Powering Up
Budazu Electrical Company
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William “Bill” Beery, P.E. General Manager, Tutujan Hills Group Ltd. Immediate Past Chairman, GCA
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brought to you by The Guam Contractors Association. 2 | AUGUST2015
TRADES ACADEMY B u i l d i n g
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L i f e t i m e
Guam Contractors Association
THEDIRECTORS PRESIDENT James A. Martinez Guam Constractors Association PAST CHAIRMAN Art Chan Hawaiian Rock Products CHAIRMAN John Sage WATTS Constructors VICE CHAIRMAN William Beery Tutujan Hill Group SECRETARY/TREASURER Conchita Bathan Core Tech International CONTRACTORS DIRECTORS: Carlo Leon Guerrero M80s Office Systems Mark Mamczarz Black Construction Corp Miguel Rangel Maeda Pacific Corporation John Robertson AmOrient Contracting Rick Brown Pernix Guam LLC ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS: Jeffrey Larson TakeCare Asia Pacific Michael Kikuta Matson Navigation Patty Lizama Pacific Isla Life Mark Cruz Mid Pac Far East
THEEDITORIALS Guam Contractor’s Association (GCA) in conjunction with AdzTech and Public Relations, Inc. publishes the Construction News Bulletin (CNB) monthly. Reproduction of materials appearing in this publication is strictly forbidden without written permission by GCA. While we always strive for accuracy, we will from time to time overlook mistakes. In order to help us improve the quality and accuracy of this publication, we ask that you take the time to look at the information provided and notify GCA of any corrections as needed. Opinions and editorial content of this publication may not necessarily be those of the publisher, production team, staff, GCA members, GCA Board of Directors and advertisers. For more information about advertising in the GCA Construction News Bulletin contact the advertising department at (671) 477-1239/2239 or email at adztech@teleguam.net. Distributed to GCA members or can be obtained by stopping by the Guam Contractors’ Association office located at 718 N. Marine Corps Drive, Suite 203, East West Business Center, Upper Tumon, Guam. To find out more about how you can become a GCA member contact Guam Contractors’ Association at Tel: (671)647-4840/41 Fax: (671) 647-4866 or Email: gca@teleguam.net. www.guamcontractors.org Postmaster. Send address changes to Guam Contractors’ Association, located at 718 N. Marine Drive Corps Suite 203, East West Business Center, Upper Tumon, Guam.
THETEAM PUBLISHER: James Martinez PRODUCTION TEAM Geri Leon Guerrero AD SALES: Jaceth Duenas PRODUCTION: Geri Leon Guerrero Christopher “Taco” Rowland Jaceth Duenas PHOTOGRAPHERS: Christopher “Taco” Rowland EDITOR: Adztech CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: John Robertson John Aguon R.D. Gibson Ted Garrison GCA STAFF: Francine Arceo Desiree Lizama COVER: The shockingly good team of Budazu
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General Membership Meeting July 16, 2015
Resort on July 16th. At last month’s meeting, LT Timothy Dahms Home Depot manager Rhett Garon discussed the Home Depot Foundation’s Giving Back program and its impact on the US military veterans and their families in the community. Giving Back has provided grants, product donations and volunteers for home improvement and disaster relief projects.
meeting. She discussed the impact people like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, WikiLeaks website co-founder, have on
• https://www.facebook.com/SAMEguampost?ref=bookmarks • Post Leaders Workshop, Alexandria, VA - September 20-22 To join SAME Guam Post, log on to SAME.org and click on “Membership” at the top of the home page. 6 | AUGUST2015
Main Presentation Presented is part of a larger U.S. intelligence community made up seventeen agencies and organizations who work together to gather, analyze and report intelligence CIA is to collect, analyze, evaluate, and disseminate foreign intelligence to aid government policy makers in making
that Assange is alleged to have committed, he sought refuge at the Embassy of Ecuador in London and was granted political asylum by Ecuador. Assange has been under investigation in the U.S. since that time, however, not being a U.S. citizen and claiming to be releasing the information as a journalist has made his prosecution somewhat challenging.
CIA is to strictly provide information and not make policy recommendations.
several interviews with Assange and wrote, “As for the
Unfortunately, the information to be analyzed comes in such enormous quantities of puzzle-like pieces, that getting the full picture on any event before it takes place government agencies is such an essential element and also why any information unlawfully disclosed is so harmful to the process. When this happens, sources could be put in danger or become reluctant to pass on information regarding possible imminent threats to the United States or persons and places overseas. One of the worst cases of people who have leaked and sold at the time of his arrest, was clandestinely placing packages sites for Russian handlers and receiving substantial sums of money for it. Hanssen spied for Soviet and Russian Intelligence for 22 years and is looked at as possibly one of the worst intelligence disasters in U.S. history. Julian Paul Assange is an Australian computer programmer, publisher, journalist and most commonly known as the editor-in-chief of the website WikiLeaks, which he co-founded in 2006. In 2010, WikiLeaks published U.S. military and diplomatic documents leaked by Chelsea
data dump, the publication of the Afghanistan War Logs, and other news organizations had carefully purged from our own coverage. Several news organizations, including ours, reported this dangerous lapse, and months later a Taliban spokesman claimed that Afghan insurgents had been perusing the WikiLeaks site and making a list. I anticipate, with dread, the day we learn that someone
Edward Snowden, an American computer professional, former CIA employee and government contractor, leaked classified information from the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) in 2013. This information revealed numerous global servillance programs, many run by the NSA.
who then disclosed some of the material to media outlets. On June 21, 2013, the U.S. Department of Justice unsealed charges against Snowden of two counts of violating the
AUGUST2015 | 7
granted a three-year temporary asylum. As of today, he is living in an undisclosed location in Russia. A subject of controversy, Snowden has been called a hero, a whistleblower, a dissident, a patriot, and a traitor. His disclosures have fueled debates over mass surveillance, government secrecy, and the balance between national security and information privacy. Snowden supporters credit him with getting the revisions to the Patriot Act passed.
Newly elected policy makers have a right -- and an obligation -- to come to their own decisions on what they want their intelligence services to do for them going tools which helped us thwart a second wave of terrorist reasons.
2013 entitled, “Edward Snowden is No Hero”. In it he writes that “interaction between reporters and sources
In the first few years after 9/11 -- about three quarters of al-Qa’ida leadership were killed or captured -- many of whom are in Guantanamo Bay today. In the last few years almost no al-Qa’ida leaders have been captured. Because they have made it so hard to hold and interrogate al-Qa’ida prisoners the default solution seems to be a “take no prisoners” approach of blowing up suspected terrorist
indispensable, in a society with a free press. It’s not easy to draw the line between those kinds of healthy encounters and
cases where there is no other option -- dead men provide you with no intelligence.
by the likes of Snowden or Bradley (Chelsea) Manning. Indeed, Snowden was so irresponsible in what he gave the Guardian and the Post that even these institutions thought Post decided to publish only four of the forty-one slides that Snowden provided. Its exercise of judgment suggests the absence of Snowden’s.” There are times, however, when releasing information publicly is necessary and approved. As depicted in the book “Hard Measures” by Jose A. Rodriguez, Jr and Bill Harlow, information such as this led to the capture of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), mastermind of 9/11 and Abu
the CIA to Osama Bin Ladin.
powers like the United States to protect itself. If politicians or pundits tell you that they don’t want their country to undertake certain activities -- that is their right. But they should also be ready to accept the results of NOT taking those actions. If America is hit again in an attack like 9/11 or worse and we had the capability but not the will to prevent it -- those same politicians and pundits should have the courage to stand up and say that is a price they are willing to pay. Great countries such as ours need to be able to defend themselves from multiple threats simultaneously. It cannot be an “either/or” situation - focusing on cyber terrorism -or weapons of mass destruction - or rogue nations. We have to be able to do it all.
Lisa Chambers is the Area Marketing Manager for HDR EOC, Inc and a Guam resident. Until recently, Lisa was an
8 | AUGUST2015
THE GUAM CONSTRUCTION WORKFORCE make $100,000 a year or more as a skilled craftsman in a high-demand field.
By John M. Robertson
The Record of Decision (ROD) for the Mariana Islands Training and Testing Final Environmental Impact Statement / Overseas Environmental Impact Statement (EIS/OEIS) was signed by Mr Steven R. Iselin, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Navy (Energy, Installations and Environment) on 23 July 2015 and released to the public on 31 July. The Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for Guam and Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Military Relocation (2012 Roadmap Adjustments) was also issued in July. The ROD for that SEIS is expected to be signed within August or perhaps early September. With these major milestones soon to be in the past, it is time to resume activity related to the military buildup in earnest. Now to the point of this article, we need a large number of skilled workers and Guam has the means of preparing a local workforce for many or most of those jobs. Please see below.
