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. d o G r e t n u o Enc Solidify your


change your world.

Teen Mania’s

Welcome From the Executive Director I am so excited that you are now an intern at the Honor Academy. Your year at the Honor Academy is going to be one of the most incredible years of your life. We know that God has great things in store for you that will alter your very being. I pray your year in the Honor Academy will be a year in which you will understand more clearly the depth of God’s love for you and the plans that He has for you. I also pray that this will result in the growth of your whole person. We have prepared a program for you unlike any other in the world. The decision is yours. How much do you want to change? Those of you who press in and take advantage of the opportunity in front of you now will see tremendous change and growth. I am very honored and excited to get to spend a year with you, the future leaders of the body of Christ! Semper Honorablus,

David M. Hasz EVP Teen Mania Ministries Executive Director Honor Academy


Letter from Director............... PAGE 1 Code of Honor/Conduct.......... PAGE 4 Mission Statements............... PAGE 5

HA structure.................

page 6

Leadership structure............... page 7 Classroom instruction.............. page 8 Life Transforming Events......... page 14 Working internship.............. page 15

eXtracurricular Honor academy 20 18

Community Living........... page 22 23 Curfew/ Safety/ Travel Policies.... page 26 page ....... .......... HA Dress Code Disciplinary Actions................. page 29

Honor academy Travel Checkouts................. page 36 Black Out Dates................ page 37

/ J eff B ergen RTEE/ K Y L E POIS SON/ L isa Walker PHOTO CREDI T S B R A N DON BA

The Campus scenE

Campus Map.............................. page 40 Campus Guidelines..................... page 42 Campus Information.................. page 43

Intern survival guide

Acronyms.............................. page 46 Terms Defined.................... page 47

Announcements & Updates Frequenty Called Numbers............

page 48

FINANCIAL POLICIES....... page 49 Conduct assesSment....... page 52 What is Genesis?....... page 54 Planner........... page 55




“I will conduct myself honorably before God and man in word, thought, and deed.”

CODE OF CONDUCT It is the policy of the HA to create an environment conducive to learning where the integrity of each individual is respected and upheld. To this end, the academy has developed the following standards to secure this objective: character

As an ambassador of Christ, I will conduct myself with the highest moral character. I will act with honor in all situations, without regard to the consequences. I will help those who are helpless, and I will speak truth, tempered with kindness and delivered in love.


As one under God’s authority, I willingly submit myself to leadership and will graciously receive correction as well as praise. I will fervently pursue knowledge and wisdom, and I will look for opportunities to support those I serve. I understand that my actions affect those around me, and I will ensure that my attitude reflects that of Christ at all times.


I will remember that serving as a leader is a privilege and not a right. I will always make decisions based on what is moral and just and will make it clear that my honor is not for sale. I will serve those I lead and will seek wise counsel in the face of uncertainty.

personal development

I will continue to develop myself daily through physical exercise and mental discipline, and I will make self-control a key part of my lifestyle to ensure that I am well-prepared for every situation.

emotional balance

I understand that emotional balance is necessary in handling my many responsibilities. Therefore, I will control my emotions when they are inappropriate for a specific setting, and I will always consider the feelings of others (both those who are and are not present) before I express my own feelings.

appropriate dress

I will encourage others to focus on Christ by dressing in a way that does not draw undue attention to myself. I will always be dressed appropriately for the occasion, and I will be respected for my lifestyle of modesty.

opposite gender friendships

I will use wisdom when interacting with members of the opposite gender to avoid any “appearance of evil.” I will treat my brothers and sisters in Christ with respect and dignity. I will cultivate godly friendships with members of the opposite gender that will produce mutual growth.

spiritual growth

Above all else, I will love God with all of my heart, soul, and mind. I will strive to reflect Christ in everything that I do, and I will be an example to all those around me in words and in deeds. I will look to the Lord for guidance in all situations, and I willingly submit my life to His plan. I know that God is my source of joy and strength, and I firmly believe that His grace is more than sufficient to enable me to fulfill my role in completing the Great Commission during my lifetime.


TEEN MANIA MISSION STATEMENT Our heartbeat is to provoke a young generation to passionately pursue Jesus Christ and to take His life-giving message to the ends of the earth!


FAITH | We receive direction, provision, and motivation directly from God and His Word to take the Gospel to the world. INTEGRITY | We are who we say we are, and we always do the right thing, regardless of expediency. RELATIONSHIPS | We have servants’ attitudes, and we go to heroic lengths to meet the needs of others. VISION | We dare to dream as big as God dreams and believe that with God on our side, we can achieve the impossible. EXCELLENCE | We demand of ourselves uncompromising quality and strive to be people who demonstrate excellence in everything we do.

HONOR ACADEMY MISSION STATEMENT Empowering Godly men and women to possess wisdom, vision, and discipline to excel as leaders whose lives advance the Kingdom.

PILLARS WISDOM | We fear the Lord and actively pursue good judgment and knowledge. VISION | We understand God’s plan and seek to know our part. DISCIPLINE | We are internally motivated to take up our cross daily to impact the world. LEADERSHIP | We lead many to righteousness and together we will shine like the stars forever.

TENETS OF THE HONOR ACADEMY 1. I will never lie or allow the truth to be misrepresented. Lying is the intent to deceive. 2. I will cultivate peace in all relationships by adhering strictly to the Teen Mania grievance procedures. 3. I will confront immediately when I witness any person with Teen Mania not upholding the tenets and I will follow up this confrontation through the proper channels. 4. I will never speak ill of an Honor Academy participant or staff member—past, present, or future. 5. I will never maliciously portray or allow Teen Mania to be portrayed in a negative light irresponsibly by embracing Tenet two and three. I will help to make Teen Mania better.


STRUCTURE The structure of the Honor Academy Program is designed to create an atmosphere of radical growth. The various facets of the programs are driven by this purpose. All of the rules and structures are established to impact the following areas of your life:

spiritual growth

As you build character through an intimate relationship with God and commit to pursuing personal growth, you will acquire a sound vision for your life.

academic ability

Classes will help develop your ability to study, learn effectively, and process information while you gain observation skills, an understanding of missions, and knowledge of current global events.

vocational development

As you gain valuable job skills such as planning, decision-making, budgeting, and time management, you will become a developed professional able to “let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (matthew 5:16).

ministry training

The time spent in your ministry placement will help you discover your strengths, gifts, and abilities while you receive hands-on experience in various areas of ministry.

personal lifestyle

As you are challenged and held accountable by leaders and peers to discipline yourself physically, spiritually, and mentally, you will be able to achieve your personal goals while developing character qualities such as integrity and perseverance.

leadership involvement

You will receive leadership training and responsibility as you learn to lead, follow, and serve. There are many leadership opportunities within the internship program and other Teen Mania events in which you can practice your leadership skills.

individual accountability

Accountability is indispensable as you seek to grow and implement new habits and qualities into your life. You will build accountability relationships with your Accountability Partner, within your room and Core, and with other interns and Teen Mania Staff members.


room meetings

As you take a year of your life to invest in your future and ministry through Teen Mania, you will be living in dormitory-style accommodations with up to five other interns. The weekly room meeting is a time set aside each week when your room can talk about relevant issues you are facing and establish close-knit friendships. Your Assistant Core Advisor will facilitate this meeting.

core meetings

Your Core is made up of 8-18 other interns and is led by your Core Advisor (CA), a 2nd-4th year intern. The Core meeting is an opportunity to learn from your CA’s experiences as an intern and gain wisdom that can be applied to your own life. This meeting is also a time for accountability and Bible study, as well as a chance for your core to spend time as a family getting to know each other better.


LEADERSHIP STRUCTURE Executive Director Directs all program aspects of the Honor Academy, including the administration of accountability, logistics, etc.

Director of HA Operations Responsible for the direction, facilitation, and vision of the Undergraduate and Graduate Program; oversees the development and discipline of both programs.

Director of GI Programs Responsible for direction, faciliation of Graduate Interns on campus.

Director of Men/Women Responsible for the CA and ACA selection and development, as well as intern accountability.

Dorm Director (DD) Directly oversees Core Advisors. Through mentorship and accountability, Dorm Directors develop the CA’s and the ACA’s while being highly accessible to the interns they live with in the dormitories. Dorm Directors are accountable to the Director of the Undergraduate Program.

Core Advisors (CA) Oversee Undergraduate interns. Those interns make up a Core. The CA leads the discipleship of each Core and focuses on the growth of each member. CA’s are graduate interns serving in their second or third year in the Honor Academy, and have completed a rigorous selection and training program.

Assistant Core Advisors (ACA) A peer leader selected by the leadership of the Honor Academy. The ACA leads small group accountability and assists the Core Advisor in the development of their roommates.

“This year, the Lord has changed me so much and has taught me the importance of relationships and how we can ‘spur one another toward love and good works.’ He has also given me a desire to be His mouthpiece, whether it be through song or through speaking. I’ve also gained vision for my life. Aside from deciding to follow Jesus, coming to the HA has been the best decision of my life.”

