Macbeth Playbill

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Georgetown Visitation’s

Masqueraders proudly present


Director........................................……………………………….Neptune Pringle III

Acting Coach………….…………………………………………….Lisette LeCompete

Technical Supervisor…………………………………………Maurya Sorokes ‘06

Editing Assistant…………………………………………………………….Sadie Peri ’26

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Catharine E. Nolan Performing Arts Center

In 1998, the school gymnasium, which had been built during the Great Depression, was renovated into the Catharine E. Nolan Performing Arts Center. Enlarged to accommodate a theater and dance studio, the building was named for “Kitty” Nolan ’29, a longtime friend of Visitation who served as the Executive Secretary of the Alumnae Association for 15 years (1949–64).

Groundbreaking took place in April 1997, and it was dedicated on October 4, 1998, at a well-attended kick-off event and picnic to celebrate the school and Monastery’s bicentennial

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UpcomingNolan CenterEvents


Encore Creativity for Older Adults Chorale ConcertApril21,2024

AmericanUniversity’sBhangraDanceConcert-April27, 2024

To support Visi Arts and for more performance & program information,



OnableakScottishmoorland,MacbethandBanquo,two ofKingDuncan'sgenerals,discoverthreestrange women.ThewitchesprophesythatMacbethwillbe promotedtwice:toThaneofCawdor(arankofthe aristocracybestowedbygratefulkings)andKingof Scotland.Banquo'sdescendantswillbekings,but Banquoisn'tpromisedanykingdomhimself.The generalswanttohearmore,butthewitchesdisappear. Soonafterwards,KingDuncannamesMacbethThaneof Cawdorasarewardforhissuccessintherecentbattles. Thepromotionseemstosupporttheprophecy.TheKing thenproposestomakeabriefvisitthatnightto Macbeth'scastleatInverness.LadyMacbethreceives newsfromherhusbandabouttheprophecyandhisnew title.Shevowstohelphimbecomekingbywhatever meansarenecessary.

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Macbethreturnstohiscastle,followedalmost immediatelybyKingDuncan.TheMacbethsplot togethertokillDuncanandwaituntileveryoneisasleep. Attheappointedtime,LadyMacbethgivestheguards druggedwinesoMacbethcanenterandkilltheKing.He regretsthisalmostimmediately,buthiswifereassures him.Sheleavesthebloodydaggersbythedeadkingjust beforeMacduff,anobleman,arrives.WhenMacduff discoversthemurder,Macbethkillsthedrunkenguards inashowofrageandretribution.Duncan'ssons, MalcolmandDonalbain,flee,fearingfortheirownlives; buttheyare,nevertheless,blamedforthemurder.


MacbethbecomesKingofScotlandbutisplaguedby feelingsofinsecurity.Herememberstheprophecythat Banquo'sdescendantswillinheritthethroneand arrangesforBanquoandhissonFleancetobekilled.In thedarkness,Banquoismurdered,buthissonescapes theassassins.Athisstatebanquetthatnight,Macbeth seestheghostofBanquoandworriesthecourtierswith hismadresponse.LadyMacbethdismissesthecourtand unsuccessfullytriestocalmherhusband.


Macbethseeksoutthewitcheswhosaythathewillbe safeuntilalocalwood,BirnamWood,marchesinto battleagainsthim.Healsoneednotfearanyonebornof woman(thatsoundssecure,noloop-holeshere).They alsoprophesythattheScottishsuccessionwillstillcome fromBanquo'sson.Macbethembarksonareignof

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MacduffhadgonetoseekMalcolm(oneofDuncan'ssons whofled)atthecourtoftheEnglishking.Malcolmis youngandunsureofhimself,butMacduff,painedwith grief,persuadeshimtoleadanarmyagainstMacbeth.


MacbethfeelssafeinhisremotecastleatDunsinaneuntil heistoldthatBirnamWoodismovingtowardshim.

Malcolm'sarmyiscarryingbranchesfromtheforestas camouflagefortheirassaultonMacbeth'sstronghold. Meanwhile,anoverwroughtandconscience-riddenLady Macbethwalksinhersleepandtellshersecretstoher doctor.Shecommitssuicide.Asthefinalbattle commences,MacbethhearsofLadyMacbeth'ssuicide andmourns.

