Georgia Mountain Laurel October 20

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from the publisher having fun but honestly 2020 has been less than sometimes it has to be “homemade”. Our restaurants are open and mostly following social distancing and mask wearing when possible, thanks to all who are making an effort. Outdoor events make us feel a bit safer and late this month in Clayton will be the Rabun County Fall Jamboree at the Rabun County Community Market. Look for their ad in this issue or follow them on Facebook (Rabun County Events & Venues) to stay up to date. The best news I can share at this point is that in another month or so the political ads will cease and in just three months give or take we’ll be on to a new hopefully better year. Meanwhile, enjoy the cooler temps, the smell of Autumn, the pumpkins, apples and turning of the leaves. I have to admit, I am a leaf-looker so don’t run me over if I am stopped in the middle of the road for a photo op! Be kind! As the holidays approach we’ll all be doing things a bit differently and that’s OK. This isn’t going to last forever; this too shall pass! So drink some warm cider and chill, God’s got this! Lookoff Mountain Trail - Photo by Peter McIntosh Read more and get directions from the Adventure Out article on page 12.

October 2020 • Volume Seventeen • Issue Ten Georgia Mountain Laurel Mailing: PO Box 2218, Clayton, Georgia 30525 Office: 2511 Highway 441, Mountain City, Georgia 30562 706-782-1600 •

Happy Fall! Tracy

Publisher/Editor - Tracy McCoy Assistant Editor - D’Anna Coleman Art Director - Dianne VanderHorst Graphic Designer - Lucas McCoy Office Manager/ Account Executive - Cindi Freeman Account Executive - Melynda Hensley Photographer/Writer - Peter McIntosh

Contributing Writers: John Shivers, Emory Jones, Jan Timms, Lorie Thompson, Noel Shumann, Susan Brewer, E. Lane Gresham, Zack Ford, Richard Cinquina, HollyBeth Anderson, Kendall R. Rumsey, Dr. Amanda Pileski, PHD Copyright 2020 by Rabun’s Laurel Inc. All rights reserved. The Georgia Mountain Laurel Magazine is published twelve times per year. Reproduction without the permission of the publisher is prohibited. The publishers and editors are not responsible for unsolicited material and it will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication subject to GML magazine’s right to edit. Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, photographs and drawings. Every effort has been made to assure that all information presented in this issue is accurate, and neither Laurel magazine or any of its staff is responsible for omissions or information that has been misrepresented to the magazine. The Georgia Mountain Laurel maintains a Christian focus throughout their magazine. Rabun’s Laurel, Inc. reserves the right to refuse content or advertising for any reason without explanation.


GML - October 2020

October 2020 - GML



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In This Issue The Arts 10 16

Cover Artist - Peter McIntosh North Georgia Arts Guild - Penny Bradley

Outdoors 12 13

Adventure Out Twin Rivers’ Challenge

Around Town 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 29 30

Around Town Introduction Belle and Barn Company Greetings From Clayton Timpson Creek Gallery Mountain Aire Cottages Anniversary

Willow Valley RV Resort Opens Phase 2 Ogram Design Erwin Heating & Air Rusted Arrow Market Wood’s Mercantile

A Taste 32 36

Happy Fall!

Bon Appétit

The Family Table

Faith in Christ 42 44 46

Rabun for the Gospel A Life Worth Imitating

River Garden Life is a Blessing

Health & Wellness 48 52 54

Mental Health - Depression The Women’s Center at LifePoint HollyBeth Organics Pumpkins are not Just for Carving

Mountain Homes 58 62

Livability on Burton English Country Cottage

Life & Leisure 66 68 70

Of These Mountains The Halloween Carnival Another One of Life’s Darkest Moments By The Way The Most Famous Pig I Ever Met

Yesterdays 72


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Rabun County Historical Society Education in Rabun County 100 Years Ago


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Cover Artist - Peter McIntosh

ur cover artist this October is our friend and contributing writer/photographer Peter McIntosh. Peter has a passion for conservation as well as sharing his love of nature and photography with others. We’ve asked a few of the organizations Peter supports to say a few words. Marie Dunkle Past President - Georgia ForestWatch Peter McIntosh has been a Georgia ForestWatch volunteer for 18 years, providing nature photos for our newsletters and website, leading photography hikes and donating prints of his work for our

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from Peter’s wonderful photography and many of his photos grace the pages of the book Georgia’s Mountain Treasures, published by ForestWatch in 2019. Recently Peter became an FAA licensed drone pilot and uses his drone to capture commitment to record, from a birds eye view, what is going on in our forests. We thank him for his commitment, time and talent. He has helped us illustrate both the wonders of our land and the challenges in protecting our forest home. Buzz Williams, founder of the Chattooga Conservancy “Peter McIntosh is more than a great nature photographer; he has a passion for natural beauty and he contributes generously toward its protection”, said Buzz Williams, founder of the Chattooga Conservancy. “For nearly two decades, Peter has been our go to guy when we need a photograph for a fund raiser, a newsletter article or an action alert and he always comes through. His dedication to conservation and his talents have been an inspiration to us in our work”, said Williams. Jim Loring Program Director - North Georgia Technical College School of Photography We are so pleased to continue welcoming Peter McIntosh as a speaker at North Georgia Technical College. Peter’s considerable skill as a photographer and passion for the craft prove time and again to be a huge inspiration for our students. The fact that Peter is out there at the crack of dawn and in all weather conditions not only demonstrates the kind of work ethic we encourage, it has become the signature style our community. Not only does he capture the grandeur of our surroundings, his work also acts to reinforce the importance of the natural world that we know is in crisis in so many places. What a privilege to have such an ambassador for nature in our community as he captures the incredible mountain environment we call home.

check them out here: Georgia ForestWatch - Chattooga Conservancy - North Georgia Technical College School of Photography And more about Peter - October 2020 - GML


Wolffork Valley

Adventure Out

Blackrock Lake Loop Trail and Lookoff Mountain Overlook By Peter McIntosh

n this adventure we’re going to Black Rock Mountain State Park to hike the Black Rock Lake Loop Trail and then up one of two ways to the rocky overlook on Lookoff Mountain. If you’re looking for a nice easy hike, you can’t beat the trail around Black Rock Lake. The entire loop is .85 miles in length and


trail is well maintained and has several well placed benches if you’d like to take a break or just pause to enjoy the beauty. Well worth the trip just by itself. And just up the road from Black Rock Lake is the west fork of the James Edmonds Backcountry Trail which leads to the overlook on Lookoff Mountain. This trail is steep, rugged and primitive. It ascends quickly and then levels off for a short bit before ascending steeply again. You’ll cross over a ridge and descend a bit and then follow along eastward on a south facing slope. The trail again ascends and then turns to the south and enters a Rhododendron tunnel. It turns to the east, you’ll see a sign, and ascends steeply once more. Finally the trail joins the other route leading to the overlook. There’ll be a sign here with arrows and mileages. The easier way to the overlook is to park at the intersection of Black Rock Mountain Parkway and Taylor Chapel Road, walk around the gate and follow the old road which climbs very gently and skirts around Skrugg Knob before intersecting the James Edmonds Trial after about 1 mile. If you take this route, keep an eye out for a road ascending on the left, this is private property, keep going straight.

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Black Rock Lake

with the east fork of the James Edwards Trail and then the west fork. Then the trail will start to climb once more and the trail splits. I recommend going to the right, it’s a little less steep and offers nice views of the Tennessee River Valley before curving around and coming out to the overlook. From this spot you have the beautiful Wolffork Valley below you, Smokehouse Knob is just across the way and the mountains of North Carolina are off in the distance. This overlook is and pastures in nice detail, kinda like a little model railroad village. And with the autumn colors, this view will be even more amazing. I think it would be fun to start late in the day, stay out past twilight, then easy way if you plan to stay late. And bring a headlamp for your hike out. Happy Hiking! This crazy year is almost ober, so here’s my poem for October: For a great autumn hike, here’s the scoop, To see a nice overlook and an easy lake loop. The valley view is stunning, the lake clear and shining, Getting there: Black Rock Lake is within the boundaries of Black Rock Mountain State Park. If you have any questions or want a map, check out the visitors center at the top of Black Rock Mountain. The lake and the James Edmonds Trail are on Taylor Chapel Road which runs from the Black Rock Mountain Parkway to Wolffork Road. Both Wolffork Road and the parkway intersect U.S. 441 in Mountain City.

