INSPIRING GIFTS FOR COLLEGE AND STUDENT SUCCESS Every year, generous members of the Guilford community come forward to make a gift to the College. When thinking about investing in Guilford, our benefactors are motivated by a number of aspects: Some make a gift in honor or memory of a loved one who was impacted by Guilford; others desire to give back in honor of their own experience. The power of these gifts impacts the lives of Guilfordians everyday.
ANNE ROLLINS WATSON ’58 and DALE L. WATSON ’58 FOOD & FAITH SCHOLARSHIP Anne and Dale met in Guilford’s choir and went on to graduate together. The couple has since established the Anne Rollins Watson and Dale L. Watson Food & Faith Scholarship in memory of Anne's parents, Bascom and Dovie Rollins, and her sister, Ruth Rollins Hodgin ’59. Coming from family backgrounds of subsistence farming, Quaker ministry and an emphasis on education, the couple’s scholarship supports students who have a strong sense of D A L E A N D A N N E AT T H E I R H O M E I N R E D D E E R , A L B E R TA .
connection between sustainable food and religion.
KARL J. ALTPETER ’00 ENDOWMENT Karl Altpeter found a home at Guilford College, and hosting his own music program at WQFS brought him a special kind of joy. “WQFS meant so much to him, and we knew that we had to give back. Guilford was such a gift to our son, and the wisdom, relationships and friends that sprang forth from that connection were life-long and life-affirming,” shared Karl’s parents, Franz and Karen Altpeter. Karl passed away in January 2017. The Karl J. Altpeter ’00 Endowment provides unrestricted support for WQFS, including equipment repair, professional development and enhancement of the radio station. Their gift honors the many friendships made during Karl’s time on campus, and the impact Guilford made on his life. Read more about these major gifts online at
K A R L P I C T U R E D W I T H F O R M E R P R E S I D E N T D O N M C N E M A R AT C O M M E N C E M E N T. S T U D E N T S T R A D I T I O N A L LY P U T C L O T H E S P I N S O N D O N 'S G O W N . W W W. G U I L F O R D . E D U | 2 1