Guam Contractors’ Association
Vol.54 Issue 3 MARCH 2013
First in Safety
6 10
2 | MARCH2013
Feature Story
Member Benefits
Office Dispatch FAX-Dispatch FAX-Engineering FAX-Accounting FAX-Executive Contact Art Chan for assistance with your building needs.
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THEDIRECTORS PRESIDENT James A. Martinez, GCA PAST CHAIRMAN William “Bill” Beery, Tutujan Hill Group CHAIRMAN Robert Salas, Landscape Management Systems VICE CHAIRMAN Tom Anderson, Black Construction SECRETARY/TREASURER Art Chan, Hawaiian Rock CONTRACTORS DIRECTORS: Tom Nielsen, Maeda Pacific Corporation Juno Eun, Core Tech International Mike Venezia, Hensel Phelps John Robertson, AmOrient Louis De Maria, dck pacific guam LLC ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS: Patty Lizama, Individual Assurance Company Paul Calvo, Calvo’s Insurance Carlo Leon Guerrero, M80 Office Systems Inc. Ray Yanger, Matson Navigation
THEEDITORIALS Guam Contractor’s Association (GCA) in conjunction with AdzTech and Public Relations, Inc. publishes the Construction News Bulletin (CNB) monthly. Reproduction of materials appearing in this publication is strictly forbidden without written permission by GCA. While we always strive for accuracy, we will from time to time overlook mistakes. In order to help us improve the quality and accuracy of this publication, we ask that you take the time to look at the information provided and notify GCA of any corrections as needed. Opinions and editorial content of this publication may not necessarily be those of the publisher, staff, GCA members, GCA Board of Directors and advertisers. For more information about advertising in the GCA Construction News Bulletin contact the advertising department at (671) 477-1239/2239 or email at Distributed to GCA members or can be obtained by stopping by the Guam Contractors’ Association office located at 718 N. Marine Corps Drive, Suite 203, East West Business Center, Upper Tumon, Guam. To find out more about how you can become a GCA member contact Guam Contractors’ Association at Tel: (671)647-4840/41 Fax: (671) 647-4866 or Email: Postmaster. Send address changes to Guam Contractors’ Association, located at 718 N. Marine Drive Corps Suite 203, East West Business Center, Upper Tumon, Guam.
THETEAM PUBLISHER: James Martinez SALES & MARKETING DIRECTOR: Geri Leon Guerrero AD SALES: Tom Mendiola June Maratita PRODUCTION: Geri Leon Guerrero Christopher “Taco” Rowland Tanya Robinson PHOTOGRAPHERS: Marty Leon Guerrero Christopher “Taco” Rowland EDITOR: Adztech CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: John Robertson David F. Macaluso
Dr.Noel Silan DPM, ABMSP P.C.
Angelica Camacho Ted Garrison GCA STAFF: Francine Arceo Desiree Lizama COVER: First in Safety
Society of
American Military Engineers
A product of the National Society of Professional Engineers, NSPE, Engineers week was developed more than 60 years ago as a means to introduce engineering and technology to future engineering hopefuls. Each year, thousands of schools, businesses and community groups across the US plan activities that raise public awareness regarding the positive contributions that engineers make to our daily lives. prepared their own technical awareness activites.
State Competition will then represent Guam at the National MATHCOUNTS Competition in Washington D.C. on May 10th. Betty Gayle, GSPE, Guam MATHCOUNTS Coordinator; Steve Lam, Coach, St. John’s School; Brandon Yu, 4th place, St. John’s School; , GSPE National Director; Sai Gogeneni, 3rd place, Harvest Christian Academy; Jim Atkinson, GSPE Secretary; Matthew Lewis, Coach, Harvest Christian Academy; Heejai Hong, 2nd place, Harvest Christian Academy; Dasson Tan, 1st place, Harvest Christian Academy & Michael Stout, ECC, MATHCOUNTS Marquis Sponsor.
Governor Eddie Calvo signing the proclaimaEngineers Week in Guam.
6 | MARHC2013
David Hurchanik, AIA; Jim Atkinson, GSPE/SAME; John Robertson, SAME; Brett Wiese, AIA; , GSPLS; Sonny Perez, PEALS Board; Robert McIntosh, UOG; Elizabeth Gayle, GSPE; Virgilio Olivares, GSPLS. Governor Eddie Calvo; Cedric Cruz, AIA.
