GEMliMAGAZINE Complimentary Issue!
Fall 2012
For The Long Island Woman
Anniversary Issue!
northport fields of pink
long island women making a difference gail king dina parise jessica ricco nikki orlando hayes salaverry kate farrington
fall beauty, fashion mango salsa salmon fitness food rehab
celebrating women empowering women
beauty, fashion
wellness fall hair!
home remedies
plus long island’s health & wellness
beauty | fashion | fitness | business finance | nutrition | inspiration | dining family life | home decor | and more!
FA L L 2 0 1 2
54 22
features 28
GEM ANNIVERSARY G E M M A G A Z I N E L I C E L E B R AT E S ONE YEAR OF WOMEN EMPOWERING WOMEN Join us for Girl’s NiGht Out on thursday, OctOber 11 frOm 5 Pm tO 8 Pm Celebrating The STRONG ISLAND WOMAN!
GEMliMAGAZINE magazine for the Long Island woman
A WomAN of
WOmeN emPOWeriNG WOmeN W
nstoppable is the best way to describe Carol M. Baldwin.
The matriarch to the world’s most famous acting family (yes, those Baldwins) and breast cancer survivor, Carol has reframed the conversation about just what it will take to find a cure for breast cancer – and when it comes to getting support for her research fund initiative, she’s relentless.
B E A U T Y & FA S H I O N
H E A LT H & W E L L N E S S
F A M I LY & R E L A T I O N S H I P S
G I R L’ S N I G H T O U T
“The key to finding a cure for breast cancer is to fund research. These scientists are soldiers fighting on the front lines for us every day in search of a cure,” said Carol. “They’re not giving up. We’re not going to give up on them, either.” A Syracuse native and graduate of Syracuse University, Carol and her husband Alexander raised their family in Massapequa, Long Island. In 1983, after 29 years of marriage, her husband passed away of lung cancer and in 1990, Carol was diagnosed with breast cancer. She underwent a double mastectomy, a struggle that nearly took her life, and came through that frightening ordeal with a new purpose: to use whatever resources 22
Carol Baldwin
Karen Miller
Carol M. Baldwin Research Fund
Huntington Breast Cancer Action Coalition
she had to help researchers win the
Fund (, an initiative
fight against breast cancer.
to raise money to fund new and
In 1996 she, with family, friends and health professionals, took that vision and formed The Carol M.
established researchers as they work to learn more about this disease and, ultimately, find a cure. Today there
Baldwin Breast Cancer Research
are two branches: one in Setauket
Debra Dougherty Randi Dresner Canine Companions
Island Harvest
Lidia Szczepanowski
Kristine Fitzpatrick
Miracle League
Sheryl Cowan
Adriana Vater
Linda Leonard
Patient Airlift Services (P.A.L.)
Environmental Conservation
Long Island Crisis Center
Special Musical Performance by Recording Artist
Special Musical Performance by 2012 Blues Hall of Fame Inductee
FashiON seGmeNts | styLists | FOOd sampLiNG | WiNe tastiNG | iN-stOre eveNts & speciaL retaiLer OFFers | GiveaWays | sWaG BaGs
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Corner of Route 110 & Jericho Turnpike, Huntington Station 631-271-1746
All artwork, design & layout by Gem Magazine LI, is sole property of the publisher and may not be reproduced in whole or p a r t . T h e p u b l i s h e r w i l l n o t b e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r e r r o r s i n a d v e r t i s i n g b e y o n d t h e c o s t o f t h e s p a c e o c c u p i e d b y t h e e r r o r, a n d s u c h r e s p o n s i b i l i t y, i s a n y, s h a l l b e l i m i t e d o n l y t o t h e f i r s t u s e o f a d v e r t i s i n g i n t h e c a s e o f r e p e a t e d u s e . T h e p u b l i s h e r reserves the right to edit or reject any advertising at its sole discretion. The advertiser shall represent that all artwork and copy provided by the advertiser is owned by the advertiser and it has the right to utilize such in this publication. ©2012 Gem Magazine LI.
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Lifestyle Magazine For The Long Island Woman
from the publisher
Ta n y a L e e CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Lisa Albinowski Kevin Albinowski Matthew Ambrosio D r. S t e p h e n A t k i n s Jo Ann Bellistri Cathy Berger Jungle Bob Roxanne Browning Carole Burke Grazia Monda Cooney Maryann DeSimone Thea Ferzola Lauren Geldmacher D r. I n n a G e l l e r m a n Bettie Hamilton Rosemarie Kluepfel Marianne LiBretto Laney Liner Michele Martin Frances McGarry Patricia McManus Susan Montana D r. L a u r a N e s s Carol Nucci Alyse Parise Paula Klee Parish Lisa Renee Pomerantz Ta m i R a c a n i e l l o Jodi Record Mary Rosenvinge Mary Simmons Jean Summit-Riker D r. R i c h a r d R o n g o Colleen Simon Lidia Szczepanowski M i c h a e l Ta c k A d r i a n a Va t e r J o h n S . Va t e r S u z a n n e Wa c h t e l Colleen White
Women empowering women, was my motivation in creating Gem Magazine LI. Information is a powerful tool, more so when implemented. Thoughts are inspiring but it is action that starts the revolution. Each month, I am sent valuable data that makes me say, “Oh, I didn’t know that” and I feel empowered. Then I learn about a woman that with unbridled passion shouts, “Ready, set, go!” and I am engulfed by her cause, and her plight becomes my plight. Long Island is drenched with these Strong Island women. Each one is driven by a cause or more, wanting to make a difference in her world, and the world of her family and friends. Whether it is to help those in need, raise awareness about the dangers that lurk around us, find a cure for a disease that always claims one too many, or right a wrong; these women do not stop at words. They make speeches that demand action and then take steps to follow through. They write letters, they march, they campaign, organize fundraisers and they inspire. They do not sit back and say, “Something should be done” instead they say, “Let’s do something Now!” October marks the One Year Anniversary of Gem Magazine LI. In my year long journey, I have had the privilege of meeting people, who when faced with lemons made lemonade to quench their thirst, and that of countless others desperate for change, longing for action. Most of them are just regular moms and/or working women that one day said, “No more!” and then started a revolution. As our second year begins, Gem Magazine LI will continue to print informative articles, sharing it with the Long Island woman, hoping it makes her life easier by empowering her with knowledge. We will also continue to spotlight the Strong Island women and watch as their actions change their world, our world, for the better. Inspire or Be Inspired! “We do not need magic to change the world; we carry all the power needed inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.” - J.K. Rowling
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Happy Anniversary To Gem Magazine Long Island!
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fashion by Petagaye Powell What are the hottest trends for fall, you ask? Well, having the runway to help inspire will help get the answer. Here are some of the major trends to help you with your “statement” look. Trend #1: Leather or Faux Leather - boots, jackets, belts and handbags are always a necessity in your wardrobe for Fall. Leather or faux can be showcased in different colors, shapes and textures. Trend #2: Peplum - not just for Spring, peplum has been around since then, and it is still going strong. Bringing a deeper, darker look, this silhouette has definitely become Fall-worthy. Trend #3: Geometric Prints - Many designers played with loud, colorful, and almost dizzying geometric prints in their latest collections, making these bold patterns another hot Fall trend. If you’re a little scared of exploring patterns, start small with accessories, or try wearing a geometric print that only has two colors. Also, remember that wearing geometric prints with neutrals is always a safe way, but for a more daring look, try mixing and matching several prints together. Trend #4: Luxe details - Fall 2012 is filled with luxe, elaborate and somewhat over-the-top looks, think decorative jewelry, brocade prints, beading with details, and pieces made out of rich fabrics such as silk or velvet. Pair a brocade print top with jeans for a casual look, or accessorize with an intricately beaded clutch for a girls night. Trend #5: Menswear - Inspired looks were huge last year, and they’re coming back this Autumn. We are turning towards the classic menswear for inspiration, meaning that tailored coats, blazers and trousers will be trendy this season. When it comes to rocking this trend, you could go for an androgynous look à la Marlene Dietrich, or pair menswear with more feminine pieces to create a balanced look. Trend #6: Military inspired - Every couple of years we see this trend resurface. Army jackets, cargo pants all with shades of green-from olive green, forest green and even some dark browns. • Petagaye Powell Image/Wardrobe Consultant
Fall HealtH
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magazine for the Long Island woman
Huntington village Dental 32 Woodbury Rd., Huntington village 631-423-7022
fall’s refined
photo © John S. Vater
ElEgant BEauty
by Adriana Vater Fall hair and makeup shimmers with an elegance that leans into a slight wild side. Hair is sleek, with longer lengths – even shorter styles feature sideswept bangs and an unstructured look that exudes a relaxed confidence. A pulled-back ponytail is cool and cultivated; from the back, a slightly unkempt fishtail braid makes a subtle statement. Shorter styles brush the shoulders to show off the collarbone. Grown-out fringe is beautifully swept to the side. Hair color is layered for unique dimension: add a veil of honey blonde and cinnamon to the underneath layers for a peek-a-boo effect reminiscent of the colors of fall foliage. Blondes are warmer. Reds are richer. Browns are
more chocolately, no longer violet-toned hues. For the face, luxurious petal tones are grounded by neutrals, to cast features in a provocative new light. It’s yours to define – with color-saturated lips or richly contoured eyes – or both. Cat-shaped contouring elongates the eyes, while feminine colors and soft blending keep the look sophisticated. Sleeping in braids will have you wake up with a sexy new texture. Aveda Blue Malva tempers brassiness and is brilliant for blondes. Pump up your hair’s volume with a volumizing hairspray. Layers added to thin hair help boost volume as well, and can tame curly hair that tends to dry into an unhealthy shape. Zero-color glossing adds shine. • Adriana Vater - Spa Adriana Salon & Spa 631-351-1555
spa adriana product pick avEda BluE Malva 10
state of hair
fall means falling hair Two GreaT, InsTanT remedIes From Your KITchen by Philip Sambanidis Chief Executive Officer, Syncretic Sciences You notice that there is a chill in the night air, and you realize Fall is here. You also notice more hair on your comb, brush, drain and clothes! Unfortunately, along with falling leaves, Fall also brings falling hair. Yes, you read right-falling hair! Normally we lose 50-100 hairs per day, but during the first 21 days of Fall that figure doubles. Do not worry, it is a perfectly normal occurrence. It turns out, as confirmed in a scientific study, that hair loss is seasonal. Hair growth slows down in late spring and resumes in the fall. Once the growth cycle normalizes, your hair loss goes back to normal! To help you cope with this excess hair loss and make your hair just look gorgeous, I am going to give you My Formula. It starts with a shake that will help your overall health and benefit both your skin and your hair. It ends with a quick and easy hair-revitalizing masque to revive your summer-damaged locks.
My ForMula - Shake For GorGeouS hair 2 cups unsweetened (preferably organic) coconut or almond milk 2 tablespoons chia seeds ½ teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon vanilla extract ⅛ teaspoon ginger powder Sweeten to taste with agave nectar, honey or Stevia
Directions: Combine all ingredients in a tall glass (no blender required) and stir well. Let it sit for 5-15 minutes, as the chia seeds swell and the shake thickens. Stir again and enjoy! Drink as needed. Chia seeds are chock-full of vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and minerals as well as omega-3 oil and all the essential amino acids your hair needs to grow healthy, lustrous and strong.
SiMple hair revitalizinG MaSque
1 avocado 1 heaping tablespoon of your favorite hair conditioner 3 tablespoons of strong chamomile tea 3 drops of lavender essential oil (optional) Directions: Brew the chamomile tea in reduced water and let cool. Mash the avocado. Mix in the conditioner. Stir in the cool chamomile tea. If you like lavender, add the 3 drops of lavender oil, if not it can be left out. Mix thoroughly. Apply mixture on hair, cover with shower cap and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Wash hair with warm water. Avocado is rich in oils, enzymes and vitamin E which will moisturize the scalp and revitalize dry and brittle locks while imparting strength to the hair.
