36 minute read
Performance indicators
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule
Carry forward
Description Baseline Annual Target Results To Date Status YTD Comments
Actual year-to date income is no more than 5% under the year-to-date approved budget. Baseline - 8% under budget < 5% -4% Achieved Income below budget in Capital Grants as a number of projects were delayed due to COVID-19 and inclement weather. User Charges and Fees were also impacted in some areas due to Covid.
Actual year-to-date expenditure is no more than 5% over the year-todate approved budget.
Annual nett litigation costs managed to $1.9m budget.
Attempted resolution of Class 1 merit appeals by way of alternative dispute resolution such as s34 conciliation wherever possible and appropriate.
Council decisions made at meetings closed to the public.
Council's overall Customer Experience rating
Customer satisfaction with face to face interaction at Council operated facilities.
Increased income from grants
Investment portfolio returns for the past 12 months exceeding industry benchmark as disclosed by CPG. Baseline - 12% under budget
Baseline $843000
Baseline 100% < 5% -3% Achieved Main savings in Infrastructure materials and contractor costs. Other savings were in areas impacted by COVID-19 closures, such as Venues and Events expenditure.
< $1,900,000 $1.38m Achieved Legal Services expenditure was on track for the year and managed to budget.
= 100% 100% Achieved Legal Services has consistently resolved all Class 1 merit appeals by way of S34 conciliation.
Baseline - 8% < 25% 3% Achieved Total of 7 Confidential Resolutions during 2021/22.
Baseline - 53% ≥ 63% 75% Achieved Exceeds target.
Baseline - New Measure ≥ 80% 87% Achieved Exceeds target.
Baseline - 13% > 75% 89.7% On Track We will continue to apply for appropriate grants as they become available.
Baseline 3.39% - 1.64% above benchmark
0.79% to 0.69% above benchmark Achieved The performance return in Council's investment portfolio was 0.79%. It is on average 0.69% above the performance benchmark. The return on investments
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
Description Baseline Annual Target Results To Date Status YTD Comments
decreased due to the low cash rate held by RBA.
Number of registered speakers at Council Meetings.
Number of visits to Council's website is increased by 10% annually. Baseline - New measure
Baseline - New measure
Number of Your Say Georges River Panel Members increases 10% annually. Baseline - New Measure
Operating Performance operating expenditure is contained within operating revenue.
Own Source Operating Revenue - % of self funding. Baseline - 2.57%
Baseline 78.49% > 5 81 Achieved 81 registered speakers during 2021/22.
699,595 1,984,204 Achieved The performance target has been significantly exceeded. Visitation to Council's website has grown due to significant work to improve the quality of the content and the nature of services and information available to the community.
> 75% 9% Achieved The user base has grown 14% this quarter, exceeding the target. Engagement remains strong, and has grown significantly across projects.
> -4% -4% Not Achieved Mainly due to savings in Expenditure as outlined, and also a gain on sale of Commercial Property.
> 60% 77.6% Achieved Mainly due to higher than expected return on investments and regulatory fines income.
Percentage compliance with statutory and legislative reporting requirements (Office of Local Government Compliance Calendar).
Percentage of complaints completed within agreed times. Baseline 100% = 100% 100% Achieved Update of Disclosure Returns, Code of Conduct Complaints statistics, Public Interest Disclosure statistics and GIPA statistics. Adoption of the Access to information Policy and Information Guide. Mandatory training on the Code of Conduct including public interest disclosures and fraud and corruption prevention commenced.
Baseline - 67% ≥ 90% 99% Achieved Exceeds target.
Percentage of correspondence Baseline - 82% > 80% 89% Achieved Exceeds target.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
Description Baseline Annual Target Results To Date Status YTD Comments
responded to within 14 days.
Percentage of customer requests completed within agreed times.
Percentage of customers satisfied with the overall experience with their customer requests to Council. Baseline - 64% ≥ 80% 83% Achieved Exceeds target.
Baseline 78.7% ≥ 80% 68% Not
Achieved Target not met. Factors contributing to this result were inclement weather and contractors and staff leave as a result of COVID19 infections.
Percentage of legal cases determined in accordance with Council's corporate and strategic objectives including successful prosecutions (convictions) and/or fines for major environment offences, including tree breaches.
Percentage of occupancy across Council-owned commercial properties.
Percentage of WHS Incident Management Corrective Actions finalised within agreed times
Percentage outstanding rates, annual charges, interest and extra charges.
Rates and annual charges outstanding ratio Baseline 100% > 75% 100% Achieved The Legal Services team is continuing to work with the Investigations, Compliance and Regulatory officers within Council to educate them around improving investigation techniques.
Baseline - 97% > 90% 93% Achieved The KPI of >90% has been achieved despite difficult commercial conditions. Currently 6 properties are vacant across the portfolio.
