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RELATIONSHIPS: A Time to Refresh Together
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BUSINESS: How It All Fits
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RELATIONSHIPS: A Time to Refresh Together
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BUSINESS: How It All Fits
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General Media Consulting Co.
Editor in Chief J.N.Gaynor
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“Seeing is believing”, or so the old saying goes. Being able to see something for ourselves, without question, helps us to have confidence as opposed to simply taking someone’s word for it. When we see something that confirms what we have been told, it strengthens both our grasp of what is seen and our trust in the person that originally told us about the thing that we witnessed for ourselves. Of course, to believe something, at least to some extent, before seeing it, demonstrates some level of trust in the source of the testimony. This is why Jesus famously tells His disciple Thomas, “because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
Hearing and believing the testimony of Moses, the Patriarchs, and others in the Old Testament, speaking and writing about Jesus and the Resurrection, offers a blessing to the one who hasn’t actually seen God. However, in seeing before believing, a person demonstrates no trust in God or in those whom He sends, but when what He has said happens and it is seen, a hope is fulfilled, whereas, the one who heard and doubted or disbelieved has left himself without either faith or hope in the present. It is a tremendous loss to a person…walking through this life with neither faith nor hope.
One of the most mysterious sayings of Jesus in the New Testament is this, “After a little while, the world no longer is going to see Me, but you are going to see Me; because I live, you also will live.” In hearing this, Judas (and St. John intentionally points out that this is a different Judas than the one that betrays Jesus) asks the obvious question, “Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us, and not to the world?”
Perhaps this disciple was not present at the Sermon on the Mount, or had simply not put two and two together. When preaching the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus had said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” So then, it is the people who have this purity of heart that are able to see God manifest Himself whilst the world around, whose hearts are defiled, are blind to Him. The question then becomes, how does a man purify his heart?
Jesus mentions a few things regarding purifying the heart of a man and being able to see God and His Kingdom. The first is being born of water and Spirit. When a person repents of their sin and is baptized in water, by faith, an exodus type deliverance happens and God performs a spiritual surgery that human hands cannot do. The calloused heart is made sensitive and something like scales fall off the eyes. This works together in and with faith and the ministry of the Holy Spirit that immediately begins to heal, direct, teach, correct, and train. It is an anointing that comes from God. The person has become spiritual. They have been “born again” of water and Spirit. The Apostle Paul uses the term “pneumatikoi”, or “Spirit-driven people”. The person is no longer just a “living being” as described in Genesis when God makes the first human, but the one who is “born again” is a “life-giving spirit”. The Apostle John, after the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus, talks of walking in the Light (or the Spirit) as Jesus is in the Light, and how the blood of Jesus cleanses us of all unrighteousness.
The work Jesus did on our behalf is sufficient as the propitiation for all of our sins: past, present, and future. In addition, the blood applied to our life in an ongoing basis as Jesus, our great high priest, continually prays for and intercedes for us, causes His blood to be effective in our lives to keep us free from guilt and in a state of purity of heart…why? So that we can be blessed in a relationship with God where we see Him and His Kingdom and find in that relationship joy and peace while the world around trudges on, lost and without hope in the world.
“Blessed are those who are pure in heart, for they will see God.”, Jesus of Nazareth
We talk a lot about the importance of communication here in the Relationship column. This month, let us explore the canvas for good communication. A good relationship is like a poem, or a piece of fine art. The space on which this art comes to life though, is only a blank canvas or parchment, but can make a difference. Many times our communication happens as though we have five minutes on the clock and we need to put one in the endzone or we will lose the game, and sometimes like we are in a warzone and the transmission from the naval ships to air support to the boots on the ground is spotty at best.
Set aside devoted time. Do this at least quarterly, to rest and reflect on things like how you are growing with regard to romantic time together, the progress of the children (if applicable), career aspirations, educational and community endeavors, finances and other important topics.
Planning a three-day weekend at least once a quarter is what I recommend for this. A weekend may look something like this:
1) Rent a hotel room away from “your world” for a long weekend once per quarter. This will help you focus more fully on each other, the relationship, and the various aspects of doing life together.
2) Enjoy the first day together without getting into anything other than each other. Think of this series of sacred times as a bunch of mini-honeymoons with great purpose.
3) Day two is going to be where you focus on various conversations on topics that are important to your relationship. Each conversation should be no more than an hour and half with a 30 – 45 minute break in between each conversation, except for lunch, a nice leisurely hour and a half for that. The four main topics that should be covered are faith / spirituality, family / friends, career / education, and finances. Other topics can be included or worked in as fits your relationship.
