XV_Gediminas Stasaitis_Technical Requisite

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c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |

TECHNICAL REQUISITE Embracing Flooding and Water - Archimedes Screw, Hotel and Floating Cafe

c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |


c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |

Contents: Design Thesis Synopsis 1 The Fragment 2 2.1. Fragment Development 2 2.2. Fragment Prototypes 3 2.3. Final Fragment 4 2.4. Fragment Presentation and Location 5 3. Site Strategy 7 3.1. Renewable Energy 7 3.2. Flooding, Rainwater & SuDS 8 3.3. Nuisance Sounds and vibrations 10 3.4. Altering the Environment 10 4. Materiality, Steel & Water Argument 12 5. Structure & Construction 15 5.1. Fragment Intent 15 5.2. Post-Fragment Logic | Semi-Monocoque Structural System 16 5.2.1. Assembly directly onto Foundation 19 5.2.2. Assembly onto universal steel columns 20 5.2.3. General Structural Arrangement 21 5.2.4. Structure Precedent 23 5.2.5. Fragment Variation 24 5.3. Other Construction 25 5.3.1. Construction Phasing 25 5.3.2. Fireproofing and Waterproofing 26 6. Environment 28 6.1. Lighting Studies 28 6.2. Plant Room, Ventilation and HVAC Strategy 31 6.3. Rainwater Drainage 34 6.4. External Skin Layers & Details 35 6.4.1. External Skin Layers 35 7. Building Regulation Compliance 40 7.1. Part B - Fire 40 7.2. Protection from falling, collision and impact - Part K 42 7.3. Access to and use of buildings - Part M 45 8. Bibliography 46 1. 2.

APPENDIX A - Tutorials from the Engineer APPENDIX B - Floating Cafe Calculations APPENDIX C - Bridge Designs APPENDIX D - Standard Steel Sheet Elements, Boat Manufacturing, Cathodic Protection of Steel, etc. APPENDIX E - Hotel Design Plans for Reference APPENDIX F - Hotel Design Sections for Reference


c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |


c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |


Design Thesis Synopsis

How can historic importance of water be re-introduced within the town of Leominster through local steel manufacturing techniques and what range of values would that bring? According to Leominster Civic Society - “Leominster was a town of rivers, streams, rills and marsh. The name comes from a minster in the district of Lene or Leon, in turn from a Welsh root lei – to flow.” From the latest Leominster Development Plan – “The surrounding watercourses and marshland which gave rise to the town’s Welsh name Llanllieni (Minster among the streams) are now harder to discover.” Leominster used to have a lot of small streams in-between the main rivers and some artificially made streams to power the 11 mills which hare all either demolished or re-purposed. The most notable Pinsley brook (which is now lost) was created to supply the Priory with fresh water. There used to be a large number of small and humble bridges to allow for the residences to cross the streams, which were demolished as the streams were infiled. How can the theme of water and mills be re-introduced within the town with modern construction techniques and standards? There is a high concentration of steel manufacturers within the town of Leominster. They are here because of the farmers needs to diversify the business and were established early on (ca. 1900-1960). How can the local agricultural tools, techniques and material be utilised within the town to create a new vernacular and a sense of place? The first factor with choosing the site is its proximity to the priory and the historic environment. The second factor is the proximity to a major river. The last factor is that the site chosen is very inaccessible and very underdeveloped. Surrounded by a busy bypass road, train tracks and the river it requires careful consideration in rehabilitating the site. My proposal involves a few interventions. First of all, an Archimedes screw will be introduced which is a representation of a new mill that will generate renewable energy for the town. It will be supplemented with steel infrastructure manufactured within the town. The flooding will set the stage for the other buildings such as a floating café and a hotel, which will interact with the edge of the water and embrace water. The chosen site will prioritise tourism and create a beautiful walk around the lake close to the “Monastic Centre” of Leominster.


c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |


The Fragment 2.1.

Fragment Development

As part of the unit I was asked to look into materiality and place of Leominster. Leominster has a high concentration of steel manufacturers within the town. This has led me to develop a Fragment and an understanding of the local steel manufacturer’s tools and techniques. The company I worked with through a couple of iterations of my fragment are RJ Barrington Ltd. We had two workshops. The first one was sheet modeling – representing steel sheet. The second one was stick modeling with welding rods and soldering – representing steel beams and columns. The initial sheet modeling tests and Rhinoceros software tools allowed me to investigate complex double curvature and ways it can be flattened. Paper and card modeling techniques mimicked RJ Barrington’s plasma cutter and its possibilities.

Figure 2.1. - 1 Doubly curved surface tests. From Digital to physical.


c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |


Fragment Prototypes

Lack of knowledge in all of the settings present in Rhino software for the ways the double curvature can be flattened and lack of experience overall led me towards the failure of the first fragment iteration. Even though, the tests in paper and card seemed to be a success. This led me from experimenting from a double curved surface to a single curved surface and the frame to be made out of straight intersections.