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UOG AND GHD PROMOTE ENGINEERING IN SCHOOLS THROUGH DISCOVER “E” As part of a nation-wide program to increase student interest in math, science and technology, GHD, SAME and UOG
how to obtain an engineering degree and the resources available through the UOG School of Engineering.
Over 70 engineers, architects and land surveyors were in attendance at the IBC Fundamental Structural Provisions Workshop featuring Dr. S. Ghosh from S.K. Ghosh Associates. Dr. Ghosh discussed the 2012 IBC and what that transistion would mean to Guam’s building professionals.
Comments by Lt. Governor Ray Tenario
Dr. Ghosh also gave a short presentation at the SAME General Membership Meeting for February.
Tribute to Harold Dean Gillham by Mark Ruth
To join SAME Guam Post, log on to and click on “Membership” at the top of the home page. 8 | MARCH2013
COMMITTEUPDATE In a joint meeting of the GCA, SAME Guam Post, GSPE, GSPLS and Guam Chapter of AIA on 21 February, Joint Region Chief Engineer and NAVFAC Marianas Commanding Officer, CAPT John V. Heckmann provided a briefing on the year ahead for Guam and NAVFAC. As was anticipated, the volume of planned engineering and construction projects was down from the year before on account of the Continuing Resolution and Sequestration. This has been the subject of recent articles in this space. Nonetheless, there is much to be expected in the out years for architectural and engineering firms and construction contractors.
Construction Mishap Rates
FY12 and FY13 most common accident type on Guam: Struck by and falls. Root Cause: Personnel and procedural errors.
10 | MARCH2013
NAVFAC Marianas Execution Laydown • PWD Guam/ROICC Finegayan PWO: CDR Thornton, ROICC: CDR Cyr - Apra Harbor Complex - Ordnance Annex - NAVHOSP - Finegayan - Navy Barrigada - NBGTS/NCTS/CIS - Guam ANG MILCON, Barrigada - Barrigada Transmitter Site • 36th CES/LRS/CONS Commanders: Lt Col Carter/ Maj Fuller/ Maj McDonald - Andersen Main AFB - Northwest Field - Andersen South
FY13 NDAA Summary Sec. 2832. Realignment of Marine Corps forces in Asia-Pacific Required prior to any implementation of Marine Corps realignment: 1) PACOM assessment of cost 2) SECDEF master plan for required facilities and construction cost 3) SECNAV plan for Futenma (in Okinawa) 4) Federal Agency plan for non-military Guam infrastructure affected Exceptions – SECDEF may use funds for: NEPA efforts on Guam, planning/design construction projects at AAFB & Andy South
DPRI SEIS Proposed Schedule
• Notice of Intent for Expanded SEIS Oct 2012 • Scoping Meetings on Guam Nov 2012 • Close of Scoping Period Dec 2012 • Draft SEIS Feb 2014 • Final SEIS Late 2014 • ROD Feb 2015
Military Construction / Special Projects for FY13 and FY14 FISCAL YEAR
PA $(M)
Army National Guard JFHQ Ph4 Design-Build. Guam DB MACC
Pending Appropriation RFP Mar 13. Due Apr 13
Upgrade Fuel Pipeline (DLA) Design-Bid-Build. Standalone (SACC)
Pending Appropriation RFP Jun 13. Due Jul 13
North Ramp Parking, Part 2 Design-Build. Guam DB MACC
Pending Appropriation RFP Jan 13. Due Mar 13
Whole House Revitalization Ph1 Lockwood Design-Build. Guam DB MACC
Pending Appropriation RFP Mar 13. Due Apr 13
Romeo Wharf Repairs (Special Project)
Pending Funding
Grand total:
Strike Fuel Systems Maintenance Hangar
Shifted from FY13 Authorization
Other Projects Programmed
Grand total:
MARCH2013 | 11
Continuing Resolution and Sequestration
Energy Program
• Both CR and sequestration have significant budget impacts • CR (~$4.6B impact) - limits operating levels to FY12 - Unexpected expenses experienced from: Increased naval ops in Middle East Increased fuel costs Critical repairs to ships/subs - Restricts flexibility to cover shortfalls from other funding accounts
• For FY13, CNIC approved 13 eSRM Projects ($47.6M) - SB MACC, HUB Zone DBMACC utilized - Proposal due date Jan – May 2013; expected award late FY13 or FY14 - Currently project awards are on hold • For FY14, CNIC approved 8 eSRM Projects ($24.1M)
• Sequestration ($4-5B impact) • Actions being taken or considered: - Cancelling ship/aircraft maintenance actions - Reducing base operating support - Reducing installation sustainment - Hiring freeze - Limiting/cancelling/extending deployments - Reduction of training/travel - Furloughs
