Welcome Brochure for New Families

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Your Visitation Journey

Welcome to Georgetown Visitation and the beginning of a high school experience like no other. With unique traditions, invigorating academics, exciting extracurriculars, and supportive teachers, Visitation will help you grow from a girl with dreams to a woman with vision.

After four years on 35th Street, you'll be well-equipped to thrive in college, ready to make a difference in a world that needs female leaders who are strong and gentle, thoughtful and kind, persevering and patient. Not only will you have the values and skills for a lifetime of exploration and action, but countless sisters to walk with you every step of the way. Visi girls are friends and fans, classmates and teammates, companions and confidants. They collaborate and support one another, creating a tight community where all are embraced and each can shine

You and your classmates will help write the next chapter in our nearly 225-year history. We invite you to review this guidebook that introduces you to what makes Visitation special and gives you practical advice for getting started as a freshman family. If you have any questions, our door is always open to you; there is also a "Whom to Contact" section at the back of this booklet to help you navigate.

In Christ,

WELCOME TO THE Classof2027


What's Next?

Sign up for our Parent Welcome Breakfast on Thursday, March 2 at 8:30 a m RSVP at visi.org/parentbreakfast today!

Join us for Winter Gold-White (read more about this tradition on p. 5) on Saturday, March 4 at 11:30 a.m. RSVP at visi.org/gw23!

Come to the Dining Room to grab your new GV water bottle (perfect for the stickers you just received) and meet other Class of 2027 students and families, then head outside to see the action when the trolleys arrive!

Our Black Women's Society (celebrating its 40th anniversary!) will host a virtual welcome event on the evening of March 7. Register to receive the Zoom link at visi.org/bwsevent.

Enroll at Visitation by Friday, March 10 through the Veracross Portal (sign in using the same credentials you did for your application to complete the enrollment and deposit process).

Save the Dates

Placement Testing Day (learn more in your acceptance email): May 6

Welcome Mass: May 11

Health Forms Due: July 28

Freshman Orientation: August 23-25

First Day of School: August 28

We've created a website with all the resources to prepare you and your family for your first year at Visi. Head to visi.org/classof2027 for event information, summer enrichment options, health forms, and more!

4.......................................................................Profile of a Visitation Graduate & Our Alma Mater 5...................................................................................................................................Visitation Traditions 6.....................................................................................................................................Spiritual Life @ Visi 7 - 8...............................................................................................................................................Academics 9 - 10........................................................................................................................................................Clubs 11..........................................................................................................................................................Athletics 12..................................................................................................................................................................Arts 13 - 14............................................................................................................Visitation Communications 15..................................................................................................Parents' Association & Fathers Club 16.................................................................................................................Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion 17 - 18..............................................................................................................................Whom to Contact Back Cover.............................................................................................................................Campus Map TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS

Profile of a Visitation Graduate

A Georgetown Visitation graduate enthusiastically lives St Francis de Sales’ exhortation to “Be who you are and be that well, to give honor to the Master Craftsman whose handiwork you are.”

She is a woman of faith.

She demonstrates strong character and deep faith, enriched by Catholic theology and inspired by the Salesian tradition of the Sisters of the Visitation

She values and cultivates authentic relationships with God, self, family, and friends

Empowered by her belief in God, she embraces the world beyond Visitation; she “Lives Jesus” and embodies the Salesian virtues as she acts for peace and social justice.

She is a woman of vision.

She is intellectually curious, perseveres, believes in her potential, and commits to growth and excellence throughout her life. She thinks independently, critically, and creatively; she confronts ambiguity confidently. She balances innovation and tradition, embracing and drawing from a broad understanding of the liberal arts and sciences. She listens to others’ perspectives, communicates effectively, and collaborates to solve problems.

She is a woman of purpose.

Cor Jesu

Cor Jesu, or “Heart of Jesus,” is our alma mater, sung at every school Mass and at graduation.