Figure 2.2. - 1 Initial design of the fragment.

Figure 2.2. - 2 Initial Design test fabrication.

Figure 2.2. - 3 Fragment re-designed with singly curved faces based on leasons from previous designs.


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Final Fragment

After one more iteration the final fragment was a relative success, although even the single curvature faced some resistance during manufacture and the final conclusion is simplification and triangulation with the tools RJ Barrington have or increase the complexity which will increase cost and construction time involving rolling tools to create single curvature. A lots of hands on approach using tools such as CNC plasma cutter, hand held plasma cutter, angle grinder, MIG welders to assemble the final fragment.

Figure 2.3. - 1 Using scale model as reference in case numbers of the cut pieces get mixed up & an image showing the final product assembled.


c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |


Fragment Presentation and Location

The fragment is placed on the future development site. It is positioned based on the proximity to the river, based on the views towards the Priory (which is an important historic element of Leominster) and also based on the sun position during the fragment presentation. The sun-water-steel interaction in particular is quite important in my investigation of the phenomenological qualities that steel can bring in a historic environment through immediate contrast of the old and new.

Figure 2.4. - 1 Diagram explaining the positioning of the fragment and eventualy the final location for the hotel design.


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Figure 2.4. - 2 Pictures on the day the Fragment was presented.


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Site Strategy


Renewable Energy

River Lugg at the measurement station is on average 5.9mÂł/s flow rate! This gives 688524 kWh sustainable energy per year. which means 150 households would be available to current British Standards or 196 households with German Standard housing provided by the energy of the river Lugg. These calculations are with turbines that are 60% Efficient! Ludlow river Teme based on limited data is 6-10 times weaker and it has a micro-hydro power plant providing for 40 homes! The argument is to push for very efficient housing so that the river could provide for more homes! Or the existing industry could use the renewable energy to make the manufacturing process more sustainable.

Figure 3.1. - 1 Hydro Plant design with the fragment wraping over it for aesthetic purposes.

Figure 3.1. - 2 Household energy consumption per country


c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |


Flooding, Rainwater & SuDS

631 318.9m² - Building Area ; 50 294.3m² - Path ; 482 486.9m² - Roads ; 531 812.5m² - Hardsurface Areas. Simplified water collection formula - Water(l) = Roof area(m²) * Annual Rainfall (mm) * System Efficiency (0.9 for now) * Run off Coefficient (0.75 - pitched roof ; 0.5 flat roof) A tank would normally be sized to store 5% of this. Water should enter the storage tank just above the bottom - so as not to disturb debris collecting there. It will be drawn from below the surface using a submersible pump - to avoid picking up pollen etc from the top. You also need to check that your roof is clean and not made of toxic metals. A filter that is 90% efficient when clean can drop to below 30% if algal growth blocks the holes in the mesh, so they need to be in a position where they can be accessed and cleaned occasionally. As my overall proposal deals with the floodplain water and rain. Any SuDS that are appropriate need to be used within the scheme and potentially other future developments in Leominster.

Figure 3. - 1 Study of hard surfaces that displace rainwater and exacerbate the flooding problem.


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Because of my focus on water: Roofs, Gutters, Flashings etc. will play a crucial role within my proposed design to accentuate the steel and water management. Recent floods were in 2007 and 2014 ; It seemed like it rained a lot more in July 2009, but maybe the rain was more constant and not as intense and that is the reason why it didn’t flood then despite high rainfall. 4 253 446m³ 2009 July rain 162m cube to contain all this rain. The control of water is important when designing within the flood plain and creating a new lake and a hydro plant. Sustainable drainage systems, grass paving systems and other permeable paving are needed to alleviate the problem. There is potentially a need for excess rainwater water storage. It is estimated that the standard sea level will rise by 1 meter within the 100 years, which will create a more unmanageable flood zone, tackling these issues now and preparing for the future seems like a reasonable approach. The conclusion from the data is containing and managing all of the flooding problems is infeasible within one or few developments, it needs to be in the agenda of the town to tackle these issues to the best of the towns abilities.

Figure 3. - 2 Meteorological data from a UK goverment website.


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Nuisance Sounds and vibrations

The site is surrounded by a busy bypass road and train track. There will be either increase in foliage to block the sound or 2meter high fences erected around the bypass road and the train track. Consideration needs to be applied when the hotel is build next to the train track as the vibration might cause structural damage over time.

Figure 3.3. - 1 Red dashed line showing the area of my site, yellow infill shows the busy bypass road and train tracks.


