4 minute read


I'm so thankful to have affordable, quality after-school care at the school site. This allows both parents to work and support the family.

You have been a tremendous help- in addition to after school care- my child loves the Club. It is also a huge help to me that her homework is completed so that I actually have time to engage with her when we’re home. I could not do this without You! Thanks! The Club provides an immense value to our family as we can work while we know our child is in a safe and engaging environment. The monthly rate helps greatly our family budget. Thank you for being here!

We have no family in Napa so we would struggle to maintain careers without Boys and Girls Club.

When our son was in the program it helped us in many ways - We were able to work normal hours and not spend two arms and a leg on after school care. Our son felt happy and safe there.

My kids love the program. They love the staff too. We rely on the program as my husband and I are unable to pick them up after school. We also love the activities they do and the exposure to so many fun things they do.

It is very important because I don’t have a babysitter who I can trust. B &G is one of the only places where my kids feel secure.

My daughter loves it there and always looks forward to attending the program daily. She does her homework at the Club. She loves socializing with her peers and enjoys all the art activities.

Our kids could come home, but they would be parked in front of a TV as I can’t provide enriching activities while also working. I love when they come home with new artwork or excited about a science project or worn out from playing on the playground.

Club is important to me because the Club it accommodates with my schedule . If my girls were not able to attend boys and girls maybe I would have to go part time I don’t have someone to pick up my kids after school, That’s how bad it would impact me. Boys and Girls Club is a huge help for us. Thanks for everything you guys do to keep our children happy and help them grow.

This is SAFE place for my child and it gives us peace of mind knowing she is with people who care.

It is important to us as a family to have an afterschool place for our little one, due to work and he can also mingle with friends in a safey, trustful and fun environment. Thank you SOO much for existing!

The Club is a huge blessing for my family. I can work and I don’t have to worry about my child. I know he is safe and cared for.

The Club is a great community service and helps out parents like me who cant afford care after school. They have done so well with my 3 kids, everyone is so nice and great and my kids learn allot from them.

My daughter really loves and enjoys the Club. She loves her staff and always talks about the good experiences she’s having there. Thank you for all you do with the kids. We love it!

Without the Club we have no idea what we would do with our younger children. The staffs help with their overall wellbeing, homework, and social skills allows us to focus on the parenting.

Its important for me and my child, to my child on his socialization with others, homework, and fun activities. For me it's important because I have a secure place for my child after school. A place I know he loves.

Summary of Feedback

Generally it was felt by many that the Club needed to do a better job of communicating directly with parents. Parents wanted a better idea as to the schedule of activities, what youth were doing, and what events were upcoming. Parents also wanted to be more involved in promoting positive behaviors in the Club. Especially in cases where their intervention might help youth be more successful after school.


The Club will create separate landing pages on BeGreatNV.org for every location. That landing page will include a brief introduction to the sites director and key staff. The Site will also include a live calendar of events that will help parents stay up to date with upcoming programs and activities. This will also contain basic information and processes as to contact information, enrollment and FAQs.


Every location will be responsible for generating a brief one page newsletter which will feature site specific highlights, programmatic highlights, a member of the month, and staff of the month. Additionally the Club will continue to produce its quarterly Impact Magazine. These will be shared by email directly to school populations.


The Club will set aside time at the end of every day for staff to call home with updates for parents. Note: this service will be provided on an as available basis. Each day at 6 PM each of our Clubs will make six phone calls. Three of those phone calls will be to parents/guardians of members that attended the Club that day to let them know something special or very positive their child did at the Club. The other three calls will be made to parents/guardians of members we have not seen for a while letting them know about upcoming activities and encouraging them to come back to the Club

Site Calendar

A weekly activity schedule will be posted in a visible location so that parents and kids know what is scheduled for the remainder of the week.

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