To inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us most to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.
From the Executive, Thank You for your interest in our work and for taking the time to visit with us. I’ve been working with Boys & Girls Clubs throughout the north bay since 2006, and stepped into the executive role at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Napa Valley in August of 2020. The Napa Clubs continue to be flexible and nimble with regard to how we serve youth and those who need us most. You can learn more about these efforts on our website and in our Impact Reports which highlight the impact the Boys & Girls Club has on Napa Valley families every day. I think it’s appropriate to walk you through our organizational vision for the future.
Greg ExecutiveBouillerceDirector Greg Bouillerce I recognize that there are many worthy causes that you are and should consider supporting but this opportunity is unique in that we are ripe for change and primed to take advantage of new and incredible opportunities because that’s what our youth deserve. I look forward to exploring these opportunities more at your convenience. Thank you for your time and of course for any investment you make in the lives of Napa Valley youth and their families.
What I first recognized on my arrival in Napa is that there exists here an incredible opportunity to make a lasting and meaningful impact on the lives of our youth. I met regularly with our primary stakeholders, (Our kids, Families, Staff, and board) to construct and actualize a shared vision for this future. What you will find here, then, is a little book of big dreams we’ve cooked up for this organization. These dreams are provided to you with intention.
The Napa Clubhouse was completed in 2001. The three story 30,000 SqFt building has been serving k 12 youth since its opening. The building was built as a Boys & Girls Club but its story is one of adversity. The Napa Clubs launched a capital campaign in the 80s and began construction on the project in the 1997. Construction paused in 1999 due to a lack of funding which resulted in a partially completed project left in the elements unroofed for over a year. Following additional efforts the project was completed in March of 2001. Since 2001, thousands of children have attended the Napa Clubhouse and, as we are all aware, kids are hard on everything and despite regular maintenance the Club is showing its age. Additionally, due to a fire in 2008 and flooding events in 2002 and 2014 the Club is in need of dramatic and transformational repair. Critical facilities in need of replacement include the roof, HVAC systems, bathroom, gymnasium and kitchen. Entrenched flaws in the design of the building require major investment to not only modernize the building but also to rectify clear health and safety deficits that have only escalated over time. These represent basic structures that need to be totally revamped. As a former member of the Club, the facility is a reflection of our community’s valuation of our youth. While we’ve accomplished much over the last year, fresh paint and emergency repairs can only do so much. We need to invest more into the equipment, maintenance, and safe operation of this Club. Outside of the fact that kids deserve lights that work, having clean and safe programs supported by professional high caliber staff represent a foundational approach to youth development.
FACILILITES Address clear safety issues. (issues that place staff and kids at risk) Address basic issues. (Replacing Broken Equipment, patching walls, etc) Purge of unnecessary/broken supplies. (conference tabletop, shoes, furnishings, the boat, etc.)CriticalAction 0 1 year Information technology upgrades. (membership database, payments, and website.) New and higher quality furnishings. Install a security fence at the Napa Clubhouse. (alcohol, drug use, illegal dumping) Install cameras throughout our facilities. (Vandalism, Loitering, Dealing) ImmediateGoals 1 4 years Community driven program space updates. (hospitality industry sponsors a new teaching kitchen; Vineyards sponsor a new garden program, etc.) Basic improvements to existing structure to make spaces more usable. ShortGoalsTerm 3-10 years A full renovation of the Napa Clubhouse. The expansion of Teen programs to off site locations. LongGoalsTerm
The Napa Clubhouse is long overdue for a remodel. When a kid walks into the Clubhouse they should do so with a sense of wonder and anticipation. You never know what can happen at the Boys & Girls Club but you know it’s going to be great. That’s what we hope to achieve with this space. Dream big, they say. So here are our dreams.
Key SquareProgramsFootage 17,000 Key Assets Specialized Staff Academic Staff Staff specialized in academic programs with an emphasis on reinforcement of school day curriculum for supportive and comprehensive academic engagement. Kinder Staff Staff specialized in early childhood development with training on developmental milestones and successful integration into communal environments. Art Staff Full time art staff with dedicated professional experience in a wide range of artistic disciplines.
Full Tour Engaging sight driven experience for kids, parents, and the community. Kinder/DIY Lab Separate safe location for T K and K grade children with Co Op day care model Daycare. Gamesroom The Heart of the Club and gateway to other program areas. Learning Center Full academic support suite with additional academic enrichment. Art Room Full creative arts space for everything from Paint, Clay, and group art. Kitchen Full teaching kitchen for nutrition classes and healthy behaviors. Gym Full professional gym space for sports program and community use.
