GCA Construction News Bulletin September 2016

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PRESIDENT James A. Martinez Guam Constractors Association

Guam Contractor’s Association (GCA) in conjunction with Adztech and Public Relations, Inc. publishes the Construction News Bulletin (CNB) monthly. Reproduction of materials appearing in this publication is strictly forbidden without written permission by GCA.

PUBLISHER: James Martinez

PAST CHAIRMAN John Sage WATTS Constructors CHAIRMAN William Beery Tutujan Hill Group VICE CHAIRMAN Conchita Bathan Core Tech International SECRETARY/TREASURER John Robertson AmOrient Contracting CONTRACTORS DIRECTORS: Joe Roberto East Island Tinting Mark Mamczarz Black Construction Corp Peter Errett Hawaiian Rock Products Jessica Barrett Barrett Plumbing Rick Brown Pernix Guam LLC ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS: Jeffrey Larson TakeCare Asia Pacific Paul Blas Matson Navigation Patty Lizama Pacific Isla Life Mark Cruz Mid Pac Far East


While we always strive for accuracy, we will from time to time overlook mistakes. In order to help us improve the quality and accuracy of this publication, we ask that you take the time to look at the information provided and notify GCA or Adztech of any corrections as needed. Opinions and editorial content of this publication may not necessarily be those of the publisher, production team, staff, GCA members, GCA Board of Directors and advertisers. For more information about advertising in the GCA Construction News Bulletin contact the advertising department at (671) 477-1239/2239 or email at adztech@teleguam.net. Distributed to GCA members or can be obtained by stopping by the Guam Contractors’ Association office located at 718 N. Marine Corps Drive, Suite 203, East West Business Center, Upper Tumon, Guam. To find out more about how you can become a GCA member contact Guam Contractors’ Association at Tel: (671)647-4840/41 Fax: (671) 647-4866 or Email: gca@teleguam.net. www.guamcontractors.org

PRODUCTION TEAM LEAD: Geri Leon Guerrero AD SALES: Jaceth Duenas PRODUCTION: Geri Leon Guerrero Christopher “Taco” Rowland Jaceth Duenas PHOTOGRAPHERS: Christopher “Taco” Rowland EDITOR: Adztech CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: John Robertson R.D. Gibson John Aguon Shawn Gumataotao Nicholas Yamashita Quinata GCA STAFF: Desiree Lizama Elaine Gogue COVER: SBA Launches their new site certify.sba.gov

Postmaster. Send address changes to Guam Contractors’ Association, located at 718 N. Marine Drive Corps Suite 203, East West Business Center, Upper Tumon, Guam.

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GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING August 2016 MILITARY OFFICER BRIEF ENS Joshua Collins, CEC, USN, NBG, FEAD, CME, graduated from University of New Hampshire (UNH) with a BS in Microbiology and MS in Civil Engineering. He presented the findings of his research at the Manchester Drinking Water Treatment Plant, which was focused on removing Manganese from drinking water.

removal. ENS Joshua Collins

SUSTAINING MEMBER BRIEF RELYANT Global has the Regional Manager in Micronesia, spoke about the company and about the University of Tennessee UXO School.

The University of Tennessee and RELYANT have partnered together to develop the most comprehensive Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) training program available. The -

veterans, several from Guam.

Mr Dave Hayner, RELYANT Global Images courtesy of RELYANT


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Ukrit Siriprusanan (P.E. GeoDr. John Jenson (Professor of Environmental Geology at UOG / WERI ) and Dr. Nate Habana (Asst. Professor of Groundwater Hydrology / WERI). They spoke about the geology and the history of the island of Guam. Samples of the different types of limestones were proGuam. ” the mean annual rainfall is about 100 inches or 8.3ft, which means that over a period of two million years, more than 3,000 cubic miles of water has percolated through the plateau core ”

Dr. John Jenson & Bob Shambach with a sample of limestone

The core of the aquifer is composed of the Barrigada Limestone which varies from chalky, porous and friable to massive, cemented and hard. It is surrounded by fossil fringing and lagoonal deposits known as Mariana Limestone. The oldest limestone, known as Alifan Limestone, is found around the Nimitz Hill and Naval Magazine area on the island. Mr Ukrit Siriprusanan

Barrigada Limestone; Mariana Limestone and the Santa Rita Spring is fed by the aquifer formed in the Alifan Limestone

SAME Guam Post or log on to www.SAME.org & click on “Membership” at the top of the Home Page www.guamcontractors.org


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WORKFORCE CRISIS IN GUAM workers in large numbers from Hawaii or CONUS because of separation from families, the tropical climate, the high cost of living and lower wage scale on Guam. Furthermore, Guam workers are apt to migrate to CONUS when jobs are few in Guam then not return.

By John M. Robertson

As is well known, construction contractors for projects on military bases and in the civilian community are facing extraordinary difficulty employing competent workers for their construction projects. Other employers on Guam are experiencing similar difficulty. This article is intended to provide an update on what is happening in relation to the subject. The problem stems from the current Director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) taking a different stance than predecessors in relation to H-2B workers entering the United States, and in particular Guam, as temporary workers. The key word being “temporary”. He has advised Congresswoman Bordallo’s office that the governing law needs to be amended by the Congress to better define the meaning of “temporary” before action in relation to Guam can be taken. Expecting the Congress to take such action in an election year is, of course, out of the question. 1. BACKGROUND Since World War II, it has been necessary to recruit workers from Asia for construction and other jobs on Guam because of its remote location in the far western Pacific – closer to Asia than CONUS. It is difficult and near impossible to recruit and retain 10 | SEPTEMBER2016

The current local workforce is made up largely of 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation workers from Asia and especially the Philippines. There are not sufficient number of such workers in the construction industry to deal with the increased level of construction for the Guam Military Buildup which includes construction of a new Marine Corps Base here. Although the construction industry has the greatest need for foreign workers, other industries such as health care, transportation and others have similar requirements although not in the same numbers. Approximately five years ago, Guam was exempted from the U.S. foreign worker Visa cap that applies to employers in CONUS because of the then eminent Military Buildup. That exemption arranged by Guam Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo will expire at the end of December 2019. Without that exemption, the plight of contractors on Guam would be even more severe. The Guam Contractors Association in 2006 launched the GCA Trades Academy in order to supply workers for the construction and maintenance industries. It has been successful with training offered to over 2,000 workers with an average of 140 to 200 individuals in a multitude of trades at any given time. There are lesser numbers at this time because the MDF (Manpower Development Fund) has gone dry because H-2B workers are not being hired thus fees that support

the MDF are not being collected. The Trades Academy has reached out to persons from the Federated States of Micronesia and to those incarcerated at the Department of Corrections with pending release date. Veterans are offered special consideration. The Guam Community College has beefed up their program for construction trades as well as the medical technician and hospitality industry. All of these efforts are proving useful but is not adequate to meet current demand. 2. THE CURRENT SITUATION Commencing early this Calendar year, the USCIS has rejected most applications for new Visas as well as Visa Renewal applications. Whereas, last year, ±90% of applications were approved, this year ±99.991% of petitions for H2B workers have been denied or potentially will be denied. Primary cause for denial is wording in law as to what constitutes temporary need. In the case of Guam, there are currently insufficient numbers of U.S. workers to undertake the current and upcoming construction projects related to the U.S. military buildup. According to Guam DOL, H-2B application data from January through May 2016 was as follows: Total Positions Approved by Guam DOL 670 Total Positions Approved by USCIS 6 Total Positions under USCIS Request for Evidence (RFE) 409 Total Positions Denied by USCIS 89 Total Positions Pending USCIS/DOL Action 172 Since early February 2016, Approval/Denial traffic from USCIS has been slow. Appeals of denials are expected to take 6 months to a www.guamcontractors.org

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year, many of them will then be moot, especially for extension petitions. No notable number of approvals have been issued this year as of today’s date. The trend of denials continues. Meanwhile, construction contractors and other businesses using H-2B workers have been forced to send workers back to their home country. This is causing work at some projects to be suspended until there is a resolution to the matter. The Guam Regional Medical City has been particularly impacted by not being able to recruit and bring to Guam nurses, medical technicians and others. 3. ACTIONS TAKEN TO DATE A. GCA members have been in intensive consultation with the Guam Department of Labor, including the Director and especially the Alien Labor Processing & Certification Division. The DOL has in turn been very active in dealing with the USCIS but without normal result. B. GCA Board of Directors in March made a presentation to the senior command at NAVFAC Marianas. They in turn consulted with Guam’s Congresswoman in entering language in the 2017 NDAA allowing an exemption for workers needed for the Military Buildup. If that passes the Senate and the Joint Congressional Committee, most of the difficulty for military construction may be resolved but only after it is signed into law by the President late this Calendar year or perhaps later. There is then a 120-day implementation period so it will most likely not take effect until April 2017. It has no impact on non-military projects. C. GCA directors have been in intensive consultation with the office of Congresswoman Bordallo and especially her Chief of Staff. Her office has sent letters to the USCIS and followed up with direct contact with the Director but without successful result. D. GCA directors have been in intensive contact with the office of Governor Eddie Calvo. The Governor has sent a letter to President Obama on www.guamcontractors.org



the subject. Also, the Governors liaison in Washington DC, Margaret Metcalf. She in turn made direct contact with Leon Rodrigues, Director of USCIS but without favorable result.

H. In a 6 September 2016 letter from Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo to USCIS Director Leon Rodriguez, she wrote, in part, the following:

E. Guam lawyers specializing in immigration and worker visa applications have been active in contact with Guam DOL and the USCIS on behalf of the employers they represent. This includes: Melinda Swavely of Dooley Roberts Fowler & Visosky LLP; Catherine Bejerana Camacho of Law Offices of Catherine Camacho; Shane Black of Baumann Kondas and Xu; and, Jennifer Davis of Davis & Davis.

“I write again asking for your assistance in resolving the outstanding H-visa extension issue that is affecting numerous industries, including construction and health care, on Guam. I am deeply concerned by yet another report of the direct impact on the military build-up that failure to extend the H-visas will cause on Guam. It is expected that this week Core Tech International will have to send nearly 400 workers, about one-quarter of their work force, out of the United States as a result of visa extension rejections. Further, I am informed by the Guam Department of Labor that the total H-visa workforce on Guam may be less than 100 by the end of the year. Many of these workers are assisting with hangar construction at Andersen AFB among other projects on island. Core Tech is not the only firm impacted, nor is the construction sector alone in suffering from these challenges. I appreciated your willingness to work with my office to address this issue, however the situation is quickly becoming untenable and fast regulatory action is needed to alleviate this matter. . .

F. The Guam Chamber of Commerce, the Guam Hotel & Restaurant Association, and the Employers Council have been actively supporting the effort led by the GCA. When the Armed Forces Committee of GCoC were in Washington for their annual door-knock this Spring, they took this issue to every venue they visited including the Congress and the Department of Defense. G. The GCA organized a meeting at the Dusit Thani Hotel on 8th July in which members of the three organizations were present. Discussion was led by the four immigration lawyers most closely associated with the difficulty. The idea of a Class Action law suit against the USCIS was presented. It was hoped that the filing would initiate action such that the matter would not go to trial. A specialist off-island lawyer, Mr Jeff Joseph, was proposed to be engaged to improve success and that has happened. The majority of those present agreed this option should be pursued because the community is in a crisis situation. Fund Raising in amount of $50,000 is needed to initiate action up until filing. More will be needed if it goes to trial. There was a second meeting at the Santa Fe Hotel on 15 July where the leadership of the three organizations discussed the way forward. It was announced that $27,000 had been pledged as of that meeting date.

In particular, I ask that you apply deferred action to H-2B cases on Guam, or Continued Employment Authorization if appropriate, as was done for CW workers on CNMI last month, to provide temporary relief until authorizing language can be implemented. I believe this is an appropriate and immediate step that will ensure Guam continues to have the workforce necessary to continue projects that support the realignment of military forces on Guam. Stopping projects now risks the broader realignment strategy and also negatively impacts local civilian infrastructure projects. I have taken appropriate steps to address this matter and I hope that you will use all authorities available to you to find an appropriate stop gap measure so we SEPTEMBER2016 | 11

INSIDER NEWS have the workforce to continue with these critical projects.” I. The Director of the USCIS in a letter to Governor Calvo dated 30 August 2016 wrote, in part, the following: ““Thank you for your March 11, 2016 and June 29, 2016 letters. Secretary Johnson asked that I respond on his behalf. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has not made any recent changes to policies for defining or interpreting temporary need in the adjudication of H-2B petitions. . . . The period of time will generally be limited to one year or less, but in case of a one-time occurrence may last up to three years. The employer seeking H-2B workers must establish, among other things, that the need for the services will end in the near, definable future. . . . We note that, prior to the submission of the Form I-129 petition to USCIS, the determination as to whether there are sufficient U.S. workers who are able willing, qualified, and available to do the temporary work is made by the Department of Labor or, in the case of employment on Guam, the Guam Department of Labor. However, these determinations are advisory in nature. By regulation, the ultimate responsibility for determining H-2B eligibility rests exclusively with USCIS. ... Please be assured that USCIS is well aware of the importance of the H-2B program to Guam, and we are committed to working with stakeholders to ensure its continued integrity under existing law.” J. It was learned from a reliable source that Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert O. Work made a recent call to Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson and questioned him about the USCIS, which is an agency of Homeland Security, about blocking DoD projects on Guam related to the Marine Corps relocation. 12 | SEPTEMBER2016


It appears that none of these initiatives has yielded anything like an adequate or desirable outcome. 4. PROPOSED CLASS ACTION As noted above, the Guam Contractors Association, as a last resort, is moving forward in the direction of a Class Action Law Suit representing all members of the association. This was decided in a special meeting of the Board of Directors with unanimous consent. Named Plaintiffs-Petitioners are expected to include the Guam Contractors Association plus eight construction contractors and seven non-contractors that are adversely impacted by the suspension of H-2B visa issuances. Named Defendants-Respondents are expected to be the following individuals in their official capacity: Loretta E. Lynch, Attorney General of the United States Jeh Johnson, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Leon Rodriguez, Director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service Donald Neufeld, Associate Director, Service Center Operations – USCIS Kathy Baran, Director, California Service Center – USCIS The Complaint-Class Action is expected to be filed in the United States District Court for the District of Guam after thorough legal review and vetting by the named Plaintiffs. The four immigration attorneys named above, led by Melinda Swavely, are assisting the specialist attorney, Jeff Joseph of Colorado in preparing the Complaint. The Class Action Complaint will set forth in detail governing law and relevant case precedence that will support the position. It will set forth specific argument for each of the named Plaintiffs which arguments represent the vast majority of all businesses on Guam that are being damaged by the refusal by the USCIS to issue H-2B visas in a manner that has been the norm for more than thirty years.

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5. FUND RAISING A Class Action law suit or any serious lobbying effort requires lots of money. The alternative is to wait and see what happens and that is not a viable option. Workers are needed in a variety of fields and delay in filling those positions will become even more costly to employers and their clients. The first step is “pledges” of monetary support. As of this date, approximately $44,000 has been pledged. The following are the major financial supporters of this action so far: Guam Contractors Association $10,000.00 Guam Chamber of Commerce $5,000.00 The Employers Council $5,000.00 Hawaiian Rock Products $5,000.00 Ace Builders $3,000.00 5M Construction $2,000.00 Additional pledges and payments are needed within the month of September to proceed with this action. Those expecting to derive the greatest benefit should contribute the most. Additional funds are needed now. Further funding will be required if the USCIS challenges the Class Action Complaint. Payments should be made to "Dooley, Roberts, Fowler & Visosky LLP Trust Account" and to the attention of attorney Melinda Swavely. Disbursements are authorized by John Robertson as Secretary/Treasurer for the GCA Board and Adam Baron as Chair of the H2B Resolution Committee. Both are required to authorize disbursements. Ms Melinda Swavely will serve as alternate to either of them when they are not available. Unspent funds will be refunded to the donors in proportion to the amount donated.


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Wood and Tin Houses

Dominant Housing Style Until 1960’s

By Nicholas Yamashita Quinata

A precursor to the concrete typhoon proof pillbox style of buildings common to contemporary Guam were wood and tin homes. These simple homes were the dominant form of residential housing until the 1960s. The ifit tree (intsia bijuga), common to tropical regions, was the primary wood used in construction. The dark purple hardwood was prized for its ability to resist dry rot and termites. Post-World War II ifet shortages, combined with increased military construction, brought wood imports from the United States and the Philippines. Redwood resin was used to acclimate the wood to the tropical environment. Wood and tin houses first came into use on Guam following the Spanish-American War. Used by the United States Navy because of their durability and low cost, tin slowly replaced both the Spanish tile and traditional thatched roofs as a construction material. Widespread destruction of wood and thatched dwellings occurred in 1944 when the United States military

14 | SEPTEMBER2016

strategy in liberating the island from the Japanese lead to the bombing of any structure that might house potential threats. Only the homes in the southern villages of Umatac, Merizo, and Inarajan remained intact. After securing the island, demolition and construction was conducted by the Navy Seabees to provide facilities for the 200,000 servicemen expected to be on Guam to fight on the Asian front toward the end of World War II. By the end of this period, an estimated eighty percent of the 3,286 homes on Guam were destroyed. To house the displaced, the military built more than 1,400 new homes in just a little over a year beginning in August 1944, further spreading the use of wood and tin. The final transition toward the concrete homes of use today was initiated in part by natural disasters. The damages meted out by Supertyphoon Karen in 1962 and Typhoon Olive in 1963 lead to the passage by Congress of the Guam Rehabilitation Act (Public Law 88-170) of November 4, 1963. New housing projects created by the Kaiser

Company with the assistance of Black Construction Company used federal money to create cheap, typhoon resistant concrete houses. Wood and tin houses quickly fell out of favor. A housing survey conducted in 2000 found that of the 47,677 housing units on Guam, less than three percent had wood foundations. Metal roofs, however, could be found on close to thirteen percent of the homes on the island.t For further reading Rogers, Robert F. Destiny’s Landfall: A History of Guam. Honolulu: University of Hawai`i Press, 1995. Sanchez, Pedro. Uncle Sam, Please Come Back To Guam. Hagåtña: Star Press, 1979. U.S. Census Bureau. Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics of Guam. N.p.: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000.




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Working Towards Making Business Just A Little Bit Easier By R.D. Gibson

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The Internet is a driving force behind communication throughout the world. It connects people. It helps us send and receive information. We send things out; every status update, tweet, streamed song, and download. It seems the Internet was practically invented to make our lives just a little more convenient. Even as we are in the 21st century, some small businesses are just finding out how the Internet can help their businesses grow and what services are available to help them do so. Whether it’s a super cool marketing slogan or jingle to get the word out, or streamlining their services for their clients. The U.S. Small Business Administration is working toward growing with small businesses and contractors to assist the same way. When most small businesses think about working with the federal government, it’s easy to think about an arduous, difficult, and downright agonizing trip. Just thinking about it has some people cringing about bureaucratic red tape, vague passageways that lead us to robotic or monotonous telephone operators, or even numerous extensions where we’re passed on one right after the other. However, SBA is working toward making doing business with the federal government just a little bit easier. “Selling to the government can be a complex and confusing endeavor,” said Kenneth Lujan, Small Business Administration Branch Manager in Guam. “Certify.sba.gov will assist small firms doing business with federal government; streamline



applications, and eliminate documentation obstacles.” He continued to say that there is an improved application process for small businesses and entrepreneurs seeking to do business with the federal government.” SBA is focusing more on the Women-Owned Small Business Program for the time being. “This new website first focuses on closing market gaps for women entrepreneurs in the federal marketplace by featuring Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Program,” stated SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet in an U.S. Small Business Administration release. Contreras-Sweet adds, “Women contractors can now easily manage the certification process, including Third Party Certifications as part of the WOSB Federal Contract Program.” The release continues by saying that the site will eventually cater to other SBA contracting programs including the 8(a) Business Development and HUBZone programs. The release said, “Small businesses often get too little credit for their work as our nation’s leading job-creators, generating nearly two out of three net new jobs in our economy.” This website is designed to help businesses grow. Most especially with the “Am I Eligible” tool, which asks specific questions to determine if a small business is qualified for the WOSB Federal Contract Program, the HUBZone Program, and/or the 8(a) Business Development Program. If eligible, the businesses can apply for those programs and compete for federal contracts designated to small business concerns. Typically

SEPTEMBER2016 | 17



each SBA program has its own application process, more than likely not electronic, which makes for longer processing. Last fiscal year, the federal government gave out more than $90 billion - the most amount of contracting dollars to small businesses in history. Over half-a-million jobs were created across the country because of these contracts. This can translate to more money in the local economy and bigger, better opportunities for growth and development in the homegrown communities. The bottom line is the small business world is tough. Many times small business owners rely on word of mouth for work. More often than not it’s their bread and butter. The U.S. SBA is looking out for small businesses by helping ease the process to apply for federal projects, and in essence help grow communities. This site has the potential to help so many small businesses expand their clientele, augment their portfolios, and help their communities grow. That’s the bigger picture here. That’s actually getting the federal contracts available to businesses, which have the capabilities and resources. 18 | SEPTEMBER2016