As a scientist and natural chemistry expert with more than 32 years of experience in creating the leading salon skincare and haircare products, it is my honor to write this on-going column on assorted beauty issues. My column will empower you to make sound decisions as to how to take care of your hair, your skin, your body, and how to be beautiful. I further promise that I will only give you honest advice and information that will allow you to make the correct informed and healthy choices.
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fall in full
by Matthew Ambrosio Colorful autumn colors are not only gracing our leaves this fall, but our beautiful faces as well. I am ecstatic that the vivid tones of summer have carried over. However, they seem to have been blessed with a richer, earthier hue just perfect for the change of season. So, what are the fall makeup colors for 2012 and what are the looks? Fall trends for makeup are a balance of light and dark, and soft and bold. The question is, how do we create this balance without overdoing it? Think of the classic rule of makeup, either heavy eyes or heavy lips, never both. Using this simple phrase will act as a guide so you can unleash the power of the colors available to you.
all 2012 Tones
• REDS are luscious, from medium to dark tones with brown accents. If you wish to stand out, go for the bold with a candy-apple red for a classic evening look. • BLUE is back in the form of cobalt and navy. • BROWNS are deep, inspiring thoughts of chocolate.
• GOLD & BRONZE will make for beautiful accent colors for the eyes. • GREENS are emerald and earthy, rich colors with brown hues. Application of Fall Colors:
Red lips
It is all about the lips, so an important note is to make sure you take care of your pucker as the temperature in the air cools. Use petroleum-free lip balms, stay hydrated, and use an exfoliant to combat flakey, dry lips. In addition, using a hydrating base will make your lip last longer. This fall, the reds are hot on the lips. To create a balance, match it with a more natural eye using nude tones.
FesTive eyes
It is all about the eyes here. The colors are best used for the everyday as “pop” colors for the lids. Depending on formal or everyday needs, you can incorporate these colors into your cosmetic routine with ease. Cosmetic color trends match fashion trends here, so you can match or compliment your favorite outfits.
ColoR Combos ThaT WoRk GReaT
Blue & Gold Blue & Copper Red & Green Red, Brown & Gold Green & Gold If you want to play it safe and try out a look, keep with bronze tones to turn down the volume. To turn it up, use more colors. I am not the only makeup enthusiast who is excited
programs give victims of sexual assault and violence a forum where they can share their personal stories of tragedy and triumph to help build confidence and selfesteem in themselves and others. In the past, actors, musicians and others in the community have taken to about the Fall 2012 trends. Long Island native and the stage to act out true stories of violence against professional makeup artist Emily Rose of Nesconset has women. a very useful tip to share with you. Emily states “NudeFor many, telling their stories gave them a “voice” for toned matte eye shadows will be excellent bases from the first time. “We have stories from women who were brow to lid to open the eye and compliment the vibrant abused as children, victims of domestic violence, and earthy colors in current trend. It will ease your sexually assaulted and brutally attacked,” said concerns of looking unnatural. In addition, to enhance Lidia. “People are in tears. It’s a powerful thing.” and brighten the eye further, use the same base shade These stories, or “virtual voices,” can also in the inner corners of the eye to give your eye that extra be found on the NOWSA’s Website sparkle”. ( As we go deeper into fall and we pick our pumpkins, “Designer Voices for a Cause” is an plan trips to wineries and collect our fall harvest, annual red carpet fashion show reach for these rich and playful colors to enhance event where designer fashions your eyes and sweeten your lips. Remember, even are modeled by celebrities, though these colors can be strong, it is all in the way pageant title holders and other you wear it. Balance is important to creating a beautiful members of the community. and classy look. Also, do not forget that in my past “Comedy Voices” and “Golfer’s editorial, (specifically August) we were all about shadow Voices” are similar events that raise application, so feel free to reference “Shedding Light awareness about violence against women on Shadows” at under the and teens. category Beauty and follow my guidelines. Building Self-Esteem Fall is a favorite season of mine due to the dynamic A key part of the NOWSA’s mission is building selfcolor changes that occur all around us, and what better esteem for women. “So many of us lack confidence,” time to enjoy and take part in mother natures’ festivities said Lidia. “We’re hoping that if we can instill this in as well. young girls it will stick with them for the rest of their • Matthew Ambrosio lives, and help with every decision they make. “
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Eye Exams • Prescriptions Filled Same Day Services • Lab On Premises Varilux • Sports Eyeglasses • Hearing Aids
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damaged Hair repair by Grazia Cooney and Colleen White Hope you enjoyed your Labor Day! Now that summer is officially over, it’s time to pay some extra attention to the damage your hair has suffered this hot summer. Even if you aren’t a sun worshiper, I’m sure you spent a lot more time outdoors then what you do the rest of the year. Sun, salt water, and of course, chlorine can be hard on both your hair color and its texture, but help is on the way! Here are some pointers on how to repair your hair. Hair gloss can brighten your hairit could be a clear glaze or something close to your natural color. To add the shine back into your hair, try Paul Mitchell PM Shines, it’s all natural and will just add the extra shine your hair is lacking. If your hair is dried out, frizzy and damaged, give it an overall intensive moisturizing treatment. Something that can be done at a hair salon, or leave it in overnight and then rinse in the morning. Just a reminder, that store brand conditioners Suave, Fructis, etc., are only creme rinses, they aren’t truly real conditioners. I highly recommend a professional name, my favorites are Matrix and Paul Mitchell conditioners. If you hair needs help after shampooing, add a little serum to your ends, it will replenish some of the shine. And make sure to get your 4 to 6 week trim (we tend to take time off for the summer) at your local salon. So, make your appointments, and see you then! • Grazia Cooney and Colleen White CSI Salon & Spa 631-320-1554
csi salon product pick paul mitchell hair care
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HAiR EXTEnsions by so cap usa $8.00 per strand
common causes of alopecia areata
with this ad, not valid with any other offers or prior services, expires 11-15-12
by Patricia McManus
It’s really important to pay close attention to your scalp; that’s where your hairstylist comes in handy, especially if they are knowledgeable about scalp and skin care. I’ve had a middle-aged male client for years with thick, dark hair. I noticed small, shiny spots on his scalp. On his next visit I observed more “suspect” spots. I recommended to this gentleman that he visit a dermatologist. The diagnosis was alopecia areata. Usually there is no treatment required. Re-growth of hair is common in three to six months. He required injections of corticosteriods. This prevented more spots from forming on his head and beard. Sometimes stress is the cause of this happening, which was the reason in his case. Autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland or anemia and hormonal changes are another cause. Nutrition plays a large part in causing alopecia. Iron and Vitamin D are at the top of the list for needed nutrients. Blood tests and sometimes scalp biopsies are needed to determine which type of alopecia affects you. 2% - 6% of Minoxidil or Rogaine solutions are sometimes prescribed. In all cases of hair loss, no matter what the cause, the value of cosmetic camouflage can be helpful to your appearance and your attitude. Powders and sprays, especially with keratin fibers, are easily used. Wigs, hairpieces, and extensions are also a great help. The more permanent solution would be hair transplants. Then I would recommend a good plastic surgeon. Beautiful hair starts on the inside. Take good care of your scalp and your hair, and don’t ignore the sunscreen, as I mentioned last month. You can dilute sunscreens with warm water and spray it on your scalp and hair when you’re at the beach and pool. Healthy hair begins with you and a visit to the stylist of your choice.
$25 oFF keratin straightening with this ad, not valid with any other offers or prior services, expires 11-15-12
10% oFF hair styling products with this ad, not valid with any other offers or prior services, expires 11-15-12
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fall 2012
Looking for a new job or a raise in faLL/winter - ‘12/’13? Here are my tips on Locking it up! by Cathy Berger
Common Faux Pas
Some of the more common obstacles to clinching the “brass ring” occur from attire. Given we have SO many choices of what to wear, why not choose strictly winning ones! The biggest mistakes women make are skirts
patterns that feel right then go ahead and find exponentially more combinations with a suit than you can with singular pieces.
Ready, set, Go
You need to figure out some guaranteed winners, aka “power outfits” that are ready to go when
fashion E m p l o y m E n t: E m p o w E r i n g y o u r E n s E m b l E s that are too short or tight, too much cleavage or makeup, a toocasual outfit, clouds of perfume, or looking like you are headed to a Hollywood premiere. The most important thing you bring to an interview is confidence. What you wear and how you wear it helps convey that. If you are feeling secure and polished in your outfit, that will come across in any meeting.
ChiC attiRe
If you think a work wardrobe has to be boring, think again. The days of black, grey and navy “uniforms” are over. Not that a suit and its instant color-matching factor isn’t great for ease of getting dressed. There’s nothing better for a “base” than something that is already partially paired. You just need to ensure that the suit has a modern, current feel with a fit that rocks your body. Choose colors and photo © John S. Vater
you want them. No need to stress that you have a really important day ahead when you’ve already taken the time to prepare. One rainy weekend, pair favorites that always make you feel great when you wear them, with other pieces you literally try on and test. If they work well together, hang them up together along with the proper accessories (or make yourself a note that you pin or tape to the hanger) and you’re all set. Enjoy the added benefit of getting out the door on-time and alot faster!
must have
A shift dress! Simplicity has now walked into your closet. A form-fitting, knee-length, slim/ straight skirt silhouette can work wonders for every figure. It’s great for getting dressed in a hurry; easy-peasy to accessorize. Mix with blazers, cardigans and capes. Spend the extra money
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photo © John S. Vater
on a quality one (or three) because it will wear well and you’ll get tons of use out of it. Find a good tailor to adjust hems, darts and seams when necessary. Investing $20 for an alteration can dramatically change your outfit. Rosemarie Kluepfel the eyes Will Be on Mortgage Consultant
WhenFEATURES: it comes to makeup, stickNMLS# to what 40311you know • Lowlooks down payment and what good. The day of a job interview is • Available primary residences, second homes not the time toforstart experimenting with a smoky eye investment properties look orand false eyelashes. Keep your face simple and understated. If you are wearing it, make sure nail 1757 VeteransWhen Hwy., Suite 12, Islandia, NY don’t polish is not chipped. it comes to perfume, Direct: 631-881-5110 Cell: 631-662-4576 over-power - a spritz or two is all you need. Licensed Mortgage BankeraNYS Banking Department 2289 Hair can really make difference. The sexy,NMLS# beachy, just-rolled-out-of-bed look will not make for a good impression (depending on the nature of the job, of course, lol). Take the time to put a smooth, controlled look together with gel or hairspray. Splurge on a blow out for days when you’ve really got to be on your game. Keep your hairstyle tasteful and neat. People don’t necessarily notice when you are put together but they notice 100% when you aren’t. Messy, frizzy look = Next!
hand painted furniture fine pottery & giftware dRessinG aGe-aPPRoPRiate designed Looking age-appropriatecustom is not all about how much wall treatments & murals skin you show, but it’s a smart start. Avoid showing
too much skin – whether you’re 22 or 52. Keep your skirts at least an inch above the knee and cleavage to a minimum. Wearing a statement necklace or watch can help show the interviewer that just because you’re a slight bit older doesn’t mean that you still don’t have creative flair. After all, you want the eyes and interest... to be upon YOU. • Cathy Berger - Fashion Societe,
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Lidia is also the CEO of Everything Lidia, Inc., a multi-platform lifestyle enterprise which includes Stylish Safety® Personal Protection and Safety Awareness Seminars and Products, a Radio Talk Show, Speaking Engagements, Interview Coaching and is devoted to educating, training, challenging and inspiring women to live safer, more fulfilling and remarkable lives. To book a seminar or for more information email or call 516.558.7131.
