Forthcoming Meetings
Thursday 1st May 2014 U3A Main Meeting, Venue: Cleethorpes Memorial Hall from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Speaker: Barbara Pearce from Animal Rescue and Care
Monday 19th May 2014 Group Leader’s meeting from 10.00am to 12.00noon at “Class Act” unit 5, Granville Street, Grimsby, DN32 5PL ( for detail and photo refer to basic computer course)
Tuesday 27th May 2014 Executive Committee Meeting from 2.00pm to 4.00pm at 97 Abbey Road, DN32 0HN
Thursday 5th June 2014 U3A Main Meeting, Venue: Cleethorpes Memorial Hall, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Speaker: Himanshu Ghadiali on Indian Religions ( Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism)
Thursday 3rd July 2014 U3A Main Meeting, Venue: Cleethorpes Memorial Hall from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Speaker: Stuart Sizer on The Ghosts of Louth
Thursday 10th July Outing to Castle Howard from 8.00am
Thursday 7th August 2014 U3A Main Meeting at Cleethorpes Memorial Hall From 2.00pm to 4.00pm Performance from the Entertainment Group
The Group Leaders Meeting will take place on Monday 19th May at 10am at “Class Act”. Group activities are the heart and soul of the U3A movement. It is important for us to think together about how we keep our groups vibrant and interesting. The next Family History (II) Group will meet on 13th May 2014 instead of 20th May 2014. The Indian Cookery group will meet on Monday 19th May at WMCC. This month we will learn how to make Malai Sauce and Malai Chicken. If you interested in joining the group contact Anne Mann. The Computer Support Group will meet on 15th May at Berenice’s home 212a Station Road, Waltham, DN36 4pH– and will be exploring Windows 8.
Committee was Elected on 3rd October 2013 at AGM in Cleethorpes Memorial Hal Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Vice Chair: Brochure Co-ordinator: Group Co-ordinator: Publicity: Membership Records: Membership Assistant: Webmaster: Welfare: Speaker Finder/Visitors: Catering Team:
John Wilkinson Anne Mann Himanshu Ghadiali Jill Maltby Anne Mann Pauline Campbell Christina Hanson Anne Easterbrook Janet Cullum Geoff Lenthall Marj Dalby Jill Maltby Jenny Dutton Gill Clarke Janet Cullum
316597 348833 343474 752688 348833 813010 871333 310061 599482 699748 599750 752688 873613 312820 599482
Suggestion Box From this month we will have a suggestion box at the general meetings. You are all invited to give your suggestions, views and comments both by posting your thoughts/ideas in the suggestion box or by feedback through our website, which is interactive. Outing to Castle Howard on 10th July 2014 Please pay for the outing on Thursday at the General Meeting. There are still 13 places available. Non-members can go on this visit.
May 2014
Anne Easterbrook was born to Jack and Florrie Digby as the only daughter amongst four children. Her parents were local butchers who were active in All Saints Church. She attended Welholme Primary school and Carr Lane (Havelock now). She left there with a desire to teach Mathematics by training for 3 years at Notts. County Training College at Retford. She met her husband John Pybus, a mechanical engineer at RAF Cranwell. She worked in Grimsby, Hull, Leicester and Beverley depending on her husband’s work. After the birth of 2 daughters and in 1974 they moved to the south of England and were based at East Grinstead in West Sussex. She return to teaching in the hot summer of 76, part time for 3 years and then full time for 13 years before she was struck with a mid life crisis. Her marriage broke down after 22 years. While she was struggling with her loss, she got lucky and won £30, 000. This helped to change her life. She visited her family in New Zealand and with her daughters, travelled via Singapore and Hong Kong. She returned to teaching in Oxted and Wadhurst. She found a new interest and started breeding Golden Retrievers which supplemented her part time income and went on to raise 6 litters of pups whilst continuing to teach at Westerham, Tunbridge Wells, Lingfield and finally Crawley. She recites “In the meantime my life of Ringcraft took off after winning a Fun Dog show with my bitch “Wumpy” only as B. I .S! In 1995. Then learning the art of showing I progressed to Open and Championship Shows mostly at Ardingly Showground, Windsor, Richmond and Stoneleigh Showground/Warwicks. Several puppies I bred were bought by Canine Partners to train for the disabled, the act of which I am proud. My greatest achievement was qualifying for Crufts at Birmingham where I ran the green carpet in 2003 and 2004 with Brook and Brodie respectively. It was at this time, approaching retirement I decided to return to my roots in Grimsby. Arriving back in Grimsby in 2003 with my four beautiful “Goldies” I met up with school friends like Janet Cullum and family like brothers and cousins. I attended St Matthews Church which eventually was demolished in Fairfield where the Organ society took place and was very popular. My hobby after breeding dogs became Family History the passion of which is why I became a Group co-ordinator for the subject and an ever popular one at that. I make use of LDS in Linwood Avenue for a lot of research and they are so welcoming. Having a large private rural garden in Fairfield complete with a Hot Tub I can choose to relax in has completed my working years. U3A has given me activities to try like Spanish, Bowling, Bridge, and Calligraphy besides Family History. As you can see my Motto is” Work Hard to play hard”. Long may it continue?”
Basic Computing Course This is a four week course starting from Tuesday 27th May. It will be held at “Class Act” unit 5, Granville Street, Grimsby, DN32 9PL. Unit 5 is located at the end of Granville Street close to Ladysmith road. The course, including lunch, is free and will be held from 10am to 3pm. Computers will be provided. The four weeks will start with learning to switch on and switch off the computer and will include how to e mail, use social media, etc., etc. If you are hesitant about using a computer, this is your opportunity to become confident. To enrol contact Himanshu (343474) New Groups As you know group activities is the soul of U3A, we are glad to see new groups starting or old groups resurrecting. Lip Reading Group Diana Green will help to co-ordinate this group. Please contact Diana on 692222 to express your interest. Understanding Memory (Memory Course) This is a four week course. We have competed four courses in the last two years. The first week we will learn how our memory works; the second week we will learn about illnesses related to memory, namely dementias. The third week we learn about diet, exercise and activities and how it can help memory. The fourth week we understand how our emotions affect our memory. This is a very useful course which increases our understanding of how our memory functions and reduces unnecessary anxiety. To attend the course please contact Anne Mann on 348833 or register your interest on the website New Members welcoming Group New members are invited to meet on Wednesday 14th May at 10.00am at 97 Abbey Road, Grimsby, DN32 0HN. Principle officers will be welcoming them. Would be helpful to confirm your attendance and parking arrangement by contacting Himanshu (343474) History Group This group is reconstituted. Contact John Wilkinson (316597) You can registere your interest on web