September 2022 GrowthFAITHRate: Spiritual Advancement, Page 10 TRAVEL St. Thomas - U.S. VirginPageIslands62 PageLearningMUSICPageUpwardRELATIONSHIPSTrajectory18TheChordProgressions48 BUSINESS You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don’tPageTake30

Gentleman’s Purpose Articles In order to submit an article for publication in Gentleman’s Purpose eMagazine, please contact our JustinEditor-In-Chief,N.Gaynor, fortheyourMediaorYoufunding”PayPalarticle“crowdPurposeAlljustin@generalmediaconsulting.comat:authorsthatcontributetoGentleman’seMagazinearefundedthroughfunding”.Sowhenyousendyourin,ifyouincludeahyperlinktoyouraccount,wewillincludea“crowdlinkwithyourpublishedarticle.willnotbeconsideredanemployeeanindependentcontractorofGeneralConsultingsinceallpaymentsforcontentwillcometoyoudirectlyfrom“crowd”youwillbesolelyresponsibleanytaximplicationsforthatincome. Advertising in Gentleman’s Purpose Advertising in Gentleman’s Purpose eMagazine has some significant advantages over advertising in traditional print magazines, call today to discuss your advertising needs 1-800-484-9825. Current ad rates are: 1/4 Page Ad - $50 Per Edition 1/2 Page Ad - $99 Per Edition Full Page Ad - $299 Per Edition 2-Page Spread - $499 Per Edition eMagazine Publisher General Media Consulting Co. Editor in Chief J.N.Gaynor General Media Consulting Co. 3961 Langford Rd. New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 1-800-484-9825


5 General Media Consulting offers a free podcast to help you in business + life. The General Idea Podcast can be found on Podcasts,Soundcloud,Appleat the General Media Consulting Website, and on our social media channels. Click the link to Listen Now! VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO LEARN MORE CLICK HERE




One of the biggest challenges I’ve experienced in my journey of faith is understanding my rate of growth. At times, I have thought that I was growing much faster than I was. That created a sense of annoying arrogance that really hurt a lot of my relationships. Other times, I couldn’t understand why I felt so close to God and yet it seemed like every other area of my life was either falling apart or completely on hold. It was in those seasons of slowing down that, in hindsight, I actually grew the most. I became stronger, and louder, in the Spirit, than I realized. By that time, I had learned to rate my growth less by the vastness of my theological studies and ability to respond to opposition in a compellingly apologetic way, and more by the fruits of the Spirit. The fruits that I was experiencing myself, and those that others expressed that they were experiencing because of their interactions with me. It seems that this is a natural part of what is often called “Spiritual Formation”. Spiritual Formation is something deeply biblical and is referred to by the Apostle Paul in his letter to a small church in Galatia. The statement Paul makes regarding this process of Spiritual Formation is this: “My dear children, for whom I am again in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you.” From this we see that the connection between a person who is “spiritually fathering” another person, or group of people, is connected to them in a tangible, experiential way. The apostle was experiencing something that was a burden on his senses. Something so heavy that he compares it to childbirth. The context of the letter is that several members of the Galatian church had become enthusiastic about living according to the ordinances of God’s Law.
10 GROWTH RATE: Spiritual
In Paul’s efforts to encourage an increasing dependence on God and trust in His covenant faithfulness, he and his entourage were themselves struggling with the same internal battle. He states at one point that God brought them to the point of despairing of life itself, feeling as though they had received the death sentence within themselves, only to later discover that God allowed this to teach them to stop depending on themselves, and to depend on the God who raises the dead. Knowing that the guy teaching about this Gospel of grace and spiritual formation was experiencing it himself was very encouraging to me. It meant that I didn’t have to have “arrived” to help others on their journey. Building people up in the faith is a passion of mine, as difficult as it can be at times.
As gentlemen who seek to have Christ formed in us, and to help other men have Christ formed in them, it is good to think through and reflect on the vision we have of the truly Christian life, and to wisely consider how to run the race set before us while helping others along the way. We certainly want to lay a solid foundation, and to build with materials that will stand through the fires of persecution and endure to the end.
This perceived attainment of growth in covenant faithfulness through obedience to the Law in ordinances was beginning to become understood as the path forward in Christian maturity. This route was introduced to the church in Galatia by a group that had come into the area who were supposedly sent there by James. James was the leader of the Jerusalem church and the brother of Jesus. Paul, however, knowing James, questions where these false teachers came from and sees this route not as progress in the faith, but rather as a step backward. His idea of “Spiritual Formation” was not to begin in the power of the Spirit and continue in the strength of the flesh, but rather, to begin in the power of the Spirit and to continue in the power of the Spirit until God completes the good work that He started in the individual and community.