Technical Schools Compete With Traditional Colleges Brandon Moore has an unusual job for someone with a degree in philosophy. A graduate of the University of Central Missouri, Moore works as a welder for Jacobs Field Services, a contractor at an ExxonMobil refinery in Baytown, Texas. Although he says he enjoyed his time in college, he questions the market value of his education and wonders what might have happened had he spent four years traveling the world instead of grinding away over the works of Plato, Nietzsche and Kant. As it is, Moore is doing as well or better than many recent graduates, a sizable percentage of whom are unemployed or underemployed, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. With overtime, Moore earns more than $40,000 annually, and his company is paying for his welding
10 | AUGUST2015
With those kinds of prospects, along with the spiraling cost of higher education and an uncertain job outlook for university grads, a growing number of young people are bypassing four-year colleges and opting for trade schools and apprenticeships. The U.S. Dept. of Education reports that sub-baccalaureate certificates such as associate’s degrees awarded in construction, manufacturing and transportation jumped by 67.8% from 2000 to 2012, compared with 46.6% growth in four-year college enrollment during the same period. “We are seeing enormous amounts of interest and excitement about postsecondary career and technical education among students, particularly ones who have been enrolled in career and technical education in high school or have worked closely with their career and guidance counselor to identify the field of study that they’re particularly passionate about,” says Sean Lynch, spokesman for the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE), an organization of approximately 23,000 secondary-school and postsecondary vocational teachers and guidance counselors. Once viewed as the country cousin of universities and high school college-track programs, career and technical education (CTE) is gaining prestige, especially as schools combine it with core academic subjects such as algebra and geometry. Often fostered by trade groups, career-education “academies” are springing up within high
schools across the nation. According to Lynch, they bear little resemblance to the voc-ed programs of the past. “There’s this notion that CTE students are working in this industrial-revolution-era classroom at the back of the school,” Lynch says. “And these programs are anything but that. They’re typically founded in STEM [science, technology, engineering and math] education principles. They teach employability skills [for example, teamwork and interpersonal relations] that we hear consistently that employers are looking for and are having challenges finding. And they teach students this curriculum in fields that are quickly growing, everything from IT to energy production, agriculture, food and natural resources—anything you can think of, there’s a CTE path for it, and it really can benefit any student.” Career and technical education has long been a staple of community colleges, which offer a path to work as well as credits that can transfer to a four-year college. Many community colleges now offer dualenrollment programs with high schools, in which students take CTE classes at their local two-year college while pursuing their regular secondary studies. Job-placement rates can be quite high; Foothill College in Northern California’s Silicon Valley last December reported 100% success for students in its electrical, plumbing, ironworking and sheet-metal apprenticeship programs. Muranda Lomas, 19, is excited about her prospects as a recent graduate of Blackhawk Technical College (BTC), a two-year school in Janesville, Wis. A
Image courtesy of ABC University of Central Missouri graduate Brandon Moore is making a name for himself as a welder in Texas. CONSTRUCTION NEWS BULLETIN
member of a car-racing family, Lomas was always interested in welding and earned a one-year certificate in the trade from BTC. She recently began work as a welder with a local farm-implements manufacturer and will earn back the $8,000 to $10,000 she spent on her schooling within a few months. Her verdict on her educational choice: “I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.” Even Harvard University endorses this paradigm. In a widely publicized 2011 paper called “Pathways to Prosperity,” Harvard researchers William C. Symonds, Robert Schwartz and Ronald F. Ferguson argue that “College for all does not mean that everyone needs a B.A.” They note that only 33% of jobs require a bachelor’s degree, and observe that “a young person of whatever background who leaves community college after completing a one-year occupational certificate program ... may earn more than many students who complete a four-year degree program.” Still, some worry that CTE will—as they argue it has in the past—become a vehicle to divert minorities and economically disadvantaged students from the dream of a four-year college education. “Nobody who spends much time in America’s high schools could possibly argue that they are focused on college for all, or ever have been,” Kati Haycock, president of The Education Trust, was quoted as saying in the Huffington Post in response to the Harvard paper. “Most schools still resist that idea, instead continuing long-standing, unfair practices of sorting and selecting like an educational caste system—directing countless young people, especially low-income students and students of color, away from college-prep courses and from seeing themselves as ‘college material.’” “I agree with her that it’s something we have to be careful about,” says Stephen DeWitt, ACTE deputy executive director. “What I don’t want to see is people just shutting the door and saying that’s a reason we shouldn’t have career education or we shouldn’t support these programs. What we’d really like to see is all students have some type of career and technical education.” Mallory Stevens, CTE Transitions program director at Cañada College, a two-year institution in California, says many of her co-enrolled high-school students initially don’t think of themselves as candidates for higher education but then flourish and return for additional studies, frequently after working for a couple of years. One craft professional who took both the college and apprenticeship route is Russell Johnson, an estimator with Watson Electrical Construction Co. in Raleigh, N.C. Johnson, 31, started his career with Watson after attend-