Baseline - 22% ≥ 60% 54% Not Achieved 43.5% of incidents were closed within time frames. The 60% target has not been met. This issue should be rectified when ic.MY SAFETY is implemented as the reminders and escalation prompts are superior to current system.
Baseline - 2.7% < 5% 0% Achieved Less than 5%
Baseline 3.0% < 5% 3.56% Achieved Less than 5%
Unrestricted Current Ratio Baseline - 3.86 > 2 2.7 Achieved Working capital ratio on track.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
Goal 6.1: The community is involved and listened to.
Strategy 6.1.1: Actively implement the GRC Community Engagement Policy and Strategy, providing a consistent and best practice approach to engagement across all Council functions.
DP Action 6.1.1a: Review performance indicators and data with internal and external stakeholders to ensure data contributes to continuous improvement
Status Completed
Comment A cycle of review has been established with internal and external stakeholders.
Action Name Status Comments
Continue to review performance indicators and data with internal and external stakeholders to ensure data contributes to continuous improvement. The new Community Strategic Plan articulates the community priorities and will guide how Council performance is measured. Georges River Snapshot is live on Council's website and allows community members to view the performance of Council against set performance indicators.
DP Action 6.1.1b: Embed Council's Engagement Strategy as an overarching process for all Council engagement activity.
Status Completed
Comment A cycle of review and improvement for Community Engagement has been established and is undertaken after every consultation to apply lessons learnt from community and stakeholders. The first stage of internal stakeholder consultation has commenced to update the Community Engagement Strategy to ensure it continues to meet the community expectations and all Managers and Executive are committed to applying its principles in their work.
Implement changes to Your Say following feedback from the Your Say Satisfaction Survey.
Deliver training to relevant staff concerning updates to the Community Engagement Strategy. Your Say satisfaction Survey has now transitioned to the Your Say Panel Survey. The Panel Survey activated our existing engaged audience to gather their feedback on the platform and get detailed responses on layout, presentation, language etc. We had good insight that has been immediately applied to the fortnightly newsletter and how the projects are set up in Your Say to maximise engagement.
Training continues to be incorporated into the beginning of each consultation with the program lead, outlining the minimum requirements of the Community Engagement Strategy. Additional content has been established to exceed the standard to bring awareness and improve accessibility and visibility of the consultation, including: • Providing templates and helping create Leader ads, social posts, print and signage and newsletter material • Unifying all content under Your say look and feel to better align all consultations and their promotional material • Scheduling availability of information and feedback to be made accessible at different Council sites, and encouraging hard copy/manual versions of surveys are distributed.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
DP Action 6.1.1c: Develop and build a brand and identity for the LGA
Comment Brand has been developed and now working on implementation
Action Name Status Comments
Continue to develop and build a brand and identity for the LGA. Created new supporting collateral and marketing programs developed for Sydney's Connected Community.
Strategy 6.1.2: Use of online, social media and other communication channels, including Your Say Georges River.
DP Action 6.1.2a: Broaden the range of Council and community issues referred for feedback to Council’s Your Say Georges River Panel.
Comment A training plan has been developed to brief key Council teams in the engagement functionality of our consultation platform supported with pre-consultation training with project leads and teams.
Action Name Status Comments
Continue to broaden the range of Council and community issues referred for feedback to Council's Your Say Georges River Panel. Highlight projects open for engagement included: • Have Your Say on the Draft Wildlife Protection Area Policy • Library Collections Survey 2022 • Draft Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program, Operational
Plan and Resourcing Strategy • Have Your Say on the Planning Proposal for Glenlee, 80
Boronia Parade, Lugarno • Public Exhibition of the Draft Moore Reserve Plan of
Management and Master Plan, Draft Penshurst Park Plan of
Management, and Draft Generic Plans of Management.
Consultations were incredibly diverse allowing the community to contribute to a range of decisions and projects across Council.
DP Action 6.1.2b: Develop comprehensive communication plans for Council’s projects, programs and initiatives
Status Completed
Comment It is now an embedded procedure to have a Communications Plan and assigned lead Communications Officer for all major community consultations.
Action Name Status Comments
Create and implement an Engagement Communication Plan for Plans were in place for the community consultations for the Draft Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program, Operational Plan and resourcing Strategy. We also had plans for the
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
major projects where Council is seeking community engagement in 2020/21 including use of print media and traditional marketing methods. Planning Proposal for Glenlee, Draft Wildlife Protection Area Policy, Draft Overland Flow Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan, and the Draft Library Use and Management Policy. Communication Plans were also developed for the public exhibition of draft plans of management for Moore Reserve Park, Penshurst Park and the Generic Plans of Management.
Strategy 6.1.3: Publicly and regularly report on our performance against strategic, financial and operational plans.
DP Action 6.1.3a: Comply with all requirements of Integrated Planning and Reporting legislation, including progress reports for the Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program and Operational Plan.
Comment All Integrated Planning and Reporting requirements for 2021/22 have been met.
