Editorial Guidelines 2010 www.rivistageomedia.it GEOmedia is the Italian magazine that focuses on geomatics, acquisition process technologies, processing, and the use and management of georeferenced information in 3D space. GEOmedia is centered on culture, technology and instruments operating in the GIS (Geographic Information System), Cartography, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Topography, Cadastre, Remote Sensing and GPS fields, with a technical and informed approach. GEOmedia is the leading Italian magazine for Geo-IT advanced technologies, Geographic Information and Information Technologies for land management, mobility and Intelligent Geography. GEOmedia subscribers are Land Surveyors, Geologists, Agronomists, Architects, Engineers, GIS Professionals, cartography and topography survey companies, GIS, Central and Local Public Administration (LPA) offices, operators of Research and Training. In addition to its subscribers, GEOmedia is distributed and circulated through a selected mailing list. The magazine refers to the specific editorial theme and caters especially to the main events, conferences and fairs of the italian geomatic sector: ESRI Users Conference, Salone del Restauro, SAIE, Geofluid, ASITA and SIFET. The paper version is actually updated by a monthly newsletter mailed to all GEOmedia subscribers. Newsletter issue archive is at the following link: (http://www.rivistageomedia.it/it/archivio.html).
Reference editorial themes are:
Cultural Heritage
GIS and Public Administration
Industrial Topography and Land Surveying
Mobile GIS and Positioning
Traditional Cartography
Photogrammetry and Imaging Analysis
Town planning and Geomatic Instruments
Geomatics and Geology
Editorial Guidelines 2010 www.rivistageomedia.it
Related Events
Number 1 (January-February) “The geomatics for Cadastre” Topics: applications for the Cadastre, the situation of the revolution made by the Italian “Agenzia del Territorio” of Ministry of Finance
SatEXPO (4-5-6 February) Imagina (3-5 February) GI4DM (2-4 February) PSATS (4-6 February)
Number 2 (March-April) “Geology and Cartography” Topics: applications for the field of geology, construction of traditional cartography and / or mapping systems, hydrography.
Salone Restauro Ferrara (24-27 March) IIR - Rischio Idrogeologico (23-24 March)
Number 3 (May-June) “GIS for Emergency Health and Safety” Topics: applications for healthcare management, applications like “Risk Management” and “Risk for Emergencies”, security applications and managing geographic.
SIFET Congress (june 2010)
Editorial Deadline
January 15th, 2010
March 1st, 2010
May 15th, 2010
Editorial Guidelines 2010 www.rivistageomedia.it Issue
Related Events
Number 4 (July-August) "Infomobility" Topics: personal navigation, fleet management, mobile information, web mapping and data integration solutions, road safety, marine navigation, GPS, GIS, decision support systems, environmental sustainability, LBS, mobile surveys, Land, etc.. Number 5 (September-October) “The geomatics for the documentation of Cultural Heritage “ Topics: geomatics systems for documentation and monitoring of Cultural Heritage Number 6 (November-December) “Geospatial and Geomarketing” Topics: geospatial applications, databases, geographic three-dimensional or even four-dimensional Special Issue “Earth Observation and the Environment” Topics: Sensors surveying and initial results: GOCE SkyMed, ASTER, the role of space agencies (ASI, ESA, NASA)
Editorial Deadline
June 20th, 2010
Iugi Intergraph (October) INTERGEO (5-10 October) ESRI EMEA (26-28 October) ASITA Congress (December2010)
September 10th, 2010
November 10th, 2010