mediaGEO specializes in technical and scien.fic communica.on in the fields of new technologies applied to Earth science, the environment and cultural heritage. Our mission is to research, create and spread valuable content on these subjects through magazines, the Internet and social media. Our partnerships with the most important public organiza.ons, research centers, press agencies, companies and industry events organizers, as well as Italian and interna.onal newspapers/magazines, allow us to be recognized as a reference point in the use of new technologies in the above men.oned fields. Our brands: GEOmedia, published since 1996, is a bimonthly printed and digital magazine focusing on technologies. GEOmedia has also a website, which is updated daily. GEOforALL and GEOforUS are respec.vely an online newspaper and a weekly e-‐newsleHer focusing on technologies for land and the environment, geoma.cs and GIS. Archeoma3ca, published since 2009, is a trimonthly printed ad digital magazine focusing on technologies for cultural heritage. has also a website (updated daily) and a e-‐newsleHer. Smart for City is an online newspaper and monthly e-‐newsleHer published since October 2013 focusing on Informa.on and Communica.on Technologies (ICT) for Smart mediaGEO’s offer has recently expanded providing in the development of tailor-‐made editorial products, in the organiza.on of industry events and in the supply of specialized communica.on services.