Creative Writing around the world Biographies by Romanian, Greek, Korean, French , Moroccan and Spanish students. School -year 2018/2019
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Apollinaire guillaume
Early life *Wilhelm Albert WĹ‚odzimierz Apolinary Kostrowicki was born in Rome, Italy, on 26 August 1880. * By the age of eighteen Apollinaire had finished school and settled in Paris. * Apollinaire worked as a bank clerk. .
Family life *. His mother, born Angelika Kostrowicka, was a Polish noblewoman born near Navahrudak, * Apollinaire's father is unknown but may have been Francesco Costantino Camillo Flugi d'Aspermont. * In 1914 he joined the French army, volunteering to defend his adopted country in World War I
Facts * Apollinaire first used the term Surrealism concerning the ballet Parade in 1917. * The term Orphism was coined by Apollinaire at the Salon de la Section d'Or in 1912 * On 7 September 1911, police arrested and jailed him on suspicion of aiding and abetting the theft of the Mona Lisa and a number of Egyptian statuettes, but released him a week later. * Guillaume Apollinaire was a French poet, playwright, short story writer, novelist, and art critic
End of life * Apollinaire guillaume died on 9 November 1918 (aged 38) Paris, France. * Apollinaire, weakened by the wound from which he never fully recovered, died of influenza.
Works *In 1900 he wrote his first novel Mirely, ou le petit trou pas cher. * Apollinaire's first collection of poetry was L'enchanteur pourrissant (1909) * In 1907 Apollinaire published the well-known erotic novel, The Eleven Thousand Rods * Apollinaire wrote the preface for the first Cubist exposition outside of Paris; VIII Salon des IndĂŠpendants, Brussels, 1911
The Mirabeau Bridge (Alcools: Le Pont Mirabeau) Under the Mirabeau flows the Seine And our amours Shall I remember it again Joy always followed after Pain Comes the night sounds the hour The days go by I endure Hand in hand rest face to face While underneath The bridge of our arms there races So weary a wave of eternal gazes Comes the night sounds the hour The days go by I endure Love vanishes like the water’s flow Love vanishes How life is slow And how Hope lives blow by blow Comes the night sounds the hour The days go by I endure Let the hour pass the day the same Time past returns Nor love again Under the Mirabeau flows the Seine Comes the night sounds the hour The days go by I endure
Paul Eluard (France) Paul Éluard (14 December 1895 – 18 November 1952), was a French poet and one of the founders of the surrealist movement. Eluard was born to a lower-middle-class family in Saint Denis, Paris. His father was a bookkeeper, his mother, helped out with the household income by making dresses. At the age of 16 Paul was sent to a Swiss sanatorium for tuberculosis, during this time he became highly interested in poetry. Upon his return to France he joined the army and was injured from exposure to toxic gas. After his war experience, in 1917, he released what is considered to be his first noteworthy poetry volume. Eluard was briefly involved with the Dada Movement, meeting Tristan Tzara, Andre Breton, and other member of surrealist and Dadaist circles. Like Breton, Aragon, Peret, Soupault and other intellectuals. His reputation as a poet was established with the publication of "Capitale de la Doluer ' in 1926. In 1924 Paul's whereabouts vanished from public knowledge. Rumors that he had died, spread around and became truth, until after seven months he returned. Eluard told the people that he had journeyed from Marseilles to Tahiti, Indonesia, and Ceylon. Later on it was discovered that it was connected with the loss of his wife Gala to the surrealist artist Salvador Dali. Eluard was active within the international communist movement in the cultural field. He traveled in Britain, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Mexico, and Russia, but not the United States; because he was refused a visa as he was a Communist. Paul's idealism, kindness and inability to see the reality of the Soviet Union led the poet to admire Stalin as a cultural force for good. According to Eluard, the mission of poetry was to renew language in order to effect radical changes in all areas of existence. He saw poetry as an action capable of arousing awareness in his readers, and identified with the leftist struggle for political, social and sexual liberation. During his lifetime Paul managed to publish over seventy books consisting of; poetry, literary, and political views. Eluard died in Charenton-le-Pont in 1952.
