Hello Readers, Compliments of the season and Happy new year!! �� Here’s to a prosperous and healthy 2023 from all of us at Genesys Health. 2022 wouldn’t have been possible without you, our Genesys family and we want to say a big Thank you; for taking us closer to achieving our vision of being the leading provider of simplistic and affordable health tech solutions to public and private health systems in Africa, for providing invaluable feedback which would be seen and felt through the lens of patients and the entire healthcare ecosystem indeed, for choosing us and being amongst the early revolutionaries of a digital and interconnected healthcare ecosystem. We certainly cannot thank you enough. The past year, as with previous years, presented its own set of unique challenges, with the most prominent being
attrition due to the gaping effects of the brain drain in the tech sector. However, we have been able to surmount these challenges and deliver our GeneSys 2.0 release, which interconnects insurers, providers and patients. 2023 is indeed an exciting year for us and we can’t wait to show you what we have in stock for you. We are still accepting signups to join our beta community waitlist. Click here to join, It is on a first-come, first-served basis, so hurry up and join the train!
I would like to specially acknowledge and thank my editorial team. Just in case I do not say it enough, you all are rock stars. Fun fact, it is a very slim team of five putting all the work behind the scenes. To our avid readers, we have a trivia based on previous editions of our journal. Feel free to have a go at it if you think you are up to it! We have a special lineup of curated holiday content just to make it worth your while. So kick back, chill and relax and most importantly, do not forget to share with your family and friends.
Once again, Merry Christmas in arrears from the entire team and Welcome to 2023!
Growing up, you may recall moments when your parents emphasized the need to include fruits and vegetables in meals because of their nutritional value. You may not have been able to comprehend the exact health benefits these greens possess; therefore it may or may not come as new knowledge to finally learn that they offer health benefits—varying from greens to fruits.
Many people, including adults, consume these plants without fully understanding what perks they offer to human development. The following 11 plants are not only appetizing, but they also have important health benefits. Therefore, the next time you arrive at the grocery store, be sure to include them in your shopping cart.
Avocados are high in important nutrients such as vitamins; E, K, riboflavin, niacin, C, and pantothenic acid. They are also high in fibre, which is necessary for a healthy digestive system, aids in weight maintenance, and promotes weight loss.
Asparagus can serve as an anti-oxidant as it contains a lot of anthocyanins, which help rid the body of free radicals that cause heart diseases, and cancer, amongst others. It is also high in saponin protodioscin, which increases libido in women, fights ovarian cancer cells, and increases
testosterone production in men. It increases folate, which is required for fetal development.
This is also known as beetroot, are a root vegetable. Beets are not only rich in vitamins and minerals, but they are also low in calories and fat. Furthermore, they provide several key nutrients, such as folate, manganese, and copper. It has a high concentration of nitrates, which can help lower blood pressure levels. Consequently, this may lead to a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.
Almonds are high in protein, minerals, and healthy fats. They are also a good source of vitamin E, which helps promote heart health. Almonds also contain a substance called phytosterols that can help lower cholesterol and promote weight loss.
This popular vegetable is a great source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as fibre and folic acid. Broccoli is often touted for its cancerfighting properties, as it contains sulforaphane, a compound that has been shown to help prevent cancer cells from growing.
Garlic is a flavorful addition to many dishes, but it also offers some impressive health benefits. Garlic is a natural antibiotic that can aid in the fight against infection. It is also a good source of vitamins B6 and C, as well as manganese and selenium.
Chia seeds are tiny but mighty. These nutrient-rich seeds can be added to many different dishes and are a good source of protein, fibre, and omega-3 fatty acids. Chia seeds have been shown to improve gut
health, support weight loss, and lower blood pressure.
Goji berries have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. These little red berries are packed with nutrients like vitamin C, iron, and antioxidants. Goji berries have been linked with increased energy levels, better sleep, and improved skin health.
Basils are rich in orientin and viceninare, flavonoid anti-oxidants. They protect white blood cells, which are responsible for immune function. Additionally, basil helps protect against diabetes as it contains compounds that can reduce triglyceride and cholesterol levels.
Lemongrass can be taken orally to calm stomach discomfort and other gastrointestinal issues like cramps and vomiting. It can also be used as an aromatherapy treatment to treat common cold and flu symptoms.
Broadleaf plantains can be used to treat wounds and burns as they are rich in plantamajoside, which is considered one of the main compounds for wound healing. Its aqueous solution, when gargled, reduces inflammation in the oral cavity.
Like other nutritious foods, edible plants are essential and can be applied in various aspects of life. They can be medicinal, and nutritional and also have psychological benefits. Most importantly, edible plants tend to provide an easy and inexpensive way to sustain physical and mental health.
By Rasbak - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index php?curid=210595
The health benefits of these edible plants are attributed to the significant quantities of polyphenols in them. These plants can improve digestion, boost immunity, and even help prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Alarge concentration of investment in healthcare would be in technology and digital solutions over the next five years, this is according to the HIMSS Future of Healthcare Report which cited the interests of 80% of healthcare providers (Marr, n.d.). Consequently, we can say this has contributed to the
continuous growth in areas including telemedicine, personalized medicine, genomics, and wearables, with organizers leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, extender reality (XR), and the internet of things (IoT) to develop and deliver new treatments and services (Marr, n.d.).
Now let us talk about robots in healthcare: Since 1980 when the first Robots were used in healthcare, they have continued to transform how surgeries are performed, streamline supply delivery and disinfection, fast-track laboratory results processing, and enhance rehabilitation aided by artificial intelligence they help in the automation of hospital workflows which in summary enables Healthcare practitioners to focus on engaging with and caring for patients (Intel, n.d.).
Most people find themselves on either side of the divide when it comes to Robots being
utilized in workplaces, for staff of a particular organization; it usually comes with the fear of being replaced by these robots while for some its makes work easier with higher probabilities of efficient outputs and costsaving measures.
Say Hello to Pepper, a self-talking Robot receptionist
This assumption can be backed by the trends predicting that startups worldwide will invest hundreds of millions in the development of AI projects, including various kinds of robotic systems, potentially allowing them to cut the cost of hiring qualified hospital staff. The idea is not to replace humans with machines, causing unemployment and
a decrease in social standards, but to help medical facilities that already experience an acute deficit in nurses and clinicians due to the COVID-19 pandemic that has put the whole healthcare system under unprecedented pressure.
AI-driven and robotic systems will be used to augment traditional practices rather than replace them, creating a powerful merger of the past and the future. The mix of bold initiatives and their sound regulation is among the top digital health trends in the industry. It will allow clinicians to make the most of innovative
technologies, learn to apply them in rewarding and safe ways, and avoid errors.
Let us focus more on Robotics in Hospital Workflow Healthcare providers keep complaining of increases in workloads; ranging from the back–office tasks to important patient-facing tasks, a number of these can be automated. This challenge gives room for assistance to be rendered, which is where robotics comes into play (RPA in Healthcare | HelpSystems, n.d.).
Robotic process automation (RPA) is a type of automation technology that is transforming the way organizations operate. Another definition for Robotic process automation (RPA) is that it is an automation technology that uses software to mimic back-office tasks performed by human workers, such as data extraction, form filling, file movement, and so on.
It is said to integrate and perform repetitive tasks
between enterprise and productivity applications by combining APIs (Application Programming Interface) (Application Programming Interface) and user interface (UI) interactions. RPA tools complete the autonomous execution of various tasks, activities, and transactions across unrelated software systems by deploying scripts that emulate human processes.
RPA bots can communicate with business systems and
applications, following the same steps in a process that human workers perform, even interfacing with multiple applications in the same workflow.
“Some people believe that RPA is a synonym for AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning), but it is not. In robotics, the robot cannot deviate from the given rules and clearly fulfills them – this is the essence of RPA. The essence of AI and ML
Moxi, a robotic co-worker making nurses life easier
technologies is to train the machine to make decisions autonomously, moving away from the established instructions. However, robotics may include AI and ML elements” (Smyrnova, 2020).
One major advantage of the use of RPA in healthcare facilities is the ever-available presence of the bots which do not need time off and have a very minimal margin for error, so in essence, hospitals always require reliable transmission of sensitive data throughout a wide network of departments and partners. Records must be completely interoperable between providers, labs, pharmacies, and more—and when patients’ lives are on the line, there is no room for error. Complicating matters are the complex IT (Information Technology) environments in healthcare with a barrage of disparate applications, file formats, and systems. All these processes are transformed by Robotic process automation to ensure focus on providing the best care to the patients
Whether you need to electronically convert medical records or keep existing ones up-to-date, RPA can help extract, move, and synchronize medical data for more accuracy between providers, labs, pharmacies, and more.
There are many highly sensitive interactions with customers in the healthcare industry, but there are also many timeconsuming, repetitive tasks and administrative tasks that do not require specialized knowledge an example of this is the use of Self-talking Robots receptions are being used across the world in hospitals to limit contagion, take patient details, and triage patients according to the hospital policy and processes giving the hospital staff more time to strategically focus attention on impactful processes.
• Reduce healthcare administration costs by automating timeand resource-intensive repetitive manual tasks.
• Increase the speed of processes like triage by automating mundane tasks.
• Reduce human error, ensure task, and output consistency, and enable organizations to successfully implement best practices to improve the accuracy of data, tasks, and reporting in clinical settings and others.
resources to focus on more complex activities.
• Improve the patient experience by providing more consistent care because of better decisions, lower costs, and greater visibility across the entire patient record.