4) Enjoy a nice meal with some music or something you both enjoy on the evening of the second day. Schedule a late check out for the following day.
5) On day three…wake up slow…breakfast in bed maybe. A walk on the beach. A spa treatment. Something to celebrate another successful re-orientation weekend and to keep you motivated to keep coming back as you progress towards your goals.
As we welcome in spring, it is time to do a little spring cleaning. That’s right, I’m encouraging you to revamp your wardrobe. Let us shift around the clothes and make way for your spring collections. Fashion is all about self-expression and let me tell you, March has a lot to express, Like St. Patrick’s Day.
St. Patrick’s Day or St. Paddy’s Day as some would refer to it, is a great way to model off some of your most vibrant greens. This day allows for a lot of diversity. What better way to show it off is through your style. Okay, okay, I know what you’re thinking. It’s a day to feast and celebrate, not stress over our outfit choices, but what you need to remember is to stay authentic to your true self, and express it, all while celebrating!
Pairing a satin finish hunter green collared shirt with a pair of desert sand skinny jeans, with white mid top sneakers is not only a stylish way to celebrate, but diverse enough to walk confidently into any party situation. If green is not your thing, not to worry, I got you.
Simply change the top to a fitted black tee.
Now that the party is ending, why not keep it going. Let’s bring this party to the beach or poolside. As you may recall in our New Year’s edition the talk of the pastels in our wintery line up, spring also gives us a wide variety of vibrant tones as well. Like, getting ready for the beach blast kick off with friends. Standout this season with unique swim wear or pair the bathing suit with a matching polo or button up, creating a look that can start a conversation from across the room. But if that is too much attention for you, off set your bathing suit with a solid white tee and white sandals to bring together a look that is clean & fresh.
As we make our way our way back to work, keep the vibes light with pastel pink and blues, paired with a taupe or grey dress slack and your favorite comfy loafers. Watch as your coworkers stare in envy, all while luminating the room through style. No one ever said work had to be basic.
So weather your Irish and celebrating the month away, or just a lover of life looking to have fun with friends.
Always stay true to ones self and never let anyone style you differently.
When it comes to financing a home using a mortgage, you want to have as many of your ducks in a row as possible. More importantly, you want to understand how it all fits together. There are many variables that are considered by lending institutions when they are evaluating an application for a mortgage. Unfortunately, this is not the stuff they typically teach you in high school, though here in Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis is making some real headway in getting this type of practical math integrated into public school curriculums.
The general idea is that the lender wants to make sure that the borrower has the capacity to make the monthly payments associated with the loan well into the forseeable future and ultimately through to completion. Now, most people that buy a primary residence in America will sell that property and move within approximately 13 years, so that is taken into account by the lenders as well. Still, there are a variety of factors that help to determine whether you are a good risk to take in lending their money. However, it is not just a yes or no answer. The interest rate they are willing to lend the money to you at is determined by how safe, or risky, they feel it is to lend you money.
The types of things they will consider is how much money you have flowing in each month, the consistency of the money flowing in, where the money is coming from. The lender will want to know how well you have been paying your bills in a timely manner, if you have a habit of borrowing close to your limits, or if you only borrow small amounts of money compared to the overall credit you have available to you. They will want to know what your monthly cash outflows look like in relation to the inflows. All of these things will have to be documented as well. That is why it is good to wisely and proactively manage these various aspects of your financial life on a regular basis, but especially in the two years or so leading up to the point when you are ready to purchase a home.
Some of the documentation that you will need to round up includes, but is not limited to:
• Some form of ID (Driver’s License, State Issued ID, Passport)
• Past two (2) years W-2 statements
• Pay stubs covering the last (30) thirty days
• Three most recent monthly bank statements
• Most recent transaction summary of 401K, IRA, or Mutual Fund Accounts
• Photocopies of any stocks or certificates of deposits
• Copy of the purchase and sale agreement of the new property
• If you are currently renting....either 12 months canceled rent checks or the name and address of your current landlord
• If divorced...a fully executed divorce decree
• For a refinance...a copy of the deed, and most recent tax bill
• A letter of explanation for any known credit problems
• For self employed borrowers, employed in sales, paid by commission, or owns rental real estate:
• Two (2) years signed personal tax returns - including all schedules
• If self-employed through a corporation, last two years corporate returns as well as a year-to-date profit and loss statement and balance sheet
Of course, each lender is different, some requiring more, or less, documentation. Just remember that the less documentation you have or they require, the more risk they are taking as a lender, and thus the higher the interest rate you will likely be paying for the loan.
