Episode 7 Series 2
Connections – eBookboxes and Learning Tasks Part1
Welcome to iMasterclass - Episode 7, series 2 Hume Region presents: Connections – eBookboxes and Learning Tasks - Part1 Brendan O’Brien, Gail Stanley and Libby Delbridge
Purpose of these Sessions These online professional learning sessions will:
Build a community of teacher/learners beyond your school Provide a framework for effective PLTs Develop an effective process to evaluate online resources to support Curriculum Planning Provide confidence and skills in using Ultranet
Where are we from?
The Learning Intention for today is to discover and understand: What is a Learning Task? What are the benefits of these Learning Tasks for my students? What eBookbox do I start with in my classroom? How can I import eBookbox activities into Learning Tasks? The Success Criteria will include........ •I will be able to explain what a Learning Task is. •I will be able to articulate the benefits of Learning Tasks to support differentiated learning. •I will be able to understand how PLTs can work together effectively to identify suitable eBookbox activities that are ready-made yet can be adapted to suit each teacher’s own students entry point for further learning.
What is a Learning Task …… Learning Tasks is where you plan, deliver and assess learning items. Learning items could be grouped together to form a learning sequence or stand alone. Learning Tasks allows you to use different modes of assessment, link to curriculum frameworks (such as VELS) and assign work to individual or groups of students. It is also the place where you can assess student work and provide feedback that stays with the student as they progress through school. The data you enter here stays with the student – not the school, making the Ultranet the only system that puts the student at the centre. https://ultranet.vic.edu.au/idc/groups/public/@endorsed/@system/documents/document/d845289.pdf
An eBookbox is a Learning Sequence
What eBookboxes have been created? Each eBookbox Domain has a Design space
Mathematics eBookboxes Science eBookboxes English eBookboxes
LOTE Indonesian and Japanese eBookboxes
VCE eBookboxes
VCE student eBookboxes
Key aspects of an eBookbox elaborated Learning Sequence..
Differentiation: Sequence of online and offline learning activities, some of which are assessed against VELS Different cohorts of students can be given different eBookboxes
What are the benefits of Learning Tasks for my students? • apply them in new situations using higher order thinking skills • make connections to other learning • allows for differentiation - differentiate the learning to match the needs of students (different VELs level eBookboxes) – move to the eBookbox level above or the eBookbox level; below • starting points of my students – can assign Learning Tasks to different cohorts of students at point of entry to the task supporting differentiation • a planned learning sequence (collection of learning items) to build learning and ensure there are opportunities to revisit the same concept from different points of view • different learning styles and learning needs • can be assigned as offline and online tasks • presented as a Learning Sequence with diagnostic pre and post tests, digital and non-digital activities • supported by quality digital learning resources
What eBookbox do I start with? Go to the Teacher Guidance tab – •Look at the diagnostic test as this determines which level of an eBookbox students should be working on •Learning goals •Prior learning •Further learning •Links to the VELS •Common misunderstandings and teaching strategies •Research links •Learning and teaching sequence
•Consider the learning goals, prior learning, further learning and the linkage to VELs in relation to your student data (key elements of effective curriculum planning – student data – plan – teach – assess)
What support is there to help me understand the power of Learning Tasks?
Accessing eBookbox Learning Tasks Accessing the eBookboxes in Design space
Accessing the eBookboxes in Learning Tasks
•Join the DEECD Mathematics eBookboxes Design space. Go to Design and: •select the ‘Available Design spaces’ tab •search for ‘DEECD Mathematics eBookboxes’ by entering ID Number 66512121; refine search to ‘Open’ •click on the ‘Actions’ button and select ‘Join’. •To enter the Design space, click on the title of the space.
•You can also access the activity sets for each eBookbox in Learning Tasks. In Learning Tasks: •click on the ‘Import’ button •select the ‘Endorsed’ tab •search for the eBookbox you wish to import and click on the ‘Select’ button. •Once imported, activities from each eBookbox can be used as they are, rearranged, added to, or amended and then assigned to students.
