Gentleman's Purpose eMagazine - April 2023

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FAITH: The Point of Intersect

Page 10

RELATIONSHIPS: Getting Strong Together

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BUSINESS: Buying Your First Home In Florida

Page 32

STYLE: Hop Into Easter In Style

Page 26

MUSIC: An Interview With Jimmi Soldo

Page 50




General Media Consulting Co.

Editor in Chief J.N.Gaynor

General Media Consulting Co.

3961 Langford Rd.

New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168


Gentleman’s Purpose Articles

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The Point of Intersect

Seeking Immortality

There are great and wonderful things that we can do with our lives, gentlemen. You are hardwired to desire to make a significant impact with the years that you have. We seek glory, honor, and immortality in many different ways, and many of those ways end up being fruitless. Wasting time, money, and resources. The fact is that while we all have the capacity to do great things, we tend to be easily deceived when our motivations are not as they ought to be. We ought always to seek to glorify God, trusting that our glory, honor, and immortality does and will come from Him. This is one of the primary lessons that we learn from the theological reality of the Holy Trinity. The Holy Spirit directs us to the Word, and the Word directs us to the Father, who directs us to the Word, who directs us to the Spirit in this symphonic dance of sacrificial love that creates, sustains and causes growth. Many times, being a peacemaker is a lonely place because you refuse to take sides as your heart is focused on something better and higher.

The Place of Connection

One way that we can be sure to make a significant impact with our lives is to be purposeful about going to the point of disconnect, standing in the gap, and to become the place of connection. This is what it means to be a peacemaker. Now, it is important to understand that being a peacemaker does not mean that you stand in the gap telling each opposing side what they want to hear. What it means is genuinely loving both people, or people groups, and speaking the truth into the situation. Often, this will mean stepping on people’s toes regarding some very deeply held areas of their worldview. Historically, this has resulted in violent responses from both sides. They will often overlook the truths about each person that you affirm, and rather attack, in varying degrees of violence, the truth you spoke that confronted the lie they have been living by. We also need to be careful that we do not come to the belief that we have the truth and everyone else is ignorant. We do not want to become wise in our own eyes. Rather, we need to always be truth seekers. Many times in Scripture we see Jesus taking a Scripture that may seem very plain and direct, and

helping us understand the instruction in the overarching context of the counsel of God’s purpose…which we discover was far different than the way we had previously perceived.

Be The Peacemaker

Choosing to be a peacemaker firmly places us at the point of conflict. It will often place us in a position of speaking the truth to very powerful people whose ego and pride are easily wounded. To learn how to do this well, we need only look to the ministry of Jesus, both in the Gospels and then through the Apostles in the rest of the New Testament, by the power of His Spirit. When we choose to sow peace with Godly wisdom, Jesus says we are “makarios”… in a state of happiness or blessing that, in the Greek mind, was reserved only for the “gods”. You can be blessed simply by believing on the Name of God’s only Son with everything that that will lead to.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” - Jesus
14 Click Here To Visit A Vibrant Faith Community That’s All About Jesus! A Local Anglican Church Where Tradition is Respected and Relationships Flourish.
15 Common Ground Community Development 1201 S. Federal Hwy. Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460

Getting Strong, Together

One of the best dates that I ever went on was a day at the beach teaching this cute hippy girl how to surf. Now, it wasn’t an “official” date. It just turned out that way. Things didn’t work out with her... however, through the years I have found that good things happen when you spend a day at the beach with a beautiful single woman. Something to do with the vitamin D from the sunshine perhaps?

If a beach day isn’t possible, doing anything physical that helps you get stronger together tends to be fertile ground for developing bonds of genuine friendship and dare I say...romantic love. Physical exertion releases endorphins and serotonin into the bloodstream. These two hormones generally elevate a person’s mood, help with concentration (always helpful when you are trying to get to know someone), and strengthen a person’s ability to understand thoughts, experiences, and senses. It’s like the opposite of having drunk hookup sex, as enjoyable as that can be. You really have an opportunity to discover each other. So, as we emerge from the winter months

consider focusing on getting stronger together with the gal you have set your love upon... physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually...

If you are currently single, and God just hasn’t brought that “WOW! Gal” into your life... be patient...and get out there with your squad...strengthen those relationships. Your people likely know women that you haven’t met yet who may a good match.

The fact is that internet dating is 90+% a huge waste of time. Meeting someone local while you are out there living your life in a way that adds health, and wealth, and wisdom to you as an individual will only make you more desirable when the right woman finds her way to you.

This is not to mention that you have a responsibility to prepare yourself to be the best possible boyfriend, fiance’, and husband to the woman God is preparing to be your wife that you possibly can be. So, submit to what God is doing in your life. He’s preparing you to be the

answer to someones prayer. So consider where you are, and ask God to lead you in your journey towards that goal. In the book of Esther, women would have to go through 12 months of treatments to make them presentable as a potential spouse to the king; how much more ought you to allow God to prepare you for Him to present you to one of His daughters? Who knows what He’s already leading your future wife through?