I Only Wish To Love You I only wish to love you A storm fills the valley A fish the river I have made you the size of my solitude The whole world to hide in Days and nights to understand To see no more in your eyes Than what I think of you And a world in your image And days and nights ruled by your eyelids.
Biography written by Gema Funes y Susana Mº Martín Sources :
VICTOR HUGO Born in 1802 in Besançon, Doubs, France, Hugo is considered to be one of the greatest and best-known French writers. He was a poet, novelist and dramatist of the romantic movement. He also loved drawing – he had more than 4,000 drawings. At the age of 15 , he participated for the first time in a poetry contest
His wife was Adèle Foucher and they had 5 children. Léopoldine was his favourite daughter but she died tragically and his father learned about her death in the newspapers!
He began at a young age to cultivate a taste for letters. After winning several awards, at age 20, he publishes Odas and Various Poems, his first collection of poems. In addition to the 13 plays, nine novels, 21 books of poetry and 14 essays, Victor Hugo also has a fruitful political career. Some of his most important works are:
He has an avenue: He has streets named after him throughout France. In Paris, Avenue Victor Hugo is in the 16th arrondissement.
He has a famous statue on the island of Guernsey where he wrote Les Misérables in 1862.
Les Misérables (1862) Notre-Dame de Paris (1831) Cromwell (1827) L'Homme qui rit (1869) William Shakespeare (1864)
He died the 22 May 1885 (aged 83) in Paris, France. He died of pneumonia in his house.
Breakfast He poured the coffee Into the cup He poured the milk Into the cup of coffee He added the sugar To the coffee and milk He stirred it With a teaspoon He drank the coffee And put back the cup Without speaking to me He lit a cigarette He blew some rings With the smoke He flicked the ashes Into the ashtray Without speaking to me Without looking at me He got up He put his hat On his head He put on His raincoat Because it was raining He went out Into the rain Without a word Without looking at me And I I took my head In my hands And I wept Jacques PrĂŠvert
Biography written by Stroiu Robert-Gabriel Colegiul National Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Galati, Romania
Biography Research Sources : Wikipedia,,
Jacques Prévert Early Life:
Prévert was born at Neuilly-surSeine and grew up in Paris. After receiving his Certificat d'études upon completing his primary education, he quit school and went to work in Le Bon Marché, a major department store in Paris. Called up for military service in 1918, after the war, he was sent to the Near East to defend French interests there.
Family Life He grew up in a middle class family, the middle of three sons, and enjoyed a mostly happy childhood. His autobiographical prose poem, "Enfance" (Childhood), is filled with pleasant memories of street life in his hometown .
3 Interesting Facts:
Works Paroles (1946) Le Petit Lion, illustrated by Ylla (1947, reprinted 1984) Contes pour enfants pas sages (Tales for naughty children) (1947) Des Bêtes, illustrated by Ylla (1950, reprinted 1984) Spectacle (1951) Grand bal du printemps, with photographs by Izis Bidermanas (1951) Lettre des îles Baladar (Letter from the Baladar Islands) (1952) Tour de chant (1953) La pluie et le beau temps (Rain and sunshine) (1955) Histoires (1963) (Stories) Fatras (1966)
1)He is born under the zodiac aquarius, who is known for Knowledge, Humanitarian, Serious, Insightful, Duplicitous. 2)Prevert was probably the best of the Frenchcafé singers. 3)He often went to theater with his father, a drama critic, and acquired a love of reading from his mother.
End of life: He died in Omonville-laPetite, on 11 April 1977.
Biography written by: Elli and Katerina
Biography Research Sources:
Poet’s name: (France)
Arthur Rimbaud Photo / portrait
Early Life: - Date of birth:20 October 1854 - Place of birth: Charleville-Mézières, in north France - parents:he was the second son of an army captain, Frédéric Rimbaud, and Marie-Cathérine-Vitalie Rimbaud, née Cuif. He had an older brother, Frédéric, born in 1853, and two younger sisters: Vitalie, born in 1858, and Isabelle, born in 1860. The father was absent during most of Rimbaud’s childhood. Rimbaud’s difficult relationship with his authoritarian mother is reflected in many of his early poems, such as “Les Poètes de sept ans” (The Seven-Year-Old Poets, 1871). Rimbaud’s mother was a devout Christian, and Rimbaud associated her with many of the values that he rejected: conventional religious belief and practice, the principles of hard work and scholarly endeavor, patriotism, and social snobbery. - social background:He spent most of his childhood on the farm of his mother's family in Ross, along with his older brother Frederick and his younger sisters, Vitaly and Isabel. - childhood:In April 1865, after a decision by his mother, he was transferred to the College of Charleville, where he soon redefined his lessons and his abilities made a great impression, moving him from the fifth grade of the elementary school to the first grade of the high school.
