15 minute read

Performance indicators

Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule

Carry forward

Description Baseline Annual Target Results To Date Status YTD Comments

Customer satisfaction with Childrens Services Baseline >82% ≥ 80% 85% Achieved The annual result is above baseline. It should be noted that the data captured in the past 12 months has been significantly less than previous years due to COVID-19 impacts resulting in centres not allowing families into the premises and drop off and pick up occurring at the front door. This has reduced access to happy or not portals capturing customer satisfaction data.

Customer satisfaction with community centres and performance venues Baseline - new measure

Customer satisfaction with Events. Baseline - New measure ≥ 80% 85.5% Achieved Exceeds target. In Q3, customer satisfaction achieved 85% and Q4, 86%, both well above the target.

≥ 80% 93% Achieved Exceeds target. Positive feedback received from Un[contained} event in Kogarah in June 2022.

Customer satisfaction with Library Services.

Customer satisfaction with Museum and Gallery

Percentage of food premises inspected annually. Baseline >83%

Baseline - > 90%

Baseline 100%

Percentage of school safety zones patrolled annually. Baseline 100% ≥ 80% 85% Achieved YTD actual exceeds target.

≥ 80% 94% Achieved YTD actual exceeds target.

= 100% 59% Not Achieved This year, 464 of the 776 registered high and medium risk food premises were inspected. The annual target was not met. This is due to several factors, including: - restricted the ability to carry out regulatory inspections and Illness, isolate/quarantine requirements under the Public Health Orders, - the increased number of service requests (stormwater and public health) - administration and staffing issues

= 100% 100% Achieved All 38 schools in the LGA were patrolled at least once with the majority being patrolled two or more times. 1,665 Penalty

Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward

Description Baseline Annual Target Results To Date Status YTD Comments

Notices were issued for school zone offences.

Utilisation of Council's Child Care Centres. Baseline >95% > 90% 86% Not Achieved Utilisation was impacted by Public Health restrictions, with an improvement in utilisation later in the year. Carss Park Narani - 91% Jack High - 74% Oatley West - 97% Ocean St - 57% Penshurst - 93% South Hurstville - 99%

Goal 5.1: We create and support events that celebrate community and cultural identity and benefit the economy.

Strategy 5.1.1: Initiate, facilitate and support inclusive and accessible events that meet the community’s aspirations and actively connect Council to individuals, community groups and businesses.

DP Action 5.1.1a: Implement an annual program of Council-run and Council-supported events



Comment Council successfully delivered community events including a Citizenship Ceremony for 115 new citizens, Eurovision Song Contest final live broadcast and the UN[contained] street art festival in Kogarah, attended by 37,000 people. GryFest Youth festival was cancelled due to wet weather.

Action Name

Implement an annual calendar of destination and localised events.

Status Comments

Council successfully deliver community events including a Citizenship Ceremony for 115 new citizens, Eurovision Song Contest final live broadcast and the UN[contained] street art festival in Kogarah, attended by 37,000 people. GryFest Youth festival was cancelled due to wet weather.

Deliver the 2021 Christmas Lights Competition. This program has been discontinued.

DP Action

5.1.1b: Review of Georges River Council Event Strategy.




This project is behind schedule and now due to be delivered in Q2 of the 2022/23 year.

Action Name Status Comments

Commence a review of Georges River Council Event Strategy. Project plan presented but due to competing priorities, this project is behind schedule.

Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward

Goal 5.2: Affordable and quality housing options are available.

Strategy 5.2.1: Partner with State agencies to increase supply of affordable housing for residents on very low to moderate incomes.

DP Action 5.2.1a: Develop an Affordable Housing Policy and Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme (as per NSW Government requirements).

Status Behind Schedule

Comment Council adopted an Affordable Housing Policy in May 2021. Council deferred the Mortdale Local Centre Master Plan for population update, traffic study and additional public domain works. As the Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme was tied up with the Mortdale Local Centre Master Plan, progression with the Scheme is also deferred. Until a Scheme is prepared the inclusion of affordable housing in Council-led developments will not be realized.

Action Name Status Comments

Implement an Affordable Rental Housing Policy. This project will need to be carried out to FY22/23 as Council deferred the Mortdale Local Centre Master Plan at its meeting held 26 April 2022.