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more stores slated for walt whtiman shops
key to the cure This year marks Saks Fifth Avenue’s 14th annual Key to the Cure campaign. The companywide initiative has raised more than 31 million dollars for women’s cancer research and treatment organizations throughout the United States since it began in 1999. Penelope Cruz has been named this year’s ambassador for Saks Fifth Avenue’s 2012 Key to the Cure campaign. This year’s designer T-shirt, created exclusively to benefit Key to the Cure by designer Carolina Herrera, will retail for $35 at Saks Fifth Avenue stores, Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH stores and on A portion of the proceeds from sales at Saks Fifth Avenue during Key to the Cure weekend Oct. 1821, will be donated to the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund, as will proceeds from all Key to the Cure t-shirts sold in the Walt Whitman store. The charity benefit has also been extended at the Walt Whitman store to include the hours of our opening reception on October 17, 7-9pm. 20
One of Long Island’s premier shopping destinations, Walt Whitman Shops is located on Route 110 in Huntington Station, and managed by Simon Property Group, Inc. Expanded in 1999, it is anchored by Lord & Taylor, Saks Fifth Avenue, Bloomingdale’s and Macy’s and has over 80 specialty stores. Earlier this year, Walt Whitman Shops announced six new retailers were joining the merchant mix; five of which already opened this Spring. They include Vera Bradley, Swarovski, Henri Bendel, Anthropologie and Free People. The last, Hanna Andersson, is slated to open in November. As part of the center’s reconfiguration, a number of existing merchants will be relocating, renovating and/or expanding as well, including Apple, Caché, HSBC, LensCrafters, Express and Victoria’s Secret. On the heels of a handful of renowned stores that have opened at Walt Whitman Shops recently, the center will introduce five new retailers by year’s end. The additions are part of a major renovation and small expansion, which is slated for completion in Fall 2013. “The inclusion of the new retailers is part of the big picture, to offer shoppers everything they could ask for at Walt Whitman Shops,” commented Deborah Weber, general manager for Walt Whitman Shops.
Among the new retailers slated to open are: The Art of Shaving, Microsoft True Religion, White House | Black Market, Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics. Highlights of the expansion and revitalization include: • A fresh, inspired design for the center’s interior to include installation of accent lighting, comfortable soft seating areas, color scheme through paint and flooring, an aesthetically pleasing new Center Court, complete renovation of customer restrooms, along with the addition of a family restroom, and select new skylights. • A pedestrian-friendly exterior streetscape with an inviting facade, extensive new landscaping, upgraded site lighting, reconfiguration of parking with 150 additional spots and reorientation of driveways with addition of traffic lights. • Bus stop relocation to the south side of the property parking lot, adjacent to Panera Bread, with eight bus shelters, and clearly defined route information for riders along with a new, modern transfer facility that began operating in April. For more information, please go to and WaltWhitmanShops for the latest events and retailer news. Twitter: @WaltWhitmanShop.
Join us for Girl’s NiGht Out on thursday, OctOber 11 frOm 5 Pm tO 8 Pm Celebrating The STRONG ISLAND WOMAN!
GEMliMAGAZINE magazine for the Long Island woman
WOmeN emPOWeriNG WOmeN W
Carol Baldwin
Karen Miller
Carol M. Baldwin Research Fund
Huntington Breast Cancer Action Coalition
she had to help researchers win the fight against breast cancer.
Fund (, an initiative to raise money to fund new and
In 1996 she, with family, friends and health professionals, took that
established researchers as they work to learn more about this disease and,
vision and formed The Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research
ultimately, find a cure. Today there are two branches: one in Setauket
Debra Dougherty Randi Dresner Canine Companions
Island Harvest
Lidia Szczepanowski
Kristine Fitzpatrick
Miracle League
Adriana Vater
Linda Leonard
Patient Airlift Services (P.A.L.)
Environmental Conservation
Long Island Crisis Center
Special Musical Performance by Recording Artist
Special Musical Performance by 2012 Blues Hall of Fame Inductee
FashiON seGmeNts | styLists | FOOd sampLiNG | WiNe tastiNG | iN-stOre eveNts & speciaL retaiLer OFFers | GiveaWays | sWaG BaGs
“Like us” on Facebook to get updates on our GirL’s NiGht Out event and sneak peeks on new retailers joining the center.
NeW retaiLers OpeN
uNder cONstructiON
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Corner of Route 110 & Jericho Turnpike, Huntington Station 631-271-1746
Food Rehab
by Carol Burke Exercise is great for the mind and body-it strengthens your heart, tones your muscles and clears your head. But, you may have found that exercise alone cannot whittle the middle as much as you would like. You can spend hours at the gym running, stair climbing and lifting weights, but it will never be enough if you are eating too much of the wrong foods. The truth is that you can exercise to kingdom come but you won’t lose weight unless you change your eating habits. So here is a little food rehab for you: 1. Determine ahead of time what meals and snacks you will have. Be prepared and block out everything else in the world of food. 2. Figure out just how much food you need and nooooo going back for more. 3. Pick foods that satisfy, not stimulate. This means foods that occur in nature. 4. Rehearse and anticipate what you will do when you encounter foods that you should keep away from. 5. Think of all the negative effects poor choices can have. For example: cake is bad for my diabetes, waistline, complexion etc... 6. Keep alert and take control of your triggers.
Fitness models Coryn Martin and Lauren Geldmacher
Recognize emotions that might lead you to overeating. Remember, you not only want to look better but feel better too. This will only happen if you feed your body clean, healthy foods. If you feel better, you will look better....I guarantee it.
Setting unrealiStic goalS: a recipe for failure Careful attention must be paid to planning your fitness goals. When you are trying to design a fitness program for yourself with a particular goal in mind, you must consider the amount of time and effort needed to achieve it. You must also consider your actual physical and mental capacities. That’s when a reality check may come in handy. Real life training programs are better developed as a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. More often than not, most people set fitness goals that are open-ended and unrealistic. We all do not have the genetics to look like a supermodel or have the abilities of an elite athlete. If you set your goals there, unless your genetics is right there too, you are setting yourself up for failure. Unrealistic expectations of programs also exist when they are not evaluated on sound scientific principles. With all of the marketing hype on products we have to endure, it’s no wonder that we may be setting unrealistic goals! Do not fall into the marketing trap! Proper goal development is accomplished by taking small steps and making progress. Once the goal is achieved, it is time to re-evaluate and consider your next possible step/goal. Keep on moving forward, it’s a long term commitment, a lifestyle change. Lifestyle changes are a recipe for success. • Carol Burke - Power of One Fitness Studio, 631-757-6937
be the best you by O and Kai With a change in season, there is no better time to keep motivated and on track with your fitness goals. Fall 2012 and beyond! This is the time to be the best you! Live a life of accomplished dreams and endless possibilities! Having a fit and healthy lifestyle is at its core! Did you ever look at an athlete and wonder how they got so fit? Well, most of them work very hard on a daily basis to achieve their goals! CONSISTENCY & DISCIPLINE are the two key ingredients in attaining such a condition, but what you did not know is that most of them train with a medicine ball! Want to start looking your best NOW? Here are some of the benefits in training with a medicine ball: • Enhances athletic performance by improving coordination and agility. It is often used for physical therapy, rehabilitation, and sports medicine. • The mobility of the medicine ball allows you to strength train through multiple planes of movement, rather than just one as you do in traditional strength training sessions. • Training with a medicine ball also offers potential benefits for sports; such as basketball, football, baseball, dance, martial arts, swimming, cycling, soccer and others. • Involves a high level of trunk activity, which teaches
your body to use the core as part of whole movements, rather than only in isolation. It prevents injury and takes pressure off the back and the joints. It gives you great cardiovascular and strength training. • It is versatile because you can take the medicine ball just about anywhere. It is affordable and it helps you lose weight! • O and Kai - have created a workout system using the medicine ball which helps motivate people to maintain a healthy lifestyle and at the same time have FUN!, 631-623-7051
KO FunFit 5 Systems - 1 Goal The Ultimate Medicine Ball SySteM Workout For Men & Women
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fall 2012
health & nutrition
your friendships by Jo Ann Bellistri When seeking better health, many people turn to doctors, supplements, super-foods, herbal remedies, self-help and fad diet books. We often neglect a powerful weapon that can help us fight illness and depression, speed recovery, slow aging and prolong life: our friends. Friends can: • Increase our sense of purpose • Boost happiness • Reduce stress • Improve our self-esteem • Help us cope with life traumas (divorce, illness, death)
You Deserve A
SPECTACULAR SmiLE! Our Mission is to create a memorable journey to Spectacular Smiles for each and every one of our patients. Innovative orthodontic treatments for children & adults
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People with strong friendships are less likely to get sick and tend to have less stress than those with limited social connections. According to a 10 year Australian study, researchers found that elderly people with more friends were 22% less likely to die during the study than those with fewer friends. And a more recent Harvard study found that strong social ties can promote brain health as we age. Exercise and nutrition are important elements to overall health, but maintaining meaningful friendships is high on that list as well. Nurturing those friendships that we have and seeking new friendships can be a fun and easy way to add more health and happiness into our lives. • Jo Ann Bellistri - All That Wellness, 516-769-7602
b r a c e s t h at f i t y o u r l i f e s t y l e by Dr. Inna Gellerman Today there are so many different types of braces, from the robotic SureSmile® system to Invisalign® to traditional metal braces, that it is truly possible for everyone to have a Spectacular Smile! Lingual braces - Lingual braces are perfect for people whose appearances are paramount, even when they are in treatment. CEOs, newscasters, performers, athletes and models chose lingual braces because they are hidden behind the teeth and can’t be seen when you smile. They are custom-made and a suitable choice for adults. Invisalign® uses clear orthodontic aligners that are invisible and removable so patients can eat and drink what they want while in treatment. The aligners are comfortable, and because there is no metal involved, there are no mouth abrasions during treatment. Many adults choose Invisalign® to get the benefits of braces, without the look of braces. InvisalignTeen® is a great option for adolescents who need braces but are reluctant to be seen wearing traditional braces.
Ceramic braces use clear materials for brackets and are less visible than traditional metal braces. Older teens and adult patients sometimes choose ceramic for the look, but they do require extra attention to cleaning and flossing. Any debris that gets stuck on the brackets, which are slightly larger than metal braces, must be cleaned immediately for aesthetic and oral health reasons. Metal Braces – there are several different types of metal braces available. At Gellerman Orthodontics, we use the Damon System braces. They use a slide mechanism to hold the archwire, which reduces the amount of pressure that is exerted on the teeth and lets the teeth move more freely and quickly. These braces do not use rubber bands, so there are fewer adjustments needed. Whatever your age or stage of life, today there are braces that are just right for you, your lifestyle and your budget! • Dr. Inna Gellerman - Spectacular Smiles Children & Adult Orthodontics 631-427-8444,
Long Island’s #1 Facility For Cleansing & Detoxification saFe | eFFective clean | private Ionways Alkalized Water Available!
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309 Madison st suite #4, WestBurY 516-640-5322 neW location 269 east Main st. F1, Smithtown 631-656-6313 • cleansingconcepts fall 2012
mango salsa salmo by Michael Nack Alaskan Salmon glamours your tastes buds like a vampire in heat, that even those who refuse to accept the taste of fish cannot say no when prepared right. Let’s cut to the chase, a 4 ounce serving of Alaskan Salmon infuses 23g protein, 0g carbs, 9g fat, and 180 calories into a piece about the size of a deck of playing cards. WHAT!! MIKEY T!! Nine grams of fat? Ladies, this is the Wonder Woman of fat, called Omega 3 fatty acids. So don’t worry, be happy. Omega 3 fatty acids have an extreme positive effect on cardiovascular health. They also lower blood triglyceride levels, decrease LDL (bad) cholesterol, reduce agitation, decrease depression, and slow cognitive function problems such as Alzheimer’s Disease. Did you just pinch yourself to see if you were dreaming? No, this is fact, The American Heart Association suggests fatty fish, like salmon, be ingested two or more times a week. Mikey T says salmon is like a pair of shoes...there is no such thing as too much.