Come Ride With Us by E. Lane Gresham


premier cycling event returns to Northeast Georgia this Fall. Hosted by Tallulah Falls School, the Twin Rivers Challenge is set for October 24. weekend of October, this is the perfect time to visit the region known for its scenery and hospitality. TFS extends a warm invitation to cyclists across the southeast to experience the Twin Rivers Challenge. The event begins and ends on the campus of the school. All riders are treated to a post-ride meal and a T-shirt is guaranteed with registrations received through October 15. Because of the steadfast support of sponsors and an ever-increasing numbers of riders, this key fundraiser has generated more than scholarships. With more than 70% of TFS stu-

Black Rock Mountain State Park: P.S. There’s a volunteer organization dedicated to the care and upkeep of Blackrock Mountain State Park. Check out these good folks at: P.P.S. Rabun County is home to there state parks so it’s a great idea to get and annual park pass, available online at: To see more of Peter’s photos, or if you have a question or comment:

it is clear this special event makes a difference. Sign up today to ride or share this with cycling friends. Register for Twin Rivers Challenge on Come ride with us. Experience TFS hospitality. Help a motivated student. October 2020 - GML


Finding Art

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From the North Georgia Arts Guild

Penny Bradley’s Watercolors By Susan Brewer


appiness seems a part of the watercolors that Penny Bradley paints, whether dogs, cats, children, adults, or aged men. You can see it in their faces: their loving smiles, eyes, and looks. What a gift that is to have, the ability to portray that kind of warmth and goodness in an animal or person.

Penny has worked at it. She has been translating three dimensions into two since she was a child. When she looks at a face, she recasts that visual information into planes of color and shape, and areas of light and dark. Her portraits begin with drawing and end with water and the colored paint. She brings life to “life,” and when I asked her to describe how that happens, she opened with two questions: “What do you see there, and how do you get a three-dimensional thing down on your two-dimensional paper? I have to look at life, whether it’s a house or a person (or a dog), and say, okay, those are just shapes and colors… and some lines. And I’ve got to put them on my two-dimensional piece of art and make them look like I want them to. Seeing is learned, and practiced, though maybe some people are born with it. I practice—I need that.” Penny takes great pleasure in stepping outside the normal way of seeing. She likes investigating the puzzle before her, analyzing it, taking it apart and putting it back together. Next, she went on to describe the process of painting. “The beauty of watercolors is that you put paint on the paper and let it mix itself. You need to have a light touch. The the fewer the layers, the more brilliant the paint is. If I have to throw more paint on there to make the portrait look right, I have to do it. But I don’t like to.”

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Then she talked about the ongoing work sessions she takes part in with a group called Studio Alive that meets at the Bascom Center for the Visual Arts in Highlands, North Carolina. “We’re a mixed bag of artists, of all different levels. We draw directly from life every week. We get to see each other and talk about what we’re doing (outside & socially distanced). We sketch, or use pastel, or paint, or whatever. We bring our own supplies, and have a good time kind of helping each other out, talking about what we see and how we’re putting it together, how we’re interpreting what is before us, and how we’re putting it down. We all love to draw and create, and we don’t all do the same thing. If you can look at the chaos that’s out there and make some sense out of it – that sharpens your skills to do whatever you want to do.”

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From the North Georgia Arts Guild “I want to do paintings that I can be proud of, but the most important thing is that the purchaser is thrilled with the painting they get. I let it be known up front that if they are not happy, they owe me nothing.” Once, a woman sent her a photograph of an Australian Shepherd to paint. “When I emailed her back the picture that I had painted to see if it was to her liking, she told me, ‘Well, in that picture that I sent you – he had just gotten out of the pond and his hair was wet. Could you dry him off just a little bit?’” Penny was able to “dry the dog off” and her customer was happy in the end. Penny doesn’t do this full time—she has other irons in the jwptbradley@

The North Georgia Arts Guild is a growing collective of 100+ members who seek to celebrate the art and artists of our community. For more information –

Susan Brewer has been writing articles featuring North Georgia Arts Guild members since April 2017. Email your comments/ questions to her at

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Around Town Lookin’ at Local! By Tracy McCoy


new feature in our magazine this Fall is Around Town, a look at the businesses that are part of the Georgia Mountain Laurel. It may be news of a new store opening or professional service offered or it might be a more in depth look at the history, current and future plans of a local establishment. You are reading this magazine because these business owners help to put it in your hands. It is a community effort to offer a free magazine and without these men and women who open their doors to you it would not be possible. So our hats are off to local! We love mom and pop, family owned and operated, small businesses and you should too. These entrepreneurial enterprises are the backbone of our country and have put meat on the tables since this country’s humble beginnings. “Going to town” is an occasion in the south, it’s something you do and sometimes it isn’t a quick trip. It’s a let’s have lunch and walk from shop to shop kinda adventure. It’s look for those “boutiquing it up” with the girls or browsing the galleries for that perfect piece of local art for the house. It could be breakfast in your favorite “biscuit and gravy” restaurant with your best friend or a business meeting over coffee in a quiet corner. Look around town and you’ll see what all the buzz is about. Our town of Clayton for instance, just when I think it’s the best town in the world, it gets even better. The same

could be said for other mountain towns around us. The city of Clarkesville is a “walkabout kinda town”. There are unique eateries, boutiques, stores that celebrate adventure and art, home furnishings and fashions! Hiawassee, Young Harris and Blairsville have many hidden treasures and Towns County is home to Noblet’s, one of the state’s last true 5 & 10 cent stores. Hayesville and Franklin, North Carolina offer great downtown shopping, restaurants, art and framing galleries and some of I guess I want to encourage you to discover your town all over again. Whether it’s downtown or on the side roads, there are some really neat places to discover. No matter which county you are in there is something for everyone and much to celebrate. I can remember when my family would come to visit my granny and papa, going to town was one of the highlights of the trip. Back then all they had to say to get us in the car was “come on, we’re going to Harpers!” I can still smell the popcorn and taste the Coke Icee. Maybe, just maybe I’d get to run to the back left hand corner of the store to look at the toys! We thought it a great day to leave with a coloring book and small pack of crayons. On special occasions, if a quarter was easily accessed, I might get to ride the horse out on the sidewalk. Oh the memories, and many more to be made! So, without further adieu let’s look at what’s happening Around Town.

Belle & Barn Company • Clayton Mural • Timpson Creek Gallery • Mountain Aire Cottages Willow Valley RV Resort • Ogram Interior Design • Rusted Arrow Market • Erwin Heating & Air • Wood’s Mercantile 22 GML - October 2020

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Belle & Barn Company N Introducing

ew to Downtown Clayton and located on the West side of Main Street is The Belle & Barn Company owned by Stefanie Cutshall. Stefanie has a background in public relations and marketing and is excited about becoming part of the North Georgia Mountain community. Her love for horses (she has four and a rescue pony) coupled with her love for clothes, shoes, and all things pretty was the inspiration behind the name “Belle & Barn”. As you walk into the boutique you are greeted by a huge repurposed water trough, gorgeous vintage chandelier, and lots of interesting jewelry and clothing. The shop

vibe is kinda cool, kinda cowgirl, and kinda classic. Stefanie and can easily be paired with classic pieces you might already own. She purposely tries to curate clothing and accessories that give a nod to current trends but have multiple season staying power. As an avid shopper herself, she subscribes to the “price per wear” mentality - meaning the more expensive an item is the more wearability and staying power it needs to occupy in your closet. Other than a few special occasion clients to invest in pieces that will compliment what’s already in their closet and are comfortable. Currently in the shop she has transition pieces like good easy to wear pants, and plenty of fun jewelry. The shop is open on Fridays and Saturdays 10am - 6pm but will have extended hours during the Fall. Personal styling is available by appointment and clients can text 239-565-6199 to shop anytime. Belle & Barn Company is located just off West Savannah Street at 46 North Church Street in Clayton, Georgia 30525. Follow and shop @thebelleandbarn