Hannah Lockard



INSTRUCTION The Honor Academy has been designed to cultivate and develop the leadership potential in young adults while preparing them to impact today’s world for Christ. All curriculum is designed and gathered to give interns a balanced, strategic approach to developing leadership skills and Godly character. character development Character Development is a class that is taught by Teen Mania’s founder and president, Ron Luce. This class will be held every week and focuses on building Christ-like character into every part of your life. enrichment HA Enrichment is a class that is focused solely on getting information and announcements to interns, staff, and graduate interns. This class allows for everyone to get the latest information on what is going on in the ministry. (more on Page 48) chapel Teen Mania Ministries’ staff and Honor Academy interns join together during this time each week for worship and a special guest speaker. Guest speakers vary and have included: John Maxwell, Jack Hayford, Josh McDowell, Jeanne Mayo, Ron Luce, KP Yohannon, and countless other world-class speakers.

world view We desire to radically challenge our interns to go beyond salvation – to understand biblical faith as an entire world view, a perspective on all of life. Through the World View class, interns will be able to answer the questions: • Where do we come from and who are we? • What has gone wrong with the world? • How do we fix this “mess” our culture is in today? The main component of the World View Module is the book How Now Shall We Live written by Chuck Colson and Nancy Pearcy. This module will help interns to (1) construct a foundation of truth, (2) discover truth, and (3) confront untruth with truth. foundations and apologetics This course is designed to enable its participants to gain a better understanding of how to defend their faith. It deals with current and traditional arguments for the existence of God, the validity of religious experience, biblical authority, and postmodern challenges to the Christian faith. Student will gain an understanding of the postmodern context, secularism, pluralism, and privatization and how to answer the questions posed by these vantage points.

trailer club Ethics and leadership Trailer Club is our class exclusively for the men Our desire is to develop Godly leaders who exude on campus. It is not just a class, but it is a culture honor, integrity, maturity, wisdom, and discipline where interns will be developed in three basic stagwithin the Honor Academy. The curriculum for the es of Manhood: Son, Husband and Father. Interns Ethics and Leadership class consists of Habitudes: will learn to implement healthy thought processes Images that Form Leadership Habits and Attitudes, a during their son years; prepare them to become the series created by Dr. Tim Elmore who will also be a greatest husband they can be, and understand their guest instructor and The Making of a Leader by Dr. role as a father to this generation. Robert Clinton. “This year, the Lord has changed me so much and has taught me the

importance of relationships and how we can “spur one another toward love and good works.” Without the friends I’ve made here, I may not have grown “Byinhiscertain grace ways in bringing here,from the certain directionstrongholds. and purposeHeinhas my also life has been or beenmefreed given me drastically have been purified, inspired whether and called by through him in this place. a desirechanged. to be HisI mouthpiece, His messenger, it be song or I have been speaking. taken fromI’ve thealso shellgained of a life that for I was to being fulldeciding of him and through vision myliving life. Aside from to led by him, and now coming living a to lifethe worthy my calling.” follow Jesus, HonorofAcademy has been the best decision of my life. “ Hannah Lockard – Incoming MA

Jonathan Rosser


risen women This class focuses on teaching and developing godly women through discussion of the following topics: relationships; communication; unique roles of women as daughters, friends, wives, and mothers; modesty; respect; purity; wisdom; authenticity; value; compassion; strength; and virtue. The goal of this course is that by realizing her God given talents, gifts, and roles, each young woman will experience a freedom and confidence in knowing that God has a distinctive plan for her life. missions Through the Missions class, interns will begin to understand God’s plan for the world and for their life as they explore the History of missions. The main components of this class is curriculum from the US Center for World Missions entitled, Perspectives on Exposure. great books This course will study composition principles by reading different types of literature and compositions. This course will develop the student’s ability to think critically, evaluate written materials, and express thoughts clearly.

portfolio papers This course will follow the same description as a standard literature 101 course which develops basic skills in clear and appropriate expression in varied writing situations according to the standards of written English and considers ways to find ideas using various invention techniques, and to develop them in expository essays, which are evaluated with a portfolio system.

biblical survey This class is a survey of the entire Bible, Old & New Testament, through a book-by-book approach to the narrative. This includes the study of the distinctive message, the characters, and the events of each book as they relate to the historical sequence, as well as some applications of Old Testament teaching to contemporary Christian living.

CLASS RECORDINGS AVAILABLE If you miss a class for any reason (sickness, vacation, ministry related travel [page 16], etc.), you are required to make up the class. You can listen to the class on the internet, or you can purchase a recording from the Auditorium team. For more info email the Auditorium team at:

A.C.T. and S.A.T. You can take the ACT or SAT while at the Honor Academy! Each year we assist interns in registering and taking the ACT or SAT in preparation for college. ACT and SAT registration packets are available from the Curriculum Manager.

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Class Policies Attendance

We believe that interns will make the most of the educational opportunities that are available to them by attending classes punctually. Therefore regular class attendance is required. If you do not sign in on the provided attendance sheets, you will be counted as absent. You are allowed an unlimited amount of excused absences from class. You are allowed zero unexcused absences from class. Unexcused absences will be reflected in your final grade and may affect your graduation status. When absent from class for the following reasons, you will be excused: • Approved break • Sick day • SWAT/Support • Fundraising trip (with some restrictions) • Mission trip If you are going to be absent from class for any of these reasons (other than a sick day) it is required that you email the Teacher Assistant before the day you will miss class. If you do not, your absence will be considered unexcused. If you miss class due to being sick, or any unexpected reason, it is required that you email the Teacher Assistant within 5 business days of the day you missed class. If you do not, your absence will be considered unexcused. You are required to make up any HA classes that you miss by listening to them online.

Assignments and Quizzes When turning in assignments and quizzes, you must include at the top: • The date • Your name as it is recorded on Genesis • Your CPO# • The name of the class • The name of the assignment Any late assignments must be taken directly to the Teachers Assistant. If the Teachers Assistant is not at her desk, drop it off in her inbox. Sign the designated tracking sheet for late assignments and include a note on the assignment explaining why it is late. If you miss a quiz, it is solely your responsibility to connect with the Teachers Assistant in order to make it up. Email, call, or visit her desk as many times as is necessary to connect with her. Quizzes must be made up within 5 business days of the original test date.

“When Christ

calls a man… He bids him come and die”

-Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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Testing All testing dates will be “black out” dates and can be found on page 37. You are responsible to be present to take the tests on the designated testing dates. If, due to immediate family emergency, you must miss a test you are to notify the Teacher and Teacher Assistant and take your final within 5 business days of your return.

Questions or Concerns If you have questions regarding class, first email the Teacher Assistant. If you do not receive a response from them within one week, email the Teacher. If you do not receive a response from the teacher after one week, email the Curriculum Manager.

Curriculum Specifics & Resources Books At the beginning of each semester you will receive a number of books for your classes. These are property of the Honor Academy, and are not available for sale. You will be required to return them at the end of each semester. You are not allowed to write in or highlight them. Any lost, damaged or altered books must be paid for at the end of the semester.

PbWorks PbWorks is our online database available to all interns. This is an important resource that contains information vital to your success in Honor Academy classes. You will find syllabi, homework assignments, PowerPoint’s, class announcements, and many other valuable tools. Go to: Username: haclasses Password: teenmania1011

Academic Accommodations Please contact the Curriculum Manager if you need a tutor to help you with your classes. The Honor Academy Leadership wants you to get the most out of the classes, and doesn’t want anything to hinder you. We are here to help you be successful academically! A Dyslexic Reading Group is available to interns who need help with reading. Contact the Curriculum Manager if you are interested in taking advantage of this.

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Sterling College Credit The Honor Academy has an exciting partnership with Sterling College, located in Sterling, Kansas. Through this partnership, you have the option of getting college credit for the classes you are taking this year. In order to take advantage of this opportunity, there is an HA transcript fee of $139 that must be paid to the Honor Academy in the beginning of the year. You will not have the option of coming to us in the future for a transcript if you do not pay this fee on time. If you attend Sterling College after the Honor Academy, there is no cost for the credits earned here. If you attend a different college, the total cost to transfer credits is $55 per credit hour plus a single transfer fee of $50. This must be paid to Sterling College after graduation and as soon as you need your credits transferred to the college of your choice. You have up to five years to do this. Sterling College credit is available only to Graduates of the Honor Academy. If you do not successfully complete the internship and graduate, you will not be able to receive credit for any classes taken (even if they are completed).

Steps to Receiving Credit Through Sterling College 1. You must pay the HA transcript fee of $139 before the deadline on September 13th for August interns, or January 31st for January interns. 2. You have to apply to Sterling College in order to get college credit for your HA classes – even if you aren’t going to attend Sterling. There is a special application that you need to fill out; the link will be provided in the Daily Blast. a. To be accepted, Sterling will need your high school transcript, and ACT/SAT scores (minimum score required is 18/1290) OR college transcripts with at least 12 credit hours. b. You do not have to be accepted to Sterling before you graduate from the Honor Academy, but you will need to allow six weeks between the time you complete the application process, and when you need your credits transferred to your next college. 3. Once you are accepted to Sterling, Sterling will send you an acceptance letter. 4. At the end of the second semester, the Curriculum Manager at the Honor Academy will release your final grades, and send out a transcript survey where you will choose which classes you want sent to Sterling College. You must fill out this survey before the deadline given, or your transcript will not be sent to Sterling. You will not have the option of coming to us in the future for a transcript if you do not fill this survey out in time.

[ 13 ] 5. Immediately after your graduation from the Honor Academy, the Curriculum Manager at the Honor Academy will make your transcript and send it to Sterling. 6. When Sterling has your transcript, they will mail you an unofficial copy of your transcript for you to preview, the cost breakdown, and payment instructions. a. If you need this quickly, because you are going to college immediately, fill out the Transcript Request form found on their website (link will be provided in the Daily Blast). 7. You will send Sterling the signed agreement and payment. The cost is $55 per credit hour, and a one time transfer fee of $50. a. You will have to pay for the credits just as soon as you need them transferred to your next college. b. You have 5 years after graduation to do this. 8. Sterling will send your official transcript to the college you ask them to.