Other Funding Sources • SRM: Original $125M in Sustainment, Restoration & Modernization reduced to $54M: - Will continue to develop $70M Request for Proposals (RFPs) for sustainment projects for EOY awards if funds become available • Energy Special Projects - FY13: $47.6M, FY14: $24.1M - FY13 program is deferred due to CR impacts • DLA Fuel Projects - FY13: $300K, FY14: TBD Provide Contingency Pump House and Connect Hydrant Loops for Enhanced System Capability Assess and Repair Emergency Fuel Shutoff Switches (EStops) Provide Valve Pit Covers at VP #4 and VP #5 Install Lockable Drain Valves in Pump Houses 1, 2, 3, 4 • Family Housing - FY13: $1.3M, FY14: $2.5M • Navy Working Capital Fund - FY13: $3.5M, FY14: $22.3M
FY13/14 Energy Program SOW • Upgrade chiller-condensing units - Remove/demolish individual chillers, packaged air-conditioning (A/C) units, and air-handling units - Install newer energy efficient equipment - Conversion of constant volume system to variable air volume (VAV) system - Conversion of air-cooled system to water-cooled system - Modify HVAC accessories, air ducting, chilled water pipe lines, and electrical controls • Retro-commission - Repair and modernize mechanical systems, lighting systems, controls, and building envelopes of multiple buildings - Repair, test, and adjust building systems to meet the original design intent and/or optimize the control systems - Measurement and verification (M&V) - Utility Data Analysis after completion of repairs and adjustments. Usage will be measured based on long-term whole-building utility meters
Operations & Maintenance, Navy (O&M,N) • FY13 originally $125M of SRM is reduced to $54M due to CR impacts • Expected FY13 major projects if funds become available: - Annual Recurring Paint Plan and Rubber Removal, AAFB - Repair Chiller and Condensing Units in HSC-25 (B2641), AAFB - Replace Det 2 Fire Alarm System (B34, 32, and 30, former #s), AAFB - CE HQ/Motor Pool Building, Phase 1 (B18001), AAFB - Base wide Roofing Repairs, AAFB - Renovation of Andersen Chapel I (B22024), AAFB - Repairs for Taxiway G, AAFB - Airman Dormitory Renovation (B27005), AAFB - Misc Structural Repairs, B3169, NBG - Repairs to COMSUBRON 15 Buildings (B3110, 3115, 3119, K1, K2), NBG - Repair Navy Septic Tank, Tinian - Modify Distribution and Temperature Controls (B3190, B3191), NBG - Correct Traffic Deficiencies, NBG - Repair Hand holes and Manholes, Various Areas, NBG • FY14’s full SRM control expected to be similar to $125M 12 | MARCH2013
Acquisition and Contracts • Multiple Award Construction Contract (MACC): Establishes standing relationships with a group of “pre-qualified” contracting teams - Open Competition Design/Build MACC: $4.0B capacity. Task Orders $15 - $300M Seven firms, awarded May 2010, last option expires May 2015 - Small Business Design/Build MACC: $500M capacity. Task Orders $1 - $15M Six firms, awarded March 2010, last option expires March 2015 - HUB Zone Design/Build MACC: $400M capacity. Task Orders 1 - $5M Nine firms, awarded June 2009, last option expires April 2014 - 8(a) MACC: $100M capacity. Task Orders $25K - $2M Six firms, awarded August 2010, last option expires July 2015 - SDVOSB MACC: $30M capacity. Task Orders $2.5 - $150K Seven firms, awarded June 2011, last option expires June 2014 • Construction IDIQ contracts - Paving - Minor Construction/Repair - Painting - Roofing (New Solicitation – Jan 2013) • A&E IDIQ Contracts - $10M capacity each for 5 firms, $2M per year. Awarded Sept 2009, last option expires Sept 2014 - Architectural Services: Setiadi Architects LLC - Civil-Structural Engineering: N.C. Macario & Associates Inc; and, Evangelista-Acabado Engineers Inc - Electrical Engineering Services: EMC2 Electrical Inc - General Engineering Services: EMPSCO Engineering Consultants • Facility Support Contracts - Base Operating Support (BOS) – DZSP 21 – Last option expires December 2014 - Consolidated Pest Control – Pacific Pest Control – Last option expires March 2017 - Consolidated HOMS & COOMS Housing Contract – Chugach World Services – Last option expires January 2014 - Waterblasting Requirements – Able Industries of the Pacific – Last option expires March 2015 - Janitorial Services – Advance Management Inc – Last option expires August 2014 - Consolidated Grounds Maintenance – Guam Cleaning Masters – Last option expires November 2014 - DECA Generator O&M – S.E.T. Pacific Inc – Last option expires August 2014 - MHE Maintenance – Tyeco Material Handling – Last option expires November 2014