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ocial media has changed the way we live. We “share” everything from where we are to what we are eating. Instagram especially offers the ability to include our friends and followers in our everyday lives. It’s fast fun


platforms allow us to promote our towns, share really neat places we visit and just share the good things life offers. When Stefanie Cutshall purchased her building and the ones around it, she knew she wanted to add to the community in whatever way she could. Opening The Belle & Barn Company was a dream for her and it is such an incredible addition to Clayton. Located on South Church Street across from the Rabun County Courthouse in a quaint white building, Belle & Barn inspires the cowgirl in all of us.

to snap your picture to promote not just Clayton but all that makes it great. So she commissioned local artist, Diane Rush to paint a mural for all to enjoy! It is colorful, incredible and FUN! It’s postcard and Instagram perfect! In fact a few of us “Laurel ladies” gathered for a photo and yes, it is on Instagram!

Beside her store is a smaller cute building surrounded by beautiful and functional gardens where HollyBeth Organics can be found and is manufactured. Behind The Belle & Barn Company is another block building that Stefanie has plans for (just wait!!). She saw an opportunity to create a cool place

Special thanks to Stefanie Cutshall for this amazing gift to our city and (cowgirl) hats off to Diane Rush for her incredible work. We want to see your “Greetings from Clayton” photos, send them to us at or tag us (gmlaurel) on Facebook or Instagram.

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Timpson Creek Gallery Treasures to Mirror Your Soul


impson Creek Gallery has maintained a customer centered approach from the day they opened their doors. Gallery owner, Cecile Thompson, in collaboration with her husband, Dwayne, and his Timpson Creek Millworks knew that they wanted to provide an experience different from other stores. Dwayne began creating one of a kind pieces constructed of natural materials often including local Mountain Laurel. Many of his creations are adorned with found treasures from his years of “acquiring”, as his collection developed from ordinary to extraordinary high-style rustic designs. Meanwhile, Cecile began searching the region for pieces to accent Timpson Creek Millworks furnishings and brought in complimentary antiques, home décor, local art and accessories that would become part of the Timpson Creek experience. With more than 38 years in the Gallery, Cecile has seen trends come and go. She holds on to the ones she loves and brings them through to meet and marry with the next. She has ventured beyond the region into the whole of the United States and into Europe to bring the her clients an eclectic custom home through Timpson Creek Gallery’s interior decorating service. Meeting many talented people along the way, Cecile was impressed with the creative energy of one of her upholstery representatives, Peggie

Whether it is a mountain, lake, city or beach home, when Cecile is brought in, the magic happens. Her natural expertise is evident in all of a plan for a home, walking observantly from room to room, speaking the design as she sees it unfold, is nothing short of remarkable. “Cecile likes what Cecile likes”, says Peggie. It will be the best product at the best price point. Quality matters and great service is served up like the cherry on top. Much like an artist can be trained, many of the most exceptional have been born with an innate ability. This is the best description for Cecile ranches in the Western states. Peggie has extensive experience working with designers, decorators and vendors across the country and into

The decorator’s studio at Timpson Creek has assembled the resources to provide custom upholstery, furnishings, and window treatments, have quite an in-house collection of designer fabrics and trim, too. Establishing relationships with trade and boutique vendors both locally and regionally has allowed the Gallery to have an impressive selection from which to choose. If it isn’t at the Gallery, Cecile and Peggie will

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their seating the “old school” way: no shortcuts, no pressboard, they only double doweled and corner locked for maximum strength. It is done right, providing customers with heirloom quality pieces that will last a lifetime. That is the Timpson Creek Gallery difference. American-made matters to the Thompson’s, too, and whenever possible that is what is brought into the store. residence, Libby Mathews, to featured artists like Susan Easton Burns, Linda Chapman, Bob craftsmanship of Hal and Margie Heistad and Perle du Bois are also featured at the Gallery. Each of the Gallery is a sensory delight, a welcoming smile and a Covid-friendly handshake. All an invitation to take your time as you take it all in, ask questions and share your ideas. As you do, you There is little that one might need to make their house a home that can’t be found through Timpson home tailor-made for you.

Happy 20th Anniversary to Mountain Aire Cottages & Inn


Motel and remade it into Mountain Aire Cottages & Inn in Clayton, Georgia. Most new owners make a few changes and assume business as usual, not

notice the “down home” feel from the way you are greeted and cared for

guests to come back year after year. He knows what it takes to achieve that level of loyalty because repeat visits and referrals are a large part His website,, is as welcoming and accommodating as his place and a great start when planning your trip to

October 2020 - GML


Willow Valley RV Resort Opens Phase 2


be a huge success with many guests scheduling their return before they

pit for gathering. Activities such as bingo, painting and craft classes, cook-outs and so on are planned each weekend.

boutiques, restaurants and galleries.

be pull through sites and will be open in the coming weeks. It’s a great time to plan their website offers an abundance of information Willow

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Ogram Interior Design


nterior architecture is the balancing of the art and science of designing an interior space, necessary to carry this title set this professional apart. Interior architecture is more

Constance Ogram of Ogram Interior Design has extensive experience in the design

ability to work from the beginning or come in to a home and see what it could be. spaces are skills that Ogram Interior Design are known for.


Rusted Arrow Market two daughters, Heather and Katelyn, who are involved. The store is stocked with items

Community College and says the store is her retirement plan. 21. The weekend’s events include giveaways as a way to say thank you to their community to purchase what you see and it’ll be shipped to you. Debbie calls the store her “happy


Erwin Heating & Air

extensively to install, service and repair your system the right way. He is licensed and

He is excited about building his own business and working with you. Erwin Heating and

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Bringing New Sophistication to an Established Southern Brand “This wonderful store, these incredible people cannot be praised enough. Beautiful, tasteful furnishings and kind, professional service is the norm. Make your visit to Wood’s, enjoy a coffee and fresh baked cookie. You will have an amazing shopping experience and make great friends.” B. Copeland


Store” for several years. A designation that has been earned through hard work and excellent customer service. The store has a reputation for quality home furnishings and décor as well as art and accessories. Kevin and Melissa Wood, who bought the store in January a business close to home that could be developed to contribute to their community. The Wood family is dedicated to serving Habersham and the surrounding counties. a pleasurable experience with a feeling that you are already at home. The sales staff, many assortment of styles to choose from and brands that you know and trust. Brands that have been handpicked for Wood’s Mercantile’s valued customers is an impressive list to say the least with names like: La-Z-Boy, Basset, England, Best, Hooker, John Thomas, Sealy, Tempur-Pedic, Sterns & designed and hand-built right here in the US. Their selection of art and accessories for your home vision is a visit away. Delivery and set-up by true professionals completes the Wood’s experience and leaves you with the knowledge that you have been treated like family. Parents to four great kids, Kevin and Melissa stay very active. They love to travel, when their and family life. You may access her blog by visiting

you visit the store. Their presence of social media keeps you up to date on sales, specials, new

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Bon Appétit Something Smells so Good! By Scarlett Cook


hat’s better than a piping hot bowl of chili? Or even better coming home to it cooked and waiting for you. These recipes give you some options from your tried and true recipe. With the cornbread and easy dessert recipes dinner comes together in no time.

