Architectural Portfolio 2021 - Geoffrey Foret - ENG

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Geoffrey Foret - Architect 2021


his portfolio is a selection of personal and professional works carried in the fields of architecture, town planning, and landscape design. Three years of bachelor at the architecture school Éav&t allowed me to acquire solid theoretical bases, which I quickly put into practice during professional experiences carried out in Paris (Obras architects), then in Tokyo (Sou Fujimoto Architects). I then joined the Master program “Architecture and Experience” , curated by Éric Lapierre, whose object is to work on, and try to define, the specificity of architectural rationality. The subjects of permanence, the economy of means, color, and typologies intersect, linked by the thread of rationality, and by particular attention paid to representation. It is from this perspective that I endeavor to consider the discipline as a whole, from its intellectual approach to its physical and constructive manifestations. Working for one year in the architecture and town planning firm Lambert Lénack, after graduating in 2018, I deepened my knowledge of complex subjects involved in the conception of medium-scale urban projects. After this, I took off for a journey around the Mediterranean sea. During this six-month trip I have explored and studied the cities, landscapes and cultures of the Mediterranean borders. Returning to France in march 2020, I started a new professional adventure by working for a technical design office. Thanks to this experience I have developed technical, constructive and project management skills, by being responsible for monitoring several projects under construction. I hope that I will share my enthusiasm with you through this selection of works. I wish you a pleasant reading!


Versailles Pion


A garden city for the 21st century 4

Mas Lombard

Art, Being and Nature 10

Manufacturing a Renaissance

EDF Low Carbon 2015 competition 18

Space, Time and Civilisations

A journey into the Mediterranean world 26

Die Bibliothek am Main

The library as a public infrastructure in Frankfurt 28

Fatum ex architectura

The cemetery as a public park for Guise 36

Domestic sheds

A communal residency mat building 42

Of Earth and Light

A wine cellar for Arc-et-Senans 48


Curriculum Vitae Geoffrey Foret

Work Experience

Architect Currently 02.2021

Freelance Architect Status : Self-employed

Extension of a house in Crespières - FR (Schematic Design, ongoing) Survey of the existing building, production of schematic designs, budget estimation, selection and encounter with several construction companies.

Currently 06.2020

Rehabilitation of 3 Towers at l’Haÿ-les-Roses - FR (Construction documents, work in progress) Project in partnership with Atelier Philippe Muller, lead architect. Verification of construction documents, inventory of the apartments for construction on occupied site, weekly preparation and monitoring.

Nationality French Languages native bilingual moderate moderate

Position : Project Architect - Permanent contract - Part-time 4/5th

Office redevelopment in Villeneuve-Saint-Georges - FR (All phases, built) Project management through schematic designs, design development, construction documents, and bidding. Pre-construction preparation and weekly site monitoring, post-construction walkthrough, and synthesis. Total duration (studies and site): 11 months.

Date of birth 22/07/1994

French English Spanish Italian

JLCB Technical Design Office (Chanteloup-les-Vignes, France)

Transformation of a “silo”car park into offices in Villeneuve-Saint-Georges - FR (Schematic Design) Survey of the existing, layout of the office program, budget estimation of the transformation.

08.2019 09.2018

Lambert Lénack Architectes (Paris, France)

Position : Junior Architect - Fixed term contract - Full time (11 months) Creation of a new district in Versailles - 78 (All phases, ongoing studies) Urban planning and layout of the district following the inspiration of Howard’s Garden Cities, production of the development permit, schematic design of public facilities and car parks, design of public spaces in partnership with Michel Desvignes Paysages, architectural coordination and housing design in partnership with Sergison Bates, Aires Mateus, Joly-Loiret and Inessa Hansch.

Contact +33 6 42 07 05 14 Crespières, 78121

Creation of an eco-district in Nîmes - 30 (Competition, winning proposal) Participation in the design and production of rendering elements for the competition. Graphical production and coordination of the drawings, and 3D modeling. Writing and layout of the project competition booklet fo the final presentation.

Skills AutoCAD Photoshop Illustrator InDesign Rhinoceros Vray Revit Sketchup Microsoft Office Driving license

07.2016 04.2016

Sou Fujimoto Architects (Tokyo, Japan) Position : Architectural Intern (4 months)

Three-month internship devoted to the study of projects at different phases and scales : Grand Paris train station, artistic installation for Château Lacoste, thermal center in Pézenas. Production of numerous physical and 3D models.