Small Business Opportunities • FY 2013 Small Business Projection $176M ($125M if not restored) - With the exception of the BOS contract, all recurring service contracts are performed by small business concerns - 40 SB concerns participating in various BPAs, IDIQs, etc - 40+ SB contractors participating in construction MACCs and IDIQs • FISC Supply Program - Ongoing contracts with SB to support copiers, food service, medical gas, transportation, phones, laundry and many others • Proactive Outreach Program - Partnering with the Procurement Technical Assistance Center, Small Business Development Center, and the U.S. SBA Guam Branch Office - Active participant in Small Business seminars & expos - Member of small business committees for Guam Contractors Association, Society of American Military Engineers, and Chamber of Commerce
Questions? • For Acquisition matters, contact: - Mr. Eugene Diaz, NAVFAC Marianas Acquisition Director E-mail: or phone (671)339-6148 - Mr. Al Sampson, NAVFAC Marianas Small Business Advisor, E-mail: or phone (671)339-7090
- LCDR Grant Watanabe, Assistant Operations Officer E-mail: or phone (671) 333-1280 • Federal Business Opportunities: • Navy Electronic Commerce Online:
The foregoing was prepared by John M Robertson, chairman of the GCA Military, Government and Labor Relations Committee and treasurer of SAME Guam Post from the power point used by CAPT Heckmann in making the presentation.
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Highest Safety Award In Guam’s History by David F. Macaluso
recognized from Guam before. Honestly it was seven months after we won the Diamond Award and we didn’t expect anything else,” said Kim. “Guam is a small location and we were competing with thousands of companies from across the country. Its a big honor to accept this National Excellence Safety Award.” The 2012 National Safety Excellence Award winners were selected from ABC member firms that achieved Diamond and Platinum status in ABC’s Safety Training and Evaluation Process (STEP). During the selection process, national safety winners were judged on self evaluation scores, lost workday case rates, total recordable rates , leading indicator use, process and program innovations and interviews conducted by members of ABC’s National Environment, Health & Safety Committee.
As you may recall, last June, Reliable Builders Inc (RBI) won ABC’s prestigious Diamond Award because of their strong safety record. At that time RBI was the first locally based company on Guam to win the highest Diamond award. In the past, other locally based companies have won all the way up to the platinum level, but no one has reached the diamond status. In order to be considered for ABC’s Diamond Award the company needs to have a statistically strong safety record. It can apply for the Step Award and if it qualifies for that, then that particular company can qualify and apply for different levels such as the bronze, silver, gold and platinum. What happens from there is once a company applies for the platinum, the GCA Board goes through the applications, takes the ones they feel may be eligible for higher recognition and then they are put it in front of the another panel to evaluate those companies for the Diamond Award.
from all our employees, the management staff and all the way up to RBI’s President Mr. Jong Kim. We get a lot of support from our president and he's 110 % percent dedicated to our safety.”
According to RBI’s Vice President Philsan I. Kim, That was a great honor and an accomplishment for Reliable Builders to win last year’s ABC’s Diamond Award. What started out as a safety program to protect their employees and workers helped them gain national exposure.
Over the past several years, RBI worked hard to have a good safety record. And they were finally recognized for all their work when the company won the Diamond Award in June 2012. That helped qualify RBI for ABC’s National Safety Excellence Award.