Turkey Chili

Crockpot Veggie Chili 10 Servings

1 Medium onion, chopped 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil 2 Garlic cloves, chopped 1 Pound ground turkey 2 Tablespoons chili powder 2 Teaspoons ground cumin 3 Tablespoons tomato paste 1 28-Ounce can diced tomatoes 1 Can pinto beans, drained and rinsed 1 Cup Chicken broth 1 Cup Beer or another cup of broth 1 Teaspoon salt 1/2 Teaspoon black pepper

2 Large carrots, diced 2 Stalks celery, diced 1 Medium onion, diced 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil 2 8-Ounce packages sliced mushrooms

Sauté chopped onion in oil in large Dutch oven on medium

of beans, rinsed and drained 1 Cup whole kernel corn, drained

Add turkey, chili powder and cumin and cook stirring often 8 minutes or until meat is no longer pink. Stir in tomato paste and cook 2 minutes.

Sauté carrots, celery and onion in oil over medium heat 10 minutes or until onion is translucent.

stirring occasionally at least 30 minutes.

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1 Yellow squash, chopped 2 Teaspoons chili powder 1 Teaspoon dried basil 1 Teaspoon black pepper 1 8-Ounce can tomato sauce

until smooth. Stir in diced tomatoes, beans and corn. Cover and cook on low 8 hours.

Chicken & White Bean Chili or home cooked 1 Can chicken broth 1 Teaspoon chili powder 1 Teaspoon ground cumin 1 Teaspoon dried oregano 1 Teaspoon onion powder 1 Tablespoon sugar 1/ 2 Teaspoon dried minced garlic Stir together all ingredients in a Dutch oven and bring to a boil. occasionally.

Sour Cream Cornbread 8 Servings

1 Tablespoon vegetable oil 1 1/2 Cups self-rising cornmeal mix 8 Ounces sour cream 3 Large eggs, slightly beaten 2 Teaspoons fresh cilantro 1/2 Cup shredded Cheddar cheese

Add 1 Tablespoon of vegetable oil and heat a 10� cast iron

sour cream, eggs, cilantro and cheese.

Chocolate Éclair Cake 10 Servings

in the box per layer.) 2 Small packages instant vanilla pudding mix 3 Cups milk

of crackers. and stir until mixture thickens. ending with remaining crackers. Spread frosting over crackers. Cover and chill 8 hours. October 2020 - GML


Clayton & Clarkesville Subways are in Good Hands Walmart Supercenter and Clarkesville’s Subway were purchased by three local gentlemen who have made great strides in making these Subway restaurants the best in the area. Brett ers of all three stores. They have taken great care to ensure that the restaurants are clean, well stocked with fresh ingredients and staffed with good folks to build great submarine sandwiches. Always a great value for your family, you are invited to come book for news and updates. The restaurants are always looking

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The Family Table


frantic pace was a little easier to maintain. Mountain Man’s suppers suffered a little this Summer since I was so busy with work. He got a few tomato pies, but there were many evening meals that we had tomato sandwiches. Having worked hard this year himself,

above the oven and pulled down a crockpot. I went back to the oven in 10 minutes to take out the cake, and it was only about 3 inches high. I pulled it out, and to add insult dense cake with fudge icing. I told my family it looked like something the cat would The same day, my cornbread stuck and would not come out of the pan. I blamed it on Mountain Man. I am sure he had used my cornbread pan to fry

stuck or that the cake looked awful. We laughed. We ate. We I have friends who won’t cook for me because I have a “reputation” as a good cook. I laugh at that. I love food and am not picky at all. I am not a great baker because I love to “add to” recipes. That is okay in cooking but doesn’t always work in baking. I am more of a dash of this and a dash of that than a follower of recipes. In cooking, as in all parts of life, the farther you stretch your abilities, the more chance of a mess up, but you will have more great successes, too. I am a home-cook with some Mama

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and Granny training. So, I make a lot of mistakes, but I regularly hit encouragement to stretch your repertoire beyond what you already know and try something new for your family table. My daughter, Kendall, and her chef boyfriend, B.J., cooked supper for us recently. B.J. took the days harvest of okra and capped them and oil on them and a dash of salt, red pepper, and garlic powder. Into a

When Mountain Man and I count our blessings, our friends are at the top of the list. One of my life-long friends is Jimmy Addis. Jimmy sells the best honey I have ever had. His sourwood honey is as clear and golden in color as you will ever see. I buy it every year from him and try to get enough to share with family and friends. I love to go to Jimmy’s home and get my honey. He always has a beautiful garden and usually invites me to help myself to something I don’t have growing. He and I talk about the old ways to grow and preserve food and have a big-time talking. Squash. This variety is indigenous to this area. These were my Mama’s pick for her Thanksgiving pies and what she cooked for me each year on my October birthday. She would substitute Butternut squash if she I was blessed to see Jimmy coming to see me last Sunday morning with a double armload of these beautiful squash. I can not think of anything he could have given me that would have pleased me more than this. me, and I tried it. I hope you will try it too. To prepare the squash, peel it with a vegetable peeler. Cut the squash into rings—core the squash cutting out the seeds. Cut into equalin the bottom of the boiler. Place a tight-

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cook over medium heat until the squash is soft, and you can mash them. Keep an eye on your water level. You can add more if you need it or take the lid off and cook the water out if you need to. When the squash is soft, use a spoon or a potato masher and break the squash down. brown sugar, 2 tsp of pumpkin pie spice, 1/2 tsp of ginger, and a 1/2 tsp nutmeg. Add a pinch of salt. Stir together. Add 1/3 together. Serve warm with a dollop of whipped cream.

My entire family loved this dish. It had a silky texture and tasted

When people talk about the best thing they ever ate, I always years ago at Paoletti’s in Highlands. It was a perfectly ripened grilled. I tell my family about this dish regularly. It was that good. My sweet husband came home last Saturday afternoon with

to protect them, and they were gorgeous. I knew what I was going to do with them, a small round hole on the fat end of the

grill, but we are not grilling due to the bear activity in my backyard. That is another story.) When the Prosciutto is crisp, pull

Happy October, my friends. May God bless you and keep you and those you love. Lorie Thompson is a REALTOR at Poss Realty in Clayton, Georgia. Her expertise in her industry is second only to her culinary talents. Lorie is a dynamo in the kitchen. Honestly if she prepares it, it will likely be the best you’ve ever had! Lorie and her husband, Anthony (Peanut), make their home in the Persimmon Community. She is the proud mother of Joe Thompson and Kendall Thompson.

38 GML - October 2020

October 2020 - GML


Find your retreat on Lake Burton

Best of Both Worlds

235 GREY FOX TRAIL - THE WATERFALL CLUB & LAKE BURTON An entertainer’s dream! Incredible views of Lake Burton. Lake access. Over 7,000 Sq Ft 5 BR 6 BA - Open Concept Comes with Waterfall Social Membership (Upgradable) MLS 8778345 - $1,699,000

Our Happy Place

Motivated Seller

Great Price on Lake Burton! Motivated Seller

2059 HWY 197,N. CLARKESVILLE, GA 3 BR 2 BA FEE SIMPLE! Flat lot, one-stall boathouse & party deck MLS 8824333 - $589,000

382 CHARLIE MOUNTAIN ROAD - FILLED WITH CHARM & CHARACTER! MOVE IN TOMORROW & START ENJOYING LAKE LIFE!! Must see this 4 BR/4 BA picture perfect home surrounded by lush landscaping & ONLY 10 minute drive to Clayton! MLS 8769293 - Reduced to $1,099,000

Your Cottage on 275’ of Trout Stream Motivated Seller

72 SEABROOK LN GORGEOUS CABIN ON 275’ TROUT STREAM DOUBLE LOT! Perfect in every way 3/2 Loaded with Charm! MLS 8824920 $468,000


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It’s a Seller’s Market!! Inventory has never been this low! What does that mean for you? If you have considered listing your property, NOW