Click the eBook for FREE access to the definitive guide to buying a home in Florida! Justin Gaynor, REALTOR®, 3510 S. Nova Rd., Ste. 112, Port Orange, FL 32129 - 561-876-9728 (Mobile)


What are your easter plans this month? I’m know for me and my family, it’s a time to celebrate the joys of the life that God has blessed us with. The family gathers from near and far to enjoy the warm embrace of each others presences. One thing I personally love about the easter spirit is the outfits. You know as well as I do, that every special occasion or holiday always turns out to be a secret contest of “who wore it best?” and “who has the best style?”. Not to mention the color pallet.

Spring already brings in the warm climate and the beauty of the world as the colors pop all around us. This season we are seeing lots of vibrant colors, like Blue, Pink, Teal and even some softer, warmer tones that give a pop on their own, like a pale taupe, washed out browns and matte blacks. Paring a vibrant color tone with the softer, warmer tones are creating a more relaxed vibe this month. So put on your favorite pair of “Hey Dudes” and step outside and enjoy.

Life is busy and we are constantly moving right along with it.

Sometimes we forget to invest in the styles we are expressing. That’s why I find gatherings to be a reminder. Like your own little fashion show. It’s a time you walk into your wardrobe, put on your best look and go spend time with the family. But what are you to wear this season? Does your look reflect you, or who you’re inspired to be? Does your look send a clear message to those around you, of who you are? Staying authentic to the person inside makes for a peaceful life, and wearing an outfit that is authentic to you can do the same.

MMM, smell that? That’s Grandma’s home cooking. We are prepping for the big day, Easter. We have on our Sunday best and just left church feeling revived. We head home for a quick outfit change and off to Grandma’s we go, Time to show off those new loafers we just purchased or vibrant polo you have been waiting for the perfect moment to wear. You know your


sister is going to be there and dressed to nines. You don’t want to feel lesser, but equal instead. Like we have stated earlier also: stay authentic to you and remember Grandma loves you no matter what you’re wearing, but still...don’t let your sister win! Outshine her in your newfound flair for fashion.

Pastels, vibrant and soft warms are all the rage this season. So hey, you have been on trend with out even knowing it! Don’t be afraid to mix & match and create freely. Fashion is endless and don’t be afraid of it. Try something new, with something old and create a whole new look.

This Easter, be true to you and your look and don’t let them out dress you at your next family gathering.


Buying Your First Home in Florida


So, you are thinking of buying your first home in Florida. I can’t say I blame you. Spending money on rent is not only a complete waste of money beyond having a roof over your head temporarily, but rental rates are astronomical these days. Here in the Daytona Beach area the average monthly rent is about $1500. That means that on average to move into an apartment it would cost you about $4500 (first and last month’s rent, plus a security deposit).

Starter homes in Volusia county are priced between $170k and $299k. With an FHA loan, that means with a minimum 580 credit score you will need approximately $20,000 to $30,000 for your 3.5% down payment and closing costs based on today’s (03/28/2023) market. Since you will already have $4500 to move into an apartment, that means you just need an additional $15,500 to $25,500 in savings to close on your own home.

Down Payment / Closing Cost Assistance Programs

It can take a while for most people

to save that amount of money and here in America, and particularly here in Florida, the citizens have really made homeownership for all citizens a priority. There are down payment and closing cost assistance programs that can add significant portions, if not all, of the funds needed for closing costs to the borrowers situation. Some of these programs are in the form of grants, forgivable and non-forgiveable deferred second mortgages, and more. Connecting with a local mortgage broker familiar with the national, state, and county programs available in the areas you are interested in buying is a great place to start.

Credit Score and Credit Report

Your patterns of repaying debt are the next thing you will want to make sure you have in order. The lower your credit score and the more late payments, derogatory marks and so forth, the more difficult it will be to get approved, the more expensive it can be, and the more cash you may have to come up with for a down payment. Not to mention that if you have no credit at all, it can be worse. That’s right,

no credit history can many times be worse than having a few negative things going on with your credit report. With no credit, you are uncharted territory for the lender. They have no idea what they are getting into.

The best thing to do if you have what we call “challenged credit” is to begin taking steps as soon as possible to build or clean up your credit report and strengthen your score. Your local mortgage broker can offer some direction and if there are significant issues they can recommend a good credit counseling agency.

Your Income

The next thing to consider is your income. One of the most important determining factors in you getting approved for your first mortgage is your capacity to repay the loan.

Lenders want to see that you have enough consistent income in relation to what your overall debt payments will be with the mortgage loan in place. There are a couple ratios that they look at that you can monitor to determine your financial health and be best positioned when you go to buy that house.

ratios. The front-end ratio is essentially housing related expenses such as Principal, interest, taxes, insurance, and any HOA fees. The back-end ratio is all of that, plus your other regular monthly expenses like minimum payments on credit cards, installment loans on automobiles, personal loans, etc. The maximization of your income and reduction of monthly debt expense is what needs to happen to get this looking the best you can.

