LDI-South 2011 GUIDE

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Conference Information Letter from Conference Committee .......................................................................... 3 Dates and Mailings Checklist (Received Deadlines) .............................................. 4 Conference Registration Information ....................................................................... 5 Tentative Conference Schedule ................................................................................ 6 Lunch Menu ............................................................................................................... 8 Parking ........................................................................................................................ 8 Workshop Topics ........................................................................................................ 8 Select from workshops on topics including: ............................................................ 8 Keynote Speaker: Scott Backovich ........................................................................... 9 Conference Attire ..................................................................................................... 10 Conference Policies ................................................................................................. 11 Conference Conduct ................................................................................................ 11 Helpful Tips .............................................................................................................. 12

September 2011

FBLA Members and Advisers: Get ready to Transform Tomorrow at the California Future Business Leaders of America Leadership Development Institute (LDI) on November 19-20, 2011 at the Hyatt Regency Irvine! Prepare your officers and members for an outstanding year with essential training and networking opportunities. We’re starting early on Saturday and packing tons of information into each session to get you ready for the year. At LDI, you’ll have the opportunity to:  Learn from professionals and your own CA FBLA State & Section Officers with your choice of over 20 different workshops!  Prepare for your competitive event experience with a practice session, on-site test scoring, and workshops with performance tips and coaching!  Take a business tour of the hotel!  Support FBLA’s partner, the March of Dimes, by donating $2 per person to dress down for the dance!  Network with chapters from across Southern California & share strategies for success! While in town, your chapter can also visit attractions such as:  University of California, Irvine  Irvine Spectrum  Disneyland & Disney’s California Adventure  Local Beaches  Shopping at South Coast Plaza, Fashion Island, Triangle Square and more! The 2011 Leadership Development Institute is also a chance to give new members an early taste of the full FBLA experience. So take advantage of this great leadership opportunity and bring both officers and members! Registration is $50 per person for chapters who book a hotel stay. Hotel rooms are now only $95 (plus 10% tax and a $0.13 assessment fee)! Conference registration, hotel reservations, and payment must all be received by October 28, 2011. Make plans now to attend the 2011 Leadership Development Institute and Transform Tomorrow!

Be sure to check the LDI-South website for the most up-to-date conference information and announcements! Don’t miss out! CALIFORNIA FBLA LDI SOUTH CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Theresa Hagelbarger and Lona Kwan Eric To and Karen Wong Lee Lara Southern Section Directors Gold Coast Section Directors Inland Section Director southerndirector@cafbla.org goldcoastdirector@cafbla.org inlanddirector@cafbla.org


Item(s) Delegate List/Registration Summary (Form A) Hotel Reservations (Form B)

Email to: Eric To (goldcoastdirector@cafbla.org)

Hotel Reservations (Form B)

Submit reservation form to: Email: jill.yang@hyatt.com or Fax: 949-852-1574

Make reservations by email or fax, no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, October 28. Use Form B to plan and send a copy with your payment, which must also be received by the deadline.

Friday, October 28

Tuesday, November 1

Thursday, November 10


Send payment to: Hyatt Regency Irvine ATTN: Jill Yang Group Reservations Coordinator 17900 Jamboree Boulevard Irvine, CA 92614

Delegate List /Registration Summary (Form A) Check for Payment

Mail to: California FBLA Joe McFarland, Business Manager 440 Woodhill Drive Redding, CA 96003

Late Registration Deadline

See deadlines above regarding submission

Program Ad Order (Form C)

Email to: Eric To (goldcoastdirector@cafbla.org)

Monday, November 14

Last day to submit attendee substitutions without Email to: being subject to the $5 penalty Eric To (goldcoastdirector@cafbla.org)

Saturday, November 19

Code of Conduct and Medical Release Forms Submit completed forms for each (Adobe PDF or Word Doc) participant at LDI conference registration These forms are required in order to pick up your conference materials.

Download Conference Forms A-C on the LDI-South page at www.cafbla.org

Conference Questions General Inquiries: Lona Kwan Southern Section Director 626-236-2047 southerndirector@cafbla.org

Payment Submission: Joe McFarland State Business Manager 530-243-7408 businessmanager@cafbla.org

Registration, Name Substitutions, Ads: Eric To Gold Coast Section Director 626-297-0343 goldcoastdirector@cafbla.org

Hotel Inquiries: (not a reservation line) Jill Yang Group Reservations Coordinator 949-225-6731 jill.yang@hyatt.com

Due Date:

All registration materials must be received by October 28. Registration received after the deadline until November 12 is at the late registration rate ($60).