Altering the Environment

The chosen site is within a conservation area, next to an important river, and it has a couple of nationally protected species such as birds and reptiles in the area, it also has Herefordshire BAP Species – skylark. My proposal is to recreate a marshland within the area, which will cause a change of species within the area, hopefully for the better and creates a diversification of nature that the Leominster Council wants. It will also cause the trees that are flooded to be cut down. But the new marshland with some reeds and other new plants growing at the edges can create a new beautiful landscape within the flood zone with new species inhabiting the area. The reeds and other plants might help clean the water downstream because at the moment Leominster is a heavily farmed region and there is a lot of fertilizer run off into the river. (see Figure 3.4. - 2) The trees in the existing site will be flooded and will subsequently die from oxygen deprivation. They could be better used if cut down and used for lumber. Leominster does not have appropriate carpenters to utilise this timber for a building structure. The trees cut down will need to be sent to hereford to create needed elements for building construction. (see Figure 3.4. - 1)


c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |

Figure 3.4. - 1 Diagram showing flooding area in light grey and trees that need to be cut down in black. It also shows where the hydroplant and earthworks will be placed to create adequate flood aleviation scheme.

Figure 3.4. - 2 Leominster Council map showing protected species and their locations.


c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |


Materiality, Steel & Water Argument

There is a high concentration of Steel manufacturers in Leominster. Using them in the built environment would set a new sense of place. Some of the local manufacturers already produce steel roof items and steel gutters etc. These are mostly used in surrounding agricultural buildings. There is an option to use them in architectural projects. They also have the ability to create custom and unique items. Water was an important part of Leominster which is now lost, reintroducing it seems an appropriate approach towards Leominster’s future.

Figure 4. - 1 Concept Image - Linking history with the new local industry and water.


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The most notable property of steel is its strength. This is the reason why it is heavily used in the construction industry. And steel is heavily used in concrete in the form of rebar. There is potential for Leominster to use the local industry and the potential to use steel to create elegant and beautiful constructions through the AAES (Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel) Systems. The second property of steel that is even more relevant to my project is the steel reflectivity and shine, depending on the treatment. Especially in conjunction with water properties.

Figure 4. - 2 Comparison of crumpled metal sheet and wavy water

Figure 4. - 3 Wavy water pattern reflecting onto a surface given the right lighting conditions. This would be even more exaggerated with the reflection being projected onto an undulating metal surface.


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Figure 4. - 4 Anticipating steel corrosion is important when placing steel structures in a humid environment on the edge of a new lake.

There are many factors that influence corrosion rate in a given environment, the above table shows rough estimates by the type of environment. Certain steel elements may be designed to rust slowly over time and be replaced by the local manufacturers from time to time.

Figure 4. - 5 Unprotected steel corrosion rates depending on the environment it is subjected to.

Steel, if unprotected by paint, galvanization or other measures tends to corrode or rust. In watery environments the steels corrosion rate can be accelerated. Certain parts of my exposed steel construction will be completely protected from weathering through galvanization while other parts will be left semi-exposed so that they slowly rust over time in a controlled manner. 14

c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |


Structure & Construction


Fragment Intent

Convex and concave shapes would either gather or repel rainwater. Steel is always a necessity when constructing thin concrete shells (Alvaro Siza Pavilhao de Portugal is the best example of this), but is most of the times a hidden piece of structure or rebar. My fragment would investigate steels aesthetic qualities. The intent is to create a wavy steel construction that is practical, but also interacts and mimics water. It alows you to create an artificial steel landscape that will blur the boundaries of land and water and look as if it is part of the environment. Along with reflecting water from below and mimicking water from above, it will reflect the sky as well given its shiny surface.

Figure 5. - 1 Quick render showing the constructions fluid properites.


c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |


Post-Fragment Logic | Semi-Monocoque Structural System

The segmentation and simplification of the steel fragment explains what is possible by a local steel manufacturing company and what are the limitations. It might help create a sense of place in Leominster through Craftsmanship of steel, It is rather the craftsman that is more important and the material he uses than the material in and of itself. The typical material RJ Barrington have is 1250x3000mm galvanized steel sheets in various thickness. This drives the average size of the fragment piece to be 1100x1100 in plan view depending on the steepness of the angles.







During the manufacturing process the most important thing is to reduce the warping of steel so that during the assembly the pieces have a tight fit. This is also the reason why most pieces are cut and weld back together instead of being bent on press brakes in one piece as it will create even more inaccuracies. CNC plasma cutter that RJ Barrington has is not as accurate as a laser cutter due to the cutting plasma beam size and occasional fluctuation creating a small wave. These problems need to be checked and fixed during the welding. The steel thicknesses will go up to 5mm, which can be cut with a plasma cutter. The engineer cautioned that if the steel needs to become thicker than 5mm, then there is potentially something wrong with the design of the semi-monocoque structure. 1-2mm will be the typical thickness.

