Forthcoming Meetings
Thursday 7th August 2014 U3A Main Meeting at Cleethorpes Memorial Hall From 2.00pm to 4.00pm Performance from the Entertainment Group
Tuesday 26th August 2014 Committee Meeting from 2.00pm to 4.00pm at 97 Abbey Road, Grimsby, DN32 0HN
Thursday 11th September 2014 Main Meeting at Cleethorpes Memorial hall from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Speaker Walter Marshall on World War II
Tuesday 23rd September 2014 Committee Meeting from 2.00pm to 4.00pm at 97 Abbey Road, Grimsby, DN32 0HN
Thursday 3rd October 2014 Main Meeting at Cleethorpes Memorial Hall. Annual General Meeting and Quiz
10 PIN BOWLING We were having our coffee after our weekly session of 10 pin bowling. We were chatting away as usual and some one said - Do you know any one can play 10 pin bowling from 5 to 85+? Not only that but men can play against ladies. Children can play against parents. Grandparents can play against grandchildren. Not only that but they have the same chance of winning. It can be a carefree game with lots of chatting. It can be a competitive game. In our group we have a weekly trophy - some really love to win it - some are surprised when they win it. Others don't mind - they just like a game and a natter. It is rather nice in our group, because if we have visiting sons or daughters, family or friends they can also come along and join in for the morning We are in our 9th year. EVERY Thursday morning at 9.15. Would you like to come and join us? or even give it a try you will be surprised! Phone Thelma 358651
Committee was Elected on 3rd October 2013 at AGM in Cleethorpes Memorial Hal Chairman: John Wilkinson 316597 Secretary: Anne Mann 348833 Treasurer: Himanshu Ghadiali 343474 Vice Chair: Jill Maltby 752688 Brochure Co-ordinator: Anne Mann 348833 Group Co-ordinator: Pauline Campbell 813010 Publicity: Christina Hanson 871333 Membership Records: Anne Easterbrook 310061 Membership Assistant: Janet Cullum 599482 Webmaster: Geoff Lenthall 699748 Welfare: Marj Dalby 599750 Speaker Finder/Visitors: Jill Maltby 752688 Catering Team: Jenny Dutton 873613 Gill Clarke 312820 Janet Cullum 599482 Co-opted Members: Margaret Sisson 234554 Janet Parratt 239165 Chairman’s note. Many Thanks to Anne Mann and Pauline Campbell for an enjoyable day out to Castle Howard in Yorkshire on 10th July
Due to a problem of car parking at the Memorial Hall, for which Pauline Cole was most apologetic, members were directed to the parking at Millman’s coach park in Wilton Road Humberston. Fortunately we arrived just as the House was opening and after refreshments at the cafeteria had a walk around the gardens and garden centre of this 1000 acre estate. The number and variety of rooms were absolutely magnificent and included the great hall built by Sir John Vanburgh in early 1700s. This survived the 1940 great fire (which destroyed much of the house) being rebuilt to the grandeur we see today. An enjoyable trip which was enjoyed by all members
August 2014
Brenda Roffey was born in Cleethorpes and lived with her parents and brother in Brereton Avenue. After Brenda’s brother died, this caused her parents’ separation and she moved to Nunsthorpe with her mother. Brenda worked for BT where she met Brian who became her husband and soul mate. When they got married she had to leave BT and joined Birds Eye, where she worked in the Personnel Department until she retired. Brenda was severely injured and was confined to bed for seven /eight months. She knew that her sports activities had come to an end. In order to entertain her she was gifted a canary, who sang to her all the time. She became her good companion and lived for 9 years. A friend of her husband gave her his old clarinet and when she recovered from her ailments, she bought her own clarinet. As she played the clarinet regularly, she got to know initially local musicians and later, national musicians. She was invited to play in various places and her social circle grew. Brian knew more about classical music and never played an instrument, but continually remained supportive of Brenda’s music playing and social life in music. They moved to her present house in 1956 - every part of the house is connected with many memories. The loss of Brian was devastating, shattering her life and leaving her feeling completely at a loss and abandoned. With the loss of Brian, a part of their active social life and his circle of friends disappeared and Brenda gave up her music. . After eighteen months someone suggested she should teach to bring some positive activity back into her life. She was introduced to the U3A about eight years ago where she has been teaching music to U3A members. As she could not continue to play the clarinet, she now plays the piano. There is a lot more I could write about Brenda. She is my Hero. I was so pleased to get to know her. She is a true ambassador for the U3A. Brenda is aware that she is losing her memory and from the beginning she accepted her weakness. she is not either denying it or minimising it. She is best managing them. She is continuing with her music and by teaching, she supports others and in turn herself. She has understood, in the U3A, that we do not have to be an expert to share our skills. She has no qualification in music but this has not prevented her from sharing her passion. The loss of her husband became a great emotional trauma to her and clearly the U3A has offered her a chance to be creative once again.