Kim said, “It all started when our Corporate Safety Director Rully S. Padios joined RBI in 2009. But it wasn’t just developing a safety program, it also meant changing the working culture. From the safety aspect it was a huge job and Rully did a great job installing a safety program at Reliable Builders.”
“After winning the Diamond Award we just focused on our work but didn’t really think about any other awards. Since we won the Diamond Award, we didn’t have to apply for the National Award because we automatically qualified for it,” said Philsan Kim.
Padios adds, “It wasn’t just me that did all this, our company is a team and we did it together. We changed the safety culture within Reliable Builders through proper training, weekly safety meetings, lesson learned activities and the bottom line is teamwork. The success with our safety program is as simple as great teamwork,
Then months later, from out of the blue on a Sunday morning in February, the company was informed and congratulated by an email from the ABC explaining that RBI won the national safety award. “We were all shocked to win a national award because no one has ever been
Last year a combined total of two thousand three hundred companies from the United States and its territories won either ABC’s Diamond or Platinum Awards. By winning one of those awards helped qualified a company for this national award, but only fourteen companies were selected. And out of those fourteen, Reliable Builders was one of five companies to win the top honors. The national banquet honoring the fourteen companies was held on February 20th in Miami, Florida. But RBI representatives we were told to keep this a secret and not to say a word until after the award ceremony. Padios smiles as he discusses his trip about Miami, “We were proud and it was an honor to represent Guam at this ceremony. We were also the only folks from Asia. When we received the award, we held our fist up high in the air in celebration for Guam. It was a great feeling and other companies cheered out for us and some of them were yelling GUAM. It was really great for Guam.” Kim adds, “Afterward, people were asking us a lot of questions about Guam. We spent the whole night bragging about our island to the other contractors who attended the banquet. It was fun, we made a lot of contacts and there might be a number of opportunities for RBI in the future.”
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Last year over two thousand companies from across the United States and its territories won either the Diamond or Platinum Awards for their safety record from the Associated Builders and Contractors Inc (ABC). From all those winners, Guam’s own Reliable Builders Incorporated was recognized as one of the top five safest companies in the US, which helped them earn a National Safety Excellence Award.
end of the work day if nothing happens and there are no injuries then thats the best news we can hear. Accomplishing that is nothing else we can ask for.” This award helped Reliable Builders rise to its highest level and it also put Guam in the limelight on the national stage for safety standards. This shows that all the employees within RBI worked hard, accepted the safety plan and that reflects in its records. Kim said, “Our safety record gets reported every year and if we have one incident and a person get injured, then there is a red flag on our safety record for the next 5 yrs. But to have no injuries or lost work days is a reflection of our hard work worrying and caring about safety. We are so proud of our company and for all the hard work that everyone from RBI put into this.”
Reliable Builders is locally owned and serving Guam for over 36 years. It was formed in 1977 by the company’s President Jong Kim right after Typhoon Pamela. Kim found that there was a need for people to fix up and renovate their homes. So that’s what he started doing, fixing one house at a time and shortly after that he went into housing. Then during the mid 1980’s the Japanese economic boom happened which meant more Japanese tourists came to Guam. When
this happened, a lot of hotels started going up to support the tourism industry. During that time Reliable Builders helped build the Blue Pacific Lattice, which was the first high rise hotel in Tumon. According to Kim, the company kept moving up, but it faced some hardship in the early 1990’s when RBI began bidding on some of the military contracts. Back then the bidding process was a lot different than it is today, that’s because there were no RFP’s and the military only looked at the price proposal for a job. Kim said, “They didn’t look at your design, your safety records or the history of your
According to ABC President and CEO Michael D. Bellaman, “ We are proud to honor Reliable Builders Inc with a National Safety Excellence Award for demonstrating an extraordinary commitment to safety and outstanding safety performance. Reliable Builders has truly shown a dedication to becoming one of the leaders for the industry by striving to create the safest work environment possible for its employees.” Kim adds, “This is a family business and the workers here are an extended family. Our goal will always be the same to insure that everyone remains safe. The hard part is that we have been recognized, but we need to continue our high standard because there is no end to safety. At the
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But fortunately in the early 2000’s RBI qualified to join the 8-A program for small construction businesses and through that the company was able to compete for federal funded jobs. Eventually RBI graduated from the 8-A program in 2010. Now Reliable Builders is also a certified HUBZone company. Today RBI is actively working on 8 ongoing projects The company is currently heading the high profile restoration job of the Plaza de Espana in Agana and the remaining jobs are on base. This past December RBI also completed building their new office in Tamuning on
Marine Corp Drive. Originally the building was an old two story run down building and a real eye sore to the community. But Reliable Builders renovated it and added another floor to their new facility. Now its home office is a three story building. Reliable Builders is a family operated business and the younger Kim (Philsan) said when he was a child he was influenced by his dad and is following in his footsteps. While growing up, the construction industry was a part of his everyday life. He was born and raised in this industry and always knew one day he would get into the family business. He left the island to attend college and graduate school, but returned to help his dad with the business. “My dad is getting to the age where he can’t do everything by himself and the company is growing. Its not a company with just one backhoe and a few guys.
