the end of September. A memorial service was held in Siren on Oct. 3. Rose was a very active member of the museum, both in Springbrook and Shell Lake. She was a nice person and will be so missed. Mavis Schlapper went to daughter Pam’s for the day on Saturday. Her son, Wayne, was there from Stevens Point. Sunday, Mavis Schlapper went to Betty Schlapper and David’s in Rice Lake for dinner with some of the other family. Also there was Betty’s sister, June, from Boston. There were 15 classmates for the Spooner High School Class of 1950 this month’s get-together at the Prime with Bill Fergers in charge. Next month it will be in Shell Lake with Bobbie Bailey in charge. Casey Furchtenicht was home Friday night and Saturday from college at Northland. He came over Saturday morning and did some honey-do things for me and got my apples picked, too. I went to Cindy and Roger’s for Saturday noon meal with them. Friday evening, grandson Craig and Sarah Furchtenicht had supper and visited me. Al and Jolene Loew’s daughter and husband, Tami and Ray Clarke from Villa Park, Ill., spent the weekend here with their motor home. Jolene said she enjoyed riding to Superior with Al and enjoyed the pretty leaves when he went to the Amsoil warehouse for supplies one day. Happy birthday to Lennie Quinn, Halley Hershey, Pearl Andrea, Oct. 22; Cory Bedner, Kyle Lichner, Marie Nelson, Sherri Visker, Mark Elliot, Oct. 21; Paula Campbell, Mark Schmitz, Kevin Ellingson, Oct. 24; Matt Curtiss, Carol Hubin, Lil Scotty Mancl, Oct. 25; Cheryl Odden, Joey Huerth, Nancy Campbell, Tim Pederson, Jay Rand, Hilary Clinton, Oct. 26; Dan Jaastad, Gabe Alger, Oct. 27; and Paul Rindsig, Elaine Krantz, Ralph

Reynolds, Mike Roubik, Oct. 28. Have a great one. Couples with anniversaries include Don and Marie Albertson, Oct. 26; Brian Jr. and Sammi Ince and Clint and Marlene Stariha, Oct. 23; Duane and Sue Ellen LaVeau, Shawn and Gina Noterman, Jeremy and Michelle Pavlek and Brandon and Heather Stubbe, Oct. 25. Congratulations to them. Accept what is. Let go of what was And have faith in what will be!


Offering Wi-Fi: Wireless Internet Monday:...............10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday:................10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday:...........10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday:.............10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday:..................10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday:...............10 a.m. to 1 p.m. www.shelllakelibrary.org

578936 29rtfc

We finally had a killing frost in our area. We’ve had a mix of cool and warm temps. We had a nice weekend. Autumn colors have dulled and breezes have sent our pretty leaves tumbling to the ground, so the woods is looking pretty bare, except for oaks and their rustic colors and the golden tamarack swamp. Friday, Oct. 9, Geof Hagens’s 30th birthday was celebrated at the Sauer Pioneer Farm with about 150 people attending. It featured the Dead Horses, a band from the Oshkosh-Milwaukee area. It was quite a bash. Many more are wished for him. Rocky and Pat Semm’s girls, Mary and Lisa, took them to the Duluth area last Monday to look at the scenery and to the harbor. Report it was kind of windy and cold that day but they had a nice day together. Sue Krantz spent the past week in Madison on workrelated business. Willie and Vicki Lombard had lunch with his sister, Sue Miller, in Menomonie and watched the Badger game. Vicki Lombard went to River Falls and spent the past week with her sister, Cheryl Miller, and toured the winery. Sunday at Sarona Methodist Church, Alan and Charlotte Ross’s wedding anniversary was celebrated with a special cake. Congratulations to them. Gloria Frey went along with her sister, Joanne Paulson, to Crandon Friday to attend the foster-parent care convention there. Joanne is a foster parent. They had a nice weekend together, coming home Sunday. Andy, Emily and little Brekken had lunch with Grandpa Anton on Saturday. Bob and Sue Mallard stopped by and visited with Anton. Tuesday my bowling team, Dorothy Esser, Marion Reiter, Vicki Gee-Treft, Nancy Barkdoll and myself, ate out at River Street Restaurant together before bowling as it was Dorothy’s last day of bowling for a while as she was to have surgery in Rochester on Oct. 19. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. We hope she will be back bowling