Action Name Status Comments
Communicate Council's progress against the Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program and Operational Plan. 2022-2032 Community Strategy Plan, 2022-2026 Delivery Program and Operational Plan and 2022 Resourcing Strategy all adopted at the 27 June 2022 Council Meeting. All documents have been published to Council's website.
DP Action 6.1.3b: Develop an Annual Community Consultation Progress report
Comment Completed
Action Name Status Comments
Create an Annual Community Consultation Progress report. Dashboard for 2020-2021 community consultation is now live on our website and reflects the profiles of the people in the community who contributed to the decisions of council. We now have two years of dashboards published for the community. We are using the Your Say newsletter to share the outcomes of Council decisions to let the community know what happened with their feedback.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
DP Action 6.1.3c: Deliver and report on the Financial Assistance Program.
Comment The Georges River Council Financial Assistance Guideline provides a framework to guide the process, review and allocation of funds to community organisations. The Guideline ensures consistency and compliance under sections 356 and 377 of the Local Government Act 1993 for all financial assistance programs administered by Georges River Council, including the programs outlined in: 1. Georges River Council Grants, Donations and Sponsorship Policy 2. Georges River Council Community Lease Policy 3. Georges River Council Councillor Ward Discretionary Fund Policy
This Guideline was established following the Internal Audit Report (2020) - Section 356 Financial Assistance Final recommendation to develop an overarching framework on financial assistance to ensure consistency across financial assistance programs and reduce the risk of non-compliance with section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993.
This Guideline will be reviewed annually to ensure the total allocated and approved budget is incorporated into the Guideline and published on Georges River Council's website.
The Guideline was endorsed by the Executive Team and reviewed by the Independent Commission Against Corruption.
Action Name Status Comments
Deliver and report on the financial assistance program including community grants, community leases, microgrants, venue hire program, heritage grants, heritage publication grants, donations, Councillor Discretionary Ward Fund, COVID-19 recovery program, sponsorship program. Completed as reported in the Half Yearly report 20212022
Goal 6.2: Open, informed and transparent decision-making supports the interests of the community.
Strategy 6.2.1: Make all reports to Council Meetings public wherever possible under the Local Government Act 1993 or provide open and closed reports where necessary.
DP Action 6.2.1a: Investigate the feasibility of 'Meet your Ward Councillors' sessions
Comment Meet Your Ward Councillors days were discontinued due to budget reviews.
Action Name Status Comments
Review current program to date and recommend feasibility of offering the program in the future. No further budget allocation for Meet your Ward Councillor sessions.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
DP Action 6.2.1b: Utilise webcasting to improve access to information from Council meetings
Comment This occurs prior to the closure of every Council meeting. This work is ongoing and continual.
Action Name
Webcast resolutions from any items considered in closed sessions. This occurs prior to the closure of every Council meeting.
Strategy 6.2.2: Undertake effective risk management to provide greater certainty and security over the management of Council resources and services.
DP Action 6.2.2a: Annually review Council’s enterprise and operational risks.
Status Comments
Comment Review and update of strategic risks, risk heat map and confirmation of risk tolerance/criteria, directorate risk registers, business continuity plans/sub-plans and scenario training workshops to test internal controls. Adoption of the audit of council strategies and policies and reporting to the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee.
Action Name Status Comments
Maintain the focus on education, awareness and mitigation with respect to risk management and fraud control.
Review and report on the Governance and Risk Frameworks status to the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee. A total of 18 mandatory Code of Conduct training sessions were held, with 368 staff attending the sessions conducted by an external facilitator. The training covered all aspects of the Code of Conduct, with a core component covering fraud and corruption control. The Executive reviewed Council's existing strategic risks and revised Council's top strategic risks for rollover to 2022/23.
Update reports provided to the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee regarding Legislative Compliance, Risk Management and Governance.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
Strategy 6.2.3: Ensure procurement policies and practices demonstrate best practice in probity assurance and legislative compliance.
DP Action 6.2.3a: Review procurement policy and practice through the Local Government Procurement Program.
Action Name
Review underway with modern slavery being included and local buying policy.
Status Comments
Continue to implement recommendations from the Procurement Audit.
Ongoing focus on procurement contracts governance strategies and enabling priorities. 100% completion of audit actions arising from NSW Audit Office and BDO Contract Management (BDO). On schedule on the implementation of BDO Project Governance Audit and Project Management Framework.
Modern Slavery points are being incorporated into the policy during the next scheduled review.
Strategy 6.2.4: Provide timely access to Council information, in accordance with legislation, policy, public interest considerations, proactive disclosure and the respect for individual privacy.
DP Action 6.2.4a: Maintain online public registers as required under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA) including contracts, gifts and benefits and Councillor and Designated Persons disclosure returns (section 4.21-4.27 of Council's Code of Conduct)
Comment Public registers updated to ensure legislative compliance under GIPA including gifts and benefits. Disclosures of Interest Returns for designated persons published as required in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Conduct and the Information Privacy Commission.