Director's Note

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Scene 1………………………..........................................................................Witch 1, Witch 2, Witch 3

Scene 2………………………........................................Duncan, Malcolm, Lennox, Ross, Soldier

Scene 3…………….........…..Macbeth, Banquo, Ross, Angus, Witch 1, Witch 2, Witch 3

Scene 4 Duncan, Malcolm, Macbeth, Banquo

Scene 5…….............................................................……..Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Messenger

Scene 6……….......................................................................….Duncan, Banquo, Lady Macbeth

Scene 7………….......................................................................................…Macbeth, Lady Macbeth

Scene 1………....................................................................................….Macbeth, Banquo, Fleance

Scene 2 Macbeth, Lady Macbeth

Scene 3…………........................................................Malcolm, Donalbain, Macbeth, Banquo, ......................................................................................Macduff, Lennox, Lady Macbeth, Porter

Scene 4…………….............................................................................................................Macduff, Ross

Scene 1 Macbeth, Banquo, Lady Macbeth, Attendant, Murderer 1, ....................................................................................................................................................Murderer 2

Scene 2……………....................................................................Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Servant

Scene 3………………........................................Banquo, Murderer 1, Murderer 2, Murderer 3

Scene 4……….....................Macbeth, Lennox, Ross, Lady Macbeth, Murderer 1, Lords

Scene 5.........................................................................................................................Hecate, Witch 1

Scene 6……….....................................................................................................................Lennox, Lord

Scene 1 Macbeth, Lennox, Hecate, Witch 1, Witch 2, Witch 3, Apparition

Scene 2….....................................…………Ross, Lady Macduff, Messenger, Son, Murderer

Scene 3……...........................................................................................……Malcolm, Macduff, Ross

Scene 1 Lady Macbeth, Doctor, Gentlewoman

Scene 2…...............................................................……….Lennox, Monteith, Angus, Caithness

Scene 3….....................................................................………Macbeth, Seyton, Doctor, Servant

Scene 4……..............................................……Malcolm, Macduff, Monteith, Siward, Soldier

Scene 5………...................................................................................Macbeth, Seyton, Messenger

Scene 6……......................................................................................……Malcolm, Macduff, Siward

Scene 7………....................................................…Macbeth, Macduff, Siward, Young Siward

Scene 8 Macbeth, Macduff

Scene 9……...........................................................................…..Malcolm, Ross, Siward, Macduff

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Meet the Cast & Crew

Bella Aguilar……………………….............................................................................................…..Macbeth

Natalia Gonzalez Rivas Lady Macbeth

Elisabeth Frantz……………………........................................................…Banquo/Captain/Siward

Kana Walsh…………………………….......................................................…Duncan/Hecate/Macduff

Sadie Peri Malcolm/1st Murderer

Ari Walsh…………………………...............................................……..Lennox/Lady MacDuff/Doctor

Shealyn Ayala …………………….................................................................................................………Ross

Rachel Brandon Witch 1/Donaldbain/ 3rd Murderer/Caithness

Caroline Meunier…………………….........................................….Witch 2/Angus/Young Siward

Gabrielle Sloan………………………...................................….Witch 3/ 2nd Murderer/ Menteith Tech Crew Ensemble

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Technical Crew Members

Stage Manager ...................................................................Aurora Dolojan '24

Assistant Stage Managers .................................................Mary Clancy '25

Head of Lights ............................................................................Mary Clancy '25

Head of Sound .......................................................................Shealyn Ayala ‘26

Head of Carpentry ..........................……………….......…….....Allison Bogley ‘26

Asst. Head of Carpentry....................................................Lexi Ingrassia ‘27

Head of Props & Costumes.........................................Aurora Dolojan '24

Asst. Head of Props & Costumes...................................Karla Portillo ‘26

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Shout Outs


Elisabeth! We are so proud of you!

Love, Mom and Dad

Congrats to the Tech Crew and Cast for a job well done!!

Congratulations Lexi and the carp crew! Looking forward to seeing and hearing you on stage as well, Lexi! We love you! Mom & Dad


Kate and Peter Frantz

Christine Sloan

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Seniors Congratulations to the Class of 2024 Cast & Crew

Production Bios

Neptune Pringle III is an accomplished musician, choreographer, performer, director, producer, engineer, and teacher. His parents saw that God had given him a great gift and quickly sought to nurture it At five years old, Neptune began playing the drums in church. His musical instrument interest quickly shifted It was at his home church, Heavenly Temple COGIC in Jersey City, N.J., where Johnnice Knight-Blake, the Minister of Music, introduced him to the organ Neptune plays multiple instruments, has studied various styles of dance, and has studied with some of the world’s greatest artists He is a proud graduate of The National Dance Institute, where he studied under principal ballet dancer, Jacques D'Amboise He is an alumnus of The Richard Stockton University, where he became a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. He holds degrees in Music, African & African American Studies, and Economics Neptune conducts arts, arts education, and cultural workshops and master classes for churches, academic and performing arts schools and companies nationally and internationally Seen on Broadway, CBS, NBC, BET, MTV, at the White House, The John F Kennedy Center, and many other stages, he has performed, directed, and taught around the world sharing his passion for the arts. Neptune is the Music Director at a local church, serves as the production manager for the Capital Fringe Festival, and supports area school theatre programs and professional theatres throughout the country. To his father, “Thank you for my first guitar, drumset, and keyboard” To his mother and sisters, “Sorry for the noise. I was exploring my sound.”