If you know, any member is unwell, please contact Marj Dalby
AVIATION GROUP There we were at 20,000 feet, nothing on the clock except the makers name, port outer on fire, hydraulics U/S and losing height…………then you wake up and realise that you are watching one of the many videos at the Waltham Library. The aviation group first took off in 2012, soaring into the heavens with exciting videos of WW1 (Von Richthofen) and WW2 air battles and documentaries of the legendary Spitfire, Hurricane, Lancaster and many others. Not forgetting of course the modern jet age of the Vulcan and the late lamented Concorde. Previous videos shown include Gliding at Kirton Lindsey and New Zealand (one of our members is an ex-glider pilot), Memphis Belle, Red Arrows and many others as well as live interviews with WW2 veterans. If you are interested in aircraft, why not don your flying boots and oxygen mask, grab your parachute and come along to the Waltham Library and meet the rest of the crew ( we have three lady members) for coffee and biscuits and get airborne for a couple of hours. Members are encouraged to bring their own videos or magazines. Briefing takes place on the first Tuesday of each month at 2.30pm. We have to pay £1 each for the hire of the room but feel that it is well worth it for the pleasure of good company and a good old natter. In addition we get together every year for a Christmas lunch. Free car parking is available at the rear of the Tilted Barrel. There are vacancies and new members are welcome to join us – please contact the Group Co-ordinator Pauline Campbell on 813010.
Play Reading Group In April we celebrated the Bard's 450th birthday with extracts from "King Lear" and "A Comedy of Errors". As a complete contrast, we followed with the farcical comedy, "The Bride and the Bachelor". The current play is "Dancing at Lughnasa", first performed in 1990, about an Irish family. A reminder: there will be no meeting in August, and the September reading is on 4th Sept (the first Thursday of the month), because of the changed date of the General Meeting. We have a couple of vacancies: please see me or the Groups' Co-ordinator. David Muir
Diary Dates To remind you that the Annual General Meeting will be held at the Memorial Hall ,Cleethorpes on Thursday 2nd October 2014 at 2.00pm Nomination forms for the Election of Principal Officers and Committee Members for 2014/15 will be available at the General Meeting of members in August. The completed forms should be returned to the Secretary, Anne Mann, by the September General Meeting which will be on 2nd Thursday, 11th September 2014. The Annual Festive Lunch will be held on Thursday 8th January 2015 at the Pelham Suite, Cambridge Road, Grimsby. Details to follow. Family History (Co-ordinator John Wilkinson) The August meeting on 21st August is cancelled with the agreement of members. The next meeting will be held on Thursday 18th September at Waltham Library at 2.30pm. Thursdays in October at Waltham Library have already been booked, so we need to change to alternative dates and/or venue. November/December dates are provisionally booked. International Cookery There is no meeting in August. On the third Monday in September this will be about South African Cooking.
Computer Support Group. The scheduled meeting on 21st August is cancelled, but if any members need any support they can contact Himanshu who will arrange a mutually convenient appointment. Property of U3A Would any member, group leader or group co-ordinator who has U3A equipment in their possession please contact Himanshu so we can maintain an up to date list. We are grateful to Margaret Sisson for donating a good quality Laptop to our U3A.