02.2016 09.2015

Obras Architectes (Paris, France) Position : Architectural Intern (6 months)

Study of a variety of urban, landscape, and architectural projects. Construction site monitoring for 100 housing units and a media library in Bretigny-sur-Orge (FR). Participation in the competitive dialogue for the redevelopment of the central station district of Châteaurenard (winning proposal).

References Étienne Lénack

Lambert Lénack +33 1 83 79 02 08

Education 03.2020 09.2019

Journey around the Mediterranean sea

2018 2016

Master degree in architecture

2015 2012

Bachelor of architecture

Frédéric Bonnet

Obras architectes +33 1 82 21 52 16 frédé

Charles-Henri Tachon

Atelier C-H Tachon +33 1 40 22 04 42

The purpose of this six-month trip was to explore the cultures, the architecture, the cities and landscapes of the Mediterranean basin through drawing, photography, and writing.

Architecture & Experience directed par Éric Lapierre École d’Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires Paris-Est (Champs-sur-Marne, France)

Studios Luc Baboulet, Étienne Lénack, and Charles-Henri Tachon École d’Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires Paris-Est (Champs-sur-Marne, France)

Community Residential Urbanism and landscape

Versailles Pion A garden city for the 21st century Location Duration Firm Team

Versailles, France June 2018 - Ongoing Lambert Lénack ICADE, Michel Desvignes, Phytorestore, Deyrolles


ur proposition, before being a drawing, is the creation of an “Art de vivre” embodied by the values Nature, Art and Education which resonate so well with the city of Versailles. We wish, in this place, to install a life in harmony with nature, cultivate beauty, and enable transmission of knowledge. Following these philosophical values, we have conceived an urban project that resonates with the heritage of Versailles, an urban project whose founding principles take inspiration from the territory of Versailles : from the city and the castle. Therefore, we have structured our general plan following four founding principles which resonate with the spirit of the place : a landscape of perspectives, pieces of greenery, the “promenades”, and an ornamental rationality.

The wooded square



The inhabited groves

The shared gardens and the Arche


Lower map A series of seven places


The superior Conservatory of Equestrian Arts and Cultures

The sports meadow

The lake garden





Upper map Perspectives and continuities

A Landscape of Perspectives

Pieces of greenery

As an extension of Michel Desvignes’ intentions, we have installed public spaces that allow unobstructed views on the scale of the large landscape, this scale which exists at the Palace of Versailles and in the major routes of the city.

We define a measurement of the project by large places, each very landscaped, with a periphery and a heart. This principle is inspired by the groves of the castle and the thick urban blocks of certain garden cities.

The shared gardens and the Arc

The inhabited groves

The wooded square


The Promenades

Ornamental rationality

We have cultivated, echoing the promenade of Louis XIV, the idea that a large urban composition could have ways of traversing it by crossroads which make it possible to discover its hidden treasures.

We want to create here an architectural philosophy that is both deeply contemporary and inspired by the heritage of Versailles. This philosophy must not result in a collection of objects but on the contrary in a singular place where diversity in harmony is cultivated.

The superior Conservatory of Equestrian Arts and Cultures The lake garden

The sports meadow

General axonometry A garden city for the 21st century

The wooded square Terres de Versailles - Cité Fertile

Terres de Versailles - Cité Fertile

La place boisée La place d’entrée se situe au Sud du projet, au nord de la RD10. Elle met en relation la structure majeure du projet : la grande terrasse et le cordon boisé. Nous l’avons conçu comme une place boisée pour incarner le caractère naturel de la cité jardin, protéger le quartier de la RD et prolonger le traitement boisé de ce « parkway » entre Saint-Cyr et Versailles.

Elle sera propice à créer une vie collective conviviale et active. Ces deux espaces publics concentriques sont traversés par une sente piétonne diagonale. Elle est implantée sur le tracé de l’aqueduc et possède donc un rôle pédagogique de compréhension du sol et de son histoire.

