GUILFORD’S “CRADLE OF COACHES” Guilford College has consistently set up its students for success after graduation. Over the years, several Guilford studentathletes have enjoyed coaching careers at various levels from youth sports to high school and all the way to the pros. Two success stories from the “Cradle of Coaches” include women’s basketball standout Ann Ferguson ’10 and football player John Lilly ’90. Both used their time at Guilford and the connections they made as springboards into the world of coaching. Ann and John fondly remember their Guilford days and spoke about memories, how they got started in coaching and the role of philanthropy in their time as student-athletes and coaches.
Ann Ferguson ’10
I talk to Joclyn Terry ‘10,
Ann was a four-year starter
Jasmine Wood ’10 multiple
for the Quakers’ basketball
times a week. Tracey Croner
team and was chosen for
’09 surprised me last year
the 2010 Women's Basketball Coaches'
Alexa Williams ‘10 and
at a Thomasville game, where she showed me
support as I
'So You
was getting
Want To
Be A Coach' Program. After Guilford, she went on to coach basketball at
coaching in North Carolina. Other teammates helped me when I reached out to
NCAA Division II-member
them about moving back. At
University of Arkansas-
Guilford, it was encouraging
Fort Smith (UAFS) and
to be surrounded by people
several Arkansas high
who also wanted to be great.
schools before returning to
Our love for each other as
North Carolina in 2018 as
teammates was my biggest
Girls’ Basketball Coach at
encouragement because we
Thomasville High School.
knew we would always be
Since then, Ann has been
there for each other.
named Conference Coach of the Year twice and selected
Who were some of your
as an Assistant Coach for
coaching mentors?
the 2020 McDonald’s All
My high school coach, Fred
American Game.
Sauro, who was selected to be the Head Coach of the 2020
Who were some of the
McDonald’s All American
Guilford people who
East Team, has been a huge
inspired you the most?
mentor to me. He has an
I was, and still am, really
incredible basketball mind
close with my teammates.
and has always been there
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