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Forthcoming Meetings 

Thursday 2nd January 2014 No Main Meeting Thursday 9th January 2014 Festive Lunch at Grimsby Masonic Hall, Cambridge Road, Grimsby, DN34 5SZ from 12.30pm for 1.00pm Entertainer: Peter (Accordion player and sing-along)

Tuesday 28th January 2014 Committee Meeting from 2.00pm –4.00pm at 97 Abbey Road, Grimsby, DN32 0HN

Thursday 6th February 2014 U3A Main Meeting Venue: Cleethorpes Memorial Hall 2pm-4pm Speaker: Ian Davey, Trustee St. Andrews Hospice.

Tuesday 25th February 2014 Committee Meeting from 2.00pm-4.00pm at 97 Abbey Road, Grimsby, DN32 0HN

Please note the dates of next year’s meetings. Thursday 6th February 2014 Thursday 6th March 2014

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Thursday 17th April 2014 “An Open Day”**    

Thursday 1st May 2014 Thursday 5th June 2014 Thursday 3rd July 2014 Thursday 7th August 2014

Thursday 11th September 2014**

Thursday 2nd October 2014

Friday 7th November 2014**

It seems only the old are able to sit next to one another and not say anything and still feel content. The young, brash and impatient, must always break the silence. It is a waste, for silence is pure. Silence is holy. It draws people together because only those who are comfortable with each other can sit without speaking. This is the great paradox . Nicholas Sparks— The Notebook

Committee was Elected on 3rd October 2013 at AGM in Cleethorpes Memorial Hal Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Vice Chair: Brochure Co-ordinator: Group Co-ordinator: Publicity: Membership Records: Membership Assistant: Webmaster: Welfare: Speaker Finder/Visitors: Catering Team: *

John Wilkinson Anne Mann Himanshu Ghadiali Jill Maltby Anne Mann Pauline Campbell Christina Hanson Anne Easterbrook Janet Cullum Geoff Lenthall Marj Dalby Jill Maltby Jenny Dutton Gill Clarke Janet Cullum

Thursday 4th December 2014 ** please note change of usual day 

December 2013

316597 348833 343474 752688 348833 813010 871333 310061 599482 699748 599750 752688 873613 312820 599482

Anne Mann was born in Lincoln and attended schools in Louth and Grimsby. On leaving Grimsby Technical school she worked for Cox’s Fish Curing factory in the office and moved to the Council Planning and Civil Defence Offices for 6 years before leaving to have her 1st daughter in 1966. In 1971 Anne and her husband opened a DIY shop in Heneage Road which they ran for 13 years. In 1984 after the shop was sold Anne went back to working as a private secretary for a Director of Ross Foods and continued with the company until her retirement in 2007. During this time Anne was also a piano teacher and Brown Owl, both of which she continued for 35 years. She also taught typing at Grimsby College at night school for several years. On retiring Anne joined the WRVS, working at the hospital on a voluntary basis in the Medical Records Office and then in the WRVS shop at the hospital. She joined the U3A 6 years ago and was Chairman for 3 years. She is now Secretary of the Association. Anne is also Secretary of the Quilling Guild and the Humber Landlords’ Association in Hull and an active member of the Trefoil Guild. She runs the Card Group within the U3A and also attends Indian Cookery and the bowling group at the Leisure Centre. Anne loves travelling and has visited over 40 countries on various cruises and Guiding holidays. Her main interests are music, making cards and crafts and spending time with her two daughters and two young grandchildren. We have 206 members registered. 108 members have email ID of which 16 have bounced back. If you have email and have not recently received an email from us please contact us with your details. As a club we should increase our communications and become interactive. As an organisation we should heighten our experiences.

Marj Dalby will be supporting welfare of Members. She can be contacted on 599750

We are hoping to start a Luncheon club in a couple of months. At present we have two possibilities and are exploring more. One is a traditional English three course lunch around £4 and the second is an Indian three course meal around £5. We may be able to use both facilities. At present we would like to get an idea of possible interest and will be collecting names. Expressing interest does not commit you at all. This stage gives us an indication of the level of interest which in turn helps our negotiations. You can express your interest in both or one kind of Lunch. You may be happy to go once a week, once a fortnight or once a month. Himanshu will collect information at the meeting, but if you are not attending the meeting and are interested, please contact Himanshu by e mail or phone 343474.

Why is it that the minute cold weather hits, your skin gets dry and chapped? Partly because the colder the air, the less moisture skin can hold. But also, frigid air gums up the normally soft, fatty lipids that keep skin pliable. Think about what happens when you put something oily in the fridge: It turns into a gunky mass. Same idea here, but the results make skin less stretchy and more prone to cracking. What to do? Just what you're thinking: Get your hands on a serious moisturizer. It doesn't have to be a budgetbusting brand. In fact, it doesn't even have to be a moisturizer per se. Try a light sweep of sweet almond oil instead. It's so easily absorbed that there's no risk of looking like a walking oil slick. It's virtually scent-free, so no clashing with fragrances. Plus, it's a multitasker: Not only does it defend against moisture loss, but it has a healthy amount of vitamin E, a primo age-fighting antioxidant that can help keep your skin' young. Almond oil is in lots of products, from body lotions to cuticle balms. But the true beauty bargain is the real thing: 1 litre about £6.00 from

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