Facilement accessible depuis les quartiers alentours, elle est la place équipée et commerçante de la cité fertile. Les programmes qui incarnent ces usages sont disposés dans des bâtiments existants et projetés. On y trouve l’école, la crèche, l’Agora (salle commune à disposition des habitants du quartier). Dans la Halle réhabilitée s’installe un magasin d’alimentation biologique géré par l’enseigne naturéO.


Halle gourmande Restaurant


Maison du Bois


Trois maisons en meulières existantes ont été conservées et accueilleront des activités liées à la vie écologique du quartier : une recyclerie, la maison de l’économie participative et collaborative, la maison du bois et son atelier de menuiserie au service des habitants. Nous proposons aussi la construction d’un pavillon pour l’implantation d’un restaurant. Pour lier et mettre en résonance l’ensemble de ces équipements de l’entrée du quartier, nous avons conçu un espace public à la fois minéral et paysager. A grande échelle, l’ensemble des équipements et commerces bordent un grand parc rectangulaire boisé. Dans ce grand espace, à une échelle plus resserrée, les équipements et commerces majeurs constituent le périmètre d’une place rectangulaire minérale.


Maison de l’économie participative Centre de recyclage

Axonométrie place boisée


The nourishing garden and the Arche hotel Terres de Versailles - Cité Fertile

Terres de Versailles - Cité Fertile

Le Jardin Nourricier Au cœur du projet, au sortir de la gare, nous avons installé la cinquième pièce de verdure, un des lieux phare de notre proposition : le Jardin Nourricier. Nous imaginons un paysage appropriable et productif, à l’échelle du quartier et à celle du territoire. Il résonne avec les équipements agricoles de Versailles et notamment la ferme de Gally. Ce jardin nourricier a vocation à devenir lieu de vie, d’alimentation et de bien-être. Il est à la source d’une nouvelle harmonie des habitants avec la nature. Ils se composent de plusieurs lieux : une microferme en agroécologie et agroforesterie inspirée par la permaculture (1,2 ha), un écocentre, 150 jardins partagés réservés en priorité aux résidents (1,4 ha), un verger-conservatoire et un hôtel d’un nouveau genre.


The inhabited groves Terres de Versailles - Cité Fertile

Terres de Versailles - Cité Fertile

Les résidences villas Au sein de cette diversité de logements, nous proposons d’introduire une typologie plus collective bénéficiant de grandes qualités domestiques. Nous envisageons ces typologies au cœur des paysages les plus généreux et d’offrir des espaces extérieurs très généreux pour les logements et de très larges ouvertures vitrées. Nous avons appelé ces typologies qui allient collectivité et qualité domestiques exceptionnelles les résidences villas. Ces logements groupés pourront favoriser certaines innovations d’usages et notamment intégrer des notions de mutualisation et d’espaces partagés : des terrasses communes, un logement partagé…



The superior Conservatory of Equestrian Arts and Cultures Terres de Versailles - Cité Fertile

Le Conservatoire Supérieur des Arts et Cultures Equestres Le Conservatoire sera le futur héritage des installations des jeux olympiques et un lieu d’attractivité à l’échelle du territoire. Il forme une des pièces de verdure autour d’un bâtiment central qui abrite le manège. Les boxes en complètent le périmètre. Cet équipement fait partie intégrante de l’écosystème de la cité fertile et participera à créer cet art de vivre en harmonie avec la nature puisque dans ce lieu se cultive une relation d’échange avec les animaux et même des études sur le langage des chevaux.


Terres de Versailles - Cité Fertile

Community Residential Urbanism and landscape

Mas Lombard Art, Being and Nature Location Duration Firm Team

Nîmes, France June 2019 - Ongoing Lambert Lénack Eiffage, Michel Desvignes, Récipro-cité, Tecta


he conception of this new neighborhood, situated in the outskirts of Nîmes, is articulated around three values, which are Art, Being and Nature. Art, as vector of identity, will be a driving inspiration for the fabrication of landscapes, public spaces and buildings. Being, as an emphasis on the human scale, to bring back the inhabitants at the heart of the conception. Nature, as reconnecting humans to the territory by means of introducing urban agriculture and carefully selecting and cultivating local species in the neighborhood. The legacy of the site’s agricultural routes makes it possible to build a project anchored in its territory and respectful of its heritage. The existing north-south rivers as well as the structure of hedges and agricultural plots on the site are all elements and traces of the past which inspire us and which seem interesting to include in the reflection and development of the ground plan. These layouts will reveal a rich past to build a future garden district. We use them as lines of force to create the contours of the future pieces that make up the project. The variety of their shapes and sizes creates a design reminiscent of the Roman opus incertum which accommodates various urban forms.

