Diario 4

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UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA DE MACHALA “Calidad Pertinencia y Calidez” D.L. N° 69-04, DE 14 DE ABRIL DE 1969 PROV. DE EL ORO-REP. DEL ECUADOR UNIDAD ACADEMICA DE CIENCIAS QUIMICAS Y DE LA SALUD ANALISIS DE MEDICAMENTOS Fecha: Machala, 11 de mayo del 2017 Nombre: Geomary Heras Docente: Dr. Carlos García Curso: Noveno Semestre “A” DIARIO 4 INSTALACIÓN DE SIGMAPLOT Email webstore@illinois.edu your purchase receipt and computer name to request license server configuration for your computer. Due to firewall restrictions, particularly on off-campus and wireless connections, you will need to connect to the your campus VPN service before installing and to use this software. You will need to download two files. The installer and a license manage ini file.

You will see a Windows Installer window.

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