14 Click Here To www.SaintLukesAnglicanChurch.comVisit A Vibrant Faith Community That’s All About Jesus! A Local Anglican Church Where Tradition is Respected and Relationships Flourish.

15 Common Ground Community Development 1201 S. Federal Hwy. Lake Worth Beach, FL kelly@cglakeworth.org33460



If a couple do not know where they are going, they will likely end up someplace else. The Christian Scriptures put it like this, “without prophetic vision, a people will perish”. So, the question then becomes, how does a couple arrive at a prophetic vision for their relationship? The simple answer is, “prayerfully”. When I teach Biblical meditation / interpretation, I teach the PRDS method. Peshat, Remez, Derash, and Sod…or, what does the Bible literally instruct, what hints or allegories are going on just under the surface, what is the comparative meaning of the instruction, and, finally, what is the revelatory meaning of the Scripture. Taking the portions of Scripture that relate to the romantic relationship between a man and a woman with this pattern of meditation framing it and seeking God together will help you and your woman to arrive at a common vision of both the future and a plan to get there. It is not completely up to the two of you though, God will direct your steps along the way, so it requires daily prayer, together and individually.
Written by Justin Gaynor Knowing when the right time is to take a relationship to the next level can be difficult. Often, when two people come together in a romantic relationship, we arrive at that point with some baggage, a lot of flaws, less than stellar communication skills, and some wacky expectations that are simply not grounded in truth. I’d like to talk about three things that can help you on a path of mutual growth with your beloved. Communicating vision, preemptively dealing with relational landmines, and laying out a mutually agreed upon path. Let’s get to it.
Upward Trajectory
The most common “final straw” reasons were infidelity, domestic violence, and substance use. More participants blamed their partners than blamed themselves for the divorce.” It’s usually a slow fade, as they say.
There are some very common “landmines” that are known to derail relationships. According to the National Library of Medicine, the top three causes of failed marriages are a “lack of commitment, infidelity, and conflict/arguing.
Things start small, begin to escalate, and eventually come to a catastrophic end. Or at least something that may feel like a catastrophic end. Something that may seem to be irreconcilable. Prayerfully wrestling with these things together, ahead of time, so that you both understand what the other person’s expectations are, how they would likely respond, and what to do when either of you senses that the two of you are getting close to one of these “landmines” will help you to navigate the journey more effectively. These are hard conversations. No question about it; however, this is the kind of communication that needs to happen more in a world that has a consistent 50% divorce rate. In all of this, both you and your woman are wondering where this thing is going. There are fears, insecurities, hardness of heart…that you both have. We want to love well, but we also want to guard our hearts, as we should. Being in a relationship with another person can be terrifying because having your heart broken can be utterly debilitating. Anyone that has experienced true heartbreak will often avoid feeling that way ever again. So, being intentional about both of you knowing where you honestly stand at all times requires diligent effort. Add in all the emotional elements of it and it can seem as though there are too many variables to rightly walk together, but when there is agreement on vision, an awareness of obstacles, and a determination to persevere together, it is possible, it is beautiful, and it is what God desires for every couple that He joins together for the purpose of marriage.
Click the eBook for FREE access to the definitive guide to buying a home in Florida! Justin Gaynor, REALTOR®, 3510 S. Nova Rd., Ste. 112, Port Orange, FL 32129 - 561-876-9728 (Mobile)



24 We are rapidly approaching the Fall season here in Florida and while the leaves on our trees may not change the way they do up north, the color palettes of men’s wardrobes certainly will.



27 Summer has been loud and vibrant here in the Sunshine State. Now it’s time to embrace some more neutral tones as we sip our pumpkin spice lattes and begin to get into the mood for the holidays.