A1 Figure 5.2. - 1 Example image showing the files submitted to RJ Barrington in .dxf format.


c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |

Individual pieces are assembled in RJ Barrington, they are welded together to make a uniform piece. The holes are for bolts to connect the pieces together. The holes on the bottom side are for attachments such as suspended ceiling cables.

Figure 5.2. - 2 Diagram showing the assembly of anindividual fragment piece.


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The pieces that will be used above the interior part of the building will be sent to nearby Hereford for re-galvanizing in a hot dip galvanization process. The exterior pieces will be left as is and will start to slowly rust around the weld areas for aesthetic purposes and lowering cost. Some constructed fragment pieces can be assembled off-site depending on the transportation size. The red dashed line in (Figure 5.2. - 3) shows where there might be small gaps because of the warping issues, while the red dot shows where the biggest gap might form between the 4 assembled pieces. It is important to minimize this as much as possible as this cladding system needs to repel most of the water.

Figure 5.2. - 3 Detail of the bolt assembly.

Figure 5.2. - 4 General assembly of the fragments.


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Assembly directly onto Foundation

Parts of the fragment will curve all the way down to the ground or water and will be bolted down to a Trench fill foundation where a steel plate is anchored. The steel plate holes and fragment holes must align and the fragment will be bolted together.

Figure 5.2.1. - 1 Fragment assembly directly onto a foundation.

Figure 5.2.1. - 2 Detail showing anchor bolts connecting to the base plate and base plate connected to the fragment with bolts.


c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |


Assembly onto universal steel columns

All universal steel columns will be on the interior of the building. They will be fabricated by another local manufacturer Frank H Dale that specialize in steel frame construction. The columns will be fire proofed with thin intumescent coatings of paint. Vibrant colours will be chosen as they will be left exposed on the interior for people to understand the steel nature of the building.

Figure 5.2.2. - 1 Fragment assembly onto a steel column.

Figure 5.2.2. - 2 Close up showing the assembly of the fragment pieces onto a steel column.


c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |


General Structural Arrangement

Figure 5.2.3. - 1 General arrangement of steel columns manufactured by Frank H Dale and Fragment manufactured by RJ Barrington.


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The red lines in (Figure 5.2.3. - 1) show which parts of the fragment will directly connect to the foundation in the aforementioned way. The spans between columns do not go over 14m based on the rule of thumb formulas below. My fragment depth is 200mm. 70*D = L ; L = 70*200 = 14,000mm. The formulas are given to me by the engineer for this specific construction method. Funicular Structures - Floor/ Bridge - D = L/18 ; under very heavy loads D = L/10 ‌ The fragment can be used in a box girder bridge design. Roof - D = L/70 -> Possibility to create elegant structures!

Figure 5.2.3. - 2 Diagram explaining the structural necessity of the fragments steel skin.

The skin of the fragment can be either on the top or the bottom or both. The skin in Tension is the one that can be removed, the skin in Compression adds necessary strength to the Structure.


c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |


Structure Precedent

The most notable building that used ship building manufacturers and techniques is the Porsche Pavilion in Germany by HENN Architects. They have used semi-monocoque structure. This method and its qualities were taken and applied to RJ Barrington manufacturing capabilities and limitations to create a unique system that would create a new sense of place in Leominster.

Figure 5.2.4. - 1 Porsche Pavilion in Wolfsburg, Germany by HENN Architects.


c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |


Fragment Variation

Based on (Figure 5.2.3 - 2) the one sided skin of my fragment might not be sufficient depending on the final calculations from the engineer. As I want my skin to always face the top, but based on the diagram it needs to face the bottom for structural purposes.

Figure 5.2.5. - 1 Assembly of the variation of the fragment.

This method would mostly be used on parts of the fragment where compression forces are on the bottom of the fragment. The exposed detailing on the exterior of the building will help tell a story of the construction and the structural forces present in the building.

Figure 5.2.5. - 2 Closeup of the bolts connecting separate Figure 5.2.5. - 3 Stainless Steel Parametric Archipelago fragments. Pavilion. Similar aesthetic qualities will be present.


c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |


Other Construction 5.3.1.

Construction Phasing

The phasing of the construction would be in this order: 1. Excavation and pouring of the concrete foundations. 2. Assembly of the structural steel columns and beams. 3. Bolting the Fragment onto the foundations and columns. Add silicone for waterproofing in between the fragment pieces during assembly. 4. Adding adjustable suspended ceiling cables or ceiling clips that will help put in place ceiling finishes on the interior fragment pieces. 5. Waterproofing and fireproofing the fragment pieces that will be on the interior from below. 6. Constructing all the standard walls, floors windows and doors. 7. Add plant room and all the necessary pipework for heating, drainage and ventilation ductwork. 8. Suspending insulation and steel panels onto the fireproofed and waterproofed fragment pieces. 9. Adding internal suspended steel ceilings. 10. Apply finishes and add furniture.