There is a DTI calculator at that can help you keep track of where you are.

We will continue this article next month, or if you would like to schedule an appointment | phone call | ZOOM schedule it via Calendly HERE.

Buying your first home can be an intimidating thing. Don’t be afraid. Simply work on the things we talk about diligently and we can get you there.

The ratios are called your front-end and back-end debt to income


Pirates, Presbyterians & Pubs

Presbyterian girls are definitely at the top of my list for dates. A woman that trusts in the sovereignty of the Father and the authority of Scripture often translates into a strong, fruitful marriage were commitment, loyalty, and sacrificial love are valued. That is a good thing.

A quick sail north from Port Orange and you and your beloved will find yourselves in the ancient city of St. Augustine. A city where it is not uncommon to see people walking round the streets like they just stepped out of the 16th or 17th century, or a Pirates of the Caribbean movie. The pubs and restaurants are as diverse as the nation that would spring forth from this, the oldest European and AfricanAmerican settlement in the USA.

On this particular visit, it was a beautiful day and I was strolling down St. George Street taking in all the wonderful sights, sounds, and smells, I found myself seated in a small pub with character to spare.

The Bull & Crown Publick House in the Colonial Quarter of St. Augustine offered a flight of delicious whiskeys and a Shepherds Pie that was piping hot, with a crisp toasted crust on the top of the mashed potatoes. Once I pressed in though, I quickly discovered tender meat and a savory gravy with fresh vegetables. It was delicious. A thoroughly enjoyable, authentic dining experience. Hope to return sooner rather than later...

Bull & Crown Publick House 904-342-2869 53 St. George St., St. Augustine, FL 32084 MENU If you choose to drink beverages containing alcohol, please do so responsibly.

Recommended Additions to Your Library for April 2023: Essential Heroes of Faith

Recommended Additions to Your Library for April 2023: Essential Heroes of Faith

Recommended Additions to Your Library for April 2023: Essential Heroes of Faith

Recommended Additions to Your Library for April 2023: Essential Heroes of Faith


An Interview With Jimmi Soldo

Most folks love unplugged sessions with musicians sharing their stories, the meat behind the songs they write, and play. It connects you with their journey in a meaningful way that can lead to a lifetime of enjoying and being shaped by their art. That is why talking with local musicians and sharing their stories and their vision has long been one of my favorite parts of creating with GP eMagazine.

This month I caught up with local Flagler Beach, FL artist Jimmi Soldo to bring you some insight on what he and his new band, Lower Jackson Band, are up to. Lower Jackson Band offers a truly unique sound...something you’ve never heard before! The band consists of Jimmi Soldo (vocals & guitar), Mama Kush (vocals), Alex Wenzel (vocals & guitar), Luis Vera (drums), Scott Queen (bass), and Pete Beers (keyboard).

Lower Jackson is a new musical venture, 4 to 6 months in the making. Style? A sort of groove rock that stimulates the soul. Jimmi can often be heard with Lower Jackson Band, and sometimes solo, at Tortuga’s (Flagler Beach) and regularly at Blues and Brews Bistro (Ormond Beach). But that is not where Jimmi’s story begins...

Jimmi started getting into music as young as 3 years old and hasn’t looked back. Originally from New Jersey (a state that has given us such national treasures as Bruce Springstein, Frank Sinatra, John Bon Jovi, Queen Latifah, and Whitney Houston). Now, Jimmi has always been and enjoyed the company of, working musicians. As a tradesman, he serves

the community as an ASE L1 Master Tech, he’s been an A-Class Enduro racer, and is skilled in multimedia production having been the director of photography for Dirtbike Television. He is also into competitive shooting and can often be found at the Volusia County Gun Club.

In 2008, the financial woes that were hitting the US hard led Jimmi to redirect his attention to his music as a means to earn some extra income. He had been rocking out with various bands since the age of 13, but this was different. This was a paradigm shift towards real focus. After about 6 years, in 2014, Jimmi decided to relocate from New Jersey to the gorgeous state of Florida.

Jimmi is what is known as a slide guitarist. He is also masterful with looping sessions...but beyond the technical nature of a looping session, he has a lot of fun with it and is able to invite the crowds into a moving solo experience with his music. However, the event that you don’t want to miss is HERE!

With vocals like this guy has, Jimmi has also gotten into voice acting, voice overs, high energy showmanship, and all of that is pouring into the newest venture, Lower Jackson. As much as I would like to tell you what he shared with me about his vision for Lower Jackson, I think it’s better that you simply connect with them and become part of their to connect now...

GEARING UP FOR SPRING AND SUMMER? QUIET FLIGHT 508 Flagler Ave. New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 (386) 427-1917 Bought my first surfboard at Quiet Flight and you should too!
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