Wait, don’t go out and purchase a rod and reel just yet. You forget, you’re reading an article written by Mikey T, where the prizes get BIGGER and BETTER! Alaskan Salmon’s largest vitamin content is that of Vitamin D. Who would’ve thunk it. Our finned friend flaps out over an entire daily value in one 4 ounce serving. Next in line is the Vitamin B family, packing in B2, B3, B6 and B12 for energy production and metabolism…BOOM! I love that word, makes me shiver when I hear it…metabolism…remember it, because I think we are going to come across it again. Alaskan Salmon is also a great source of Vitamin A, E and essential minerals-phosphorus (bones), potassium (heart function), and magnesium (muscle and nerve function). Those who know me outside this magazine know I am a “complete protein” groupie. Alaskan salmon fits that bill. If you remember from my article last month about quinoa, complete proteins incorporate all essential amino acids. The benefit… complete proteins help us maintain a healthy weight and, here it is, increase our metabolism.
fall recipe
tropical thunder boom!
When I stated that there is a way to get people to not be able to say no to salmon, this is definitely the light at the end of the tunnel. So while your dinner guests are having a trilogy of 50 Shades of Grey on their palate, you can quietly giggle to yourself because this entire meal is going to take you under twenty minutes to make, and cost under $30… BOOMING! Not to mention the packed nutrition and benefits from the salmon we discussed in my article. Ok, this is what we need to start: • 1 ripe mango, diced • ½ cup diced red onion • ½ cup diced red bell pepper • ½ cup diced peeled cucumber • ¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro leaves • 3 tbsp fresh lime juice • ¼ tsp salt • ¼ tsp pepper • 4 - 4oz servings of fresh Alaskan Salmon Dicing all your groceries is pretty much the most time consuming. Spray your pan with non-stick spray, place on the salmon, and cover on low heat. While that cooks, mix all other ingredients in a bowl. Here is a secret for you: This recipe was specially designed so that you would have just enough for the salmon and a spoon full for you to taste after you mix, because I know you cannot help yourself. You’re flavor curious. So go ahead… BOOMING isn’t it?
I would serve this with baked sweet potatoes and asparagus, a great taste addition and still perfectly healthy, and keeping us under the $30 mark.
After the salmon is done, top it with our salsa mixture and serve, the flavor is so intense. Some people choose to bake their chicken or fish with a bruschetta or salsa mixture, but I say nay. One, why waste the nutrients from all these delicious items, and two… (most importantly) two. Close your eyes as you savor the goodness. You can taste the burn of the onion, the cooling sensation of the cucumbers, the sweetness of the mango, the oils of the salmon.
As always, try to purchase certified organic foods free of free radicals and pesticides, and help support your local farms when possible. Buying local organic products are fresher and healthier for your body systems and good for our local economy. To find a local organic farm near you, visit If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please email me You can follow me on Twitter @PTmikeyT.
Final tidbit, here is a Mikey T dinner table “convo topic”: The mango shares the same family with cashews, pistachios, and poison ivy… that should have your guests itching for a second helping. Seriously… I kid you not, Google it!
fall 2012
Gail King
making a difference on long island by Hillary Call Gail King has always been an active, vibrant person. A teacher at Sachem High School for more than 35 years, Gail was eager to tackle new challenges when she retired, and found herself competing in and winning first the state title, and then the national title of Ms. Senior America. She became an inspirational role model for seniors. Her work in education is also an inspiration. She developed cooperative learning techniques that were quickly adopted by schools across Long Island, for which she was inducted into the Academy for Teaching and Learning and awarded a SCOPE All Star Teacher Award. Gail shares an experience that’s unfortunately becoming too common among women: breast cancer. In 1975, while taking a course in Woman’s Literature at graduate school, her professor showed the class how to check their breasts for cancer. This was her first lesson in the significance of early detection. Afterward, in her bath at home, Gail examined herself and found a lump. She believes that her professor that evening, saved her life. In the early days before mammograms and MRIs, Gail took charge of her life and encouraged her doctor to perform a biopsy, learning early on to take responsibility for her body. “The more educated you are, the better a position you’re in to make the right choices for yourself,” said Gail, who has made breast cancer awareness and survival a focal point for her many speaking engagements. “I had never defined myself as a victim,” she said. “I am no longer just a survivor. I am a ‘THRIVER’ which is a survivor with ATTITUDE!” At age 63, Gail has dedicated the second half of her life to helping others, in addition to having a successful modeling and acting career. She contributed to the book, “Cancer with Joy” with a chapter about never giving up as she shared her philosophy of life. “With less than a 30% chance of survival, after numerous surgeries, I maintained a positive attitude and a balance spiritually, physically and emotionally,” she said. She’s made more than 500 speaking appearances across the country sharing her story of survival, and has received more than 18 government proclamations for her work locally, statewide and nationally. Gail has also led support groups at Stony Brook Medical Center, Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee and the Susan G. Komen for the Cure. In addition, her Facebook page serves as an informal gathering place for anyone with a question about breast cancer, or ageism. For Gail, being there for others is a calling. “In everything I do, I try to allay someone’s fears and give that person hope…no one can put a price on that,” she noted. For more information:
Fashion with Purpose Joan’s in the community Breast cancer affects a wide cross-section of our communities. Different generations are coming together to enhance awareness and encourage support.
everyone can get involved and contribute.
Gail KinG, Miss Senior america 2009 continues to be a leader in this fight against Breast cancer. As a Thriver(Survivor with Attitude) Gail mentors and inspires others to join the fight.
Gail King’s
Shirt Thriver T-
JeSSica Ricco, Miss long island 2013 and niKKi oRlando, Miss long island Teen 2013 stand together with Gail to bring awareness of Breast Cancer and to remind us that we have to be vigilant in creating awareness and also supporting those fighting, surviving, and thriving Breast Cancer.
Joan’S FaShion is committed
ing’s Gail K f Elegance o Pearls
to making a difference in our communities by supporting worthy causes that affect our lives. Therefore, Proceeds of these selected items will go towards supporting Gail King’s Breast Cancer initiatives and to celebrate Breast Cancer “Thrivers” everywhere.
To order these items and support “Joan’s in the community”, visit or
Pink Handba
Pink Handb ag 1
making a difference on long island Kat e Farring t on My name Is Kate Farrington, I am 43 years old, my husband Tony and I have been married for 16 years and have 3 beautiful children, Brenna 13, Ryan 9, and Connor is 6. All three started playing soccer at the age of 4 and Brenna and Connor are still playing. I am a wife, a mom, and I am a breast cancer survivor. I was born and raised in Northport, a town on the north shore of Long Island. I spent time in upstate New York and in Manhattan, but Tony and I decided that the area that I grew up in was where we wanted to raise our children so Tony and I moved to East Northport when Brenna was just over a year old. My mother Barbara was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 1989 at age 47. She felt a lump and it turned out to be cancer. After much research (done at the local library for the internet was not yet available), we went to Memorial Sloan Kettering for a lumpectomy, followed by radiation. In 2006, my mother had a reoccurrence in the same breast that she had had a lumpectomy 17 years earlier. Her surgeon at Sloan Kettering had passed away, so we again started our research (on the Internet this time) and found Dr. Brian O’Hea who worked at the Carol Baldwin Breast Cancer Center at Stony Brook Hospital. He was wonderful and took very good care of my mother. Her cancer was much worse this time and she had a mastectomy and chemotherapy. It was a hard time for our family. My mother also had the breast cancer (BRCA) gene test which can help determine your chance of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Her test results were negative, she did not have the gene 30
and we all celebrated because we thought her negative result made my chances of getting breast cancer a bit lower. When my mother was first diagnosed, her doctors spoke with me about my increased risk of getting the disease because my Mom had had breast cancer in her forties. I was advised to get a base line mammogram in my early thirties and be vigilant with self-examinations, etc. My first mammogram was at 30, and I went on an almost annual basis (working around pregnancies and breast feeding) until I was diagnosed. Right after my 40th birthday (October of 2008) I had called to make my appointment for a mammogram. My first scheduled appointment was for that December, but the radiologist called me to
reschedule and it was moved to February 19, 2009. The radiologist called me back to the office to take more pictures and then asked me if anyone could come with me, and that is when I knew he had seen something. I have to say, that one of the hardest things to deal with, (other than having a 2 year old, 5 year old and 9 year old that need you, and realizing you may have cancer), is finding who you want to take care of you when you are sick. I already knew where I was going to go; I would follow my Mother’s path and go to Dr. O’Hea at the Carol Baldwin Breast Cancer Center at Stony Brook Hospital. My biopsy was March 2, 2009 and by March 5th I knew I had cancer. They could identify five spots in the left breast. After many doctor appointments,
I had a double mastectomy on April 1, 2009. After the pathology was done, it was determined that I had actually 6 spots of cancer in the left breast, but my lymph nodes were clean and the margins around the cancer were very good. I was lucky to have caught it when I did, and to have good doctors to take care of me. I believe that knowledge is power so I wanted to take the BRCA gene test to find out if Brenna was at increased risk, beyond her mother and grandmother having the disease. My results, like my mothers, were negative. I do not carry the gene either. I am grateful to be a survivor but I am worried for my daughter, my sons, and their friends. There is so much more that we need to do to find a cure and discover more comprehensive testing. Thank you for your support of The Carol Baldwin Breast Cancer Center at Stony Brook Hospital. They saved my life (and my Mom’s). Sincerely, Kate Farrington
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The Northport Cow Harbor Soccer Club Fields Of Pink - Save Our Soccer Moms
KiCKiNg BreaST CaNCer! We are supporting an effort between Northport Cow Harbor Soccer club (, and the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Foundation ( at Stony Brook University Medical Center during the Annual 2012 Northport Cow Harbor Columbus day tournament. We will be bringing the tournament players to a higher level by letting them know that soccer isn’t just about them. We want to raise money to save all our soccer Moms from breast cancer! There will be approximately 375 teams in total of which 320 are usually from Long Island. The soccer players will be selling 1,000 socks at $10 a pair. Soccer clubs have a gold, silver, and bronze sponsorship opportunity. There are also corporate level sponsorships of angel, gold, silver, and bronze. Besides educating and providing disease awareness to the players and spectators, the goal is to raise between $25,000 and $50,000 to put towards local breast cancer research and patient care and Stony Brook University. This is your chance to make a difference in the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Care Center/Stony Brook University, and to bring the Northport Cow Harbor Soccer Club and its players to a higher level. For more information please go to:
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fall 2012
Dina Parise
making a difference on long island
by Hillary Call Hairdresser by trade, drag car racer “on the side,” Dina Parise – of husband-and-wife team Parise Racing – is as fearless as they come. Addicted to zooming down a quarter-mile track in less than six seconds at 240 mph, this petite Long Islander doesn’t let anything hold her back. “I’ve had two crashes in my career,” she said. “One time I hit a wall at 150 mph. There wasn’t a scratch on me, so I climbed out and made lunch for the pit crew.” Dina races with her husband, Andrew, and there’s a strong rivalry between them. “When the helmets go on, the wedding bands come off!” she said. They’ve built a strong international fan base; people love to watch Dina and Andrew compete for a win. A former professional figure skater, Dina performed in the Ice Capades for five years. Even then she was an adrenaline junkie. “I did all the crazy stunts, I was the girl who flew around in the air, tethered to a wire,” she said, laughing. “My father was like, ‘What is she doing?!’ All those flying numbers…fast-forward 20 years and I hop in a racecar.” She says she’s replaced the sequins and skates for a set of tires. “It’s like getting shot out of a cannon – a lot of fun!” Her fearlessness was hard-earned. She’s come through tough times, including a marriage to someone who tried to stifle her energetic spirit. But Dina looks to turn negative experiences into a positive. “These things happen. Even thinking about the car crashes,” she said. 32