Figure 5.3.1. - 1 Diagram showing the amount of panels (in red) that will need to be waterproofed and fire proofed from below along with the silicone that will be added to all the panels.

Diagram (Figure 5.3.1. - 1) also shows the panels that are more susceptible to rusting (white) because they are not sent for re-galvanizing and have no water proofing applied. They are external elements. 25

c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |


Fireproofing and Waterproofing

The (Figure 5.3.1. - 1) shows which panels will get the waterproofing and fireproofing treatment. These are the same panels that will need to be sent to Hereford for re-galvanizing to keep it as resistant to corrosion as possible, but also keep the aesthetics of steel.

Figure 5.3.2. - 1 Image on the left shows a highly elastic waterproofing membrane. It consists of a special rubber bitumen emulsion and a liquid precipitant. On the right is an image of a person applying intumescent fireproofing spray.

As the images and diagrams on this page show this is the approach in applying waterproofing and fireproofing to the steel columns and the fragment from the underside on the designated area (Figure 5.3.1 - 1). Since they will be covered with a suspend- Topcoat. In my case it is a waterproofing spray. ed ceiling the messiness of this approach does not matter.

Intumescent coat.


Steel. Blasted for better primer adhesion.

Figure 5.3.2. - 2 I n t u m e s c e n t paint layers.


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Figure 5.3.2. - 3 Diagrammatic section through part of the hotel.

Figure 5.3.2. - 4 Detail of the roof buildup.

Detail (Figure 5.3.2. - 4) showing the connection of battens (19x38mm) onto the ceiling clips after the fireproofing and waterproofing is added. The grid of battens will have ~250mm of rigid insulation attached to it and covered with galvanized steel panels for aesthetic purposes. Based on the discussions from the fire engineer in this scenario my hotels structure needs fireproofing from only one side. 27

c1002511 | Gediminas Stasaitis | Unit XV – Material and Place |




Lighting Studies

The accurate lighting study was conducted in 3DS MAX. Daylight factors could not be accurately extracted for visual purposes. The diagrams (Figure 6.1. - 1) show total illumination in lux levels. Water, glass and metal materials were replaced in 3DS MAX with physical materials to assure accuracy and for time saving measures other materials were given a generic, non-reflective material. Red ~ 100% Daylight Factor (this is on the exterior right next to the window. Yellow is a daylight factor of around 10% which is more than adequate for interior spaces. Dark Green is ~1% Daylight Factor which in certain situations might be slightly too dark. Dark Blue is 0% Daylight factor and it is in secondary spaces like corridors, changing rooms and WC’s which will need to be artificially lit throughout the day.

Figure 6.1. - 1 From left to right - Ground Floor, First Floor and Second Floor plans showing the illumination of the interior spaces and their adequacy.

BREEAM states that “. . . at least 80% of floor area in occupied spaces has an average daylight factor of 2% or more”. In domestic buildings, it states “... Kitchens achieve a minimum daylight factor of at least 2%; living rooms, dining rooms and studies achieve a minimum average daylight factor of at least 1.5%, and 80% of the working plane should receive direct light from the sky”.

Figure 6.1. - 2 3DS MAX panel showing lux values based on color.


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Figure 6.1. - 3 Overlay of lighting study onto the plans showing enough lighting is provided in the spaces that matter.


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Figure 6.1. - 4 General Winter / Summer light permeability into the building.

The canopies are designed to keep the summer sun out, while still allowing it to enter the building through the steel fragment and water reflectivity, avoiding excess heat. Winter sun will more easily permeate into the building while also benefiting from the water and steel reflection qualities. Most quest rooms will have a balcony with some having a Juliet balcony. The Fragment roof has the balconies cut out big enough to allow seating and have generous amounts of daylight going into the room. 30

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Plant Room, Ventilation and HVAC Strategy

The luxury chalets have a boiler room per 4 rooms. The rooms are small enough for natural cross ventilation if needed. Red zone in the main building shows where the plant room is located. The fainted red square shows the possible extension of the plant room if needed without consequence to any amenity. Grey zones show where there is necessity for heavy artificial ventilation. The main buildings cross ventilation in the public area is almost feasible based on the formula D (depth) = 5 x h (height), D = 22m the ceiling height needs to be 4.4m, but it is at most 4m. Changes might need to be made in regards to this.

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

Figure 6.2. - 1 HVAC, Plant Room & Ventilation diagram ground floor.


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The hotel rooms are small enough for natural ventilation and the service core is in adequate position. There needs to be one more rooflight inserted in the middle above of the second floor corridor based on the cross ventilation and lighting studies done in the previous chapter.

Figure 6.2. - 2 HVAC, Plant Room & Ventilation diagram First and Second Floor.