ORU Credit

Some of the Honor Academy classes have been accredited through Oral Roberts University. This partnership is only available to individuals who will attend ORU. In order to take advantage of this opportunity, there is an HA transcript fee of $139 that must be paid to the Honor Academy in the beginning of the year. If you are interested in attending ORU in the future, please contact the Curriculum Manager for more information.

Temporary Transcripts & Proof of Enrollment

The Curriculum Manager can make an unofficial transcript before graduation, if you need to send one to your next college in order to register for classes. This will hold you over until you get official credits transferred from Sterling after graduation. Proof of Enrollment letters are also available for your insurance company or a loan deferment.

“I think it better to do right, even if we suffer in so doing, than to incur the reproach of our consciences and posterity.�

-Robert E. Lee

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Life Transforming Events (LTE) usually take place on Friday and Saturday, they will stretch and grow you spiritually, mentally, physically, as well as emotionally. These events will teach you how to work as a team, as an individual, and most importantly; to depend on God. From these events you will learn lessons that you can take with you for the rest of your life. Here are a few events that will change your life: Gauntlet • Mens/Womens LTE • The Peak Challenge • Adventure Trips/GE Mission Trip • E.S.O.A.L. • World Awareness • Unreached People Group Orange Block/ Grey Block • Vision/Purpose • Endurance Celebration • Summer Camps

BANQUETS Many LTE’s throughout the year will culminate with a banquet. This is a great way for interns to celebrate the growth experienced during the LTE. •Commitment Banquet •E.S.O.A.L. Banquet • Men’s/Women’s Banquet •Celebration Banquet •Commencement Gala • Week of the Ring Banquet

“This year I have been stretched in every way possible. I have learned so much about the love of Christ and how to love others. I came in as an insecure girl, but through the Lord showing me who I am through His eyes, I will leave a secure mature woman in Christ.”

Sarah Ashley

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Develop yourself while reaching your generation in your ministry placement. Each day you will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience and learn various skills that will last a lifetime. The Honor Academy uses a series of tests and interviews to match your strengths with the ministry’s needs. Your ministry placement will allow you to discover your skills and help you understand God’s calling for your life. You will serve on average 31 hours each week. While serving in your ministry placement you will experience both leadership training and professional development under the guidance of our experienced staff and graduate intern managers.

office guidelines

•An atmosphere conducive to productivity shall be maintained at all times. •Keep conversations quiet to avoid distracting others at work. Do not yell across cubicles. Maintain a respectful attitude throughout the administration building.

•No office cruising. If you have business in various departments throughout the business day, only go to the departments and persons you must speak with for business purposes. Please do not distract others at work. •Base your behavior toward each other and those we are ministering to on I Corinthians 13, and your quality of work on Colossians 3:23. •Personal business (personal phone calls, newsletters, homework, etc.) or visiting friends should not be conducted during regular ministry placement, unless you have permission from your manager. You may use a computer for personal business or visit your friends during your meal times or after ministry placement if necessary.

desk appearance

You are responsible for the appearance of your office area. Before leaving your office for the day, straighten your area and leave it neat.

office furniture

Treat all furniture in a manner that will prolong the look and longevity of the furniture. Do not move any furniture from an office unless permitted by your department manager. If permission is granted, it is your responsibility to return that furniture to its original location. Never remove green auditorium chairs from the auditorium. If there are not enough chairs available in your department for all interns and staff members, please notify your manager.

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office policies ATTENDANCE Each office day begins when you check in with your manager. You will be expected to arrive for work at a certain time. If you arrive late or leave early repeatedly without permission you may receive disciplinary action.

PERSONAL BREAK POLICY Each intern is allowed five personal break days in addition to Thanksgiving break, Christmas break, and other designated break days. In order to use any of your five break days, you must fill out a checkout request online and receive your Manager’s and Dorm Director’s approval. You can access this from the intranet, Genesis. You will not be allowed to leave campus during blackout days. Check the Honor Academy calendar, also available on the Intranet, for a list of blackout dates. Make sure to follow these procedures before purchasing a plane ticket. See page 38 for more information on Checkout requests.

MINISTRY RELATED TRAVEL You will have opportunities to travel and assist with ministry related events such as Acquire the Fire and MTS Seminars. You must fill out a Checkout request, and it must be approved by your manager and your DD (see page 38 for more checkout information) before leaving campus. Ministry related travel will be limited to help balance your professional and personal development.



You cannot make personal phone calls during work hours, unless it is an emergency. Personal long distance calls are not to be made on Teen Mania’s lines, unless you are using a calling card. In the same way, the 800 number is not for personal use of any kind – do not give this number to your family and friends so that they can reach you toll-free. Every 800 number call is documented.

SICK DAYS If you are ill and cannot attend your ministry placement, you must personally speak with your supervisor or manager to request permission for a sick day. If you are physically unable to call in, have your Assistant Core Advisor or Core Advisor call your manager or supervisor. Each intern is allowed three sick days per year. After these three sick days are used, break days must be used if additional sick days are needed.

OVER / UNDER Weeks There are weeks during the year when you will be needed more than 31 hours. In preparation for these weeks your manager will have you serve less hours some weeks (under) to average out with the weeks you will be needed over 31 hours. This policy does not apply for those transferred to Global Expeditions after April 15th

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ACTIVITIES SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Major Sports offered include Flag Football, Volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, Softball, Basketball, and Soccer. Sign up information and game schedules for intramurals will be emailed to you and posted in the cafeteria. For more info, contact the Intramurals Coordinator. Although various intramural sports will be available each semester, you are required to participate in one per semester. DANCE TEAM “POTTER’S DESIRE” Potter’s Desire is the Honor Academy’s highly popular dance team. They minister through modern dances throughout the year with a dance style that varies as new interns bring their own unique talents to the team. Dance styles used have included hip-hop, break dancing, step, stomp, lyrical, and much more! This team conveys powerful messages through each dance as they diligently minister both on and off campus. On campus events include ministry opportunities from chapel and class sessions, to dancing for hundreds of Global Expeditions missionaries! They also have several opportunities to minister off campus through street ministries, churches and youth groups. DRAMA “SHATTERED CLAY Shattered Clay is the Honor Academy’s ongoing drama team, led and run by interns. The team has been to various parts of Texas, as well as Florida and Pennsylvania on different outreaches, they also regularly provide Teen Mania with a drama experience for LTEs and other events. The most important component to Shattered Clay’s success is that each team member draws closer to the Lord through the times together as a team. In all that they do, they seek to serve the Lord and His purposes. After all, they are merely Shattered Clay. HUMAN VIDEO “DRIVEN” Combining drama, mime, dance, and music, DRiVEN is the human video team. Their interpretations of music through these “human videos” are used as a ministry tool on campus and around the world through outreach and missions. Drive. Passion. Determination. DRiVEN… with a small “i” because it’s not about us, it’s about God.

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“TERRA NOVA” This is your opportunity to make a difference in the local area! Terra Nova is a prayer and outreach group on campus that is committed to seeing their fellow interns grow in prayer and boldness as they spread the Gospel. In Terra Nova you will have the opportunity to organize prayer meetings on campus and participate in various outreaches for Christ. For more information contact Terra Nova. Outreaches There will be various opportunities to participate in community outreaches each semester. Outreach opportunities have included Operation Christmas Child, Adopt-a-Highway, cleaning projects at local churches, and collecting canned food for the Salvation Army. For more information on outreaches, contact the Outreach Coordinator or Terra Nova.

“The devil is a better theologian than any of us and is a devil -A .W.TOZER


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Although establishing a lifestyle of honor requires compliance to a high standard, the freedom and incredible growth that you will gain is invaluable. The standards will help mold the integrity and honor that lie secret within you. As you review the standards, continually ask yourself how you can benefit from every standard and policy to make the most of your year at the Honor Academy.

general standards

•No profanity, secular music, or “R” rated movies. •No stealing. Stealing is taking what belongs to another, without authorization from that person to take it, with the intent to keep the item permanently or for a long period of time.* •No fireworks on campus. •No fighting. •No same sex PDA (will be explained). •One refrigerator per core. •No use or possession of illicit drugs, alcohol, or tobacco*. •No commission of a misdemeanor or felony*. •No fundraising (i.e., soliciting other interns, guests, or staff for funds) anywhere on campus. This includes selling your personal belongings on campus. •No roller blades or bikes on the running track or on side walks (skateboards are allowed; be courteous). •No romantic contact or dating. •No cross gender dancing*, unless approved for a drama or skit, etc (This may not be a violation of the moral standard unless it is determined by Honor Academy Administration and/or the Honor Council to be romantic contact). •No cross gender wrestling or play fighting* (This may not be a violation of the moral standard unless it is determined by Honor Academy Administration and/or the Honor Council to be romantic contact). •Personal long-distance calls are not to be made on Teen Mania’s lines, nor can friends and family phone you via any Teen Mania 800 number. •Tattoos/Branding cannot be acquired while at Teen Mania. •Silverware/dishware are not allowed to leave cafeteria. •Video games are not allowed anywhere on campus with the exclusive exception of solitaire, spider solitaire, hearts, free cell, and minesweeper. This includes, but is not limited to, video games on computers, portable game systems, and cell phones. •Do not leave clothes in any laundry room on campus. Any clothes left anywhere outside the washers or dryers between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. (Mon-Fri) will be taken to the campus lost & found (see page 43). •No movie viewing on campus except on Friday nights, or approved by the Honor Academy. •Nose rings may be worn by women, however they must not be acquired while they are a participant in the internship. •Any items left anywhere on campus will become the exclusive property of Teen Mania as apart of the Lost and Found. •If you destroy property whether on purpose or out of negligence you will be required to repair or replace it.