Gentlemen, you have to build and manage your financial life in the same way you would build a quality home. Doing it right, and doing it right the first time, will benefit you, your wife, your family, and your community for the entirety of your life. It is that important.
That being said. We all know that the world, the devil, and our own evil inclinations can make a real mess of our financial situation. If that is where you find yourself, the best thing you can do is to make a sober evaluation of the situation, employ the eyes and wisdom of someone you know and trust, and start making moves that will repair the situation and get your house in good order. This kind of repentance and healing is important for every man, but especially for the Christian man.
With Saint Patrick’s celebrations drawing crowds to mainstreets all over America, at least the ones with an Irish Pub, there is a tremendous opportunity for enjoying some true delicacies. Here in Daytona Beach, McK’s Tavern is hands down one of the most authentic Irish Pub experiences that you can find.
Start with the Irish Eggrolls and a well drawn pint of the black. McK’s Irish Eggrolls are famous amongst the locals with their crisp outer wrap and tender corned beef, coleslaw, and melted swiss cheese. A quick dip in some Thousand Island dressing and you’ll be dancin’ an Irish jig.
For the main course, I recommend the Shepherd’s Pie with it’s rich, thoroughly reduced Guinness gravy. It is comfort food at its best. For a slight up charge, you can get a healthy portion of their Mac & Beer-Cheese... sooo good!
Also, the word on the street is that Saint Paddy’s day at McK’s will include a block party, live music, and a whole lot of shenanigans...hope to see y’all there!
Recommended Additions to Your Library for March 2023: Essential Irish
Written by the beloved Irish
“Inkling”,C.S.Lewis, this seven book series, the Chronicles of Narnia, should be found on the bookshelves of every Christian gentleman, if for nothing else but reading to the children, and grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Though I suspect, you will thoroughly enjoy the series as well.
As men, we are extremely visual creatures and a beautiful lass can very quickly stir up within unhealthy, and even deadly, lust. In this modern Irish classic, you will take a journey through 1930’s Ireland with the main character, Tarry Flynn, a farmer/poet that wrestles with life and poetry and women and in this character you will perhaps learn something of yourself and how to become better.
The beloved classic by Jonathan Swift explores some very important questions about government, petty religious differences, and the heart condition of men. This is another book that will entertain your children and your children’s children for generations, and yet will give you much to think about as well, if rightly considered.
As a lover of short stories, this one had to be included. James Joyce, with subtle Irish skill, weaves together a tapestry of fifteen stories that will have the modern gentleman such as yourself enthralled in life as it was in “Dear Dirty Dublin” near the turn of the twentieth century.
Van Morrison has long been a favorite artist of mine. From my first experience of his work with, “Into the Mystic” that has offered spiritual encouragment toward those lessons in the New Testament that are so often sadly overlooked, to the upbeat, jazzy, “Days Like This” that has often encouraged me to be aware of those days when all is right in the world, Van Morrison is a talent to familiarize yourself with. His newest album, “Moving on Skiffle”, is scheduled to be released on March 10th, tune in on your favorite platform...
It’s tradition to where green on St. Paddy’s Day so show a little love...get it today so you’re ready to host the best St. Paddy’s day party in the neighborhood!
St. Patrick’s day usually involves a few drinks, and inevitably a few party fouls. It’s all in good fun though, so we want to wish the best of health to all of our family, friends, and neighbors that are celebrating with us. These cocktail napkins are a perfect way to bless your guests...
St. Patrick was a highly educated theologian, a classy Englishman that loved his enemies on their own turf. So this is no holiday for red solo cups, get yourself a Shenanigator Beer Mug and get ready to cause some holy mischief.
Show your Spirit when you offer guests an arrival gift to get everyone in the right mindset for a great time celebrating that ol’ Saint that cast all the snakes out of Ireland!
friends and family!
In our October edition of the GP Travel column, “Utah, Get Me Two”, we talked about planning and enjoying a snowboarding trip to Utah, and perhaps two due to last years illness that robbed the fam of some well deserved time on the slopes in Montana. Well, the first snowboarding adventure to Utah is in the books for 2023 and it was AMAZING!
Princess Remy braved the cold, determined to not be bothered with mittens or a hat. Here she is exploring the different textures and temperatures of the rock, snow, the wind and the fire.
Exploring the beautifully lit Ice Caverns and Igloos insipred awe and wonder in the children, and their parents, and it made for some memories that will last a lifetime.