“People ask if I’m afraid. If I am, I can’t let it beat me. I won’t.” Dina’s fans love her energy, her excitement for the sport. They rush to the pit in-between races to sneak a peek at the ice skates painted on the inside of her car, or to snap a photo with her (and maybe with Andrew, too). They get a lot of attention in the industry as the only husband and wife Pro Modified drag racing team in the country. Their work with charities such as the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, Wounded Warrior Project and National Multiple Sclerosis Society also gets noticed; Dina and Andrew leverage their celebrity to raise awareness for these important causes. Anything is possible, says Dina, who started racing in her 30s just six years ago. “No matter how old you are, whatever it is that excites or interests you, give it a shot. If you fail, who cares? I race with thousands of people watching my every move from the stands!” It’s not easy, she said, but that’s what drives her to tackle the challenge. “In life you get one ticket,” she said. “I’m using mine ‘til it expires!” Parise Racing is always looking for sponsors to help support the team. “We are thankful to current sponsors NGK Spark Plugs and LAT Racing Oils for their support,” said Dina, who encourages other companies to get involved in the excitement. Check out Parise Racing online, on Facebook and at the track!,
Congratulations and Good Luck to
making a difference on long island Jessica Ricco Nikki Or lando
Jessica is thrilled to have been crowned Miss Long Island 2013. This title is very near and dear to her heart because Long Island is where she was born and raised. She has lived in Westbury for her entire life, and her parents Michele and Joe are active members of the community. She is a graduate from Adelphi University where she earned a Bachelors degree in Psychology and a Masters degree in Childhood Education. Following in her parents footsteps, Jessica has already made a difference in her community prior to her crowning moment. While in college, Jessica was a member of a chapter of a national organization where she was voted Vice President and helped coordinate fundraising events for Prevention of Child Abuse America. Every holiday season, Jessica buys clothes and toys for an underprivileged family in the community. This past year while she was teaching, she created a prom dress giveaway event. She successfully collected over 150 donated gowns and gave them away to girls all over Long Island who could not afford prom dresses. This is an event that she plans to make an annual affair. Throughout her reign, Jessica will be promoting Child Advocacy, and the notion that generations before are responsible to instill values in children that allow them to become great Americans and great human beings. She is ready to make a difference in childrens’ lives all over Long Island and hopes they will make a difference in her life as well. Jessica is ready to make this year a successful and busy one. 34
Nikki is more than honored to hold the title as the new Miss Teen Long Island 2013. As a 15-year old raised in Smithtown, she is looking forward to promoting her platform BE-YOU-tiful, an idea to teach teens across Long Island to be self-accepting individuals, to the fullest of her ability. Nikki believes young women and teens across Long Island are really lacking the characteristic of having self acceptance of themselves. With her reign, her goal is to inspire teens to always be themselves and live their lives to the fullest potential. Nikki believes that being the next Miss Teen Long Island will only bring her one step closer to making the world a better place for everyone. A sophomore at Smithtown High School East, Nikki enjoys volunteering her services to a club her school offers called High School Heroes – a program in which a group of students volunteer to teach kids at a local elementary school in her community. Nikki volunteered to teach 2nd grade students because becoming a teacher is one of her many passions for her future. Other than teaching, Nikki also enjoys kickline, modeling, reading and running and is very proud to be apart of the Long Island pageant family!
to learn more about jessica and nikki and the miss long island pageants, visit
the power of a story by Alyse Parise I am an avid public radio listener. Each Friday morning there is a special segment, which I love. For two minutes, I stay riveted as regular folk interview each other. I hear stories that inspire, tug at my heart and remind me what it is to be human. I am drawn into the world of another, which is often so different from my own. Yet across the board, human experiences are universal. Why do we love a good story? There is something about narrative that stimulates our imagination and hunger for more. Sometimes we directly relate and other times we don’t even realize how much a story has affected us. Stories can be very healing. Stories have the ability to pull us out of the depths of despair, heal old wounds, express the unexpressed, draw us in or allow us to unintentionally access emotions that we otherwise may bury. I think the most important aspect of stories is they help us with a sense of belonging, which touches some part of our daily life. Stories remind us about where we fit in even as our lives seem to get more complex. About six months ago I wrote about what it’s like when your mother is no longer your mother, due to Alzheimers. My mother’s journey came to a peaceful end July 21st. Through the events surrounding the funeral and afterward, I heard all sorts of stories about my mum. Each reflected a different facet of a woman who loved life. There are so many ways to capture stories. I once interviewed my grandfather and have that on video. You can record a story at or simply hit record while holding your Iphone. I encourage you to take the time and choose a medium that works for you to discover those special stories before your loved ones pass on. Don’t put it off. Take the time to find out where you fit in. • OnFire Alyse Parise LCSW, Psychotherapist and Certified Business Coach 631-689-6272
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fall 2012
making a difference on long island Hayes Salaverry
by Laney Liner Meet Hayes Salaverry, a 42-year-old working mom, wife and a true GIVER – the opposite of a taker. Salaverry’s childhood wasn’t easy and had to grow up fast. At the age of thirteen, she worked as a chambermaid to assist her divorced mom who struggled financially. As a congregant of St. Pius X Church in South Yarmouth, Massachusetts, she began to adopt her core values, including her gift of giving. She learned to respect her elders and participated in charitable activities such as toy drives. She feels blessed each day and keeps a positive outlook on life by thinking of at least one good thing each day. Fast forward to 1996. While working at a Shiseido counter at Bloomingdale’s in Manhattan, she was discovered by Francois Nars (who launched his own make-up line two years earlier) and quickly began working with household names including Gianni and Donatella Versace and Marc Jacobs as a make-up artist. “Francois was a gracious mentor. It was inspirational and a priceless education that he gave me, just by being able to work alongside him,” said Salaverry. Salaverry gives back because she wants to be involved. When she learned from a fellow classmate that funding for the music program was being cut at her former alma mater, she wanted to help. She was part of a group that raised thousands of dollars to support the Dennis Yarmouth Regional High School Band’s music program in South Yarmouth, Massachusetts. “I love to do things that help people who are in the community, including make-up applications for women re-entering the workplace. I’ve donated make-up samples to homeless shelters including the Women’s Mental Health Shelter at the Park Avenue Armory in Manhattan. You never know what turns your life will take and if you will ever be in need. I do what I can when I encounter a struggling family so their kids can enjoy their childhood and don’t have to work like I did.” 36
Debbie Orr said this about her friend Hayes, regarding a volunteer opportunity, “I talked to her about the work we do for the less fortunate in the Township of Huntington, specifically at The Junior Welfare League of Huntington. The cause immediately resonated with her and she became interested and responded ‘I’m in’. The Junior Welfare League of Huntington is a not-for-profit organization that focuses on Town of Huntington residents who need assistance. Knowing that we can make a difference that will help families and create long lasting memories for a child is heart-warming.” Teaching is a very important part of Salaverry’s life. “When I was at NARS in the early years, I was a trainer. Besides making people look pretty, I teach them how to go home and do it themselves. What empowers a woman is the ability to put her in control. It is important for me to make sure they understand ‘the how’ and ‘the why’ behind what they do to achieve a certain look,” said Salaverry. “Hayes deals with the symptoms that aging has on us and I feel better. She can make you look attractive at any age and finds beauty in everyone. She recommends products that I can use at home to make my look more or less intense. My daughter, a 22-year-old, and my mom, an 83-year-old, also find working with Hayes to be a joy,” said client Suanne Cohen, a 62-year-old LCSW, Psychotherapist. To learn more about the Junior Welfare League of Huntington and their efforts visit If you want to learn more about Hayes you can reach her at and/or attend a FREE NARS Master Class on November 1st where you’ll learn tips and tricks for applying make-up. Please make an appointment for this event by calling 631-350-1363. • Laney Liner - Owner Blue Thunder Creative Group, Inc. follow Laney on Twitter@laneyliner
nothing worthwhile ever comes easy by Paula Klee Parish successes and great results after a lot of effort and time. I find it fascinating watching people who expect things to So, let’s remind ourselves that nothing truly worthwhile come easy to them in life. This is a tendency of human nature comes easy. And, nothing easy is permanent. When you have and has been exploited by those who keep selling diet pills and a realistic perspective, you can face setbacks, obstacles, and suggesting you can eat whatever you want, job opportunities problems much more calmly and recognize that this is all part that profess earnings of hundreds of thousands of dollars with of the learning and growing process. Give your best effort. no training and little or no effort, certifications and degrees that Showcase your competencies with recognized credentials and require little time and prior knowledge, and many other “easy” reap the rewards of well earned knowledge, skills, and honed fixes to problems if you “do this” or “take that.” If I have learned talents that will serve you well for your future. anything in this life, it is that “nothing worthwhile comes easy.” • Paula Klee Parish- Social & Community Psychology Over and over again, people who attempt to take the easy and Master Life Coach., road are disappointed. They find that the “quick fix” to success falls far short from the promised desired end result. Oh, they may experience some instant gratification, but they are soon left with the same problems and a little less money in their bank accounts. In talking with a client recently who was concerned about the future of a family member who always wants to take the easy road, the quick fix, the simplest path and who still, at 45 years of age, has not been able to support themselves, still has not realized that “easy” does not lead to a permanent outcome. MAGAZINE The truth of the matter is we must Nurturing The JeWeL In every Woman have a realistic perspective. If we know we have to work hard, harder than anyone else for what we want to achieve, we are then ready to do whatever is necessary to make that happen. I think the recent JOIN OUR MISSION examples of our Olympic Champions to help Breast Cancer are a perfect illustration of how hard work and perseverance pays off. Those Awareness on Long who embrace challenges mentally, Island! Purchase a emotionally, physically, and spiritually rise GEM Magazine LI to the occasion. Major scientific breakthroughs come after years of research and hard work; financial stability comes after years of t-shirt and proceeds sacrifice and effort. I was watching the will be donated Today Show this morning while they directly to were discussing Junior’s Restaurant in Brooklyn and their famous cheesecake Long Island’s own. recipe which was the product of ten years of researching recipes from all Proceeds to benefit over New York. Colonel Sanders, now KFC, visited over 100 restaurants before he sold his recipe for fried chicken, and Purchase T-Shirt and Other GEM Apparel at that came after years of perfecting that GEMMAGAZINELI.COM recipe. History is full of examples of great
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fall 2012
inspired by
by Lidia Szczepanowski Are you looking to lose a couple of pounds for an event that’s coming up? Do you also want to boost your metabolism and energy level while learning how to make better eating choices? Now you can have your “CUPCAKE” and eat it too! Figuratively speaking, of course.
What you need: A reminder-eating food actually keeps your metabolism up. Add a repeat alarm to your Smart Phone. (for example-the “Alarmed” app). Set it for every 3 or 3 ½ hours starting with breakfast. If you eat breakfast at 7:30 am, your snack will be at about 10:30 am, then you should eat lunch sometime before 1:30 pm, at around 4:30 pm you will have your afternoon snack, and dinner will be before 7:30 pm. You get the idea.