Infrastructure and landscape

Diagrams Identification of the site’s characteristics

A collection of gardens


The Shared Gardens

The Patio Houses The Stepped buildings

The Roman Garden The Loop

The Stilts

The Cloisters

The Main Road The Meadow The Mas The School

The Garden Square The Stepped buildings

The Square

The Garden of Remembrance The Gymnasium

The Mas The Cultivated Lands Relay Station Offices

The Shared Gardens

The Olive Grove

Roundabout D999

The heart of the neighbourhood

The inhabited plots





Upper plan Perspectives and continuities

The Ga

The Cloisters

The Patio Houses

The Stilts

The Stepped buildings

The Main Road

The Mas


The School

The Square

The Mas

The Stepped buildings


Relay Station

Général axonometry An Opus Incertum made of pieces of nature

e Shared ardens The Roman Garden

The Loop

The Meadow

The Garden of Remembrance

The Gymnasium

e Garden Square The Shared Gardens

The Cultivated Lands

The Olive Grove

Roundabout D999

The garden square


Vegetalized roof

Limestone slabs

Umbrella pine

Dry fountain

Shopping terraces

We imagine a garden square where commercial and activity programs will be capable of creating a place of meeting and sharing. The three story buildings are arranged to form the image of Occitan village squares, a space with the scale of an inhabited district.


The landscape school





The school addresses a planted place. An orchard courtyard offers a real shaded and educational place to live. Tall stem trees are planted in the interior patio, creating a shaded space and a cool oasis in summer for the students. 15

The patio houses and the stepped buildings

These low-rise buildings are aligned with the houses of the nearby suburban neighborhoods to create a smooth scale transition with the new neighborhood. At certain pivotal points in the project, stepped buildings fabricate an intermediate scale, made of two superimposed duplexes which articulate the small scale of houses with the intermediate one of collective buildings.


The stilts

Some plots house buildings with deep shaded terraces suspended in the landscape. This state of suspension is accentuated by stilts for the ground floor. For these sets only, semi-underground parking lots are installed under the piles. 17

Community Residential Urbanism and landscape

Manufacturing a Renaissance EDF Low carbon 2015 competition Location Duration Firm Team

Lille, France Juin 2015 - Septembre 2016 Obras architectes Elioth, 169 architecture, Diane Berg


e are in Lille, in the city, but also near a harbour. The area is wide, linking a river and its fluvial system to an entire neighborhood through an atypical university : fragmented like in an American campus, inserted in the neighborhood’s domestic courts, already dedicated to invention and to the mysteries of manufacturing. Along the river, something happens. In 2015 we imagine, for 2025, a quite conventional neighborhood of the hedonistic city at the turn of the century. Will stylish apartments replace, at waterfront, the warehouses that appear to belong to a past century? Or is it not the occasion for a change, to take another path? If energy is dwindling, if resources are being depleted, then the manufacturing of things, their transportation, “supply”, become so important that the harbour again becomes a key issue, especially through its diffused form, linking local transformations to the wider network of what remains available, at lower cost. We imagined that this neighborhood, this city block, offered an opportunity for experimentation. A pioneer place for a new way of thinking production, the economy of resources and the role of transformations themselves in urban life.




Territorial map Resources of the Deûle valley


The “Fabrique” manufacturing centre is nestled in the heart of the city, contributing to the rediscovery of its productivity. For a city like Lille, which derives its wealth from commerce as well as from the industrial production of an entire region, this represents a renaissance. The new manufacturing centres are not the industries of the past. Lighter, more mobile and flexible, they integrate into the urban fabric immediately next to other uses. The activities inside become visible from the outside and participate in bustling activities of the public space. 0




Neighborhood plan A productive city



The “Fabrique” manufacturing center and the workshops

public space



restored housing

private gardens



public space



Down : Section AA Up : Axonometry of the site The elements of the Manufacturing Center


The “Duc”

The “Incubator of things”

Inspired by the light structures of Muyssaert warehouses, the “Duc” is an umbilical cord that supplies the entire system. At six meters from ground level, it provides the transfer of all materials, and all objects, from the port to the workshops and between workshops, as well as offering a logistical and energy function.