romantic contact

There is to be no romantic contact or dating relationships of any kind during the course of the entire year, on or off campus. See below for details:

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romantic relationships (defined):

•Verbal communication of romantic feelings or discussion of marital intent to anyone of the opposite gender (grounds to appear before honor council) •An active pursuit of a relationship with that person •The romantic feelings being reciprocated, physically or verbally

romantic contact (defined):

•Any inappropriate intentional contact

1. In the case that others did the contacting:

•You have romantic feelings toward another person •The other person initiates contact •You had an opportunity and did not stop the contact

2. In the case that you did the contacting:

•You have romantic feelings for another person •You initiate contact with that other person

computer & internet policy

•You are responsible to turn off your computer every day. •For help with your computer, submit a “trouble ticket” located on the intranet. •Internet is prohibited in residence halls (via laptops, cell phones, etc). •Illegal (non-owned) MP3’s are not allowed on any Teen Mania computer; MP3 files are not allowed at all on the network •No possession of, intentional or extended viewing of pornography*. •First semester men, men on probation or men previously on probation must have another person in view of their computer when they are using the net. (excluding HA Intranet & Teen Mania Web Sites) during work hours and during off hours. This includes personal laptops and cell phones. •Do not open folders or folders on network outside of those required to complete your responsibilities*. •You are not allowed to use another person’s computer without their permission. •Mass emails to interns and staff must be approved by the Director of HA Operations •When using the printer or copier for personal use, each intern is a allowed a maximum of five pages a month.

*Grounds for immediate dismissal (see page 30)

[ 22 ]

community living POLICies

•Quiet hours must be maintained in the dorms between 10:00 pm and 8:00 am. •All food must be placed in containers that can be covered or sealed. •No one other than current interns are allowed in the resident halls. Family members of the same gender may receive a 15-minute resident hall pass if approved by the hall’s Dorm Director. •No open flames in or near the dorms, including incense. •The only acceptable small appliances in the residence halls are coffee makers, hot pots, microwaves, toasters, or small refrigerators. •Small electric burners and grills, etc. are not allowed in the dorms. •Internet, television, or watching of any form of live media/movies in any of the residence halls without prior approval, except for Friday nights when movies are allowed •No carding the doors in the dorms. •Visitors may not stay on campus overnight w/out approval from a Dorm Director. •Rooms must be kept clean and orderly (Core Advisors and Dorm Directors will conduct clean room checks on a regular basis). •Residents must work together to keep bathroom areas clean. •Participants must submit a checkout request 24 hours in advance before staying overnight outside of your dorm room (on or off campus). Your checkout slip must be posted on your door and your Core Advisor or Assistant Core Advisor must know where you will be. •Do not use any nails, paint, or duct tape on any of the walls. Walls are not to be used as bulletin boards. •Members of the opposite gender are not allowed in each other’s living quarters.* This does not apply to staffhouses, there are certain exceptions in the GI community •Do not park bicycles in front of the resident halls. Please park bikes in assigned bicycle racks. •No personal items are to be left anywhere in bathroom area, except for in designated cupboards under the sinks. •Do not remove ceiling tiles (if applicable) or put or store anything (extension cords, etc.) between ceiling tiles. •No animals or pets are allowed in any residence halls (including insects, reptiles, rodents, fish, etc…). •The red phone in the dormitories is for emergency use only and dials only the guard booth. Do not use this phone for any other purpose. •The moving of furniture (bunks, dressers, etc..) is prohibited. •Rails or bolts (with the exception of plywood boards) may not be removed from any bunk bed structure. •Do not leave clothes in laundry room. •No one of the opposite gender, including family members, is allowed to tour the dorms at any time other than arrival day.



Family members, friends, prospective interns, alumni, and other guests are welcome to visit campus and tour our offices and buildings. However, the only visitors who are allowed to stay overnight in the dorms must fall in one of the following categories:

•Alumni of the Honor Academy •Prospective HA interns who are high school juniors or older

Overnight visitors may stay for a maximum of two nights in the dorms and must be approved by a Dorm Director. There will be no exceptions to this policy. Parents are not allowed to spend the night in the dorm, however, several hotels are available close-by where parents and other visitors can spend the night.

*Grounds for immediate dismissal (see page 30)

[ 23 ]

curfew policy

•Curfew is 12:00 a.m. on weeknights and 1:00 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. You must be in your dorm at these times. •Quiet hours must be observed in the dorms between 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. •Security locks the main office buildings (the Admin. Building, Mission Control, Student Activity Center) on campus at midnight. •Only individuals who have permission from the Security Supervisor and a curfew extension from their Dorm Director are allowed to remain in any campus building after curfew, with the exclusion of the resident halls.


You can receive a curfew extension from your Dorm Director (DD) for pre-scheduled activities by filling out a curfew extension form and receiving your DD’s approval. You can get a blank checkout form from your DD’s assistant or the Intranet. The form must be filled out and turned in to your DD’s assistant by the end of the day before you need the extension. After receiving your DD’s approval, you will receive a form to hang on your door. You must attach the approved curfew extension to your dorm room door AND notify your ACA of your curfew extension before leaving for your activity.

safety policy

•No one is allowed on the roof of any building (without authorization from HA Administration). •Coffee makers, hot pots, microwaves, or small refrigerators are the only acceptable small appliances in the administration building. •No unapproved camping or unauthorized fires on campus. •All roller-bladers must wear helmets. •No running or walking on country roads after dark. •Climbing the radio antenna across the street is prohibited.* •Obey speed limits on campus (20 mph). •No climbing on tennis fences. •No one is allowed in the pool after pool hours. •No one is allowed on the ropes course unless participating in an Honor Academy scheduled event, or with approval from the Honor Academy Administration.* •No jumping off local bridges. •No rappelling up or down any buildings or wells. •Crawling though the storm drain pipe located on the north side of the pond behind the SAC is prohibited.

travel & vehicle policy

•All vehicles on campus, including visitors, must register with security immediately upon arrival and receive a tag for their car. You will receive this during registration on arrival day. •No sitting in the same seat with the opposite gender on buses after dark. •Reckless driving on or off campus is prohibited. If you are found driving recklessly, you will lose campus parking privileges, and all parents will be made aware that the Honor Academy does not recommend others riding with you. •No driving is permitted down the Maniac Mile or in the “back forty” without approval from Honor Academy •Do not overload vehicles; everyone must have a seat belt. •Obey all traffic laws. If you are in a TM vehicle, you must not exceed 55 mph on country roads. •Driving down the service roads is prohibited. •Driving/Parking on the grass is prohibited. Violation may result in your campus driving privileges being revoked. •You cannot travel alone with the opposite sex after dark.



One year never meant so much

[ 25 ]


[ 26 ]

general dress code

The purpose of our dress code is to foster a professional and respectful environment at the Honor Academy. Your dress, grooming, and personal hygiene should be appropriate to the situation. This dress code is in effect throughout the year, and applies to all undergraduate interns. Any questions regarding dress code matters should be addressed to your Dorm Director.


General Dress Code •Hair should be clean, well groomed, and neat (i.e. it should not touch more than one inch on the collar in back and half the ear should be visible on the sides); exotic hair cuts/colors, pony tails, braiding, and beads in the hair may not be worn/acquired on or off campus •Men are expected to be clean-shaven: no beards, goatees or mustaches •Sideburns should be at least a full razor’s width from the side of the mouth and must end above the mouth line •No earrings or visible body piercing on or off campus (including nose or tongue rings) •No “Goth” dress on or off campus •Tattoos or branding cannot be acquired while enrolled in the H.A.


General Dress Code •No hair dying unless you are maintaining a natural hair color •No visible body piercing (including tongue rings; however, earrings and nose rings are allowed); Women are NOT permitted to get any piercings anywhere other than their ear during their intern year •Skirts and dresses must be one fist above the knee cap when kneeling on the floor (if there is a slit, it must not go any highter than one fist). Wearing leggings or tights does not change this length requirement. •Shorts must be as long as your finger tips when your arms are extended at your sides •Shoulder straps on sleeveless dresses, shirts, and sweaters must be at least three fingers wide, and the armhole can be no more than two fingers below the arm •No “Goth” dress on or off campus •Tattoos or branding cannot be acquired while enrolled in the H.A. •Pajamas are not allowed to be worn outside of the dorms.


•Tennis shoes and nice jeans are allowed on FRIDAYS. In addition to the dress code mentioned above you will be permitted to wear any T-shirt bearing a Teen Mania logo.

[ 27 ]

OFFICE dress code

This office dress code is enforced whenever you are working in the office during normal office hours, with the exception of a pre-scheduled casual day. Please appear well groomed, polished, and professional. If you are inappropriately dressed, you may be required to return to the dorms to change. If you repeatedly arrive at work out of dress code, you may face disciplinary action (see page 30). Interns must be in office dress code or what they wear to work (for example, facilities teams are allowed to dress appropriately for their ministry placements) for ALL CLASSES. The following guidelines must also be maintained during office hours:


Office Dress Code •Short or long-sleeve dress shirt (ties are optional), polo shirt or sweater •Shirts with message logos on them are not allowed in the office (see casual dress code for exceptions) •Dress slacks or nice corduroy pants. •Dress shoes (no sneakers or sandals) •Clothes must match and shirts must be ironed and tucked in •Hats are not allowed in the office


Office Dress Code •Nice blouse, sweater, or dress shirt (sleeveless shirts should have straps that are at least 3 inches wide) •Shirts with message logos on them are not allowed in the office (see casual dress code for exceptions) •Modest slacks (no jeans), dress pants, capris, cropped pants, skirts or dresses (see ‘one fist rule’ refer to on page 26) •Dress shoes or dress sandals (no sneakers; nice flip flops – i.e. would be ruined in the shower -- are allowed)

Formal dress code

On designated days you will be required to wear your Honor Academy uniform.