CupCake Measuring units: Most Americans have lost track of what a normal serving size is. Did you know that the French eat 25% less of everything than we do? Take the guesswork out of “portion control” by purchasing three sizes of disposable paper or foil cupcake baking liners. Mini (2 tbsp), Standard (1/2 cup) and Jumbo (1 cup) (or two Standard = one Jumbo) and keep them in your purse, tote or briefcase. These will show you exactly how much of a particular food item you should be consuming. And there’s hardly any clean up because you toss the cupcake liners in the trash when you’re finished.
Food List: Cut, copy and paste the following list of “suggested” foods and add them to the “Notes” app on your cell phone. Use these as a guide and try to include at least one protein-rich food, one healthy carb and one “good” fat with each meal. For snacks, eat a mini “cupcake” sized portion of whatever you crave, including dark chocolate! You can also have a pre-packaged, correct portion sized snack like Special K Chocolatey Pretzel 90 Calorie Bar, Fiber One 90 Calorie Brownie, and Kim’s Magic Pop Cake with Peanut Butter.
Write down in advance what and when you think you will be consuming on any particular day. Also, jot down what you actually eat.
the ruLes: No skipping meals or snacks Eat slowly No fried foods (and limit processed foods) Be active for at least 30 minutes every day Drink lots of water You will never have to count calories or say the “D” word again! Protein: (Standard-1/2 cup) Chicken and Turkey (without skin), Lean Cuts of Beef, Pork, Lamb and Veal, Eggs, Fish, Shrimp, Lobster, Crab, Clams, Scallops, Milk, Cottage Cheese, Yogurt, Tofu, Protein Shakes and Bars Carbs: (Standard-1/2 cup) Brown Rice, 100% Whole Wheat Bread, Bagel, Pita Bread, Whole Grain Pasta, Sweet Potatoes, Yams, Oatmeal, Quinoa, Buckwheat, Bran Cereals, Garbanzo Beans (aka Chick Peas) and other Beans Fruits and Veggies: (Jumbo-1 cup) Apple, Orange, Plum, Banana, Grapes, Strawberries, Peaches, Pears, Cantaloupe, Pineapple, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Asparagus, Spinach, Lettuce, Cucumber, Eggplant, Tomato, Cauliflower, Celery, Turnip, Bok Choy, Mushrooms, Peppers, Green Peas, String Beans, Beets Good Sources of Fat: (Mini-2 Tbsp.) Avocado, Peanuts, Nuts (Almonds, Walnuts, Cashews), Natural Peanut Butter, Olive Oil (Extra-Virgin), Flax Seeds or Oil, Seeds, (Pumpkin, Sunflower) Note: Before you participate in any weight-loss program, consult with your doctor, a registered dietitian, or another qualified health professional.
• Lidia Szczepanowski is an Attorney, Black Belt, Personal Safety Expert, Former Mrs. New York, Journalist, Everything Lidia, Inc. Owner and Talk Radio Show Producer-Host, and Founder of the National Organization for Women’s Safety Awareness, Inc., 38
your EOBs are your IOUs for your HCPs by Susan M. Montana Translation: Your Explanation of Benefits tell you how much to pay your doctor If you’ve got health insurance, you likely received an Explanations of Benefits (EOBs). It’s very important that you know how to read these. The EOB is a report from your health insurer (which may be a commercial insurance company like Blue Cross; or a governmental insurance payor like Medicare). It tells you many different pieces of information regarding healthcare services. I suggest everyone learn how to read them, because mistakes can be made. The EOB generally provides the following key pieces of information for every single healthcare service you receive: • Provider name: The name of the doctor, lab, hospital, therapist.
• Type of service: Usually a very broad-based term, such as “surgery” or “supplies”. •Date of service • Billed amount: The amount the provider charges for the service rendered. No insurance company ever actually pays this amount, although if you have no insurance, you may be billed this amount. • Allowed/covered/contracted amount: How much the insurance company believes the service is worth. • Payment amount: How much the insurance paid the medical provider. • Patient responsibility: Also known as deductible, coinsurance, co-pay, non-covered amount (how much the insurance decides the patient is responsible to pay. This is usually the difference between the Allowed amount and the Payment amount.) Always match up your provider bills to the Patient responsibility on the EOB. If you have questions about any of the amounts, contact the insurance company. They should be able to explain exactly how they calculated the Patient responsibility. • Susan M. Montana, 631-244-5661,
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family & relationships
finding vera: the long journey home by Maryann & Robert E. DeSimone This would be the day, the day our family had prayed for each night at the dinner table for years: the day we find Vera. Our three girls could hardly contain themselves, bubbling with excitement as they, Maryann, Olga our translator and I, climbed into the van for the drive to the nearby village. What would Vera look like, would the girls know her if they saw her? Will their biological father come through on his promise to finally bring them all together?
GEMliMAGAZINE magazine for the Long Island woman
The girls’ biological mother had gone to the hospital to have Vera and died shortly after delivery. Sadly, not only had they lost their mother, they never had the chance to meet their baby sister. Vera had not come home either. Katia, Irina, and Darya were left to the care of their abusive and neglectful father. The conditions were so grave that the mayor had to intervene, send them off to an orphanage and then after two years found their way to the states, where we adopted them, which has now been almost eight years.
Over the years, we heard different accounts of where Vera was; she was still in the orphanage system, she was given to a distant relative to raise or she was sent to an adoption agency. Since then, the hospital had long shut down, so the trail was cold and no one knew the truth or would tell us - no one except Vera’s father! So after thousands of miles of travel, countless phone calls, payoffs, letters and e-mails, our journey was about to end. Their biological father was to make amends, take them to the daughter he had given away, unable or unwilling to care for. He would take us to find Vera. We drove that day for what seemed like an eternity, going from village to village. Each time their father announced this looks like the place but still, No Vera. As the hours passed and the day faded, it became apparent he had lied. He did not know where Vera was, or refused to take us to her. He refused to answer any of our questions; he stopped speaking and became completely withdrawn. We could not understand why he had us travel so far to take us on such a wild goose chase. He had promised them and instead his promise became what seemed like a cruel joke. A few days later, we learned from their mother’s brother (who lived in the same village as the father and girls, and who met for the first time), that she was given to a woman in that same hospital who had delivered a still born. With no time left, we left for the airport with more questions than answers packed into our hearts. Our journey could have ended there, but we asked Olga, our investigator and translator, to keep looking and that we’ll be back. We know someone knows where Vera is and we remain determined to find her. Olga agreed.
ASK SUZANNE For All Your Legal Needs Dear Suzanne: I am a twenty-six year old fine artist and I am a lesbian. I have not told my parents as I am afraid they will not approve and I will be rejected. How do I handle this? Help! Leslie R.
Dear Leslie: Most parents want their children to be happy. “Coming out” is very stressful asBroadhollow you cannot beSuite sure124, of aMelville, positive 631-270-7771 445 Rd., NY outcome. calm, sittingLidia, them perhaps in a Lidia isStaying also the CEO of Everything Inc.,down, a multi-platform lifestyle ® Personal Protection and your enterprisesetting, which includes Safetythem therapeutic and Stylish helping to understand Safety Seminars andand Products, Radio Talk Show, need to beAwareness true to yourself the aimportance ofSpeaking their Engagements, Interview Coaching and is devoted to educating, training, approval may really go in a positive direction. challenging and inspiring women to live safer, more fulfilling and remarkable lives. To book a seminar or for more information email or call 516.558.7131. Just keep in mind that parents have fears also. They want to know that they have done their job, and whether straight or gay, their child has developed into a strong, independent and loving human being. Don’t ever deny who you really are, and sometimes coming out to your parents can be made easier with the help of a supportive therapist in a room with you when you do!
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fall 2012
home & garden You can do the same with the front door or add a bold color there. Now for the yard: A well-manicured lawn, fresh mulch and pruned shrubs will boost the curb appeal of any home. Cut back overgrown bushes and shrubs, add green plants and colorful annuals. Surround bushes and trees with by Lisa Albinowski mulch, cut an edge on garden beds, pull weeds and vines, Does your home have curb appeal? and plant some flowers in pots to display at the entrance If your house looks good from the street, nicely and on patios and decks. landscaped and wellAdding some color will maintained, it can add enhance the look. thousands of dollars Keep your grass green to its value and cut the with lawn food and water, time it takes to sell. seed bare spots, get rid Here are some tips to of crab grass, weeds, and add appeal and get you mow regularly. the most when you are Make sure the mailbox selling your home: is in good shape too. Wash your house! If the yard is fenced, Wash off the dirt on replace broken or the outside of the deteriorated sections. house. Soap and Gates and latches should water and a longbe in good, working order. handled, soft-bristled Take an overall look brush can remove dirt around and make sure to and debris that has refasten sagging gutters accumulated on your and leaders. Repaint home’s exterior. Power Currently on the Market for Sale! bricks that have lost washers are another 5 Burnham Pl, Nesconset, Hauppague Schools, Low Taxes! mortar around the chimney good way to clean your Stunning, 4 Bedroom Colonial, Country Club Backyard. and steps, remove and home, walkways & replace broken cement decks. Plus, don’t forget Call today, Lisa Albinowski 631-793-7329 on walkways, seal coat to wash the windows cracked asphalt. Straighten shutters and replace cracked inside and out! windows. These things will not only make your home have The roof also needs inspection and cleaning, this is one nice curb appeal, they will also make your home ready for the of those areas that buyers look at first. Repair any missing winter. shingles and clean off mold and debris, and remember to • Lisa Albinowski clean the gutters as well. Licensed Real Estate Broker, SRES, CBR Repaint areas of the outside of your home that show Realty Connect,, 631-793-7329 wear; refresh the color that is already there on exterior trim.
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home & garden
Creating Outdoor Spaces You’ll love to live in When people hear the word “landscape” they typically think of plants, lawn, trees, shrubs, flowers, etc. A landscape actually includes anything you can see, smell, hear or use in your outdoor space – be it good or bad! That might be a view of the ocean if you’re lucky.... or a view of the neighbor’s junk if you’re not so lucky. Also, a landscape includes any existing architectural features within view; houses, sheds, gazebos, pools or pool houses, etc. If you have a great view, then landscaping can enhance and even create a frame for that asset. But if your view is not quite that desirable, landscaping can hide and camouflage negatives, while offering opportunities for entirely new visual perspectives. Suppose that your yard just isn’t the paradise you’ve always dreamed of. Instead, you have a view of the neighbor’s doggy poop run and a 30 year supply of their old car parts; and they watch your every move whenever you go outdoors. What to do??? The most effective solution is to simply erase the er 20 Years!