Carolina University for a year, until—as he jokes—“East Carolina decided I didn’t need to be there anymore.” After spending two years in Watson’s apprenticeship program, Johnson finished his degree in construction management at ECU, then eventually returned to Watson and completed his apprenticeship. Johnson appreciates his education, but nonetheless finds it largely irrelevant to his work. He also acknowledges that he could have reached his current position simply by completing his company’s own construction management program. “What they teach in school is very broad,” he says. “It’s mostly just for general contractors—this is how you estimate, this is how you schedule. It’s very theoretical. So you have general contractors now who have no clue, in my opinion, about what’s going on in the job because they’ve never had that real hands-on experience—this is how you solder a weld, this is how you rough in a conduit.” As for the economic value of college, Johnson points to a recent performance he saw with actor John Ratzenberger, perhaps better known as the character Cliff Clavin in the TV comedy “Cheers.” Johnson recalls Ratzenberger telling the audience about speaking at a high-school commencement where the college-bound graduates were ribbing a classmate who had chosen mechanic’s school. “He told those kids, ‘When you’re done with college—if you finish—you’re going to have a pile of debt. Your friend is going to spend two years to become a mechanic. And while you’re waiting tables because you can’t find a better job, you’re going to be paying him to work on your car.’” Moreover, that kid may someday operate his own car-repair shop, just as an apprentice could eventually run a construction firm.
Construction Guam
To date the GCA Trades Academy successfully completed instruction in over 20,000 NCCER course modules, involving over 2300 students who are now employed in over 150 local companies & public entities. The GCA Trades Academy also conducts NCCER instructor training programs in Saipan, Pohnpei, Kosrae, Majuro, & for the US Navy Civic Action Team, certifying over 240 NCCER craft training instructors. Through a cooperative agreement with the Guam Community College, students are able to take courses at that institution in parallel with study at the GCA Trades Academy in order to obtain college level credits. Also an apprenticeship program is available through this cooperative agreement. Financial assistance is available from the Guam Manpower Development Fund for those requiring such assistance. For further information, log into one of the following. http://www.gcatradesacademy.org
A career in construction is not for everyone and those so inclined are encouraged to pursue a university education. Guam and the world needs dedicated people in every field of endeavor including engineering, medical, legal and other. Portions of the foregoing was adapted from a 29 July 2015 article in Engineering News-Record authored by Scott Dailey.
Guam is at or near the head of the class when it comes to preparing individuals for a career in the construction industry. Craft training has been available at the GCA Trades Academy since October 2006. The GCA Trades Academy is a National Center for Construction Education & Research (NCCER) accredited training unit under the sponsorship of the Guam Contractors Association. The GCA Trades Academy conducts craft training in trades, such as electrical, carpentry, heating ventilation and air conditioning, safety, management education, safety, and heavy equipment operations, and is the leading training provider for certified, skilled workers in construction & maintenance.
AUGUST2015 | 11
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NEWS: Core Tech Foundation scholarship ceremony held at Adelup A release from the Governor’s Office
Contact Julius P. Santos: (671) 475-9304 Email: julius.santos@guam.gov
“I want to thank the Core Tech Foundation for providing the scholarships which will help these graduates jump-start their higher education and bring them closer to reaching their fullest potential.”
— Governor Eddie Baza Calvo High school students receive $2,500 scholarship Twelve high school graduates received scholarship checks during a special presentation at Adelup. Governor Eddie Baza Calvo, Department of Education Superintendent Jon Fernandez, and Guam Education Board members joined the graduates who each received a check for $2,500, courtesy of the Core Tech Foundation. Governor Calvo thanked everyone present for doing their part in assisting these students with continuing their education. “The board members, Superintendent Jon Fernandez, and the staff and management of the Department of Education have been great partners with my administration in enriching of Guam’s public school education,” Governor Calvo stated. “To the teachers and administrators of DOE, thank you for your commitment to ensuring that Guam’s youth receive a quality education.” The scholarships are awarded to students who meet the Foundation’s requirements, which include: full-‐time enrollment at either the Guam Community College or the University of Guam; a cumulative GPA of at least 80%; and the recipient must have attended one of the island’s public schools for at least three years. “To all the students here today … Guam’s economy will be expanding over the next 10 years,” said Governor Calvo. “In order for this expansion to be realized, it must be home grown — that means you, our young students.”