• Increase healthcare staff productivity by automating tasks that do not require human intelligence or thought, freeing up
• Patients are informed of the costs of procedures and treatments in advance, and payment plans, and collections efforts are also automated.
If not thoughtfully planned before implementation, the use of RPA could limit work outputs, hence it is advised during the planning stage, innovativehealth -tech companies should not forget about the limitations the medical community exerts on AI-driven software, its capabilities, and applications.
There is limitless potential for using robotic helpers and automated systems in modern medicine, but the welfare of medical professionals and the successful treatment of patients remain the utmost priorities of the healthcare system. Concerns around radiation and malfunction come to mind and should be carefully thought out before implementation.
Data breach; a lot of data is being synchronized between patients, healthcare facilities, and government monitoring agencies thanks to interoperability, however, there still is the ever-present threat posed by hackers and this could lead to losses in revenue due to legal cases as well as a breach in patient confidentialities.
Several organizations now major in providing Robotic Process automation for hospitals and healthcare; Indian startup
FeatSystems sends automated
notifications to patients when their appointment is canceled or when doctors are away performing surgery. They also offer services like widget integration and medical database management.
EnterBridge focuses on achieving optimal automation levels for filling insurance data, automating, and speeding up enrolment, and processing claims, thereby optimizing time spent by payers and providers. They ensure that suppliers are offering them fair prices for their capital equipment
T-impact offers a healthcare RPA solution for assisting doctors during surgeries. It provides key instructions, recommendations, and common warnings to improve surgery outcomes.
Element5 offers RPA for home health and senior living agencies. The startup’s platform uses workflow automation to provide automation-as-aservice and reduce time spent
on complex and repetitive tasks.
CloudMedx applies predictive analytics techniques to medical cases to present the most optimal solutions, warnings, and relevant care alerts. Working on analytical techniques like Natural Language Processing (NLP), big data, evidence-based medicine, and machine learning help medical researchers as well as doctors, who can now pay individual attention to patients (Insights, 2019).
On a final note, with the evergrowing adoption of robotics in the automation of hospital workflows, there is a likelihood of you accessing care aided by RPA and we would thus like to hear about your experience in such healthcare facilities where robotics is being used, we do hope it is for the best.
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While some might think it is merely a catchphrase, beauty sleep is scientifically proven. It is quality sleep that allows your cells to heal and regenerate. Beauty sleep may appear to be nothing more than a means of passing time, but it offers several benefits. When you sleep, you do so much more than lay still doing nothing. The body produces hormones that enhance growth and healing. These hormones stimulate the formation of new cells in the body that aids the healing of any damage done to the skin during the day.
Sleep is essential for our health and well-being, so it is no surprise that we spend a lot of time trying to find ways
to improve our sleep quality. Whether you are a student, a working parent, a blue-collar employee, or a senior citizen, understanding how much sleep you need is important. Getting enough sleep is one of the most vital factors that guarantee a healthy lifestyle—most people tend to underestimate it.
We will take a look at the negative effects of sleep deprivation on general wellness; the importance of getting a beauty sleep, and how you can intensify it. If you’re not making beauty sleep an intrinsic part of your daily routines, you’re surely not doing your skin any good. You should become familiar with why you need it and how you can get it.
Sleep deprivation is usually a result of a severe lack of sleep or poor sleep quality. It directly impacts our thoughts, feelings, and even productivity. If you have had mood swings, felt depressed, anxious, stressed, paranoid, suicidal, have low libido or trouble concentrating or remembering things, you may be sleep deprived. Do not panic, you are not alone if you fall within this category.
One out of every three adults fails to get the recommended amount of sleep daily. Those who are sleep deprived tend to be unaware of how terrible their sleep patterns are. Poor sleep hygiene, lifestyle choices, work obligations, sleep disorders, and other medical conditions can influence your lack of sleep. While the shortterm effects are more visible, chronic sleep deprivation can increase the risk of physical and mental health problems in the long run. Sleep deprivation has a slew of negative consequences—all of which can have an impact on our work performance, mental health, and even our appearance.
The effects include:
Sleep deprivation can impair your ability to recall events that happened during the day. It affects your concentration, interfering with your learning process. And, also your ability to make life-changing decisions.
Lack of sleep can lead to obesity. A study shows that in the absence of quality sleep, your hypothalamus — a part of the brain that controls hunger and thirst can be affected. If you don’t get the right amount of sleep needed, your ghrelin hormone levels skyrocket; stimulating your appetite so you get the urge to eat more food than usual. At the same time, your leptin hormone levels go down, that is, you might not feel satiated; you just want to keep eating. In other words, the less sleep you get, the more your body craves food.
Lack of sleep can also lead to lacklustre skin, fine lines, and dark circles under the eyes and accelerate intrinsic ageing, as your skin fails to recover from exposure to the sun - thus resulting in more wrinkles.
Lack of sleep can cause
moodiness and irritability and affect your ability to cope with stress or manage difficult emotions. It is also responsible for you feeling worn out, sluggish and unmotivated to be efficient at work, school activities, and even at home.
Teens (14-17 years): 8-10 hours
Younger Adults (18-29 years): 7-9 hours
Adults (30-64 years): 7-9 hours
Older Adults (>65 years): 7-8 hours
According to the National Sleep Foundation (Suni, 2021), these are the recommended amounts of sleep you should be getting each night:
Newborns (0-3 months): 14-17 hours
Infants (4-11 months): 12-15 hours
Toddlers (1-2 years): 11-14 hours
Preschoolers (3-5 years): 1013 hours
Kids (6-13 years): 9-12 hours
The importance of a good night’s sleep cannot be overstated. Not only does it leave you feeling refreshed and energized but getting your recommended dose of sleep has been proven to increase your lifespan, lower stress levels, reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases, and even boost your cognitive ability. While we can’t always control how much sleep we get, there are a few things we can do to make the most of the time we spend catching some sleep.
Try these tips to wake up feeling refreshed and looking your best.
Research has shown that a dark ambience is beneficial to your sleeping health. It is best to keep your room as dimly lit as possible, especially with the lights off. This will help your body adjust properly to the fact that it is due for a good sleep.
While eating a light dinner before bed is ideal, experts recommend avoiding eating meals at least 3 hours before going to bed. Eating heavy meals before bed can result in frequent urination, acid reflux and indigestion, which can impact your sleep quality.
Exercising in the daytime can help improve your sleep quality and duration at night. This can also help reduce stress and improve your mood, which contributes to better sleep quality.
Sleep is a habit, just like anything else. The more consistent you are with your sleep schedule, the easier it will become. Also, it is easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle if you have a consistent sleep schedule.
The bright light from gadgets hurts your sleep quality as it can trick your brain into thinking it is daytime, which can make it more difficult to sleep. Avoid looking at your phone, computer, and other electronic devices just before bedtime.
The 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise: This breathing exercise is great for lowering stress, increasing relaxation, and helping you fall asleep faster. Place your tongue behind your teeth and exhale completely through your mouth while counting to 7. Pause for 4 seconds, and then inhale for a count of 8 through your nose.
This breathing exercise will help you stay relaxed and calm, which can make it easier to fall asleep. First, place your hand on your stomach and take a deep breath. As you are breathing in, imagine that you’re breathing into a bubble in your stomach. When you’ve finished breathing in, hold that bubble inside of you for 3-5 seconds. Then exhale, pushing the bubble out through your stomach and legs.
In conclusion, sleep is an integral part of our lives. While we may often take it for granted, the importance of sleep cannot be overemphasized. Sleep deprivation can have serious consequences on our physical and mental health. If you think you may be sleep deprived or experience chronic symptoms like Insomnia, it is important to speak to a doctor to get the help you require.
Nigeria is the most populous black Nation in the world with a population of approximately 225 million and growing, as of 2022. With almost half of its population under the age of 18, it has the third-largest young population in the world, behind China and India. By 2050, this figure could double to reach around 400 million people. The population of Nigeria has significantly increased during the past 50 years. Lagos, the largest city in Sub-Saharan Africa as well as Nigeria, is the continent’s largest city.
Nigeria has the second-highest doctor density among West African nations, which is still quite low when compared to the actual demand for such a populous country. Compared to private donations, government spending on health is far lower—by more
than two trillion Nigerian naira. The health sector accounts for about 3% of the country’s GDP, which is significantly less than the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)’s average per-country healthcare expenditure of $19.2 billion.
Additionally, the majority of OECD members have high incomes, but Nigeria is a developing nation with a lower middle-class income that’s fast eroding. Typically, Nigeria must allocate more towards Total Health Expenditure. With the high poverty index and absence of health insurance, healthcare expenditure is majorly outof-pocket, accounting for 77%. This means the already impoverished citizens still must use their limited resources to pay for their healthcare. Unsurprisingly, Nigeria is rated fourth on the list of nations
with the lowest life expectancy in the world, given that healthcare costs accounted for an average of 6% of household spending in 2019—they were greater in rural than in urban areas. These circumstances and debilitating factors are major contributory factors behind the diminished life expectancy in this part of the world.
According to actuarial data, a person’s life expectancy
is the average age they can be anticipated to live up to. A national statistical body in many nations uses a huge quantity of data to calculate this actuarial age. The financial industry uses it for a variety of purposes, including pension planning and life insurance, to name a few.
The single most important factor used by insurance firms to set life insurance premiums is life expectancy. Using actuarial tables provided by Internal Revenue Service, these companies try to minimize the liability risk.