Action Name Status Comments
Continue to maintain online public registers as required under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA) including contracts, gifts and benefits and Councillor disclosures of interest returns.
Continue to implement a training and awareness program in regards to disclosure obligations under the Code of Conduct, Local Government Act and GIPA Act. Update of public registers and publication of Returns for newly appointed designated persons.
A total of 18 mandatory Code of Conduct training sessions were held with 368 staff attending the sessions which were conducted by an external facilitator. The training covered all aspects of the Code of Conduct, with particular focus on public interest disclosures, management of conflicts of interest, management of offers / receipt of gifts, benefits and hospitality and fraud and corruption.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
DP Action 6.2.4b: Maintain online records of Council and Committee papers and minutes, donations and sponsorships, and Councillor expenses.
Comment This occurs after each meeting. This work is ongoing and continual.
Action Name Status Comments
Continue to maintain online records of Council and Committee papers and minutes, donations and sponsorships and Councillor expenses. All reports that are considered by Council are available on Council's website, this includes the publication of minutes to ensure that decisions made by Council are open and transparent and accessible to the community. Additionally, registers are available on Council's website which contain details of expenses which are reimbursed to Councillors in accordance with the Mayor and Councillors Expenses Policy.
DP Action 6.2.4c: Report to the Office of Local Government and the NSW Ombudsman on Code of Conduct and Public Interest Disclosure matters in accordance with statutory reporting requirements.
Comment Completed the online PID statistics report to the NSW Ombudsman. The report on the Code of Conduct complaints statistics 2022 is scheduled to be presented to the Office of Local Government and Council by December 2022. Mandatory training on the Code of Conduct including public interest disclosures and fraud and corruption prevention commenced from June 2022.
Action Name
Continue reporting statistics to the Office of Local Government, NSW Ombudsman and the Information Privacy Commission under provisions of related Acts and Council's Procedures for the Administration of the Code of Conduct in accordance with statutory reporting requirements. Completed online PID statistics report to the NSW Ombudsman for the period 1 January - 30 June 2022. The report on the Code of Conduct statistics 2022 is scheduled to be presented to the OLG and Council by December 2022.
Status Comments
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
Strategy 6.2.5: Use the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee to independently advise Council on good governance, audit matters, business improvement and risk management controls.
DP Action 6.2.5a: Facilitate the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) to fulfil its responsibilities under the LG Act and ARIC Charter.
The ARIC Responsibility Calendar ensures all responsibilities conferred under the Local Government Act and Council's adopted ARIC Charter are included. The inclusions on the Calendar are spilt across the agendas of the ARIC meetings to ensure they are completed. This has occurred annually across the Delivery Plan with all items being reviewed by ARIC. This process is an annual ongoing process. The results of these reviews are reported in the ARIC and Internal Audit Report to Council each year, the last one going to Council on 27 June 2022 (CCL049-22).
Action Name Status Comments
Prepare an annual ARIC Responsibility Calendar reflecting Local Government and ARIC Charter requirements to be completed throughout the year.
Facilitate 4-5 ARIC meetings per year with the Agendas to cover all topics in the ARIC Responsibility Calendar over the year.
Facilitate to ARIC Annual Report to Council on activities and functions.
Recruit for 2 independent ARIC members to replace scheduled departures in December 2020 and 1 independent member in March 2021. The annual ARIC Responsibility Calendar for 2021 was prepared and adopted by ARIC in March 2021.The annual ARIC Responsibility Calendar for 2022/23 has been prepared and was adopted by ARIC and has operated in Q3 & Q4.
All five scheduled ARIC meetings have now been held: 19 August 2021; 15 October 2021 (Financial Statements); 25 November 2021; 24 February 2022; 2 June 2022. All topics in the ARIC Responsibility Calendar were covered.
The ARIC Report incorporated the 18 month period from 1 January 2021 to 30 June 2022. The report was submitted to the 2 June 2022 ARIC meeting for endorsement and presented to Council where it was unanimously received and noted.
Two independent ARIC members were recruited and commenced attending the ARIC meetings in May 2021. The third independent ARIC member has had their tenure extended until 30 June 2022 to ensure continuity of the ARIC and to provide the ARIC with an experienced Chair. In Q4, a new ARIC member was recruited to replace an existing member whose tenure expired on 30 June 2022. The new member will commence as a voting member on 1 July 2022. The number of independent ARIC members remains at 3 in accordance with the OLG Draft Internal Audit & Risk Management Guidelines.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
DP Action 6.2.5b: Prepare and implement a three-year risk-based Audit Plan
The 2018-2021 Audit Plan was completed in 2021. The 2021-2024 Audit Plan was adopted by the ARIC on the 25 November 2021 and commenced in 2021/22.