Registration Fee:

Registration is only $50 per FBLA member, adviser and chaperone for chapters staying at the Hyatt Regency Irvine. This includes all conference functions and lunch on Saturday. All other meals are the responsibility of the participants. Registration after October 28 is at an additional $10 per person. Make checks payable to: CA FBLA. If your chapter earned the BA2 Outstanding Chapter Award at the last State Leadership Conference (SLC), you will receive two free registrations at $50 each. If your chapter received the Excellence award, you will receive one free $50 registration. Claim them on the Registration Summary. The $50 registration rate is ONLY valid for participants staying at the Hyatt Regency Irvine Saturday night of the conference. The registration rate for chapters who do not wish to stay at the Hyatt during the conference is $100 per FBLA member, adviser, and chaperone by October 28. Registration after October 28 is at an additional $10 per person ($110).

Late Registration:

Registration received after October 28 will be subject to a late fee of $10 per person. Late registration will not be accepted without the late fee. Late registration will be accepted until November 10.

Hotel Registration:

Lodging arrangements are to be made directly with the Hyatt by calling or faxing the enclosed Hotel Registration form to be received by October 28. Lodging is now only $95 per night plus tax and assessment fee for single, double, triple, or quad rooms. All chapters must also have a school approved chaperone staying on site. The conference rate is also available Friday night if you wish to come in earlier. Please identify in advance any special needs for disabled guests requiring accommodation by the hotel. Send form and check payable to Hyatt Regency Irvine to: Hyatt Regency Irvine ATTN: Jill Yang, Group Reservations Coordinator 17900 Jamboree Boulevard, Irvine, CA 92614 Phone: 949-225-6731 FAX: 949-852-1574 Website: http://irvine.hyatt.com


Substitutions will be accepted. No refunds are permitted. Submit names of new delegates via email to goldcoastdirector@cafbla.org. Name changes submitted after November 14 will be accepted with a $5.00 charge each.


Mail hard copy of the Delegate List/Registration Summary (Form A) and payment to: California FBLA Joe McFarland, Business Manager 440 Woodhill Drive, Redding, CA 96003


Email Delegate List/Registration Summary (Form A), AND Hotel Reservations (Form B) to: Eric To, Gold Coast Section Director: goldcoastdirector@cafbla.org

Saturday, November 20 8:00 – 10:00


8:00 – 5:00

Exhibit Booths

8:45 – 9:25

Workshop Session 1

9:35 – 10:15

Workshop Session 2

10:15 – 10:45

Break + Exhibitor Exploration

10:45 – 12:15

Opening General Session Lunch

12:15 – 12:45

Break + Exhibitor Exploration

12:50 – 1:30

Workshop Session 3

1:40 – 2:20

Workshop Session 4

2:30 – 3:10

Workshop Session 5

3:20 – 4:00

Workshop Session 6

4:10 – 5:00

Workshop Session 7

5:00 – 7:30

Sightseeing & Chapter Dinner (On Your Own)

7:30 – 9:30

Group Entertainment (Details TBA @ www.cafbla.org)

9:30 – 11:30

March of Dimes Dance



Sunday, November 21 8:00 – 8:40

Competitive Event Preparation Session 1

8:50 – 9:30

Competitive Event Preparation Session 2

9:40 – 10:20

Competitive Event Preparation Session 3

10:30 – 11:15

Closing General Session


Hotel checkout!


Hotel Tours Enjoy Irvine and have a wonderful FBLA year!

Note: Alumni and business professionals associated with your chapter are invited to be workshop presenters. Members working to achieve the Business Achievement Awards are also welcome as presenters. Contact Lona Kwan at southerndirector@cafbla.org to make arrangements.

Saturday’s lunch will include: Romaine Caesar Salad with Garlic Croutons Potato Salad with Chipotle Mustard Dressing Smoked Turkey and Honey Glazed Ham Swiss, Cheddar and Provolone Cheese Regional Bread Presentation Individual Bags of Potato Chips Assorted Cookies Water, Iced Tea Regular Coffee and Decaffeinated Coffee

Overnight hotel parking is $8 per vehicle with in & out privileges.

SELECT FROM WORKSHOPS ON TOPICS INCLUDING: Networking Internships Business Plans College Admissions

Financial Literacy Business Etiquette Running for Office Public Speaking FBLA 101 State Website Entrepreneurship Competitive Events and more!

Social Media Icebreakers Cultural Sensitivity First Impressions

Featured on TV, radio, newspapers and the like, student leadership and teen help whiz Scott Backovich is an internationally demanded youth motivational speaker who presents to tens of thousands each year from coast to coast around the US and Canada. Still currently in his 20‘s, Scott understands that students today need to be reached in new and innovative ways. From cell phones to Twitter updates, Facebook to YouTube, teens have both grown up in and created a culture that has redefined what it means to connect. Scott understands. He has dedicated his life to connecting with and empowering students everywhere. On any given day, he can be found not only speaking on stages around North America, but also answering questions as a highly sought-after teen advice expert. For Scott, it’s not about talking at students; it’s about connecting with them where they are. Today, Scott resides in Southern California amongst friends and family who inspire him daily. When not speaking onstage, he can be found exploring Disneyland, relaxing with friends, or wrapping up in a warm Snuggie (yes, we’re talking about the blanket with sleeves).