14 | AUGUST2015
*Authorized Guam Dealer
Striking Inspiration
Sometimes inspiration just strikes - it’s like a lightning bolt. There is a famous depiction of Benjamin Franklin with a kite being struck by lightning, probably sparking the birth of a scientific understanding of electricity. Since then, we’ve learned and harnessed electricity to construct great buildings, establish transportation, connect the world through communications, and charge our smartphones. Inspiration comes in various shapes and sizes. Sometimes it is sparked by the desire to serve. After seeing some projects that Vince Bordallo felt could have met the customer’s expectations, he decided to take the leap in to subcontracting. “At that point, I thought that I, as a subcontractor, could use my experience to work directly with customers and provide a product that would meet their expectations,” Bordallo stated. And, hence, Budazu Electric was born. After conversations with his wife, Lynn, and Operations Manager Frank Blas, Budazu became, not just an idea, but a beacon of light to encourage efficient operations and organization in a rather static industry. It became a point to shift the industry more toward the client’s needs. www.guamcontractors.org
“I never like to point out to any potential customer why they should choose us over any other contractor,” said Bordallo. “I let our work and the reputation we have established over the past eight years, speak for themselves.” Bordallo continues by saying he encourages possible clients to get other quotes elsewhere, to make comparisons, and make an informed decision. It comes down to Budazu emphasizing their training and certifications, allowing the customer to make the decision for themselves, and delivering. All too often clients are inundated with information about who is better, who has what safety record, and who has done what project. What gives Budazu somewhat of an advantage is their status as a locally-owned small business. “First, [an advantage for Budazu] is having the local knowledge of doing business on Guam,” Bordallo quips, especially when off-island contractors want to set up shop on Guam and “hit the ground running.” Bordallo continues by saying that there is a level of comfort and familiarity when local businesses utilize each other’s services.
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A believer in the “buy local” concept, Bordallo continues by saying that it’s good for the economy to ensure that all money made and spent can circulate in the local economy, and strengthen and help it grow. Bordallo goes on to say that with more support from the local government, including mirroring Federal guidelines to promote and require small business services could prove beneficial to, not just small businesses, but an ever-growing, ever-changing economy. Bordallo said, “as a local contractor, we are very proud to serve our community and help prepare all of us for the increase economic activity.” As more and more residents and businesses are becoming more energy efficient savvy, Bordallo believes the future of the industry is bright – pun shamelessly intended. “In my 28 years as an electrician, I have seen numerous improvements of electrical equipment and products…it’s a very exciting time for our industry as we transition from full-reliance on fossil fuel power production to renewable power production,” Bordallo stated. “Licensed electrical contractors will always be required to install all electrical components and equipment, whether supplied by traditional power sources or renewable power sources.” The team at Budazu continues to train and help their electricians stay abreast of new energy efficient and renewable products on the market. Budazu continues to promote their training and certifications as a stand out quality of their work. “We seem to be in more contact with our customers long after we have completed our project,” Bordallo explains as a means to ensure their expectations are met and also to provide guidance should any concerns or needs arise. That goes hand in hand with values Budazu holds near and dear: quality, hard work, and customer service.
18 | AUGUST2015
For the Budazu Team, training, leading by example, and responsibility are paramount. This is how they ensure their work meets the standards of their customers and quality is never compromised, or questioned. That’s why they “stamp” every project they complete with “Powered by Budazu Electric” – their motto, which guarantees quality work. Sometimes it’s not so much about making your mark as much as setting an example for others to follow. Though the opportunities for electricians are many, and the industry continues to grow and change, it’s a matter of continuously inspiring young electricians, and giving them the tools and training necessary to start careers. Lightning struck for Bordallo when he was teaching at the Guam Trades Academy. “I felt I could really make an influence on students if we hired them and trained them to be professional electricians,” Bordallo emoted. “Training and education have always been a very gratifying way we give back to the community…helping produce young, local, and educated electricians…” commented Bordallo. He goes on to say he believes the future of Budazu is bright. “It is a great time to be a contractor on Guam – improving the island through the use of renewable energy, providing energy efficient solutions, and educating and training our local youth will have a long and positive impact for our future generations.” More than anything, Budazu Electric is a locallyowned, small business with heart. “On a day to day basis, we help the ‘Tun Juans’ and ‘Tan Maria’s’ of our community get their lights on, or their
generators working…,” said Bordallo. That’s what inspiration does, it strikes, you build from it, and in the end, if you can do a little good for the community and inspire others, you’re on the track to greatness.