The transformations of the neighborhood, whether spectacular - when a new building arrives, or an old building is replaced- or discreet, provide materials to recycle. The ERDF tower offers us a perfect solution : a concrete silo freed from its shell, it becomes a gigantic shelf, visible from outside the district, landmark of the Manufacturing Center.

public space

the Hive

public space

rue Charles de Muyssaert

Up: The Elements The “Duc” and the “Incubator of things”

Transformation and optimisation of the suburban fabric The neighborhood is the factory’s testing ground, which is gradually spreading to the area of influence of the next factory. The university provides the grey matter, the workshops the elements that reactivate and update the buildings. By improving the walls, by addition, subtraction, elevation, grafting, etc. the factory allows existing buildings to complement each other, to be extended by new premises.

Axonometry of the suburban fabric The Manufacturing Center as a Renaissance



Process diagrams The manufactured elements

Space, Time, Civilisations A journey into the Mediterranean world Location Duration Steps

Mediterranean basin September 2019 - March 2020 France, Spain, Morocco, Tunisia, Italy, Greece.

“ What we wanted to try, it is an encounter between past and present, the repeated passage from one to the other, an endless recital, led by two frank voices. (...) History is no more than a constant interrogation of times gone by on behalf of the problems and curiosities (...) of the present time that surrounds and besieges us. More than any other human universe, the Mediterranean is proof of this, as it never ceases to narrate itself, to revive itself. For pleasure no doubt, no less out of necessity. To have been is a condition for being. ” Fernand Braudel, La Méditerranée, 1977


his journey is one of a desire to better understand the world in which we live, in all its complexity, its paradoxes, its violence and its beauty. It is one of a rational and objective study of the architecture, cities, landscapes, and cultures of the Mediterranean borders. It is also one of a poetic vision, nourished by the dreams, the stories and the myths of ancient and new civilisations. It is a journey to learn from yesterday, to live today, to hope for tomorrow.


Marseille Barcelona Naples


Lisbon Granada

Palermo Tunis




Catania Kalamata

Casablanca Tozeur Marrakech




Traveled (2020) Planned (Later)

Map of the Mediterranean area Steps and paths


Up: Mosaic of Ulysses and the mermaids Bardo Museum, Tunis, c. 300 BC. Right page Sketches and photographs from the journey

Community Residential Urbanism and landscape

Die Bibliothek am Main The library as a public infrastructure in Frankfurt Location Duration Professors

Frankfurt, Germany February 2018 - June 2018 Eric Lapierre, Laurent Esmilaire, Tristan Chadney


e are in Frankfurt, on the riverside of the Main, in an old industrial neighborhood that is undergoing mutation. The library, which completes the residential and commercial offers in place with its cultural program, is envisioned as an eminently public infrastructure. The ground floor is conceived as a continuation of the public space, becoming a great urban salon, where the café, the exhibition gallery, and the press corner generate intensity of use. The multimedia space takes the shape of a spiralling slope that starts its ascension at ground floor, and runs all the way to the top of the building. The users evolve in a continuous space where they come across carrels, shelves full of books, computers, projection rooms, and so on. A hanging garden, covered by a great greenhouse, marks the end of this journey and offers a calm natural environment in which the users can read or discuss, while enjoying panoramic views of Frankfurt and its surroundings.