Written by Nathaniel Wayne Mason
30 You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don’t Take
Being my own boss has always been a dream of mine. From the flexibility, to the endless opportunities. The sky really is the limit. Being your own boss also allows an endless opportunity for growth. You essentially choose your income. The harder you work the more financial success you will achieve. The more effort you put into your business, the more it will give back to you in return. This is my journey to building my own business and why it has always been my dream to be an entrepreneur. First of all, you need to figure out what you love to do. You do not want to start a business that you have no interest in. I love buying and selling cars. I love selling to people. So, real estate is the best fit for me to start my business journey. Real estate is the best opportunity for me to get my foot in the door of the business world. I decided it was time to take the next step. I called around asking to be an intern for agents nearby. I wanted to see what life is like being a real estate agent in my area. I was iffy about even calling around asking to be an intern, but I just kept saying to myself “the worst thing they can tell me is no”. Obviously, I didn’t become an intern after the first phone call I made. I had been turned down a few times before I met Justin Neil Gaynor. This just goes to show that no matter how long it takes or how many times you get turned down, just keep going. My experience as an intern so far and what I’ve learned will shape me to become a better businessman and agent in the upcoming months and years. I’m a more visual and hands-on learner than a book person. What I mean is that I can read something a thousand times and not understand it, but if I see it or do it I can understand it easily. That’s the reason why I wanted to intern in the first place. Through my experience as an intern for Justin I learned more about what MLS is and how to talk to clients. I’ve also learned how to set up an open house and make calls to the
All in all, working for Justin is helping me grow as an individual. I now know for certain that real estate is the place I want to be and where I want to lay the groundwork for my professional life and my business. Real estate gives me the opportunity to interact with people, be my own boss, and sell some houses. I would highly recommend anyone that is looking to get into real estate to do an internship as it gave me the opportunity to learn more about myself and gave me the tools to be successful in the business. I am very thankful that I was given the opportunity to be Justin’s intern and I’m glad I had the confidence in myself to make that phone call that landed me here today. I think if I could give younger me one piece of advice it would be to always believe in yourself and remember the worst thing someone can say is no, so take that leap of faith, because it could lead you to a once in a lifetime opportunity.
homeowners gathering information about their property and helping to schedule their upcoming open house. These types of real life scenarios helped me add skills to my toolbox that will make me a more successful agent in the future.

32 FOR SALE $449,000 MLS#1069086 Beautiful 4 Bedroom / 3 Bathroom home in Deltona Lakes. Suburban living at it’s best. Quick access to I4 for commuting to Orlando or Daytona Beach metro areas. This home sits on an oversized hilltop lot on a quiet cul de sac, but is close to shopping, movie theatre, and much more! Durable, rigid vinyl plank floor and ceramic tile make cleaning a breeze. Large covered and screened in patio with plenty of room to add a pool. HUGE! 24.5’ x 14’ great room with fireplace for tons of family fun and entertaining. Comfy living room with a second fireplace for enjoying coffee with guests. 4th Bedroom has all the amenities and can be utilized as an inlaw suite, rented as a small apartment, or AirBNB. All appliances stay EXCEPT the range/oven in the primary kitchen (there is a range/oven in the secondary kitchen that will remain), washing machine, freezer in the garage, and two free standing sheds in the back. Call with questions or to schedule a private showing. 561-876-9728 Mobile



38 Click Here to Visit Website of Lost Lagoon Wings & Grill LOST LAGOON WINGS & GRILL
closer, it looked like it was under construction, and I wondered aloud if it was open. We saw quite a few cars in the south parking lot, so we turned in. It was open, during construction, so we went on in. The air conditioning felt great! The restaurant appeared very clean as we made our way to the bar and took our seats. The barmaid, Patty, was quick to get us a couple large glasses of ice water and menus.
The prices on the menu were quite a bit more reasonable than I had anticipated. Nathan is a connoisseur of buffalo chicken tenders, so his mind was made up pretty quickly. I decided to go with a patty melt, but I chose the steamed broccoli instead of my normal French fries (trying to eat healthier in my old age).
to get some insight into Nathaniel’s meal, I questioned him about it. He exclaimed that he felt the buffalo chicken tenders were the best he had ever had. The best EVER? REALLY? This guy always orders buffalo chicken tenders…from restaurants in Kentucky to pubs in Florida and everywhere in between and beyond. Yep, they were the best apparently.
It was a busy day and my intern Nathaniel and I were both getting a little “hangry”. We had just stopped to check out a “For Sale By Owner” that recently hit the market and tromping around the large oversized lot in the Florida summer heat had us ready for some air conditioning. On the way to the property, Nate had pointed out a restaurant near the New Smyrna Beach airport. We decided to give it a try since neither of us had eaten there Asbefore.wegot
While our meal was being prepared, a gentleman named Dan struck up a conversation with us regarding the upcoming college football season. Dan was a retired physician with an awesome sense of humor. Let’s just say the conversation was lively as we awaited our food. When our meals arrived, they were piping hot and well plated. I dove right into the steamed broccoli and it fresh and tasty. As far as the patty melt, it seemed like the burger was “hand-crafted” because of the thickness and odd shape. Also, not sure what spices they used on it, but it was a darn fine