Call for a FREE Market Analysis October 2020 - GML


A Life Worth Imitating Senior Pastor Grace Bible Church

Pretty much everyone born before 2000 remembers the Gatorade commercials with Michael Jordan with the tag, “I wanna be like Mike.” The consisted of scenes of Jordan basketball, and then Jordan drinking Gatorade. The message was, “If you want to be like Mike, just drink gatorade.” This Thessalonian believers were imitating their spiritual fathers and into the imitation marketing strategy hook, line, and sinker. I and tribulations. Their spiritual mentors had been forcefully led out of the city. Presumably they themselves were facing of golf balls will make me hit it like Tiger, or this brand of tempting for them to give up and take the easy path. But Paul imitate others is a powerful thing. becoming an example to all the believers in the surrounding The notion of imitation is also a robustly Biblical one. The area. As you think about your own life, is your life marked question becomes, then, “What are we imitating? How are we imitating? Why are we imitating? And what do we expect persecution, or trials? as a result of our imitation?” We see repeated exhortations Second, we see that they were Gospel-spreading. Having (1 Cor 4:16), other members of the community of faith (Phil received the good news of what Jesus has done to reconcile 3:7), to imitate what is good (3 John 11), as well as to imitate God and Jesus Christ (Eph 5:1). life they made it known to others. The same must be true for This idea of imitation has been on my mind recently as I’ve you and me. As we consider the Gospel and the change that Jesus makes in our lives, we must be willing to verbally share 10. As I read and pondered this passage, I asked questions that good news and what that means for sinners and sufferers like, “What was it about their lives that made them worthy of all around us, and we must also see an active faith in our lives, imitation? What was Paul commending in their lives? And how where those who see our lives see evidence of the change that do we learn from those things so that we, too, could live a life the Gospel has made. Our decision-making, our parenting, worth imitating?” and much more are indispensable aspects of our evangelism. We must be willing to speak the Gospel with our lips as well made their lives worthy of imitation, and four things that I as demonstrate the power of the Gospel in our changed lives persevering, Gospel-spreading, God-serving, and Christ- by the power of the Spirit. awaiting.

42 GML - October 2020

For good or bad, each of our lives is an example to others. . . that they took the radical step of abandoning those gods that were part of the worship of their family and their community and they gave their full, whole-hearted allegiance to the Triune God of the Bible. As you consider your life and what others would say as they observe your life, do you have a reputation for being radically converted to God and his ways, forsaking the idols of our generation in clear, resolute, and decisive ways? Do you exhibit to those who know you a clear

serving, and Christ awaiting — and thus pursue a life worth saving knowledge of God though Jesus Christ, let me invite to share with you what God has done to save sinners like you

the service of God? read that they were known as men and women who “wait for His son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.” Is it evident to others that you are depending on a power that is not of this earth, but comes from heaven through your faith in Christ? Does your lifestyle give you the reputation as someone whose treasure is most truly in the world to come, so that your thoughts, passions, and longings are directed toward Christ?

the time. Whether good or bad, he as a big brother is always being an example to his little two year old sister. She’s going to repeat what he says. She’s going to act like he acts. She’s going to respond like he responds. You are, we tell him, her big brother, and she’s taking her cues from watching what you do and how you handle things. The challenge and goal is to be a good example rather than a bad one. The same is true for each and every one of us. If you claim to be a Christian, you are an example to others around you as to what a Christian is and how a Christian should behave. The question for you is, “Are you being a good example? Is your life worthy of imitation?” Can you tell others, “Look at me. By the grace of God, through the work of the Spirit in my life, follow me as I follow Christ?” May God, by His Spirit, work in October 2020 - GML


A place where new life springs forth out of despair, failure and death. A place where God brings physical, emotional and spiritual healing to you.

Christian Marriage A Christian wedding ceremony is a celebration of a covenant made by three participants. They are the Groom who is agrees and receives the covenant, and God who seals the covenant between them and Himself. The two now become one then becomes a strong three-fold cord which cannot easily be broken, for it is made strong by the presence of the Lord as the third one. The wedding guests are present to give blessings for covenant union, and the parents are present for binding consent. There is a big difference between “covenant and contract”. upon trust. They embrace unlimited responsibilities and cannot be disannulled or voided. Contracts are initiated by man, and are based on distrust to insure that those who enter into contracts cannot be hurt or taken advantage of. They can be voided by mutual consent. God instituted marriage, and it is a

a couple is married, each spouse begins to view the other as relationship in which you feel you can reveal and expose your dreams and fears to someone who you trust completely. How do we get to that point of real trust? How do we deal with the shortcomings of a spouse? It is by God’s intervention and His plan, but we must ask Him to take control, take our hands off, and then do what he says. Here is a short and easy to understand parable of how the


clean them up, remove the outer peeling, the bumps and rotten

In God’s plan, He has gifted the husband for covenant responsibility to his wife. These include to protect and defend her, to provide in advance to meet her needs, to love her with tender and passionate affection, to honor her publicly and privately and to speak well about her, to cover her to make provision for safety and success by placing himself as a protection over her, and to pray for her often.

He is using the potatoe peeler on tough skin and cutting out the bad places on the wife she says to her husband “You never talk to me anymore, you won’t go shopping with me, you never complained about me spending money before we got married”. We hear the husband say as you never made me go shopping with you, you told me you liked for me to go hunting a lot, you never complained about my friends or my family, or how I dress,

God has gifted the wife for covenant responsibility to her husband. She is to encourage to respect and highly regard him, to uphold and lift him up and defend him against opposition, to honor him and show courtesy, to help to pray for him often.

water on the stove and turns up the heat. As the water starts to boil, they begin to soften and become pliable and when they are done, He takes a potatoe masher and uses it on them. It is at this point that many couples decide “I never thought marriage

Covenant is an agreement in which it is understood there must be a “death” of the ones who enter into covenant before the agreement can become valid. Jesus Christ is portrayed in scripture as the Bridegroom and His Bride is His Church, known

who He had envisioned you both to be, and you will surely potatoes, He seasons you with correct seasonings and butter. changed and polished up supernaturally and there is not much to cause discord. It is almost impossible to get to this point of

and believers in Christ surrender their old sinful nature to be with Him. As Christ died, the husband “dies” by an act of his

love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church and blueprint for marriage to become like heaven on earth. Without Divine intervention and help it is hardly possible to have a “heaven on earth marriage”. This is where the husband and the wife must call on the power of God and yield themselves to His realm they are still two very separate ones and this will cause

44 GML - October 2020

trust Him to do what He said He would do. You cannot do it, your spouse yourself because it will never work that way. Instead of voicing your dissatisfactions, you must earnestly pray, do not you with that husband or wife, and don’t ever forget, but you have to ask Him to do what only He can do. He is waiting for you to ask Him, and to leave it in His capable hands. Ask Him to be Lord of your marriage, and your life.

October 2020 - GML


Life is a Blessing – Imagine Joy! By Tracy McCoy

Note: There are times when the articles just don’t come, this month was one of those times. Under the weight of the chaos

Imagine. It’s a simple command which requires that you close your eyes and draw from your mind’s eye. Imagining is something we don’t often do because three things happen, two of which are not pleasant. 1. When you delve into your imagination you may imagine a better day when you were happier and that may lead to sadness or disappointment. 2. Imagining can take you places that you may not be able to go because of physical or emotional limitations, in which case you feel similar sadness or disappointment. and hope beyond what your “daily” mind can picture.

the negative reality of your circumstances. could be a princess or a cowgirl in a split second. I could imagine myself a singer with the front porch as my stage, singing to the masses in the yard. If I closed my eyes I could even see them or I could be a doctor with my little red bag working on my grandpa’s broken arm. The sky was the limit and I was reasonably sure I could go beyond if I wanted to. If you could shed those

take your worries and who you could trust with every care. Your problems would not be non-existent but you wouldn’t be facing them alone and you wouldn’t need to be afraid. I want to introduce you to my Lord and Savior, Jesus. He is that someone. He has all of the answers and He loves you. Imagine what it would feel like to place your cares in His capable hands and be free

46 GML - October 2020

Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God, the one who put that natural wonder and ability to imagine in your heart while you were yet a twinkle in your mother’s eye. We, as a people were created in the image and impossible




nothing is impossible for you. You may have physical limitations or emotional challenges, but within you there is greatness beyond anything you can imagine... so while you may need assistance, it is possible for you to live and to

have experienced it, maybe even lately. When you strip away the bank account, the car troubles, the broken heart, the sickness, the you imagine living each day or the on top of the stack of problems. You have the ability to pick it up and run with it while leaving the stack of problems at the feet of someone so much bigger and stronger than you are. One who loves you enough to take them and carry them for you? I am here today to tell you that you are facing, this life is not eternal but life in Christ is. I have problems or mine for that matter. but I have a friend who can. stand. When was the last time you laughed until you cried in spite of the stack of bills... the last time that you smiled till your face hurt in spite of the diagnosis... the last time that you felt the sun and the care in the world in spite of your sadness. The outstretched arms of in Christ.