Chart and table of Nigeria’s life expectancy from 1950 to 2022. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100.
The two most significant factors influencing your life expectancy are your demographics and socioeconomic status. According to the World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized sources, the life expectancy at birth in Nigeria was reported at 55 years in 2020. Life expectancy at birth in Nigeria is among the lowest in Africa as well as in the world. Additional factors that can influence your life
expectancy include: - your race, personal health, family medical history, and whether you smoke cigarettes or make other risky lifestyle choices.
It’s important to note that life expectancy changes over time and overall, human life expectancy has been rapidly increasing during the past two hundred years, particularly in developing countries. In 2020, the average life expectancy in the United States is 78.9 years.
The current life expectancy for Nigeria in 2022 is 55.44 years, a 0.57% increase from 2021.
The life expectancy for Nigeria in 2021 was 55.12 years, a 0.57% increase from 2020.
The life expectancy for Nigeria in 2020 was 54.81 years, a 0.58% increase from 2019.
The life expectancy for Nigeria in 2019 was 54.49 years, a 0.58% increase from 2018.
The fact that the life expectancy value has been steadily increasing shows that the factors influencing longer life have improved. However, Nigeria’s consistent increase in life expectancy cannot be compared to some developed nations in America, Asia, and Europe.
Nigeria’s low life expectancy rate can be traced to specific economic, social, and developmental factors. These issues include malnutrition,
high maternal as well as infant mortality rates, and the widespread growth of the polio virus in the world. However, this can be improved by tackling the major problems facing the population of the country. Some of these solutions include increasing job creation, creating employment opportunities, increasing the minimum wage of workers, increasing the proportion of Nigeria’s national budget spent on health, and stabilizing the country’s micro and macro economy by implementing the right policies.
The term “metaverse” was first used by American novelist Neal Stephenson in his 1992 science fiction novel titled Snow Crash – a cyberpunk classic based on a wildly novel and imaginative concept of how an immersive and alternative virtual reality and the internet-connected universe becomes a reality. The metaverse is an internetbased 3-dimensional (3D) virtual world where people conduct daily activities using avatars representing their “real” or imagined selves.
In a few words, a virtual space became the real world for an alternative life where avatars or digital profiles not only participate in social activities and virtual cultural events but also have an economic life.
Diverse industries, private companies, and organizations, from social communications to fashion, high-tech to business, and art to real estate, are actively investing and creating virtual entities in the metaverse.
The healthcare sector is now starting to deal with the metaverse, and the potentiality of this virtual world for the prevention and treatment of clinical conditions, education and training, and research.
Healthcare is one of the most significant determinants of ensuring the general, physical, social and mental well-being of the entire human population. Any healthcare system’s primary objective is to channel its efforts toward activities that promote, restore, maintain and improve healthcare services. This sector has thus observed rapid growth and revolution being highly exposed to technological evolution to enhance the experience of interaction with caregivers, patients, and related stakeholders. The revolutionizing of digital healthcare has acted as a key enabler of change in the healthcare industry. The initiation of digital health services using digital and internet tools has impacted the interaction between patientphysician at a very large scale wherein changes were visualized due to technologies such as blockchain, augmented reality, and virtual reality. Despite the rapid progress in the healthcare sector, certain issues in this sector remain to be prominent
such as insurmountable pressure of long-term chronic ailments, accelerating costs, aging population, insufficient healthcare workforce, and availability of limited resources. These predominant issues have instigated the need to fetch healthcare services to the living room of individuals. The recent covid-19 pandemic has added enormous pressure to the global healthcare sector and related workforce, infrastructure, and supply chain management. COVID-19 has been the primary reason for accelerating rapid change across the healthcare ecosystem and has compelled the stakeholders to pursue adaptation and innovation of all the technologies used in
this sector.
The healthcare system in the Metaverse provides healthcare service experience that is interactive, immersive, and recreationally customized to meet individual patient’s needs. Metaverse technologies can help healthcare professionals in the effective planning and diagnosis of diseases. In
2020, the neurosurgeons at the Johns Hopkins Hospital performed surgery using an augmented reality headset developed by Augmedics. The treatment on June 8, 2020, was the first time an augmented reality technology was used for surgical guidance. The xvision Spine System, created by Chicago-based Augmedics, uses technology to insert a
computer-generated picture in the patient’s line of sight during surgery.
A woman with arthritis-related low back and leg pain underwent spinal decompression and fusion surgery, during which the doctors inserted screws and rods to support her spine. It requires dexterity because the surgeons want to set the screws as tightly as they can while simultaneously protecting the adjacent spinal cord, nerves, and organs.
Traditionally, X-rays and the surgeons’ own eyes have been used to do this. With augmented reality, the system
determines both the position of the tools and displays the trajectory of the procedure to guide the surgeon. To relieve the patient’s chronic back pain, the procedure involved fusing six vertebrae in the patient’s spine utilizing a see-through eye display that showed images of the patient’s anatomy similar to
those seen with X-ray vision. Better preoperative surgical planning is made feasible by transforming CT data into 3D reconstructions using headsets and the Metaverse environment. Furthermore, this makes it possible for surgeons to accurately examine, isolate, and alter anatomical components to perform essential surgery. The patient’s CT scan with 3D navigation data is projected right into their field of view via the headset. That way, the surgeons don’t have to look away from the patient, and it brings a view of the patient’s anatomy in higher focus. It also goes deeper into detail, with a view through the tissues
just next to or deeper beyond what they see. “In essence, it allows almost an ‘x-ray vision’ when we look at the patient,” said Dr. Daniel Sciubba, a professor of neurosurgery who was one of the surgeons performing the procedure. “This makes the surgery so much safer and faster as now we can ‘see’ things beyond what is normally visualized by the average surgeon.” For this first surgery, the CT scan to register the patient’s anatomy, the planning, the actual screw placement, and the followup CT to confirm the perfect position of the screws took about an hour and a half.
The Metaverse tools also
provide amplified prescription treatments. As an example, Ease VR is a prescription-based solution that uses cognitive behavioural therapies to treat patients suffering from back pain using VR headsets and controllers. These tools help in providing deep relaxation, attention-shifting, and interoceptive awareness that cater to the physiological aspects of pain. Plastic surgery is an extremely complex procedure that requires the reconstruction of human body parts. In the case of plastic surgeries, the use of VR in the Metaverse could play an important role wherein the virtual avatar could accurately predict the outcome of a plausible plastic surgery. The Metaverse in the radiology
domain has the potential to unleash advanced capabilities in image visualization enabling radiologists to view dynamic images in more detail resulting in enhanced diagnosis and accurate decision-making. Also, it would provide an opportunity for better training in radiology and the ability to collaboratively work on 3D medical images while being located at different geographic locations. The healthcare metaverse could improve patients’ engagement with the help of high-quality immersive content and features of gamification aiding clinicians to explain complex concepts to patients, provide walkthroughs on procedures they would undergo, and ensure patients accurately take
prescribed medications. The use of digital twins’ solutions in The Metaverse will keep the consumers well informed and engaged in their treatment wherein the patient’s vitals, CT scans, health records, and genetic test results are integrated to develop a digital simulation of the patient’s anatomy and physiology to monitor and generate insights on their health condition. The health data can be visualized by the patients on the virtual dashboard helping them to communicate with clinicians, researchers, nutritionists, and other stakeholders for achieving individual care and treatment. One last aspect to consider is the possibility of creating an avatar that can act as a “virtual nurse” to direct and
monitor care and interact with the patient educating him or the staff around him, but also supervise and monitor in real time, the quality/patient safety surveillance, physician activity, and admission and discharge activities. In conclusion, The Metaverse cannot substitute the real world. Physical and eye contact, facial expressions, and gestures are essential elements in the healthcare world. However, the metaverse can be considered a tool to improve the quality of the health care system in terms of intervention and treatment, the education of people all over the world, guaranteeing standardized training, and helping researchers across the nations of the world create and build a central database.
According to the American Automobile Association, more than 46 million people will be driving at least 50 miles from home during the festive period. So before you hurry off on your holidays ill-prepared. Read the helpful guide to make sure your prescription meds, vaccinations, and first aid kit are in order before you travel and to make your holiday trip an enjoyable and, most importantly, healthy one.
It is very important to plan, to allow ample time to obtain the required immunizations prior to travelling. You are advised to check the immigration rules of your host destination. Some west African
countries for instance require a yellow card, which is proof of yellow fever vaccination. Various other countries require other similar forms of vaccinations, especially in this post-covid-19 era. It is important
that you consult with your primary care doctor well in advance to allow for enough time to schedule appointments, obtain all necessary doses, and for the body to build up immunity.
Tis the season of jolly travelling…
Ideally, you should additionally see your healthcare provider at least a month before your trip to ask about vaccines and/ or medications you and your family may need as well as any health concerns at your host destination. For instance, there may be a risk of measles or malaria where you’re going, and some countries may require proof of vaccination. And remember to get your flu shot! It takes about two weeks for antibodies to develop in the body and protect
against the flu, thus it’s recommended that you get your shot at least two weeks before your trip. A lastminute visit to the doctor’s office is still worthwhile, even
if you’re leaving for your trip tomorrow. Ask about options for getting treatments you need on short notice. Be sure to pack enough prescription and
Tis the season of jolly travelling…
over-the-counter medications to last you and your family the entire trip (and a few extra days’ worths just in case). Pack essentials like alcohol-based hand sanitisers (containing at least 60% alcohol) or wipes, first aid supplies and EPAregistered insect repellant. Put these items in your carry-on bag in case your luggage gets lost. For repellants, you would want to look out for gels and creams as against aerosols, in conformance with airline carryon safety guidelines.