Cor Jesu, Cor Jesu, Cor Jesu te laudamus

Cor Jesu, Cor Jesu, Cor Jesu Benedicimus te

Te glorificamus, te glorificamus, te glorificamus cor Jesu

Te glorificamus, te glorificamus, te glorificamus, te glorificamus, glorificamus cor Jesu.

Tibi gratias agimus, tibi gratias agimus, tibi gratias agimus, agimus tibi cor Jesu. Te amamus ex toto corde nostro, te amamus ex toto corde nostro, te amamus ex toto corde nostro, te amamus, te amamus

Tibi cor nostrum offerimus, tibi cor nostrum donamus, tibi cor nostrum consecramus, immolamus, immolamus.

Accipe et posside illud totum purifica, illumina et sanctifica.

Ut in ipso, ut in ipso, vivas et regnes. In saecula saeculorum Amen. In saecula saeculorum Amen.

She exemplifies moral integrity, personal responsibility, and a commitment to sharing her talents for the betterment of society.

She models service, empathy, and humanity in her leadership.

She honors the dignity and sacredness of every individual, appreciating cultures, religions, and economic and ethnic backgrounds different from her own.

A Georgetown Visitation woman possesses knowledge and skills for a lifetime of inquiry and excellence. She cultivates the Little Virtues espoused by St. Jane de Chantal and St. Francis de Sales, which will animate her unique God-given gifts and enrich our world.


You are unique. So is Visi.

Freshman Challenge & Retreat Day: In early October, your class will head off for a morning of adventure and collaboration, followed by a reflection and retreat focused on the Salesian Little Virtue of Holy Friendship

Marshmallow Roast: Each class spends months preparing for this annual "roast" of our teachers - and marshmallows of course! - with the winner earning lifelong bragging rights. The wildly creative skits are filled with laughs and bring the whole class together At the end of the night, the seniors perform their class song by candlelight - a poignant moment in their final year.

Gold-White: When you join Visitation, you’re assigned to the Gold Team or the White Team. This friendly but fierce yearlong (and lifelong!) competition pits the Tigers against the Bears You can earn points for your team by earning good grades, offering Christian Service, being named a Cub of the Month, and more! Twice a year, there is a festive spirit week that culminates in a themed pep rally and sports competition (field hockey in the fall, basketball in the spring) At the end of the year, the winner takes home the coveted banner!

Bountiful Food Feast: Right before Thanksgiving, families and student clubs are invited to share a special dish for a community-wide feast. Everyone sits down together in the gym to enjoy fellowship and a multicultural feast.

These are just a few of the traditions you’ll discover as you settle into your home on 35th Street During your time here, you'll experience Sophomore Spectacular, Junior Retreat, Junior Ring Ceremony, and more. When you become a Visi girl, you are joining a timeless community bound by shared experiences


Faith is alive at Visitation. It is lived by the Sisters who call Visitation home and embraced in our classrooms, hallways, and chapel Georgetown Visitation is rooted in the Roman Catholic faith and strengthened by inclusive Salesian values inspired by the founders of the Visitation Order, St. Jane de Chantal and St. Francis de Sales.

Salesian Spirituality is a universal, practical spirituality, appropriate for any person at any time. Fundamentally, it encourages us to trust in God’s loving providence as we walk through our days and it provides common sense guidance on how best to do this. At Visitation, we learn and live our faith in many ways:

Theology Classes: Every year students deepen their understanding of our Catholic faith and how we are called to Live Jesus beyond our gates.

Prayer & Sacraments: Visitation students begin and end their day with prayer and are invited to participate in morning Mass with the Sisters or lunchtime Mass. We celebrate the Eucharist as a community once a month as well. Confession is offered regularly and all are welcome to join in the rosary and adoration on the First Friday of the month.