Action Name Status Comments
Complete the 2021/22 Audit Program. The Audit program is on schedule with the following audits completed: • IMT Physical Intrusion Testing • IMT ASD Essential 8 • TfNSW DRIVES System Annual Compliance - Project
Governance & Methodology • Development-related Fees • Bonds, Bank Guarantees & Security Deposits • IMT Records Management Security Framework • IMT Network Segmentation • IMT Microsoft 365 Best Practice Assessment The remaining audits are on hold for the following reasons: • Cash Management – COVID-19 restrictions limiting on site audit.
This audit commenced in Q4 and will be completed in 2022/23. • Secondary Employment - Audit no longer required as an informal review over controls and new processes was conducted. • Budget Management - A new Budget Management Policy is being implemented which will take time to take effect.
A slow down in audits being undertaken to allow recommendations outstanding to be implemented. Two reviews which were not initially included in the Audit Plan were completed: • Procurement Spend Analysis • DA Process Project (arising out of development-related fees audit)
DP Action 6.2.5c: Provide ARIC with the status of internal audit recommendation implementation
Comment ARIC are provided with the status of audit recommendations at each of the four ARIC meetings held each year as an inclusion of a standard agenda and calendar item.
Action Name Status Comments
Provide the ARIC with the status of audit recommendations at each meeting. ARIC are provided with the status of audit recommendations at each ARIC meeting as a standard agenda and calendar item.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
DP Action
6.2.5d: Liaise with the Office of Local Government regarding internal audit guidelines and adopt as required
The OLG Draft Guidelines on a New Risk Management and Internal Audit Framework were released to Council in August 2021. A submission was prepared and submitted to the OLG prior to close date. Councils submission was presented to ARIC. The OLG has not yet finalised the Guidelines but have advised they expect to do so in late 2022. Council has proactively implemented many of the proposed guidelines in the interests of best practice.
Action Name Status Comments
Implement any mandatory internal audit guidelines issued by the OLG The OLG Draft Guidelines on a New Risk Management and Internal Audit Framework were released to Council in August 2021. A submission was prepared and submitted to the OLG prior to close date. Council’s submission was presented to ARIC. The OLG has not yet finalised the Guidelines but have advised they expect to do so in late 2022. Council has proactively implemented many of the proposed guidelines in the interests of best practice. Council’s submission was presented to ARIC and updated on the ARIC HUB for ARIC member and councillor information. The OLG has not yet finalised the Guidelines as at Q4.
Strategy 6.2.6: Ensure compliance with Section 232(1) of the Local Government Act and processes adopted in Council policies.
DP Action 6.2.6a: Implement a Councillor training program to improve decision making, facilitate better communication with the local community and assist Councillors to acquire and maintain the skills needed to perform their role
Comment A Councillor Induction Program has been developed and further professional development opportunities are provided and encouraged.
Action Name Status Comments
Implement and promote a Professional Development Program for Councillors to ensure a minimum of 12 hours of skills development training is offered to each Councillor. A Councillor Induction Program has been developed and further professional development opportunities are provided and encouraged throughout the year.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
Goal 6.3: Leadership focuses on innovation and improving the customer experience.
Strategy 6.3.1: Meet customer service commitments that aim to make it easy to do business with Council and create systems and a culture that support positive customer experiences.
DP Action 6.3.1a: Improve consistency and reliability of service across all customer contact channels
Comment A Customer Excellence Training program was developed to deliver to business units at Council, with the aim to improve the overall experience for customers connecting with Council. In the development of the Customer Experience Strategy 2022-2027 Council researched best practice in local government, reviewed customer experience data, surveyed customers and engaged community based organisations through online workshops. The draft Customer Experience Strategy 2022-2027 was endorsed by Council for public exhibition and provides a framework and action plan for Council to improve consistency and reliability of customer experience across all contact channels.
Action Name Status Comments
Conduct a review of the Georges River Council Customer Experience Strategy The review is complete and the draft Customer Experience Strategy 2022-2027 endorsed for Public Exhibition at the Council meeting on 27 June 2022.
Strategy 6.3.2: Demonstrate a culture of continuous improvement and effective governance throughout Council services.
DP Action 6.3.2a: Implement an Innovation Strategy to provide a strategic approach to improvements to customer service, service delivery and performance improvement
Comment There has been focus on culture and creativity internally and the development of partnerships and networks externally. Council has been successful in building partnerships and gaining grant funding to support the innovative delivery of projects for example A Greening our City Grant to use new technology to support the growth of trees in urban settings.
Action Name Status Comments
Implement the Innovation Strategy and embed a culture of innovation across the organisation. This has transitioned as a responsibility within each Directorate.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
DP Action 6.3.2b: Establish Council’s reputation as a leading local government organisation.
Completed as stated in the 2019/20 end of year progress report.