Other good items to have close at hand are packets or dispensers of disinfectant wipes to clean frequently touched personal items such as cell phones, laptops, stroller handles, steering wheels, car seats, etc.
By whatever means you decide to travel, stretch often. Prolonged sitting can prevent your blood from circulating normally, so stretching can help lower your risk of blood clotting. If you are at particular risk for blood clots, talk to your doctor about wearing compression hosiery while travelling. You’ll want to use the insect repellant you (hopefully) packed to protect against the likes of bugs, ticks, fleas and flies that can spread serious diseases. If you’re vacationing somewhere warm and sunny, remember to apply sunscreen before applying insect repellant. If you are going to be outdoors in cold temperatures, wear light, warm layers along with gloves, hats, scarves, and waterproof boots (remember to pack these items). Also, you should be aware of travellers’ diarrhoea, the
most common travel-related illness (particularly in children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). This condition can be caused by contaminated food or drinks, therefore it is recommended that you eat only food that has been fully cooked and is served hot. You should also drink only bottled water and sealed beverages.
Hand washing, of course, is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs. Wash your hands often and avoid contact with anyone who is ill. When preparing food, wash hands and surfaces often, avoid crosscontamination, cook at the right internal temperatures (use a food thermometer to check) and refrigerate foods as soon as possible (preferably within two hours of cooking or buying)
In addition, being mindful of general good health habits such as getting plenty of rest, managing stress, staying active, drinking plenty of fluids, and eating nutritious foods are all immuneboosting strategies we can use any time of the year.
you cannot build global talent by locking them up locally...
Emigration, human capital flight or the more recently embraced brain drain, is all the same thing. It simply means the emigration of highly trained and skilled labour from their home countries to other countries. The term brain drain was introduced in 1963 by the British Royal Society, which used it to describe the scientists and technologists who migrated from the UK to North America and Canada (Carolina, 2004). This phenomenon is not at all novel, as it dates back to the early 19th century when scholars and highly skilled individuals dared to leave their home countries and venture into the west in pursuit of better education, broader opportunities and
generally a better quality of life. A catalyst for this was usually the advancements and presence of basic social amenities in these host countries. As a result, it was often the pattern that the direction of the movement was usually from lessdeveloped countries, towards developed countries, with the UK and US being migrants’ prime destinations then and even up until now. It is often said you cannot build global talent by locking them up locally. Over the years, Nigeria has contributed its quota towards the global talent pool, putting us on a rank-worthy scale. The early 90s, which can be seen as the peak of Nigeria’s brain drain in the previous century was not
so rampant that it was barely noticeable. The migration pathway was opened to only professionals, mostly doctors and healthcare workers and there was some bit of consolation in the fact that a number of these departing professionals had it as a dream, the plan of returning to their motherland as ‘expatriates’, honing similar levels of training, experience and exposure. However, things have never been this dire so much so it has become alarming. The floodgates have opened and people across all age brackets and sectors are exiting the country in droves. The economic downturn, uninspiring governance, lacking social amenities coupled with insecurity amongst other challenges is responsible for the uptick in brain drain in recent times. Although millions remain unemployed, talents are re-evaluation their options and talking with their feet and two of the sectors that are hugely impacted are our health sector and the nascent tech industry
For context, between 2018 - 2019, the number of health practitioners in the country reduced from 44,021 to 24,640 (Tolu-Kolawaole, 2022). A staggering reduction of about 56% with the UK being the major beneficiary. According to data below, obtained from the General Medical Council of the UK, the data reveals a steady rise in Nigerian-trained doctors migrating to the UK, which as of tech
August 30 2022, stood at 10,096. This data specifically excludes doctors of Nigerian descent who received training outside the country. Examining the data you would notice that despite restrictions and closed operations due to covid-19, 833 doctors were able to migrate to the UK.
The effect of these numbers above can be seen directly in our patient-to-doctor ratio. We currently have a patientto-doctor ratio of approximately 1: 10,000, worsening further from 1:6000 (Adebowale-Tambe, 2022). In stark comparison to the WHO’s recommended 1:600. In rural areas these stats get as worse as 1:30,000 - 45,000.
Examining the second-largest hit sector of the economy, between 2014 – 2021 alone, 474 Nigerian tech talent moved to the UK, via the UK government tech talent visa and this is just the tip of the iceberg as it is projected to balloon by the end of the year (Quadri, 2022). The sudden spike in the number of tech talents exiting the country is attributed to the same factors that are seeing their colleagues across other sectors depart but was accelerated by numerous incidents of police brutality on tech talents, climaxing with the events of the #EndSARS proceedings. The effects of this are telling in already established
tech-driven sectors, as support queries are taking longer time to be resolved, with start-ups bearing the brunt of this exodus. Indigenous companies are now at a talent war, competing with global companies, with a stronger capital base, more attractive brand and superior currency and this is predicted to be just the beginning, as these developed countries are continually creating a pathway for skilled worker entry into their system, further fuelling the #japa wave and no clearcut short term solutions to the problems bedevilling the country in sight, these numbers are expected to keep increasing on an exponential scale. Remote working is no longer a distant possibility thanks to the Overton window created by the pandemic, the few available talents are hugely
taking advantage of this while setting their migration plans in motion. The situation is even more dire when compared to the migration wave of the early 90s. Then, there was still a sense of patriotism and the majority of the people leaving had plans of returning to develop the country, in contrast to now where the great majority of these emigrants have a plan of making these foreign lands their permanent homes.
The situation is not all doom and gloom as the reality on the ground is that despite everyone’s desire to exit the country, migration is by no means a cheap undertaking, especially for an economy that has been labelled the poverty capital of the world and with less than 40% of its population living below the poverty line of
$1.9/day. If you’re looking to migrate you should have saved up anywhere between 10 – 20 Million Naira as an individual or a family of 4 and this amount keeps fluctuating upward to account for currency exchange rate hikes. The reality is there are more people handicapped by this and as a result are still in this country. For the people left, it presents the opportunity for them to upskill themselves and fill these vacancies created.
management strategies that prioritize talent access over talent ownership. They equally must begin to shift focus from those that are leaving (or have left) paying attention to those that are left. Employers
are to win the talent war.
Employers have to explore other talent
must be willing to explore unconventional and unorthodox means of talent management if they
The FDA defines medical implants as devices or tissues placed inside or on the body’s surface. Many of these are prosthetics, intended to replace
monitor body functions, or provide support to organs and tissues (FDA, 2019).
They could be made from skin, bone, other body tissues, metals, plastics, ceramic, or other materials and may be placed permanently or removed once they are no longer needed.
missing body parts. Other implants deliver medication,
At this point, you might begin to wonder what is smart about implants in healthcare, but then traditional implants often cause challenges for patients
and surgeons, and there lies the need for a solution which happens to be the invention and use of “Smart Implants.” In response to the need for solutions that replace
exceptionally higher efficiency of regenerative medicine, patient rehabilitation, and a cure for many types of disabilities that have previously been considered incurable (Khristich, 2022).
So, what then are smart implants? They are Implants that collect data in-vivo, process that data with embedded processors, and then go a step further by transmitting that data, in real time to the patient’s healthcare team (DELMONICO, 2022). They provide therapeutic benefits and diagnostic capabilities. They can enable personalized medicine, improve care for individual patients and improve outcomes while reducing the costs of care.
traditional implants, scientists and researchers have made considerable progress and it is predicted that by the year 2023, more implant-related choices and technologies will enter the healthcare market worldwide. This promises
Smart implants are of use in various specialties of medicine and are snippets or a glimpse of future healthcare with scientists advancing from the strides made. To appreciate the exciting times ahead in the application of smart implants, we focus on the Spermbot and its use in reproductive health.
Asthenozoospermia, which is the inability of healthy sperm to be mobile (inability of the sperm to swim) and incapable of fertilizing the egg (inserting genetic materials into the egg) affects around 7 percent of all males, but spermbots which are tiny motors developed by a team of researchers from the institute for integrative NanoSciences at IFW Dresden in Germany can make the sperm swim better and get to the eggs.
among others which could cost thousands of dollars for every round of assistance (Ozdemir, 2021).
This smart implant is basically made of a tiny micromotor, which is a spiraling piece of metal that wraps around the sperm’s tail, and taxi’s the sperm to the egg where fertilization takes place, thereafter the motor slips off without disrupting the process or harming the egg; making it not only a potential cure to male infertility but it would also be a less expensive form of assisted reproduction
Why then are the spermbots not being used right away? Well, the researchers are not sure how the woman’s immune system would react to their presence, there are still some areas to perfect like the spermbot sometimes refusing to slip off the sperm, and most importantly the experiments have not been carried out on humans because it is not “yet” viable (Ozdemir, 2021). Nonetheless, this is a good example of what the future holds with advancement in healthcare aided by smart implants. The application of smart implants has been used in knee arthroplasty, hip arthroplasty,
spine fusion, fracture fixation, infection detection, early dislocation detection, bone ingrowth measurement, spine fusion detection, fracture healing measurement, early detection of osteolysis, and so on. As seen in the earlier examples of the application of smart implants, though the technology underlying smart implants in orthopedics has improved over the last several decades, there are significant technical challenges that continue to exist and need to be overcome before smart implants become part of mainstream health care.