Salesian Virtue of the Month: St. Jane and St. Francis emphasized Little Virtues, like patience, kindness, and humility. Each month, we highlight one of these virtues for deeper reflection and celebrate community members who live the virtue.


Caring for others is a fundamental part of our Catholic faith and Salesian tradition. All students are required to complete 80 hours of Christian service before graduating, but many far surpass this—on average, our senior class offers a total of 16,000 hours of service before they graduate! Projects include:

Pack-a-Backpack Drive

McKenna's Wagon

Saturday School

Gold-White Canned

Food Drive

Pine Ridge

Immersion Trip

St. Francis Inn Trips

Retreats: Students and adults lead spiritual retreats at Visitation, during which students reflect on and encounter Christ through prayer and the people in their lives.


You’re probably wondering what your first year at Visitation will look like! We believe in the power of a curated curriculum that gives you a shared experience with your classmates and foundation for your academic journey. A typical freshman schedule includes:

Theology I: Scripture and the Revelation of Jesus Christ

English I: Introduction to Literary Genres

Global Patterns of Civilization I: Ancient Peoples

Algebra I or Honors Geometry or Accelerated Math I

French I or Spanish I

Conceptual Physics

Introduction to Art History

Introduction to Technology Systems and Applications

Introduction to Music History & Appreciation

Physical Education & Wellness I

Learning Support & Strategies (by recommendation)

For language and math classes, all students will take a placement test in May to determine their best-fit course. In math, all students have the opportunity to pursue calculus by senior year if they choose. In addition, each freshman participates in weekly personal counseling group sessions that focus on social and academic adjustment issues, friendships, healthy relationships, peer pressure, making responsible choices, identity, racial literacy, body image, and mindfulness.


Visitation uses a tumbling schedule, which means classes meet at a different time each day. This ensures no student is confronted with a challenging class that always meets at a low-energy time. Our schedule also includes free periods - typically six per cycle for a freshman - to hang out with friends, meet with teachers, and prepare school work Other unique features of our schedule include:

Cub Period: A morning break for club meetings, class meetings, assemblies, or free time.

2:30 Tuesdays: Every Tuesday, classes end at 2:30 p m (instead of the usual 3:10 p.m.) for faculty professional development and academic planning.

Thursday Clubs: Classes end at 2:30 p.m. on Thursdays as well so students can participate in one of our 60+ student-led clubs.

YToday is just the beginning As you celebrate the end of your middle school years and the start of high school, we encourage you to embrace opportunities to get to know new classmates and families. One of the best ways to meet your classmates is through our summer enrichment program Sign up for a class (or three!) to explore your interests, meet Visitation teachers, and get to know our campus. By the time August rolls around, you'll feel right at home here on 35th Street. Go to visi.org/summer to explore our programs!

Pursue Your Passions

The confidence and exhilaration that come from personal accomplishment, leadership, and teamwork continue well beyond the classroom. They are hallmarks of Visitation's co-curricular programs, particularly our club program.

With over 60 student-led clubs focused on everything from robotics to art to service to journalism, there are countless opportunities for Visi girls to try new things, improve existing skills, and become better leaders.

Do you have an interest you'd like to share with classmates? You can start your own club! From pickleball to body positivity, climbing to gospel choir, new clubs are created every year, led by talented, passionate young women like you

Visitation's schedule includes a 25-minute Cub Period three times a week and a 40minute Club Period every Thursday, giving students ample time to explore what interests you most



These clubs meet at least twice pe

Chorus Orchestra

Building, Engineering, Design, (BEDA)

EnVISIon (dance)

Georgetowner (literary magaz

Green Gate (yearbook)

Wicket (newspaper)


In a typical year, Visitation has over 60 student-led clubs to join that meet at various points throughout the school year - some once a week, some just a few times in the year, including:

