GCA 2021 Membership Directory

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THE GUAM CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION AMENDED CORPORATE BY-LAWS Article I – Identification & Definitions • Article II – Purposes & Objectives • Article III – Governance • Article IV – Membership & Dues Article V – Membership Meetings • Article VI – Board of Directors • Article VII – Committees • Article VIII – Miscellaneous Provisions Article IX – Amendments As revised in draft form by the GCA Board of Directors, June 2008, and put forward to the general membership for ratification. ARTICLE I - IDENTIFICATION AND DEFINITIONS Section 1 – Identification The Guam Contractors Association is incorporated in the U.S. Territory of Guam as a nonprofit organization that functions as a regional association of construction contractors, design-builders, construction program managers, maintenance contractors, suppliers of products and services to the engineering-construction industry and others with involvement in the industry. Section 2 – Affiliations The GCA Trades Academy is incorporated in the U.S. Territory of Guam as a separate and distinct non-profit organization that was established under the sponsorship of the Guam Contractors Association with continuing support. The Trades Academy provides certified training for construction and related trades. The Associated Builders and Contractors Inc (ABC) is a national association representing nearly 25,000 merit shop construction and construction-related firms in 78 chapters across the United States. The Guam Contractors Association is an affiliate chapter and GCA members are automatically ABC members. The National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) through its Contren Learning series provides training guides and certification for construction trades persons. The Guam Contractors Association and the Trades Academy cooperate with NCCER to achieve the highest level training program available. Section 3 – Definitions A. The name of the association shall be GUAM CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION. B. The acronym “GCA” when used in these Bylaws shall mean Guam Contractors Association. C. The words “National ABC” or “National Association” when used in these Bylaws shall mean the Associated Builders & Contractors, Inc. D. The term “Board” in these Bylaws shall mean the Guam Contractors Association Board of Directors. E. The word “Firm” shall mean any individual, corporation, company, limited liability, limited or general partnership, joint venture, association or other entity. F. The word “Member” shall be deemed to include all classes of members described in these Bylaws, unless otherwise indicated herein. G. Reference in these Bylaws to male gender shall also be representative of female gender. H. Whenever a “two-thirds vote of the Board” is required, it shall mean two-thirds of the Board present and voting at a duly organized meeting, and in no case less than one-half of the total Board. I. The words “Voting Member” shall be deemed to include the classes of Members that are entitled to cast one vote and are members in good standing. ARTICLE II - PURPOSES AND OBJECTIVES Section 1 – Primary Objective To represent the contracting industry in any and all matters of common interest, and to promote the integrity and prestige of the contracting industry in Guam and the region by: A. Fostering improved trade skills in the local workforce. B. Improving industrial safety in the workplace through training and interaction with regulatory agencies. C. Gathering and disseminating information of common interest to the membership. D. Serving as the primary conduit for information flow for the engineering-construction industry throughout U.S. Territories and the Freely Associated States in the Western Pacific. E. Analyzing pending legislation affecting the contracting industry and lobbying for changes that would better the position of the membership. F. Interacting with government and military contracting agencies in improving contract relationships. G. Promoting the highest standard of business ethics within the membership by providing a forum for professional interaction between members. H. Maintaining a close and cooperative relationship between the GCA, Guam Chamber of Commerce, GHRA, Employers Council, GSPE, AIA, SAME, and other such business and trade organizations.

G U A M C O N T R A C TO R S A S S O C I AT I O N | 2 0 2 1 M E M B E R S H I P D I R E C T O R Y


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