Gentleman’s Purpose is all about equipping men to find and fulfill their purpose while living a balanced, healthy life. When exploring different vocations, internships can be invaluable. It’s sort of like dating before commiting fully to a marriage. You are never too old to learn something new and there are some strategies that can help you get the most from your internship experience, check out “How To Intern Successfully” to learn how.
42 Recommended Additions Library For September 2022:

Additions To Your
2022: Essential Interning
In Joel Salatin’s book, “Fields of Farmers”, you can learn about the necessity of generational knowledge and wisdom transfer. In the Scriptures, Jesus often uses metaphors, parables, similies and other references to agricultural processes when teaching about life and the Kingdom of God. Mr. Salatin offers some tremendous insights to both the intern, would-be-intern, as well as mentors in any field...if you have eyes to see.

44 Recommended Additions Library For September 2022:
Sydney Fulkerson is a “pro”-intern and offers some practical wisdom, from getting the most from your internship to providing value to the person or company you are interning for. In today’s diverse workplaces, gaining some helpful points from someone that has navigated the internship process well can help you really enjoy the learning experience and gain some helpful, transferrable skills.

2022: Essential Interning
There will come a day when the student becomes the master. I am of the opinion that you shouldn’t start anything unless you can at least envision yourself mastering it. Then, when you do master it, you should do so in such a way that you can help the generation coming up after you. Knowing how to do that well can be strengthened by reading and applying these 75 practices shared by and implemented by master mentors.
Additions To Your



While it is certainly better to begin learning to sing, or play an instrument at a young age, when your mind and motor skills...hand, eye, and ear coordination are most pliable and trainable, it is never too late to begin learning to play an instrument. Not only will it add value to your own life, but also to those that spend time with you as you master the art of creating melodic sound to Makingenjoy. music, as with anything worthwhile, takes time and practice to become really good at. I have seen so many people pick up a guitar only to run from it when they realize that they can’t play like Jimi Hendrix by the time they reach their 3rd lesson. One of the best places to start; however, is likely not a Martin Guitar, but rather a classical piano. If you want to learn to produce good music that adds value to your human experience and to your community, I want to challenge you to sign up for piano lessons and commit to at least one lesson per week for one year. Perhaps you can pick up an inexpensive electric keyboard so you can practice at home during this year as well. Fully commit though. Press through the frustration and conquer a new skill!
Written by Justin Gaynor
Learning The Chord Progressions




56 Less expensive than surfing, and just as radical...and fun... GET STARTED...

57 Then get RADICAL... A wetsuit? For the couple days a year when the water temp goes under 70 here in Florida...


59 Of all the hobbies and sports to get into, skimboarding has got to have one of the lowest barriers to entry. That’s really all you need. A well made skimboard (Less than $300), a wetsuit/springsuit for Florida’s “cold days”, and a bottle of sunscreen to protect your skin (priceless).
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A Long Weekend in St. Thomas - U.S. Virgin Islands

St. Thomas was originally settled around 1500, but through the colonization of America and on into present times, St. Thomas, along with a couple of other islands came to make up the U.S. Virgin Islands. This unincorporated paradise is roughly 112 miles east of Puerto Rico. In modern times, it is home to around 50,000 people, and draws droves of visitors each year.

A quick flight and you could be exploring Blackbeard’s Castle in St. Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands! That’s right, for about $455 you could find yourself on white sandy beaches, enjoying world class snorkeling, and navigating the Buck Island National Wildlife Refuge. Spirit Airlines currently has this competitive pricing in place, so if you are looking for a long weekend to unwind and relax, this may be perfect!

Reserve your tickets today…and make sure you take lots of pictures!
The food in St. Thomas is amazing as well! With everything from Kallaloo soup to Johnny cakes, and some of the best seafood in the Caribbean. Of course, you wouldn’t want to miss out on the spiritual food, too, if you know what I mean! So, what are you waiting for?