GCA Trades Academy… Summer Pilot Program
Launched at Asan Mayor’s Office
by John S. Aguon
With the looming onset of a regional construction boom in the making, one very key question for island leadership to ponder is, “How will the demand for construction workers be filled?” While there have been strides at the provisioning of training of local human resource to accommodate that need, there is a realization that the overall development of a ready construction-focused talent pool requires a pretext to that skill/apprenticeship training. It has to start in your thinking, and yes, your heart. Which, practically, means the process of skill development must begin at a young age. Guam Trades Academy, with the funding support from Rotary Club of Guam, and the instructional help from Guam Trades Academy teachers and mentors, sought to do just that. Embarking on this pilot program called, Building Skills For A Lifetime, which had its home at the Asan Mayor’s Office, Guam Trades Academy Program Manager Elizabeth Peredo began the task this summer. Having worked with Guam Trades Academy for 4 years, Peredo, views the program as a needful addition to the academy’s overall approach to labor force development. “We need to teach young people about construction,” she said.
Explaining the overall program, she continues, “Rotary Club of Guam is the funding group for the Guam Trades Academy Summer Pilot Program Building Skills For A Lifetime. Guam Trades Academy provides the instructors, tools, and materials. As well, the Rotary Club of Guam also funds the materials and meals for the participants. So, essentially, the students really just bring themselves to the program each day for a 5-hour block of instruction and hands-on training.” The one thing we do require that the students outfit themselves with, aside from everyday casual clothing, is steel-toed shoes. According to Peredo, “Safety comes first. If they aren’t wearing the required safety shoes, they will not be participating for that training session.” They started with 20 students, ranging in age from 10- to 12-years old, from the village of Asan; 2 dropped, so, 18 students completing the program. Asked about the intended outcome, Peredo replied, "We hope, as the program states, these students will Build Skills for a Lifetime. Even if we just accomplish getting them interested in the skill
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(construction), them we would have succeeded. We want them to take that with them.” With the exception of a couple of students, whose uncle is a Guam Trades Academy instructor, none of these kids have had any exposure to the construction trade. Validating that finding, Guam Trades Academy instructor R.C. Gallinari states, “Our students (local) just have not had the exposure to the trade (construction). On Guam, our kids haven’t had a lot of opportunity for hands-on kinds of programs. They’re use to using media and Facebook, but to use their hands to make something. That’s new to them. So, it’s been a pleasure to help them get the hands-on. It will definitely have an impact on their learning.” And, there was implication this pilot program may even present those same young people with a previously unconsidered vocational career path. A true veteran of the trade, with over 40 years of construction experience in tow, Gallinari, expressed his personal satisfaction as an instructor/mentor participant, “I was just overjoyed.” He explained that there was a genuine enthusiasm he witnessed with the kids, “There’s really a sense of accomplishing something when you see your work done. Construction does that.” I concur. While there was the unmistakable kid banter at the Asan Mayor’s Office, it was apparent that the kids were doing their due diligence—sanding, sawing, checking work, etc. You know, construction. And somehow, the notion that a few of these 12-year-old-giggly-tykes might be a foreman, carpenter, HVAC tech, electrician, or the like, was actually, plausible. No sooner had that thought arrived, then, I heard the loving admonition of Program Manager Peredo, putting on her “mothering” skills, “I told you guys to bring those tools in.” Ai adai! Referring to the community involvement aspect of this particular program, Gallinari was emphatic, “Absolutely great. We get to help these kids produce something that will be used in their community. So, they will get to really see the fruits of their labor, and to be proud of the work they did to make it real. They feel good because they’re going to see their handiwork over and over, as they use these facilities. I’ve seen their enjoyment in doing the work.” Peredo also noted, “We have had the students keep a journal of their experience in the program. I ask them to make an entry every day—to let us know what they are thinking about the experience.” Peredo explains that these journals will be a help to review the program from the students perspective, to help Guam Trades Academy rework any shortfalls in the program. As Guam Trades Academy, visionary sponsors like Rotary Club of Guam, Peredo and Gallinari, and their students press on, the “pilot” seems to have taken flight, and now, the landing site seems to be well in view.
22 | AUGUST2015
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24 | AUGUST2015
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Mismanaged IPD Projects Give It a Bum Rap!
I recently conducted a survey on Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) sponsored by Electri International. Many of the comments were interesting. And if not surprised by some of the comments, I was surprised by the higher percentage of respondents that shared a similar view.
Therefore, what makes IPD different is that it establishes a long-standing, integrated team that competes for projects as a team. After all who would expect to win the Super Bowl with a pick-up team? So would anyone expect to get the best results from a pick-up construction team?