The twentieth century also witnessed research backed by the Bill and Melinda gates foundation, that could provide a new option for contraception in the form of an implantable microchip that could be switched on and off. This smart device is exceedingly small, containing a reservoir of hormones that can be released every day, and could last for 16 years by design (Magazine & Griggs, 2014).
A remote control is made available for turning it off when
the woman wants to conceive thus saving the woman a trip to the doctor unlike when using other contraceptive implants. Even though this option gives the woman more control over her reproductive choices, we can but see similarities with its use when compared to the situation with the “spermbots.”
Safety concerns exist, what if the hacking of the remote control is not preventable, or a malfunction of the signals on the implants, or someone else laying hands on the remote control?
There are other specialties in medicine where the use of smart implants has shown tremendous progress in the outcomes of patient healthcare. A quick look at the need for smart implants in orthopedic medicine reveals that traditional implants as common as total knee arthroplasty (surgical knee replacement of a knee damaged by arthritis) currently in use are usually affected by postoperative joint biomechanics which depends on the surgical technique and design of the implant. These factors can affect the range of
motion, the survival rates, and the long-term outcomes of the implants. Despite the advancement of surgical techniques, allowing for joint replacements, all friction surfaces in orthopedic implants still experience load-dependent disintegration which eventually reduces the useful lifetime of the devices. Orthopedic implants are usually passive and the effect of implants on the body can only be forecasted, hence the need for a real-time monitoring capability that could tell whether recovery is going according to plan or the need for care adjustment.
Embedding sensors that provide real-time information to the surgeons and caregivers in the implants make them smart and useful for positioning the implant during surgery and aiding assessment after the surgery. We thus can see that Smart implants in orthopedic medicine can provide diagnostic capabilities along with therapeutic benefits which include reducing costs for readmissions, costs for expensive complications, quickening patient recovery,
and the use of insights obtained from the implants to improve future implant designs, develop better strategies for surgery and improve recuperation of the patients.
There are several products out in the market from companies such as Orthosensor, Intellirod spine, SpineGuard, etc. Companies like Zimmer, Smith & Nephew Inc., and Stryker have partnered with Orthosensor for VERSASENSE, noticeably, the top companies in the space are yet to invest in smart implant technology.
More exciting applications of smart implants can be seen in neurology with the likes of Neuralink which has set its sight on the year 2022 to start the implanting of its chips in humans but we would explore that in part 2 of this write-up.
Over the recent past, the healthcare sector has experienced significant challenges and growth. The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated technological advancement, which has disrupted the medical sector the world over. These changes will further
affect the nature of work for healthcare professionals in the coming years as the nature of work across all other industries is continually changing. The healthcare sector is about to undergo a significant transformation as healthcare businesses prepare their workforces
for a technologically driven future, changing customer demands, reduced profit margins, an ageing population that will likely live longer with chronic diseases, and the arrival of new market disruptors to help address these challenges. The gig economy and the increasing prevalence of virtual work are examples of how younger generations of healthcare professionals often have different expectations than older generations, rejecting traditional career pathways and advocating for new work models.
Also, the delivery of health services is changing drastically, moving from fragmented and disease-centred care to integrated and people-centred care. Health professionals are at the centre of this shift, which places demands on them that include changes to the skill set used in daily practice. Healthcare professionals need to possess the following; interpersonal skills, peoplecentred communication, interprofessional teamwork, self-awareness, sociocultural
sensitivity, analytical skills, adaptive problem-solving, system thinking, openness to continuous learning, and most especially the capacity to use digital technologies effectively, to stay relevant in the future of work.
The need for these crossdisciplinary skills stems from the reality that health professionals must manage increasingly complex tasks at work, such as actively involving patients in their care management and health maintenance, while also working in an environment that necessitates their continuous adaptation to changes in technology and industry standards. All frontline healthcare professionals must possess these abilities to fully benefit from the potential advantages of people-centred care, including improved patient and population outcomes, more productivity, and higher retention/job satisfaction among the employees themselves. However, as a result of the development of disruptive technologies and the influx of
the younger generation into the health sector, the workforce is anticipated to alter in the following ways:
• In five years, it is anticipated that AI will be used in 95% of customer contacts.
• In the next ten years, automation may replace over half (47%) of all occupations.
• 94% of the net increase in jobs over the previous five years was accounted for by contractors, gig workers, and freelancers.
• Millennials are predicted to make up over 75% of the workforce by 2025, up from their present percentage of almost 50% in the labour force.
As baby boomers extend productive life through healthy practices, the “100-year life” has implications for careers extending from 30 to 50 years. Building and sustaining a resilient and resourceful
health workforce for the future depends on health professionals being prepared to handle the dual difficulties of a technologically and emotionally complex healthcare workplace. It’s important to note that the future of healthcare workers starts now as technology and patient needs are already taking an active role in shaping the future of healthcare. So, healthcare workers being at the centre of healthcare provision in the future will have to be more strategic to maximize their career potential as demand for them will remain high.
Men rule on the physical playing field, but medically, it’s a very different story.
Without saying, there is a general mindset that men are the stronger sex. He seems to manage his emotions better; and his physique sets him as bigger and more powerful. Men rule on the physical playing field, but medically, it’s a very different story. When it comes to health, men are the weaker sex.
Society’s expectations and traditional gender roles are why many men in Nigeria and the rest of the world are less likely to seek help for their
health problems. This also leads to more men relying on alcohol and drugs to cope with their health issues rather than seeking help.
In 1920, the life expectancy between women and men was only about a year gap, however, today that gap has expanded to five years as of 2019, according to National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). It would be expected that the length of life for men and women would increase equally with advanced
medicine, but it hasn’t.
Factors widening the gap:
• Men scarcely visit the physician for prevention
• Men predominantly occupy many of the dangerous occupations (Construction, Mining, Laborers, Firefighters).
• Little or no awareness of healthy behaviors in men and boys, among many others.
While Obstetrics/Gynecology practitioners became common, a corresponding specialty in the field of men’s health never emerged. Life expectancy is only one consequence of the disparity in preventive care. The gulf between how the sexes engage with the healthcare system is vast. Women begin to have a continuous conversation with a gynecologist from a very early age. They’re made aware of the unique issues around their reproductive health beginning in adolescence. Annual checkups become a
regular occurrence at age 18.
This timeline is not typical of most men. They might not visit a urologist, proctologist, reproductive endocrinologist, or another specialist until a specific diagnosis demands treatment. To that point in their medical journey, men are largely left alone to educate themselves on their unique needs. As doctor-patient relationships transition more fully to a digital world, it is critical to reflect on how men’s needs can be met more proactively than the history of offline healthcare suggests.
The transition to a digital world offers the healthcare and health tech industries a fresh start. To break through the stigmas men face around engaging proactively with their health, a more male-centric approach is needed. If men in the targeted demographic have a habit of playing games while sitting on their couches, design a health app that allows them to play games while sitting on their couches. A health app focused on a universal
issue – diet, exercise, mental health – might require genderspecific tweaks to generate engagement among men. Due to societal norms, some men may worry that society will look down on them as men who can’t “tough it out” on their own and that seeking--or even needing--help is not “normal” male behavior. Even men who do seek counseling may worry about what others think of their choice. In order to create a safe space where men can seek help and get support, the terminologies used to describe treatment be made more palatable to men. According to John Robertson, Ph.D., an emeritus professor at Kansas State University. In a 1992 study
in the Journal of Counseling Psychology (Vol. 39, No. 2, pages 240-246), for example, he created two brochures for a campus counseling center and distributed them to community college students in auto mechanics, welding, and other mostly male areas. One of the brochures described the center’s counseling services in traditional terms, the other used terms like “consultations” rather than “therapy” and emphasized self-help and achievement. He found that the men who received the second brochure were more likely to say they’d seek assistance at the center than men who received the traditional one. Identity Privacy when accessing
professional help is also key. With the use of telemedicine where men can anonymously connect remotely with health care providers regardless of their location, men are less likely to feel dysfunctional and aberrant.
Lastly, the inclusion of selfefficacy in the design of technology health tools increases the probability of men participating in physical activity and eating fruits and vegetables which can ultimately improve their health and engagement with technology health tools.
in the healthcare space, men are still falling behind women in taking care of themselves. Men’s health, underserved in the digital space and stigmatized in public conversation, deserves a similar revolution just as women’s health began to receive the attention it deserved in recent times from medical professionals.
November was Men’s Health Awareness Month, and this article is to bring to the fore awareness around some of the biggest health issues men face, namely prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, and suicide prevention.
Even with present-day research going further than ever before
Illness to man happens in different ways. It can be as a result of stress, hereditary, accident, radiation, or infectious organismsbacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses; while most of their “healness” does come from the consumption of medicines.
Medicine is a form of scientific intervention that is used to alleviate the burden of sickness.
It can be taken through mouth, injection, inhalation, and other forms provided that it offers the doses for the needed relief.
As essential as these medicines are to the body in direst need, they can as well be poison to it if indiscriminately used; that is why it is not in any way advisable to take medications without the expert’s prescription.
Although this uncouth practice has gained currency in our contemporary societies. Everyone feels comfortable patronizing over-thecounter drugs, prescribing for ourselves and people around us with little or no knowledge about their mechanism of action: it works for A, so it will for B.
Using medicaments without an expert’s prescription is a leading cause of antimicrobial resistance. Antibiotics Resistance is a situation whereby the drug(antibiotics) used to mitigate the effects of microorganisms are no longer effective due to previous exposure to suboptimal or other uncalibrated doses and regimens. Moreover, if the drug is taken in less than prescribed dosages, the
microorganisms is bound to tolerate, survive and eventually withstand even higher concentrations of the drug. In this case, the microorganism has been emboldened to resist the drug. This is often the mechanism of community drug resistance build-up.
This is the reason why most drugs are no longer effective against common illnesses. Have you noticed the recent poor efficacy of penicillin, methicillin, and vancomycin against most bacterial infections?
If antibiotics are completely ineffective, we are all gone! A simple infection will become complicated, there will be no protection for people with a debilitated immune system- AIDS patients, children, cancer patients, and surgery operations will no longer be successful due to the inability to carry out
preventive treatment for the diseased.
According to Lancet, it was reported in 2019 that an estimated 1.27 million people died as a direct result of antibiotic-resistant. Apart from being the leading cause of death globally, it also put us at risk of long hospitalization, costly treatment, and poor health outcome. For these reasons, fighting against antibiotic resistance is a collective course we must all take part in.
There is no better time to fight it than now because it is killing us at a fast pace. Expert should prescribe drugs when necessary. Take drugs only with a prescription. Ensure you complete the given doses. Check keenly for expired drugs. PCN, NAFDAC, and other agencies should not at this time give up on this fight.
Primary care is the grassroots level of care. You may not immediately recognize primary health care, but it is essentially the first level of contact that you have with the health care system. That could mean seeing your family doctor, health unit, pharmacy, or clinic. Or it could mean phoning an advice line staffed by health professionals or even attending a self-care workshop to learn how to take a more active role in your health.
Primary health care involves treating short-term health problems, managing longterm health conditions such
as diabetes, and even helping you learn how to prevent injury and illness. Prevention is a key objective of primary health care.
The current state of primary care in Nigeria. Amongst the many areas of decadence in the Nation, the condition of primary care is, unfortunately, topping the list. With a total population of approximately 182 Million, Nigeria has some of the poorest healthcare outcomes in the world. The current state of the primary care system in Nigeria is appalling with only about
20% of the 30,000 Primary care facilities across Nigeria working. Presently, most of the Primary care facilities in Nigeria lack the capacity to provide essential healthcare services, in addition to having issues such as poor staffing, inadequate equipment, poor distribution of health workers, poor quality of healthcare services, poor condition of infrastructure, and lack of essential drug supply.
According to WHO, the primary healthcare approach is foundational to achieving the shared global goals of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, from the number of people that die from accidents in the home to road accidents, to the number of mothers that die during childbirth to malaria deaths to malnutrition; the statistics paint a dreadful picture of Nigeria’s healthcare system. As our population continues to grow at a rate of 4% the need for healthcare reform has never been more urgent.
We have seen an unending urge to launch hospitals in the name of improving access to care. Nigeria’s hospital-dominated health system overemphasizes medical interventions at the expense of public health and primary care.
Health is rarely seen as a fundamental human right by policymakers in Nigeria; hence, the inability to implement the Abuja Declaration in which African heads of state pledge to set a target of earmarking at least 15% of their annual budget to improve the health sector. Unlike our European or North American counterparts who allocate about 17.1% and 9.1 % of their GDP on health expenditures respectively, Nigeria only pushes 3.7% of its
GDP on health expenditures. If only we can have the foresight to invest more, maybe then this would translate to reduced morbidity and mortality rates, as well as give primary care a facelift. Sector Isolation
The Alma Ata Declaration( It expressed the need for urgent action by all governments, all health and development workers, and the world community to protect and promote the health of all people. It was the first international declaration underlining the importance of primary health care) also encourages partnership and cooperation with other related sectors of the economy in the development and implementation of primary health care. Unfortunately, related sectors are also battling a series of challenges and are yet to deliver on their responsibilities to the people. A return to the Alma Ata principle would guide further development in the Primary health care system.
Primary healthcare fragmentation Problems with the implementation of Primary healthcare in Nigeria are related to the handover in the 1980s to the local government administration, which is the weakest level of government. Even with the 2011 Primary Health Care Under One Roof (PHCUOR) policy which only became a national policy a few years ago, its impact is yet to be felt on the health status and utilization of Primary Health Care in Nigeria.
Primary care has progressed from the days of the family doctor who did everything to the primary care physician (PCP) as a medical home for the patient, coordinating care with other physicians and medical providers. Where does primary care go from here?
The future of healthcare
is often associated with breakthroughs in technology, patient personalization, and access.
Access to primary care physicians literally helps people live longer. But there are often many barriers to the best care for patients. Location, hours of operation, insurance, etc. are all ways access can be difficult. However, innovation around access will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of primary care. The use of electronic health records (EHRs) will enable Primary Care practitioners to better coordinate care, track their patient’s medical history, and plan for an improved healthcare plan for that patient.
The average consumer will spend nearly 4 hours on a mobile device in 2020, and patients expect their health experience to evolve with their day-to-day tech experience. Hence, an imperative need
for the government to invest heavily in creating awareness and presenting patients with a technological experience at primary care facilities while delivering patient service to ensure patients feel confident using online medical records and telemedicine as a part of their health journey.
Primary Care Physicians need to know who their patients are and be able to design a health plan for them that fits their lifestyle. Patient care at the level of primary care should move from a one-size-fits-all solution, with the patient’s care team appropriately equipped to personalize a care plan based on genes, blood work, medical and weight history to find nutrition, exercise, and medication plans that work for the patient for a better long-term health outcome. These personalized services could include primary care, preventative care, Women’s and Men’s health, sports medicine, advanced diagnostics and screening, genetics and genetic
counselling, chronic conditions, medical weight loss, IV therapy, or allergy care.
Primary healthcare is the bedrock of any functional health insurance system. The absence of this would imply a derelict health insurance system. The future of Nigeria’s primary healthcare can only become a reality when our policymakers make it a point of responsibility to strengthen and revitalize primary healthcare (PHC) in Nigeria!
It’s the beginning of the new year with her euphoria, comes the “new year resolutions”. As cliché as that sounds, it is not an entirely bad idea to add a few resolutions to the ones you’ve mapped out already. The new year is a time, or rather, an opportunity to change for the better, trying to let go of old habits and imbibing new and better ones. The new year is basically a clean slate. A second chance
to be better. One thing I would say however is that your new year resolutions are not complete if some changes about your health are not put in place. That being said, there are key habits that must be added to your routine if your plan is to live a long and healthy life. Quite frankly, the list is inexhaustible but I would be taking us through five (5) of these habits.
It is no news that water is one of the most important parts of our diets but it is unfortunate that most people prefer soda to water.
Water helps the body to function properly, helps to eliminate waste, prevents kidney problems, maintains skin turgor, and ensures an overall hydrated state while maintaining body homeostasis. It is recommended that we drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water each day. Always drink water during meals and in between meals. Do not wait to be thirsty before drinking water.
Proper meal planning ensures that individuals with busy schedules do not reach for junk foods offered by nearby outlets. Cooking at home is a healthier choice than eating out and it also saves money. Occasionally adding a bowl of fruits to the diet is also a healthy option.
Avoid taking excess oils, sugary foods, and spicy or smoked, or canned foods as they increase the risk for several diseases like obesity, diabetes mellitus, and even cancer.
Contrary to the popular opinion that successful people don’t sleep, the importance of a good night’s rest to the proper functioning of the mind and body cannot be overemphasized.
It is important that each individual gets uninterrupted sleep each night. Research suggests that adults should try to get a minimum of six hours of sleep each night. Children however need seven to eight hours of sleep to ensure proper brain growth and development.
While a person might not have much time to spare for exercising, making time to work out is never a bad idea and should be considered.
Dedicating as little as 20-30 minutes of exercise, three to four times per week can have a great impact on a person’s health. Exercise ensures a healthy heart and reduces the risk of hypertension.
There are several forms by which we can incorporate exercises into our daily activities. For example, taking a walk back home from work, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, doing some cleaning at home on weekends, walking with a friend or colleague at the start of your lunch hour, parking farther away in parking lots near markets so you have a longer walk, ride a bicycle to your destination if it is just a short distance away.
As humans, we are social beings that thrive on healthy interpersonal relationships. Many relationships these days are toxic and their effects transcend into almost every aspect of our lives. Having a healthy relationship with your colleagues at work, your
neighbours at home, in your community, your siblings, and your parents help to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Life on its own is hard enough already but we do not have to go through it alone. So, having quality and meaningful relationships with people around you will help to improve your overall health and productivity.
errors are preventable human errors resulting from medical care which could be harmful to the patient. A medication error is defined as “any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the control of the healthcare professional, patient, or consumer,” according to the National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention.
In Nigeria, a national survey of 2,386 health professionals conducted by Kehinde et al, reported a prevalence of selfreported medication errors of 47%. A medication of 47% is quite high, thus putting a lot of patients at risk. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates
that medical errors are one of the top ten causes of death and disability worldwide, particularly in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) where 134 million healthcare-associated adverse events occur contributing to 2.6 million 4 deaths annually.
To discuss the causes of a medication error, it would be best to go via the perspective of its classification. Medical errors can be classified according to Jeffery K as Mistakes that can be divided into (i) knowledge-based errors and (ii) rule-based errors. Failures of skill can be divided into (iii) actionbased errors (‘slips’, including technical errors) and (iv) memory-based errors (‘lapses’). Prevention of medication errors is important because such errors leading to patient harm are avoidable. Preventive measures can be put in place based on the classification of errors.