Action Name Status Comments
Develop strategic partnerships and influence key government policy to bring investment into the LGA. Council has strengthened relationships with key partners and stakeholders such as industry bodies (Committee for Sydney, Business Western Sydney) and neighbouring and other councils (Sutherland, Bayside, Wollongong, Newcastle) following the Metropolis of 5 Cities event and around the concept of the Southern Aerotropolis.
DP Action 6.3.2c: Raise awareness for cyber security.
IMT are continuing to remind staff of the importance of good cyber security practices through team training, phishing attack simulations and IMT Articles on current trends in Cyber security. The public are also updated through the cyber security page on the website.
Action Name Status Comments
Finalise benchmarking of Information Security framework against Essential 8 and NSW Cyber security policy. IMT are continuing to work through the recommendations, currently working on a project to close the last two items from this audit, this is expected to be complete in August 2022, work has been completed on all other remaining items.
Strategy 6.3.3: Increase the status, influence, reputation and brand of GRC and its LGA through a greater focus on innovation and advocacy.
DP Action 6.3.3a: Maximise the potential of the Kogarah Health and Research Hub.
Council has reestablished a Leadership Group for the Kogarah Collaboration Area comprising key health and education stakeholders as well as Bayside Council. An investment prospectus has been prepared and is currently being designed. This document markets and promotes the offerings of Kogarah as a strategic centre, Collaboration Area and emerging innovation district.
Action Name Status Comments
Deliver an investment prospectus for Kogarah.
Implement the Kogarah Investment Attraction Strategy to grow the existing Kogarah Health and Education Precinct. The Investments Prospectus has now been finalised.
Continuing to promote Kogarah's investments opportunities through our ongoing advocacy programs.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
DP Action 6.3.3b: Build the cultural identity of Hurstville CBD as the Heart of the City.
Comment Being achieved through grant funding opportunities for public domain improvements and placemaking activities to further promote and improve brand Hurstville.
Action Name Status Comments
Continue to build and promote the identity of Hurstville as the 'Heart of the City'. Continuing to promote Hurstville as part of our ongoing advocacy program.
DP Action 6.3.3c: Develop an advocacy strategy that identifies how GRC can influence government policy and secure government investment in the LGA.
Comment Council has developed an Advocacy Priorities program and subsequent Southern Aerotropolis report to influence the next iteration of district plans. There will be ongoing engagement around key advocacy priorities.
Action Name Status Comments
Implement an Advocacy Program to raise Council's reputation/profile and ultimately influence government policy to secure government investment in the LGA. Second phase priorities have now been developed for consideration of the Council.
DP Action 6.3.3d: Assist and promote the greening and creation of open space in our town centres.
Comment Being achieved through grant funding opportunities for public domain improvements and increased greenery through DPIE Greening our City, DPIE Legacy funding and DPIPE Streets as Shared Spaces funding.
Action Name Status Comments
Continue to drive increased greening and creation / improvement of open space in our town centres. Being achieved through grant funding opportunities for public domain improvements such as Riverwood Grant received.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
DP Action 6.3.3e: Complete the program of service delivery reviews commenced after the establishment of GRC.
Comment All service reviews have been conducted with one remaining - Venues and Facilities Management Service Review. RFQ has been developed and will go out to the market, with the expected service review to be completed by the end of 2022.
Action Name Status Comments
Complete the Venues and Facilities Management Service Review. Internal funding is required to be carried over for the 2022/23 year in the Community and Culture Directorate budget. No responses received to the Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the project. A targeted approach to a consulting firm with expertise in this area resulted in a quotation significantly higher than the proposed budget for this project. This will be renegotiated.
Goal 6.4: Council’s assets and resources are managed responsibly and with accountability.
Strategy 6.4.1: Implement asset management plans to maintain infrastructure assets in a safe and functional standard, meeting current and future community needs.
DP Action 6.4.1a: Consult with the community about the service standards for Council assets, including asset maintenance funding in the context of Council’s overall budget imperatives, and use this to inform a review of asset ownership and maintenance standards.
With the development of Councils Asset Management plans there is a clearer understanding of required capital and operating budgets to support the delivery of Council services to the current community level of service. Service levels are based on data from 2017 and will be updated.
Action Name Status Comments
Update Asset Management Plan for road, footpath, drainage and building assets classes based on updated asset data capture. Asset Specialists are focusing on the accuracy of the asset inventory by asset class. Asset management plans to be drafted for internal review and planning of 23/24 Capital Works Program.
DP Action 6.4.1b: Review and progress with any funding opportunities accessible to progress with the GRC Depot Master Plan.
Behind Schedule
Action Name
No further progress
Status Comments
Continue to investigate potential funding opportunities to progress the GRC Depot Master Plan. No funding opportunities were identified in this quarter.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
Strategy 6.4.2: Maintain a sustainable and strong financial position, balanced with demand for essential services and new projects, and having regard for Section 8B(d) (ii) of the Local Government Act (the current generation funds the cost of its services)
DP Action 6.4.2a: Align the Long-Term Financial Plan to the strategic priorities of Council.