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Island For Ov
eyesore by planting tall and quickgrowing trees, and creating lush gardens to look at instead and to give you the privacy you deserve (see the before and after views below). Sometimes however, that’s not possible or space doesn’t allow for large plantings. Don’t despair! Instead consider the art of distraction! Hide the ugliness with inexpensive fencing, and plant morning glory vine seeds to quickly cover the fence with flowers for summer. Then create and invite visitors toward a beautiful focal point that will please as many senses as possible and other less attractive features will tend to fade. Suppose the first thing one sees when exiting your back door is a beautiful rock wall with fragrant plantings and sounds from water cascading over shining stones along the back of a casual patio. Add some welcoming chairs and maybe a fireplace for cool evenings, and the rest of the world disappears. • Mary Rosenvinge Garden Rooms and Landscapes Northport, 631-754-8065,
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David Foster
My NyS INSpectIoN IS due and my check engine light is on…now what? by Kevin Albinowski Will it pass a state inspection? What do I have to do, can I just have it shut off or something? Well you may hear as many different things to do, as there are reasons for that nasty little light to be on for. I will give you some valuable information you can take to the bank. First, let’s understand what this light is all about. It’s called many things but it is a Check Engine Light (or CEL), or called a Service Engine Light, SEL to the trade. This light is meant to light up if your engine is running poorly enough that it will damage your catalytic converter, and of course send pollutants into the atmosphere. It may also come on when you have any of these problems: a bad spark plug, wire, air leak, malfunctioning catalytic converter, mass air-flow meter, oxygen sensor or engine air temperature sensor. These are some common items. The on-board computer in today’s vehicles holds lots of information for the technician to analyze. The first thing we do is access the vehicle computer codes that may be set to aid in directing us to the problem areas. These codes are by no means always the answer to a problem, but they help the technician and guide him to a proper and thorough analysis of your systems. If someone is able to just pull the codes, this does not mean that is the failing component. I have seen this many times over and over again. Parts are changed based only on the code reference shown. The vehicle owner only has part of the whole picture about the vehicle systems. Another question…if someone was to clear the codes without repairing the underlying problem, that light will come on again just as soon as the computer
runs a system check once or twice. Don’t forget why that warning light comes on in the first place, catalytic converters can be very expensive. Last and very important, don’t wait until the last few days before your inspection expiration. You’ll be pressured into repairing it on the spot, and today, many folks don’t always have the money to do this. So if your CEL or SEL is on, make an appointment early enough to comfortably complete the necessary repairs. • Kevin Albinowski President: Keystone Tire & Auto Repair Inc., 631-957-8473
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sexual harassment in the workplace by Mary Simmons Sexual harassment and discrimination has been an issue in the workplace since women first entered the workforce. But not until Anita Hill brought charges of sexual harassment against Clarence Thomas in 1992, in very well publicized hearings on Capitol Hill, did women really feel they could speak out against this abuse and be heard. In fact, after this hearing, the number of sexual harassment charges filed with the EEOC went up fifty percent from the prior year. Women tend to be the victims of sexual harassment far more than men. In fact, a Redbook magazine poll found that nine out of ten women said they had been subjected to unwanted sexual advances at work. Sexual harassment can involve offenders of the same sex, the opposite sex, manager to subordinate, subordinate to manager. The costs of sexual harassment to the individual being harassed are enormous including stress, loss of income or employment and emotional turmoil. Likewise, the cost to the employer can be overwhelming as well. According to Working Woman Magazine, a typical Fortune 500 corporation can expect to lose $6.7 million annually. Losses can result from absenteeism, lower productivity, increased health-care costs, and poor
wome n ow n e dbusi nesscl ub. com 48
morale. Additionally, there are litigation costs, courtawarded damages and damage to the company image from bad press which may cause the loss of clients and revenue. The charges may be brought against the employee who committed the act of sexual harassment and the employer if it is proven the employer did not properly protect their employees from the harassment. So how do we know if we are being sexually harassed? The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission defines sexual harassment as: unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors or other unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Basically, sexual harassment exists if there is unwelcome behavior that is of a sexual nature and it impacts employment. The offensive behavior can be verbal, visual, physical or written. An offensive joke that is told in the office or sent in an email or distributed in a hard copy can be as disruptive to the workplace as inappropriate touching. There are two types of sexual harassment: “Quid Pro Quo”, or this for that, is harassment by a supervisor in which a condition of employment such as a raise or promotion is predicated upon the employee submitting to unwelcome sexual acts. Hostile work environment is harassment by a supervisor or co-worker that involves the making of unwanted sexual, racial or religious suggestions or innuendoes to such a degree to make a pervasive hostile work environment. Women need to be informed and empowered to come forward and let their employers know if they feel they are victims of sexual harassment. If they feel uncomfortable due to unwelcome sexual behavior by someone in your workplace, it is their right to have the behavior stopped. Companies need to educate their staff through training classes as well as posting anti-sexual harassment/ discrimination policies. Through vigilance and education this workplace issue can be greatly diminished to create more productive and safe work environments. • Mary Simmons - Director of HR Consulting Portnoy, Messinger, Pearl & Associates, 631-689-6272
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Several times a year I am faced with a phone call from a customer who has just lost their spouse. Insurance subject to terms, qualifications and availability. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Allstate Indemnity Company, Allstate Fire and Casualty TheCompany, conversation is usually the same - the Insurance husband Company. Life insurance and annuities issued by Lincoln Benefit Life Company, Lincoln, handled the finances, bills and / orAmerican insurance NE, Allstate Life Insurance Company, Northbrook, IL, and Heritage and Life Insurance Company, Jacksonville, FL. In New York, Allstate Life Insurance Company of theyHauppauge, now feel completely helpless andCompany. overwhelmed New York, NY. Northbrook, IL. © 2010 Allstate Insurance with the situation they are in. These women are my best customers. They feel their husband had faith in my recommendations and trusted me, and I usually keep them as clients for years to come. I take this time as an opportunity to educate them on their coverages, why their spouse chose them and how they protect their lives and assets. I make sure to follow up with these customers every six months and check in to see if anything has changed in their lives and just to say hi and see how they are coping. They are always grateful. As time passes, the calls get more upbeat as the grieving widow feels a sense of empowerment as she educates herself about her insurance and financial plan. As women, we shouldn’t wait to find ourselves in this situation. You and your spouse should have a conversation and compose a list of insurance policies, coverages, life insurance and investments, who handles them, where they are placed and how to get in touch with the necessary companies so it is available when needed. Your insurance agent/broker, lawyer and financial planner should always be available to speak to you and answer any question or concern that you might have. Take the time to empower yourself today so you won’t feel helpless tomorrow. • Michele Martin - 631-261-4200 Michele M. Martin Insurance Agency, Inc.
Call me today to discuss your options. Call mepeople today think to discuss youronly options. Some Allstate protects your car. Truth is, Some people think Allstate protects your car.your Truth is, Allstate can also protect youronly home or apartment, boat, Allstate can also protect your home apartment, boat, motorcycle - even your retirement andoryour life. Andyour the more motorcycle your and the your life. you Andcan thesave. more of your world- even you put in retirement Good Hands®, more of your world you put in Good Hands®, the more you can save.
Insurance subject to terms, qualifications and availability. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company, subject to terms, and availability. Property andInsurance Casualty Insurance Allstatequalifications Indemnity Company, AllstateAllstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Life Company, Allstate Indemnityissued Company, Allstate Fire and Company. insurance and annuities by Lincoln Benefit Life Casualty Company,Insurance Lincoln, Company. insurance and Company, annuities issued by Lincoln Life Company, Lincoln, NE, AllstateLifeLife Insurance Northbrook, IL, Benefit and American Heritage Life NE, Allstate Life Insurance Company, IL, and Insurance Company, Jacksonville, FL. In Northbrook, New York, Allstate LifeAmerican InsuranceHeritage CompanyLife of Insurance Company, Jacksonville, FL. In York, Allstate Life Insurance Company of New York, Hauppauge, NY. Northbrook, IL.New © 2010 Allstate Insurance Company. New York, Hauppauge, NY. Northbrook, IL. © 2010 Allstate Insurance Company.
fall 2012
fashion and finance -is there a connection? by Linda Katz Some might say that fashion trends and the way people adhere to them is a reflection of who they are. The same can be said about the way people react to economic trends and their money management as a result. Emotions play a very big factor in a lot of financial decisions individuals make. The same might be said of impulse shopping and the “gotta have it” feeling about the latest fashion style. So what’s a girl to do? Often, the fashion choices we make are dictated by our individual sense of style, or how the latest styles relate to our unique persona, age and body style. In addition, our ever-important economic situation; i.e., “can we afford to change the landscape of our closet?” or maybe add some of the latest fashion items to spruce up our look? Firstly, if we understand that trends come and go, then we can also appreciate that it can be just as gratifying to stick with iconic styling in our approach to fashion (Chanel). In investing, the equivalent might be holding a blue chip stock such as IBM for the long term. This “grounding” affords the individual to venture out in fashion and money management. There is a term called, “Liability Driven Investing” which simply means, to
photo © John S. Vater
invest to cover your current and future liabilities, shelter, food, clothing, medical, etc. After that is established, it is reasonable to step outside the box and explore; whether it be in the latest fashion trends for your wardrobe or the hottest new investment idea of today. Is there a connection to fashion and finance? This Certified Financial Planner thinks, Absolutely! So look good, and make sound investment decisions and you will always be in style! • Linda Katz - CFP®, CDFA™ has received extensive training in behavioral finance and incorporates it into her financial life planning practice. Call 631-724-1099. Securities offered through North Ridge Securities Corp. Members FINRA/SIPC -1895 Walt Whitman Rd., Melville, NY 11747
FHA Guarantee HomeHome LoansLoans FHA Guaranteed by Rosemarie Kluepfel Real estate is a driving force in our economy. The financial crisis of 2007 wiped out numerous 401k plans, toppled enormous banks like Countrywide and derailed others like insurance giant AIG. These consequences were tied to the collapse of the real estate bubble. As a result, $205 billion of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) of 2008 was authorized to buy the preferred stock of 700 financial companies to stabilize the economy. When foreclosures and short sales flood the housing market, attracting buyers and ensuring lenders continue to lend is crucial. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is an agency of the federal government created by Congress in 1934. The FHA does not issue loans but rather offers insurance to FHA approved lenders on single-family and multi-family home mortgages. FHA insurance makes these loans more attractive to lenders because it protects the lender’s interest should the homeowner default. Like traditional mortgage products, FHA applicants must meet credit and debt-to-income ratios to prevent borrowers from getting into homes they can not afford. To qualify for an FHA loan, applicants must prove and
also demonstrate reliability and stability. Since FHA loans require a low down payment (generally only 3.5% of the purchase price), and the cost of the insurance is built into the loan, it is often utilized by first-time home owners or those recently entering the work force. This opens up the real estate market to those whom may not have qualified otherwise. FHA loan limits vary by property type and state. Each local FHA office also determines what closing costs are allowable and deemed reasonable for a lender to collect. These fees can include appraisals, inspections, credit reports, document preparation fees and more. Since home prices have declined due to the increase in inventory, and mortgage rates are at historic lows, it may be a great time for you to buy a home. Meet with a licensed mortgage originator, to find out if an FHA Guaranteed Home Loan is right for you. • Rosemarie Kluepfel - NYS Licensed Mortgage Specialist NMLS #40311. Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp, Licensed Mortgage Banker, NYS Banking Dept. NMLS #2289 ph.631-881-5110 This information is not intended to be an indication of loan qualification, loan approval or commitment to lend. Other limitations may apply. ©2012 Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation NMLS ID#2289. Licensed Mortgage Banker N.Y.S. Banking Department. EQUAL HOUSING LENDER.