•Navy blue blazer with HA crest* •White dress shirt •Academy tie (provided by the Honor Academy) •Light tan pants (no cargo pants)

•Navy blue blazer with HA crest* •White shirt •Light tan skirt

Formal Dress Code

Formal Dress Code


[ 29 ]

DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS/DISMISSAL If a participant has not successfully met the minimal standards of the Honor Academy, the Honor Academy Administration reserves the right to disqualify an intern from graduating from the Honor Academy. Each participant will be evaluated by his or her Assistant Core Advisor and Core Advisor every eight weeks. If the participant does not successfully meet the standards outlined within the evaluation, the process of escalation could potentially lead to dismissal. Refer to the Leadership Rating System on page 38. Each participant will be required to present a graduate defense before graduating from the Honor Academy. If their conduct and lifestyle do not merit graduation, the Honor Academy Administration reserves the right to disqualify an intern from graduating. You will not be able to graduate until you have completed all the requirements of the Honor Academy program. This includes completing at least one mission trip with Teen Mania, completing class assignments, and completing other program assignments. If these obligations are not met at the time of debriefing, you will not receive alumni status, you will not be able to participate in graduation, and your honor ring will be held until you have fulfilled all commitments.

[ 30 ]

incident reports

An intern’s ACA, CA, DD, or manager may file an Incident Report when a dismissible offense or habitual negative behavior is observed. If the offense or negative behavior occurs in the intern’s ministry placement, his/her manager should file a Workplace Incident Report, which differs slightly from the regular Incident Report.

growth plans (GP)

A growth plan is a series of steps and/or guidelines established to prevent a certain behavior. An intern’s Core Advisor and Dorm Director develop this plan when either they or the intern recognizes a potential behavior problem. Also, the Honor Council can recommend a GP instead of dismissal as the consequence for a serious offense. A growth plan may include confining the intern to their dorm during their free time (campusing), reading and writing assignments or other activities. The Honor Council determines the number of days and requirements of the growth plan required. An intern on a required growth plan is not allowed to represent the Honor Academy at any outside events, including ATF SWAT or Support teams.


1. The intern notifies only one of the following: •Assistant Core Advisor (ACA) •Core Advisor (CA) •Dorm Director (DD) •Discipline Manager 2. A wirtten confession must be given to the CA or DD and submitted to the Discipline Manager. 3. The Discipline Manager will decide if the situation will go before the Honor Council.

graduate interns:

The GI notifies only one of the following: DD, House Director, or Director of GI Programs.

grounds for possible dismissal:

•Bad attitude •Lack of work conscientiousness •Consistent violation or disregard of rules and/or safety issues

grounds for immediate dismissal:

•Stealing •Commission of a misdemeanor or felony •Use or possession of illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco; this will result in an automatic dismissal without appearing before the honor council. •Romantic contact or dating relationships on or off campus (see page 20-21) •Cross gender dancing, or opposite gender wrestling or play fighting (May not be a violation of the moral standard unless it is determined to be romantic contact) •Possession or viewing of pornography, including but not limited to the internet, magazines and other literature, cell phones, computers, etc.. •Possession of firearms on campus

[ 31 ]

•Viewing files on the network outside of your responsibilities •Sexual intercourse •Homosexual behavior •Suicidal tendencies, including, but not limited to suicidal threats

honor council escalation

The Honor Council is a council made up of individuals selected by their peers. They have the responsibility of making decisions about the actions of interns who may have violated the Honor Code. If a manager, ACA, CA, DD, or other campus leader begins to see an intern under their authority demonstrating negative attitudes or behavior in their relationships or ministry placement, or has violated the Honor Academy Standards (see pages 20-23), they are responsible to confront the intern, bring their observations to his/her attention, suggest steps to improvement, and explain the consequences of continuing in these behaviors. If the negative behavior continues after a reasonable trial period, the leader who first noticed the behavior should proceed through the following steps (in the case of a violation of a standard, the leader should immediately proceed to step 1):

1. File an incident report / write up confession

The responsible leader must email the intern’s CA and DD explaining the nature of the problem. He/She must also file an Incident Report. The intern must be made aware that the report has been filed. If the intern continues to exhibit negative attitudes or behavor, the responsible leader must make the intern aware that they are filing an IR due to their behavior. The responsible leader must also email the CA & DD about the nature of the problem. IR’s should be filled when a habit of bad behavior or dismissable offense is abserved. If the intern commits a dismissable offense, he must write up his confession and send it to his CA & DD.

2. review by the discipline manager

The CA will submit a copy of the Incident Report or confession to the Discipline Manager. He/She will review the report and determine whether or not the Honor Council should evaluate the case.

3. evaluation by the honor council

The intern will meet with their Dorm Director and prepare to go before the Honor Council. The leader responsible for the initial Incident Report will submit a written recommended course of action to the Discipline Manager. The Honor Council will review this course of action and recommend probation or dismissal. The Honor Academy Administration will then make the final decision. Note: An intern on a growth plan who continues to demonstrate the same negative behavior or who fails to comply with the growth plan requirements may face immediate dismissal from the Honor Academy.

justice, the rape of His mercy, the jeer of His patience, the slight of His power, and the contempt of His love. Sin is the dare of God’s


[ 32 ]

dismissal from the academy

The standard is one of quick confession and repentance. If you break a dismissible rule, as marked in this handbook by an asterisk (*), you have the opportunity to confess. At the time of confession, you have the possibility of being placed on probation or dismissed. THE FOLLOWING IS CONSIDERED WHEN DECIDING FOR/AGAINST DISMISSAL: •The severity of the action •The timeliness of confession - an untimely confession will not automatically result in a dismissal •The history of a negative attitude within the Honor Academy Program •Whether or not you were caught in violation of a moral standard violation •Whether or not you are belligerent at time of confession •Whether or not you are blatantly un-teachable •Discernment of HA Administration and the Honor Council

At the end of the growth plan period, the Honor Academy Administration will determine if the person has exemplified teachability during their GP, and if the person responded positively to the GP. If so, the person may be invited to stay in the Honor Academy. If not, he or she may be asked to leave. If an intern violates his or her GP, he/she may be automatically dismissed.

“Prior to coming to the Honor Academy, I was straddling the fence of Christianity, I was not really living for Heaven, but I did not want to go to Hell, therefore I was living a mediocre lifestyle. Coming here gave me a new perspective of life and what Christianity should represent, and how I should implement into my day to day life. This year has been a year for restoring myself and rekindling the old desires and dreams God has placed in me.”

Hollyann Adkins

What is Honor?

A definition by Dave Hasz “Honor is the total conglomoretion of the inward character qualities necessary to reflect Jesus accurately and lead effectively.�

[ 34 ]


Interns are expected to complete certain requirements in order to graduate from the Honor Academy. These requirements are designed to challenge you to achieve a new level of spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental maturity. “If anyone competes as an athlete, he does not receive the victor’s crown unless he competes according to the rules (2 Tim. 2:5).” Although there will be others around you who will hold you to these requirements, they are ultimately based on your commitment to live honorably before God. Honor Academy staff and interns are responsible to hold each other accountable to the rules and requirements, as well as to continuous spiritual growth. “Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds (Heb. 10:24).”

Class Participation

Interns are required to attend all core classes and earn a minimum of 2.0 Grade Point Average in order to graduate. Any classes missed need to be listened to and are avaliable for download on the Honor Academy website.

missions requirement

In keeping with Teen Mania’s passion for missions, all interns must participate in a Teen Mania missions experience prior to graduation from the Honor Academy. If under a pre-approved circumstance you have not completed a mission trip with Global Expeditions prior to enrolling in the Honor Academy, you must complete a Global Expeditions trip during your internship year prior to graduation. The donations required for these trips are in addition to the required donations for the Honor Academy Program (please see page 43 for additional financial information).

on-going requirements • Daily Quiet Times

Each intern will have an hour focused on their relationship with the Lord.

• Dish Duty

Attend as scheduled. (see page 35)

• Health Insurance Coverage

Required throughout your year at the Honor Academy.

• Home Church

You are required to consistently attend a Sunday morning church service.

• Exercise

One exercise is defined as at least 20 minutes of physical activity 4 days a week. You are also required to participate in corporate exercise and test-outs as scheduled. Both corporate exercise and intramural games count toward your weekly exercise.

• Bible Reading Plan

A Bible reading plan will be provided and required for you to follow during the course of your year.

31 ] [ 35

• Bi-weekly Fasting Days

Every other week, one day will be set aside for fasting and prayer. All interns will meet in the auditorium for prayer during the scheduled lunchtime.

• Life Mission Statement

During the Vision/Purpose LTE, you will compose a written explanation of your convictions and the vision God has given you for your life. Guidelines will be provided for this statement.

• Reflection Papers

The reflection papers allows you to reflect in writing on key events and experiences of your internship year. You will be required to present your completed reflection papers at your Graduate Defense (see below). You will receive assignment instructions in your Honor Academy Classes.

• Midyear Defense

Six months into your internship, you must present your Midyear Defense to a panel of Honor Academy staff and Graduate Interns. You will explain how you have embraced the pillars of the Honor Academy up to this point. You are also required to present your up-to-date Reflection Papers Portfolio to the panel.