Lisette LeCompte has been Visitation’s acting coach since 2005 Lisette studied acting at Carnegie Mellon University, received her B.A. at Catholic University, her master of education at the University of Maryland, and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. She currently teaches children with autism in Montgomery County Before teaching, Lisette performed professionally on local D.C.-area stages. She has enjoyed working on this production; each member of the cast has been dedicated to the process and each one has been a pleasure to work with Cast, you can be proud of all your wonderful work on this show. It has been a delight to work with Mr. Pringle, III. His talent, thoughtful hard work, and dedication to students of the performing arts is inspiring. Congratulations, Mr. Pringle, on a job well done!

Maurya Sorokes ‘06 has served as the Technical Director at Nolan Center since 2016, before which time she seerved as the Co-Technical Director for three years After graduating from Visitation, Maurya attended NYU Tisch School of the Arts and the Stella Adler Studio of Acting. While at school, Maurya worked as a scenic carpenter and lighting technician on school and outside productions. After graduating from Conservatory, Maurya worked on and “crew-chief-ed” lighting crews responsible for high-profile weddings, museum exhibits, Fashion Week fashion shows, TV productions and the like. Additionally, Maurya worked with a travel carpentry crew responsible for staging product launches, setting up company/industry parties in NYC, and renovating businesses in Buffalo, NY. She is always honored and humbled to again be a part of the theater that introduced her to the passion and the skills that she needed to be a successful full-time technician and theater artist.

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Bella Aguilar ‘24 (Macbeth) is thrilled to be in her fifth and final production at Visi Arts! Macbeth is one of her favorite plays, and the perfect one to close out her time with Visi Arts She is so excited to show you all the hard work the cast, crew, Mr. Pringle, Ms. Lisette, and Mrs. Sorokes have put into this production.

Shealyn Ayala ‘26 (Head of Sound, Ross) is excited to be part of the Macbeth production and tech crew for her second year in Visi Arts! Her love for theatrical performances and art has drawn her to this path with all its elements and challenges, and she is happy to be involved for the first time in acting in this production! She is excited for her new experiences with her fellow cast members and tech crew members She would like to thank her parents and friends for supporting her along the way And She is grateful to Mr. Pringle for giving her all the opportunities here in Visi.

Allison Bogley ‘26 (Head of Carpentry) is excited to be part of Macbeth for her fourth show at Visi. She’d like to thank the cast, crew, and parents that help make the show possible She’d like to especially thank Mr Pringle, Maurya, and Aurora for their guidance and vision She hopes everyone enjoys the show

Rachel Brandon ‘26 (Witch 1, Donalbain, Third Murderer, and Caithness) is thrilled to be part of the Scottish play This will be her third show at Visi At Visi, she previously played Professor Plum in Clue and the Royal Page in Descendants She would like to thank her mom and dad Also, she would like to thank Mr Pringle and Ms Lisette Finally, she would like to thank her amazing fellow cast members and wonderful tech crew members.

Mary Clancy ‘25 (Assistant Stage Manager, Head of Lights) is excited to be part of her second Visi production fully backstage! Getting to be the Head of Lights during this show has been a wonderful experience and she can’t wait to see what comes next for her and her friends in Visi Arts!

Aurora Dolojan ‘24 (Stage Manager, Head of Props, Costumes, & Hair and Makeup) is excited to be part of the tech crew for her final Visi Arts show! Her love of art has led her down this path with all its ups and downs, and she is happy to say every moment was worth it especially because of the dazzling future that awaits her! She’s thrilled to stage manage her second show, and she’s excited to share her creativity one last time, on stage and offstage, at Georgetown Visitation

Elisabeth Frantz ‘27 (Captain, Banquo, Siward) is very excited to be a part of Macbeth this year This will be her second performance at Visi after her role of Jane in the fall’s Descendants and her second Shakespeare performance after her roles of Beatrice and Narrator in Much Ado About Nothing. She would like to thank her friends and family as well as Mr Pringle and Ms Lisette for helping her perform.