End of life: - Date:10 November 1891 -Place of death: Marseille, France -Cause of death: bone cancer -Burial place: France
3 Interesting Facts: Family Life He had never been married. Rimbaud was known to have been a libertine and a restless soul, having engaged in an at times violent romantic relationship with fellow poet Paul Verlaine, which lasted nearly two years. Verlaine has abandonded his wife and his son to live with Rimbaud. He had travelled with him to England and Belgium and he had shoot Rimbaud at his hand and was sent to prison.
He started writing at a very young age and excelled as a student, but abandoned his formal education in his teenage years to run away from home to Paris amidst the Franco-Prussian War. During his late adolescence and early adulthood he began the bulk of his literary output, then completely stopped writing at the age of 21, after assembling one of his major works, Illuminations. Rimbaud wrote all of his poetry in a span of about five years, concluding around the year 1875. His only writing after 1875 survives in documents and letters. In his correspondence with family and friends, Rimbaud indicates that he spent his adulthood in a constant struggle for financial success. He spent the final twenty years of his life working abroad, and he took jobs in African towns as a colonial tradesman. After ending his literary career, he traveled extensively on three continents as a merchant
Works His impact on the Surrealist movement has been widely acknowledged, and a host of poets, from André Breton to André Freynaud, have recognized their indebtedness to Rimbaud’s vision and technique. He was the enfant terrible of French poetry in the second half of the nineteenth century and a major figure in symbolism. Paul Verlaine published Rimbaud’s first work “Poesis” (written during 1869-1872) and also his complete works in 1895 (4 years after Rimbaud’s death).
Les Corbeaux Seigneur, quand froide est la prairie, Quand dans les hameaux abattus, Les longs angelus se sont tus... Sur la nature défleurie Faites s'abattre des grands cieux Les chers corbeaux délicieux.
The Crows Lord, when cold is the meadow, When in the hamlets slaughtered, The long angelus are silent ... On the nature defly Bring down great heavens The dear crows delicious.
Armée étrange aux cris sévères, Les vents froids attaquent vos nids ! Vous, le long des fleuves jaunis, Sur les routes aux vieux calvaires, Sur les fossés et sur les trous Dispersez-vous, ralliez- vous !
Strange army with severe cries, Cold winds attack your nests! You, along the yellowed rivers, On the roads to old calvaries, On ditches and holes Spread out, rally!
Par milliers, sur les champs de France, Où dorment des morts d'avant-hier, Tournoyez, n'est-ce pas, l'hiver, Pour que chaque passant repense ! Sois donc le crieur du devoir, Ô notre funèbre oiseau noir !
By the thousands, on the fields of France, Where the dead of the day before yesterday sleep Spin, is not it, winter, For each passerby to think again! Be the crier of duty, O our funereal black bird!
Mais, saints du ciel, en haut du chêne, Mât perdu dans le soir charmé, Laissez les fauvettes de mai Pour ceux qu'au fond du bois enchaîne, Dans l'herbe d'où l'on ne peut fuir, La défaite sans avenir.
But, saints of heaven, at the top of the oak, Mast lost in the evening charmed, Leave the May warblers For those at the bottom of the wood chained, In the grass from which one can not flee, Defeat without a future From the very first published poems (This text is known to us only by its printed version. It was published in The Literary and Artistic Revival of September 14, 1872. The Literary and Artistic Revival, newly created magazine by à ‰ mile Blà © mont which was of the Verlaine's acquaintance (and Rimbaud's since The Table Corner), had published his first issue on April 27, 1872 source: htm.)
March Task : biography writing Creative Writing Around The World School –Year 2018/2019