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Figure 6.2. - 3 Cross ventilation rule of thumb.

The mechanical ventilation, where it has to be hidden directly under the fragment will have to be attached under the insulation and clad with steel panels that have perforation in them to allow a continuous steel ceiling. The ventilation will increase the undulation and complexity of the steel ceiling which is desirable for aesthetic purposes. Flexible perforated steel ducts or perforated textile ducts will be used if appropriate. The final aesthetic of them is not necessary as they will be covered by perforated steel panels for aesthetic purposes if possible.

Figure 6.2. - 5 Flexible air ducts.

Figure 6.2. - 4 Diagram showing the mechanical ventilation principal.

Figure 6.2. - 6 Perforated textile ducts.


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Rainwater Drainage

Around the perimeter of the building there will be channel drain wrapping around the walls and entrances. As my fragment (roof) will have no gutters attached to it and its relative low position next to the lake in the flood plain. It will collect the water around the perimeter and send it towards the lake in a shallow gradient. The outdoor spaces on the ground floor next to the lake will have a shallow gradient of 1:80. On the private hotel room terraces and public terrace and viewing tower there will be ACO slot drains that will not be imposing at all and will collect all the rainwater that falls on the surfaces of those spaces. All those drains will collect into one vertical pipe per side and go down on the interior. The downward pipes will need to be positioned in secondary spaces so that the bulges of the pipes would not cause aesthetic problems.

Figure 6.3. - 1 ACO Strip drain where concealment of the drainage is necessary.



Figure 6.3. - 2 Sturdy channel drain around the whole perimeter of the building.





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External Skin Layers & Details 6.4.1.

External Skin Layers

Figure 6.4.1. - 1 U-values required by building other than dwellings in Building Regulations document L2a.

Most building elements will be standard construction such as cavity walls and standard raft foundations. The roof is the unique element which will require custom U-value calculations and detailed consideration on the junctions between the standard building elements and the unique elements. Making sure that cold bridges are at a minimum, which is more difficult considering it is external structural steelwork connecting onto internal steel columns. R = l/λ where l = the thickness of the material in meters and λ (lambda) is the thermal conductivity of the material in W/m.K. U-Value (of building element) = 1 / (Rso + Rsi + R1 + R2 …). Rso and Rsi values are for my purposes fixed and are based on (Figure 6.3.1. - 4) on the opposite page.

Figure 6.4.1. - 2 Interior swimming pool requirements in new buildings from Building Regulations document L1a.


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Figure 6.4.1. - 4 External and Internal surface resistance.

UNIQUE ROOF: Steel Conductivity = 43 (W/mK), Timber (white pine) = 0.15 (W/mK), Rigid Insulation (Polyurethane Foam or Polystyrene, Expanded Styrofoam) = 0.03 (W/mK) R(so) = 0.04 (m2K/W) R(si) = 0.10 (m2K/W) R(steel) = 0.204 / 43 = 0.004744 (m2K/W) R(timber) = 0.038 / 0.15 = 0.25333 (m2K/W) R(insul) = 0.250 / 0.03 = 8.333 (m2K/W) I have treated the whole 200mm steel structural buildup as a solid even though there is moving air in-between which is better U-value, but that makes the calculations over complex for this exercise. U-value (250mm insul) = 0.114 (W/m2K) U-value (200mm insul) = 0.14 (m2K/W) U-value (150mm insul) = 0.185 (m2K/W) U-value (100mm insul) = 0.268 (m2K/W) At the moment I have 250mm insulation, but I would go down to 200mm, which is above standards. Having 200mm rigid insulation is the best choose as it is a high efficiency roof and will make up for the heat loss through the cold bridging between the Fragment (external) connecting to steel columns (internal). The green line shows Vapour Control Layer (VCL). The red line shows Damp Proof Course (DPM) and roof waterproofing. (Figure 6.4.1 - 3)

Figure 6.4.1. - 3 Typical Detail Section A


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A lot of ground floor glazing will be facing East and some South. Potentially receiving decent amount of solar gains. The curtain walls will be double glazed to the U-value of 1.6 (W/m2K) to comply with building regulations. As triple glazing cost to U-value ratio is out of proportion. The panel just beyond the insulation will be a custom galvanized steel panel. At the bottom and top of the glazing unit there is a steel SHS with insulation in-between to anchor the curtain wall to the roof and the ground floor slab with minimized cold bridging. Red dashed line is DPM. Green is VCL. Ground floor raft reinforced concrete slab is 300mm,120mm rigid insulation on top, 50mm screed with a 12mm timber floor finish is U-value = 0.216 (W/m2K) which is complying to building regulations. The external walls will be standard cavity construction with cavity trays, cavity closers, perpends and wall ties. The fragment will rest on these standard walls where the inner blockwork is structural and will help keep the fragment in place along with the steel columns. It will offer secondary structural support. External wall will not be rendered but will have a grey brick finish. It will be 100mm grey brick, 50mm cavity, 75mm Celotex Insulation, 100mm structural blockwork, 12.5mm plasterboard. This gives a U-Value of 0.21 (W/m2K) which is based on high quality Celotex product, If lower quality product is used and the same thickness is used for cost reasons it might still hit the 0.26 (W/m2K) building regulations requirement.