Support for Students to complete Learning Tasks – Support Site‌..
Support for Teachers to develop Learning Tasks – Support Site‌..
Support for Teachers to develop Learning Tasks and import existing eBookbox Sequences – Support Site…..
Sample Learning Sequence Structures Guidance and ideas for teachers planning Learning Tasks These Sample Learning Sequence Structures are designed to help teachers see how they might think through how to structure a Learning Sequence in Learning Tasks for a class lesson or an ongoing unit of work. They provide a best practice model which a teacher can use when planning a Learning Sequence: •defining the Learning Objectives •planning for Assessment Opportunities •providing a range of Learning Item types and specifying for each one: the learning objective, what students will learn or do, what assessment opportunities are provided out of each Towards Level 1 of the VELS Stage A Level 1 Reading Level 3 Science Level 4 LOTE Level 6 Geography
Towards Level 1 of the VELS Stage C Level 2 Maths English ICT Level 3 The Arts Level 5 History Level 6 Science
A guide to getting going with Learning Tasks ‌‌
How Learning Tasks and a Collaborative Learning Space can be integrated‌‌
How to import a Learning Sequence from an eBookbox into Personal Planning…..
… … … … … … r u o t a e k a t s ’ Let
Let’s view how PLTs can work together effectively to identify suitable eBookbox activities that are readymade yet can be adapted to suit each teacher’s own students entry point for further learning. via Comic Life discussions………….. Key Tools: A4 PLT Planner Observation Activity Sheet
As AsI Icompleted completedthe theAway Away Task Taskfrom fromour ourlast lastPLT PLTitit was wasinteresting interestingtoto understand understandthe thedifference difference between betweenaastandard standardand andan an elaborated elaboratedeBookbox! eBookbox!
AAssta tannddaarrdd e rreelelevvaan eBBooookkbbooxxbbrrin ing togge nt r eth qquuaaliltiyty t reesseeaarrcchhaanndd gssto theerr a ddigigitia a r a r n a tal lrreessoou nggeeoof f aarroouunnd r u c r e c s e s o d qquueesstito leleaarrnnininggggooaals orrggaannisiseedd ionnss. . TTh lsaannddfo foccuuss e h y e te y ccoom teaacchheerrn m e e wwitih noote thddeeta tess. .TThhey tailieledd aassta e y c a c tarrtitninggpo n a n b beeuusseedd poinint tfo a oowwnnqqu f r o u r ussto tobbuuilidldo ass uaaliltiytybble len u leleaarrnnini g teaacchhining ourr ngsseeqquue nddeeddte g enncceefo forroouurrs aanndd stu tuddeenntsts
An Anelaborated elaboratedeBookbox eBookbox includes includesas aswell wellas asrelevant relevant research, research,readily readilyselected selecteddigital digital and andnon-digital non-digitalresources resourcesthat that are arefully fullysequenced sequencedand and completed completedlearning learningactivities activities with withdetailed detailedteacher teachernotes. notes. The Theactivities activitieshave havebeen been 55 sequenced sequencedusing usingthe theee model model and andeach eachactivity activityset setlists liststhe the capabilities capabilitiesthat thatcould couldbe be demonstrated demonstratedby byusing usingthis this sequence. sequence.Learning Learningactivities activities that thatare areincluded includedcan canbe be completed completedonline onlineor oroffline! offline!
Gail, Gail,did didall allthe theactivity activityset set learning learningtasks tasksinin equivalent equivalentfractions fractionsmeet meet the theentry entrypoint pointneeds needsof of all allyour yourstudents studentsininSGS6 SGS6 according accordingto toyour yourdata? data?
On Onlooking lookingat atmy mySED6 SED6student student data dataon onthe the Hume HumeRegion Region Numeracy NumeracyAssessment Assessment Developmental DevelopmentalPathway Pathway for formy my class classI Ihave havedecided decidedthat thatthe theL4 L4 equivalence equivalenceeBookbox eBookboxactivity activitysets sets will willsuit suitmy myLearning LearningIntention Intentionand and I Ican canassign assignthem themto tomy my44groups. groups.