• Graduation Defense

Before graduating, you must present your Graduate Defense to a panel of Honor Academy Staff and Graduate Interns. You must articulate the biggest challenges you have faced throughout the year, whether or not you have embraced the internship, and how you plan to apply the lessons you’ve learned to the rest of your life. You are also required to present your completed portfolio to the panel

dish duty

(including weekend duty)

Dish duty is an opportunity to serve the whole intern body and to bless the kitchen crew. You will be assigned to a dish duty team several times each semester. The number of dish duties assigned will vary, based on the length of the dish duty. You must sign in on the Dish Duty Attendance Sheet upon arrival to the kitchen, or it is assumed that you did not attend. Your dish duty attendance will affect your L-Rating (see page 38 for further explanation of the L-Rating System). If you know in advance that you cannot attend your dish duty, you may switch times with a friend and it will not affect your L-Rating. You cannot reschedule for a missed dish duty. Each Family Core will serve on weekend dish duty on a Saturday or Sunday, one or two times per semester. The Core will serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner on their assigned day.

“God has totally poured His love on me and showed me what it really means to love God first of all and love your neighbors! This year definitely transformed me as a whole and I can’t wait to go shine HIS light and tell my friends what a relationship with God really is like! God is so good and He has taught me a lot this year!“

Alini Corte

[ 36 ]


CHECKOUTS If you need to checkout and will be missing class or time in your ministry placement, a Checkout request must be filled out online. Online requests are due to your DD by Thursdays at noon. After your DD approves your request, you will receive two forms: one for you to hang on your dorm room door and one to turn in to the guard booth before leaving campus. You must fill out a Checkout Request online and receive your DD and manager’s approval before you leave campus for travel (ATF, break, etc..) and you make any arrangements (i.e.: plane tickets, etc..). You WILL NOT be allowed to leave campus during black out days. See page 37

when checking out, you must:

•Obtain approval from your Dorm Director and Manager.

when checked out:

•You are responsible to update the guard booth, DD and manager if your contact information changes. •You are responsible to notify the guard booth, DD and manager if your return date is delayed.


All Teen Mania offices are closed for the following major holidays: •New Year’s Day •Good Friday •Memorial Day

•Independence Day •Thanksgiving Day •Day After Thanksgiving

•Labor Day •Christmas Eve •Christmas Day


“This year has stretched me beyond my limits. I have brutally beaten my body and made it my slave throughout this year. I have learned to truly understand what it means to protect your sisters in Christ, and how important it is to work as a team. God is truly moving in this place.“

Robert Nash

[ 37 ]

Black Out Dates

The following dates are “blacked out” and attendance is required on these days at the Honor Academy by all interns. Be sure not to schedule break days on any of these dates.

Fall Dates Gauntlet, Commitment Banquet

August 13th – August 22nd

Foundations Symposium

September 13th

ESOAL / Service LTE

September 15th – September 19th

ESOAL Banquet

September 20th

January Week of the Ring

October 11th – October 14th

Week of the Ring Banquet

October 18th

Fasting LTE

November 4th – November 7th

Men’s and Women’s LTE

November 11th - November 13th

January Graduation Defenses

November 29th and December 1st

Habitudes Symposium

November 30th

Fall Testing Week

December 6th – December 10th

January Debriefing

December 15th – December 17th

January Commencement Gala

December 17th

January Graduation

December 18th

Spring Dates Back on Campus

January 3rd at 8:00 am

January Gauntlet, Commitment Banquet

January 7th – January 17th

Islamic Symposium

January 31st

August Mid-Year Defenses

February 7th – February 9th

Fasting LTE

February 10th – February 13th

August Week of the Ring

March 7th – March 10th

August Ring Banquet

March 12th

Unreached People Group LTE

March 25th – March 26th

World Awareness LTE

April 7th – April 9th

Apologetics Symposium

April 20th

Endurance LTE

May 14th

Spring Testing Week

May 16th – May 20th

Celebration LTE

June 3rd – June 4th

January Mid-Year Defenses

June 6th – June 7th

August Graduation Defenses

June 8th – June 10th

Mountain LTE (Wave 1)

June 8th – June 12th

Mountain LTE (Wave 2)

August 4th – August 8th

[ 38 ]

LEADERSHIP RATING SYSTEM The Honor Academy desires to see you grow throughout the year in wisdom, vision, discipline, and honor. We know that is your desire too – otherwise you would not be here. There are several evaluations designed to encourage this growth. During your internship year you will be evaluated every 8 weeks. Based on these evaluations, you will receive a Leadership Rating (L-Rating). This rating is an average of the “Lifestyle Evaluation” and “Ministry Placement Evaluation.” If you have the opportunity to serve as an Assistant Core Advisor (ACA) during your internship year, your ACA Performance Evaluation will be included in your L-Rating. Your L-Rating will be posted by ID number at the time of your midyear and graduation defenses

The purpose of the rating system is:

•To measure your growth more effectively •To produce effective leaders •To determine if HA strategies are working for leadership development •To give you an opportunity to evaluate yourself •To help you target certain areas for improvement

You will receive more information on the L-Rating during Gauntlet. Interns who receive especially high or low L-ratings will merit rewards or disciplinary measures, as outlined below. L-1






[ 40 ]




prayer tree

intern parking lot

F.M. 16

morriS hall green hall

[ 41 ]

soccer field student activity center mission control

administration building

football field


pool basketball courts ( ANVIL)

elliot hall

tennis courts

sand volleyball courts

carey hall Not pictured The Weight Room is located at the Warehouse, behind Fleet.


[ 42 ]

CAMPUS GUIDELINES Garden valley, texas

Guidelines for campus living • Do not use anyone’s belongings without permission. • When you borrow anything, return it in good condition to the place you found it. • Communicate. Do not allow grudges to build up. Talk with the other person and work it out. If necessary, get your Core Advisor or Assistant Core Advisor involved (Matthew 18:15-16). • Be quiet when others are sleeping, especially during quiet hours (10pm-8am). • It is not expected, nor is it usually a good practice to loan out your car to anyone. • Always offer to help pay for gas when riding into town with another intern. Core Advisors and Assistant Core Advisors are responsible to see that these principles are enforced. These may become disciplinary issues if necessary.

grievance procedure

If at any time an Honor Academy participant has a grievance against another individual, we will follow these guidelines (based on Matthew 18:15-20): 1. Go to the person who has offended you and try to resolve the issue between the two of you. If this does not settle the matter, continue to step 2. 2. Go to your Assistant Core Advisor or Core Advisor and ask them to meet with you and the other person. Your ACA or CA can help mediate a conversation between the two of you. If this does not settle the matter, continue to step 3. 3. Get your DD involved. He or she can back up your ACA or CA in helping resolve the conflict. If this v does not settle the matter, continue to step 4. 4. If your DD cannot resolve the issue, you should go through the following staff members in this order: A.) Director of Men/Women B.) Director of HA Operations NOTE: IF AT ANY TIME YOU TAKE YOUR GRIEVANCE TO A HIGHER LEVEL WITHOUT FOLLOWING THIS ORDER, YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE AND WILL BE SUBJECT TO DISCIPLINARY ACTION.

[ 43 ]

CAMPUS INFORMATION campus safety booth ext 8271 The campus safety booth is the main contact for emergencies. If an emergency arises, please inform the campus safety booth first. For more emergency information, please refer to page 48.

Campus sAfety BOOTH GUIDELINES: •If you know the reason for a fire alarm, call the campus safety booth immediately with any information. •The red phone in the residence hall contacts the campus safety booth. This may only be used for emergencies.

campus store

ext 7001

The campus store is located in the cafeteria building. This is the place to go for Honor Academy shirts, blankets, coats, sweatshirts, or postcards along with an extensive variety of food items, office supplies, and personal items. You may also be able to cash checks made out to you during regular store hours (see check cashing on page 51). Store hours are posted on the Campus Store entrance. Contact the Campus Store at extension 8202 for more information.

lost & found “the dollar store” ext 7001 If you have lost something, you can buy it back from the Dollar Store for $1. This fee is charged to help discourage interns from leaving their belongings in random places. Please note that any items not claimed will become the exclusive property of Teen Mania. For more information, contact the Campus Store at extension 7001.

student activity center “SAC” The Student Activity Center, or the SAC, is a multi-purpose gymnasium that is home to our indoor basketball courts, volleyball courts, and various events. The SAC is open until midnight daily.

laundry facilities Each dorm has a small laundry room with up to 4 washers and dryers. There is also a laundry room in the upstairs cafeteria that is open from 5 a.m. to 12 a.m. daily. All washers and dryers are coin operated and cost $ 0.50 to wash and $ 0.50 to dry. Laundry detergent, dryer sheets, stain remover, etc. are available in the campus store.

longhouses “the village” Longhouses are used for classes during the fall and spring, and camper and missionary housing during the summer. These air-conditioned buildings can usually be reserved for personal events by contacting the Building Logistics coordinator in Facilities. All reservations must be made at least one week in advance to ensure room availability.

cafeteria It’s so much more than just a dining area! Teen Mania’s cafeteria is actually a two-story building that houses the mailroom, a laundry room, the campus store, Food Service offices, and a conference room. The kitchen crew prepares and serves three meals a day in the ground floor of the cafeteria, where there are salad bars, drink machines, multiple microwaves, and toasters located throughout the seating area.