October 2020 - GML


Depression: A Medical Condition Requiring Medical Treatment By Dr. Amanda Pileski, PHD


Methodist Church this year titled “Mental Health Matters.” He

on the way to the psychiatric hospital for her depression. She said to him you when they learn?” He said, “you are sick, what does it matter what through atrocities during slavery and segregation in the South. It is what keeps a lot of people silent and without mental health treatment today. Dr. Jenkins mentioned some of the unhelpful messages for depression shared

fear judged depression anxiety “We

our families will be ,

so we do not talk about



“Just think good thoughts” “Just read your Bible and pray more” “Keep it a secret…as to not show spiritual weakness” Let me say this clearly: If you are a minister using only the non-helpful approaches above, you are not doing God’s work. You are doing harm, and Christian churches in the South have essentially been the caboose of the stigma of mental illness. When we critically look at this, why do you think this might be? Well, people in most cases run the church, and Christians are not immune from our human traits of wanting to belong to our social behind the pulpit. Less was known about mental illness in the early days of the protestant church, and a lot of fear-based doctrine was used to maintain social order. Lack of understanding regarding the brain and the neurochemical illness as a manifestation of sin or evil. These beliefs then became ingrained in Southern tradition like much of the pathology related to racism. In today’s world, most people think we are far beyond the days of exorcising demons and lynching of individuals based on race, but it is naïve to believe that these beliefs and acts have not attributed to present day attitudes and Of course, these family and community beliefs exist in places throughout understanding and illuminating the beliefs and actions of my culture. Also, in the South that beliefs and customs such as these remain entrenched. essentially my 2nd family. The other youth felt much more like cousins than peers at school. We spent our Sundays, Wednesdays, and all our holidays

48 GML - October 2020

would use me and my very serious struggle with an eating disorder and depression to help others. In a recent conversation with a few Christian Counselors I supervise, they seemed to understand why I do not label my work as

it right or were they wrong?

and anxiety. When we lose loved ones to suicide, we are told “focus on the good and do not discuss the illness.” Would I participate in walks to raise money for research, so that other friends and family may not have to experience such a loss. Does why is depression and suicide treated differently. Depression, too, is a medical illness requiring medical treatment and human compassion. try to silence us. Advocacy, however - despite criticism - is our greatest Christ-like calling. I, respectfully, disagree with the prosperity gospel. Bad things happen to good people every day. If we look for God to free us from all suffering, we may be sorely disappointed. God, however, walks with us when we suffer, reminds us of our strength, and releases the shame society

physiological symptoms of the human experience: “This is a moment of suffering” “Suffering is a part of life” “Allow me to be kind to myself in this moment” Amen Dr. Amanda Howard Pileski is originally from Rabun County and recently moved back to raise her 3 children (ages 6, 3, and 2) and provide affordable psychotherapy to the underserved communities of Northeast Georgia. She received a bachelors degree from the University of Georgia in Psychology, a master’s degree in School Counseling from Georgia State University, and a doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology from the State University of New York at Buffalo. She has worked in various college counseling centers, hospitals, and in private practice. In addition to her private practice in Rabun, she also provides geriatric psychological services to several Pruitt Health locations in North Georgia. Dr. Pileski is a strong generalist, but also specializes in treating eating disorders and bariatric surgery patients. She strives to help others know the joy and empowerment of living mindfully and appreciatively with food and their bodies. For an appointment, contact Dr. Pileski @ 404-291-4018 October 2020 - GML


50 GML - October 2020

Healthy and Well I regret eating healthy today. . . Said no one ever!

October 2020 - GML


Introducing The Women’s Center at LifePoint Medical in Clayton


r. Timothy Beck is pleased to announce the addition

Practitioner Monique Petteys will spearhead the new center dedicated to women’s gynecological health in all stages of life. Monique is pleased to offer services such as routine pap tests, family planning, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, STD testing and women’s sexual health. The Women’s Center at LifePoint Medical is the only practice needs of women. Monique carries a complete line of BIOTE women’s healthcare eliminates the need to travel outside of the county for care. Dr. Beck who started his LifePoint Medical Physician over the Women’s Center. who went on to earn her undergraduate degree in nursing from Piedmont College. She went on to earn her Master’s Degree experience and has gained extensive training in women’s health and family medicine. Monique believes in a holistic, whole-person approach to patient care. Today, Monique lives in Long Creek, South Carolina. She has mom. She is an avid animal lover, adding three dogs and some chickens to the family. Being in nature is a favorite pastime and great way to relax and unwind. We invite you to visit the website for The Women’s Center at LifePoint Medical which is where you can schedule appointments, gain insight into the practice and learn a bit more about Monique. You may also

h 52 GML - October 2020

October 2020 - GML


Pumpkins Are Not Just For Carving‌ They Make You Pretty! By Hollybeth Anderson

Pumpkin History efore we talk about pumpkin seed oil, let’s talk about the fruit. Yes, the countless varieties of pumpkins are in the same family as squash, cucumbers and melons. Its origin dates back to about 5000 B.C. in North America. Pumpkins are among the most versatile fruits that exist. The shells were used to make bowls and mats by Native Americans. Medicinally, they have been used to treat acne, fever, parasites, and kidney problems etc. etc. Long a


delicacies in certain cultures. Pumpkin seeds have even been recommended by the World Health Organization for their abundance in zinc. Pumpkin Seed Oil We all know about the virtues of pumpkin pies and roasted seeds, but the pumpkin seed oil is the prize for me. Pumpkin seed oil is packed with everything you need for glowing skin. The seeds are cold pressed to obtain the oil that makes a dark green light oil with a slight nutty aroma. It is not a heavy oil like coconut oil and will therefore not clog your pores.

This powerhouse of an oil is packed with fatty acids, alpha hydroxyl acid, Vitamins A, C, E and zinc. These ingredients are all needed to boost collagen production, increase cell renewal that brighten and smooth the skin. Research by the University of Maryland Medical Center has omega 6 fatty acids are vital to help stimulate hair and skin growth. The vitamin E and omega 3 fatty acids are essential for hair growth. The oil can decrease the production of the enzyme, 5 alpha reductase, that is responsible for slowing hair growth. Vitamin K in pumpkin seed oil is known to reduce swelling, healing and bruising after surgery. It is also applied to the skin to help with rosacea, acne and spider veins according to WebMD. We love pumpkin seed oil so much that you can

54 GML - October 2020

So the next time you carve that pumpkin or make pumpkin pie, keep the seeds.

October 2020 - GML


For Your Home 56 GML - October 2020

October 2020 - GML


Bottom Line: Livability on Burton By John Shivers


… one of the old, classic lake lodges designed along Craftsman lines. A second glance only reinforces that impression, and one look at the timbered inside lays waste to any lingering doubt.

And that impression would be so very wrong.

“Camp Aurora” checks all of your boxes and then some. to launch each Rabun County day you’re there, along with unobstructed sweeping lake and mountain vistas from almost every room. And it’s the little touches, the details that give this the spacious covered porches with Locust railing that look out home fairly screams its livability potential.