No, No,for fordifferentiation differentiationto tomeet meetall allof of my mystudents’ students’point pointof ofneed needI Iwent wentto toL5 L5 equivalent equivalentfractions fractionsfor forsimilar similarfocussed focussed activities activitiesand andprepared preparedthem themto tobe be assigned assignedto tomy mytop topgroup groupof of66students studentsof of which, which,as asyou youknow, know,22of ofthose thosestudents students are arefrom fromBrendan’s Brendan’sSBO6. SBO6.
I Imust mustremember rememberthat thatonly only my myPersonal PersonalPlanning Planningarea areaisis archived. archived.I Imust mustget getinto intothe the habit habitofofputting puttingmy mylearning learning tasks tasksthere thereand andmaking makingany any changes changesbefore beforeI Icopy copyand and paste pastethem theminto intomy myClass Class area areaready readyfor forassigning assigningto to the thedifferent differentcohorts cohortsofofkids. kids.
As Asan anAway AwayTask Taskininpreparation preparationfor forour our next nextPLT PLTlet’s let’sall allhave haveaago goatatimporting importing an aneBookbox eBookboxLearning LearningTask Taskinto intoour our Personal PersonalPlanning. Planning.
Great Greatidea ideathere thereGail! Gail!Let’s Let’shave haveaa go goat atorganising organisingour ourPersonal Personal Planning Planningarea areaby bysetting settingup upFolders, Folders, etc etcso soititwill willbe beeasier easierto tolocate locate them. them.I Iwill willbegin beginby bythinking thinkingabout about the theway wayI Iteach teachand andthe thesubject subject areas areasI Imight mightwork workin. in.
Last week ‘s Away Task Compare a standard and elaborated eBookbox- what makes a complete learning sequence? Mathematics (level 5 – Equivalence, Computation with Fractions, Decimals and Percentages) Science (level 5 Simple Machines)- English (level 5 Persuasive Writing)
This week’s Away Task……………..
Have a go at importing an eBookbox Learning Task into your Personal Planning and at the same time organise your Personal Planning area by setting up Folders, etc so it will be easier to locate them.
Brainstorm: • How can eBookbox Learning Tasks connect with what we are doing already? • How do eBookbox Learning Tasks challenge our thinking? • How do eBookbox Learning Tasks extend our thinking?
A Tool to use to guide eBookbox Ultranet Space exploration……. A tool that can be used by PLT members to investigate and share findings……
How to Search and Join ebookbox Design Spaces
1. Go to Design Space (Collaborative for VCE students) 2. Click on Available Design Spaces tab 3. Refine Search if you want – Title ‘ DEECD Science eBookboxes’, Space ID number ‘116166122’ or Key word ‘ebookboxes’ 4. Go to the Actions button 5. Click JOIN 6. After you have joined click on the title to open the space - immediate access as a member
• DEECD Mathematics eBookboxes – (Design Space ID 66512121) level 3, 4, 5 and 6 available NOW!
• • • • • • • •
English (Design Space ID 119973789) Science (Design Space ID 116166122) NEW! Civics and Citizenship Education (Design Space ID 133386274) Japanese (Design Space ID 124703110) Indonesian (Design Space ID122726435) AusVELS Digital Resources (Design Space ID 141092258) VCE eBookboxes (Design Space ID: 108535810) VCE Student eBookboxes (Collaborative Space ID: 124360563) students join as a Collaborative space
How to join iMasterclasses Design space... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Join the Hume Region iMasterclass Design Space Go to Design Spaces Click Available Spaces tab Search by Space ID number (139211104) The space is Open access so click the Actions box and Join 6. After you have joined click on the title to open the space
Thank You! Next Week: eBookboxes in detail
•Libby Delbridge delbridge.elizabeth.n@edumail.vic.gov.au
•Brendan O’Brien
•Gail Stanley stanley.gail.d@edumail.vic.gov.au