Knowledge-based error is an error committed based on the limitation of knowledge by the health professional or physician. The world of medicine is revolving, research is going on daily thus new inventions, understanding of ailments, and scope of treatment. This error could also be based on specific knowledge of the patient such as allergy. All health professional must broaden their knowledge often, read more books, and attend symposiums and conferences. Physicians should take time to take the correct medical history of their patients to enhance treatment for patients.
Rule-based errors are error that occurs from applying a bad rule or wrong rule for treatment. Computerized decision-support systems can train prescribers to make fewer errors.
The action-based error can be further categorized as prescribing, dispensing, or administration error of a
drug. Prescribing errors are made when the incorrect drug selection for a patient occurs. These errors can include the dose, quantity, indication, or prescribing of a contraindicated drug. Prescribing errors can be prevented by the use of eligible handwriting, and the appropriate use of abbreviations and decimals. Electronic prescribing may help to reduce the risk of prescribing errors resulting from illegible handwriting, although it can in turn lead to further problems such as incorrect drug selection. Computerized physician order entry systems eliminate the need for transcription of orders by nursing staff and
interpretation of orders by pharmacy staff and have been shown to have a significant effect on reducing medication errors.
Dispensing error occurs from receiving the prescription in the pharmacy to supplying the medication. Preventing dispensing errors would be by ensuring a safe dispensing procedure, Separating drugs with a similar name or appearance, Keeping interruptions in the dispensing procedure to a minimum, maintaining the workload of the pharmacist at a safe and manageable level, and introducing safe systematic procedures for dispensing
medicines in the pharmacy.
physician. Drug administration errors largely involve errors of omission where the drug is not administered for a variety of reasons. Other types of drug administration errors include incorrect administration techniques and the administration of incorrect or expired preparations. These errors can be prevented by carefully checking the patient’s identity, dosage calculations should be checked independently by another healthcare professional before the drug is administered, ensuring that the prescription drug and patient are in the same place so that they may be checked against one another, certify that the medication is given at the correct time and minimizing interruptions during drug rounds.
Administration error of drugs occurs when there is a deviation between the drugs received by the patient and that intended by the
Memory-based error is when the right medication or form of therapy is forgotten. Memorybased errors are the most difficult to prevent. They are best tackled by putting in place systems that detect such errors and allow remedial actions. Checklists and computerized
systems can help.
It is important to also take note of errors that could be made due to the mental or emotional state of health care professionals. Health professionals are also human, thus they have personal issues too which could affect their professional life. Health professionals should learn to manage their emotions while at work, seek help when needed and also take breaks when needed.
In addition, consumers and patients should take their health as the utmost priority.
They should ask questions, take time to understand the instructions given to them, use color codes, shapes, or sizes to differentiate medication, read labels of drugs prescribed, and store drugs in their original container.
A non-punitive approach should be adopted to improve the rate of reporting medication errors, allowing further investigation of these important causes of preventable patient harm. It would make healthcare professionals more cautious and alert when attending to patients.
Finding the place to hang out with your loved ones, and express to them all the love they deserve amidst beautiful celebrations this holiday season can be a difficult task. However, in a bid to help solve this challenge, I have taken out the time to come up with a list of my top 10 places where you and your loved ones can relax and have some great fun.
These places are secured locations with good ambiance, great vibes, and more importantly very cost-effective. Here’s a list of some of the top places to hangout out with your loved ones this holiday season;
Photo credit: Landmark Beach. https://www.land markbeach.ng/leisure
This is unquestionably one of the most fantastic spots to spend the holiday with your loved ones. Agodi Gardens and Leisure Park is located at Secretariat Rd, Mokola Hill, in the city of Ibadan which is the capital of Oyo State.
You should definitely think about spending time with your friends and family at Agodi Gardens and Leisure Park this season because it has a sizable park created to appreciate nature, a lake where you can go boating, a swimming pool, a restaurant, and a small zoo.
The Landmark Leisure Beach, located at Plot 3 & 4 Water Corporation Road - VI is Lagos’ first in-city premier private beachfront. The beach features a boardwalk along the Atlantic coastline, spanning the distance of the Landmark Village, home to Hardrock Café, Shiro Restaurant, the renowned Landmark Event Centre and
the upcoming Retail Boulevard. It combines a myriad of leisure and recreational activities that cater to adults and children.
This is not your regular everyday beach, it is quiet, classy, and calm. It offers you and your loved ones an amazing view, water sport activities, boat ride, and kayaking to mention a few.
The Palms is an exotic shopping center that’s created to make you relax, have fun and be excited. It’s situated at No. 1 BIS Way Lekki in Lagos State. It is essentially a great spot to hang out because it has a movie theater where you can watch any movie of your choice with your significant other in a comfortable and peaceful setting.
Additionally, there is an ice cream stand where you may grab a cup of unique ice cream to share with your loved ones. While you’re there, you can go shopping as well. You won’t have to worry about your
money because everything in The Palms is reasonably priced. If you are looking to have a nice, private, and fun-filled time with your friends, family, or lovers, then The Palms is the place to be.
Although only accessible by boat ride, this island is great for a getaway from the city. Tarkwa bay is also very popular among water sports lovers. This is somewhere you can easily enjoy a chill day. This is one of the natural crescent beaches in Africa and the cleanest in West Africa, located on Onisiwo Island, Lagos -Nigeria.
LCC provides you with a glimpse into how animals are in their native habitats because it was built primarily for the conservation and preservation of particular animals and flora. This natural refuge is a wonderful spot to explore nature away from the hustle and bustle of Lagos, and you can take advantage of the
longest canopy walk in Africa. You get a breathtaking view of the animals from the treetops via this canopy path.
You should consider spending the holiday with loved ones at Taruwa if they are passionate about the arts and culture. Taruwa is intended for lovers to spend quality time together while becoming poetically acquainted with the culture. Taruwa offers a wide variety of dances and performing arts, such as plays, that are purely based on our traditional beliefs. Taruwa is located at Bogobiri House in Ikoyi, Lagos.
Do you want a romantic, calm, and very private setting to spend time with your family and friends this holiday season? Sky Bar Rooftop Lounge is the place for you. Located in a setting where you can get the entire view of Abuja, this place is sure to knock you and your
lover off your feet.
With a fine selection of African and Oriental dishes, good music that calms the soul, and a very romantic and gorgeous ambiance, Sky Bar Rooftop Lounge is definitely a place to consider for hanging out with your lover this Christmas. Sky Bar lounge is at 46 Kwame Nkrumah Cres, Asokoro, Abuja.
Are you trying to escape the stress of the city? The ideal location for relaxation is here. Despite being quite a way from the bustle of Lagos, you can reserve a lodge and stay for a few days here.
A zoo, amusement rides, and even quad bikes are available at Omu Resort for additional excitement. You’ll have a blast at Omu resort whether you decide to travel alone or with pals
2. Fela Shrine
Located in Ikeja, the heart of Lagos. The New Africa shrine
was renamed the Fela shrine to honor legendary afrobeat icon Fela Anikulapo Kuti. This center hosts a variety of events including performances by Femi Kuti and his band. You can indulge in a host of local delicacies like Jollof rice, Ayamase and ofada, peppered snails, and lots more.
For those who like art, this gallery is the ideal location. Located in Lekki, Lagos, this five-story structure holds a coffee shop, a textile museum, and other works of art from various painters. The ideal location to discover more about African arts and crafts is here.
Our body is a machine that consists of so many organs and one of the most important of them all is the heart. The heart is a muscular pump that consists of four chambers
with four different valves. These chambers are divided to be two on the right side and two on the left side. The right-sided chambers receives poorly oxygenated blood from the body through the superior
vena cava and inferior vena cava and pumps it through the pulmonary trunk and arteries to the lungs for oxygenation. Left-sided chambers, on the other hand, receives this welloxygenated blood from the lungs through the pulmonary veins and pumps it into the aorta for distribution to the body. Hence, the heart is always trying to deliver welloxygenated blood to every part of the body or removing the blood that’s not oxygenated. This shows how important the heart is to the body as reduced blood supply to any part of the body can cause alot of damage to that part of which results in ischemia and might progress to necrosis if such supply is not restored. One of the major non communicable diseases today includes cardiovascular diseases which are diseases majorly affecting the heart and it’s various structures. The World Health Organization (WHO) accounts 17.5 million death out of 38 million deaths by Non-Communicable Disease (NCDs) to cardiovascular diseases making it the leading cause of death globally.
These are one of the most common plaque affecting not just the under developed or developing countries but also the developed countries as well. A paramount example is Hypertension popularly known as High blood pressure. About a billion people are affected by hypertension worldwide and this daily on the increase. Hypertension is one of the major contributor to the increase in Cardiovascular diseases whether they’re controlled or not or not even treated. Hypertension is also known as the silent killer as not only is it a problem on it’s own, it can also lead to other conditions like stroke, heart failure, coronary artery disease and now more commonly than before a major factor to kidney diseases.