Natalia Gonzalez Rivas ‘25 (Lady Macbeth) is excited for her third year in Visi Arts, back on stage as Lady Macbeth! Previously, she has performed in a few musicals; acted in another Shakespeare play, The Winter’s Tale; experienced being behind the scenes for Matilda; and was one of the lead roles in the comedy, Clue, as Ms. Scarlet. She is happy and ready to share her experience with her fellow cast members And she can not wait to perform with her fellow senior actors and techies for one last show!

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Lexi Ingrassia ‘27 (Carpentry, Fleance) is excited to be a part of her second show with Visi Arts. She previously worked on set building and design for Descendants and cannot for her time on stage with the other actresses

Caroline Meunier ‘27 (Witch 2, Angus, Young Seward) is excited to be a part of Visitation’s Macbeth for her second show this year She previously performed in Visi’s latest musical, Descendants, as Snow White and Ensemble. She would like to thank Mr Pringle, Ms Lisette, her family, and others who encouraged her to participate in this production.

Sadi Peri ‘26 (Malcolm) is excited to be a part of her second Visi production. She enjoys reading and listening to Taylor Swift, and is currently in search of new book recommendations or else she’ll reread the same books until her brain rots. She hopes everyone enjoys the show!

Karla Portillo ‘26 (Props and Costumes) is happy to be doing her first Visi play! She has worked very hard to be able to make this vision a reality, and hopes that everyone is pleased with the product. Working for tech has been a very positive experience and she hopes to continue for future productions

Gabi Sloan ‘26 (Witch III, Murderer II, Menteith) adores Visi Arts and has loved helping out on tech for previous performances This is her first time performing at Visi, though she has worked on tech.

Kana Walsh ‘26 (King Duncan, Hecate, and MacDuff) is so excited to perform for the third time on the Visitation stage! She has participated in many small shows at her previous schools (her debut being a rainbow fish in preschool), and two musicals at Visi. As someone who has always been interested in acting, she is very grateful for this opportunity to try something new! She would like to thank her grandparents for their constant support, her sister for always acting alongside her, and her parents for all of the effort they put into making her aspirations a reality.

Ari Walsh ‘27 (Doctor, Lady MacDuff, and Lennox) is so excited to be a part of her third-ever production at Visitation. She has previously played a snowflake and a tree in the backgroundnd of her old school’s play, as well as the mean girl in Matilda and Descendants at Visi! She wants to thank Mr. Pringle for giving her the opportunity to join her sister as well as the rest of the cast on stage. She also wants to thank her parents, especially her dad for always encouraging her to pursue her dreams Lastly, she wants to take the time to thank her sister for always enabling and encouraging her to do new things and always being there to support her when she needs it. She hopes you enjoy the show!

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The production of this show would not have been possible without the assistance, patience, and support of the following parents, staff, and friends:

Production Filming School Days Productions

ASL Interpreter..................................................................................LeTesha Dixon & Dina Hobbs

Photography Cory Royster

Playbill Design Naima Jefferson

Program Ads Design.............................................................Caroline Handorf & Beth Wraase

Visitation Communications Dept

Production Merchandise John Sague

Production Artwork....................................................................................................Jackie Carroll ‘24

Craft Services Michelle Hawkins and Antoine Lee & Soul Chef Catering

Special Thanks Acknowledgements

Special thanks to Neptune Pringle III, Lisette LeCompte, Maurya Sorokes, Dave Eason & School Days Productions, Dina Hobbs, and LeTesha Dixon for their hard work, dedication, and awesomeness; the Visitation Facilities Staff for their willing hearts, helpful hands & expertise, and to Dr. Barbara Edmondson, Mrs. Leonor Ponzio, Mrs Raynetta Jackson-Clay, Mrs Lisa Singleton, Zeff Yusof, and the Visitation Faculty & Staff for their love and support. Sister Anne Francis and the Visitation Sisters for the many prayers the GVPA Arts Liaisons and the numerous parents who assisted with the huge task of student transportation, cleanup, donations of food and paint, feeding the cast and crew during show week, and supporting in any and every way possible.

…to the GVPA, Caroline Handorf and Beth Wraase (Visi Comms Dept), Naima Jefferson, our parent playbill designer, Michelle Hawkins, and Antione Lee & Soul Chef Catering for supplying our Show Week Meals, Scott Swartz and Guitar Center, ProTech, and Jermaine Dawson for her EVERYTHING!

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