Keeping Guilford Safe and Sound PHOTO BY JENNA SCHAD
B Y J O S E P H PAT T E R S O N ’ 2 0
THE SENTIMENT IS MOR E TRUE now than ever: Guilford is not only a place, but a people. As the planet reels from the current pandemic, our community is tasked with finding new ways to be
“Relationships help sustain
us during this time, and creating these virtual communities is so important.” — Steve Mencarini, Dean of Students
be much more intentional.” Since the closing of campus, Steve has worked to interact with students in other ways: he’s hosted several Q&A webinars and routinely sends out video updates to the student body. “Relationships help sustain us during this time, and creating these virtual
together. Much of this responsibility
communities is so important.”
falls on Dean of Students Steve Mencarini, who has been working non-
worked alongside him. “No one could
stop to keep Guilford safe and sound.
Steve’s efforts have been felt across
have predicted the impact that the
the student populace, and Guilford
“The average day is a whole bunch of
Coronavirus would have on our day-to-
Student Body Association President
problem-solving,” says Steve. “The work
day life, and Steve somehow navigated
Lizzy Kapuscinski ‘20 is especially
varies tremendously and the to-do list
these waters flawlessly and with a deep
appreciative. “Steve’s been an amazing
is forever long, but we’re always making
compassion for all involved.”
resource for students,” she says. “He
sure that we’re doing the best we can to address student needs.” Before campus closed, Steve served
Steve says he eagerly awaits the
responds quickly to any question or
students’ return. “The campus has such
concern a student has, and he’s remained
a different feel, like the heartbeat of
calm throughout this entire chaos.” Although seemingly scattered, the
in the Guilford College COVID-19
it isn’t really here.” He jokes about the
task force, which worked to keep our
possibility of tumbleweed rolling across
Guilford community remains vibrant
community safe. “Steve’s leadership
the Quad.
because of the work of people like Steve.
on the COVID-19 task force was
“I miss the days that I could walk into
“Stressful times cause us to do things
exemplary,” said Director of Alumni &
the dining hall and randomly check in
differently,” he says. “And that’s where
Parent Engagement Betsy Seaton, who
with somebody,” he said. “Now it has to
our community values are shown.”
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