Aerospace Engineering Club

Always Our Children

American Sign

Language Club

Art Club

Astronomy Club

Best Buddies

Black Women's Society

Body Positivity Club

Booster Club

Chess Club

Christ Child Society

Christian Action

Service Team

Climbing Club

Constitution Club

Cooking Club

Cubs Who Code

Current Events Club

Debate Club

Divine Mercy Club

Environmental Club

Film Production Club

Forensic Science Club

French Club

FOCUS Bible Study

Golf Club

Great Books

Irish Dance

Japanese Culture and Anime

Kaleidoscope (DEI)

Latinas United

Lawn Games


Mock Trial Club

Model United Nations

One Love

Pad Project

Personal Finance

Psychology Club

Rugby Club

Save the Children

Saturday School

Ski Club

Science Fair

Spanish Club

Special Olympics

Support Our Troops

Think Pink



Visi 4 Life

Visi Minds Matter

Yoga Club


Optimism. Kindness. Perseverance. Humility. The Salesian Little Virtues that define our community also set apart our athletes The Cubs' collaboration and dedication has earned Visitation the Lewis Cup - awarded to the school demonstrating overall athletic excellence in the Independent School League - 14 times, more than any other school

Visitation athletes are go-getters, motivators, and leaders. They are the young women you want on your team at the end of the day, after a hard-fought game on the field, or during a tough practice; your bond with teammates will last far beyond your time here.

Visitation has 24 varsity, junior varsity, and freshman teams in 13 different sports, in addition to club sports like rugby Every season has at least one no-cut sport If you're an athlete, there's a team at Visitation for you.
















Whether you feel most yourself on stage, in the studio, behind the scenes, or with a pen in hand, you'll find a home here. Visitation offers a wide array of artistic outlets, including theater productions, dance and music groups, vocal and instrumental lessons, visual art classes, and technical crew

Every year, Visitation stages a musical and a dramatic production, as well as concerts featuring our choir, orchestra, and dance ensemble

Visi girls take full advantage of Washington’s vibrant arts scene and myriad museums through field trips and performance opportunities in and around the city. Our thespians and singers also explore beyond DC on the annual Visi Arts trip, which alternates between destinations here in the U.S. and abroad, including Williamsburg, New York City, and Italy.

In our brand new arts studio, students explore a variety of media; learn art history and theory; and discover new ideas and artists, broadening their horizons and cultivating appreciation for diverse styles.

Staying Connected

While your first day of high school won't happen until August 28, you're already part of the Visitation family - starting today. Here's how we keep you and your family up to speed

35th & Volta

Named for our location in Georgetown, this is our weekly parent and student newsletter from Principal Ponzio Each issue highlights key events in the coming next week with reminders and a calendar, as well as news stories covering what's happening on campus. New families are added to the parent email list after enrollment

GV Gazette

Director of Student Activities Mrs. Singleton sends students "all the news you need to know" every Monday morning. It includes the Mass & confession schedules, club announcements, class meetings, campus activities, service projects, athletics calendars, and other co-curricular information

Visi Village

In this biweekly newsletter from the Georgetown Visitation Parents Association (GVPA), parents share info on upcoming family social events on campus, parent education opportunities, faith formation events, family service projects, and more From class socials to volunteer opportunities supporting students and the school, the newsletter covers everything you need to help you stay connected to one another and our Visitation family

Educating the Mind & Heart is a seasonal letter from our President that explores how Visitation is embracing the six goals of a Visitation education: fostering a personal friendship with God, integrating strong academics with Salesian Spirituality, respecting the dignity of each person, promoting liberty of spirit, modeling peace and justice, and encouraging care for the gifts of God's hand

Educating the Mind & Heart Veracross

Veracross is our parent portal where you can:

access the gradebook and contact teachers; review your family's personal schedule based on your child's activities; update attendance information; find links to the GVPA newsletter, parent reminders, Visi's parent Facebook group, Pixevety (our photo sharing platform), health forms, and more

New families will be able to access Veracross in July.