58 GML - October 2020

stall boathouse mimics the architecture of the main lodge, and the swim dock with elevated diving board make water sports in a secluded cove both safe and exciting. At the heart of the home is the great room wrapped with breathtaking lakeside landscape. Stairs from this area lead to seats eight or more, a wet bar, and an open chef’s kitchen only enhance the home’s livability quotient. This kitchen that’s ideal for daily meal preparation, or feasts for the multitudes, features custom cabinetry with granite double dishwashers, double disposals, warming drawer, hammered copper apron front sink, plus a prep sink in the seating when entertaining, as well as buffet dining possibilities. The main level features two bedrooms, including the master tops, soaking tub and separate tiled shower. French doors lead to a private screened porch overlooking the water view. An owners of the lodge the ultimate in comfort and privacy. The second bedroom also opens onto the covered porch and

that also includes a second laundry area and covered porch and lake access. Stone pavers lead from the house to the lake’s edge, where the boathouse serves as both an entertainment destination and a launching site for a day of fun on the water. This home that was comfortable parking for several cars. Harry Norman, REALTORS® Luxury Lake and Mountain Agent information and to view this property.

October 2020 - GML


For Your Home

60 GML - October 2020

October 2020 - GML


This English Country Cottage Beckons By John Shivers


the leaded glass front door through to the covered rear decks nestled among mountain laurel, this confection of stone

It’s so dramatic, so down to earth, so elegant and oh, so comfortable and cozy. And there are so many places to retreat comfortably into a good book or favorite TV program. lot near Lake Rabun in the southern end of the county, just squares itself the more you see. And the more you see, the more you’ll yearn to discover just how perfect this home is for so many different lifestyle options. Whether you’re a family with then some.

look, interesting architectural niches house such extra details

the painted walls and the abundance of light. A circular drive leads to a covered portico that shelters the leading up and down. Oak stair railings and black wrought iron balustrades with black bear medallions catch the eye and provide a sense of whimsy. Immediately off the foyer is the by soaring vaulted ceilings and massive beams. Adjacent is a

62 GML - October 2020

The home’s upper story is the exclusive master suite offering a retreat from both the outside world and other activities going on sprays, a Jacuzzi tub, and two vanities.

The lower level of the home features two guest bedrooms opening out to their own private covered porch and stone patios, offering your guests or family private spaces to enjoy the peace that’s part of the package for this charming remake of a traditional, old English dwelling in a wooded setting. Today’s amenities and mandates for modern living and comfort are the same time, you get to enjoy the warmth and charm of a past era.


Century setting, MLS #8856603, contact

October 2020 - GML


For Your Home

64 GML - October 2020

October 2020 - GML


Of These Mountains

The Halloween Carnival By Kendall R. Rumsey


’ve never been a big Halloween guy, even as a child it wasn’t my thing.

I enjoyed trick or treating and giving out candy, but the costumes and revelry that goes along with it all just isn’t in my wheelhouse. Although Halloween was never my favorite day, I did always enjoy the annual Halloween Carnival as a kid. The Halloween Carnival took place in the old Rabun County High School gym, what today is known as the Rabun County Butler Building adjacent to Clayton Elementary School. If my memory serves me right, the Halloween Carnival was space in costumes. Along the perimeters of the gym, games of all sorts met those in attendance. Bobbing for apples, spin the prize wheel and

would cast your line over a burlap wall and within seconds a over the burlap wall, a brown paper lunch sack was attached

to booth collecting toys and candy, anxious to tear into it once I got home. The men’s and women’s dressing rooms were transformed into rooms was a kissing booth. As much fun as all the booths were, the real action took place in the center of the gym at the Cake Walk. The Cake Walk was like a huge game of musical chairs. Thirty – forty chairs were arranged in a circle around center court. Local radio personality and sometimes Mayor, Apple Savage acted as MC, starting up the music and eliminating those left standing when the music stopped. Participants were competing for one of the many homemade cakes made by the ladies of our community. Every type of cake imaginable was on display and the competition was heated to win one of those delicious creations.

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As the night ended, mama and I would head home, with a loot of candy and if we got lucky, a freshly baked cake. Sometimes daddy would have the porch light turned off signifying the end of the night. Today, Halloween carnivals aren’t as prevalent as they used to While in my mind, the Halloween Carnivals held in the old gym can never be replaced, it is still fun to see the community get together and make a special night for the little ones. Decorated car trunks have replaced the booths, but the intent is still the same. And while I have not seen a great cake walk in years, local businesses, churches and community organizations make sure these events are memorable. Each year, the largest Trunk or Treat event takes place at the Rabun County Recreation Department, dozens of trunks, hundreds of kids and thousand of pounds of candy create a safe and community friendly atmosphere, with the occasional spook and goblin in the Rec Department’s Haunted House. Halloween was never a big day for me, but these community style events of the past and today are exactly what make me proud to live in Rabun. This year, the Rabun County Recreation Department will celebrate Halloween with Trunk or Treat at the Rec Center, th . Kendall Rumsey is a resident of Clayton, Georgia. He is owner of the lifestyle brand Of These Mountains and author of the blog, Notes from a Southern Kitchen.

October 2020 - GML


Franklin, North Carolina

Another One of Life’s Darkest Moments By Noel Shumann


uring my high school military years, I was a boxer. My freshman year I found out that troop B was the regimental champion Weekends, our only time off, were great, but we couldn’t leave campus. To help keep the cadets happy, a boxing match was scheduled, and I was part of it. Most high schools in the US had canceled boxing as it was too brutal of a sport for the American psyche. Therefore, compared to a freshman in high school just wasn’t a fair match. When I saw my opponent for that Saturday, it didn’t instill

women was trying to get into the ring. She yelled, “Get my boy out of the ring!” The referee stood by the corner to talk to her and said “ma’am, I can’t do that. Before he might have been a boy, but once he got into the ring, he became a man.” A lot of the crowd heard that comment and there was an immediate chant of “mama’s boy, mama’s boy”. I couldn’t help but think this was one of the biggest messes I have ever been in. Truly a dark moment in my life and there was no light at the end of the tunnel to be found. To make things worse, Mickey began to blame all of this on me. around, and you have to stop letting him do that. If he hits you on the top of the head one more time, you hit him between the legs and hit him hard.” “I can’t do that; it’s illegal”, I said. Mickey exclaimed “what in the heck do you think is happening

in both maturity and height. To make things worse, my take me back to the barracks after it was all said and done. His stars before I had any time to load my guns. My corner man Mickey (my coach between rounds) yelled out immediately that it was an illegal punch because in boxing you can’t hit a man on top of the head. My opponent’s corner man was yelling back answering the verbal match to convince the referee of its legality. I was kind of proud of Mickey as he reminded me of the movie Rocky and his corner man. As I

corner man. ” My mother had now succeeded in getting through the ropes and into the ring where all the action was happening. The entire audience had picked up on the chant and “mama’s boy” was heard throughout the arena. The captain in charge that this will be the end of me. I’ve got the captain who is getting ready to give me a lecture about my mother crawling into the ring, and my corner man about to quit on me. The referee realized the ring was getting real crowded and raised

needing a shave and was not putting up with anyone’s guff.

to the chaos. The captain and his assistant were doing their

about throwing the illegal punches.

were either chanting or laughing. Finally, they got the ring cleared to start round two. My opponent hit me in the head one more time. I put the hardest uppercut I could throw right

hated to let them down by letting my opponent have his way with me. Just when I thought I was feeling the pressure, it got worse. I looked down from the ring and saw my mother who was supposed to be 300 miles away. She was wearing a heavy coat carrying an umbrella and two shopping bags walking towards me. I knew I was in trouble when she started climbing the stairs to the elevated ring. She made herself comfortable by hanging her coat and hat on the ring corner pole. As she worked her way through the ring ropes, the

been to a boxing match and you see a low blow, the recipient of that usually bends over double in pain. My opponent did better than that, he hit the canvas squirming like a snake that my best to imitate David after conquering Goliath. In the deep recess of my brain, I knew that if that guy got up, he was not only going to make me dizzy, he was going to decapitate me. My mother, the Captain and his assistant, and the two corner

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men were all back in the ring. The crowds were still chanting and you would have thought it was the end of the World’s Heavy Weight Championship, not minding the fact I only that ring, I leaned over and forcefully told her that I would never speak to her again if she did not get back down where the spectators were. The Captain ordered everyone out of the ring except the referee and the boxers. With my opponent playing the situation to his advantage, he slowly pulled himself up the ropes like a ladder with a terrible grimace to make sure everyone knew the pain he was in. Hollywood needed this guy! both of us were charged with fouls and it was declared no really didn’t turn out that way. The cadets realized Goliath had illegally pounded me on the head 40 plus times, and the smile on his face did not win himself any friends. I was the underdog, and they all saw the David in me. I had a meeting with the Captain and because he had experience with boxing he understood my one low blow was necessary. Mom promised me faithfully that she would never enter the ring again and she declared she did not want to see me box as long as I lived. If we were to do some Monday morning quarterbacking, as we like to call it today, the disqualifying of the entire event probably saved me from early dementia. Back in the day we didn’t know the damage that could be done from a hit to the head. Good thing I’m on borrowed time to tell more stories like this. But let’s face it, at my age, I’m not going to be back in the ring again!