[ 44 ]

swimming pool Complete with spiral water slides, water canons, and six individual water falls, our full-sized swimming pool is a perfect place to relax and cool off during a warm summer day. With storage shelves, showers, and pool side seating available for your convenience, we’re sure that you’ll leave the pool relaxed and rejuvenated.

auditorium There’s no auditorium like it! With a built-in waterfall and seating for over a thousand, our auditorium is home to most classes, worship, banquets, and dramas.

sports courts (THE ANVIL) The sports courts are a series of lighted gaming courts, including basketball, tennis, and sand volleyball courts. There is never a dull moment when you can grab a few others, head to the courts, and enjoy an evening or afternoon together! No reservation is needed. The courts are open all day, every day. Corporate exercises are also held on these courts and at that time are referred to as the Anvil.

weight room Located in the Warehouse behind Fleet, the weight room is open 24 hours every day. This room is used frequently for personal weight training and is well equipped with various weight machines and exercise equipment. Please note that throughout the year only Teen Mania interns/staff and staff family members are permitted in the weight room.

adventure courses The East Texas Adventure Course, located in the Back Forty, includes almost three-dozen low ropes elements for group team building, as well as over 30 high ropes elements, including triple vertical playpens, the Pamper Pole, three 300’ wild zip lines, and two 50’ climbing walls. Also included are 3 individual paintball fields, each varying in design and strategy, with a ravine area, bunkers, and a field designed for speedball.

mailroom ext 7726 The mailroom and intern mailboxes are located in the side room of the cafeteria. Interns can pick up packages and large envelopes, buy stamps, purchase packing materials, and mail packages from the mailroom. Mailroom hours and services may vary.

mailing address: Each intern will receive a campus mailbox number and a key to access this mailbox at registration. It is important to note the Campus Post Office (CPO) number you receive during campus registration, as this number will need to be placed on incoming mail in order for your mail to be received.

for intern mail:

for intern packages:

This is the main address you will be using while at the Academy. Use the following address for all incoming mail to be sent to your CPO Mailbox:

This is the physical address of campus that you should use for all packages (USPS, UPS, FedEx).

(YOUR NAME) PO Box 2010 CPO# (your CPO number) Garden Valley, TX 75771-2010

(YOUR NAME) 22392 FM 16 W Garden Valley, TX 75771

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campus clinic ext 8227 The campus clinic is located in the village. The majority of medical needs can be handled during clinic hours. If you have a more severe medical problem, we can help you decide on an appropriate course of action. The clinic can arrange a doctor appointment for you if necessary. The clinic will make every effort to arrange, but cannot guarantee, transportation for non-emergencies.

FOR EMERGENCIES If you need medical assistance when the clinic is closed, contact your Core Advisor or Dorm Director. First Aid kits are under the bathroom sinks in your dorms. There is also a First Aid kit located outside the clinic door.

when traveling to a physician: Anytime you need to see a physician or go to a medical facility, you should be on time for all appointments and bring the following: •Picture ID •Insurance Card (or front/back copy)/ Prescription Card •Form of payment needed for co-pays, prescriptions. We also recommend that you have an ACA or CA accompany you, if possible. If you choose to visit the doctor or hospital without assistance from the clinic, please inform the clinic of your visit within one or two business days. They need to keep accurate records of illnesses and injuries occurring on campus. There are several good health facilities in the area, but we recommend UT Health Center (903–877– 3451). They have provided excellent care for Teen Mania interns for years, and they accept many types of insurance. For non-emergency visits, contact the Family Practice Clinic (903-877-7171). Clinic hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

directions to UT Health Center: •Go RIGHT at campus safety booth. Go LEFT at Hwy 110 •Take Hwy 110 to I 20 exit. Go LEFT on I 20 heading toward Longview. •Take I 20 to Hwy 155 exit. (There is a sign on I 20 for UT Health Center). •Go RIGHT off exit and go 2 miles. UT Health Center is on the right.

clinic: 903-324-8227 (ext. 8227) | campus safety booth: 903-324-8271 (ext. 8271)



In the event of a life threatening emergency call 911 and then contact the campus safety booth at ext. 8271 to notify them of the location to send the ambulance.

Did you know? From 1979 to 1996, our campus was home to Last Day Ministries founded by Keith & Melody Green. The dormitory Green Hall is dedicated to the memory of Keith Green who is also buried near our campus along side his two children.

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Our staff and current interns have developed an extensive system of acronyms to suit their needs on campus. You may even notice these “code names” used throughout this intern handbook. To help you begin to understand these acronyms, we have included this acronym decoder with a listing of what every acronym stands for.







global expeditions






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nicknames & terms defined…

Just as we have acronyms, we also have special nicknames or common terms that we tend to use around campus. Below are several such terms:

“mission control”

The heart of the Global Expeditions mission trips call center. Think about it: MISSION trips, MISSION control. This building is located between the Student Activity Center (SAC) and the Auditorium.

“back forty”

Don’t let the name fool you, this title refers to the back 400 acres of campus. Our Ropes Course (ETAC), Sand Pit, Paintball Course, and hundreds of open acreage to roam for quiet times are located in the Back Forty.


This is a location in our ‘Back Forty’ where we hold several special events, including get-togethers, campfires, and even large bonfires.

“prayer tree”

This large oak tree, located in the center of campus, is frequently used for prayer meetings and individual quiet times. (nearest to the cafeteria)

“horse shoe”

This term refers to both the large U-shaped drive in front of the Residence Halls and the large island of grass in the center of the Horse Shoe driveway.

“chiggers” You’ll find out.


The Teen Mania intranet, also known as “Genesis,” is not the “World-Wide-Web” Internet. The Teen Mania intranet is our private web-based network, exclusive to our campus only, which includes a resource haven for all schedules, cafeteria menus, an intern and staff directory, and more…

“maniac mile”

The Maniac Mile is the long road (originally a runway for Keith Greens airplane) beginning behind the SAC and continuing past the ‘Sand Pit.’


During the summer, the pavilion (a large white tent structure) is set up behind the SAC for mission training and camp activities.

“The Honor Academy has completely transformed every aspect of my life! I have truly become a man of honor and integrity, which I can accredit this ministry with helping me achieve. I have walked out of the depths of shame into the glory of joy! My faith is wide and vast and my love for the Lord has continued to increase each day. I thank God so much for the Honor Academy!”

Michael Gundling

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Announcements & Updates Enrichment

Enrichment is a weekly class in which you will receive encouragement and instruction from various staff members, be given details on upcoming events, alerted about deadlines, and informed about current news. It is also an opportunity for you to ask questions about anything happening in the ministry. If you have a question you would like answered, send an email to Enrichment@ You can anonymously drop questions into the “Enrichment Box” located at the front desk. Although not academic in nature, attendance to this class is very important and required for all undergraduate interns.

Daily Blast

The Daily Blast is an informational email that contains daily and weekly announcements. Here you will find important updates on classes, events, opportunities to get involved, upcoming deadlines, surveys, and more. It is very important that all Graduate and Undergraduate interns read the Daily Blast every day. In addition to being sent through email, it is hung up on the bulletin board in the cafeteria.

ACADEMY DIRECTORY Frequently Called Numbers When calling within Teen Mania Ministries (numbers starting with 324), you only need to dial the last four digits of the phone number. Main Campus Safety Booth Information Line

903–324–8271 903–324–8000

campus Cafeteria Campus Store Clinic Dollar Store Fleet Intern Finances Intramurals IT Help Desk Mailroom Maintenance Help Desk

903–324–8209 903–324–7001 903–324–8227 903–324–7001 903–324–8220 903–324–7571 903–324–7352 903–324–8268 903–324–7726 903–324–7559

Intern Residence Halls* Elliot Hall 903–324–8509 Carey Hall 903–324–8604 Green Hall 903–324–8703 Morris Hall 903–324–8820 *Residence hall numbers must be dialed direct

graduate intern housing Quad 1 903-324-8906 Quad 2 903-324-8907 Quad 3 903-324-8904 Quad 4 903-324-8905 fax numbers Main Ministry HA Admissions

“Are the things you are living for worth Christ

903–324–8100 888–356–8141

dying for?”

-Leonard R avenhill

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You are required to begin the year by having raised and turned in at least $2,400 for your HA year, and you must remain at least two months ahead(the current month and the following month) from that point forward. Donations are considered late if they are not turned in by the 10th of each month.

types of DONATIONS accepted

We accept checks, money orders, and credit card donations (MasterCard, Visa, or Discover only). We discourage cash, but it will be accepted. (Always save the receipt you receive when turning in cash.)

turning in donations

You can leave checks or money orders in the HA black box (location announced during Gauntlet). Please be sure to attach and fill out the donation slip located at the black box. Your name must not appear on the check, or the donor will not receive a tax-deductible receipt. Contact the Intern Finance Supervisor to make cash donations. Credit card donations can be made online. Have supporters mail donations to your CPO box. Any checks made out to you can be endorsed and turned in as usual. We recommend that you make copies of all checks and money orders turned in.

mission trips

A Teen Mania mission trip is required for graduation (see page 34). The donations required for these trips are in addition to the required donations for your internship. Your HA donation record must be at least two months ahead inorder to be ticketed depending on the ticket date, and the required donations for your trip must be turned in by the time the trip begins. Although your GE donation record is separate from your HA donation record, the ID numbers are the same. You can transfer money between your HA and GE donation records with some restrictions.

financial reports

You will be able to access your donation record, a detailed list of every donation received for your donation records, on the Intranet. It is your responsibility to update your supporters regarding your financial status, although we are available to address any concerns you, your parents, or your supporters may have regarding this report.

misplaced funds

You can locate missing funds by visiting the Intranet Financial page and detailing the missing money. You must have a record of the check number, amount, the date it was written, and the donor’s name in order to find it in our system, so please make a copy of your checks before turning them in.

transferring money

You may use the Intranet to request a transfer between your Global Expeditions donation record and your Honor Academy donation record. Certain restrictions apply. IRS regulation prohibits transferring donated money from person to person. We can only complete transfers between the same person’s records (i.e. you can transfer money between your GE donation record and your HA donation record).