what you missed this summer By Sara Fingerman St. Barth’s in the Hamptons I couldn’t make it to the Caribbean this summer, but that didn’t stop me from having a few tropical cocktails and enjoying a beautiful night at East Hampton Studio for St. Barth’s in the Hamptons. A benefit for VH1’s Save the Music foundation, this fashion show was classy, sassy and cool. The Pink Penguin Bash Penguins in bowties? I thought I would only see that in Disney’s Mary Poppins! I never could imagine it would happen at a red carpet event to raise money for breast cancer awareness! Well, it did, and it was a wonderful, magical moment for people who attended the 2nd Annual Carol M. Baldwin Pink Penguin Bash on July 28th. We were welcomed with a glass of pink champagne followed by a beautiful evening of amazing food and delicious dessert. Money raised through the Pink Penguin Bash is dedicated to the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund Inc. to support both new and established research investigating the causes, prevention and treatment of breast cancer. Inside Connection Everything’s Planned presents the “Inside Connection”, a new network for entertainment, media and creative fields and the people who do business with them. July 30th marked the first meeting, and will continue on a monthly basis. “Our goal is to have monthly networking events throughout Long Island to help you stay informed, grow your network and use your connections to help promote your work and projects.” Lynn Aloia of Everything’s Planned and founder of “Inside Connection”. Check this group out on Facebook! Glitz Glamour Groove give Lights, Camera, Poolside Fashion packed action! Ooh La La Fashion Boutique and Boarding for Breast Cancer presented fall fashions with a twist! On August 18th, Ooh La La hosted its 3rd annual runway show benefit, with all proceeds donated to Boarding for Breast Cancer. This lavish event was held on the rooftop pool terrace of The Allegria Hotel in Long Beach, NY. The 25-minute fashion show was hosted by Gem Magazine August Cover girl Jill Zarin. She looked as glamorous as they come. Visit
Lisa Montalva
The common question I think we ask ourselves is, “Where do we start?” We ask this when we start, and while the business is growing and flourishing. When I started my job board, The Job Matchers, I came across many dead ends. My biggest obstacle was getting exposure for a reasonable fee, and there was no such animal. We all know that we work to make money, but when I am being asked to give money to be in “the directory” that goes nowhere and can only be seen by its members-honestly, what does that do for my business? After launching my second company, The Gourmet Mom; a worldwide recipe website, my partner Chrissie and I started brainstorming on what we were going to do with the Women Owned Business Club. I came up with the idea of this organization years prior, but I had to do one thing at a time, and it worked out well because now the WOBC has become what it is supposed to be. We are an organization where not only can you call and talk to us and hear an encouraging voice, but we promote your products, your service, your website, your blog or your book. Everything is about social media now, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Linkedin, and we send out posts about you specifically all day as well as on Linkedin. Each month, we select a member to be the “spotlight” of the month. We go on a first come basis. We are cross-promoted on all of our sites, so if they find me they will find you. Our prices are very low, starting at $45 as a one-time fee, but it’s a service that is necessary to help get the added exposure you need. We are working on doing some interviews, as well as YouTube videos and much more. We are truly dedicated to women in business and women entrepreneurs. Our organization is not just for women business owners, we welcome and are happy to help women in any business. Please come visit us at www.womenownedbusinessclub. com and see what we will do for you, just because we believe in you.
wo m e n ow n e d bu si n e ssc l u b. c o m fall 2012
Girl’s NiGht out
Sip City: delicious food, elegant atmosphere, live music Looking for an elegant, yet cozy eatery where you can sit back and relax after work? Well, you’re in luck, because this GEM of a restaurant is conveniently located on Middle Neck Road, right near the Great Neck train station-perfect to stop in and unwind after your daily commute! Its name would tend to make you think this is only a bar, but Sip City offers so much more than just drinks. Although it does have an expansive bar with soft lighting and music, there is also a tempting menu and even live music at times! There is something for everyone, including jazz, blues, classic rock, Motown and more. Later in the evenings, the eating area is turned into a dance floor for those who want to boogie down, especially on Fridays…LADIES NIGHT! Even better, every Monday night is “Industry Night” featuring music by Peter Mio. Industry folks get select drink specials and also receive 20% off their dinner! You can also stop in and watch all the games on the big-screen
TVs! Speaking of dinner, there are so many entrees you can choose, from steak and salads to burgers and fries, chicken, salmon and more. This is a menu sure to please any palate. You’ll also find a variety of decadent desserts that any girl would love, everything from chocolate-themed treats to sorbets and seasonal fruit specials! Most visitors are professionals, 30 and over, who appreciate soft lighting and music with excellent food, cocktails, wine and more. So whether you’re looking for a fun girl’s night out filled with music, dancing and good friends, or a delicious, cozy dinner for two, Sip City will NOT disappoint! They are open for lunch Monday through Saturday at 11:30am with dinner menu starting at 4pm. So go to to check out their menus, events and entertainment specials, or find out how to book YOUR own special event at Sip City!
Sip City • • 16 Middle Neck Road, Great Neck • 516-482-1500
Happy Hour Everyday 4PM-7PM $3 Beers | $4 Wines $5 Appetizers
(Chicken Wings, Nachos, Hummus & Pita, Pommes Frites)
Industry Night Mondays
with Peter Mio & Friends 20% off seated dinner or bar dinner $5 Martinis | $3 Bud/Bud Light/Bud Lime
Karaoke Tuesday Jazz Wednesdays Ladies Night Thursdays Live DJ Fridays Saturdays Live Bands & Music
Open for lunch on Mondays thru Saturdays at 11:30am with dinner menu starting at 4pm. Open until 2am! Now booking Holiday Parties!
16 Middle Neck Rd., Great Neck, NY | 516-482-1500 | 52
The Long Island Music Hall of Fame by Sara Fingerman What do Dee Snider, Billy Joel and Mariah Carey all have in common? They all come from our home, beautiful Long Island, and are world renowned for their contributions to the music industry. We live in a beautiful melting pot filled with wonderful tastes and amazing scenery, and we are an island where music begins and will continue to change forever. This October 18th, LIMHF will present the Fourth Induction Award Ceremony and Fundraising Gala to benefit The LIMHF new museum home in Port Jefferson Village. The Fourth induction class will include 2012 Harry Chapin Award recipient and previous LIMHF inductee Dee Snider of Twisted Sister, singer Taylor Dayne, and songwriter Ellie Greenwich, among many others.
Taylor Dayne
Here are some excerpts from my interview with Jill Russell of Russell Relations and Jeffrey James of James Arts, both board members of the LIMHF: Q. Tell us how the LIMHF Began? A. It began in 2004 and is dedicated to the idea that Long Island’s musical heritage is an important resource to be celebrated and preserved for future generations. Q. How do you go about selecting inductees?
A. We have a list of over 500 future inductees. Q. What kind of programs does the LIMHF have to offer? A. Music scholarships and traveling educational exhibits in libraries and schools. Q. What will the LIMHF museum in Port Jefferson feature? A. A museum of Long Island music history. An education facility-designed in cooperation with the Long Island music education community; a resource center-an archive of resources for research into all aspects of the music business and performance venues. Also, a home for Long Island’s oldest radio stationWUSB 90.1, Stony Brook. Tickets are on sale now for the Long Island Music Hall of Fame’s Fourth Induction Award Ceremony and Fundraising Gala. Call The Paramount box office at 631-6737300 or
fall 2012
The ArTs
ArtHamptons 2012: The Beauty, The Business and Learning About Art pictured: Tina Wong and Alex Guofeng Cao
by Frances McGarry and Laney Liner Art is not just for collectors. Everyone, young and old, can have an appreciation for creative expression visible through paintings, sculptures, photography and the like. According to Artprice™, the world leader in art market information, 11.57 billion dollars was generated globally from the sale of art in 2011. This represents an increase of 2 billion dollars from the previous year. While there are many collectors who have a strong appreciation for art, they also consider it an investment. Collectors visit art galleries and auction houses to enhance their collection. They can also visit ArtHamptons, The International Fine Art Fair. Now in its fifth year, many galleries from around the world exhibit at this venue. According to Rick Friedman, Founder and Executive Director of ArtHamptons, their opening night festivities benefitted LongHouse Reserve, a 501(c) (3) nonprofit public charity. LongHouse Reserve was founded by Jack Lenor Larsen to inspire a creative life, and offers educational programs that brings together art and nature through its collections and arboretum. ArtHamptons also had a series of special events where patrons could meet artists and learn about art. Art as a business: Thomas Paul, the director of Thomas Paul Fine Art, is a seasoned professional with 40 years of experience in the art world. He represents work of Chicana Artists in collaboration with actor, director and performer, Cheech Marin. On display was the work of one Chicana Artist, Margaret Garcia. She did not attend the event, but had the following to add about the opportunity she has been given by the gallery: “Women from all backgrounds seem to be underrepresented in the visual arts. Either for cultural reasons, or simply the lack of opportunity and interest in the dialog women sometimes bring to the 54
table. I am fortunate that Thomas Paul is forward thinking. I am thrilled with our dialog. Thomas is interested in what I want to accomplish, he is a great listener with fine perception and meaningful feedback.” Rebecca Hossack has been in business for 25 years and is the owner of Rebecca Hossack Gallery with locations in London and New York. As a former lawyer, Hossack grew up loving art as a child. She likes individuality and people who don’t follow fashion. The work in her gallery is representative of this belief system. Tina Wong, owner of CenterSpace, was influenced by art at a young age, as her mom is an artist. Alex Guofeng Cao, one of her featured artists, was available to meet with prospective buyers. His work is highly interactive, as each piece comes with a magnifying glass for individuals to see the “repetitive images” he uses to create a larger image. For example, Cao used a series of smaller images of the MonaLisa to create the photo of Marilyn Monroe. What is fascinating about these works is that within the repetitive images are codes and clues used to illustrate particular events and situations in history tied to these iconic figures. Meet Constance Schwartz and learn about art: bthebuzz digital, innovative creative multi-taskers, owned by Debra Rothberg, hosted a panel event at ArtHamptons on July 15th, called The Secrets to Collecting Fine Art. Constance Schwartz, the illustrious past director of the Nassau County Museum of Art, shared her insights on successful art collecting. The presentation was in two parts; the first offered a list of suggestions based on her own experience as an art collector and curator, while the second was a Q&A session. Schwartz shared that establishing a collection embraces the thrill of the hunt - pursuing and finally getting that work of art that you really want. As a collection grows, what happens is you develop what we
call a “talented eye.” The more you look, the more you study, the more you go to the museums, the more you go to the galleries, the more honed your “eye” for art becomes.
Q&A with Constance schwartz
Q: The arts are being slashed across the nation. How can we impress to people how important it is to invest in the arts? How can we convince people that buying art is truly vital to the fabric of our existence? A: It starts with the children. And it’s like religion. If you start them young enough, you have them forever. And you encourage them to collect. I know that my husband and I who have traveled around the world have been very fortunate. Every time we went to a different place, we gave the kids a few hundred dollars. But they could only spend it on a work of art. That was it. And now they all have very lovely collections. It may not be a million dollars, but it’s original, it’s theirs, they bought it, they looked at it, they made their own decisions. And it was terrific. They go to museums; they’re comfortable. They go to galleries. You bring out another point that [art is] intuitive. If you like an artist then read! There are books written about everybody. You know that the internet is everybody’s best friend today. Nobody has any secrets. You can learn a lot about art and you can learn a lot of secrets about them. It’s fun! You find out who’s sleeping with whom, who went to jail…it’s a lot of fun. Artists are people too, they’re human. And they have stories! Q: How did you start [as an art collector]? A: My mother and father were not involved in art. I had a talent for painting so I wanted to go in that direction, and my mother had a meeting with my grade advisor and said, “Your daughter would like to be an artist.” My mother who was 5’2” said, “My daughter is going to be an accountant.” This was just not for me. So I began to paint. And during my studies, my professor [suggested] I take a course in African Art. There was some sort of mystique going on. So, I took a course in African Art, I was scared to death of going back to school, and I fell in love with it. I just couldn’t get enough of it. And so I became curator; I became a director of museum. But along the way, African Art stuck with me. My husband and I went shopping for a piece of African Art. We went to a gallery and bought my first piece, Derivation of Man. And that started it. We went to Zaire for a George Foreman fight (her husband was promoter), and we brought back in a television crate an amazing collection. You develop an eye. The spirit of African Art is important to me and to my family; it’s magic! It’s just magic! It’s become a vital force in the philosophy of our lives. I advise people about what to collect. The American Art that is available today is so fine and it is not overwhelming in cost. And because galleries are keeping this alive, it’s only going up. • Frances McGarry, PhD - • Laney Liner - Owner Blue Thunder Creative Group, Inc. follow Laney on Twitter@laneyliner fall 2012