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The Internet has helped many businesses soar by allowing them to be more accessible. However, accessibility can only mean so much if there isn’t a growing portfolio, expansive clientele, or even an opportunity to work. Businesses grow when there are more prospective projects, and adding a little bit of ease to any process can make the slightest difference in how much a business can expand. The U.S. SBA is upping the ante and doing just that. The U.S. Small Business Administration is working to make sure there are prospects for the small business community, which is already demonstrating they can and want to get the job done. By streamlining online services, it can mean many things: businesses won’t be too intimidated by the process and more future projects. The Internet can do many things. It can connect us, teach us, and help us grow. We’ve seen just how expansive, useful, and user-friendly it can be. As the website is still in its infancy, there may be a few stumbles in the baby steps, but they are steps toward supporting small businesses and their employees.


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By John Aguon

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over the past 25 years they've operated on Guam. Too, they have an active community support component of their business that should warrant some of the credit of their business' staying power and success--goodwill. And, as Tom puts it, "We give back to the community." Commenting on their company's mode of giving, he said, "We get many requests for charitable support, usually related to benefitting a medical need; and, we handle those by giving discounts in the form of certificates. For example, we may give a certificate, valued at $50.00, which can be applied to a tinting service for your pickup." According to Tom, Island Tinting has been doing these charitable efforts as long as they've been in business. And by his reporting, these types of appeals by individuals and their families happen daily, multiple times in the day. "We get quite a large number of calls for our support. And, I review everyone of them." Â As you roll into the East Island Tinting location, on Hagatna's picturesque Marine Corps Drive, with its unimpeded vista of the postcard-perfect Agana Bay, one of those inescapable thoughts finds its way to your top-of-mind. "We live here. Really." After parking, I make my way out of my car; already, on this beautiful Saturday morning, there's bustle in the service garage from the obvious tinting work now in tow. Greeted by their friendly front desk staff with a warm "Hafa Adai!" I make my intentions known, "Here to meet with Tom Roberto." There's an exchange, and within a couple of minutes, Tom appears. As well as Guam's bright sunny morning and the kind Island Tinting staff greeting, Tom's affable manner folds in well to the entree' of discussing the charitable efforts of this small established locally-owned and -operated business. Â Beginning, Tom, general manager, for East Island Tinting(East Agana, across from Agana Bay) and North Island Tinting(Dededo, across from Micronesia Mall), gives a summary of their core business activity; known, especially, for their auto and vehicle tinting, and also, for their commercial and residential tinting services. "Every business is looking for ways to save money, and tinting can help. So, if they can reduce the temperature in their buildings and offices, they'll be able to reduce overall electrical/energy costs." He touches on the fact that they've done a couple of sizable projects--Bank of Guam and the DNA building. For Island Tinting, then, those type of clients are probably as much an outcome of their dedication, hard work, and relationship-building


Regarding how they process a charitable request, Tom says, "Simply, I will ask them to put in writing; explaining what it's for. I read and assess it, and try my best to accommodate it." From Tom's and Island Tinting's perspective, it's uncomplicated, and from the sound of it, it's something that is part of their company's culture. Describing some of their other community and charity involvements he mentions, "We've been a big supporter of soccer on Guam; particularly, with the Wolverines from Talofofo. You know, we have our kids playing on those teams, so it's kind of natural that we'd support them." Assuaging the adage that charity begins at home. Extending that involvement in soccer on Guam, brother Joe has been an avid and vocal supporter for Guam Federation Association (GFA)and Guam Men's National Soccer Team--Matua, for a few years. The fit is a natural one. Aside from soccer, Island Tinting has also ventured their charitable giving to the little league baseball teams in Talolofo too. And, cooperated with another business, Badazu Electric to donate an electronic scoreboard for St. Francis School, on behalf of the Class of 2016. Going forward, as this 10-person small business operation continues its culture of giving back to the community, it seems it never knew how to do otherwise. And as a note, 25 years of succeeding on Guam; well, that's probably an indicator of Guam's vote of confidence in Island Tinting. We live here.

SEPTEMBER2016 | 21



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Satellite Phone

Extreme Weather has challenged the power and telecommunications infrastructure in the Western Pacific, As we found out in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) last year, if our cell phone towers or undersea cables are severed during a natural disaster, the connecting network between our isolated islands in Micronesia and the rest of the world is at risk of failure. One tool that can utilized in preparation of such an emergency is the satellite phone. Satellite phones rely on a network of satellites that are either fixed above the Equator (Geostationary), or in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) anywhere from 500 to 1,000 miles above the surface of the Earth. These phones are rarely affected by violent storms and, depending upon their system architecture, work virtually anywhere in the world. Their compact design is familiar to many of us and very similar to that of the cell phone in our bags and purses. For years, the traditional sat phone buyer and user has been the government, public safety agencies, shippers and energy companies. That is changing. Private individuals are securing the use of sat phones so they do not lose their capability to communicate with the rest of the world.

