2 minute read
Natalie Bieberle
Age: 32 Director of Therapy Services/Physical Therapist, Clara Barton Medical Center Professional
Natalie completed a Bachelor of Science degree in kinesiology at Kansas State University. She then completed her doctorate in physical therapy at the University of Kansas Medical Center. She has been a practicing physical therapist since 2016. In 2018 she returned to her hometown Clafl in, KS and joined Clara Barton Medical Center. Natalie was promoted to director of therapy services in 2022. Natalie continues to provide physical therapy services in addition to directing the department.
Natalie is involved with the wellness committee at Clara Barton to help promote healthy living for employees and community members. She spends time with high school athletes and coaches to provide education on managing sports injuries and concussion. She volunteers time to speak about the profession of physical therapy and recently spoke at Hoisington High School career fair as well as to USD 431 summer school students. Natalie is involved in her church where she is an altar society member, children’s liturgy educator and gift bearer. She enjoys being active playing volleyball and participates in a four-on-four league as well as golfi ng with her husband. Natalie and her husband, Taylor, have two sons, Lincoln and Lachlan.
“I am honored to be recognized for this award. It is rewarding to be able to give back to the communities that helped shape the person I am today. Clara Barton has great community involvement, and I am proud to be a part of the team to help serve the surrounding area.”

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Benton Hrabe, OTD OTR/L, CLT

250 W 9th Street | Hoisington, KS 620-653-5065 6 www.clarabartonhospital.com