Over 40 percent of the respondents that have actually participated in what they considered to be an IPD project declared their greatest risk was their partners in the venture. Of course, partners present risks. In fact, you present risks to your partners and your clients, but you still believe you should get the job. Well, your partners think the same thing about you. However, if one partners with highly competent partners that risk is very low. Therefore, the idea is to carefully select your partners to make the so called “partner risk” becomes virtually insignificant. An IPD project offers the advantage that you have the opportunity to select your partners. In contrast, on a designbid-build project you have no idea who the participants will be. In the design-bid-format, you may not be liable for losses incurred by other project participants. But their actions can have a negative impact on your bottom line, and there is often very little you can do about it. It seems the best option is to select your high performance, experience partners for your IPD projects to minimize your risk.
1. Many respondents complained about how much effort was required to find the right team members. If the invested effort was on a long-term venture instead of a single project it certainly would give the investment greater value. The advice is to start the process of finding partners by meeting with firms that you have worked well with on prior projects and who share your values with concerning collaboration, trust, and value focus, etcetera. You are not looking for the cheapest partners. You are looking for the most experienced and knowledgeable partners possible. You want partners that have a great fit with the overall team. The idea is the right partners working together can deliver maximum value at the lowest cost as result high efficiency and expertise. This approach will create a win-win situation.
Part of the problem was revealed when 60 percent of the respondents that have participated on an IPD project stated they form a different partnership for each project. This approach defeats the primary concept behind IPD projects. In 1998, the United Kingdom authorized a study to determine how the construction industry could improve productivity. The resulting report was the Egan Report, chaired by Sir John Egan. In the foreword of his report, Egan stated, “Clients should require the use of integrated teams and long-term supply chains and actively participate in their creation.” What Egan was describing is IPD approach to construction. Further, he made his recommendation two years before the Integrated Project Delivery Collaborative, of Ocoee, Florida coined the term “Integrated Project Delivery” and filed for a trademark of the term.
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2. Often IPD is referred to as Lean IPD. The reason is simple, IPD embraces the concept of eliminating waste from the process just like Lean. To totally embrace Lean concepts requires a collaborative effort similar to IPD process. According to the Construction Industry Institute, 57 percent of the effort during the design and construction of the typical project adds no value and is not required. What has made eliminating this waste, so challenging is the fact that most of the waste occurs between the tasks, not within in the tasks. This condition makes it difficult for a single entity to make significant improvements on their own. What it requires is to remove the waste is the collaboration throughout the entire supply chain that the IPD method delivers when done properly. 3. Implementing a Lean process is not a destination, but a journey that requires continuous improvement. The only way that continuous improvement can be sustained from project to project is to have the same
players travel from project to project. This reasoning could be applied to just managing the IPD process, which is certainly different than the design-bid-build process, and, therefore, requires practice in perfecting also. One survey respondent stated, “As with any new process, the 1st project we did not get the entire team to buy-in and understand the cost aspects, but on the 2nd project the team was fully in tune with the costs.” 4. A constant theme of the respondent was the importance of trust in their partners. Once you establish a long-standing team, the trust and confidence will gradually increase over time as you become more aware of each other’s abilities and strengths. IPD is a team sport, and that requires each team member having confidence in his team members doing their jobs. It’s also important to identify any holes in the team’s capabilities. This knowledge any team weaknesses will allow the team to avoid projects that require that capability, therefore, reducing risk. While there are other benefits of developing a long-standing team, I think the above examples demonstrate why IPD should rely on long-standing teams, instead of trying to put together a team for a particular project.
Ted Garrison; president of Garrison Associates, is a catalyst for change. As a consultant, author and speaker; delivers his Construction 3.0 Strategies that offer breakthrough solutions for the construction industry by focusing on critical issues in leadership, project management, strategic thinking, strategic alliances and marketing. Contact Ted at 800-861-0874 or Ted@TedGarrison.com. Further information can be found at www.TedGarrison.com."