Why do teens matter? Because the Boys & Girls Clubs is outcomes driven and that work doesn't end at the 5th grade. There is nothing more contested in this neighborhood than the line between north and south, but here in this space we straddle the line and provide teens with more than a safe space. We provide them with tools and resources to step beyond as full and contributing members of society. Key SquareProgramsFootage 10,000 Key Assets Specialized Staff STEM Staff Staff specialized in STEM programs with an emphasis workforce development. IE Coding, VR Career Exploration, Automation, etc. Digital Arts Staff Staff with training and experience relevant to graphic design, videography, & digital editing. Physical Trainer Staff with experience on weight training and exercise. Career Councilor Staff trained to provide guidance on career paths and to facilitate internships with local companies. Music & Dance Staff Staff capable of offering dance, vocal, performance based arts. Mental Health Staff Staff with specific mental health and group therapy training.
Full Tour Engaging asset driven experiences for Teens. With equipment check out and 1:1 mentorship. Cafe Casual setting for teens to enjoy nutritious food while engaged in informal mentorship. Kitchen Full teaching kitchen for teens Career Councilor Personalized career paths councilor with an emphasis on trades based employment opportunities. E Sports Lounge Dedicated E Sports lounge. Stem Lab Full Stem lab with Recording Studio, VR Lab. and Digital Arts center. Health Center Full gym and weight room for physical training and healthy behaviors. Stage Full Stage for local performances including music, dance, theater. Dance Studio Full studio for professional classes including Dance, Yoga, Zoomba, etc.
Total Costs have been adjusted by the following values based on their type. +9% Tax: FURN, PRO, TECH +12% Shipping: FURN, PRO, TECH +5% Installation: FURN, PRO, TECH +15% Contingency: CON Total Cost CON Construction FURN Furniture PRO Program Supplies TECH IT & Technology Categorical Overview Category 2,830,804$ 42,741$ 42,437$ Projected Expenses $2,973,402 57,420$ Total Cost StemLobbyLabGamesroomLearningCenterArtRoomKitchenBathroomsGYM 177,633$ 550,524$ 344,441$ 249,253$ 236,124$ 168,210$ 951,300$ Project Overview Project 295,917$ Projected Expenses $2,973,402 Total Costs have been adjusted by the following values based on their type. +9% Tax: FURN, PRO, TECH +12% Shipping: FURN, PRO, TECH +5% Installation: FURN, PRO, TECH +15% Contingency: CON Total Cost CON Construction FURN Furniture PRO Program Supplies TECH IT & Technology 33,140$ Projected Expenses $2,068,083 1,933,555$ 19,386$ 82,002$ Categorical Overview CategoryProject DanceCareerCaféBathroomsArcadeCouncilorStudioE-SportsLoungeKitchenPoolLoungeStageStemLabTheHUBWeightRoom 278,827$ 72,105$ 224,250$ 390,319$ 100,800$ Projected Expenses $2,069,343 25,520$ 188,550$ 148,580$ 156,400$ 174,626$ 128,376$ 180,990$ Project Overview Total Cost We’ve laid out ambitious plans. The primary driver is the cost of construction. These costs should be considered estimates and not hard figures. Depending on the space the average cost of construction has been set at $250/square foot. Please also keep in mind that while this pricing is consistent with current market rates in the state of California that outside products and services can dramatically impact the actual cost per square foot. The costs identified below include a 15% contingency. With that said below is an overhead assessment of estimated hard costs associated by category and then again by project. This allows you to view the project at full scale and then again by more specialized initiatives.
project completed in 3 months construction at $100 a square foot.
Doing it Right This Time (DIRTT) is a design company that offers amazing construction alternatives. It’s an incredibly exciting product and this would be its first large scale Boys & Girls Club application. The take aways from our experience with DIRRT? It’s a perfect fit to the Club’s needs and culture and an incredible platform for great futures.
Every year our Boys & Girls Club hosts the annual Youth of the Year competition. It’s an incredible opportunity to experience these stories of impact in a personal setting. The Club is outcomes driven and there’s no better way to showcase our work than by placing the spotlight back on our kids. CoDrone is an example of the programming assets we would like to introduce. This allows students to experiment with coding through play. That’s the secret sauce with regard to Boys & Girls Clubs. Using fun as a vehicle for impact.
Gladeo is a Workforce Development software developed in southern California. We were connected to it through a partnership and love the product. It allows youth to set up a profile and explore potential career paths through storytelling. Perhaps the most important aspect of the program is that it is heavily weighted toward people of color.
We release quarterly impact reports about our work in the community. There is something for everyone in these. If you like data, we have stats right there. If you like impact we’ve got stories right from the mouths of our members, staff, and parents. If you enjoy higher level discussion on our work we’ve got great editorials too!
Here’s some follow up resources if any one of these resonates with you.
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Skaggit County, in Washington, is the first Club in the nation to connect with TransfrVR and launched their VR workforce development Program in the fall of 2021. They’ve raved about it so far and that speaks highly of the program. Click the link to the left to review their original RFP and agreement.