I’m trying to help with the business and to learn as much as I can from him because one day he will eventually pass the torch to me,” said Kim. But Kim quickly adds, “Hopefully that won’t be for a very long time. My Dad is still the first one in and the last one to go home. This company is his life and passion, that’s why it’s so great to see him do well and for Reliable Builders to be acknowledged for this National Safety Excellence Award.” Kim mentioned that Reliable Builders will attend next year’s ABC National Ceremony which will be held in Maui, Hawaii. He plans to attend this event and cheer on all the 2013 winners. And when asked if RBI will repeat and win another National Safety Excellence Award next year, he just smiled and crossed his fingers for luck.
MARCH2013 | 21
past performance. The job was only awarded to the lowest bidder. It was hard for us because we were a small company competing for those contracts, especially when we were going against the big companies like DCK or Black Construction.”
GCA Luncheon Hosted by S.A.M.E. February21st, 2013 Hyatt Resort Guam
24 | MARCH2013
Recipe for Success
Congratulations! 1 tablespoon Organized approach for developing SAFETY and loss prevention programs 1 tablespoon Incorporation of OSHA required safety data 1 tablespoon Performance Monitoring 1 kg Innovative Safety Program 1 gallon Reliable Builders Commitment to !
Safety Excellence
From your friends at
e Reliablrs Builde
For immediate release Contact:
Angelica Camacho Marketing Coordinator (671) 477-2111
RIM Announces Wiese as New Licensed Architect March 12, 2013, Hagatna, GU – RIM Architects is pleased to announce Inna Wiese as its newest licensed architect. Ms. Wiese has over 15 years of experience in the industry and is a graduate of Mapua Institute of Technology School of Architecture and Planning. She began her career with RIM Architects in 1996 for three years before departing to California in 2001 with her husband, Brent Wiese, also a registered architect. During her stay in California she joined an architectural firm in San Luis Obispo where she was an intern in charge of construction documents. In 2009, she returned to Guam and has since continued her career in the industry as a Job Captain with RIM Architects. As part of the design team, some of her most recent work includes the Guam Reef Hotel renovation, CAM-5 Personal Finance Center, and Bank Pacific. In her new position, her responsibilities will include project management and construction documents. After months of studying and preparation, Ms. Wiese reflects on her experience. “Preparing for the ARE (Architect Registration Examination) is a challenge in time management and balance. A strong support network is a must when going through the licensing process. I am grateful I had everything I needed to succeed: friends and family for support and for celebrating little victories with,” says Wiese. Ms. Wiese adds she is excited to take on her new role at the firm. She plans to pursue supplemental licenses in other jurisdictions and will seek LEED accreditation. RIM Architects has served the local community for over 26 years providing excellence in comprehensive architectural design and client service. The firm’s philosophy brings “Results with IMagination” to every project and translates the client’s program, functional objectives and aesthetic aspirations into an appropriate and creative architectural solution. In addition to its Guam office, RIM Architects has offices in California and Hawai`i, with corporate headquarters in Alaska.
26 | MARCH2013
Foot Injuries dent. The foot has 26 bones, 33 joints and over 100 tendons and ligaments. These all work in unison to support, balance and move a person. It is the main propulser in gait. It is the site for numerous insertions of powerful tendons and attachments of ligaments. A complex extremity that allows a person to accelerate and stop in seconds.