Figure 6.4.1. - 5 Typical Detail Section B


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(Figure 6.4.1 - 6) showcases the most difficult section to detail in the whole building. The Fragment needs to be cut in exact locations so that it forms an adequate handrail / barrier. The terrace needs adequate overhang steel structure and deep enough to have a slot drain close to the entrance to the rooms. The rainwater drainage from the terraces needs to be removed through a vertical drain on the interior, making sure that the interior drain is in a secondary non-important space such has storage room, an office for staff, kitchen, public WC etc. The exterior wall build-up needs to be a lightweight timber construction to reduce burden from the steel frame and have a U-value of 0.26 (W/m2K) which is easier to achieve with timber structures and easier to minimise cold bridging.

Figure 6.4.1. - 6 Private Balcony Section.


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Unique rooflight.

Fragment kin - separated from the frame.

Fragment frame members.

Unique insulation below fragment.

Suspended undulating steel ceiling.

Steel beams and columns.

Luxury chalet fragment roof.

Building Walls and Floors etc.

Site landscaping with excavation.

Figure 6.4.1. - 7 Exploded Axonometric of Different Building Layers.


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Building Regulation Compliance


Part B - Fire

Figure 7.1. - 1 Travel distance limitations based on Building Regulations B2.

Figure 7.1. - 2 Fire Resistance Requirements based on Building Regulations B2.

There are plenty of escape routes on the ground floor not exceeding 35 meters. (Figure 7.1. - 4) shows the escape routes on the 1st and 2nd floors that comply with the regulations shown in diagrams on this page. The height of the top floor above ground floor is 10m (the green terrace area) and the viewing platform accessible to the pubic is at 13m above ground floor. All of the walls, doors and curtain walls shown in red dashed line will have to have a fire resistance of 60 minutes. The multi storey curtain wall that has the circulation core at the grand entrance of the building will be more of an expense but it is necessary.

Figure 7.1. - 3 Requirement for Hotels based on the Metric Handbook.


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Figure 7.1. - 4 First and Second Floor escape routes and protected circulation cores.


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Protection from falling, collision and impact - Part K

Figure 7.2. - 1 Stair dimensions based on Building Regulations part K.

Figure 7.2. - 2 Ramp regulations based on Building Regulations part K.

The Hotel floors on the interior are flat with no ramps or steps. The building is situated low on the contours to be close to the water. This means the access to the building will have small gradients, potentially all of the gradients are shallower than 1:20 to not require handrails and landings. There will be gentle ramps going into the water from the exterior part of the hotel for users to experience water and to put coracles and row boats into the water and ideally there would be no need for handrails (treat this as a beach edge).

Stairs from ground floor to first floor and other floors are slightly different because of the ground floor height being 4 meters while others being 3 meters. This might need to be tweaked so that all dimensions of the stairs are the same throughout all floors as generally it is desired to have same flights from bottom to the top. Roof terrace and the viewing platform along with all of the upper floors are handicap accessible due to the fact that there is an elevator to reach all of these places. There will be provisional space for refuge for handicapped people in the circulation cores. Parking spaces in (Figure 7.2. - 3) indicated with the dashed rectangle will be for deliveries and handicapped parking spaces.


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Figure 7.2. - 3 Access routes on the ground floor, mostly flat with gradients over 1:20 which do not require compliance with part K.


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Figure 7.2. - 4 Sections through both of my circulation cores.

Figure 7.2. - 5 Stair angles and dimensions for stairs ground to first floor and upper floors.


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Access to and use of buildings - Part M

Certain things such as ramp design from part K (Figure 7.2. - 2) are applied to part M as well. Mostly this document is to ensure adequate spaces for disabled people, such as public restroom access within the building. As other provisions such as elevators and shallow gradient access is talked about in chapter 7.2.

Figure 7.3. - 1 Diagrams showing accessible bathroom stalls from Building Regulations Part M2.

The ground floor changing rooms and public restrooms have 1 wheelchair accessible stall and sufficient space to navigate indicated by a 1500mm diameter circle within drawings (Figure 7.3. - 1).

Figure 7.3. - 2 Hotels’ ground floor zoomed in drawings of leisure pool changing rooms and public WC’s.