Strategy 5.2.2: Council-led development proposals incorporate, where feasible, options that support affordable and diverse housing.

DP Action 5.2.2a: Investigate the potential to include affordable housing in Council-led developments

Status Behind Schedule

Comment Council deferred the Mortdale Local Centre Master Plan for population update, traffic study and additional public domain works. As the Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme was tied up with the Mortdale Local Centre Master Plan, progression with the Scheme is also deferred. Until a Scheme is prepared the inclusion of affordable housing in Council-led developments will not be realised.

Action Name

Place the Planning Proposal for Civic Precinct Master Plan on community participation. There are a number of unfinalised documents. • Updated PP - not received (latest PP references the former HLEP 2012) (note - also waiting for DPE to provide written confirmation of changes to PP based on new provisions in GRLEP 2021) • Public domain strategy - final issued • Amenities and facilities strategy - updated draft reviewed and waiting for comments • Traffic report - updated report reviewed and waiting for comments (note Council requested updated traffic counts) • CMP - updated CMP reviewed by Council's heritage advisor who has raised concerns regarding the lack of detail - applicant has been advised to update CMP • DCP - updated draft reviewed and waiting for comments

Status Comments

Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward

Goal 5.3: The community is socially and culturally connected.

Strategy 5.3.1: Develop and implement a Social Plan and a Cultural Strategy that celebrates diversity, promotes the multicultural community, supports innovation and creativity and contributes to the economic success of the area.

DP Action 5.3.1a: Develop and implement a Social Justice Charter to build the LGA’s social strengths



Comment Draft Social Justice Charter was on public exhibition in July 2022. There were no changes required to from the feedback. The Social Justice charter will be adopted by Council later this year.

Action Name Status Comments

Launch and promote the Georges River Council Social Justice Charter. Draft Social Justice Charter was on public exhibition in July 2022. There were no changes required to from the feedback. The Social Justice charter will be adopted by Council later this year.

Strategy 5.3.2: Develop, support and promote programs and activities that foster social participation and wellbeing of the diverse community, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, cultural or religious background.

DP Action 5.3.2a: Implement an annual program of activities that create opportunities for community interaction and cohesion.



Comment The COVID-19 Safe Events Program 2021/2022 consisted of several major events that successfully activated parks and local town centres throughout the Georges River LGA. The Program saw approximately 70,000 attendees participate in: We Are Georges River, Christmas Markets, Summer Streets Program, In Good Taste including Little Lunar, Eurovision Live Broadcast Event, and Un[contained]. These events fostered community interaction and involvement to celebrate many themes including multiculturalism, food, performing and curated arts, and heritage. Attendees felt a sense of community cohesion, thankfulness to be able to attend events in the community again, and high levels of satisfaction for Council events (83% satisfaction rate).

Action Name Status Comments

Deliver enhanced community centre/space for key communities, prioritising the development of facilities in the western part of the LGA. Following a public Expression of Interest (EOI) process in accordance with Council's Community Lease Policy 2020, Council has received an application from a community organisation to lease the proposed refurbished community facility located at 7a Hedley Street Riverwood.

Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward

Strategy 5.3.3: Develop an integrated Community Safety Plan to identify the role Council and others can play in helping to make the LGA a safer place.

DP Action 5.3.3a: Increase community safety awareness with business and residents



Comment The volunteer street champions program will be replaced with a community safety education program. The street champions program has been impacted due to COVID-19 and lockdowns. A further review of this program has shown that a larger education campaign would be more effective in changing perceptions of safety and building awareness of safety issues relevant to the community.

Action Name Status Comments

Deliver a pilot Community Safety Program. A review of this program has shown that a larger education campaign would be more effective in changing perceptions of safety and building awareness of safety issues relevant to the community

Strategy 5.3.4: Provide high quality, affordable and economically viable education and care across Council’s children’s services.

