Forthcoming Meetings
Thursday 17th April 2014 “An Open Day” from 11.00am to 3.00pm at Cleethorpes Memorial Hall
Tuesday, 22th April 2014 Executive Committee Meeting from 2.00pm to 4.00pm at 97 Abbey Road, DN32 0HN
Thursday 1st May 2014 U3A Main Meeting, Venue: Cleethorpes Memorial Hall from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Speaker: Barbara Pearce from Animal Rescue and Care
Tuesday 27th May 2014 Executive Committee Meeting from 2.00pm to 4.00pm at 97 Abbey Road, DN32 0HN
Thursday 5th June 2014 U3A Main Meeting, Venue: Cleethorpes Memorial Hall, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Speaker: Himanshu Ghadiali on Indian Religions ( Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism)
Thursday 3rd July 2014 U3A Main Meeting, Venue: Cleethorpes Memorial Hall from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Speaker: Stuart Sizer on The Ghosts of Louth
Thursday 1st August 2014 U3A Main Meeting at Cleethorpes Memorial Hall From 2.00pm to 4.00pm Performance from the Entertainment Group
Committee was Elected on 3rd October 2013 at AGM in Cleethorpes Memorial Hal Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Vice Chair: Brochure Co-ordinator: Group Co-ordinator: Publicity: Membership Records: Membership Assistant: Webmaster: Welfare: Speaker Finder/Visitors: Catering Team:
John Wilkinson Anne Mann Himanshu Ghadiali Jill Maltby Anne Mann Pauline Campbell Christina Hanson Anne Easterbrook Janet Cullum Geoff Lenthall Marj Dalby Jill Maltby Jenny Dutton Gill Clarke Janet Cullum
316597 348833 343474 752688 348833 813010 871333 310061 599482 699748 599750 752688 873613 312820 599482
Luncheon Club There is sufficient interest from members to enable us to start a Luncheon Club. We are exploring various possibilities but nothing has yet materialised. If anyone has any suggestions, or place in their mind, we would be happy to receive suggestions and actively explore all possible venues. With your suggestion please contact Anne Mann or Himanshu . History Group We are hoping to resurrect this group. Interested members should contact John Wilkinson on 01472 316597. Or you can express your interest on the website by leaving your comments on
Ageing Better The Council has been preparing a bid to get up to £7 million from lottery funding. N. E. Lincolnshire is in the final fifteen on the shortlisted group. Your principal U3A officers continually participate in all meetings and consultations to be partners in these initiatives. The final bid will go through at the end of the month. We hope that our area becomes successful in winning the bid. During the process of participation our U3A has established a vital link with a number of local organisations. April 2014
Ena Windley, who has been a past chairperson and a group leader of Arm Chair Travel Group of Grimsby and Cleethorpes U3A, says about herself “I grew up in Grimsby and after leaving Wintringham Grammar School, trained at Matlock Training College, returning to teach in Grimsby at Armstrong Secondary Girls School. I retired in 1986 and spent the next few years helping my husband John recover from several serious operations. I was looking for something to fill my time and by chance I came upon the Grimsby & Cleethorpes U3A. When I joined in 1993, meetings were held at the Ice House and membership was in the thirties. However we began to grow and moved, first to Corpus Christi Church Hall and later to the Winter Gardens. I joined the committee in 1998 and undertook various positions, becoming chairman in 2004, upon the retirement of David Gallop. During my tenure, the Winter Gardens closed and we moved to The Humber Royal. I have belonged at one time or another to various groups i.e. Armchair Travel, Drama, History, Croquet and have always actively supported general meetings and the East Midlands (now Lincolnshire) Association.” When I saw her to take her photograph I found her to be a very modest and unassuming person. I was interested to learn about her experiences of Grimsby as it has changed and economically declined in her lifetime. She had arranged to go to the Cinema , so I could not continue in conversation with her for a long time, but learnt that she had very warm feelings for the U3A and concern about its growth. I appreciated that she said more about U3A than about herself. It gave me an idea that we should record the history of Grimsby and Cleethorpes U3A, listing all chairmen. I hope Ena grants me another meeting with her. I also invite all members to give me their information and memories about our U3A so that we can compile the history. Computer/IT Support Group This month we will meet on Thursday 24th April from 2pm to 4 pm at 97 Abbey Road, Grimsby. Please confirm your attendance by ringing 01472 343474.
EC would like the group leaders to make a video of their group activities so we can prepare a DVD demonstrating Grimsby & Cleethorpes U3A . Should you need any help in this respect, please discuss with principal officers.
U3A bus trip to Castle
The Entertainment Group
Howard, Yorkshire
Having had some previous experience of Amateur Dramatics I was keen to re-form the Entertainments Group. Six U3A members have already joined me and we are currently working on our first production which we hope to bring to U3A in August. Although we cannot cater for a cast of thousands, a few more members would be appreciated. So, whether you can sing or not, act or not, if you only want a walk-on or back-stage role but would like to spend Friday afternoons having fun then please come along.
We have 37 members registered for the outing. There are vacancies for another 14 members on the coach. Would those who have registered please pay £20.00 per person to Pauline Campbell/Anne Mann at the 1st May general meeting. Computer Training Are you afraid of computer or do not know where to start. We are running a basic four weeks course which will teach you all aspects from how to turn on and turn off the computer to sending Emails. This will be on consecutive Tuesdays starting on 27th May. We will meet at Class Act, Unit 5, Granville Street, DN32 5PL, from 10am to 3pm and we will provide lunch free. Following last months' talk from Sarah Taylor about Daily Bread Food Larder, the executive committee thought we should support our communities. From next month at the general meeting we will have a collection box. If anyone chooses to donate tins or packets of food, we will collect it and on behalf of our membership we will donate items to CARE to add to their food bank.
We meet at 1.30pm at “Class Act” Unit 5, Granville Street.,\DN32 5PL My name is Christina Hanson, my contact number 01472 871333. We look forward to seeing you there – oh no we don’t – OH YES WE DO!!!
The executive committee unanimously agreed that from next month all visitors at the general meeting will be actively welcomed and given tea/coffee with their host on behalf of our Organisation.