Groundfloor plan The groundfloor as an urban living room



Exterior perspective The library as a public infrastructure



3rd Floor

5th Floor

1st Floor

2nd Floor


Floor plans Departments : Literature and youth - Art and audiovisual - Sciences






Open axonometry A multimedia landscape

Interior perspective The Atrium, an ascension from Culture to Nature






Perspective section Urban salon - Multimedia spiral - Hanging garden




Façade detail Transparency and lightness






Detailed section Ensure the continuity of the concrete soffit

Community Residential Urbanism and landscape

Fatum ex architectura The cemetery as a public park for Guise Location Duration Professors Team

Guise, France September 2017 - January 2018 Eric Lapierre, Ambra Fabi, Giovanni Piovene

Gaëlle Pfaff, Julien Hervault


his work is part of a collective reinterpretation of the city of Guise around the Familistère, an utopian communal residence imagined by Godin at the end of the 19th century. Our proposal envisions the cemetery as an element of reconnection between the city and the landscape that surrounds it. A grid of walls - colombariums - is superimposed on the existing topography, gently sloping down to the river. The entrance to the cemetery therefore adapts to the suburban scale and offers the perception of a large open and accessible park. To the south, the walls rise to measure themselves against the great landscape. Another layer is applied to the natural soil, a flowered fallow, easy to maintain, and which brightens the cemetery while providing the raw material necessary for the decoration of funeral huts. In this grid with open limits, each box constitutes a world in itself, both similar and yet always changing. The ceremonial hall and the crematorium occupy two distant boxes, both to meet functional needs and to set up a funeral procession.




General plan The cemetery as a landscaped park

Up : Reference Shift, Richard Serra, 1972





Reversed axonometries Ceremonial room and Crematorium

Axonometry Reception room - Crematorium - Colombariums - Park

Exterior perspective A human scaled, opened access



Interior perspective The ceremonial room

Community Residential Urbanism and landscape

Domestic sheds A communal residency mat building Location Duration Professors

Arc-et-Senans, France February 2017 - June 2017 Eric Lapierre, Ambra Fabi, Giovanni Piovene


tarting from the town of Arc-et-Senans, occupied in its center by the Royal Salines of Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, the objective of this exercise is to work on the housing program by studying the types and profiles of the inhabitants . An abstract grid organizes the territory. Each 200m side square is assigned a type and profile. The combination of the Mat building type with the Community profile leads us to consider the hypothesis of a domestic mega-structure. On the upper floor, the individual cells take the shape of a huge shed roof, which maximizes natural light and structural inertia. Below, the forest of wooden posts carries the upper floor and provides the visual opening and fluidity of circulation necessary for community life. There are collective spaces such as living rooms and kitchens, all equipped with their own fireplaces. A matrix of patios brings natural light to these spaces and makes it possible to practice the culture and the breeding participating in the feeding of the community. With this cross-section organization, the project manages to articulate the collective need of being together, with the necessary privacy that is specific to the individual scale.




Ground floor



First floor





Plan and facade 1 Collective kitchen - 2 Patio - 3 Collective living-room - 4 Individual cell

Perspective section Community spaces and individual cells

Interior perspective Collective living room

Community Residential Urbanism and landscape

Of Earth and Light A wine-cellar for Arc-et-Senans Location Duration Professors Team

Arc-et-Senans, France September 2016 - January 2017 Eric Lapierre, Ambra Fabi, Giovanni Piovene Henri Isaac, Giulio Montrasi


eveloping an ex-nihilo structure means focusing on the specifics of the wine-cellar program, in its relationship to the ground, and in its function of transforming a raw material into a finished product. Beyond the functional and practical characteristics required by a winery, we were inspired by the plant, the vine, as the raw material for wine emerging from the soil. From there, we work on an analogy between Architecture and Viticulture. Viticulture is the transformation of a raw material, the grape fruit from the vine plant, into the finished product, wine. Architecture is also the transformation of a raw material, which is ideally found in situ, into a constructed building, the wine-cellar. This transformation process must resonate at all scales in the building. The architecture, like the vine, takes root in the ground, from which it draws the resources to emerge and push upwards, in search of light.



Upper floor Platform







Utopia A new Utopia in Arc-et-Senans around Claude-Nicolas Ledoux’s Royal Saline









Up : Reversed axonometry Down : Cave level plan 1 Caves - 2 Fontain - 3 Reserves - 4 Terrace

Perspectives Platform - Entrance to the domain




Longitudinal section - Facade An organic structure made of stone, compressed earth bricks and wood

“ Just as we acquaint ourselves with materials and just as we understand functions, we must become familiar with the psychological and spiritual factors of our day. No cultural activity is possible otherwise; for we are dependent on the spirit of our time. ” Mies Van Der Rohe, Chicago, 1938.

Geoffrey Foret Architect +33 6 42 07 05 14

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