DP Action 5.3.4a: Implement the 2017-2020 Children’s Services Strategic Plan with an emphasis on best practice and family-friendly childcare services



Comment This work has been completed and a new Early Learning Services Strategy 2021-2031 has been developed and adopted by Council

Action Name Status Comments

Develop and implement Children and Staff Wellbeing Action Plan. Completed. This is an ongoing project. Working group members attended a "Wellness at work -You matter too" webinar that was organised in partnership through Be You, Beyond Blue and Munch and Move. Topics covered included an introduction to mental health and wellbeing with a focus on staff wellbeing, recognising and reducing stressors in the workplace , planning and promoting positive wellbeing and role modelling positive wellbeing strategies with children.

Implement Council's Child Protection Action Plan.

Implement a Reconciliation Action Plan. Internal child protection training was completed by all Tier 3 and 4 staff through e-learning or face-to-face information sessions. A review of CM9 record management and security was undertaken. An 'Allegations Against Staff Involving Children and/or Young People Procedure' was developed and added to Promapp for organisational use, supporting compliance with the Reportable Conduct Scheme. Overall, 35 actions are complete, 12 remain in progress.

The centres focused learning around Torres Strait Islander people in alignment with NAIDOC week. During reconciliation week

Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward

Review demand for additional needs early learning centre. children were encouraged to consider the lived experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Completed in 2019/20. No action required

Goal 5.4: Diverse, vibrant community facilities and spaces are connected, well maintained and accessible.

Strategy 5.4.1: Expand the role of libraries as welcoming and inclusive spaces with services, collections and programs that inspire and engage with the community.

DP Action 5.4.1a: Implement the 2030 Library Strategy to improve service delivery, technology, collections, information services, community engagement and programs




The following strategy goals have commenced: Spaces Action Plan: Goals 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 Collections Action Plan: Goals 2.5, 2.7, 2.8 Services Action Plan: Goals 3.1, 3.5, 3.6, 3.8, 3.10, 3.11, 3.13

As of Q4 FY21-22 the following strategy goals were completed: Collections Action Plan: Goals 2.2 Services Action Plan: Goals 3.3, 3.4

Action Name Status Comments

Conduct and implement outcomes of feasibility study to harmonise library opening hours. Due to the COVID-19 lockdown and restrictions in place, the trial harmonisation of Georges River Libraries' operating hours was extended to 29 May 2022.

Conduct and implement results of business case and demand analysis toward locating and building a new large 2,500sqm library to serve the western half of the LGA, to transform the current branch libraries into spaces that are more flexible for programming and community use and selfservice pick up points and to implement standalone selfservice and all-hours pick up points in key transport and population centres.

Establish a reading and sensory garden at Hurstville Library that includes space for community environmental and sustainability education. The Georges River Libraries Business Case for a new library in the western part of Georges River LGA and strategic planning for Oatley, Penshurst and South Hurstville libraries has indicated preliminary modelling and will require a final feasibility and funding report.

The Design and construction EOI report for the Sensory Garden at Hurstville Library was approved by Council.

Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward

DP Action 5.4.1b: Deliver improvements to library services and facilities to ensure appropriate and effective use of collections and resources



Comment Library Services launched a new First Nations Collection consisting of approximately 600 items across all topics written by First Nations authors and/or from a First Nations perspective. The collection was created with input from members of Council's Aboriginal Reference Group, including local elder, Aunty Jo Love.

The tender process for the design and construction of a sensory garden in the Hurstville library courtyard was completed. Plantabox Pty Ltd's submission was selected as the winner at the end of a long, COVID-19 interrupted, tender process. Plantabox has previously worked with Council on other projects and is keen to deliver an innovative outcome for the sensory garden.

Action Name Status Comments

Implement the Debt Recovery Plan for Library Services. Members will be provided an overdue reminder notice and given 8 weeks to pay outstanding fines after which Council will commence debt recovery.

Strategy 5.4.2: Collaborate with State agencies, the education sector and neighbouring councils to provide regional level community facilities – partnership established and formalised.

Strategy 5.4.3: Provide a range of affordable and accessible facilities for community-based activities.

DP Action 5.4.3a: Seek community partnership to develop community facilities for culturally diverse and emerging communities




In June 2022 Council issued an Expression of Interest (EOI) for community organisations to apply to lease the proposed Peakhurst Park Community Centre located at 7a Hedley Street Riverwood. Council officers are assessing the applications.

Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward

Strategy 5.4.4: Encourage and promote the arts through Council’s cultural facilities including Hurstville Museum & Gallery, Hurstville Entertainment Centre and Carss Park Artist’s Cottage.

DP Action 5.4.4a: Implement an annual program of community and cultural programs and events.




Woniora Road School mural - on King Georges Road, South Hurstville, completed. Artist David Cragg worked with students to develop the design for the mural, inspired by locally found flora and fauna, with the background pattern an abstraction of sections of the Georges River and the surrounding landscape. Woniora Road School provides education for high school students who have disengaged from their education due to mental health issues, aiming to re-engage students with their education and the broader community.

Public Art Advisory Panel (PAAP) established to advise, guide and assist Council in best practice for permanent public art projects over $50,000. Council currently manages and delivers a range of permanent and non-permanent public art projects defined by the Public Art Policy and guided by the Create Georges River Cultural Strategy. The PAAP is composed of six external representatives and six Council officers -selected on their expertise in the areas of strategic placemaking, city strategy, technical services, operational services, cultural services and public art.

Ormonde Parade public art located in the transit corridor of Hurstville Railway Station, Bus Depot and Cerno Shopping complex aims to create a strong and vibrant gateway to increase the visibility of Hurstville City Centre. EOIs were sought from professional artist/teams of artists for a gateway public artwork in this location, intended to have a positive, dynamic, visual impact for the 60,000 people passing through this space daily. The concept design chosen, 'Interwoven' by ANL Design, consists of light-based sculpture with roof treatments. Due for completion in 2023.

93-99 Forest Road - public art panels -This new development consisting of 3 buildings is part of the East Quarter complex, incorporating large door sized metal panels with historic images of Hurstville Town Centre, sourced from GRC Libraries Local Studies collection.

Uncontained - Kogarah town centre was transformed into an outdoor art space during the three-day festival with art, performances, food, drinks, music and acrobatics. Shipping containers were used to house and exhibit work by local and international artists, including new artworks from Joli Vision and Office Feuerman, augmented reality activations and live murals. This year's [Un]contained attracted 38,000 people (in 2021: 26,000 people).

Action Name Status Comments

Increase the profile of the Artist in Residence Program. The Artist in Residence (AIR) program continued with Sarah McEwan, who provided a talk at Carss Park Cottage to share the artworks developed during her residency, her 'Frozen in Place' series of non-representational portraits. The first international AIR, Barbara Wheeler, from New Zealand is currently in residence. She is a textile artist and works with natural fibers, botanical prints and dyes. Her works tell a story about place and retain the fragrance of leaves and flowers that give colour to cloth. She has also provided an artists' workshop and talk as part of the residency.

Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward

Goal 5.5: The community is safe and healthy.

Strategy 5.5.1: Conduct Council’s regulatory functions in accordance with legislative requirements.

DP Action 5.5.1a: Continue to liaise with the NSW Government and relevant stakeholders to keep up-to-date with legislative changes.




Staff maintain currency with legislation amendments via various email networks/forums from relevant NSW Government agencies and Council's Panel of Solicitors.

Action Name Status Comments

Implement the 2021/22 regulatory programs to ensure compliance with the relevant legislation and to address community safety concerns. Regulatory programs include the annual inspection of food premises, skin penetration premises, cooling towers and public swimming pools and spa. 215 of the 339 premises were inspected. The target was not met due to the increased number of service requests and administration and staffing issues.

DP Action 5.5.1b: Continue to implement programs relating to food premises, skin penetration premises and regulated systems


Behind Schedule


Action Name

The annual target for this category was not met. This is due to several factors, including: - Public Health Orders (COVID-19) restricted the ability to carry out regulatory inspections, - Illness, isolate/quarantine requirements under the Public Health Orders, - the increased number of service requests and administration and staffing issues.

Status Comments

Implement the Get The Site Right Program to manage development site condition compliance. The Get the Site Right blitz was held during which 60 active building sites were inspected across the LGA. There were 16 warnings issued for minor non-compliances and 12 penalty notices totalling $27,000 issued for more serious offences.

Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward

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