There are modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors that could lead to most cardiovascular diseases especially hypertension. These modifiable factors are things we
are can control and also change as compared to non-modifiable factors. Some of them include physical inactivity, alcohol consumption and our diet. Our diet is one very important and easy way to protect our heart. Eating food that are fresh and natural gives nourishment to not just the body but also the heart. Another major way which is the heart of the matter today is through exercise. Exercise is the only way to curb physical inactivity. There are different types of exercise that are beneficial but the most beneficial to the heart is Aerobic exercise. Aerobic
exercises are exercises that uses oxygen to breakdown food to extract energy in muscles, mainly referring to low- to moderate-intensity physical activities. They have been proven to benefit the heart by improvement in glucose clearance and insulin sensitivity, alleviating plasma dyslipidemia, decreasing blood pressure through lowering oxidative stress and inflammation levels, decline in plasma fibrinogen level which plays important roles in declining erythrocyte aggregation and decreasing blood viscosity etc. These
benefits are mostly based on American Heart Association recommendations of aerobic exercises which includes 30 minutes, 5 times a week to reach at least 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise. Although, a lot of people find it difficult to follow these recommendations verbatim due to either age or some peculiarities but at least three days a week can still work depending on what’s safe and beneficial to you as well. Some examples of aerobic exercises include brisk walking, running, jogging, swimming etc. Brisk walking not only leads to increase in lung capacity but
also leads to changes in the cardiac autonomic functions. Running after a while helps to regulate the heart rate and amplitude. Swimming on the other hand is best for increasing pulmonary function more than other aerobic exercises. These exercises are one of the easiest to perform. They are safe with lesser chances of injury and require no equipment or expertise for performance. Therefore engaging in exercise is not only beneficial but attainable and should therefore be incorporated in our everyday activities in order to not just be healthy but also physically fit.
The just concluded 2022 FIFA World Cup was an international football tournament contested by the men’s national teams of FIFA’s member associations and the 22nd edition of the FIFA World Cup. This tournament was
the last with 32 participating teams, with the number of teams being increased to 48 for the 2026 edition. A world cup that had some footballing nations like Nigeria, Sweden, Chile, Colombia, Egypt, Norway, Paraguay, and others
missing out started with a lot of backlashes from fans concerned about how the host nation built the worldclass stadiums at the expense of immigrants who many feel worked under unsafe conditions leading to injuries and loss of lives of some. There was even a plan to boycott watching the games as a show of their displeasure for the loss of lives in building the stadiums (Russell). Some thought the Qatari rules against indecency
dressing and the ban on the sale of alcohol at stadiums would kill the fun of holiday goers and football lovers. A more conspicuous revolting group includes the European nations who are in support of the LGBTQ, they even proposed that their captains would wear pro-LGBTQ armbands but were deterred by FIFA’s warning of issuing a yellow card to any player wearing the armband. It would be worth noting that all the teams which
were pronounced pro-LGBTQ did not go beyond the knockout stages of the tournament. But when from the onset, the opening ceremony which took
place on Sunday, 20 November 2022 at the Al Bayt Stadium in Al Khor, mesmerized fans with performances from Morgan Freeman and Ghanim Al-
revelation of the official mascot La’eeb was preceded by a display of other official mascots for previous world cups. It indeed was a fresh reminder of previous tournaments and helped fans relive the special
from all associated with those events, it indeed achieved the aim of provoking that atavistic feeling of past world cups. Well, everything went well till the opening match of the tournament between the host nation - Qatar and Ecuador, let us not go into details but the hosts lost the match and
that was the only tint to the perfectly orchestrated opening ceremony.
Looking back at the world-cup 2022 we realize that there were some mouth-licking fixtures or
showdown that could happen, and Louis Vuitton spiced it up with their Ronaldo and Messi face-off in a game of chess Fans have taken laws into their hands by deciding won eventually won the chess game, with a lot of edited images surfacing showing Messi alone
in the image. The modern game of football has to do with pace and skill, and one of those battle for pace was down to fast runners, one the fastest attacking midfielder
in person of France’s ace man Kylian Mbappe and a notably fast right wing- back defender Kyle Walker. Let me put it this way, like the lines the commentator used; we have
been waiting for this duel for a while, and Mbappe gives Kyle walker a few minutes delay but then burst of speed left him gasping for breath and pace. Well, a look at the image tells who the winner of the
race was. Shortly after the race between the two players, the English defense was breached by a familiar face - Olivier Giroud who had a remarkably successful stint in the English premiership with both Arsenal
Football club and Chelsea. Vincent Aboubakar so relished helping his Cameroonian teammates that he did not mind being sent off after taking off his shirt to celebrate
the winning and only goal against Brazil, something for the history books and Africa to cherish you would have thought but , alas there was the magnificent display by the
atlas lions of Morocco. They went into for the the Semi-finals by defeating heavyweights Spain and Portugal in the round of 16 and the quarter-finals becoming the first african team to reach the last four of the world cup but were eventully beaten by runners-up france and the
eventual third place Croatia. The were tagged the fairytale team of the tournament and correctly so as their headcoach, Walid Regragui was appionted barely three months to the worldcup yet the team became one of the best defensive unit looking almost impenetrable for most of the competiton.
A secret to their team coersion was down to their families being invited to join them at the team hotel, so it was no surprise seeing King Mohammed VI honour them with their mothers after the tournament. The family
support will not overshadow the effect of their teaming fans supporting them in enormous numbers, especially against the heavyweight teams.
Morocco’s delight was a travail for the Portuguese, as the latter
were clear favorites to win the quarter- final match between the two teams, they made their own impart in the tournament though, from the oldest player in the tournament Pepe, Raphaël Guerreiro (39 years and 283) scoring to the new whiz kid Gonçalo Ramos. We can go on with so many perspectives which would depend on your interest, for instances a surge in the number of players injured could be permissible seeing the fixture congestion as well as not enough resting time for the teams who barely went on break days before the commencement of the world
cup And then whatever you pick out, if it was the feistiness of the players, accusations of bad refereeing and the superbly entertaining final we have an eventual winner. And like Pele was honored with a Sombrero
Mexican hat after winning his 3rd FIFA World Cup in 1970., Messi was honored with a Bisht, a traditional men’s cloak typically worn at celebration in parts of the Arab world. (Harize, 2022)
Technology has pervaded every aspect of our lives, and healthcare is not excluded. The application of technology to healthcare has completely revolutionized healthcare ultimately redefining the way we deliver and also receive healthcare. We can appreciate the use of technology in various aspects of healthcare both for providers
and receivers of healthcare.
Examples include the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in image recognition and analysis which is a great support to radiology, precision medicine which is focused on personalized medicine based on an individual’s genetic makeup, use of telemedicine to improve access to healthcare, use of
healthcare data to predict future trends, the advent of wearables to support remote monitoring /collection of healthcare data, and the utilization of electronic medical records to store, manage, and analyse patient data amongst other use cases. Medical record keeping is the foundation of patient care as it ensures continuity of care after every encounter. It has always been done traditionally using paper or better called, paper based medical records (PBHR) but PBHR is prone to several problems including the possibility of being destroyed by fire, flooding or even rodent attacks. In this age of technology supported healthcare, paper-based records do not give real time access to patient data, and do not offer the integrations associated with electronic medical record systems (EMRs).
EMRs started as problem oriented medical records and has undergone several changes to become the robust systems that we have today. The benefits of EMRs are
numerous and some of them include providing up to date patient medical information especially at the point of care, permits rapid access to patient health information, supporting better care coordination among healthcare teams, eliminating the problem of poor handwriting amongst healthcare professionals, encouraging better clinical documentation, safer prescription, and cost reduction
for businesses through ways like minimizing the use of paper in the hospital. Despite these advantages, it has always been a hurdle to get doctors to accept EMRs whole heartedly.
Doctors are very critical to the adoption and success of electronic medical records in any healthcare facility hence the need to engage them early on in any EMR implementation plan. It would seem that doctors do not like technology, but the main issue is that they also have very valid concerns. Some of them argue that it wastes their time, and there is the issue of double documentation (writing on paper, and then transferring to the EMR). Some believe that it disrupts their normal way of working which is further worsened when there is internet downtimes or power outages. There are several ways to bring
doctors up to speed especially about EMRs in healthcare, and technology in healthcare broadly but I will focus on EMRs. Firstly, there is a need to restructure the medical school training curriculum as the current modules do not exposure future doctors to what is currently happening as it relates to technology in healthcare and digital health. Early exposure would improve understanding of technology by doctors, and ultimately improve adoption and use of EMRs. Courses like design thinking in healthcare, user experience in healthcare, basic computer/IT skills, and healthcare innovation should be taught in medical school. Outside the medical school, CME topics related around healthcare technologies should be done regularly alongside core clinical focused topics in addition to free webinars for doctors. Doctors
need to be involved in the design and implementation of EMRs as studies have shown that the input of doctors are not largely sought in these two critical processes which ultimately affects adoption and use. Medical associations can subsidize certificate courses for members to support them in becoming more tech savvy.
EMR vendors need to offer customized training to doctors that use EMRs largely because needs are varied, and level of computer/ digital literacy varies among healthcare professionals. It is not enough to sell and deploy electronic medical record systems, it is important to follow up with trainings pre and post implantation to ensure that the learning curve is not very steep for them. Another way
is to also produce simple how to videos on various aspects of the EMR that doctors can watch on demand or in their free time. We cannot keep on living in the past or else the world will leave us behind because technology is moving at an astronomical pace. Healthcare workers including doctors need to be brought up to speed about electronic medical record systems, why they are important, and what the future possibilities are with EMRs. The landscape of medicine has evolved, and we have to adapt, and quickly too.
Hopefully, if well implemented, we might have more doctors embracing electronic medical record systems in hospitals.
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