Renewal of Subscriptions The time has come to renew your subscription. Please take a new form, fill it in properly and sign it. You have the choice to pay Cash/ Cheque or by direct bank transfer. If you are paying cash please take your form to Anne Easterbrook. If you are paying by cheque or by bank transfer, give your form (with cheque) to Himanshu. Your membership cards will be given to you the next month.
The August meeting of the local RSPB Group in the information you send out? The meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Monday August 18th at Corpus Christi Community Centre, corner of Machray Place, Grimsby Road. Cleethorpes. DN35 7LJ The talk is entitled 'Tales of the River Bank' and will be given by Jenny Hibbert who is professional photographer based in Bridgend, Wales. She is never happier than when she is photographing wildlife and she has spent 3 years studying and photographing dippers and other wildlife on the Ogmore River. It promises to be a charming and interesting talk. It costs £3 to attend, payable at the door and you don't need to be a member of the RSPB. There will also be optional raffle, quiz and bird food sales. More information is available from me at or (01472) 883436.
For the attention of all group leaders/co-ordinators. We would like to publish a booklet of Grimsby and Cleethorpes U3A about all our groups and activities. You are requested to provide a blog indicating what is the aim of your group; how often it meets; where it meets and how much the cost is to each member. If one of your members will write a short appraisal, it would be well appreciated. The last date of submission is 20th September. Please send it to Anne Mann – or Himanshu –
Donation We have donated one box full of food to “Care” for the local food bank which they have received with gratitude. We are grateful to our members who have contributed to it. Our food box is open at every general meeting. We would be happy to accept your gift, which we will pass to the food bank. Tins and packet food only please.
Luncheon Club Our initial research, by asking members to respond to our questionnaire, showed considerable interest in a Luncheon Club but interest was varied for different types of cuisines and the frequency at which members would like to attend. The Committee explored the possibility of cooking and providing meals for ourselves. At present we do not have the resources to go down that path. We thought we would explore the various possibilities of using restaurants, pubs and other providers. We feel that this approach has the advantage for us where we can meet at different venues and have different cuisines. If we find that service is not satisfactory to our members, we could re-negotiate. Your principal officers have visited several places and decided to put the following choices to our membership.
St. Giles Church, Scartho, Here a luncheon club is running every Thursday at 12pm. They provide homemade wholesome food
cooked by volunteers. The Club is extremely popular. They are cooking 50+meals every session. Some of our members are already regular visitors there. Because of their capacity limitation, they have agreed that on the fourth Thursday, they would offer our U3A members a table of 10. The cost of the 2-course meal is £4.00 This will be every fourth Thursday at 12 pm - a maximum of 10 members – pre-booking will be required.
Seven Seas, Rydal Avenue, Scartho, DN33 3EL This pub is under new management and offers the Carvery and Vegetarian option. With the carvery are fresh seasonal vegetables. We found both the food and environment very good.
There is a choice of one course at £4.89 and two courses at £5.99. There are also other options available. They will accommodate us on the Third Tuesday every month at 12pm. The maximum members we will accommodate is 40. Pre-booking is required.
Spice of Life in Wellowgate; This Indian Restaurant will exclusively open for us on the second Monday of the Month. The two course Indian meal will be at £5.50. We need at least 10 persons for them to make it viable to open the restaurant. Pre-booking required.
We will accept non members to join our members at a nominal premium of.50p per person beside the cost of the meal. At the General Meeting, Anne Mann will collect names for each meal. If you would like to come, but have transport difficulties, we would like to know, so we can try to find a solution. We will be exploring further possibilities, particularly in Cleethorpes. After the General Meeting, you can contact Himanshu on 343474 for any further booking.
Monday 11th August 2014 at 12.30pm Indian Meal at Spice of Life (2nd Monday) Tuesday 19th August 2014 at 12pm Seven Seas The Carvery (3rd Tuesday) Thursday 28th August 2014 at 12pm St Giles Church, two course meal(4th Thursday) This cycle will be repeated every month. Come and Join us