RCOP Summary Flyer

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Reshaping Care for Older People Glasgow’s Change Fund The Journey So Far In 2011-12 the key priority areas of work for the TSRG included negotiating and securing resources and commitment for: • Third Sector Strategic coordination and Engagement resource • Third Sector Mapping • Transformation Fund Third Sector Change plan negotiations in 2011-12 focused on: • Greater visibility of older people and their carers • Increased prominence and recognition of the role of community housing • Commitment to invest and embed coproduction approaches within service user involvement and partnership working

Going Forward In 2012-13 the initial priority areas of work for the TSRG and CB work stream will be in: • Interpreting the results of the mapping to inform the Joint Commissioning Strategy • Maximising the impact of the Transformation Fund and demonstrating through this the TS contribution to this agenda • Exploring the needs for change management and organisational development support for TS organisations

Understanding the Structures

Reshaping Care Strategy Group


Third Sector Involvement

(Reps from Health, Social Work, Third Sector & Independent Sectors)

Third Sector Reference Group

(Acting in an advisory capacity to the Change Plan partners)

Capacity Building Workstream Overseeing the Transformation Fund which is managed by the Voluntary Action Fund

Programme Groups

Joint Research & Intelligence Includes Third Sector Group


Supporting People at Home Includes Third Sector Representation

Institutional Care

Includes Third Sector Representation

Elderly Mental health/ Dementia Includes Third Sector Representation

Reshaping Care for Older People Glasgow’s Change Fund Understanding the Structures and Keeping Up-to-date There are number of ways the Third Sector plays a role in the governance of Glasgow Change Plan: Third Sector Reference group (TSRG) In June 2011 the Third Sector Interface’s Executive Committee established a sub group, the Third Sector Reference Group, to support the work of the Change Plan and RCOP in Glasgow. This group is led and supported by GCVS, as signatories to the Glasgow Change Plan and comprises key intermediaries and specialist organisations that are involved in planning, developing and delivering services for older people and their carers. It is the role of the TSRG to provide strategic leadership and TS representation and input to the Strategy Group for the Change Plan.


Visit our website for more the details on the work of the TSRG and sign up for our quarterly RCOP newsletter http://www.gcvs.org.uk/engagement/reshaping_care_for_older_people_rcop

Capacity Building Workstream The CB work stream is chaired by the Third Sector and supported by the Third Sector Coordinator to ensure connectivity with the TSRG and wider Change Fund Structures. The group is comprised of third sector and public sector partners with specialist knowledge in key areas relating to care and the development of community based services. The work stream will oversee the management and monitoring of the Transformation Fund with administration and management support from the Voluntary Action Fund. The Fund will support activities running between October 2012 and September 2013. Application forms and guidance will be available when the Programme launches in early September. VAF is also planning two information sessions at the end of August for potential applicants. The final decision on applications will be made in mid-October 2012 with approved projects commencing thereafter. Third Sector representatives are also involved in all work stream groups.


To keep up to date with CB work stream activity and wider Change Fund developments you can sign up to become a member of the knowledge Hub https://knowledgehub.local.gov.uk/register


Get the latest information on the Transformation Fund further information is available from Diane Wilson, Programme Development Officer, on 0141 354 6510 or Diane.Wilson@voluntaryactionfund.org.uk


Since Jan 2012, over 200 face to face interviews have taken place, capturing information on 300+ groups & TS organisations contributing towards RCOP agenda. If you haven’t already participated contact Samira Adris at samira.adris@gcvs.org.uk to ensure your details are included

If you would like more information on any aspects of this flyer or to if you would like to explore ways in which you can connect and play in your expertise to any of the above structures and processes please contact our Third Sector Coordinator Gillian McCamley at Gillian.mccamley@gcvs.org.uk or on 0141 332 2444.

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