Comment Completed
Action Name Status Comments
Refine the Long-Term Financial Plan to incorporate proposed new projects and programs and to facilitate financially sustainable decisions. Completed
Incorporate the review of Council's Asset Management Plan (6.4.1.a), including asset life, depreciation and maintenance costs, into Council's Long-Term Financial Plan. Completed
DP Action 6.4.2b: Develop a fair equitable Georges River Council Rating System that also improves Council's financial sustainability.
Comment completed
Action Name Status Comments
Implement a rating system across the Local Government Area (LGA) that compiles with relevant legislation and NSW Government approval. Completed
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
DP Action 6.4.2c: Ensure financial policy and process improvements focus on the integrity of controls, improved data for business decisions and customer experience.
Behind Schedule
Comment Integral policies are in place, addition policies being developed (bonds, project governance, contribution pooling, etc). Business processes have been impacted by restructures and high turnover. Report being prepared for ET to consider remedial action and focus areas.
Action Name
Expand payment options for all revenue activities to minimise risks and costs associated with cash and cheque management. Majority of debts have moved to Revenue NSW, which have a variety of payment options. Test underway for BPAY as an option for DA fees. System limitations slow down expansion. Event Pro is the next priority.
Strategy 6.4.3: Actively manage Council’s property portfolio to maximise returns on investment in community assets and programs.
DP Action 6.4.3a: Plan for and implement a purchasing program for property requiring compulsory acquisition in the comprehensive LEP
Status Comments
Comment Properties identified for open space acquisition and included in the budget.
Action Name Status Comments
Redevelop Sans Souci Bathers' Pavilion to provide commercial leasing opportunity. On hold pending consideration of leasing options.
DP Action 6.4.3b: Complete Planning Proposals for the Hurstville Civic Centre precinct.
Comment Matter is progressing towards completion. Final studies being undertaken.
Action Name Status Comments
Implement Master Plan for Sans Souci Park.
Implement Plan of Management for Sans Souci Park.
Progress Planning Proposals for planned Council developments. The Draft PoM and Master Plan are with the Department of Planning and Environment for owner’s consent prior to public exhibition.
The Draft PoM and Master Plan are with the Department of Planning and Environment for owner’s consent prior to public exhibition.
The only Council led Planning Proposal is for the Hurstville Civic Centre.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
DP Action 6.4.3c: Progress all statutory property matters in a timely manner.
Comment All property matters completed in accordance with statutory time frames.
Strategy 6.4.4: To strengthen Council's reputation and maintain community confidence by delivering secure, efficient, easy to use services. For our community, this means greater flexibility dealing with Council.
DP Action 6.4.4a: Implement the Digital Resourcing Management Plan
Comment IMT are continuing to remind staff of the importance of good cyber security practices through team training, phishing attack simulations and IMT Articles on current trends in Cyber security. The public are also updated through the cyber security page on the website.
Action Name Status Comments
Implement initiatives from the Digital Experience Strategy.
Establish e-planning technology framework. - NSW Planning portal - API integration between Technology One and NSW Planning Portal - T1 eplanning module implementation
Implement digital initiatives for the Customer Experience Program.
Deliver Works, Assets and Mobility program.
Enable committed governance initiatives to support business resilience and keep our information safe. The Digital Experience Strategy targeted 33 IMT initiatives. 11 Completed; 10 In progress; 12 Not started as they require funding.
Q4 21/22 NSW Planning Portal API Ver 1 successfully implemented, work started on API Ver 2 implementation expected go live 31 December 2022
eLodge in progress, Trees next to go live, gone live with Food Applications, launched NSW Developer Contributions report to the public. eCRM categories have been updated to meet customer needs. Expanding BPoint and BPay payment gateways. In test mode.
This is on hold due to Asset and Infrastructure re-alignment.
Council has an active independent audit program that is focused on business resilience. The 21/22 Audits have now been completed. The implementation of Audit Recommendations is tracked through separately.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
Goal 6.5: The workforce is inspiring, diverse and engaged.
Strategy 6.5.1: Implement leading people practices to create a high performing, capable and resilient workforce.
DP Action 6.5.1a: Implement the GRC Workforce Plan
Comment The 2020-2021 workforce plan was completed where we successfully focused on: 1. Capability mobility 2. Continuous learning 3. Flexible resource allocation 4. Information management 5. Iterative business improvement processes 6. Talent management 7. Open physical and virtual environment 8. Partnerships and networking 9. Performance centric 10. Technology, systems, and tools
Action Name Status Comments
Implement Council's Wellness and Belonging Program. M-FIT: Application process opened for M-FIT champions and M-FIT check in survey launched. Applications received from around Council. The final champions will undergo professional development and accreditation in Mental Health First Aid.
