Crystal Skies

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Your initials: ​YJ Date: Crystal Blue Skies The carbon cycle is a biogeochemical cycle which carbon is exchanged among the biosphere, pedoshere, geosphere, hydroshere, and atmosphere of Earth. Carbon cycle is a process in which carbon compounds are transformed in the environment, mostly involving carbon dioxide into living tissue by photosynthesis and it’s return to the atmosphere. The carbon cycle has caused decay of dead organisms, and it mostly comes from burning fossil fuels. Global carbon ppm is CO2 parts per million. The reason this is something bigger, is because it has to do with the whole world (global). It is the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere affecting the whole world. My CO​2​ emissions in tonnes per year is 8.8. Number of Earths needed to sustain my lifestyle is 2.9 Earths. Tree seedlings are baby trees. Number of tree seedlings needed to offset that amount 228 seedlings for 10 years. Overshoot day means when you use as much energy as the Earth can produce in a year. My overshoot day is May 06. The average overshoot day in the US is March 14. The average overshoot day in Tunisia is October 13. Sandra Steingraber’s the author of Raising Elijah. She has 3 suggestions from to lower CO2 levels. They were ​Growing a garden, Not using a clothes dryer, and Not using a lawnmower​. I do agree with her ideas, I think they are reasonable for people to do. They also make a lot of sense to stop using or start doing. Starting a garden can really help with the CO2 problem, if everyone in the world or every family was to build a garden the CO2 would go down and we can prevent climate change. I came up with my own ideas to reduce CO2 levels. They are ​planting a garden with veggies and fruit, and not just eating the product also selling it to your neighbors. ​One way we could absorb more existing CO​2 is by putting/pouring ​Soda ​ lime, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and lithium hydroxide are able to remove carbon dioxide by chemically reacting with it. Put in in the air in a responsible way. ​Two new piece of technology that could make a difference in lower CO2 levels is manufacturing ​Artificial trees that can absorb CO2 in a faster way than normal trees. We would have to build the trees and when we do it would be in a factory that uses renewable energy, and shoes that absorb CO2 while you walk.

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