by Helen V. Pederson

On Monday, Oct. 19, it was a nice sunny morning. We had frost on Sunday morning and it was cold, but it warmed up with the sun shining in the afternoon. We had a birthday party on Sunday afternoon for Al Rock, put on by his family. We had delicious decorated cupcakes. Happy birthday, Al. Mavis Flach spent Sunday afternoon with son Steve and Jody and family watching the game and enjoying supper with them. The Packers won. Lillian Ullom had supper with her brother, Frank, Saturday night along with Frank’s daughter, Toni. Severt and Caryl Olsen and grandson stopped in to see Arlys Santiago on Sunday afternoon. Arlys purchased the home of Severt’s parents, Mable and Norman Olsen, in the Heart Lake area when she returned from Hawaii years ago. Sunday afternoon my nephew, Shawn Turpin, visited on his way back to Whiting, Ind. Congratulations to Jake Pederson and Lindsay Alt who were married on Saturday afternoon at the Das Lach Haus in Cumberland. Dinner and dance followed. Jeff Pederson, Wendell Turpin and son Shawn attended. On Saturday morning, Susan and Larry Winner picked me up to go to Eau Claire for a baby shower for her daughter, Greta Zizli, who is expecting a son in January.

After the shower we went to a restaurant to celebrate my birthday, which is coming up next Sunday. Mary White and Sue drove me to Shell Lake and returned to Eau Claire for a baptism Sunday morning. The baptism was for Colton Cowell, son of Stephanie and Cory Cowell. They enjoyed brunch afterward at the Cowell home. Stephanie is Tim and Sue’s daughter and she teaches in Bloomer. Be nice to your children, for they will choose your rest home.

Lake Mall • Shell Lake, WI 54871 www.lakeinsagency.com



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BANKRUPTCY - DEBT RELIEF BUSINESS LAW • CRIMINAL LAW • DIVORCE - FAMILY LAW ESTATE PLANNING • REAL ESTATE • WILLS & PROBATE 425 E. LaSalle Avenue • P.O. Box 137 • Barron, WI 54812 Phone: 715-537-5636 Fax: 715-537-5639 Website: www.barronlawyers.com 597631 18rtfc

Prizewinners of writing contest announced

Monday, Oct. 26 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. SLHS Join us in celebrating Fall, Friends & Family 1st Street CLC students are selling their handpainted bowls (filled with tasty soup!) to raise money for the Washburn County Food Pantry!

• Implants • Mini Implants • Extractions • Partials/ Dentures • Braces

Choose Your Bowl Pick Your Soup $5.00 Soup Dinner: Disposable bowl filled with school garden vegetable or potato soup, fresh bread, dessert & lemonade.

• Cosmetic Dentistry • Veneers • Bleaching • Nitrous Oxide (Relaxing Air)


636385 9rt6fc

• Preventative Care • Fillings • Crowns • Bridges • Root Canals

The annual fall writing contest sponsored by the Indianhead Writers was held Saturday, Oct. 17, at the UW Agricultural Research Station in Spooner. A prize of $50 was awarded to the winner of each category: poetry, nonfiction and fiction. Winners shown (L to R): Barb Samoore, Springbrook, fiction; Bud Hoekstra, Shell Lake, nonfiction; and Jeanne Ekstrum, Barnes, poetry. — Photo by Mary B. Olsen

636721 10r


100 of the Own 1 owls! B d ainte Handp

New Patients Welcome! Call Or See Our Website For FREE Offer!

$8.00 Soup Dinner: Handmade bowl to keep & filled with school garden vegetable or potato soup, fresh bread, dessert & lemonade. 100% proceeds will be donated to: Washburn County Food Pantry

It’s a Fundrasier! It’s a Service Project! It’s a Show & Tell. Be A Part Of The Story! 636449 9-10r


