eLearning Leaders Network PLT Western Sub-region 4th September, 2012
Share our work in our Schools……. Reflecting on our Ultranet, EduSTAR and NSSCF 1:1 Program (Secondary), Implementation in our Schools: – • What have we done? • What has worked successfully? • Share examples of what is taking place in your school to build up a profile in our networks. • What assistance do you need to sustain Ultranet Implementation to support your Core work? – Is it at Leadership level? Whole School Planning level? Is it at PLT level?
Support for Curriculum Planning and Delivery through your PLT……… Learning Intention – To gain an insight into Integrating 1-to-1 devices or similar into your Curriculum focussing on the provision of resources for teachers to plan for the integration of 1 to 1 devices for students from P – 12 following teaching and learning content of the Ultranet by exploration and brainstorming ideas on how they might be shared with your staff and utilised as learning opportunities for your students.
Integrating 1-to-1 Devices into My Classroom – Web 2.0 Tool
Wordle / Tagxedo –
Web 2.0 Tool
http://www.wordle.net/ or http://www.tagxedo.com/
Wallwisher– Web 2.0 Tool
All students should have 24/7 anytime, anywhere access to devices.
What are the positive, negative or interesting points you could make about the statement above?
Inspiration –
eduSTAR v4 Secondary
Web 2.0 Tools – Bloom’s Pyramid
Whole School Approach to Planning.
Whole School Curriculum Planning Approach
‌that is sustainable replicable and scalable‌every child can benefit.
Where can I turn for some resources?‌.
Support for Curriculum Planning and Delivery through your PLT‌.
http://epotential.education.vic.gov.a u/showcase/1to1_learning/classroo m_ideas_primary
http://epotential.education .vic.gov.au/showcase/ipad s/classroom_ideas
Support for Curriculum Planning and Delivery through your PLT‌. FUSE Digital Resources & ICT Showcase Resources – exploring the content and gaining an understanding of the available resources to share with students and teachers including classroom examples.
FUSE Digital Learning Resources
FUSE Projects
https://fuse.education.vic.gov.au/pages/View.aspx?id=b7f515d8-a961-4b2b-89b4810fdc8a5208&Source=%252fpages%252fResults.aspx%253fsb%253dKBNGModified%252bDESC%25252c%252bKBNGStarRating%252bDESC%2526tab%25 3dAll%2526p%253d10
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