WELL-FIT: Draft calendar and proposal for GRC Wellness Program commenced consultation with WHS committee and Consultative committee with implementation earmarked for October.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
DP Action 6.5.1b: Implement Performance Excellence and People Capability Strategies and Programs.
Comment Despite COVID-19, we continued delivering our M-FIT strategy. This included Mental Health Response Training for People Leaders and Resilience Training. There has been significant planning for the next phase of the strategy where we are establishing a network of M-FIT Champions.
Leadership has been a key focus as seen in the launch of LeaderLIFT, LeaderSHIFT and the development of Launching into Leadership. This has been particularly timely given the continuing challenges of managing teams during the pandemic and in more recent times, a high turnover of staff resulting in resourcing challenges.
New consolidated performance rating scale of Developing, Performing and Excelling has been developed, consulted on and implemented. Reframing the rating scale started the shift away from implying a sense of failure, towards coaching, goal setting and growth.
The next phase of the Performance Excellence Program (PEP) is progressing, including the framework to formalise PEP through a program document and process for endorsement of salary increases and performance reward. Half yearly performance check in discussions, with opportunity on a quarterly basis for salary increase. Software upgrades will provide additional functionality and automation.
Action Name Status Comments
Implement performance program and streamline performance appraisal process. Software upgrade is a single sign on and will facilitate and automate the Performance Excellence Program (PEP) process. Further customisation is in progress prior to roll out.
Initial focus groups have been undertaken with City Operational Services and Early Learning Services people leaders to commence transformation of our performance rating scale for operational areas, making this relatable and quantifiable.
Review and enhance the performance development frameworks to align capability with the organisations current and future priorities and implement a leadership development program, to ensure skill levels and capability continue to be The PEP program document is in development to outline a cyclical framework for employees and their people leaders to develop performance partnerships and have continuous two-way communication in setting, monitoring, and reviewing SMART performance and development goals, and to outline Council's process for progressing through the salary system and rewarding performance excellence. Aligning recommendations for salary increase with established quarterly corporate KPI and budget review process is also a key focus action.
Continued commitment to our organisational learning framework, LEAP, has ensured staff development is still being offered. A review of the Learning and Development Policy has also refined processes to streamline access to external development opportunities.
Rollout of LeaderLIFT commenced for Executive and Manager cohorts. The program consists of face-to-face compulsory sessions, optional virtual development sessions and personal coaching. The program is halfway through delivery. People and Culture have also implemented LeaderSHIFT to complement LeaderLIFT and pave a
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
improved within the leadership group. pathway for our next cohort to prepare for their intake in 2023.
LeaderSHIFT is an internally facilitated leadership network, which aims to bring leaders in our organisation together for development and to build cross unit relationships. The People Experience team have been working on an emerging leaders' program, Launching into Leadership. This will be a new offering in FY22/23 addressing demand from staff for such a program. The focus of this course will be on self-leadership and helping to shape talent to be future leaders of GRC.
DP Action 6.5.1c: Implement a Workplace Health and Safety System to support a well and safe workplace.
Comment The current WHS Management System is partially implemented. The system is being reviewed to better fit Council's needs.
Action Name Status Comments
Evaluate Work, Health and Safety (WH&S) procedures and implement effective controls to manage WH&S risks. Progression of the review has slowed further due to vacancies in the WHS Team. Ongoing management of COVID-19 requirements and tracing of infected workers was requiring considerable effort and time. COVID-19 Risk Assessments and Vaccination Policy have been reviewed and approved by Executive Team and implemented. WHS committee elections held and new committee formed to aid in the consultation of WHS Management System Documents.
Completed On track Ongoing On hold Behind Schedule Carry forward
Goal 6.6: Council has a regional-approach to service delivery and facilities.
Strategy 6.6.1: Plan for regional-level services and facilities and share information across State agencies and neighbouring councils.
DP Action 6.6.1a: Work with neighbouring councils to facilitate major projects with long-term delivery timeframes
Comment Currently the focus is gaining support and endorsement from neighbouring councils on the concept of the Southern Aerotropolis to influence the next iteration of district plans.
Action Name Status Comments
Develop strategic partnerships to influence key government policy and bring investment to the LGA. Council has strengthened relationships with key partners and stakeholders such as industry bodies (Committee for Sydney, Business Western Sydney) and neighbouring and other councils (Sutherland, Bayside, Wollongong, Newcastle) following the Metropolis of 5 Cities event and around the concept of the Southern Aerotropolis.
DP Action 6.6.1b: Develop an engagement program for services and facilities where regional collaboration would assist in their delivery, including those identified in the GRC Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.
Behind Schedule
Comment Council continues to collaborate with others to deliver key services and facilities for the community. Council is working with Schools Infrastructure on projects to expand the offering of open space to the community. Council continues to progress the Kogarah Place Strategy and broader advocacy program.
Action Name Status Comments
Deliver engagement program for city advocacy. Southern Aerotropolis has now been shared with Council's key partners.