Washburn County Court

Joseph K. Kasper, Spooner, disorderly conduct, $299.00. Robert E. Schultz, Shell Lake, battery, $299.00. Alex A. Taylor, Sarona, EACH INSERTION – Minimum of $5.00 ; 30¢ for each word. Call 715-468-2314 to place ad, disorderly conduct, $299.00. or email your ad to wcregister@centurytel.net. Advertising deadline is Monday at noon. Nicholas P. Aardappel, Spooner, OWI, $987.50, licensed HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS revoked 8 months, alcohol ATTENTION T R U C K assessment. - HEALTH CARE - TRUCK DRIVER RN’s up to $45/hr LPN’s up to Marten Transport. NOW HIRING RECRUITERS: RECRUIT an Eric B. Anderson, Spooner, $37.50/hr CNA’s up to $22.50/hr DRIVERS FOR DEDICATED & applicant in over 179 Wisconsin reckless driving, $389.50. Free gas/weekly pay $2000 Bonus REGIONAL RUNS! Dedicated newspapers! Only $300/week. Call Bradley F. Barney, Spooner, AACO Nursing Agency 1-800-656- Fleet, Top Pay, New Assigned this paper or 800-227-7636 www. operating while revoked, $200.50. 4414 Ext. 10 (CNOW) Equipment, Monthly Bonuses Up cnaads.com (CNOW) David E. Basile, Peotone, Ill., to $66,000 Per Year!! WEEKLY speeding, $301.30. HOMETIME! CDL-A, 6 mos. OTR Sandra L. Beaver, Suamico, Exp. Req’d. EEOE/AAP LIMITED speeding, $225.70. POSITIONS! APPLY TODAY! 866Darin S. Blomquist, Spooner, 370-4476 www.drive4marten.com speeding, $263.50. Erik E. Blomquist, Elk River, Minn., speeding, $263.50. Bruce T. Boese, Minneapolis, Minn., failure to stop/improper stop at stop sign, $175.30. Joseph D. Clement, Shell Lake, Michael D. Stodola, Birchwood, Jordan T. McCarty, Arlington, Andrew J. Rappel, Spooner, operating motor vehicle without and Misty F. Mortensen, S.D., and Bethany G. Weideman, and Mallery K. Koepp, Spooner. Steven E. Ekenstedt, Sioux insurance, $200.50. Birchwood. Spooner. Falls, S.D., and Lydia L. Gumness, Steven R. Clepper, Spooner, Sioux Falls, S.D. operating without valid license, $200.50. Christopher G. Danford, Shell Lake, OWI, $887.50, license revoked 6 months, alcohol assessment. Brian M. Darcy, North Aurora, FOR UPCOMING FEATURES CALL 715-635-2936 SHELL LAKE SELFIll., speeding, $250.90. Check us out on the Web! www.spoonermovies.com STORAGE: Convenient, 24-hour Timothy Doll, New Salem, N.D., •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• access. Special low-cost boat speeding, $225.70. storage. Call 715-468-2910. 2rtfc Zachariah C. Eifert, Stoughton, CENTRAL BOILER E-CLASSIC speeding, $200.50. THE outdoor wood furnace. Limited-time Thomas A. Ewing, Woodbury, big-savings offer. Instant rebate up “A GREAT PLACE TO Minn., speeding, $225.70. SEE A MOVIE” to $1,500. Call today! Northwest Brandon M.E. Foster, Spooner, 715-635-2936 Wisconsin Ent. 715-635-3511 or PG PG-13 speeding, $276.10. Daily: 7:10 p.m. Daily: 7:00 p.m. 238 Walnut St. 715-520-7477. 10-12rc Matinees Sat. & Sun.: 1:10 p.m. Matinees Sat. & Sun.: 1:00 p.m. Spooner, Wis. Rebecca A. Fox, New •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Richmond, speeding, $250.90.

The Register is a cooperative-owned newspaper

Washburn marriage licenses

Local want ads



SHOWING Oct. 23 - 29

636720 10r


Admission: Adults $7 - Kids 4-12 & Seniors $5 - Matinees $5 All Seats


Bryan Rydberg, 1129 Carlisle Drive, Jasper, IN 47546, requests approval of a certified map to create two lots out of PT GOV L 3, L 3 CSM V 12 P 105 DOC #365569 WD, City of Shell Lake. Public hearing will be held on this matter Monday, November 2, 2015, at 5 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall. Clint R. Stariha, Zoning Administrator 636313 9-10r WNAXLP 636179 9-10r