30 | AUGUST2015
0 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 3 6
Elevator Installer Chef Spa Supervisor - Trainer Biomedical Equipment Specialist Automotive Mechanic Inventory Control Manager Auto Body Repairer Tech. OSH Instructor Buyer HVAC Mechanic AC Maintenance Tech
1 3 1
ICU Registered Nurse Birthing Registered Nurse Cardiac Cath Registered Nurse Pediatrics Registered Nurse Executive Chef Painter/Blaster Med/Tele Registered Nurse Surgical Registered Nurse
1 2 4
0 0 1
Quality Inspectors
Radiologic Technician
Restaurant Manager Refrigeration & AC Mechanic
Shipfitter Sous Chef Executive Asst. Mgr. F&B
Specialty Cook Italian Cuisine
Total Non-Construction H2-B Workers
Maintenance Worker, Machinery
Med-Surg OR Registered Nurse
13 1 2
ER Registered Nurse
Scuba Dive Instructor
NICU Registered Nurse
Painter,Transporter Equipment
Maintenance Electrician
Elec./ Electronic Service Tech
Baker Master
Nursery Worker
Heavy Equipment Mechanic
Hvac Technician
Golf Instructor
Motor Rewinder
Massage Therapist
Field Supervisor
2 22 0 1 1 0 8 1
Japanese Specialty Cook Landscape Gardeners Laundry Supervisor Les Mills Certified Instructor Machinist Marine Maint. Machinist Marine Maint. Mechanic MRI Technician
Electrical Drafter
Electric Motor Repairer
3 4 29
Wedding Service Attendants Welder Welder - Fitter
Heavy Equipment Mechanic
TOTAL Construction H-2B Workers
Total OTHER Construction
1 1 1
Project Manager Quality Control Inspector Tower Crane Operator
Project Supervisor
HVAC Mechanic
General Maintenance & Repairer
10 11
Field Supervisor
Electrical Power Lineman
Civil Engineer
AC& Refrigeration Mechanic AC& Refrigeration Technician Architectural Drafter
Other Construction Occupations
Employers Workplace Monthly Report Statistics
Ultrasound Technician
Baker Mechanic
Specialty Cook Training & Dev. Specialist
Other Non-Construction Occupations
4 11 1
Auto Repairer Baker
GUAM DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Alien Labor Processing Certification Division
Total U.S. Workers
Grand Total H2B Workers
US Workers vs. H-2B
Grand Total H-2B Workers
Total U.S. Workers
38 87
Non-Construction Total H-2B Employers
1520 7 3 2 0 0 2 1 1 0 1532
Employers By Industry
Philippines Korea Japan Kiribati United Kingdom Australia Italy Peru Thailand Other Total by Nationality
Workers by Nationality
Total Common Const.
68 3
Electrician Camp Cook
9 30
504 151
Heavy Equip. Operator
Plumber Sheetmetal Worker
Structural Steelworker
Reinforcing Metalworker
Common Construction Occupations 466
Cement Mason Carpenter
Korea Thailand 0.46% 0.07%
5.41% 0.24%
Other 0.00%
Peru 0.07%
Prepared By: Sherine Espinosa Contact information: Greg Massey, ALPCD Administrator P.O. Box 9970 Tamuning, Guam 96931 (671)475-8005/8003
Camp Cook
Heavy Equip. Operator Electrician
Sheetmetal Worker
Reinforcing Metalworker Structural Steelworker Plumber
Cement Mason
United Kingdom
United Kingdom 0.00%
Kiribati 0.13%
Common Construction Occupations
Philippines 98.96%
Japan 0.20%
Australia 0.00%
Italy 0.13%
H-2B Population by Nationality
5:1& -&/50/ '03. 4"7&34
453"*()5 450$,
"650."5&% 45*33614 ."$)*/&4 61 50
"650."5&% 4)&"3 -*/&4 61 50
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t '03 $0/53"$5034 "/% 16#-*$ 4"-&4 t $655*/( t #&/%*/( t 453"*()5 450$, t 5*3& 8*3& t #"3 4611035 t %&5"*-*/(
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Tel: 653-4701 | E-mail: timw@rmpguam.com
989-ASPA (2772) | paradiseautospa@guam.net
GCA Construction Index GCA Construction Index GCA Construction Index DODDOD Contracts* Contracts*
Building Permits* Building Permits*
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'$!!!" &$!!!" %$!!!" #$!!!" !"
H2 Labor*
#!!!" (*!!"
(*!!" (!!!"
#$!!!" !"
H2 Labor*
Construction Employment
Construction Employment '$!!!"
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!(" !#" !)" !%" !*" !&" !+" !'" !," (!" ((" (#" ()" (%"
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!(" !#" !)" !%" !*" !&" !+" !'" !," (!" ((" (#" ()" (%" (*"
GCA Aprenticeship Registrations
%!" )*" )!" #*" #!" (*" (!" *" !"
GCA Registrations GCAApprenticeship Aprenticeship Registrations
%!" )*" )!" #*" #!" (*" (!" *" !"
Statistics provided by Guam Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Guam Contractors
!*" !&"and the GCA !+" Trades!'" Association; Academy. !," * as of April 30, 2015.
Statistics provided by Guam Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Guam Contractors Association; and the GCA Trades Academy. * as of April 30, 2015. 32 | AUGUST2015