October 2020 - GML


By The Way

The Most Famous Pig I Ever Met By Emory Jones


id you know the Then he told the pig, “Frank, go outside and fetch the geographical center newspaper.” Frank said no. I mean, he plainly shook his of North America is head and grunted what I’m fairly sure was pig for, “ARE YOU SUMMER HAPPENED Well it is, and they even THREE WEEKENDS AGO!!” have an obelisk marking the exact place. The farmer opened the door. I can’t repeat what Frank grunted The reason I remember that so well is because it’s the only next, but he was walking toward the mailbox when he grunted time I ever heard anybody say the word obelisk. it. But I remember that state as being the place I met Frank the Then Frank—screaming with every freezing step—sprinted pig. It happened as I was interviewing a wheat farmer while down the driveway, grabbed the newspaper in this mouth and on assignment for the Gluten Free Press. still shrieking shrilly, raced back to the house to drop the paper at the farmer’s feet. Now, they say that the most common prayer offered up in North Dakota is to ask the Good Lord to please let summer It was an impressive thing. I mean for a pig. If it had been a fall on a weekend. I’m not sure when summer happened up dog, I wouldn’t have thought twice about it. there that year, but it did not go down while I was around But here’s the kicker; do you remember Mr. Charles Kuralt because it was COLD! I guess the farmer felt sorry for me and my thin southern Well, early one Sunday morning, a year or two after my escape blood, because he invited me into the house for a cup of from North Dakota, I heard a voice on TV say, “Stay tuned as warm coffee. Warm is about as hot as coffee can get up there. Charles Karult interviews Frank the piano playing pig!” So, there we sat with the farmer talking about his wheat, and And there was my ole buddy, hamming it up on the piano! me taking numerous notes with a frozen number two lead I know pigs are clever, ranking just behind dolphins and pencil, when I happened to glance into his living room. slightly ahead of Congress, but I found Frank’s piano playing No doubt about it—there was a pig in a blanket on this man’s to be amazing. settee. Not that he was good at it, but because not once during my Finally, I had to ask, so I interrupted his discussion of planting visit did Frank ever mention being a performer. depth variations by variety to say, “Are you aware there’s a hog Most pigs aren’t that unassuming. Turns out, he knew all about it. “Oh sure,” he said. “That’s The farmer bent over the sleeping hog and whispered, “Frankeeeee…we’ve got companyyyy…wake up and meet your new friend, Frankeeee…” Frank arranged himself on the couch and offered me a hoof they’d bought a baby potbellied pig for a pet. By the time they discovered Frank’s DNA wasn’t calibrated for petite, he had literally grown on them. The farmer explained that this pig was not only house broken, but smart, too. I must have looked unconvinced, because he said, “Here. Let me show you.”

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from the Rabun County Historical Society

By Richard Cinquina


nly seven teachers had a tenth grade education. Schools lacked desks, books, charts and maps. Many children were unable to comprehend what they read. School buildings were in varying states of disrepair.

short school year. School terms were structured so as not to for “Foddering Time” when crops were harvested. No school was scheduled in the spring during planting season. School was not held during the winter months due to harsh weather.

the quality of education in every rural school in the state. The

other in Rabun Gap. Although they were called high schools, both taught students in lower grades as well as grades nine

Located four miles south of Tiger, the Old Tiger School, a school for white children, was representative of the county’s community schools.

were the norm. Industrial School, which later became Rabun Gap Nacoochee School; Clayton Academy, both a day and boarding school; and Bleckley Memorial Institute, a Baptist mission school.

Only seven of these teachers had a tenth grade education. One Rabun County teacher attended college. A graduate of Spelman College in Atlanta, she taught in one of the black schools. Teacher salaries were extremely low. The county school board spent on average about $5 a year on each pupil. Most of the schools limited education to grades one through seven or eight. Some schools had four or six grade levels. Only part of the classroom curriculum involved reading, writing and arithmetic. More time was devoted to practical skills. School activities included the Boys Corn Club and the Girls Canning Club. Education much beyond this was not considered useful.

As part of the state survey, tests were administered to determine the quality of instruction. The test results revealed that many students were unable to read with any degree of comprehension. Few knew basic math and writing skills were to work and the poor education of the teachers. Also contributing to limited education attainment was the

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furnished only with long benches. There were no desks, “very little” blackboard, and no maps, charts, pictures or books. Like many of Rabun’s schools, Old Tiger also doubled as a Baptist Church. Even so, it received $400 a year from the county school board and charged an annual tuition of $5 per pupil.

Chapel School for black children, located one mile from Rabun Gap. The survey said: “Pupils here read remarkably well and with thorough understanding…Children could write well and answer intelligently all questions that were asked. The methods of teaching were far above the average.” The

school on the east side of Clayton. The widow of Logan E. Bleckley, the former chief justice of the Georgia Supreme Court and a Rabun County native, donated property for a school on Pinnacle Knob facing Screamer Mountain. She Bleckley Memorial Institute. The balance of the funding was raised through a public subscription. Owned, operated and maintained by the Georgia Baptist Well’s Chapel teacher may have been the Spelman College graduate. that “only trained teachers be employed” at a minimum salary of $40 per month. It also recommended a school year of at

of establishing a new high school. The ladies of the Woman’s Club were divided over where to locate a new school. One group wanted the school built on the west side of the Tallulah Falls Railroad tracks in Clayton; another group demanded a school on the east side of the tracks.

aim of the Bleckley Memorial Institute is to make real men women. The school stands for Christian training, Christian citizenship and Christian leadership.” As such, attendance was mandatory at daily chapel services. In a burst of soaring prose, the catalog described the administration building, which housed classrooms, an

among the wealthy are as convenient and as attractive.” Boys were housed in “a nice little cottage.” A compromise was reached: two schools were built. the base of Black Rock Mountain on the west side of Clayton.

comprehensive. Courses of study included English, history, mathematics, science (geography, biology, hygiene, chemistry and physics), foreign languages (Latin and French), vocational courses for those who wanted to teach, and bible studies. The Institute also offered four years of piano instruction.

Like the school it replaced, the new Clayton High enrolled students in all grades.

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“Along with the mental and religious training,” intoned the catalog, “there must be training in social life. And it is imperative that this particular sphere of the student’s training be of the purest and best type.” Accordingly, smoking, drinking, card playing or “other bad habits” were prohibited. month. Music education cost $3 a month, and piano practice was set at 50 cents per month. Incidental expenses were listed

To hold down operating costs, students were required to milk cows and wash dishes. The catalog assured students and parents that “this will not interfere with school work but will help.”

Clayton High School outgrew its facility and was replaced in the Rabun County Board of Education was established and the Clayton City System was abolished. The property on Pickett Hill was sold to the county, and a new Rabun County high school was built on West Savannah Street. A gym for the high of the New Deal.

old high school still stands on Savannah Street as the Rabun County Civic Center.

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