Notice is hereby given that the Washburn County Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, November 3, 2015, at 7 p.m. in the Washburn County Boardroom, Elliott Building, 110 Fourth Avenue West, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. Sarona Township: Glen Struble, Sarona, WI. To have a variance for a road seback reduction to 55 feet from the centerline (normally 75 ft. from the centerline, or 50 ft. from the right of way, whichever is greater) on Ripley Road to build a garage 24x24, for this is now their year-round residence. Map# SA 57/ Record ID 22385 - PT of GOV L1, Section 03-37-12, Town of Sarona. Interested persons will be given the opportunity to be heard. The committee will deliberate in “Open Session.” This agenda and the subsequent meeting minutes are available in large type. If you need assistance, please call Lolita Olson at 715468-4600, prior to the meeting. 636440 9-10r WNAXLP Webster Macomber, Zoning Administrator



Washburn County is seeking candidates for Highway Commissioner. Qualified candidates must possess: • The ability to manage and administer the planning and operational aspects of the Washburn County highway program and all county-owned dams • The ability to provide cost estimates and fiscal impacts of proposed projects • Knowledge of road construction and maintenance principles • The ability to provide top level supervision of Highway Department staff • The ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing. Well-qualified candidates will have: • A Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering or closely related field • Six years’ road construction/maintenance supervisory experience, or any combination of education and experience that provides equivalent knowledge, skills and abilities • Starting salary range for this position is $69,388 - $77,147 D.O.Q. plus excellent benefits For an application, contact the Washburn County Personnel Department at P.O. Box 337, Shell Lake, WI 54871, Ph.: 715-468-4624, Fax: 715-468-4628, email: adminper@co.washburn.wi.us, or by downloading an application from our County website at www.co.washburn.wi.us. Resumes will be accepted but will not take the place of a completed application. Applications must be received by 4:30 p.m., Friday, October 30, 2015. EOE 636314 9-10r

ARE YOU READY FOR A CHANGE? Join a progressive management TEAM in the care of and service to SENIORS. Glenview, an Adult Assisted Living (CBRF), in Shell Lake, has an immediate opening for a


Ideal candidate will have previous supervisory/management experience in a CBRF, be a strong leader/teacher and work well with others. Submit resume no later than 10/23/15 to:

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636591 51b 10r

• Full Time w/Benefits • Bachelor’s Degree with Library &/or Management Experience

Application available at spooner.wislib.org




Washburn County is seeking candidates for the position of Finance Director. This position is responsible for: • Creating, updating and coordinating the implementation of financial procedures, fiscal reporting and accounting methods • Monthly and periodical reconciliation of account and financial statement balance • Coordinating departmental yearly budgets • Developing and administering purchasing procedures Training and experience required: • A Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, Finance, Public Administration or related field • Five years’ governmental accounting experiece or any combination of education and experience that provides equivalent knowledge, skills and abilities. • CPA is preferred. • Starting salary range is $63,440 - $78,395/yr. D.O.Q., plus excellent benefits. For an application, contact the Washburn County Personnel Department at P.O. Box 337, Shell Lake, WI 54871, Ph.: 715-468-4624, Fax: 715-468-4628, email: adminper@co.washburn.wi.us, or by downloading an application from our County website at www.co.washburn.wi.us. Resumes will be accepted but will not take the place of a completed application. Applications must be received by 4:30 636007 8-11r p.m., Friday, November 6, 2015. EOE

Benjamin T. Gisselman, Minneapolis, Minn., operating boat without valid cert. number, $114.50. Brittany A. Glauser, River Falls, speeding, $200.50. Daniel L. Grover, Hayward, operating motor vehicle without registration lamps, $150.10; OWI, $887.50, license revoked 6 months, alcohol assessment; possess open intoxicants in motor vehicle, $263.50. Lori A. Guggenheim, St. Paul, Minn., passing into oncoming traffic, $326.50. James R. Hagen, Danbury, speeding, $175.30. Zoe A. Hagen, Danbury, speeding, $225.70. Larry S. Harder, Spooner, speeding, $175.30. Gage M. Harwick, Superior, speeding, $225.70. Peggy S. Herdt, Minong, trespass to land, $263.50. Cordell E. Hinton-Brown, Houston, Texas, failure to change lane when passing stopped emergency vehicle, $263.50. Christopher R. Holcomb, Minong, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Ryan W. Hosier, Dubuque, Iowa, speeding, $200.50. Jessica L. Hotchkiss, Haugen, nonregistration of other vehicle, $263.50. Brooke K. Hughes, Stone Lake, OWI, $887.50, license revoked 6 months, alcohol assessment. Geoffrey D. Huntley, Chana, Ill., speeding, $200.50. Valerie E. Johnson, Sarona, speeding, $225.70. Gary W. Johnson, Foxboro, speeding, $225.70. Kristy L. Kassa, Sarona, speeding, $200.50. Sabina Khaliq, Villa Park, Ill., speeding, $515.50. Shauna L. King, Stone Lake, speeding, $225.70. Tracy L. Knutson, Trego, failure to stop/improper stop at stop sign, $175.30. Derek D. Kurtz, Minneapolis, Minn., disorderly conduct, $150.00. Christopher R. Lapray, Riverton, Utah, speeding, $175.30. Annette M. Lawrence, Spooner, failure to stop/improper stop at stop sign, $175.30. Darren J. Leahy, Whitehall, speeding, $175.30. Steven J. Lee, Chippewa Falls, operating while suspended, $200.50; seat belt violation, $10.00; nonregistration of vehicle, $175.30. Dorothy M. Matrious, Hayward, display false vehicle registration plate, $263.50; operating while suspended, $200.50. Dennis P. Mengelt, Rockford, Ill., inattentive driving, $187.90. Lawrence J. Michel, Satellite Beach, Fla., passing in no-passing zone, $213.10; speeding, $200.50. Brooke A. Moore, Cumberland, speeding, $225.70. James. W. Moravec, Sarona, disorderly conduct, $299.00. Carol E. Mott, Spooner, operating while suspended, $200.50. George L. Mullikin, Superior, operating without valid license, $200.50. Michelle M. Mustache, Eau Claire, speeding, $200.50.

Robert B. Nemecek, Chicago, Ill., speeding, $225.70. Michael T. Oberst, Chicago, Ill., speeding, $225.70. Kari L. Olson, Rice Lake, speeding, $200.50. Terence M. Opalek, Chicago, Ill., speeding, $225.70. Jennifer S. Pape, Mukwonago, speeding, $225.70. Mason P. Pautsch, Rice Lake, speeding, $200.50. Emma L. Pucker, Granton, speeding, $200.50. Carrie A. Roberts, Ojibwa, speeding, $200.50. Jeffrey P. Sartain, Madison, speeding, $200.50. Shaina A. Scalzo, Spooner, operating without valid license, $200.50. Avery L. Sega, Eau Claire, automobile following too closely, $200.50. Brady T. Sikorski, Minong, operating while suspended, $200.50. Cory J. Snowbank, Cumberland, operating while suspended, $200.50. William F. Stadler, Sheridan, Ill., speeding, $175.30. Heidi S. Steines, Shell Lake, failure to stop/improper stop at stop sign, $175.30. Gerald C. Stetter, Winona, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Steven K. Stinson, Shell Lake, operating without valid license, $200.50. Lucas M. Stirling, Iron River, hit-and-run property adjacent to highway, $263.50; OWI, $887.50, license revoked 6 months, alcohol assessment. Jeremy W. Stouffer, Eau Claire, speeding, $200.50. Alexander J. Streitz, Trego, operating with PAC >=0.15, $887.50, license revoked 6 months, alcohol assessment. Richard J. Sykora, Chippewa Falls, speeding, $225.70. Wayne A. Temple, Shell Lake, failure to stop/improper stop at stop sign, $175.30. Debra J. Thompson, Stoughton, speeding, $263.50. Shayne T. Trudelle, Shell Lake, speeding, $200.50. Rodney W. Tucker, Spooner, operating vehicle without stopping lights, $162.70. Theresa L. Undem, Spooner, speeding, $175.30. Ashley M. Vieira, Williston, N.D., speeding, $200.50. Robert J. Volz, Minong, seat belt violation, $10.00; failure to stop at stop sign, $175.30; operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Lisa E. Weber, Sussex, speeding, $200.50. Timothy E. Wicklin, Chicago, Ill., speeding, $225.70. Carla J. Wilks, Racine, speeding, $200.50. Melanie R. Wilson, Hayward, operating without valid license, $200.50. Debbie L. Wood, Cameron, speeding, $200.50. Judi L. Yerkes, Spooner, operating while suspended, $200.50; operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00.