Professional business attire is required for all general sessions, workshops, and other activities at the Leadership Development Institute unless stated otherwise in the conference program. The dress code is designed to uphold the professional image of the association and its members, and to prepare students for the business world. Conference nametags are part of the dress code and must be worn at all times while participating in conference activities. For safety reasons, do not wear your nametag outside the hotel. DRESS CODE FOR MEMBERS, ADVISERS, AND GUESTS Professional attire acceptable for wear during the official FBLA activities includes: Men  Business suit with collared dress shirt, and necktie; or sport coat, dress slacks, collared shirt, and necktie; or dress slacks, collared shirt, and necktie.  Banded collared shirt may be worn only if a sport coat or business suit is worn.  Dress shoes and dress socks are required. Women  Business suit; or a business pantsuit; or a skirt or dress slacks with blouse or sweater; or a business dress.  Dress shoes are required. Inappropriate attire includes:  Backless, see-through, tight-fitting, spaghetti straps, strapless, extremely short, or low-cut blouses/tops/dresses/skirts.  T-shirts, Lycra, spandex, midriff baring tops, tank tops or bathing suits.  Sandals, athletic shoes, industrial work shoes, hiking boots, thongs, or over-the-knee boots.  Hats, flannel fabric clothing, or athletic wear, including sneakers. Casual attire may be worn for specified conference events. Casual includes nice T-shirts, polo shirts, jeans, khakis, sneakers or sandals. Cut-off jeans, spandex or Lycra garments, and bathing suits are not appropriate casual attire. Shoes and shirt must be worn at all times. No visible body piercing, other than ears, on either men or women. Chapter advisers are responsible for ensuring that their students, advisers and chaperones comply with the rules for conference attire. Fashion note: New fashion trends may be in style, but are not appropriate conference attire. Use common sense and be conservative rather than cutting-edge. If you have any doubt about the appropriateness of your attire, find something else to wear. Be a professional.

California FBLA strongly encourages that all FBLA student members participating in overnight conference functions reside at the designated and approved lodging facility for the duration of the event. All chapters must also have a school approved, adult chaperone staying at the hotel. No exceptions. The Code of Conduct and curfew are strictly enforced. Only participants registered for the conference may enter the conference or lodging facilities. Signed Code of Conduct Forms and Medical Release Forms must be submitted at the registration table for each participating member. Advisers should retain an additional copy of each student’s forms in their possession throughout the conference. Fill-in forms may be found in the Document Library at www.cafbla.org. Friends and family members not registered for the event may not attend activities unless invited by the conference hosts. Students may not “come and go” during the duration of the event. Students may not leave the conference facilities without the permission of their adviser. Students may not attend FBLA activities unless there is a school approved chaperone in attendance with them. Registration materials will not be issued to any student or chapter officer. The adviser/adult chaperone must pick up registration materials and ensure that students are supervised and actively participating in conference educational and leadership activities.

FBLA has a proud tradition of excellence! Its members are noted for their professionalism, hospitality, and manners. The very nature of LDI demands that all delegates conduct themselves as professional business leaders. FBLA has established guidelines for both dress and conduct which contribute to the learning experience. All delegates must understand that though having a good time is definitely encouraged, expectations are high and violations of accepted principles will not be tolerated. Chapter advisers are primarily responsible for enforcing all conduct and appearance standards with his/her chapter members. Staff is available to assist advisers, when necessary, in the enforcement of conduct guidelines. FBLA advisers work together to make sure the delegation adheres to accepted guidelines. All students need to understand that any adviser’s request for improved behavior must be followed. Advisers are encouraged to act on all transgressions by any delegates and to be sure that the delegate’s local chapter adviser is made aware of the violation.

Cell phones Students are strongly encouraged to TURN OFF their cell phones during conference hours. Cell phones on vibrate or silent mode are acceptable as long as they are not distracting. It is not appropriate to get up and leave a session to take a call. Such behavior is very disrespectful to presenters and disruptive to other participants when. Make the most of your conference experience and keep the phone off. Participation All delegates are expected to fully participate in the conference. This includes attending all general sessions, meetings, and workshops. It is not appropriate for members to be simply “hanging out” during leadership and workshop sessions. It is also important for participants to display excellent standards of professionalism and attitude. Talking during sessions, refusing to participate, or disrupting sessions with distracting behavior are not signs of a professional future leader.

Type all information requested in the registration materials to assure legibility and accuracy of name tags, etc. This will save you time at registration!

Follow up with your district or business office to make sure payment checks will be received on time.

Retain copies of all forms and correspondence for your records.

Bring a copy of all school forms and conference registration records with you to the conference.

Do not abbreviate your school name. This will reduce mix-ups and delayed registration.

Hotel check-in time is in the late afternoon. Luggage storage is available at the hotel, but it may fill up, so be prepared to leave luggage in the bus or van until Saturday afternoon. If you have a van, please be considerate of those arriving by bus who might not have that option. If at least one room is available for your chapter upon arrival, please place all your bags in there.

Get the CELL PHONE numbers of every participant attending from your chapter!

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