30 | SEPTEMBER2016

Why get one? With its origins dating back to 1965, the launch 20 years ago of the first low earth orbit satellite network by Motorola and today about 66 satellites crisscrossing the globe on a continual basis via the now thriving Iridium, sat phone options are better and allow us to communicate via this technology more than ever. A March 2013 article in Forbes Magazine noted that if you purchase a sat-phone, expect to spend between $600 and $1700, depending upon the network. All of the phones are lightweight, small, and replicate the functionality of your cellular telephone. Some have Bluetooth and WiFi capabilities so you can use a remote headset, and wirelessly connect your computer for data access. Today, there are options-even the use of sat phones with U.S. based SIM cards that are available for lease. All satellite phones have a number of common characteristics that you need to be aware of in order to select the one that will work the best for you. The most important point to understand is that sat-phones are not cell phones, and they work on an

entirely different network architecture and radio propagation characteristics. There are certain inherent limitations as to how they operate, and where. Satellite phones help save lives, provide communications during natural disasters, and link users with the outside world when terrestrial-based networks fail. Cellular networks can be fragile and can be unavailable for a variety of reasons. Satellite networks rarely if ever are out of service, which means that if you have a satellite phone, you are almost guaranteed a connection with emergency services, business, government agencies, friends and family. They are, in my view, communications insurance.


To find out more about how GET, LLC, through our Iridium satellite phone partner at Range Global Services, LLC, can help your satellite phone needs, give us a call at 671-483-0789 or our website at www.get-guam.com for more information.



32 | SEPTEMBER2016

















HVAC Technician

Landscape Gardener

Laundry Maintenance Technician

Les Mills Group Exercise Instructor


Maintenance Machinery Worker

Marine Maintenance Mechanic

Market Research Analyst

Massage Therapist

Motor Repairer

MRI Technologist


Quality Control Inspector

Ultrasound Technician

Wedding Service Attendant


Total Non-Construction H2-B Workers


Heavy Equipment Mechanic


1 1

Crew Leader







Guest Host/Hostess


Bridal Stylist

Figaro Coffee Shop Supervisor


Biomedical Equipment Specialist



Bakery Equipment Mechanic

Executive Manager F&B




Heavy Equip. Operator


Diving Instructor ER Registered Nurse

Sheetmetal Worker


Automotive Repairer

TOTAL Construction H-2B Workers

Total OTHER Construction






1187 2 5 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1197





Total U.S. Workers

Grand Total H2B Workers

Korea Thailand 0.17% 0.00%







9.28% 0.61%

Other 0.00%

Peru 0.08%

Prepared By: Paul Miyasaki Contact information: Greg Massey, ALPCD Administrator P.O. Box 9970 Tamuning, Guam 96931 (671)475-8005/8003

Camp Cook

Heavy Equip. Operator Electrician

Sheetmetal Worker

Reinforcing Metalworker Structural Steelworker Plumber


Cement Mason






United Kingdom





United Kingdom 0.08%

Kiribati 0.17%


Common Construction Occupations

Philippines 99.16%

Japan 0.42%

Australia 0.00%

Italy 0.00%

H-2B Population by Nationality








US Workers vs. H-2B

1197 Grand Total H-2B Workers



38 73

Total H-2B Employers

Total U.S. Workers


Construction Non-Construction

Employers By Industry

Philippines Korea Japan Kiribati United Kingdom Australia Italy Peru Thailand Other Total by Nationality

Workers by Nationality



Total Common Const.


Camp Cook









Structural Steelworker

Reinforcing Metalworker


Automotive Mechanic




Heavy Equipment Mechanic


Common Construction Occupations Cement Mason

Assistant Solar (PV) Installer



Other Construction Occupations A/C Mech

AC Maintenance Technician


MONTH ENDING: August 2016



Employers Workplace Monthly Report Statistics

AC Maintenance Mechanic

Other Non-Construction Occupations

GUAM DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Alien Labor Processing Certification Division



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