Dr.Noel Silan, DPM ABMSP Millions of Americans are becoming more active now from jogging, hiking, cross training, triathalons etc. At least 70% of these people will develop running related injuries. Left untreated these minor injuries may develop later into chronic injuries, especially if left undiagnosed and relying on home remedies. Sprains or strains can result from improper training, biomechanical problems, acquired or a mixture of the above. Knees are affected the most followed by the Achilles, hip, foot/ankle then the back. The foot may also be affected at work. This may be from just overuse, wrong shoegear or even from an acci-
Nerve injuries can happen to the foot. Cutaneous nerves can get damaged from something heavy dropping on the foot or maybe from tight shoegear. More serious injuries like anterior or posterior tarsal tunnel syndrome can result from compression, crush or a laceration. These can be diagnosed with a nerve conduction study. Diabetes, sciatica, disc herniation, spinal stenosis and arthritides must be ruled out whenever numbness/tingling is a symptom. Plantar fasciitis is a common injury that occurs when the insertion of a broad fibrous band called the plantar fascia becomes inflammed. Symptoms usually occur with the first step especially tender in the morning or with prolonged standing. Capsulitis is the inflammation of a joint capsule. In the foot the big toe is the most commonly affected. The inflammation can be from arthritides, tight shoes, an injury, hereditary or biomechanical. Ligament strain is the excessive pull or tear on the connective tissues of
Guam Foot Clinic
the joint of the foot. This usually occurs in the central part of the foot. This is usually caused by an injury either thru work or sport related. Tendon strain can occur either in the front or back part of the foot. Excess pull or stress causes an inflammation of the tendon sheath. This is usually from overuse but can result from work or sports. Achilles tendonitis is one of the more common injuries of the foot and ankle. It usually is painful in the back of the ankle along the cord of the tendon. It can though also cause calf cramps and it can also be painful at its insertion on the calcaneus. Muscle strain is a tear on the fibers of the muscle. This can occur in the calf, front part of the leg or even between the long bones of the foot. This is usually from overuse from work or sports. Many times this can be treated biomechanically thru orthotics or thru proper physical therapy. RICE is the mainstay for all acute injuries. Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. This should be done within the first 24-48 hours. Swelling is a symptom that may persist after an injury for several months and is non-specific for if and when you should see the doctor. Pain that persists 1-2 weeks thereafter is a more accurate indicator as to when to seek medical attention.
Express Med Pharmacy Bldg138 Kayen Chando St. Dededo, Guam 96929 • (671)633-3668 wk • (671)647-0027 fax Dr.Noel Silan DPM, ABMSP P.C.
D ia be t i c F o o t Prob l ems • Go u t • S por ts/W or k Related Injur ies • Skin Disea s es • Sur ger y 28 | MARCH2013
Black Construction Corporation
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CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Last month’s Garrison Report raised the question, Does your business need a new strategy? The reality is the construction industry needs to reduce the cost of projects by 20 to 30 percent while at the same time increasing contractor profitability. While that goal may seem unrealistic, there are numerous examples where it has been achieved. However, it requires changing the way business is conducted in the construction industry. These changes will be described in upcoming reports. The biggest obstacles to the necessary changes within the construction industry are the false beliefs that are so prevalent. This month’s report will tackle some of the false beliefs that are put forth by so-called experts who don’t really understand how the industry works. One source of misguided advice is found in attorney Barry LePatner’s book Broken Buildings, Busted Budgets. This book was actually received very well by owners and many design professionals because it placed the blame for the industry’s problems on the backs of the contractors. “The cornerstone of this bookconsolidate and integrate. Large, vertically integrated firms will solve most of the industry’s internal problems and reduce or hedge against a good many of its external problems.” His book’s “cornerstone,” as he put it, argues that high levels of asymmetric information plus lack of effective intermediaries equals an uncompetitive market plus
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weak management and small, fragmented firms, which leads to mutable cost contracts, low productivity, workers controlling the contractor and a dearth of education, R&D and technology use. While that is a powerful statement, it is not in touch with the reality of the construction industry. LePatner’s solution of consolidating and integrating the construction industry—in essence, make very large general contractors that perform most of the project work themselves—is, to be kind, misguided at best. In the early 20th century, many of the larger industries were highly vertical in nature. For example, the automobile companies raised the sheep for the wool to make the seats for their cars. In the 1890s the Reading Railroad was the largest corporation in the world. Not only did it run a railroad, but it had its own coal mine and made its own steam engines. Yet despite all that, it went bankrupt. The point is large, integrated companies have not flourished, and the trend for decades has been to eliminate all but the core activities. The reason that companies began divesting themselves of all these downstream businesses is it was more efficient and less costly. So why does LePatner believe that the construction industry would be any different? The primary reason for outsourcing or subcontracting is innovation. Since the specialist cares about only one trade, it becomes an expert and more innovative in solving problems within its trade or area of expertise. The individual trades need to be innovative to
compete against similar companies. When a contractor tries to become self-performing in many areas, it loses focus. It will not maximize the investment in time and energy to make every area of the business the most efficient and innovative. When large, integrated companies are compared, it’s revealed they don’t have the most efficient system in all areas. If one appears successful, it will merely have the best of an inefficient system. This concept has been proven in many other industries, and to expect anything else in the construction industry is naive. What the general contractor needs to do is become “the expert” on managing a construction process, not attempt to be an expert on every trade; that’s virtually impossible. If the industry were to adopt LePatner’s approach, the problems he complains about would only increase. Sure, there are needed improvements to the construction process, which will be discussed in later reports, but the integrated contractor is not the solution. This doesn’t mean that small contractors may need to perform many tasks that larger contractors subcontract; it would be too expensive to bring in a subcontractor for the small amount of work involved, but this report isn’t discussing small projects. In fact, LePatner’s approach of creating only large, integrated companies would be a disaster for small projects. Who could do them efficiently? Small contractors can handle small projects much more efficiently.
LePatner’s comments about asymmetric information are even more confusing. Why is asymmetry a surprise? And why would you want anything else? If you are going to hire an expert, do you really think the expert doesn’t know more than you about the subject? If you know more about the subject than the individual you are hiring, you would be hiring an employee, not an expert. Of course, the contractor knows more about construction than the client; the contractor better or it would be serious trouble. If LePatner wants to persist in this thinking, I would ask, “Should someone hire an attorney in a situation where the client knows more about the law than the attorney?” If a client who isn’t an attorney knows more about the law than an attorney, I would think that attorney wasn’t very good. So why should a building owner who isn’t a contractor hire a contractor who knows less about construction than the owner? His related idea of hiring intermediaries is also misguided. If you hire someone who is competent and knows what to do, what is the intermediary going to do but get in the way? This individual will feel like he has to do something, so he will start telling the contractor what to do instead of letting the contractor do what he wants to do. LePatner’s implication is that the contractor doesn’t know what to do or is doing something wrong. These kinds of disputes are not necessarily about what’s right or wrong but about what one expert prefers
over another. This process doesn’t make sense. Instead of beating a contractor’s price down to the bone and hiring someone to watch him, spend the money to hire a contractor who knows what to do. This process will be more efficient and, in the long run, will cost the owner less. Of course, the construction industry needs to improve productivity, eliminate waste, increase education and more effectively use technology. The problem is LePatner’s approach will not achieve that result. He does admit some contractors might use design-build or lean practices, but he seems to ignore the fact that these practices go totally in the opposite direction from his recommendations. Of course, owners want a firm price without change orders. The problem is that LePatner’s attempt to force contractors to compete on price instead of performance and value doesn’t work. He seems to think there is insufficient competition in the construction industry at present, which is causing the industry’s problems. Yet he advocates reducing the number of contractors, which would actually reduce competition further. When contractors compete on value and performance instead of price, owners end up with a project that comes in within their budget and avoids change orders. The awarding of work based solely on price is the problem and will be discussed in greater detail in following reports. It’s ironic that owners’ attempts to
control costs is actually the primary reason they are losing the battle, but that’s a discussion for another day. As mentioned in last month’s report, the solution can be found in Construction 3.0™ Strategies, which consist of ten business principles and four construction practices that are all interrelated. In the coming months, I will discuss the ten principles and the four construction practices: blue ocean contracting, integrated project delivery, lean construction, and best value procurement. When owners set up an environment where contractors can employ the ten principles and four practices, they achieve their goal of high-quality work, on-time delivery and affordable costs without change orders. Next month’s report will focus on blue ocean contacting. "Ted Garrison, president of Garrison Associates, is a catalyst for change. As a consultant, author and speaker he provides breakthrough strategies for the construction industry by focusing on critical issues in leadership, project management, strategic thinking, strategic alliances and marketing. Contact Ted at 800-861-0874 or Further information can be found at"
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