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Building regulation Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, The Building Regulations 2010: approved document B, Fire Safety (London TSO: 2013) Building regulation Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, The Building Regulations 2010: approved document K, Protection from falling, collision and impact (London TSO: 2013) Building regulation Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, The Building Regulations 2010: approved document M2, Access to and use of buildings (London TSO: 2013) Monocoque Shells <http://www.henn.com/de/research/monocoque-shells> [04 Aug 2018] Average Household Electricity use around the world <http://shrinkthatfootprint.com/average-household-electricity-consumption> [04 Aug 2018] Leominster Town Council <http://www.leominstertowncouncil.gov.uk/Useful-Links.aspx> [04 Aug 2018] Herefordshire Council <https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/sitesearch?q=leomisnter#tab3> [04 Aug 2018] Celotex: U-Value Calculator <https://www.celotex.co.uk/member/u-value-calc> [04 Aug 2018] Chudley, Roy and Roger Greeno, Building Construction Handbook (Oxon: Routledge, 2016) Stainless Steel Parametric Archipelago Pavilion <http://archinew.altervista.org/2014/06/13/ stainless-steel-parametric-archipelago-pavilion/> [05 Aug 2018] Daylight requirements in building codes <https://www.velux.com/deic/daylight/daylight-requirements-in-building-codes> [05 Aug 2018] Littlefield, David, Metric Handbook 3rd edn. (Oxford: Elsevier, 2008) Johannes, Kister, Neufert Architects’ Data 4th edn. (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012) <https://www.fastrackcad.com/> [04 Aug 2018]


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APPENDIX A Tutorials from the Engineer

The tutorials were of high value as techniques such as cathodic protection of metal was explained. Typical spans, depths and manufacturing methods were discussed along with tolerances and how to fix slight deviations of the fragments assembly.

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APPENDIX B Floating Cafe Calculations

The floating cafe will have a slightly different construction method because of the 700mm depth the void needs to achieve. The restaurant will be up to 400m². Dead Load = 3kN/m² x 400m² = 1200kN = 120 Tonnes Live Load = 4kN/m² x 400m² = 1600kN = 160 Tonnes A = 400m² ; W = 120 Tonnes ; V = 120m³ (Water) D = 120/400 = 0.3m (Dead Load Water Displacement) A = 400m² ; W = 160 Tonnes ; V = 160m³ (Water) D = 160/400 = 0.4m (Live Load Water Displacement) Total of 0.7m the floating restaurant will sink into the water, the flooded area will be around 1m deep, leaving 300mm under the restaurant to allow for flotation. The floating café is the best use of the fragment (semi-monocoque structure) as it is used heavily in large scale steel ship manufacture.

Detail of the older iteration of the design

Older iteration of the design

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~220 Tonnes for a standard family home. ~220 000l of water to be displaced so that the house could oat. ~220m3 displaced water. Centre of gravity needs to be fairly low as well so that the building does not topple! Water Depth needs to be at least 2m to make it work as well! If this design principle goes ahead I imagine it would be a combination of lightweight steel and timber construction. And even then nowadays it is better to build a lightweight concrete hull instead of steel? Expensive and not worth it in the context of the realities of Leominster. The floating cafe will need to be designed with heavy involvement from engineers dealing with floating structures. The basic principle is the weight of the structure Fg = mg needs to be equal to the buoyancy force Fb = gĎ v at a specified level of the proposed structure. The (designed) submerged part of the floating cafe will need to displace enough water to counteract the force (weight) of the entire floating cafe.

Amphibious House by Baca Architects

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APPENDIX C Bridge Designs

Funicular Structures - Floor/ Bridge - D = L/18 ; under very heavy loads D = L/10 … The fragment can be used in a box girder bridge design. Apart from a floating cafe the fragment has great potential to become a strong and aesthetic bridge.

Nial Mclaughlin Architects – Bridge in Bristol

Moxon Architects – Granary Square Bridge

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APPENDIX D Standard Steel Sheet Elements, Boat Manufacturing, Cathodic Protection of Steel, etc.

Standard steel infrastructural elements, such as steel sheet piles will be used within my project along with the fragment. Steel sheet piles are frequently used where water retention is needed either temporarily or permanently.

Ships are built using semi-monocoque construction techniques. And the same techniques were used in the Porsche Pavilion. Because of my investigations of interaction between steel and water the investigations of steel ship building proved useful. Cathodic protection of steel is used in ships and in buildings to protect rebar and steel by having a sacrificial anode that corrodes instead of the structural steel. When the anode fails because of corrosion it can easily be replaced. This can be a successful system to use when steel interacts in water if rusting needs to be avoided. It can either be with or without an electric current passing through the metals. But the assumption at the moment is introducing a current creates a better protection of the steel.

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APPENDIX E Hotel Design Plans for Reference

Hotel Design Ground Floor

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1st & 2nd Floor

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3rd Floor & Roof Plan

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APPENDIX F Hotel Design Sections For Reference

Cross Sections

Longitudinal Sections

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