We highly encourage you to send out a monthly newsletter to your supporters, updating them on your internship and financial status. This is a very effective way to let your sponsors know how the Lord is blessing and stretching you at the Honor Academy and to continue raising support for your internship.

fundraising class

Those interns who are not up to date in their HA fundraising may be required to attend a weekly fundraising class. This class is optional to all interns and graduate interns who are up-to-date in their fundraising efforts.

financial probation/fundraising

If you fall more than one month behind in your donation record, you will be required to use break days to fundraise. After break days have been used, interns have five fundraising days available for the entire year. These fundraising days will be mandated and controlled by the Honor Academy and will be exercised when the intern misses a financial deadline while on financial probation. Undergraduate interns may remain on campus for the duration of their fundraising trips, however break and fundraising days will be taken nevertheless. At the end of your fundraising trip, your finances MUST be up to date. If you have raised 100% of the support you have committed


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to raise for the ministry by April 1 (August class) or July 30th (January Class), you will be permitted to use your remaining fundraising days and break days at your discretion upon approval from your Dorm Director and Manager. See page 16 for more information on break days.

local community fundraising

Interns are allowed to fundraise in a general way in Tyler, Van and other local communities of Teen Mania Ministries (bake sales, car washes, etc.). Approval must be obtained by the Intern Finance Supervisor before an intern can do a general fundraiser in the community. Staff, graduate interns, and interns are absolutely NOT allowed, nor will approvals be given to go door to door to fundraise within 90 miles of Teen Mania’s campus.

check cashing policy

You may be able to cash checks made out to you in the Campus Store during regular store hours. The check cashing fee is $1 per check, and you must provide your ID number and show government ID. If the amount of the check is over $50, the excess amount will go into your donation record. Checks made out to Teen Mania cannot be cashed.

withdrawal of funds / refunds

According to IRS regulation, once money is donated to the Honor Academy or Global Expeditions, it CANNOT, under ANY circumstances, be withdrawn for personal use or refunded, regardless of the type of donation. If a check is made out to Teen Mania and you would like to cash it for personal use, you must have the donor send a new check. There are no exceptions to this rule. See below for more information on the Honor Academy’s 501(c)(3) status.


The Honor Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization according to IRS regulations. Because of this, all donations to Honor Academy donation records are tax deductible. You will receive a receipt for all donations that can be used for your personal tax purposes. Also, according to IRS standards, donations to the Honor Academy are nonrefundable. We cannot, under any circumstances, refund money donated toward an HA donation record.

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Use these questions to regularly assess your own conduct:


1. It is impossible to assess whether one’s character is Christ-like or not without having a relationship with Christ. Do I know Him well enough to assess my own character? 2. Do I constantly make excuses or do I take responsibility for my feelings, thoughts and actions? 3. Do I stand up for what is right regardless of the consequences? 4. Do I avoid challenges and difficult situations? Why or why not?


1. Am I making this decision for the good of those under my authority or for my personal benefit? 2. Do others see me as a wise and mature leader? Do I make decisions that reflect my maturity? 3. Do I seek wise council before I make a decision? 4. Have I left a wake of positive influence behind me today?


1. Am I an example of Jesus’ humility and obedience? 2. What are my motives when I obey instructions? Do I obey from my heart, or only in my actions? 3. Do I react with bitterness and defensiveness to confrontation or do I receive correction humbly and learn from another’s observations? 4. Do I accept correction the first time or do I wait to change my behavior until several people confront me on the issue?

personal development

1. Do I have consistent eating, exercise, and homework habits? Do I have consistent quiet times? 2. What are my motives for developing discipline and good habits? Am I striving for transformation or just self-improvement? 3. Am I forming life-long habits or just meeting Honor Academy standards?

appropriate dress

1. What is my appearance conveying about Christians in general, Teen Mania, and my character? 2. Are my clothes appropriate (length, size, tight or loose fit, etc.), even when I am sitting? 3. What are my motives for wearing these clothes? Am I trying to evoke a specific response? If so, why?

emotional balance

1. How do my emotions influence others? Are my relationships emotionally healthy? 2. Do I allow pride, pity, bitterness, resentment, anger, disappointment, frustration, pain, or my past to influence my present situations? Why am I holding onto these things? 3. About a specific emotion: Is this attitude or feeling based on truth? 4. About a specific emotion: Will this situation still be important a day/week/month/year from now? If not, are my reactions and emotions necessary for the situation?

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opposite gender friendships

1. Would I interact with the opposite gender in this way if I were married? In my interactions with the opposite gender, am I respecting their future spouses? 2. Is there anything flirtatious in my behavior? Is there anything that could even be mistaken or misinterpreted as flirtatious in my behavior? Are people able to tell that we are just friends? 3. What kind of behavior does my conduct elicit from the opposite gender? Does my presence encourage them to pursue godliness? 4. Is my discussion appropriate for mixed company? Would I be comfortable if I knew my baccountability partner or CA was listening to my conversations with friends of the opposite gender? 5. Do I look for excuses to spend time with this person? Do I go out of my way to see him or her? 6. Do I avoid friendships with the opposite gender out of fear or because of past negative experiences? 7. When I need encouragement, wisdom, comfort, etc., do I go to this person before I go to the Lord?

spiritual growth

1. Do people see Jesus’ attitudes and character when they look at me? 2. Do I have victory over my thoughts of insecurity, fear, doubt, lust, jealousy, etc.? 3. Is the Fruit of the Spirit evident in my life? 4. What are my motives when I worship, go to church or have a quiet time? Am I pursuing the Lord because I want to know Him or am I just trying to meet Honor Academy standards? 5. Am I holding on to un-forgiveness or sin?

“During my time at the Honor Academy I have changed immensely in my mindsets toward relationships with both men and women. Through Risen, I have learned how to see guys as brothers and not potential boyfriends. I’ve also learned that it’s good to have girl friends! There’s nothing like them and I wouldn’t trade my core for the world.” Jessica Hester

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GENESIS Genesis is the intranet system here at Teen Mania and is your source to access information about the ministry from virtually any computer on campus. You can do everything from looking up a friend’s cell phone number to finding out what’s for breakfast, lunch, or dinner down at the cafeteria. Make sure you take some time to get familiar with this helpful informational tool as it will be an important part of your year.

HERE ARE A FEW THINGS YOU CAN ACCESS THROUGH GENESIS... • Financial report • Intern handbook • Submit prayer requests • Submit trouble tickets • Class schedule • Cafeteria menu

• • • •

Phone numbers, office and dorm extensions Weekend and Travel Check outs IT help desk HA forms and charts

planner august 9th-october 3rd



use this planner to help you keep track of important information you will receive during gauntlet.

personal information NAME:__________________________________________ CELL PHONE #: _________________________________ DORM: _________________ROOM #:________________ GAUNTLET CA: __________________________________ CELL PHONE #: _________________________________ DORM #: _______________________________________ CPO #: _________________________________________

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Quote of the Day: “O, if God has His way we should be like torches purifying the very atmosphere wherever we go, moving back the forces of darkness.� - Smith Wigglesworth




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Arrival Day!







Gauntlet Week & Orange Block Begin



Quote of the Day: “That which I proclaimed with my lips, I now seal with my blood!” - John Huss



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Quote of the Day: “What I believe about God is the most important thing about me.� -A.W.Tozer




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Commitment Banquet 6:30PM







Ministry Placement Selections


Trailer Club/Risen Breakfast

Gauntlet Week Ends

Quote of the Day: “We are bid to take, not to make our cross.” -CS Lewis



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Ministry Placement Announcements



Quote of the Day: “I have one passion, it is He, He alone.” Count Nicolas Von Zinzendorf




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Quote of the Day: “We never test the resources of God until we attempt the impossible” - F.B. Meyer



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Classes Begin



Quote of the Day: “Christianity has not be weighed in the balance and been found wanting… it has been tried...found difficult and rejected.” - Leonard Ravenhill




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Quote of the Day: “If a commission by an earthly king is considered a honour, how can a commission by a Heavenly King be considered a sacrifice?” - D. Livingston



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Labor Day

Office Closed



Quote of the Day: “It is only when the whole heart is gripped with the passion of prayer that the life-giving fire descends, for none but the earnest man gets access to the ear of God.” -E. M. Bounds


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Quote of the Day: “Self-preservation is the first law of nature, but self-sacrifice is the highest rule of grace.” -Unknown



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Quote of the Day: “Satan is so much more in earnest than we are-he buys up the opportunity while we are wondering how much it will cost.� -Amy Carmichael


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Quote of the Day: “What a difference in the men who go into battle intending to conquer if they can, and those who go into battle to conquer.” -D.L. Moody



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ESOAL Banquet



Quote of the Day: “Love…is the bedrock of the Baptism of The Holy Ghost, God save us from all the other if this is not there.” -T. Austin-Sparks


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Quote of the Day: “I set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn.” -John Wesley




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Quote of the Day: “Unless the will is free, man has no freedom; and if he has no freedom he is not a moral agent, that is, he is incapable of moral action and also of moral character.” -Charles Finney


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THE Honor


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empower Godly men and women to possess wisdom, vision, and discipline to excel as leaders whose lives advance the kingdom.

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