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Performance indicators
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
Description Baseline Annual Target Results To Date Status YTD Comments
Civil design for private works completed within timeframe Baseline - New Measure > 90% 79% Not
Achieved A total of 79% of applications were processed within the timeframe.
Maintain the Asset Renewal Ratio above industry benchmarks.
Percentage of engineering operations service requests actioned against works scheduled.
Percentage of pothole requests made safe and scheduled for repair within 48 hours.
Percentage of utility restorations completed within timeframe advised. Baseline 116%
Baseline - new measure > 100% 92% Not Achieved In 2022 there has been a focus on accurately identifying our assets and the future capital renewal works.
≥ 80% 100% Achieved The continued improvement and additions to job classifications continues to enable effective scheduling and job completion.
Baseline - new measure = 100% 100% Achieved Potholes were addressed and their make safe actioned on both a reactive and proactive basis within agreed timeframes. Pothole figures can never be accurately reported on as a result of a number of additional potholes being actioned on a reactive basis and not captured in service request data.
Baseline - 80% ≥ 80% 65% Not Achieved Restorations were impacted at the start of the reporting year as a result of COVID-19 lockdowns and have increased significantly with a high completion rate on resumption of closer to normal operations.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
Goal 3.1: The LGA has a range of transport options to connect people, goods and businesses.
Strategy 3.1.1: Lobby for improved commuter car parking and manage local parking supply, including around train stations, to enhance business vitality and encourage public transport use, cycling and walking.
DP Action 3.1.1a: Implement the recommendations of the Car Parking Strategy
Comment Recommendations of the Car Parking Strategy have been implemented as required.
Action Name Status Comments
Implement the recommendations of the Car Parking Strategy adopted by Council in April 2020. Completed
Strategy 3.1.2: Work with the NSW Government to develop an integrated transport and land use plan and a 20year precinct plan as part of Future Transport 2056 initiatives.
DP Action 3.1.2a: Draft an Integrated Transport and Land Use Plan as part of Future Transport 2056 for public exhibition.
Comment Council at its meeting on 25 October 2021 adopted the Georges River Transport Strategy 2021.
Action Name Status Comments
Finalise the Transport Strategy. Council at its meeting on 25 October 2021 adopted the Georges River Transport Strategy 2021.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
Goal 3.2: Roads, footpaths and cycleways are safe, accessible and free of congestion.
Strategy 3.2.2: Implement a program of capital and maintenance to meet the needs of current and future users of Council’s infrastructure asset.
DP Action 3.2.2a: Develop and implement the annual Infrastructure Works Program, including a Town Centres Public Domain Program.
Comment Ongoing program
Action Name Status Comments
Develop and deliver the 2021/22 Capital Works Program for new construction and renewals.
Develop and deliver the 2021/22 Road Re-sheeting Program.
Deliver the 2021/22 Drainage Upgrade Program including new and replacement works.
Implement annual Black Spot Funding Program.
Design and construct compliant accessible bus stops. Capital Works Program completed.
Road Re-sheeting Program successfully completed.
Progression of drainage upgrade program ongoing.
TfNSW has endorsed the project to proceed with the design finalised and provided to the service delivery team to commence the works within the 22/23 financial year. A total of 22 Bus Zones were installed and 1 Bus Zone updated in front of a school.
There are currently 3 bus stops still being consulted due to residential complaints. This is still ongoing to be finalised.
DP Action 3.2.2b: Use the findings from the Footpath Condition Audit to implement the planned Footpath Maintenance Schedule.
Status In progress
Comment Remediation of S2 trip hazards are 50% complete and ongoing and grinding works have been scheduled for S1 trip hazards. All outstanding footpath condition trip hazards are scheduled for completion in September 2022.
Action Name Status Comments
Deliver the 2021/22 Footpath Maintenance Schedule. Footpath Condition assessment (S2 trip hazards) package awarded to a contractor and works were approximately 50% complete at 30 June 2022. Footpath Condition assessment (S1 trip hazards) grinding package awarded - scheduled to commence 8 August 2022.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
Strategy 3.2.3: Collaborate with neighbouring councils to deliver large-scale infrastructure and planning projects.
DP Action 3.2.3a: Develop plans with neighbouring councils to deliver large-scale infrastructure projects, including projects recommended in the Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.
Status Completed
Comment Council will continue to work with other stakeholders to develop large infrastructure projects as opportunities arise.
Action Name Status Comments
Monitor for new opportunities for collaboration to work with neighbouring councils to deliver large-scale infrastructure projects.
Attend meetings with neighbouring councils to discuss delivery of future large-scale infrastructure projects. Continue to monitor for new opportunities for collaboration to work with neighbouring councils to deliver large-scale infrastructure projects.
Council continues to communicate with neighbouring Council's regarding infrastructure demands and future projects. The Georges River Coastal Management Plan is in development with all Councils along the Georges River collaborating.
Goal 3.3: Everyone, including people with disability, navigates the LGA in safety.
Strategy 3.3.1: Implement the GRC Disability Inclusion Action Plan. (all projects completed)
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
Goal 3.4: Everyone has access to a range of active and passive recreation facilities.
Strategy 3.4.1: Guided by the GRC Open Space and Recreation Strategy, provide contemporary passive and active recreation spaces, aquatic facilities, synthetic fields, community centres and libraries.
DP Action 3.4.1a: Plan, consider funding for and commence a program of capital works and service adjustments that responds to the Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy, and improve opportunities for the community to participate in sporting, exercise and leisure activities.
Status Completed
Comment Capital Planning as it relates to service delivery continues to mature to ensure an optimal and cost effective implementation of the Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy. Our Asset Management Plans will guide infrastructure planning and funding.
Action Name
Prioritise new projects and service changes in response to the GRC Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.
Complete Hurstville Central Plaza as community open space.
Status Comments
New projects and service changes utilise the GRC Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy to determine scope and priorities.
Area has been developed into Open Space; minor works ongoing to finalise project.
DP Action 3.4.1b: Complete Plans of Management for all sporting fields in the Georges River LGA.
Status Ongoing
Comment This action is ongoing. During FY21/22 the following plans of management were under preparation: Generic Plans of Management Moore Reserve Plan of Management Penshurst Park Plan of Management Sans Souci Park Plan of management Donnelly Park Plan of Management
The following Plans of Management were placed on public exhibition from 15 June 2022 to 22 July 2022: Generic Plans of Management Penshurst Park Plan of Management Moore Reserve Plan of Management and Master Plan
Action Name Status Comments
Develop innovative funding and delivery models to implement priority projects and recommendations from the GRC Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy. Further progress has been made towards Councils Asset Management Plans which will help prioritise future projects and support the allocation of funding.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward