eLearning Leaders Network May 16th 2012

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16th May 2012

Hayes St, Shepparton

Share our work in our Schools – Reflection on our Ultranet, EduSTAR and NSSCF 1:1 Program (Secondary), Implementation in our Schools: –    

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What have we done? What has worked successfully? Share examples of what is taking place in your school to build up a profile in our networks. What assistance do you need to sustain Ultranet Implementation to support your Core work? – Is it at Leadership level? Whole School Planning level? Is it at PLT level? Has your school planned where your staff will complete the ePotential Survey for 2012? Has your school included eLearning and Ultranet deployment in teacher’s classrooms/subject in their personal P&D plan? What have we done? What has worked successfully?

Share session from School Initiatives:

Grahamvale PS – Student Learning Goals (Hume Region School visit Program in 2011 initiative) -

Luke Sibley, eLearning Leader and/or video

- DVD’s t o schools yet t o receive t hem

Numurkah SC – Secondary Schools Ultranet Project (Hume Region representative in 2012 DEECD Secondary School Ultranet Project initiative) – objectives and plan for Ultranet Implementation - Stephen Elford, NSC Ultranet Coach

Support for Curriculum Planning and Delivery through your PLT:

eBookboxes - Mathematics and English (currently supporting L5, - levels below will be anticipated throughout 2012 - L4 Mathematics just released) and Secondary (Mathematics, English, LOTE - Japanese and Indonesian, VCE - Physics , Chemistry, General and Further Mathematics, Mathematical Methods, Specialist Mathematics and Health and Human Development) Ultranet Collaborative Spaces – supporting English and Themes DEECD Endorsed Content – how to search for content


Understand the different eduSTAR v4 releases – Secondary and Primary How the software can support students for use within and beyond the classroom How the software can be used in a PLT to support curriculum planning and delivery in your school How you will be able to support colleagues in your school/network to utilise eduSTAR to support high quality teaching and learning ICT Showcase – resources/tutorials and support for classroom ideas using eduSTAR


Collaborative Spaces that are available 24/7 for students that support and extend learning eg. Year Level Spaces (templates available and DEECD endorsed Spaces eg. iLearn Primary/ iLearn Secondary and many thematic-driven iLearn Collaborative Spaces series, South Gippsland Literacy (Genre) and thematic Collaborative Spaces ; Domain Spaces eg. Careers Space (templates available) – time to investigate a list of recommended Spaces to join Design Spaces that are available – time to investigate a list of recommended Spaces to join Fostering and preparing Grade 6 students with their future Secondary College - (Grade 6 students with Secondary College Year 7 students and Teachers) in an informative and secure transition environment using a Transition Collaborative Space (template available)

Open Agenda:-

Next Meeting:


Conference Room, 130 Hayes St, Shepparton


Monday 4th June, 2012


2 pm sharp to 4 pm


eLearning Leaders will require CRT/‘in-house’ replacement


eLearning Leader/s & Lead Users & relevant staff

BRING: 1. Your laptop (ideally with v4 eduSTAR image) [charged and ready for internet access]. I will provide a switch for internet access however it is preferable if you are able to bring your own internet access as often settings on different laptops, including Macs cause delays - I encourage you to bring an iPad or dongle with independent internet access as a backup as we are not sure how the wireless will cope with the load as is being practised with attendance at Professional Learning. 2.

Relevant School documents - PLT/Ultranet Implementation schedule/1:1 Implementation Planning to share ideas and strategies

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