Follow us! Weather Information

@visidc on Instagram

@visidc on Facebook

@visisports on Instagram for news on the Cubs

In the event of a weather-related safety issue, we follow Montgomery County Public Schools (MD) guidance. Visi shares information on closures, delays, and virtual learning via email and at www visi org


As a Visitation parent, you are a vital part of our Catholic, Salesian community Here at Visitation, we invite you to forge new friendships, deepen your faith, and strengthen our school.


All parents are welcome in the Georgetown Visitation Paren Association, a community of families journeying together throughout your four years here GVPA members are active volunteers in the school, providing support to one another a to students with their time and talents. However you want to get involved, there is a place for you with the GVPA. Reach to gvpa@visi org to learn more

Committees and volunteer opportunities include:

Class Representatives

Diversity & Inclusion Committee

GVPA Facebook Group Moderator

Admissions Ambassadors

Mother-Daughter Living Rosary

Mother-Daughter Mass & Brunch

Open House


Fatherhood. Fellowship."

The mission of the Visitation Fathers Club is to nurture faith formation; bring fathers and daughters closer together; and foster friendships among fathers and fathe figures. Reach out to vfc@visi.org for more information on programming and volunteer opportunities like:

Father-Daughter Service Day

In Search of God and Good Food Speaker Series

Salesian Lay Association for Men (SLAM)



"Be who you are and be that well." words of Visitation Order co-found Francis de Sales form the heart of Georgetown Visitation education. T school years are a time of discover of knowledge and skills, but also of and your potential. Here, your daug have the spiritual grounding, challe academics, and supportive and joy community that help her cultivate given gifts.

Visitation is committed to embracing socioeconomic, ethnic, cultural, racial and academic diversity consistent with its mission as a Catholic college preparatory school. The presence of diversity in our school community and a need for global awareness are necessary components of a well-rounded education. We offer academic and co-curricular programs to increase appreciation of these differences and awareness of social justice initiatives.

Whom to Contact

Visitation's Academic Program



x 2248 College Counseling

Erin Johnston, Director of College Counseling


x 2110

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

RachelJones, DirectorofDEI


x 2222

Visi Gear

LizBaldini, CubShoppe


x 2276

Student Life & the Financial Aid Supplement Fund

RaynettaJackson-Clay, DeanofStudentLife


x 2220

Admissions & Financial Aid

JanetKeller, DirectorofAdmissions &FinancialAid


x 2241

Tuition Payments

KathieMcShea, BusinessOffice


x 2276

Student Activities

LisaSingleton, DirectorofStudentActivities


x 2212


ZeffYusof, DirectorofAthletics


x 2380

Performing Arts

NeptunePringle, DirectorofPerformingArts


x 2518

Health Forms & Medical Issues

HeidiGreenhalgh, SchoolNurse


x 2221

Spiritual Life

CaseydeFranceaux, DirectorofCampusMinistry


x 2151

Christian Service

LisaStacy, DirectorofChristianService


x 2297

Academic Learning Support

KerryKaminski, DirectorofLearningSupport


x 2417

If you're not sure to whom you should reach out, email info@visi.org and we'll help route your question to the right place!

Get to know your home on 35th Street!

Georgetown Visitation Monastery

Monastery Gardens

Chapel of the Sacred Heart

Founders Hall

Guard House


The Quad

Fennessy Hall

The Green Gate

Cub Shoppe Bookstore

The Senior Lodge

Nolan Performing Arts Center

Canney Terrace

14. Lalor Alumnae House

15. Fisher Athletic Center

16 Moore Field (Soccer & Softball)

17. St. Bernard Library

18. Saints Connector/McNabb Innovation Lab

19. St. Joseph Hall

20 Berchmans Hall

21. Tennis Courts

22. McNabb Field (Field Hockey & Lacrosse)

23. Thomas Jefferson Tree

24 Stations of the Cross

25. Georgetown University

1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 10. 11 12. 13.

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