HUGE SALE Thurs., Fri. & Sat., Oct. 22, 23 & 24 SEVERAL ESTATES Store overstock; many new items; antiques; tools; household, too much to list. 6th Ave./Cty. B, Across From The Fire Station Shell Lake 636791 10rp




Shell Lake seventh-graders return from week at Wolf Ridge

LEFT: The Shell Lake seventh-graders are on an adventure of a lifetime as they head out in a voyageur canoe. The Shell Lake class spent five days exploring the woods outside of Finland, Minn. Wolf Ridge Environmental Center offers an intense program of science and history.

Photos by Larry Samson

Skylar Leach, with the help of her mother, Stacey Leach, identifies the rock she has found in geology class. Stacey volunteered for the full five days. Without the volunteers, the students would not have been able to experience Wolf Ridge.

Layne Olson comes face to face with a mountain goat as he overcomes his fear and climbs a rock wall.

RIGHT: Mikayla Cox does her imitation of an owl as she walks the rope course. The single wire is the most challenging event on the course. The course is designed to challenge some of the students fears, those being the fear of heights and the fear of failure in front of their peers.

William Fisher peers into a dark crevasse as he explores Marshall Mountain. He was in geology class where the students study how rocks were formed in the beginning and how they were shaped by the glaciers.

Lilly Wade concentrates as she carves a block in a block-printing class. The block-printing class is held after a long day of outdoor activities; it helps the students to wind down.

Shell Lake school menu Shell Lake Principal Heather Cox serves a Hmong fifth-grader from St. Paul, Minn. One of the Wolf Ridge experiences is meeting students from all social and economic backgrounds. Cox spent two days at Wolf Ridge to learn about the program and to spend some time with her seventh-grade daughter.

Breakfast Thursday, Oct. 22: Homemade cinnamon apple bread or oatmeal with fixings (3-12 only). Friday, Oct. 23: Apple or cherry frudel or ham and egg with toast (3-12 only). Monday, Oct. 26: Bagel with cream cheese (3-12 only) or mini cinni roll. Tuesday, Oct. 27: Whole-grain pancakes and sausage link or chocolate chip oat bar (3-12 only). Wednesday, Oct. 28: Cereal and toast or ultimate breakfast round (3-12 only). Thursday, Oct. 29: French toast sticks or homemade cinnamon apple bread (3-12 only). Friday, Oct. 30: Laker breakfast pizza or ham and egg with toast (3-12 only). Breakfast is served with a choice of juice/fruit and milk offered daily. Every day breakfast is free to all students.

Lunch Thursday, Oct. 22: Crispychicken sandwich or buffalochicken pizza (7-12 only). Friday, Oct. 23: Brunch lunch. Monday, Oct. 26: Grilled cheese with tomato soup. Tuesday, Oct. 27: Taco salad or spicy chicken (7-12 only). Wednesday, Oct. 28: Chili with cheesefilled bread stick or cheese pizza (7-12 only). Thursday, Oct. 29: Hot Italian sub, mozzarella dippers (7-12 only). Friday, Oct. 30: Penne with meat sauce. Menus subject to change. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


Spooner High School students earn trapping certificates

SPOONER — As a result of being enrolled in the Natural Resource Management class at Spooner High School, students in that class had the opportunity to be certified in trapper education. Training began on Thursday, Oct. 1, and concluded on Wednesday, Oct. 14. All students in the class completed the training as a part of the wildlife management unit; six students out of the 17 enrolled in the class chose to receive their certification. There were a few students who were already certified in trapper education; they had the opportunity to review and update information about the subject and to share their knowledge with their classmates. Guest presenters in the class to assist with the training included Larry Boettcher, Chris Cold, Jack Olson, and wardens Jon Hagen, Matt Koshollek and Dave Swanson. — from SASD

Spooner High School’s Natural Resource Management students earned trapping education certificates after completing training that was held Oct. 1-14. — Photos submitted

Chris Cold shared a fox snake, an owl, and a hawk with the students as he discussed outdoor ethics.

Jack Olson explained different traps, their purposes, and how and where they should be set based on what the intended species is.

Recycling bins to move

636799 10r,Lp 52a-ep

SHELL LAKE — Attention Shell Lake and surrounding Washburn County residents: The recycling bins on New Knapp Road north of town will be moving. The bins will be located at the Shell Lake City Shop just south of where they are currently. The move is expected to happen soon, so please watch this paper

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for updates on this location change including times of operation. Call Jen with any questions at 715-6352197. — from NWRPC

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